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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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3 hours ago, kira28 said:

Kail saying she wants to be a host.. unless she plans to do the bar tour like Farrah and co. I don't see that working out very well for Kail. She's not attractive enough (even with all the surgery) to be a tv host. And I doubt there are very many opportunities for hosting jobs in Delaware. Now she has two baby daddies to fight her for custody and since Jo just moved to DE I highly doubt he would be perfectly fine with her moving to CA. I know Javi would NEVER let her do that and I doubt kail would abandon either of her sons.  Her saying she wants to focus on herself for once. Um when has she NOT focused on herself and her own wants and needs? Lol

Well if I were her, I'd work out of Philadelphia. Certainly a big market and certainly doable with regards to custody arrangements. 

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That sounds completely like Javi to me, and appropriate/the first good decision they have made in a while. He wants a submissive housewife and she wants a much more independent party career lifestyle. Nothing wrong with either. They just never should have been together. Kail doesn't look blameless at all. They both look like dumb kids who got married for sex. 

I don't think MTV entirely manufactures storylines like that. They edit heavily and cut a lot of things out (TR Dues), but this storyline seems entirely in line with everything we know about both of them. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 4

It's not that it feels manufactured. It is totally in line with everything we've seen of them and their relationship that Javi simply wants a wife who fits some archetype and he can't see a future with Kail if that's not what she wants, while Kail has her own pursuits and doesn't want what he wants. I'm just not certain that these things are the reason they're divorcing now. Kind of like Leah and Jeremy divorcing over money habits and his being away all the time. Those things were true, but they also weren't the whole story.

  • Love 8

So yesterday the Ashley had an article that Javi and Kail had been separated since December. It totally made sense when you think about how there was no emotion when they had his going away party and everything else.  The comments were full of people made about how they could make promises to Isaac about Javi coming back if they knew good and well he was not. Is it me, or is that article not gone? I don't see it anymore. 


Edited to add: found it http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2016/06/02/teen-mom-2-couple-kail-lowry-javi-marroquin-separated-since-december/

Edited by Mkay
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I just don't think Javi would hide the cheating if there was any, or that MTV would, when jealousy has been a major part of their storyline. It wasn't with Leah and Jeremy, so it didn't fit in the show. If anything, a cheating narrative would complete their arc. MTV would be all over it. Divorces are rarely about one dramatic event. I doubt there was one. He was deployed and they finally realized they suck together and bring out the worst in each other. Happens every day. Especially in the military. 

Edited by Lm2162
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But they vilify their talent all the time. They show tons of drama. That's one major point of the show. Kail has never gotten the angel edit. Neither has Javi. It would probably increase ratings. 

Right, but Corey and Leah are very different from K/J. If anything, they seem to love airing their dirty laundry. They've had all kinds of fights while I get the sense that Leah hush hushes her men so they make her look good. 

Javi did tell us to watch the show and we'd see the truth. If he'd been cheated on, hoo boy. No silence from him. Every fan would get a personal note from him alongside a shirtless photo. 

Edited by Lm2162
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I'm going to be the lone dissenter, but I think Kail could have a face for TV. I get that the camera ads ten lbs and TV tends to prefer slim women. But that aside, I think she can be very pretty when she wants to be. Her natural hair has always been healthy and gorgeous. When she's happy and animated, she has lively eyes and a great smile. I could see her being fun and bubbly on camera, but there would be a lot of work required to get to that point, and her behind the scenes attitude may prevent her from making the connections needed. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think the reasons for the divorce are valid to some degree. He wants to be able to control Kail to some degree because of his insecurities and by adding more children, he feels he can do that. I guess in his head, she can't cheat if she is pregnant or has to deal with more children.

Clearly he's never watched Maury.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I call total bullshit on that. They had to come up with something for TV. Saying that Kail's a nasty, cheating shrew might cause her crazy "you are my hero" followers on social media to see who she really is. Instead, let's come up with something that will endear her even more to her legion of fans and sell even more books, candles and whatever other junk she peddles.

THANK YOU! With all the editing and BS stories MTV is pushing, this will just be another cover-up.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think the reasons for the divorce are valid to some degree. He wants to be able to control Kail to some degree because of his insecurities and by adding more children, he feels he can do that. I guess in his head, she can't cheat if she is pregnant or has to deal with more children.

The clip looked pretty sincere to me on both their parts. 

7 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I just don't think Javi would hide the cheating if there was any, or that MTV would, when jealousy has been a major part of their storyline. It wasn't with Leah and Jeremy, so it didn't fit in the show. If anything, a cheating narrative would complete their arc. MTV would be all over it. Divorces are rarely about one dramatic event. I doubt there was one. He was deployed and they finally realized they suck together and bring out the worst in each other. Happens every day. Especially in the military. 

If Javi wants the gravy train to keep on keepin' on, exposing Kail as a cheater would probably result in her rabid fans accusing him (perhaps set off by a few vaguebook posts from Kail) of lying and turning against him. There's a load of money in this show and all of them are likely very conscious of that and don't want the cash to stop rolling in. A very public, scandal-ridden breakup would probably mean less screen time for Javi and he surely doesn't want that.

It's weird that seeing Kail with 2 kids getting all this help so she can take a ton of vacations with friends would make Javi think that if they have more kids, she will morph into a submissive housewife. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Lesia said:

I don't think Kail and Javi ever even liked each other. There was never any happiness, any lightheartedness, affection, that joy you have when the person you love walks in the room. If my boyfriend were to be deployed I would be crushed. I think she felt relief he was leaving. That's just sad.  

Kail made a strategic, security-based decision to marry him.  There was no love on her end.  Given her roots, it's understandable.  Javi fell in love with the kid and the concept of having a family with her.  Once the TM2 money and freebie ass-fat injections came rolling in, she had absolutely no reason to continue with the relationship. 

  • Love 8

Yeah, don't think there was ever any love there on either end. @configdotsys, I get that, maybe? I just don't see that Javi was any unlikelier to cheat. He does love his online flirting. And he's bitched about her publicly and gotten 100% support MANY times on social media. I don't think there would be major backlash. He has a lot of fans. He'd be lauded as a hero. Every time he's bitched about her, justifiably or not, that's what's happened. And he's never been shy about it. Plus, if she'd actually physically cheated at the time they were filming, I don't know why he'd be publicly freaking out and getting support from fans on Twitter just a couple weeks ago over a text she sent or a photo with her and another man. The timeline just doesn't make sense. They break up because she had an affair, but even now he continues to flip out about a text or two and who she currently hangs out with? I'm not defending her, I just don't see the logic is all. 

@starfire, since it was a Snapchat video, it's hard to find. You can find some chatter about it on Twitter and Inquisitr from folks who follow him. 

Edited by Lm2162

If every adulterous person in the military was kicked out, there would be very few left! Happens constantly. Both military personnel and their spouses. 

Lol, I worked for the Department of Defense as a civilian, with lots of military folks.  The affairs were rampant, the drama was real.  And when someone was transferred, it was tears and drama for weeks, everybody knew.

I'm actually surprised Javi gets away with as much as he does, all the social media topless posting, it's just unbecoming.

  • Love 5
53 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

No, she will go where SHE wants to go. She is the control bitch with the money bags.

Must be nice to take your 100th vacation. 

You'd think she'd be taking this time to focus on her kids and re-evaluate her life and relationships. Instead she already has a new boyfriend and is flitting off on another vacation. I hope the Morroquins tell her to fuck off when she asks them to take Lincoln for the week.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

 I hope the Morroquins tell her to fuck off when she asks them to take Lincoln for the week.

They should but they've watched her operate for three years now...  They know that if they don't play by Kail's rules, they will not get to see their grandson.  With his military schedule, they are at the mercy of Kail's goodwill.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, shelley1005 said:

Doesn't sound like Javi can wait either with posting pictures of himself everywhere with that chick....also including a snapchat pic of him and said girl snuggled up in bed together.  

But I am sure there is a reason why Javi stepping out on Kail is also her fault.  

Yes, but a recent snapchat photo of Kail was posted above. Not a snapchat of Javi. That is why I referenced her.  Now, when a new photo or video of Javi shows up with him with some girl (or guy) then the topic will be about him. 

I won't even touch the last paragrapgh since I never commented such a thing in my post. 

Moving on.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2
Just now, SPLAIN said:

Yes, but a recent snapchat photo of Kail was posted above. Not a snapchat of Javi. That is why I referenced her.  Now, when a new photo or video of Javi shows up with him with some girl (or guy) then the topic will be about him. 

That's fine.  And I am saying what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Kail isn't doing Javi dirty while he is being a saint while he is away.  Far from it.  Sounds like they both have moved on from their relationship in the current timeline.  

  • Love 4

Sorry, that does not jive with me. Tit for tat is a game. 

Whether Javi cheated first or not is irrelevant. Same with Kail. Point is, the people in this union are married. They put their shit out there and it is up for grabs to snark. In this instance, it is Kail who put herself out there today. She should move on with the divorce.

Is she waiting for Javi's checks before she files?

Edited by SPLAIN
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On June 3, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, don't think there was ever any love there on either end. @configdotsys, I get that, maybe? I just don't see that Javi was any unlikelier to cheat. He does love his online flirting. And he's bitched about her publicly and gotten 100% support MANY times on social media. I don't think there would be major backlash. He has a lot of fans. He'd be lauded as a hero. Every time he's bitched about her, justifiably or not, that's what's happened. And he's never been shy about it. Plus, if she'd actually physically cheated at the time they were filming, I don't know why he'd be publicly freaking out and getting support from fans on Twitter just a couple weeks ago over a text she sent or a photo with her and another man. The timeline just doesn't make sense. They break up because she had an affair, but even now he continues to flip out about a text or two and who she currently hangs out with? I'm not defending her, I just don't see the logic is all. 

@starfire, since it was a Snapchat video, it's hard to find. You can find some chatter about it on Twitter and Inquisitr from folks who follow him. 



2 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

Doesn't sound like Javi can wait either with posting pictures of himself everywhere with that chick....also including a snapchat pic of him and said girl snuggled up in bed together.  

But I am sure there is a reason why Javi stepping out on Kail is also her fault.  

What pic of him snuggling in bed with A chic)

  • Love 1

To me, it doesn't matter who cheated on who first. The relationship was doomed before it got going. They're both too selfish and self absorbed to be in a relationship. They're both at fault. They picked each other.

This tweeting and deleting photos of themselves with others just further proves how immature and vicious they are to one another. 

Someone once told me that you should never marry someone if you could see them being horrible if you got a divorce. They both married the worst possible candidate in that regard.


  • Love 7
1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

To me, it doesn't matter who cheated on who first. The relationship was doomed before it got going. They're both too selfish and self absorbed to be in a relationship. They're both at fault. They picked each other.

This tweeting and deleting photos of themselves with others just further proves how immature and vicious they are to one another. 

Someone once told me that you should never marry someone if you could see them being horrible if you got a divorce. They both married the worst possible candidate in that regard.


I 100% agree with this. There is no 'real villain' here except their awful marriage. At this point, they either both cheated/are cheating OR they both agreed to separate long ago and have just been keeping up 'being married' for the cameras. in that case, plenty of people start dating before the divorce is legal but after a legal separation. Doesn't matter who did it first unless it was some huge secret, but I assume they've both known for a LONG time this wasn't a 'forever' type of situation. Javi seems like he was with that girl before Kail was with someone else, but she also could have been keeping it under wraps until the divorce was more public. Who knows. Who cares. They're not together so neither one is cheating at this point.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I 100% agree with this. There is no 'real villain' here except their awful marriage. At this point, they either both cheated/are cheating OR they both agreed to separate long ago and have just been keeping up 'being married' for the cameras. in that case, plenty of people start dating before the divorce is legal but after a legal separation. Doesn't matter who did it first unless it was some huge secret, but I assume they've both known for a LONG time this wasn't a 'forever' type of situation. Javi seems like he was with that girl before Kail was with someone else, but she also could have been keeping it under wraps until the divorce was more public. Who knows. Who cares. They're not together so neither one is cheating at this point.

What girl was Javi with? I thought they were friends.

2 hours ago, Mkay said:

That's the girl who goes by hayter25. She posted a pic the other day on her Instagram on Twitter of her and Kail on a bed and wrote "Forbidden Fruit" over the picture. She's been on teen mom.  I can't think of her name. (It says Rebecca on her Twitter page)


Click on the pic below

That girl was in Kail's wedding. I think she was the girl Kail was in a relationship with before Javi came along.

5 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

That's fine.  And I am saying what is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Kail isn't doing Javi dirty while he is being a saint while he is away.  Far from it.  Sounds like they both have moved on from their relationship in the current timeline.  

 As if Kail was a saint BEFORE he was deployed. 

  • Love 3

They clearly haven't been together in forever...which makes that AWKWARD AS FUCK video chat 'while deployed' make a hell of a lot more sense. Whatever is happening now isn't cheating. They've clearly just been playing the viewers and waiting until their breakup was semi-public to be more open with other partners, on Twitter (Javi's 'you'll see what happens' several weeks ago, etc). That's show biz, I guess, but it's creepy. They were pretending to be married just a month or so ago.

  • Love 5
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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