Tara Ariano September 9, 2014 Share September 9, 2014 The houseguests learn the entire week's worth of activities and events will be erased and that the two nominees for eviction will be removed from the chopping block. Another Head of Household is selected. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/
AndreaK1041 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 That was the greatest jury house segment ever! I can't believe production got Zach a new hat. They love him. Donny was just full of zingers! "Do you have an attorney?" HA! I can't believe the overwhelming dislike for Christine. Oh, and Zach is just so pretty. I miss him on the show. Poor Cody looked solidly terrified by the flashing lights and buzzer. He was pretty sure he was going home in that moment I think. Frankie was pretty pissed about the twist, but then tried to cover it up. He can't fake it forever! So are they also going to do morph again? That's silly. Same competitions is just super lazy and makes the whole thing pointless. Victoria can't win any of those things. I like Dan as a player, but Dan in the interview was annoying. They flew him in from Michigan for that? Best case scenario, Caleb wins HoH, Derrick wins veto. They were close before. I really think Frankie will win HoH though. SQUEEFLAIL jurors back in the house Sunday!!! Production knows all our favorites are on the jury. Thanks BB!!! (tm Janelle) 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365782
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I didn't realize we were going to have to deal with a replay of the entire week. Have they not been watching this season. How is that a good idea? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365784
choclatechip45 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 "Do you have an attorney?" Donny to Christine is the best line ever in the history of Big Brother. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365785
panthergirl13 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Can I time travel too, and get that hour of my life back? That said, the jury house segment was awesome. Just too short. Edited September 11, 2014 by panthergirl13 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365788
JerseyGirl September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Donny's glee at hearing from Christine that she was booed! :D 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365790
BeatrixK September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 That was the greatest jury house segment ever! I can't believe production got Zach a new hat. They love him. Donny was just full of zingers! "Do you have an attorney?" HA! I can't believe the overwhelming dislike for Christine. Oh, and Zach is just so pretty. I miss him on the show. That was too damned funny! And the look on Christine's face was the icing on the cake. Reap what you sow, bitch! Replaying everything. Great...another week of Frankie in power talking about his power and being powerful. Oh, boy! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365793
duskyliterati September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Victoria running around asking for her suitcase was pretty funny. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365795
Marie80 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) I didn't think it was possible to love Donny any more than I already did, but his "Do you have an attorney" comment was pure gold. That had to be the saddest, most awkward Jury House arrival ever. I almost felt bad for her. Almost. Edited September 11, 2014 by Marie80 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365797
mojoween September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Oh Donny. Donny Donny Donny. You are GOLDEN. I mean, I just cannot. Nothing anyone ever says again is going to be as good as "do you have an attorney?" And she totally had no idea what to say. That, to me, says that her behavior with Cody was worse than anything they showed on the broadcast shows. Cody has to be a dino again ahahahaha. Victoria WAY oversold her part in the "Derrick betrayal" scenario. I wish they showed a DR from Frankie to say if he bought it or not. BB, come ON. I would pay you more than whatever you get from regular feed watchers to put cameras in the jury house and sell those live feeds. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365805
Marie80 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I wonder if Production sits around and thinks "How can we make this awful season even MORE boring?" Replaying an entire week with the same comps? I just don't get it, and I don't see how they can do the morph comp again since everyone already knows the answers. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365806
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Let's turn the feeds over to the jury house during rerun week. It was a kind of karmic justice that Christine who is desperate to be part of the cool kid clique to the point that she will toss away 500K, disrespect her marriage, and vilify the outsiders is now dumped into a house where she is the outsider and everyone else is bright, cheerful, and enjoying themselves. Are Jeff and Jordan getting engaged again or do they have another BB couple that needs a backyard engagement and concert? Edited September 11, 2014 by ParadoxLost Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365809
Marie80 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Everyone looked so happy and healthy in the jury house! I would rather watch a jury feed honestly. I'm sad that everyone now knows that Derrick is running things though. I still want him to lose. LOL. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365819
duskyliterati September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Looks like Christine and Zach are voting for Derrick if he's in the F2 and Donny would vote for Frankie. Also, during the segment where Christine walks in, you could hear the live audience laughing throughout. Edited September 11, 2014 by duskyliterati 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365821
Pixiebomb September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 "Do you have an attorney?" Donny to Christine is the best line ever in the history of Big Brother. I tried to "like" this post but something's wrong with the site so let me say... Best. Line. Ever! I could almost hear the crickets chirping had BB not cut away so fast. Now, can we please get Victoria to pronounce at least one of the two "t's" in the word "button". What is it with kids today and the inability to annunciate?? Victoria keeps saying "buh-en". Huge pet peeve. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365829
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 The funny thing is that they all think that the best move is to take Victoria to the end and that decides who wins, Frankie or Derrick. If Frankie and Derrick make it to F2, Derrick may not have it completely locked up. That tells me that Derrick is playing with a little too much concern about what his alliance will do and forgetting about the rest of the jury. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365832
panthergirl13 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Wait, can we just talk about Victoria's freaking epic acting job with Frankie?? THAT was a shocker. I was expecting the level of acting she does in the DR but she really pulled it off. Edited September 11, 2014 by panthergirl13 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365862
MitaJo September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 "Do you have an attorney?" Donny to Christine is the best line ever in the history of Big Brother. I didn't get this reference.Can someone please explain? Or is this just him talking about her getting a divorce? I felt like it was some inside joke that I wasn't in on, lol. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365865
ottoDbusdriver September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 That said, the jury house segment was awesome. Just too short. Way too much filler -- did we really need to show Caleb scaring Cody in the shower ? When they went through the visitors to the house, how come 1 visitor was missing: Izzy the dog In fact they had so much time to fill, Julie had an extended plug for her shitty daytime talk show. I wonder if Production sits around and thinks "How can we make this awful season even MORE boring?" Replaying an entire week with the same comps? I just don't get it, and I don't see how they can do the morph comp again since everyone already knows the answers. I guess they may create new faces but since they know that they used the wall photos as a basis, it will be even less of a challenge. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365871
Cherry Cola September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 How great was it that Christine makes her entrance just as Donny makes fun if her laugh. So awkward. The attorney joke was the best. I had to rewind that a few times. The jury house seems so much more fun than what we are seeing. I miss them except fir Christine. Caleb staring at Cody in the shower was funny too. Poor Cody. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365872
Katesus7 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Jacosta's hair in the jury house was nice. Seeing the jury again was nice. I was glad to see the appreciation for Derrick's game...... That's all I got. Worst week ever. Last week was terrible, and now I'm going to have to go through it again?? I can't with Frankie and his constant mugging for the camera. It is the worst. He goes way past "11" to around 23 and it is obnoxious as all hell. Go AWAY Frankie! 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365875
JerseyGirl September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Hayden to Christine: "Are you into dinosaurs now??" 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365878
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Wait, can we just talk about Victoria's freaking epic acting job with Frankie?? THAT was a shocker. I was expecting the level of acting she does in the DR but she really pulled it off. I thought she didn't really pull it off. Frankie looked like he was trying to fake sympathy. He had the most bizarre my mouth is trying to convey holding back crying to hide my grin expression. I thought he was going to swallow his own cheeks a couple times. That doesn't seem possible, but I don't know how else to describe it. Edited September 11, 2014 by ParadoxLost Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365883
Eolivet September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I still think if Derrick was going for Dan's Funeral, he ended up with...Dan's Momentary Blip on the Heart Monitor. Caleb getting the ?????? subtitles and the fact that he wanted the button to make him marry Mila Kunis...you can't script that, even for reality TV. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365887
JerseyGirl September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I thought that was odd of Caleb ... does he know that Mila Kunis is about ready to pop from Kutcher? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365896
Wandering Snark September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Victoria: "I will do whatever I can do in my power" I know it's tough reading off cue cards but wow, I doubt they wrote it all clunky like that... but hey good on Derrick to give Vic a purpose before she leaves. And wow, this Year of Boredom continues with the most boring "twist" ever... yay let's watch the same comps one after another, what FUN!! ETA: Yeah Donny wins for his lawyer comment and it was delicious seeing Christine get the collective cold shoulders of the entire group. Edited September 11, 2014 by Wandering Snark 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365910
panthergirl13 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I thought she didn't really pull it off. Frankie looked like he was trying to fake sympathy. He had the most bizarre my mouth is trying to convey holding back crying to hide my grin expression. I thought he was going to swallow his own cheeks a couple times. That doesn't seem possible, but I don't know how else to describe it. Oh I agree that FRANKIE'S reaction was completely fake, but Victoria cried real tears! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365917
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Is it just the comps and dinosaur that they are repeating? Do they get another button that does something? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365930
ottoDbusdriver September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Victoria: "I will do whatever I can do in my power" I know it's tough reading off cue cards but wow, I doubt they wrote it all clunky like that... but hey good on Derrick to give Vic a purpose before she leaves. But you could see her eyes move as she was reading the script from the cue cards/teleprompter/whatever. Do they get another button that does something? That would be priceless if they got stuck in an infinite loop -- because Caleb can't not push that big shiny button. Edited September 11, 2014 by ottoDbusdriver 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365937
Wandering Snark September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 That would be priceless if they got stuck in an infinite loop -- because Caleb can't not push that big shiny button. Hah! They'd be there like groundhog day err week. They'd at one point decide to NOT hit the button but at the last moment Caleb would keep "judy chopping" the butt-in at the last second and they'd have to go through the week again knowing it won't count. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365975
parisprincess September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 PRODUCTION!!! Please, please, please, I beg of you, STOP showing Frankie's reaction to every single thing that goes on! His expression is the same every fucking time; posing with mouth gaping open. His over the top posing and preening gets on my last nerve. Is Caleb not aware that Mila Kunis is about six months pregnant with Ashton Kutcher's baby? What a hoot that clueless kid is! I was so pleased to see that the jury is onto Derrick's game. I was afraid that his stealth gameplay wouldn't be recognized, and wondered how he was going to convince them that he was responsible for every one of their evictions. If Derrick and Frankie are in the final two, I think they will reward his gameplay, and I couldn't be happier. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365988
Thalia September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Donnie had the best lines (as usual), but I also enjoyed Zach's deadpanning about Victoria's Mad Competition Skilz. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365990
Mmazeo September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) I have to say, I can't recall a bigger group of losers in the jury house. What a group of misfits. Usually by this point there are some real good players, but not this year. Say what you want but that final 4 of dudes has dominated like we've never seen. Even the Brigade didn't manipulate and dominant like these guys. Edited September 11, 2014 by Mmazeo Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-365999
bren70 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Do you have an attorney = best.line.ever. in jury house history. LOVED it! I really, really hope the jury won't be allowed to go into the house and say whatever they want....blowing up people's games, etc. Ex right now Caleb is clueless that Derrick can beat him -- if he gets wind from the jury that Derrick has been playing the best game, he'll turn on Derrick. I hope they're just going in to help with a comp or something. I was so pleased to see that the jury is onto Derrick's game. I was afraid that his stealth gameplay wouldn't be recognized, and wondered how he was going to convince them that he was responsible for every one of their evictions. I think they will reward his gameplay, and I couldn't be happier. Ditto, ditto, ditto. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366014
ghoulina September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Oh my gosh, Caleb staring Cody down in the shower was equal parts terrifying and hysterical. That boy sure has "stalker" down pat. He is also beyond delusional with his idea of a luxury comp in which he marries Mila Kunis. Okay, I'm sure he was probably kidding. Maybe....Ashton, hire more security. I loved seeing the Jury House! I missed Zach. Hayden got some conditioner. And Donny really really hates Christine. That was awesome to see, because he is usually super nice about everyone. His utter disdain for her really speaks to her character. And when he asked her if she had an attorney? Damn, Donny!!!! Give him Fan Favorite for that alone. Hate hate hate the fact that they're doing the exact same comp over again. I don't even really want to talk about it. It's not a "rewind", it's MFing Groundhog Day. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366019
TexasChic September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Why didn't they show Zach and Donny entering the jury house? I really wanted to see that. Jocasta looked awesome with her hair that way! Frankie blows. Edited September 11, 2014 by TexasChic 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366030
bren70 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Now, can we please get Victoria to pronounce at least one of the two "t's" in the word "button". What is it with kids today and the inability to annunciate?? Victoria keeps saying "buh-en". Huge pet peeve. It's a regional thing. I literally only know maybe 2 people that pronounce the Ts, has nothing to do with age. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366051
ShaNaeNae September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Victoria running around asking for her suitcase was pretty funny. Yes, what was that? I thought she was leaving on her own for a minute, then I thought "poor thing is confused". She can't remember if she's been voted out or not. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366052
panthergirl13 September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Yes, what was that? I thought she was leaving on her own for a minute, then I thought "poor thing is confused". She can't remember if she's been voted out or not. I assumed she needed a Xanax or something RIGHT AWAY. (I'm not judging...I've been there!) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366056
mojoween September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I'll give her the benefit of the doubt ONE TIME and think she needed her suitcase so she could change out of her dress because she knew she had to do a competition. I forgot one thing...spiders! All the spiders! I love spiders. Not enough to tweet to Julie about it, but still. They were so cute. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366059
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Why didn't they show Zach and Donny entering the jury house? I really wanted to see that. Jocasta looked awesome with her hair that way! Frankie blows. Do we always get footage of every HG entering jury. I was working under the theory that they decided to show the jury footage they film, just in case, because of the hilariousness of Christine's arrival. When Victoria was demanding her suitcase I thought she was trying to self evict. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366060
North of Eden September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) I am sad to say I'm pretty discouraged over the past few days just how stale BIG BROTHER has become. I truly have no doubt that even if Frankie wins...abosultly NOTHING will change from last week. It was proven by him not using the veto that he doesn't have the balls to put Derrick up and take out either him or Cody. We've reached a point where there is no chance at all of Derrick ever going on the block....his ouster before final two was the ONLY thing that could save this dreadful season...to see all his plans undone. Making matters worse the ratings and fan response to UTOPIA is abysmal and at this point its the better show. TO quote someone on DisQuss "There was more drama in the two hours of UTOPIA's premier than all season of BIG BROTHER" and that is absolutly true...UTOPIA will probably be cancelled and BB will keep churning out its tired forumula. We need a shake up next summer! Also I was quite happy to FAST FORWARD Dan. I've been in the minority that hates him and for the same reason I hate Derrick this season. He ruined any suspense or entertainment by controlling everything...even getting the ditz Danielle to vote out her would be love interest. I watch BB to see factions battling back and forth for control of the house. Not having one godfather control everything that happens. The best part of the show tonight was the audience snickering during the jury house package whenever Christine was dissed! Two last thing: What is all this tabloid s@#t Chulie is engaging in? Tarantulas?Really? And where was this drop dead sexy Jocasta all summer! Love the makeover! Edited September 11, 2014 by North of Eden 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366068
Guest September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) Someone explain the spider dare thing to me. Both in terms of why and how a lot of smaller spiders vs. one big spider is something worth voting on? Shouldn't the dare be somewhat different for whatever reason she is doing it? And why is this a Chenbot dare instead of something we inflict on Team America? Edited September 11, 2014 by ParadoxLost Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366113
RedheadZombie September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Jacosta's hair in the jury house was nice. Jocasta's hair was great, but I hardly noticed it because she's still wearing the fucking bowtie. Does she sleep in one? Sounds like a choking hazard. I like Dan as a player, but Dan in the interview was annoying. They flew him in from Michigan for that? I hated Dan's diary rooms. The way his head would bob and weave, and then he'd kind of look over his shoulder. It drove me crazy - he looked like an ostrich. Seeing him display that behavior with Julie, I think it's just an engrained mannerism. "Do you have an attorney?" Donny to Christine is the best line ever in the history of Big Brother. I am one of the most cynical, sarcastic, unforgiving persons you can meet, but I didn't enjoy that. Coming off the epic booing - and as a fan, Christine would know that's never happened before - I felt for her. It was the tag teaming of the dinosaur comment and then the attorney comment. It bordered on a bullying moment, in my opinion. She looked down and her face fell and I felt for her. Donny has every right to dislike Christine, I don't blame him for that. But, his comment was mean spirited and that's not Donny's way, so I was a little disappointed in him. That had nothing to do with gameplay or strategy, it was personal. Yes, Christine was nasty in many ways, but even Aaryn wasn't treated in that manner in the jury house. I personally believe Candice was treated much worse by Aaryn than anything Christine did to anyone. The fact that the "jokes" both focused on Cody, tells me they are not retaliating for anything Christine said about Donny, or about Christine sabotaging Donny in the BOtB. It especially bothers me that no one had the balls to say it while Cody was around - and I would bet they won't say it if Cody reaches the Jury house. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366115
TexasChic September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 Now, can we please get Victoria to pronounce at least one of the two "t's" in the word "button". What is it with kids today and the inability to annunciate?? Victoria keeps saying "buh-en". Huge pet peeve. Using the glottal stop for the 't' in button is dialectal, not wrong. Do we always get footage of every HG entering jury. I was working under the theory that they decided to show the jury footage they film, just in case, because of the hilariousness of Christine's arrival. You're probably right, I just wanted to see it. Dan looks like such a big nerd! LOL! I don't know why, maybe because he was smiling so big the whole time. It was hard for me to take anything he said seriously because of it. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366178
Pazlovejoy September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I was also disappointed by Donny's "attorney" comment. It was too deep a cut. I hated Christine because she messed up the game for each player I rooted for and because even though she's supposed to be a fan, she couldn't see that she was just helping someone else win. There was no way any of those guys were going to take her to final three. I did not enjoy watching her fawn over Cody, but that was none of my business. That's between her and her husband. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366467
MarquisDeCarabas September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 (edited) I caught a little bit of an editing oops. Derrick was talking to Victoria about about you never know what's gonna happen Wednesday Before they got the the live show is in 48 hours. As for Donny's comment they didn't know she was booed when he made the comments. They tease her about it, but until she said anything I don't think they had the slightest idea how badly she came off. I do think they were booing for things other than Cody as well. I really think her screwing Donny over hurt her in peoples minds too. Did she really not get that America loves him? Edited September 11, 2014 by MarquisDeCarabas 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366487
Wavesofblue September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I feel like Christine was booed for her Cody love, for her obvious hate of the much loved Donny, and because she was so ready and willing to get Nicole out of the house for the second time. Donny wasn't out of line at all with his attorney comment IMO. She deserved a dig from him. Glad she got it. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366534
SnideAsides September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I am sad to say I'm pretty discouraged over the past few days just how stale BIG BROTHER has become. I truly have no doubt that even if Frankie wins...abosultly NOTHING will change from last week. It was proven by him not using the veto that he doesn't have the balls to put Derrick up and take out either him or Cody. We've reached a point where there is no chance at all of Derrick ever going on the block....his ouster before final two was the ONLY thing that could save this dreadful season...to see all his plans undone. Making matters worse the ratings and fan response to UTOPIA is abysmal and at this point its the better show. TO quote someone on DisQuss "There was more drama in the two hours of UTOPIA's premier than all season of BIG BROTHER" and that is absolutly true...UTOPIA will probably be cancelled and BB will keep churning out its tired forumula. We need a shake up next summer! BB Australia just started a few days ago. If you can handle a less monotonous format and a host even more robotic than Julie (I know), it's worth a shot. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366573
Scout Finch September 11, 2014 Share September 11, 2014 I forgot one thing...spiders! All the spiders! I love spiders. Not enough to tweet to Julie about it, but still. They were so cute. Irritable, can we sue CBS for the severe trauma that caused? In the meantime, I'll be in a fetal position, shuddering. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/14555-s16e35-hoh-comp-13/#findComment-366574
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