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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Jacksgirl yes to your first question. On the second question, I don't know. I Googled and found a few articles, but they all said she was declining to state why she wasn't having the kids vaccinated. Interestingly the articles all said it was Kail and Javi's decision. Wouldn't  Jo have some input too as it relates to Isaac?

Wanted to add: in one article she specifically said the kids could still go to school because they just had to fill out a form of some sort.

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Thanks NikSac. Now that I'm thinking about it, I do remember something about her wanting to eat her placenta after Lincoln was born. So maybe she is a little more granola than I thought. There are all kinds of huge measles outbreaks going on now due to anti-vaxxers. I totally get people who have children with medical issues or compromised immune systems deciding not to vaccinate, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Wonder if Jo does have any input in this.

Edited by jacksgirl
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I don't think Vee was pregnant yet at the point of the child support convo, I don't remember the timeline exactly though I could be wrong

No, she definitely was. That was one of the BS excuses they used as to why Jo shouldn't have to pay more.

Regardless, Kailyn gave in because she "wanted to stop fighting." Or because she still has a thing for Jo, or...who knows. He should get off his butt for sure, though.

Edited by Lm2162
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I have no idea how the system works where Kail is but if she (and insecure, petty Javi, grrrrr) decide not to vaccinate their kids and the only option is private since the local school won't take them, wouldn't that be on her?  

I don't know what it's like in the US but over here there have been court cases where the judge is prepared to overrule the mother's anti-vaxxer opinions and side with the father to get the kids vaccinated.  While I'm not saying it would happen to Kail, maybe she doesn't want that coming out if it went to court?


*Disclaimer* this is all speculation not Biblical fact.  

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I wiill clarify this whole Jo was not working in 2011.

Jo moved to NJ for a job and later moved in with Vee. That episode aired in April 2013. A later episode had Kail being upset at Jo for being late at the drop-off at Janet's home because Jo worked late. Kail then took Isaac with her to dinner with her friends. Jo contacted her and they had words. Kail then went to drop off Isaac where she and Jo got into a verbal altercation. Jo told her he worked late. He asked her why didn't she leave Isaac with his mom. Kail went off on Jo telling him it is not her problem he worked late.

Just wanted to clear that up since there is a difference between rumor and fact.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Kail claims he was arrested for not paying child support back in the day. He was arrested at least one other time for (minor) drug charges, I believe? The guy in the car with him got a DUI if I remember correctly. I wonder if he has a larger rap sheet.


Gary (Jenelle's ex) claims that he was paid $1500 a SEASON for his appearances. I wonder how different it is for full-time spouses (like Jeremy in the past couple seasons) vs. part-time boyfriends like Gary, vs. people like Jo or Ryan who are on about half the time. 


From what I understand, his 'job' was DJing at clubs (when he was still trying to start his rap career). He worked at some point repairing copy machines.


All I know is that at this point he needs to get a job or go to school. It's been well over a year since he's done the former and he's never done the latter. No excuse for that with two children, two baby mamas, a luxury car, no education, and a big ass ring.

Edited by Lm2162
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I have no idea how the system works where Kail is but if she (and insecure, petty Javi, grrrrr) decide not to vaccinate their kids and the only option is private since the local school won't take them, wouldn't that be on her?  

I don't know what it's like in the US but over here there have been court cases where the judge is prepared to overrule the mother's anti-vaxxer opinions and side with the father to get the kids vaccinated.  While I'm not saying it would happen to Kail, maybe she doesn't want that coming out if it went to court?


*Disclaimer* this is all speculation not Biblical fact.  

Many states have philosophical vaccination exemptions now.  In those states, a brief paragraph on why it is against your philosophical to vaccinate or a simple state form can allow your child to be enrolled in any public school.  Most states have three exemptions: philosophical, religious, and medical.  Philosophical and religious exemptions do not require a physician's signature.

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I'm no Jo fan but have to say that even this we don't KNOW. I know of some parents who charge their kids rent if they're living at home and just working and not going to school. (Have to say I respect that, too.) Of course, usually it is much cheaper doing that than living in an apartment where you pay for rent, utilities, food. In fact, I've known parents who took the rent, saved it up and returned it to the kid as sort of "nest egg" money. (The kid didn't know that as he/she was paying it, though.)

For someone who is obsessed with their family image and status and how Isaac dresses, she sure looks cheap.

Yep. My kids paid rent. It wasn't like the minute they turned 18 I made them sign a lease but they did pay rent. A parents job is to get the kids ready for the big, bad world and part of that is paying for a place to live.

Both of my kids were home owners before their 30th birthdays (my son at 27 and my daughter at 29) and are both very good with money so I did something right somewhere. They even thank me for doing it and plan something similar with their own children.

So yeah, I wouldn't say that just because Jo lived in his parents house doesn't mean he didn't pay rent.

Edited by Maharincess
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Agree. There is no proof whatsoever that Jo never paid rent. You think Kail paid Suzy rent? It wasn't Janet who loaned Puta aka Kail $600.00. It was Jo.

Maharincess, I did the same for my kids. The option was, either they are receiving an education or they go to work and pay rent. Growing up, my siblings and I did not have to pay rent. But, we did not take advantage of our parents either.

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Plunging neckline designed for open heart surgery is okay. A skirt slit up the sides practically to your armpits is okay. Both on the same dress is too much, and to be completely frank, neither feature looks good on her specifically. She doesn't have the legs for the sky-high slit, and I've always thought those super plunging necklines look better on small-busted, practically flat-chested women. On women with larger breasts, it doesn't look like a daring style; it just looks like her boobs are falling out.

I agree, she definitely does not have the legs for that slit, her legs look blotchy and there's no shape to them.

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Yep. My kids paid rent. It wasn't like the minute they turned 18 I made them sign a lease but they did pay rent. A parents job is to get the kids ready for the big, bad world and part of that is paying for a place to live.

Both of my kids were home owners before their 30th birthdays (my son at 27 and my daughter at 29) and are both very good with money so I did something right somewhere. They even thank me for doing it and plan something similar with their own children.

So yeah, I wouldn't say that just because Jo lived in his parents house doesn't mean he didn't pay rent.

This does very occasionally happen, but most parents do not make their kids pay rent if they live with them. Considering Jo has a patchy employment history and they didn't make Kailyn pay rent and had a VERY nice home, I highly doubt Jo paid a dime. But of course anything is possible.

I don't know what the laws in Delaware are, but here in Florida children must be up to date with their vaccinations in order to attend school in the public school system. Since Kail has consistently refused to have both Isaac and Lincoln vaccinated, private school is her only option. A very pricey option.


This is not true. You can get a religious exemption and still attend public school in Florida. CA, WV, and MS are the only states that ONLY allow for medical exemptions. Kail should be able to get a philosophical or religious exemption in her state. 

If Jo paid rent while he was living at home, that's great. If he didn't, it doesn't say anything to me about him one way or the other. Since he and Kail were 17, 18 at the time, and he was working mainly to support Isaac (so Kail could go to school full-time, not that she ever appreciated that), I doubt Janet and Eddie asked him to use his paycheck to pay them rent that they didn't need.

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If Jo paid rent while he was living at home, that's great. If he didn't, it doesn't say anything to me about him one way or the other. Since he and Kail were 17, 18 at the time, and he was working mainly to support Isaac (so Kail could go to school full-time, not that she ever appreciated that), I doubt Janet and Eddie asked him to use his paycheck to pay them rent that they didn't need.

If he moved out in 2012 or 2013 (which seems to be the timeline though no one is 100% sure), he would have been 20-21, not 17, and not going to college.

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CofCinci, on 10 Apr 2016 - 01:59 AM, said:

I wonder if her dreads/wraps were originally for the MTV Movie Awards?  She only took them out because of the cultural misappropriation backlash.  If she wasn't criticized, she'd still look like a Puli dog.


Here are pics of her dress: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3532130/Teen-Mom-star-Kailyn-Lowry-debuts-impressive-post-surgery-figure-low-cut-dress-MTV-Movie-Awards.html

Warning, the link also shows graphic before/after pic of her ass surgery.


I don't like the dress at all. It looks like something Kail may have borrowed from Elvira.

So done with this. The episodes clearly showed when Jo moved out. Moving on.

Back to Kail, was she shown at the MTV Movie Awards? I don't watch MTV awards shows. What is the point of them being there? Anyone know?

Kail must be livid at being called "puta". She will now have another reason for hating her kids being associatedcwith those Latinos.

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Ugh, I had no idea she was an anti-vaxxer. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

ETA: So needles with tattoos and anesthesia for plastic surgery and cutting up your skin are all well and fine, but that polio vaccine, that's poison.

Got it.

Right?!? I am shocked that she is anti vacation considering Javi's job. The military makes you have up to date shots and the fact that he travels would scare me when he comes home if my child was not vaccinated.

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Different strokes for different folks.  I have two young granddaughters, and would never think of teaching them to say "whore" or any other vulgar term, especially one that applies to women.


I call bullshit on Javi's claim and accusation that the grandfather taught Linc that word. Admit it Javi, your child heard YOU say that word to Kail. It is why Kail did not make a scene over it because the scene would have turned into Javi giving his reasons for calling his wife a puta. Kail was not about to have that play out.

  • Love 5

Different strokes for different folks.  I have two young granddaughters, and would never think of teaching them to say "whore" or any other vulgar term, especially one that applies to women. 


I admit to laughing when my four year old daughter yelled at her baby brother, damn it Blake! when he knocked over her toys (obviously heard from me- not speaking to my kids, but to someone else), but I (no stranger to swearing myself) would be FUCKING LIVID if someone taught my kids to call me or anyone else derogatory names like bitch, whore, or worse.

  • Love 6

I don't like Kail in that dress. It's definitely too much to have such a low neckline AND two huge slits on the side. Plus, I just never like plunging necklines on super busty girls. It just doesn't their flatter their breasts at all. I also don't like whatever color she has going on with her hair right now. I've always thought she looked better with her natural, lighter color. 


Even more interesting is no ring on the finger and she posed with Jo.

I blame the Kartrashian influence. 

  • Love 4

I admit to laughing when my four year old daughter yelled at her baby brother, damn it Blake! when he knocked over her toys (obviously heard from me- not speaking to my kids, but to someone else), but I (no stranger to swearing myself) would be FUCKING LIVID if someone taught my kids to call me or anyone else derogatory names like bitch, whore, or worse.

So funny! Blake must be getting around now. Time flies.

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Kail forgot half of her dress and her wedding ring.  Probably went commando, too.  I know, TMI...

Well, there goes my lunch.




I call bullshit on Javi's claim and accusation that the grandfather taught Linc that word. Admit it Javi, your child heard YOU say that word to Kail. It is why Kail did not make a scene over it because the scene would have turned into Javi giving his reasons for calling his wife a puta. Kail was not about to have that play out.


That's a good point. Oh, that must be killing Kail that she can't spin her husband as an emotional abuser (and, regardless of what she did, Javi loses major points for calling her names within earshot of the kids) without it potentially coming out what she did that prompted that outburst.

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Well they SHOULD go through the courts...doesn't though because Jo begs and whines to Kail to not do that.  So they work out a deal on the side because Jo doesn't want to pay what the courts would order him to.  I do family based social work...and I often recommend to both parties to have the agreement done through the courts because then it is another party deciding, etc.  However Jo has had a tantrum anytime there is mention of going to court for an adjustment....so that's on him.  


@Snarky, I totally agree, I just mean that I don't think the grandfather taught him that as a move 'against Kailyn,' etc. Javi's family convinced him not to divorce her and to back off the phone thing last time (which I thought was a tad ridiculous--if she needs to lock her phone THAT badly, it's sort of weird).


Eek, Jo is so unattractive in that clip. He's never been good looking, but he's really let himself go.

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I'm just saying if Kail ever suspected that Isaac learned "puta" from anyone even loosely connected to Jo, Jo would have never seen Isaac again and would have been trashed all over social media. Maybe not that extreme, but she would have definitely made a big deal of it... Kids say bad words whether intentionally taught or overheard it happens I don't necessarily think it's a huge deal, my issue is more that had it been Isaac/Jo's family they would have been crucified but with Lincoln/Javi's family it's not such a big deal (although I'm sure there were consequences for him using that word on her).

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Why would Javi's dad teach Lincoln that word, and why does he think it is funny?  Maybe he isn't enamored with Kail, or knows her better than Javi does.


Some adults think its funny to teach kids swear words; just trashy in my opinion. Even worse if it was actually his father, and not like a teenager or other young friend that still has that kind of humor.


But kids can pick up bad words pretty young. They hear something, they repeat it, and a common reaction is for adults (especially younger "adults" as in late teens, early 20s) to laugh, and then it gets repeated because the kid wants to make you laugh. I was babysitting my cousin years ago, and he tripped and fell, and just let out an, "oh shit." He was maybe 6, and has a great home life, but older half-siblings and I'm sure he heard them say it. As soon as it came out of his mouth, he looked at me wide eyed, expecting to get in trouble. it was hard not to laugh but I obviously didn't care, it was just an expression and frankly an appropriate way to use the word. But Lincoln's use is definitely more of a, "Lincoln, can you say Puta" and then laughing when he does. 

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Message added by OtterMommy

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