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S25.E01: Tunnel Blind

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The description of this season premiere sounds better than the description of the Mothership’s season premiere to be honest. 

I’m glad SVU is getting started with a missing kid case instead of a he said/she said rich people rape case. Hopefully the soapy stuff will be minimal, I wonder how they’ll work Rollins’ in. 

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43 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

And the show brings “Liv taking it personally” to a whole new low.

I got a feeling this search for Maddie will probably take all season and we will see Benson taking on the perp, George and rescuing the girl.

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I am SO BORED thanks to the blizzards and the strike that I binged SVU this week and got caught up so I watched the premiere and really? Now St. Olivia has the power to run across a kidnapping while the victim is in the perp's getaway van?

I miss the days of Cragen handling all the red tape off-camera so we could just see the detectives and ADAs getting the work done. The sooner the Chief gets caught with some trafficked sex workers, the better (obviously not anything I'd say in real life).

And I see we're back to "We can't afford to put everyone on camera in every episode, so the new girls have to sit out while we try out this other SVU officer, and give Olivia her dramatic voiceover narrations."

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Well this was pretty boring for some reason. I’m so sick of the “St Olivia takes it personally” cases, and apparently this one is going to last for a while.

For some reason the episode seemed to drag on and on and lacked intensity despite a being missing kid case. It was nice to see a lot of investigative work by Fin, Bruno and Velasco, I like those characters and it’s nice to see the whole squad do detective work, so that was good. But Benson’s constant over dramatic faces and taking it personally dragged it down, and something just felt missing from this episode. The idea about the life like dolls was interesting but it wasn’t explored enough.

Carisi was basically useless and didn’t have much of a role, and they wasted Rollins’ appearance, she didn’t really add anything other than to show that her baby had been born.

This wasn’t terrible, and I did like the detective work, but I prefer seeing cases wrapped up in a single hour and I hope they don’t start with more ongoing stories. 

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Olivia is one of those people who make absolutely everything about her. The overemoting is so boring and aggravating. If that's acting, anyone can do that. They keep giving her Emmys for this crap. Add in the mom's overemoting and it was ridiculous. I kept waiting for the mom to have more to do with this kidnapping since she is seriously overcontrolling a fifteen year old teen and was freaking out when the girl was not with either parent for five minutes. If she were six I could believe it. At fifteen I think it was bizarre.  I was willing to believe the girl actually ran away with a boyfriend mom knew nothing about since mom was such an anxious basket case well before the girl went missing. The mom acted like she was the one who had kidnapped the girl when she was younger and was afraid to leave her alone for a minute in case she got away.

The plot was too big for one episode but I am not looking forward to more Olivia and this case this season (if that's what they are doing, which it seems clear they are). 

I wouldn't care so much about any of this if the show didn't have such promise and the cases didn't seem so interesting, just to actually watch this and see what Hargitay and company do to ruin them entirely. It's so frustrating. Fin is literally the only thing that draws me in at this point. I hope for Fin.

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The Good:

I liked the little tribute to Munch in the opener. It was a rare moment of restraint and I am glad that they let Fin be the one to bring it up.
The squad except for Benson. Everyone else got some quality material and contributed to the investigation.
They found an interesting twist for the COTW - it takes some doing to find an angle that brings any sense of something different, and it's a shame they wasted it on this soapy sop to Mariska's ego.
The out of town detective. I liked the character and the actress. It's a shame that said ego won't let any new younger actresses get any sort of focus for more than a few scenes. It was played like she is a potential new addition, but I hope it doesn't happen. I would rather they stick with the current rotating recurring characters and maybe bring in some non-Rollins specialists more often.

The Bad:

Benson. The overwhelming mediocrity of this episode starts and ends with her. Literally. We get. She Takes!It!Personally! and the weight of the world is on her shoulders. Every cop wants to be her and every man wants her. Did the writers really think that we forgot all of this during the strike? Or that the problem with the show was too MUCH subtlety?
Rollins. Speaking of forgetting did they forget that we have spent years watching Rollins and know that she really doesn't have any special insight to offer Benson here. Of course based upon the Jack The Ripper lecture they also seem to have distressingly little knowledge of forensic psychology and current theories and research for people who do what they do for a living. I mean this is something that in the old days they would have knocked out of the park with Huang.
Carisi. Not any fault of him or PS. Just that they never bothered to come with anything for him to do other than be Rollins' husband and sit there looking appropriately happy, stern, concerned, etc.
Benson again.  A separate and special entry for the narration. What made them think we needed Benson as the voice of God? And they couldn't even be bothered to come up with a decent framing device? A shrink. Or at the end show her at Munch's grave telling him the story?

Overall this was a resounding thud of an opener. Not a complete train wreck, but yet another example of a good idea for a case done badly. Hopefully this is not actually an agenda setting season premiere, but a (somewhat) shiny object designed to distract Mariska and get her stans back watching and posting online (on other platforms of course. Not talking about the discerning, intelligent, and good looking fans here who are much to sharp to fall for such a thing!) while they try to build upon having developed a workable creative model for the new budgetary reality and maybe actually develop some momentum. I worry that after Chernuchin and Leight 2.0 that they have given up on the idea of adult supervision for Mariska and we are sliding back towards the nadir of Season 18.

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Tanya gets overdosed with fentanyl, stuffed into a plastic bag and dropped underwater.

Luckily she was found by Saint Oliska so all of that had no affect on her. Flashback to Maria from "911". I thought Tanya might cough and look up adoringly and say, "Oleeeeeevia?" 





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I realized I spaced off during the credits and just skimmed through them on Peacock. Why is it just the Patron St. of Special Victims, Fin, Carisi and Velasco? Mariska turns 60 on Tuesday. Are her ego and paycheck so big that she needs to be the only female on the show?

And to make this about the episode specifically, are we doomed to a whole season of Maddie's mom marching in from offscreen, screaming "WHY HAVEN'T YOU FOUND MY DAUGHTER???!!!" with a rain cloud over her, like Daffy Duck?

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40 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

They need to hire M&A to find Maddie. 😆

Carisi's cousin is a douchebag.

Bad dye-job on Fin's goatee and 'stache.

Munch. 😔

Maddie is a white girl. The point of M&A is finding victims that nobody misses.

Although Zeke would have had traffic camera footage of the abduction. It's nonsensical how on OG literally every square foot of the city is on camera to the point where they have a detective whose sole purpose is seemingly pulling up video of the crime. With SVU this never happens. 


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32 minutes ago, cfinboston said:

It's nonsensical how on OG literally every square foot of the city is on camera to the point where they have a detective whose sole purpose is seemingly pulling up video of the crime. With SVU this never happens. 

Apparently every perv in NYC knows exactly how to angle their head and how big of a baseball cap to wear, where every blind spot is in a store and how long every broken camera has been off a network in the city. 

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It's like I finally let go of my inexplicable aggression about Rollins's absolutely ludicrous send-off story, and then they bring her back "in action" just to annoy me more. Once again, has zero credentials to do anything but at best give a guest lecture or two in a criminology course, and yet she's a full professor at an extremely competitive university. Teaching a social science! How would she respond to peer review? Does she even know APA? What kind of assignments is she giving those poor students? And now Olivia actually comes to consult her as some Yoda-esque criminal expert/sage, something that never actually happened while she was a detective? (At the very least they could've had her teaching criminal justice, which would actually track. Criminology does not.)

On 1/18/2024 at 10:03 PM, dttruman said:

I got a feeling this search for Maddie will probably take all season and we will see Benson taking on the perp, George and rescuing the girl.

This is what bugged me the most -- seems that they're doing it again, going with a season-long arc that we're repeatedly forced to check in on and then probably endure two-episode/three-episode arcs at the end of the season. Literally the opposite of SVU's appeal, which is that it isn't serialized.

On 1/19/2024 at 2:17 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Olivia is one of those people who make absolutely everything about her. The overemoting is so boring and aggravating. If that's acting, anyone can do that. They keep giving her Emmys for this crap.

In fairness, she only got one Emmy 18 years ago when both the show and the TV landscape were very different. This is not respected as a quality show in the field, just workhorse commerce at this stage. Points for endurance and longevity and giving east coast actors and TV directors a place to work when they need it.

Such awkward writing in this episode. Detectives would really just sit there speechless if a mother is demanding that they tell her what they're doing that she couldn't do? Name something! And then at the end? Tell her obviously that finding this other girl is good news for the search for Maddie because now they have information and a witness!

Oh and the NJ Olivia counterpart had Olivia's exact hairdo, which gave me a chuckle. Subtle! 

Edited by gesundheit
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1 hour ago, cfinboston said:

It's nonsensical how on OG literally every square foot of the city is on camera to the point where they have a detective whose sole purpose is seemingly pulling up video of the crime. With SVU this never happens. 

Somebody call Yee!

So is Muncy getting replaced?

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They really got me there, thinking we were going to get an exciting "rescue a missing child" story to kick the season off instead of yet another dull he said/she said story, when really it was a stupid cliffhanger and an excuse to worship Saint Olivia. Why should this be an overarching story? How is this interesting enough to be a multi-episode story? I know that this exists to show how Olivia Cares So Much about victims, but come on. 

Someone needs to acknowledge that Benson taking every single case so personally is unprofessional and unhealthy. Its great when cops care about victims and solving cases, but Olivia takes it way too far, in a selfish way where it feels like she sees everything as revolving around her and not anyone actually involved in the case. Everything awful that happens to everyone just exists to be a part of her struggle and her victory.

The show made such a big damn deal about Rollins leaving, why do we keep having to see her? Especially as some sort of sage brilliant veteran detective, which she was certainly never treated as when she worked at SVU about a month ago. It also continues the trend of poor Carisi being demoted to just being Rollins love interest who's job is to be concerned about her. 

Who was giving direction to the lady playing the mom? She was so over the top, straight out of some terrible lifetime movie, and the detectives all just starring was ridiculous. They've never had a freaked out relative yell at them to get working? I can think of plenty of times that has happened on this very show! Calm down lady, your daughter is a pretty young women, of course Olivia cares very deeply and is on it.

There was at least some decent police work in there and I liked the guest detective. It really wasn't an awful episode, it was just boring, especially for a season opener. 

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Did I miss the show figuring out how Maddie became a sex doll complete with bracelet or is that still up in the air?  Between St. Olivia pontificating and the victim's mom over-emoting and the shoehorning in of Rollins to set up the most basic next step in the investigation (seriously St. Olivia needs to see Rollins in order to figure out the next step is getting the list of buyers of said sex doll) I did tune out for a bit.

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What the hell, a "special victim" is put front a center at a midnight press conference in a perp walk like sequence of events. And Maddie's mom just happens to be there to ruin things. Someone on the PD teaching the brass a lesson perhaps.

When Captain Benson let the sad sack waddle away for our comic relief moment I couldn't help but remember The Closer on one of their more memorable episodes when Chief Johnson and Sergeant Gabriel had a similar situation go bad on them

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

(seriously St. Olivia needs to see Rollins in order to figure out the next step is getting the list of buyers of said sex doll) 

Ah, one of the nation's pre-eminent minds in criminology! Truly an expert at work

Edited by gesundheit
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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Did I miss the show figuring out how Maddie became a sex doll complete with bracelet or is that still up in the air?

We're just "hand waving" it away. Apparently, the mom did post such a picture (of Maddie, dressed like that, wearing the bracelet, at her birthday party) but swears to God absolutely no one could see the picture, so we actually don't know how the dollmaker got the picture in order to make the doll (and apparently SVU doesn't care).

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2 minutes ago, illdoc said:

We're just "hand waving" it away. Apparently, the mom did post such a picture (of Maddie, dressed like that, wearing the bracelet, at her birthday party) but swears to God absolutely no one could see the picture, so we actually don't know how the dollmaker got the picture in order to make the doll (and apparently SVU doesn't care).

Of all the pictures in the world somewhere someone chooses one of the  very few of mine to be the model for a sex toy.

I guess that is as unlikely to happen as the kid who couldn't make his high school team becoming Michael Jordan 

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Glad I’m not the only one who thought the mother was a bit much. I mean, yeah, of course she’d be frantic, but crashing the press conference and making a scene does not help. It was such a transparent writer trope to add to Liv’s taking-it-personally-guilt. And blaming her poor husband when it wasn’t his fault at all—I hate that trope. 

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Glad I’m not the only one who thought the mother was a bit much. I mean, yeah, of course she’d be frantic, but crashing the press conference and making a scene does not help. It was such a transparent writer trope to add to Liv’s taking-it-personally-guilt. And blaming her poor husband when it wasn’t his fault at all—I hate that trope. 

I did like how the mom was all, "NO, you can't know how I'm feeling, my DAUGHTER IS MISSING," and Olivia gave this look like she was about to argue with her because she felt guilty for not pulling over the getaway van, like that was on par with how the mother must be feeling or something. Because Olivia's pain trumps all. (Sidenote, I do sometimes want Fin to smack parents around when they're all "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO FIX THIS?" Lady, you're the one who lost your kid. They JUST got the case.)

When Olivia just randomly adopts detectives in the streets, like last night's SVU rando, and Kat, does anyone else wonder what their captains are thinking about it? 

And I get that cops are under a different microscope nowadays, but I don't remember 1PP wanting to hold a press conference for everything back in the early days of the show.

Edited by jmonique
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A lot of little things about this episode bothered me. Basically contrivances to move the plot forward. I thought it was odd that they put up crime scene tape and put out an amber alert for a teen that was missing for such a short time. I don’t think that would have happened in real life. The man bringing in the doll saying he “found the girl” made no sense, except to psych us out. Then there was the other psych out with the girl in the bag in the tub. Why was her head above water? And did Olivia really take a bracelet off of one of the dolls? Wouldn’t that be considered evidence? I wonder if she’ll be wearing it next episode. Or all season for that matter.

Also, like others have said, I thought it was dumb that Olivia had to visit Rollins, who is all of a sudden an expert on criminology, in order to get the advice to check the people who had purchased the dolls because maybe their urges were escalating. Duh. 

Oh, I also LoL’d at the mom saying they moved to NYC because they thought it would be safer.

Overall an interesting premise, just poorly executed with some bad writing.


Edited by pezgirl7
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Moving to New York City to get away from crime! LOL. God McGrath is such a prick, making people stand out in the rain so he can do some pr stunt. Hmm, so baby #3 for Rollins was a boy. So I wonder how long this Maddie storyline will go on. I wonder how big of a sex ring this will go to. I am betting on another one with high ups and both witnesses, cops, and lower perps targeted again. I missed the Munch mention by Fin, what did he say?

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39 minutes ago, jmonique said:

And I get that cops are under a different microscope nowadays, but I don't remember 1PP wanting to hold a press conference for everything back in the early days of the show.

Captain Cragen wasn't making some late career charge up the ranks like Captain Benson is.

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3 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

Oh, I also LoL’d at the mom saying they moved to NYC because they thought it would be safer.

Overall an interesting premise, just poorly executed with some bad writing.

If that was the premise, then the writer's should have moved them from Chicago instead of San Francisco.

also, when does it warrant a Captain and a Chief to be present in a possible kidnapping/Amber Alert situation?

Edited by preeya
2nd thoughts
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34 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

Oh, I also LoL’d at the mom saying they moved to NYC because they thought it would be safer.

I've long said this show must be a real thorn in the side of the Chamber of Commerce, considering they love few things more than having folks either new to town or even just on a vacation in town being the victim of a brutal crime immediately. (In fact, the only people getting attacked more than newcomers or tourists are college students or nannies from far away)

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On 1/19/2024 at 9:04 AM, cfinboston said:

Although Zeke would have had traffic camera footage of the abduction. It's nonsensical how on OG literally every square foot of the city is on camera to the point where they have a detective whose sole purpose is seemingly pulling up video of the crime. With SVU this never happens.


On 1/19/2024 at 9:38 AM, jmonique said:

Apparently every perv in NYC knows exactly how to angle their head and how big of a baseball cap to wear, where every blind spot is in a store and how long every broken camera has been off a network in the city. 

The mothership actually cares about reflecting reality to some degree and it is true that especially in urban areas CCTV is a huge part of investigations even compared to a decade ago as cameras have improved and storage has gotten cheaper and easier. Also the mothership uses it as a tool to save money on extras and location shooting - what the first run had discovered through canvassing is now found by reviewing the footage. On this series it's not a worry as they have filled the time that would have been spent on canvassing scenes with Benson monologues and have replaced the step by step investigations with her genius and magic whispering just uncovering the truth without any boring plot mechanics required.



22 hours ago, illdoc said:

We're just "hand waving" it away. Apparently, the mom did post such a picture (of Maddie, dressed like that, wearing the bracelet, at her birthday party) but swears to God absolutely no one could see the picture, so we actually don't know how the dollmaker got the picture in order to make the doll (and apparently SVU doesn't care).

Again actually addressing it (even if is just a conversation about how everyone on her friends list and the parents of guests is squeaky clean and didn't have any file sharing malware that they could find) would take away time from showing us how much Benson cares about the victims. It's the kind of thing the show used to care about when it was about elite detectives investigating sexually based offenses instead of Benson's personal experiences.

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5 minutes ago, cfinboston said:

The show is definitely "Law & Order: Olivia Benson" 

In a few years maybe Blue Bloods can shift networks for the new commissioner.

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19 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

A lot of little things about this episode bothered me. Basically contrivances to move the plot forward. I thought it was odd that they put up crime scene tape and put out an amber alert for a teen that was missing for such a short time. I don’t think that would have happened in real life. The man bringing in the doll saying he “found the girl” made no sense, except to psych us out. Then there was the other psych out with the girl in the bag in the tub. Why was her head above water? And did Olivia really take a bracelet off of one of the dolls? Wouldn’t that be considered evidence? I wonder if she’ll be wearing it next episode. Or all season for that matter.

Also, like others have said, I thought it was dumb that Olivia had to visit Rollins, who is all of a sudden an expert on criminology, in order to get the advice to check the people who had purchased the dolls because maybe their urges were escalating. Duh. 

Oh, I also LoL’d at the mom saying they moved to NYC because they thought it would be safer.

Overall an interesting premise, just poorly executed with some bad writing.


All of these things bothered me, too! And I also laughed at the "We moved to NYC because we thought it was safer."

It felt like it went on forever, to the point that I checked the DVR to see if it was actually a 2-hour ep or something. I was sort of expecting a "to be continued," but I guess they don't do that anymore. I imagine it will come up later in the season. Though I really hope the Olivia voiceovers don't become a thing. And that she isn't expressing angst about Maddie every episode.

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19 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

A lot of little things about this episode bothered me. Basically contrivances to move the plot forward. I thought it was odd that they put up crime scene tape and put out an amber alert for a teen that was missing for such a short time. I don’t think that would have happened in real life.

I am more of a The Closer/Major Crimes guy on these types of discussions and over in LA they would jump that quick on a "critical missing"

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6 minutes ago, MarylandGirl said:

All of these things bothered me, too! And I also laughed at the "We moved to NYC because we thought it was safer."

It felt like it went on forever, to the point that I checked the DVR to see if it was actually a 2-hour ep or something. I was sort of expecting a "to be continued," but I guess they don't do that anymore. I imagine it will come up later in the season. Though I really hope the Olivia voiceovers don't become a thing. And that she isn't expressing angst about Maddie every episode.

Agree that the episode seemed to go on forever, it was very boring for the most part, which is unusual for a missing person’s case to be that slow and boring, usually those episodes are better and it’s the he said/she said cases that are slow and boring. But this one seemed to take forever with nothing happening, just a lot of Benson looking burdened and taking it personally complete with MH’s awful overacting. 
It was also disappointing how Carisi had nothing to do, and how they wasted Rollins appearance, I thought Rollins would join in doing some of the detective work given that it was an emergency missing person’s case, but her scenes added nothing and it’s pretty ridiculous how they want to make Rollins out to be some kind of psych expert the way Huang was. I can buy Rollins as a teacher of criminal justice, but not as some expert on psychology. 
I forgot to mention I did like the little tribute to Munch at the start, it was a subtle but nice way of paying tribute to a beloved character, nice to know he hasn’t been forgotten.

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I thought there was some discussion about the photo and Olivia saying that nothing is private on the Internet. It sounded (from the little I paid attention) like they were asking for the mom’s account info so they could determine who had access. 

like others, I was bored to tears by this episode and Olivia’s narration. And I too checked my recording to see if it was a 2-hour episode. There’s no doubt this will either be a recurring case or at least pop up later in the season. 

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3 hours ago, Raja said:

I am more of a The Closer/Major Crimes guy on these types of discussions and over in LA they would jump that quick on a "critical missing"

Would she have been considered critically missing though? They hadn't even checked the security tape yet. My local news station did a story recently about some people who wanted to change the Amber alert criteria because it's so difficult to meet. In the past 10 years, only 57 Amber alerts in my state have been issued despite thousands of children going missing every year. Most are runaways and are found. A child must be confirmed to be abducted and in danger before an alert can be issued, so I don't think that part of the script was accurate. You'd think the show would have at least one or two law enforcement professionals to fact-check the script.

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21 minutes ago, Xantar said:

Where is Rollins teaching? Is it Hudson? Their President was just murdered, you know. 

I think she’s teaching at Fordham. But it would be hilarious if it was good ole Hudson U - the rape, murder and chaos capital of America!

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On 1/19/2024 at 5:12 PM, jmonique said:

I did like how the mom was all, "NO, you can't know how I'm feeling, my DAUGHTER IS MISSING," and Olivia gave this look like she was about to argue with her because she felt guilty for not pulling over the getaway van, like that was on par with how the mother must be feeling or something.

My thought was, of course, Olivia knows exactly how you feel. It's not been that long since Noah was missing, but how quickly they forget.

As to Rollins, I think the show has done a decent job over the years showing she has an affinity or an innate understanding of this kind of criminal, so I could believe her leaving SVU to go to school as a student, but as a professor? That is to laugh.

On 1/19/2024 at 5:30 PM, pezgirl7 said:

I wonder if she’ll be wearing it next episode. Or all season for that matter.

If I were a gambler, I would bet money on her doing that till Maddie is found. This could be a great set-up for Benson coming to some realizations about her failings, that she's not perfect, she can't solve every case, etc. etc., her Adena Watson, if you will, but, no, they won't go that route. This ain't Homicide, after all. It'll be all about her guilt and her struggle to find Maddie, not about Maddie or her parents, and her no doubt heroics when she does find her. I just hope it won't happen on a crossover with OC, because even Carisi won't get me to watch that one. Sorry, NBC.

Edited by Fellaway
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I'm hoping it's revealed that the kidnapper "George" is actually William Lewis, who's secretly working in Rob Miller's sex doll factory.

The cliffhanger certainly leaves the door open for an OC crossover, with Stabler going undercover as a doll purchaser and Bell looking chronically constipated.

And the voiceover narration was brutal.

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Episode started off decently and then turned pretty silly midway through - and had no ending. The guest actors were weak, and Noah can't act. I've never found Mariska to be a great actress - competent or above average in better seasons. She would have been better off as a comedy actress.

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3 hours ago, Fellaway said:

As to Rollins, I think the show has done a decent job over the years showing she has an affinity or an innate understanding of this kind of criminal, so I could believe her leaving SVU to go to school as a student, but as a professor? That is to laugh.


Exactly -- she could've gotten a great offer for a full ride + stipend doing criminology graduate study somewhere she had a teaching assistantship covering some criminal justice courses. Easy. But nope, instead we get miracle unsolicited job offer falling from the sky.

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14 hours ago, Xantar said:

Where is Rollins teaching? Is it Hudson? Their President was just murdered, you know. 

Yes they said Fordham previously. I am surprised their lawyers allowed it, because Fordham is a solid school and having Rollins teach there could be construed as defamatory towards their academic hiring standards...

14 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I think she’s teaching at Fordham. But it would be hilarious if it was good ole Hudson U - the rape, murder and chaos capital of America!

Hudson wouldn't have her. They may hire rapists, murderers, ethically challenged researchers, corporate cronies, and criminals and accomplices of all kinds, but they do require you to be an academically qualified monster unless you have an obscene amount of money. They might (just might) accept Rollins into their MA program or let her be a guest speaker, but they would never ever hire her as faculty. People put up with all of the crime because you are learning from the best minds in the world, not someone who wasn't even the best profiler on a 4 person squad...

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Doesn’t a professorship require at least a Masters degree, if not a full PhD? When exactly did Rollins achieve either of these distinctions? Or is she just teaching without the title and the squad is affectionately calling her ‘professor?’

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On 1/19/2024 at 2:17 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Olivia is one of those people who make absolutely everything about her.

I did roll my eyes at her comment about how she should have known something was up because teenage girls don't usually sit in the front seat of a delivery van.  How Olivia came up with that is beyond me, and it seems like a rather ridiculous standard to presume someone has been kidnapped. 


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1 minute ago, mommalib said:

Olivia acting like she tough with Fin really irked me. I wished he had cussed her out. They've really toned Fin down unfortunately. 

St Olivia did seem to be quite abrasive with Fin when he was concerned about her, it was slightly odd given how they’ve had such a stable, long friendship. Of course no one is allowed to question the almighty St Olivia now, everyone just bows to her.   
Fin is all too often reduced to just being Benson’s support or having a couple of wisecracks and that’s it, it’s a shame because he has a lot to offer. It’s always nice when he gets time in the spotlight - I did feel like they utilized him better in the second half of last season than they had in a while, Dutch Tears was an excellent episode for him and he had some other strong moments as well - I want more of Fin and Bruno working together, they have great chemistry - I wish they would go ahead and bump Bruno up to opening credits - best new SVU character since Carisi. 

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