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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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On 5/9/2016 at 4:49 PM, Lm2162 said:

Javi is a low-key extreme egotist. He is smart enough not to bluster around with it like Adam (nor is he a total POS like Adam), but he is so into himself. 

Kail and Javi both are into themselves.  Do you remember that huge framed photo of themselves hanging in their bedroom?  What a weird thing to have on display.


  • Love 11
9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Judging by all their deliberately ambiguous social media offerings, I'd say both Mail and Javi are addicted to the drama and they purposely tell half-truths to keep their fans coming back for more. It's like the Kardashian blueprint for remaining relevant. Post incendiary pictures, call everyone a hater if they make negative comments, delete said pictures, throw in a random tweet which doesn't confirm nor deny and then eventually confirm what all those jellus haterz were calling you out for in the first place.

Khloe Kardashian has it down to a science, and Mail isn't too far behind.

I do wonder if most of the divorce crap is hyped up by Kail and Javi to get more attention on social media. (For someone on deployment, Javi has a ton of time to tweet). They've both given statements either on social media or to media outlets. Makes me think it's either one of their usual fights exaggerated, or an actual thing but they're exploiting it...?

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5

My eyes!!!! Why does Kail have to be in a bra and panties?! And why does Javi have to be shirtless for a pregnancy shoot??

oh God, surely Kail didn't see anything like this on Pinterest??  Inappropriate for a home with small children!

Edited to add, I don't mean there's anything inherently wrong with the picture, lots of couples take intimate shoots during pregnancy......I just imagine the sorts of questions this would bring from young children, and I'd choose to keep the photos in an album, NOT displayed for all to see.

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, blubld43 said:

I disagree; I thought it was very sweet. I'm honestly crushed for both Isaac and Javi; having been a step-parent myself, it's terrible when you get  cut off from your former stepchildren.  I hope Kail will cultivate a good relationship with Javi for both  the boys' benefit.

And I hope Kail thinks long and hard before she remarries.

I agree. I think Javi is an ass that does a lot of things for attention, but I believe his bond with Isaac is legit. I am so glad Jo does not appear threatened by it or like he's trying to discourage it. If for some reason my kids wind up with a stepmother, I'd like to think I'd be happy if she took such an interest in my kids.

  • Love 8

Ugh -- that photograph.  Kail is the Vicki Gunvalson of Teen Moms.  She's not unattractive, but is constantly exposing parts of her body that would look better covered up.  Sort of a Pillsbury Doughgirl with prison tats.  Then there are the before and after surgery photos of her butt that she forced everyone to see -- no words for that mess. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

My eyes!!!! Why does Kail have to be in a bra and panties?! And why does Javi have to be shirtless for a pregnancy shoot??

I think these types of maternity shots are SO awkward.  And not for the general public to see.  Keep them to yourselves!!

I had a HUGE crush on a guy where I take my vehicle in for oil changes and other stuff.  Been going there for years and found out he's engaged and they had a baby already.  I found him on facebook, saw his fiance had posted some photos, went to her page, they had one of those awkward maternity photos too, she wasn't in lingerie but a sports bra (and some sort of bottom) and he was just in jeans with no shirt.  Crush OVER. lol

  • Love 14

Karl knows damn well what is going on. If she didn't, why then is Javi missing fr[m her social media pages? Bitch please! Her response is to blame it on Javi and his deployment messing with his head. ! She pulls the deflect tactic again. She takes no irresponsibility. What else is new. Kail can pin this on Javi while she hides the truth. 

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, starfire said:

My heart breaks for Isaac. Lincoln is so young he will probably be able to adjust okay, but sweet little Isaac will be heartbroken. I hope Javi stays in his life, or at least an appropriate transition is made to reduce his anguish. Maybe sometimes when Javi has Lincoln he will take Isaac too. Isaac is such a sweet and sensitive little guy and he loves Javi so much. I hope he is okay.

I  doubt Kail will let him. She's already losing time with Isaac to Jo. Now, if she needed a babysitter that's another story.

12 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:



The only good thing to come of this was when Kail was showing off the house to Jo and Vee, and Vee saw this picture and said "that's vulgar."

  • Love 11
On 5/12/2016 at 8:35 AM, leighroda said:

Good luck seeing Lincoln on Father's Day (obviously not this year, because deployment but I mean ever)

I just think of all the shit I think he and Kail did to try to throw a wrench into Jo's relationship with Isaac might come back to bite Javi. We might see how much he appreciates Lincoln calling another guy "Dad," particularly if he lives like 5 minutes away.

Disclaimer:  I don't even like Jo. He seems to be such a sour puss and, yeah, almost no motivation, it seems. But he's Isaac's dad and he's involved in Isaac's life. Kail and Javi should have just learned to deal with that instead of trying to undermine the relationship.

  • Love 6

It's basically what has been said on the boards from the time Kail was pregnant with Lincoln, in fact probably before when Lincoln was hypothetical that for all of big Papi's talk of how ago should have felt about  him stepping into Isaacs life, now we'll see how well he takes it when some other man is calling his kid his best friend, and his kid is calling someone else daddy. I'm not a huge Jo fan, but he is pretty easygoing/secure when it comes to those things (he may not have always been but he is now) but Javi is much more controlling so good luck with that.

  • Love 10

And there was that whole thing with the "family vacation" Kail planned over Father's Day and they were both snippy when Jo said nope sorry that's my day you can't take him on vacation.  I hope Javi is ready for her to pull that shit with him and I guess since he thought Jo was so selfish for wanting to be with his kid on Father's Day he will be a less selfish person and just say yes go ahead take him whenever you want!!

  • Love 10

Right after I hit submit i was still fuming a little bit, I realized I said all that and it's still not "official" they are divorced, but who are they kidding!? I'm pretty insulted that all of these girls/MTV really think we are so dumb not to recognize things going on in to real life, like this is a sitcom and what happens in real time is not related. Between Kail's divorce, Jenelle being pregnant, and Leah's drugs/cheating they all operate like we have no clue about any of those. Sorry for the rant it is just driving me crazy.

  • Love 13

I think Jo is pretty much a loser, and one of the laziest people I've ever seen, but he is Isaac's dad and he loves him. It'll be interesting to see how Javi's relationship with Isaac changes once his ego is bruised and he's not Big Papi Javi.

I actually believe Javi cheated. I think he was doing so for a long time. Just a gut feeling. He's seemed checked out for a while and always needs to feel like his version of a "man." Maybe Kailyn cheated too (I find her really hard to read), but I think Javi definitely has. If not, I think he'll get a girlfriend in 2.5 seconds and start the thing all over again. 

  • Love 2

Some of us had posted what we thought would be the length of this marriage back when the second wedding happened. I think I gave Karl and Javi five years. LOL 

Will we see Jo and Javi have lunch together like Cory and Jeremy? 

At this point who the fuck cares who cheated first. That is irrelevant. Kail entered into this marriage for benefits only. There are a few names for someone who does that. The marriage was doomed from the start when Karl chose benefits over love as a reason to commit herself to Javi. Too bad Javi watched that footage after the wedding. I can imagine the fight that ensued in the Marroquin house when that season aired. If only Javi wasn't blinded by his first piece of ass, he could have seen Karl was shady as fuck.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Javi wasn't interested in being with someone on TV, though? I thought the TV thing was always a factor for him. He certainly seems to enjoy and court the attention. Corey is the only one who never seemed all that interested in the show factor. Even Jeremy seemed pretty into it. 

Kail never loved Javi. I don't know if he ever really loved her, but I doubt it. This whole marriage was a sham. 

  • Love 2

I actually gave Kail and Javi more time than this. I thought they had a good 7 years and another marriage-fixer baby in them. Javi is definitely not going to be anywhere near as chill as Jo was when Lincoln is calling another guy daddy. As a matter of fact, I don't think Jo will be either. I think he acknowledged that his son had a stepfather that is a reasonably good guy that treated him like his own. I think he hoped that Kail and Javi would have a stable marriage, and Isaac could have 2 parents and 2 step parents that all loved him. I think this will make Jo much more skeptical of any guy Kail brings around next. Or, plot twist, the boys get a step mom next.


I do, however, think Kail will be done with babies for awhile. She seems like she has more of a sense of shame in having 2+ baby daddies than Jenelle. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Javi wasn't interested in being with someone on TV, though? I thought the TV thing was always a factor for him. He certainly seems to enjoy and court the attention. Corey is the only one who never seemed all that interested in the show factor. Even Jeremy seemed pretty into it. 

Kail never loved Javi. I don't know if he ever really loved her, but I doubt it. This whole marriage was a sham. 

I tend to think Javi's feelings at first were a little more genuine then Kail's, ie. he was in puppy love/lust with her. I also think she was his first serious girlfriend and he liked playing family with her. Kail, well I think she liked how 'innocent' and easygoing he seemed at first, plus his large family and the possibility of benefits. Obviously the novelty has worn down on both sides and they finally realized there is no real bond or commonalities holding them together. Both have been changed by the fame and money, and not much for the better. At the end of the day, Kail and Javi were too young, too dumb, and just plain to different to get married and now they are catching up to those facts. Sucks that two kids were brought in the middle of it, but at least Issac and Lincoln are young, I suppose. Hopefully, Kail won't want to share her money again any time soon and won't bring in a replacement daddy.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I definitely feel Javi had genuine love for the Hulk. He definitely loves Isaac.  That cannot be faked. Over time he surely enjoyed what fame brought him such as the Yeezy shoes and the cars.

Do you think Kail will let him keep the Yeezys? Javi is about to experience a major lifestyle change without Kail's 300k income tacked on to his airman's salary.

  • Love 13
45 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I think they have another reconciliation in them.

If not, way to ruin Disneyland for Isaac for the rest of his damn life, parents of the year!

He can talk to Jace about what that's like.

I just came back from a Disney trip a few months ago and it was great. But not the best setting to fix your broken relationship. It's hot, stressful, expensive and exhausting. 

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I think Jo is pretty much a loser, and one of the laziest people I've ever seen, but he is Isaac's dad and he loves him. It'll be interesting to see how Javi's relationship with Isaac changes once his ego is bruised and he's not Big Papi Javi.

I actually believe Javi cheated. I think he was doing so for a long time. Just a gut feeling. He's seemed checked out for a while and always needs to feel like his version of a "man." Maybe Kailyn cheated too (I find her really hard to read), but I think Javi definitely has. If not, I think he'll get a girlfriend in 2.5 seconds and start the thing all over again. 

Why do you think he cheated, he seems to love Kail


Do you think Kail will let him keep the Yeezys? Javi is about to experience a major lifestyle change without Kail's 300k income tacked on to his airman's salary.

Very true. He's also going to experience a major lifestyle change when Kail enrolls Lincoln in private school and decides she needs the maximum amount of child support and 50% of his wages are going to Kail.

  • Love 9
Message added by OtterMommy

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