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S08.E19: Reunion Part 1

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Karen’s hair is great.

Andy is gross and biased as always.

Robyn lives in her own delusional world that doesn’t have washing machines.

Gizelle remains the queen of unaccountability.

Mia and her relationships - so messed up. Her poor children. Seems like she and G had an arrangement and G’s part was being the source of money- it’s all so icky.


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I've seen a lot of people have problems with Mia & Gordon bringing up the little boy's paternity on TV.  I don't have a problem with it because if Mia didn't spill the paternity tea, Gizelle and Robyn would've on Season 9.

Candiace got teary eyed because she is hurt for her husband, who thought Robyn & Gizelle were his friends too. Those allegations hurt him personally and professionally and all Robyn & Gizelle could do is do the Mean Girl Cackle and laugh.

Actually Gizelle & Robyn's Mean Girls Act was very disgusting and I think everyone up there was disgusted by it.  I certainly hope Nneka was taking notes on how her new buds Gizelle & Robyn really operate.

Andy tried to shut down the Chris limp dick discussion by saying the woman lied but Robyn persisted and is going to persist on the next episode.  IMO Robyn & Gizelle had something to do with that rumor getting started & the woman coming forth because they are the only ones who hyped up the rumor even after it was debunked by the YouTube blogger who broke the rumor in the first place.

It's actually funny to see Robyn confronting Candiace about Chris when her husband is nowhere to be seen.  Sure!

I see why Ms Candy Cane is really leaving 😉.  RHOP ain't worth it right now.  Things won't change.  Gizelle & Robyn will still be Mean Girls 2024 and that's not going to work for Candiace going forward. That's all I will say for now.



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Wendy has a sour expression on her face often. Normally when she looks at other HWs, or women in genaral (she even looked at Gizelle's daughter this way).

Karen looks great. Her short hair, and her face-lift (she admitted to it).

The situation with Mia, Inc, and Gordon being in the same room during their FaceTiming is ridiculous. It's obvious that Mia wants a divorce because Gordon doesn't have any money now, and she does from Bravo, and endorsements, so she doesn't need him anymore. The confrontations we saw on TV between them were brutal, including bringing Jeremiah's paternity up. 


Edited by ZettaK
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Mia will be divorced before Ashley. Pfftt. Chris and Candiace will probably divorce before Ashley (Not that I want that to happen!).

Gizelle is looking forward to the ownership...She is a spiteful human being. Awful.  

"He's a radio personality."  What does that mean?

We're like 10 minutes in and Karen just ended Robyn.

R: You don't know how many sexual partners you've had?

K: No.  That would be Juan.

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55 minutes ago, dosodog said:

"He's a radio personality."  What does that mean?

He's facially challenged.

Mia will be divorced before Ashley is because Ashley and Michael were never divorcing, he just didn't want to film*.  That lawsuit was a scheme cooked up by Michael AND Ashley to force Candiace to pay for Ashley's new house.

Gizelle was super duper mad about being sat 2nd seat and took that out on Candiace. The problem is, Gizelle & Robyn have been production's and the network's faves for so long they felt they could do whatever they want and they would be untouchable.

Sadly for them, their antics cost RHOP viewership and lost viewership costs BRAVO money.

The seat assignments and Andy's warning should have given them a clue but both of them sat there braying and barking like circus clowns and it was not a good look

I think Chris, Mama Dorothy and Crystal told Candiace it was time to come up off this show.

I think Juan not being there, Robyn's "sure" and Candiace showing Robyn is running her mouth to bloggers about the cast IS WHAT got Robyn fired.  BRAVO 100% does not care about Robyn Dixon anymore and they'll be so glad she's not there. 


Edited by drivethroo
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Why are we even bothering about Juan?  Robyn is not going to give a straight answer.  At least, Karen and Candiace made good points about it.

Poster boards?!? That was pointless...

I agree Candiace cries a lot.  But Gizelle is a complete asshole for her over the top theatrics.  Awful, awful, awful.  And we're stuck with her next year.

What?  Mia succinctly summed up Candiace vs. Robyn.

Fence humper.  Heh!

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Wendy’s shower hair is horrible! She has gone way over the top with her look again and not in a good way. Who is responsible for Candiace’s eyebrows because they need to take accountability for the horrible job that was done. Karen’s makeup was too harsh, she looks much better with less makeup. Robyn missed the mark with whatever costume she wore. Gizelle actually looked a smidge classy. 

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It is not Candiace's fault that Gizelle got death threats. That is ALL on Gizelle. Because she is awful.

Here come the poster boards again. And we didn't even see them...

Sigh.  Limp penis?  It was a lie.  You know it was a lie.  You made money off the lie.  You're giving new life to the lie.  Robyn is as awful as Gizelle. 

Forced/made. Semantics. 

Gizelle has no shade game on the fly.  She can prepare and practice a good read, but she is not quick on her feet.

And of course she thinks she has nothing to apologize for.  Rolling my eyes at her ego.

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Candiace is leaving because she is sick and tired of having to answer Gizelle and Robyn's questions about her husband, and face another physical attack by a HW, or a friend of a HW. It could be the editing, but Candiace didn't hug and kiss, or greet Andy Cohen when she came out like the rest of the women did. 

On 4/1/2024 at 12:08 AM, Axie said:

I don’t know if they have to sit through the reunion to get paid for the season or not, but, if they don’t and I was Candiace, I would have left after that BS with Gizelle.  That was just nasty.


They are contractually obligated to attend reunions, otherwise they would most probably get fired like Jacqueline Laurita of the NJ HWs. Candiace was possibly still thinking about her future on the show, so she went.

Edited by ZettaK
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I watched,  and really didn't  feel anything. I didn't  feel mad  or sad. The price of fame as an Housewife of... is too high to live any kind of private  life. I don't  see Robyn coming  back next season, wth for?  Mia is very messy,  and not in a watchable  way. Yes Karen's hair looks nice, she didn't  offer much this season.  I think  perhaps  Potomac  is coming  off my screen, unless there's  a huge shakeup. 

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I thought everyone looked lovely. I loved Karen’s new hair. 
Andy basically said he wanted everyone to work out their issues. Gizelle would have had to apologize to Candiace and Chris. She not only wouldn’t apologize but she seemed to double down on not acknowledging her at all. Robyn was just as cold bringing up the woman who admitted to lying about Chris. 
Juan won’t show up for Robyn so she has nothing. My guess is that they need that income with Juan not working. 
Ashley had nothing to contribute. They are waiting to get to Nneka and Wendy. 
Mia had the right idea. Bring the husband and put the lover on FaceTime.

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12 minutes ago, bosawks said:

At some point I really hope that the use of props at a reunion gets the Housewife in question and automatic time out.

I thought props were outlawed after Porsha attacked Kenya at a RHOA reunion, but since then, housewives have been able to get around that with "documentation." I was surprised Candiace went with the posterboarded tweets or whatever. Wasn't she the one who coined the phrase "thirst book" about Monique's Binder of Stupid?

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21 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Robyn gets called to task for always defending Juan; Candiace is caught off guard; Mia opens up about her new boyfriend.

Airs 03/31/2024

I guess Robyn new Business venture is a non-starter now without the Bravo check to support it and being able to use the platorm to advertise. Juan does not have a Job ! Allegedly she's fired, I guess Gizzy's posse will now be Mia and Ashley and Nneka if she returns.  Nneka should have taken notes at the Reunion on just how Gizzy and Robyn move. Juan has contributed nothing , if he had shown at the Reunion this season, it might have saved Robyn's job but he does not care about her at all. I won't miss her. 

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11 hours ago, dosodog said:

It is not Candiace's fault that Gizelle got death threats. That is ALL on Gizelle. Because she is awful.

Here come the poster boards again. And we didn't even see them...

Sigh.  Limp penis?  It was a lie.  You know it was a lie.  You made money off the lie.  You're giving new life to the lie.  Robyn is as awful as Gizelle. 

Forced/made. Semantics. 

Gizelle has no shade game on the fly.  She can prepare and practice a good read, but she is not quick on her feet.

And of course she thinks she has nothing to apologize for.  Rolling my eyes at her ego.

She really is awful. After watching this first part, I'm not shocked that Candiace quit. She knows Gizelle is never going to take any accountability. Her story about Chris changed multiple times. Even Andy had to tell her she was being mean when she was laughing.

LOL at Mia saying she'll be divorced before Ashley.

LOL at Karen saying "that would be Juan" when Robyn was talking about Karen's sexual partners


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14 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Candiace got teary eyed because she is hurt for her husband, who thought Robyn & Gizelle were his friends too. Those allegations hurt him personally and professionally and all Robyn & Gizelle could do is do the Mean Girl Cackle and laugh.

I think she also got emotional because she thought Robyn was actually her friend and she's mourning the loss of that friendship. 

12 hours ago, dosodog said:

We're like 10 minutes in and Karen just ended Robyn.

R: You don't know how many sexual partners you've had?

K: No.  That would be Juan.

Don't forget Karen's list of nice things about Robyn:

  1. Robyn is a really good friend to Gizelle.
  2. Robyn is intelligent. 
  3. Robyn is interestingly strategic in her "woe is me" cries.

🤣😂 🤣😂 🤣😂

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22 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Robyn gets called to task for always defending Juan; Candiace is caught off guard; Mia opens up about her new boyfriend.

Airs 03/31/2024

I feel so uncomfortable with Mia and her side piece situation. Gordon is clearly hurting and until you are legally divorced, can't you keep him out of Gordon's face? It's the optics for me. For inc to show up at the Reunion was classless . Gordon is still her husband, but if Mia's does not give a dam, then I guess inc doesn't either. 

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I stopped watching reunions after Nene left. The only ones I truly enjoyed was Atlanta. I find the rest extremely boring. It seems all they do is serve to set up conflict for the next season. It's old and tired just like Gizelle and Robyn.

The 3 who didn't have anyone show up to support them tells me everything I need to know. I can just read this comedy gold message board and be more entertained.

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Mia's facetime with INC and Gordon awkwardly saying hello was all kinds of icky.  And she just flitted on like it was normal and business as usual.  Don't get me started about the question of her son's paternity and it's stupid that there has been this much said about it with no paternity test done unless there has and she's not talking about it because she wants to push this storyline along for another season.

I don't think any of them looked good except maybe Karen's hair and bitchy Gizelle.  Wendy was looking good during the season with her glow up so not sure what happened at the reunion.  Candice and Ashley are pretty girls but their reunion look went sideways for me and Mia just looked bloated and plastic.

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47 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

She really is awful. After watching this first part, I'm not shocked that Candiace quit. She knows Gizelle is never going to take any accountability. Her story about Chris changed multiple times. Even Andy had to tell her she was being mean when she was laughing.

Gizelle and Robyn know production will never hold them accountable. That's why they acted like fools last night.

Gizelle went to production on Candiace for the $900K Tear Down Cabin tweet.  See, Gizelle doesn't need to read when she can get production to read for her.

Now fast forward to this season ---Gizelle mentioned production was supposed to be having a chit chat with Candiace over her tweets.

IMO Gizelle fully expected production to have brought in Candiace before the reunion and force her to apologize to Gizelle at the reunion for everything.  That's why Gizelle wanted to see the accountability...from Candiace.

Candiace checked out of the show when Wendy grilled her about accountability...the lights went out and Candiace was like (ok whatever).."sure".

Gizelle, the cast and Gizelle fans are celebrating because Gizelle finally pushed Candiace off the show (I also think there's another reason that was the final sign for Candiace to go). But the cast shouldn't get too happy because if Gizelle can push Candiace off the show, she can push any of them off the show for any reason.  And that doesn't make for a good show. 

Candiace shouldnt' worry too much about RHOP because I see a hiatus/reboot/Peacock in their very near future.


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6 minutes ago, KristenR said:

I wonder if she's pregnant. (And I know I'm not the only one wondering.)

Probably not. She admitted that her career comes before children last night. At first, she didn't answer the question at all,  but she finally said no regarding a pregnancy.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
16 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Wendy has a sour expression on her face often. Normally when she looks at other HWs, or women in genaral (she even looked at Gizelle's daughter this way).

Karen looks great. Her short hair, and her face-lift (she admitted to it).

The situation with Mia, Inc, and Gordon being in the same room during their FaceTiming is ridiculous. It's obvious that Mia wants a divorce because Gordon doesn't have any money now, and she does from Bravo, and endorsements, so she doesn't need him anymore. The confrontations we saw on TV between them were brutal, including bringing Jeremiah's paternity up. 


Absolutely ! I was so uncomfortable watching Mia and Gordon , regardless of Gordon's behavior, you were his wife for many years and he deserves some respect. Gordon is hurting,  any reaction he had to Mia is understandable . Even with the arrangement for the open marriage, at least give him the illusion that the marriage was whole by keeping INC out of the way until your divorce is final.  However we all know Mia could give a good got dam. She's chasing her bag .  


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Gizelle should be careful what she wishes for.

It is almost certain that Robyn is gone which really leaves Gizelle with no "base".

No one is left who has any *emotional* reason not to go for the kill - not Ashley, Wendy, Karen or Mia. 

Candiace's replacement might form an alliance but not like the bond Robyn and Gizelle had since they were actual long term friends.

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Sometimes children come when they want to, not when you want them to. Her face was a bit fuller than usual. Christmas Candy may have decided to say Surprise Surprise! and that just made the decision to leave perfect timing.

Whatever her reason, she seems very happy about her decision and her sister seems very happy about it too.

The only alliance Gizelle would have would be with Ashley.  Mia's a smart girl, she knows Gizelle will be coming for her or Nneka next.  Nneka needs to think wisely about joining Big Sister Seal's Sorority.

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21 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I see why Ms Candy Cane is really leaving 😉.  RHOP ain't worth it right now.  Things won't change.  Gizelle & Robyn will still be Mean Girls 2024 and that's not going to work for Candiace going forward. That's all I will say for now.

Legit, I think Candiace saw the writing on the wall, whether I agree with her or not (many times I don't) I do believe she was 100% authentic to her feelings (again, many times I disagreed with her) she legit thought Robyn was her friend on and off the show, and she knew things weren't going to change unless Gizelle left the show, which I'm sure she knows wasn't happening. 

Plus, after the Deborah debacle, I'm certain she either was going to get jumped and/or her marriage was going to be attacked again. 

I'm sure she will miss the money, but while I don't believe she's rich by any means I don't think she will be hurting. Do I think her singing and acting career equals what she was earning on the show? Absolutely not, but she's not going to be in any trouble financially like, say, Robyn and Ashley. 

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22 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Wendy’s shower hair is horrible! She has gone way over the top with her look again and not in a good way. Who is responsible for Candiace’s eyebrows because they need to take accountability for the horrible job that was done. Karen’s makeup was too harsh, she looks much better with less makeup. Robyn missed the mark with whatever costume she wore. Gizelle actually looked a smidge classy. 

There have been comments that the lighting was off because so many people's makeup colors look strange.

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On 3/31/2024 at 9:25 PM, drivethroo said:

Candiace got teary eyed because she is hurt for her husband, who thought Robyn & Gizelle were his friends too.

Thank you for this.  I couldn’t understand why Candiace seemed to be crying over Robyn when Robyn seems not to give a crap about Candiace.  

Robyn went from being likable in earlier seasons to looking like a delusional fool (putting up with and defending Juan) and mean girl jerk.

I do wonder if she’s got a type of Stockholm syndrome from Juan seemingly abusing her mentally and emotionally over the years.  It’s a very difficult thing to get over.


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I was honestly surprised at how hard Gizelle went for Candiace.  I don't care what Candiace said, she's not responsible for death threats.  The only ones responsible for that are the deranged loonies sitting in their mom's basement.  If Candiace had said something like, "I hope internet trolls kill you and your family," sure, I can hold her accountable for that.  But otherwise, no.  She's not responsible for other people's misactions.  

I hope that this was Gizelle's awfulness turned up to an 11 because of her dad's death.  It was as ugly as I've seen her.  She also refused to admit that saying "asked me to go into a dressing room" is FAR from "made me go into a bedroom and shut the door behind us."  While I disagree that is an accusation of sexual assault, it's DEFINITELY an accusation of wrong doing on the part of a man by a woman, and she needs to be far more careful with her words.  Not that I think she will be.

I actually don't feel bad for Gordon.  I mean, I do, because he's a human being and I don't want to see anyone hurt, but this is also someone who bought a stripper for a wife, fucked around with his family's money & businesses and lost it all, and brought up his own child's paternity on camera as a weapon against his wife.  He's a sleaze ball too, not just some innocent man who had bad luck befall him through no fault of his own, only to have his wife up and leave him.  No, he bought a wife, and someone else took over her payments when he couldn't.  She's gross, he's gross.

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17 hours ago, charliesan said:

Do I think her singing and acting career equals what she was earning on the show? Absolutely not, but she's not going to be in any trouble financially like, say, Robyn and Ashley. 

The only people who will really be fine without this show are Candiace, Wendy, Nneka, Charrisse and Karen (and fine doesn't necessarily mean financially fine).

The rest of them are in some form of struggle or survival mode (or both).

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On 4/1/2024 at 11:27 AM, byrd said:

I guess Robyn new Business venture is a non-starter now without the Bravo check to support it and being able to use the platorm to advertise. Juan does not have a Job ! Allegedly she's fired, I guess Gizzy's posse will now be Mia and Ashley and Nneka if she returns.  Nneka should have taken notes at the Reunion on just how Gizzy and Robyn move. Juan has contributed nothing , if he had shown at the Reunion this season, it might have saved Robyn's job but he does not care about her at all. I won't miss her. 

I disagree. She and Giz will continue now with Reasonably Shady (and the associated Patreon). Now that Robyn is no longer part of the cast, she will be able to sit back and raise questions and talk shit about the cast completely unfettered. She will run with that role serving as Giz's straight man and talking all the gossip about Karen and Wendy that she can knowing that there are zero consequences. She will do this because she is dumb, and because she knows once she gets off tv, she will never need to answer another question about Juan except from her mama and daddy. 

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1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said:

I disagree. She and Giz will continue now with Reasonably Shady (and the associated Patreon). Now that Robyn is no longer part of the cast, she will be able to sit back and raise questions and talk shit about the cast completely unfettered. She will run with that role serving as Giz's straight man and talking all the gossip about Karen and Wendy that she can knowing that there are zero consequences. She will do this because she is dumb, and because she knows once she gets off tv, she will never need to answer another question about Juan except from her mama and daddy. 

I agree, but it seems like this strategy will have a limited shelf life.


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2 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

I disagree. She and Giz will continue now with Reasonably Shady (and the associated Patreon). Now that Robyn is no longer part of the cast, she will be able to sit back and raise questions and talk shit about the cast completely unfettered. She will run with that role serving as Giz's straight man and talking all the gossip about Karen and Wendy that she can knowing that there are zero consequences. She will do this because she is dumb, and because she knows once she gets off tv, she will never need to answer another question about Juan except from her mama and daddy. 

YEP! But no way that podcast is bringing in the same income as the show. She better make some more hats. 

And who amongst us don't just looove when someone leaves a job and calls back everyday to see what's happening in the office. Thinks they can't be replaced and how will they ever survive with them. 

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Karen looked fantastic! Hair AND dress! Gizelle came in second. The rest were just as disappointing as this season. 

Both Mia and Gordon understand the assignment and always have, so there's no need to feel sorry for either one.

Candiace was fired the moment those colorist words came out of her mouth to Gizeelle last Reunion, but like any Corporation, BRAVO (or whatever entity) tiptoed around the optics and waited until now. I feel $orry for her Mom, who will no doubt have to go back to paying for Candiace's husband Chef Chris/child support/musical stardom/IFV without the BRAVO check

Robyn was fired the instant Andy found out she held back the cheating story to sell it. Power broker Gizelle may have gotten her a chance to bring it this season - she blew it. Just like Candiace and Chris, Robyn and Juan's arrogance bit them in the BRAVO paycheck

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