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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I don't think anyone would accuse her of being jealous if she posted something nice or congratulated Jo and Vee. She is making it pretty damn obvious that she is bothered by something having to do with Vee and Jo having a baby. It reeks of jealousy.


No one is saying Kail has to make a big deal out of it. She doesn't even have to acknowledge anything publicly via social media about the birth. Except, she made the effort to mention how she could care less about the situation on social media and on the show itself.  She is sitting around with her girlfriends and she is asked about her feelings about the baby. Was it a producer-driven question? Sure, most likely. I tend to believe that those kind of producer-driven questions are brought up simply because the cast member has discussed or mentioned something about a particular topic. If Kail hadn't made it such an issue by mentioning it more than once how it doesn't affect her and she doesn't care, I don't think anyone would take notice now.


I don't think Cory mentioned anything publicly about Leah having a baby. If he did, I missed it as I don't follow these people. No one bothered to notice him not doing such a thing because he didn't make it a big deal on the show.

Edited by SPLAIN
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All jobs in the military are not created equal.


I have a friend who's husband is full time Army.  He works on base full time.  What does he do?? He has an office job where can do just about whatever the eff he wants.  He goes in what he wants, he takes breaks when he wants, he does get off about 4-4:30 I think though but I'm sure his schedule is VERY flexible.  I'm not sure how long he's been at this base but I do know he used to live in a different town a few hours from here some years ago before he was married to my friend.

He is almost near military retirement and he has NEVER been deployed, in a unit that has been deployed many times.  He's just been that lucky.

His wife (my friend) has been deployed a few times. 


Seriously I was S.H.O.C.K.E.D. when I learned that he had never been deployed. 


So that just goes to show that you can't judge one job in the military with the rest. 

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I am shocked Big Poopy has over 700k followers. I hope a good amount of those followers are following simply to throw shade their way and call them out on their dickish behavior.



that just goes to show that you can't judge one job in the military with the rest.

That is what my husband was telling me. He said Javi likely has some sort of desk job. Javi's brother has been deployed.

From one of the articles about Jo and Vee, this is how the name came about:


Ivelisse is a distinct Spanish baby name that has never ranked in the top 1,000 and that means "life." Because of its Latin roots, Ivelisse is a name that is more commonly seen in Puerto Rico and Cuba, with very few appearances in the U.S.


In other news, Javi tweeted his watch is missing. He wore it to the reunion and now it is gone.

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Am I the only one shallow enough to be annoyed when girls (especially those in long term relationships) wear what could quite possibly be an engagement ring on their left ring finger?  It seems like a combination of wishful thinking, and attention seeking, like they really really really want someone to ask if they're engaged...


Anyway, congratulations to them both!  Their baby girl is beautiful!

Me too. I hate it. I don't mind if you are or aren't engaged but yeah...

  • Love 3

Seriously, y'all....I posted about this briefly in the episode thread but I'm perplexed by Kail claiming that she texts with Jenelle all the time.

Kail doesn't have a relationship with her mother for the following reasons:

- Suzi is an addict who couldn't provide a stable home for her child

- Suzi chose her boyfriends over her child

Yet, Jenelle is an addict who can't provide a stable home (any living situation that involved Jenelle calling the cops or being arrested all of the time isn't stable). Jenelle also always chooses loser boyfriends over her kids.

So....why does Kail text with Jenelle? What do they talk about? Kail seems so intent on giving her kids (and herself) what she thinks is a "normal," stable middle class life with a nice home, luxury cars, soccer, private school, etc because of her own upbringing. Yet here she is apparently being besties (or at least text message besties) with someone who is doing to her kids exactly what Suzi did to her. (IMO Jenelle is probably worse than Suzi.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Seriously, y'all....I posted about this briefly in the episode thread but I'm perplexed by Kail claiming that she texts with Jenelle all the time.

Kail doesn't have a relationship with her mother for the following reasons:

- Suzi is an addict who couldn't provide a stable home for her child

- Suzi chose her boyfriends over her child

Yet, Jenelle is an addict who can't provide a stable home (any living situation that involved Jenelle calling the cops or being arrested all of the time isn't stable). Jenelle also always chooses loser boyfriends over her kids.

So....why does Kail text with Jenelle? What do they talk about? Kail seems so intent on giving her kids (and herself) what she thinks is a "normal," stable middle class life with a nice home, luxury cars, soccer, private school, etc because of her own upbringing. Yet here she is apparently being besties (or at least text message besties) with someone who is doing to her kids exactly what Suzi did to her. (IMO Jenelle is probably worse than Suzi.)

I have my suspicions that Janelle's childhood wasn't that great. Barbara seems to be in a good place now, but I doubt she was a really stable parent when Janelle was growing up. Every time Barbara lets hints about the past drop (like staying with an abusive man for years for money) I just sort of sigh. Janelle didn't come out of thin air. I actually think of the four TM2 girls Kalie and Janelle likely had the roughest childhoods. So maybe that's what the talk about?

  • Love 4

I think Kali might be fibbing her story a bit about her mother. I read a post here that said she didn't want to follow her mother's rules just like when she was with the Riveras.

Jenelle probably saw her father abuse Babs. Or had a childhood where there was violence and screaming going on. Didn't Babs leave with three kids and had to struggle to make it on her own? As for bipolar disorder, even kids with good families her it. Mental illness doesn't discriminate. It can happen to anyone. I'm not therapist but someone did mention BPD.

  • Love 5

Kail is playing "Captain Save-A-Ho". No matter what she does, Janelle will always be beneath her. That's a win for Kail. The similar childhood/upbringing/circumstance makes it an easy sell. I doubt she's texting anything more than "hey girl, just checking in with you" to Chelsea. Leah probably only texts "monkey!" so that's not worth anything.

  • Love 8

Exactly, MissMel! That is precisely what I was going to say. Kail seems like one of those girls who wants to have friends she can feel superior to. Either that or she wants to be friends with someone so "superior" (in one way or another) that she can mooch off of them (Sterling, the Rivieras). There is no grey area with this one. 


If she texts Jenelle, "Hey, how's it going?" and gets this long tirade about how shitty things are - Nathan is so mean to her, her feelings for the new dude have dropped, she just got arrested again, etc., Kail is going to feel so good about her "stable" little life. She sure as shit aint going to text Chelsea, so she can hear about her wonderful relationship with Cole, days at the salon and fun nights with Pete the Pig. Leah....well, you text her and she'd either be asleep or confuse you for her dealer.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 10

Exactly, MissMel! That is precisely what I was going to say. Kail seems like one of those girls who wants to have friends she can feel superior to. Either that or she wants to be friends with someone so "superior" (in one way or another) that she can mooch off of them (Sterling, the Rivieras). There is no grey area with this one.

If she texts Jenelle, "Hey, how's it going?" and gets this long tirade about how shitty things are - Nathan is so mean to her, her feelings for the new dude have dropped, she just got arrested again, etc., Kail is going to feel so good about her "stable" little life. She sure as shit aint going to text Chelsea, so she can hear about her wonderful relationship with Cole, days at the salon and fun nights with Pete the Pig. Leah....well, you text her and she'd either be asleep or confuse you for her dealer.

That makes sense, but still...with Kail's bid to become her version of Ms. Junior Leaguer, I'd think associating with someone like Jenelle would be frowned upon. Maybe if she couched it like a Big Sister/community outreach program as you said, but the way she phrased it, the TM2 universe is going to assume they're friends. Edited by Tatum
  • Love 2

My ex-husband's youngest girl was best friends with my youngest girl, weird at first, but kind of nice for the daughter we had together, big blended family.

It would have been nice to hear something nice about the birth of their baby. Things are different

these days, nothing like the 1970's or before then. Being mature about second marriages benefit

everyone involved. JMO:)

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..Kail is trying to live her life beyond her means/upbringing.

I don't see what is wrong with living your life beyond your upbringing. If you can do it, all the more power to you! This kind of comment (and others like it) seem a bit like we are dealing with tall poppy syndrome.


I think everyone should aspire to live (positively) beyond their upbringing in some way or another.

  • Love 3

There is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for more in your life than what you had growing up. I think that's every parent's goal - to provide for their child(ren) so they can have a better life and better future than they had. But Kail has kind of a "showy" attitude about it. She wants more, bigger, and better so she can say that she is one of "those" people who has more, bigger and better. Also, it's somewhat of a passive aggressive swipe at her mother. She has always been all about giving and doing more for her kids than her mother did for her just so she can say she's the better mother.

  • Love 4

Kail may mean well by wanting to give her kids better then she had, but she comes off as more focused on material things as a marker success. It is all nice and good that she wants her children to have the best of the best, but her constant need to buy bigger houses, more expensive cars, and put her children in unnecessary private schools is going to eat up her TM2 money. Unless she manages to save some of that money and reel in some more based on what little name recognition she has, she won't be able to maintain that lifestyle after the show ends and the money stops flowing. I think that's what people mean when they say she lives beyond her means.


Kail is comes off as pretty shallow with her need to show off her new found "wealth". I'm sure she likes sticking it to others-Jo and his family, her mother, etc.-that she made it and doesn't need anyone now. He children would benefit more if Kail would grow up a little more and stop with the bitterness and entitlement.

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Right, there's nothing wrong with thinking, my kids are never going to know what it's like growing up living in squalor and not knowing where their next meal is coming from. It's another thing entirely to buy a new car every time an oil change is due on the old one just because you can. From what I can tell, Kail is being irresponsible with her finances just because she can right now.

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Kailyn is insecure and is using her perceived trappings of wealth to one up everyone.  She's trying to one up Vee, Jo, her mother, Jo's mother...the public at large.  Her fellow military spouses probably.  Is that why we don't see any military friends?  When my husband was a soldier we had tons of friends we'd met in the military.  We had bbq's, game nights, parties, etc.  We go to each other houses, our kids would play. We often had single soldiers over for a home cooked dinner.  Even now that my husband just retired, we still keep in touch with our military friends and we travel to visit each other.  It's unusual to me that a young and seemingly social couple like the Lowry-Marroquins have no military friendships that we see on the show.

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...I think that's what people mean when they say she lives beyond her means...

Oh I don't think living beyond your means is a good thing but I'm not convinced that she is.


I guess I just see it differently. To me she is using her time now to study, to ensure that when the money from teen mom (so weird, because I'm Australian I write mum and have to correct it, ha ha) ends there are two incomes coming in. There's a lot we don't know about their expenses (how much the private school costs, for example) and their decisions (maybe Isaac has learning difficulties, or needs extra support in some way, hence the private school, for example) and I just really don't think we can judge based on what we see on the show necessarily.


Honestly a lot of insecure people overcompensate to protect themselves emotionally.


@zenme It is entirely possible that they are sociable with other military families but they are unable to be filmed for the same reasons that we never see Javi in military garb.

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@zenme It is entirely possible that they are sociable with other military families but they are unable to be filmed for the same reasons that we never see Javi in military garb.


It's not that they are unable to be filmed in military garb, it's that Javi claims he's trying to keep Mtv and Air Force life separate. Oh, and he also claims his being in the Air Force is no one's business--but yet, he's on the show.  He doesn't have to be, by the way, but I guess if he wants to collect his check he will.  I just think Kail and Javi think their shit don't stink.  Hence, no new friends.

Edited by zenme
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I don't see what is wrong with living your life beyond your upbringing. If you can do it, all the more power to you! This kind of comment (and others like it) seem a bit like we are dealing with tall poppy syndrome.

I think everyone should aspire to live (positively) beyond their upbringing in some way or another.

I have no issue with someone trying to aspire to live beyond their upbringing and strive for better things. I've done so myself. I guess the issue I have is Kail's attitude or air of superiority about it. It seems like she's all about her designer handbags and fancy cars. Making snide remarks about Jo's fixer upper really rubbed me the wrong way. She needs to remember that the only reason she has any of these material possessions is because she got knocked up at 17. Otherwise, she'd still be living in Jo's parents' basement.

  • Love 7

Kail to me is a mix of smart and stupid. For example, I think it was smart of her to finish her dental assistant program and continue on to a four year degree while she has the safety net of MTV money. It was also a good decision for Javi to enter the military so he could gain work experience and skills. However, they do a lot of dumb shit as well. A Mercedes is completely unnecessary, as is a ginormous Suburban. Ditto for buying a new house when your original home is perfectly fine and suits your needs. Name recognition is fleeting, there's going to come a point where these girls will have to live in the real world, and blowing money on frivolous shit is a tough habit to break.

  • Love 9

I have to give Kail credit for one think, she does have some hustle in her. She is one of the only teen moms, after Farah, who is using the fleeting reality show fame to reel in some side cash. I doubt it will extend past TM2 end date but she might actually (gasp!) have a college education by then. Which is more then can be said of Leah,Jenelle,Amber or Caitlyn.

  • Love 3

Oh I don't think living beyond your means is a good thing but I'm not convinced that she is.


I guess I just see it differently. To me she is using her time now to study, to ensure that when the money from teen mom (so weird, because I'm Australian I write mum and have to correct it, ha ha) ends there are two incomes coming in. There's a lot we don't know about their expenses (how much the private school costs, for example) and their decisions (maybe Isaac has learning difficulties, or needs extra support in some way, hence the private school, for example) and I just really don't think we can judge based on what we see on the show necessarily.


Honestly a lot of insecure people overcompensate to protect themselves emotionally.


@zenme It is entirely possible that they are sociable with other military families but they are unable to be filmed for the same reasons that we never see Javi in military garb.

Javi put out there on Twitter that it is "none of our fucking business" to know about his military life. That is why he doesn't discuss it or allow MTV to show us anything. Yeah, but he had no problem showing us as Kail talked him into signing into the air force, showing him at the recruitment office, watching the tears flow (Kail didn't cry) as he was sent off for boot camp, all that talk about military housing and how moving around meant Jo would have to deal with Isaac living elsewhere so he needed to get used to it, and all that other bullshit that Javi didn't mind sharing with the viewers. Suddenly, it is none of our business? Fuck him.


rainsunmoonshine I agree that we don't know Kail's finances per se, but we do see how she is spending her money, and we do know that a lot of what she purchases seem unreasonable such as buying those gas guzzlers. Then, there is the issue with her having IRS problems. Kail couldn't foresee that she had to pay a huge tax sum on the earnings she made from this show. She couldn't foresee that her having a second baby would be an issue, per her own words. She couldn't foresee that getting married when she did was something she would end up regretting. I will take a stab at it and assume she is  still in that same kind of pattern of just doing what she wants and not foreseeing what her choices will bring her in the end, including spending money the way she does.

Edited by GreatKazu
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This is why you don't give kids huge sums of cash all at once

I know it has been posted many, many times, but it can't be pointed out enough. Since having babies is the key reason for this show ever existing, MTV should have put all monies in a trust fund for the kids. If these parents balk at that idea, then we know what their priorities are.

  • Love 7

I know it has been posted many, many times, but it can't be pointed out enough. Since having babies is the key reason for this show ever existing, MTV should have put all monies in a trust fund for the kids. If these parents balk at that idea, then we know what their priorities are.

Exactly. Let them struggle like a regular teen mom. Their famous for their babies. Therefore the babies should get paid not the moms
  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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