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S16.E32: Live Eviction #12 & #13 / HoH Comp #13

Tara Ariano

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I didn't mind the booing of Christine. That sure would be embarrassing though. 

Dino Cody was funny when he fell on the couch.

Frankie and those damn blue shorts looked horrible. I HATE the way he dresses. The shirt was fine, but why did we have to see the outline of his junkage in the shorts. Yuck. And all his spinning and gushing over Julie. Gag. 

Derrick looked so much better without the facial hair!

I think team america should be finished since Donny is gone. 

  • Love 4


I agree that Caleb is totally hitting that button!


Caleb with that button is going to be like me, when I remember late at night after I've gone to bed that I still have two cookies from the batch I made a couple of days ago.  I promise myself that I'm not going to eat them until dinner tomorrow, then I can think of nothing else until I end up getting out of bed and eating the damn cookies.


That button?  It will be pushed.

  • Love 10

I don't feel sorry for Christine at all. She's spent pretty much the entire season carrying the guys' water, stabbing all the other women in the back, being needlessly nasty in her goodbye messages, and disrespecting her husband and marriage on national TV for weeks on end. And for what? Did she really believe the guys were going step aside and let her skate to the final F2? Did she think her ugly behavior was going to win her America's Favorite? Bish plz. Then on top of it all she had to be a bad sport and go running out of the house like the guys had all just whipped 'em out and taken a collective wiz on her. Have fun in the jury house trying to reconstruct your dignity, Chrissy. Good riddance, finally.

  • Love 12

I don't see why cheering is okay, expected and practically required, but booing is not.   It's two sides of the same coin.  Big Brother is a show that boils down to a pretty basic villains and good guys format, and each viewer gets to decide which player they think falls into which category.  Why watch the show at all if you don't take it seriously enough to care about who you do and don't like, especially if someone jumps hard on your last nerve, or really charms you with their good characteristics?  If I had no feelings whatsoever about who does what in the Big Brother house, then I wouldn't bother watching.  


People cheer and boo at sporting events, and I don't see anything wrong with that either, even though I don't care at all about sports.  These people aren't 6 year olds performing in a class play (I am VEHEMENTLY against heckling small children, for the record), they are adults who know how they have behaved while being on camera nonstop for weeks.  They should be prepared that not everyone who has watched is their fan.  They should expect there will be some people who are the opposite of fans, that's just logic.  Some people will have more fans than others, which is the same for anyone on television.  People who play mean characters on scripted shows get booed on the street sometimes.  If anyone goes into that house expecting to be handled only with kid gloves, given a bright yellow "PARTICIPANT" ribbon, and patted on the head on their way out no matter what they said and did in the house, they might not understand how these things work.


For me, it's just bad manners to heckle a 23 year old girl who is not a professional performer or athlete but a reality game show player (although I tend to view booing by an audience as rude in most cases - except maybe a questionable call by a referee and a drinking audience)   Especially, when her biggest crime seems to be playing touchy feel-y with a touchy-feel-y good looking guy - something that really only affects her and her husband.  I thought it was harsh and rude and like another poster mentioned upthread had shades of a Scarlet Letter in 2014. 


And I bet Cody doesn't get booed,  although maybe he should for his lousy wimpy boring games moves all season. The big talker that always, always, always wimped out and did Derrick's bidding.  That actually affected the game and  ruined my entertainment.  The constant touching?  Not so much. 


When I think of the arrogant, hateful, nasty, racist, houseguests last season [Aaryn in particular ] Christine's perceived 'transgressions' seem like molehills no, anthills, next to those mountains and really didn't warrant the reaction she got.    Obviously, mileage may vary on this.     

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

True, but again, a lot of people who dislike her may feel that way because of the awful things she said about Donny.  I just can't stand who she is as a person, in general, and her Codytouching was inappropriate, but by no means the only reason people may have booed her.  And she strikes me as the type who would boo the loudest if she were in the audience when someone she didn't like came through the door.  She's vicious and unnecessarily nasty. 


Of course, one thing that I need to remember here is that the people who watch these episodes don't all watch live feeds and BBAD, so maybe they don't realize how truly vile Christine has been.  I guess CBS has only really shown her Codytouching, and left out so much of her other gross behavior.  It's hard to keep straight what I've seen on the broadcast and what I've seen elsewhere, it all starts to blend after a while.

  • Love 8

Victoria's constant tugging on her too short, too tight dress was annoying the shit out of me.

Why do some women do that? If you're constantly pulling your dress down and hiking it up, maybe short, tight and strapless isn't the way to go.

Kelly Clarkson was the worst at that. Every single time I'd see her on TV she was yanking at her clothes.

I don't watch anymore. Too boring and predictable. I only watched tonight because I had read over at FORT about Christine getting booed and wanted to see that.

I wasn't really paying attention and completely missed the button everybody is talking about. Would somebody mind giving me a quick rundown on what the button is for?


Edited by Maharincess

Also sartorially speaking, I cannot articulate enough how much I hated that top Julie was wearing.


And, is it just me, or was she wearing panty hose with peep toe shoes????


As for the gross part? The boos were out of hand for Christine. I can't stand the woman, but it was a bit too much Hester Prynne for my liking. And as for the guy who kept shrieking "BOO!" after everyone else had mostly calmed down? Yeah, dude, that says much more about you than Christine to me. It's a reality game show, get a grip.


Yeah, that guy was really dedicated to sharing his "boos"


Having said that, I don't feel at all sorry for her, because while some of it certainly was motivated by her relationship with Cody, she also turned on her friends and ran back to tattle the minute any woman tried to start an alliance.  And then she was thrown under the bus by her "alliance"  She was nasty about Amber, and apparently thinks that Aaryn got a raw deal.  So, Christine can suck it.


However, I think that the boo's for Aaryn were too few, so I wish we could rewind the moment when Aaryn got ousted and put that "boo" guy in the audience.  Is there a golden button for that?

  • Love 9

Yes there are in theory many reasons to boo Christine, but the viewing audience has no idea about Christine's "Donny's a PERVERT" psychosis, or her general glee at making people suffer.  (Hell, they don't even know about her using her gluten issues to dodge have-not status while Brittany was practically chained to those ice blocks.) They've only seen her as an ally-betrayer, a constant cackler, and last week's LOOOONG "oh my god, you adulterous harlot, you!" sequence.  I'm 99% sure that 98% of the booing was because of the Cody-touching, and I'm 100% sure that Cody won't get a single boo.


As lids put it so very well:


I know that none of the guys are going to be booed when they get voted out. No! Cody's not gonna get booed and all his interviews are gonna be about how "cute" he is. He did the same thing Christine did! It's lame.


Yes, I know Christine is the one who's married, but it's not as if Cody doesn't know Christine has a a gay BFF, er, "husband" back home.  He's seen Tim's picture, seen Tim on videotape, and heard Tim's letter.  Did he stop?  No.  Will he get boos like Christine got, or even like the tepid mixed reactions Aaryn and Amanda got? No.


Because Cody has a Get Out of Jail Free card, ie, a penis.  Sexism, pure and simple.  And I say this as a man, and as someone who has loathed Christine from Week 1, for many reasons, even without having seen the feeds, or more than the first three weeks of After Dark.  I'm glad she cold-shouldered those assholes, just as Amber cold-shouldered Frankie's fake-ass hug attempt weeks ago.  (Of course the way Christine treated Amber is just another reason to feel this was karmic payback, and a reminder of how much I hate Christine.  But again, the audience sure wasn't booing the Filthy Whore over that.)


And I personally didn't care for Julie's "you were totally having a showmance, weren't you?" leering questions to Christine.  Pretty near over the line, IMO.


As for the actual episode, once again I turn to the sublime commentary of Buffy, Willow and Xander (from Prophecy Girl, S1E12):


"Wow, that was boring."

"I don't think 'boring' quite covers it."

"No, you're right.  'Boring' falls short."

"Even I was bored, and I'm a science, er, CBS reality nerd."


Once again, the HGs knew that the DE was coming, and "the house" went with "the plan", and everything went as smooth as silk.  Really boring silk.  And thus do DEs suck, now and forever, the occasional clown shoe or Dan not being able to find the votes to ditch Shane notwithstanding.  Only interesting part was Derrick backing into a HoH win, and pissing off the intern who set up all those "bleep" vids.


Well, of course, Frankie had the opportunity to pull the Diane.  (Take down a nominee with the Veto at F5 or F6, and use your two votes to evict the replacement, who is probably somebody the HoH doesn't want to lose.)  But naturally, Frankie "I'm as stupid as I look" Grande doesn't think to pull Christine down and use her vote to evict one of the guys who was planning his backdoor earlier in the week;  a few minutes of anger on Monday and by Thursday he's all preening and camera-whoring again. Thank God nobody leaked his nudes by mistake;  he'd probably think it was a compliment.


And fuck the "Team America" mission. I'm pretty sure that once you start voting each other out, you are no longer a "team" of any sort.  An "overwhelming…no" to giving these jerks any more $.  Holla.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 6

Christine getting 'booed':  Don't feel the least bit sorry for her.  First of all, as a 'superfan' (In name only...no superfan plays the game that badly!), she knows DAMNED well there are dozens of sites devoted to pouring over every live feed utterance, action, etc.  Zingbot?  He could have chosen a number of insults regarding her - yet he chose Christine/Cody Cuddlepalooza - which was some indication to her that 'Hey - I wonder if this behavior is out of hand?'  I watch Big Brother to see how people play the game - she played 'Watergirl' for the boys - and she KNEW it!  For someone who is so smart, it was astonishingly stupid how many dumb decisions she made - some even acknowledged - that helped anyone else's game over her own.  Her continued maligning of Donny was out of left field and unnecessary - as well as throwing the comp.  Let's not forget her anger at Julie for calling her out on it.  And, while it was early on in the season, her boasting about how she 'paid' for her tattoos didn't sit well with a lot of people.   Christine knowingly signed up to be on a show where she was being monitored all the damned time, and she chose to exhibit behaviors that were decidedly 'boo' worthy.  As many have said in this thread:  'You reap what you sow.'  I don't feel the least bit sorry for her.


I'm guessing the DE also prevented CBS from stacking the audience.  My guess is that the 'boo'ing' is attempted to be kept to a minimum by CBS because it can give the HG's some - albeit small - inkling of outside information.  Grodner is the only one allowed to tamper with the HG's - cues from the audience as to an HG's outside world perception might cause them to behave differently.  If production really cared how these people were portrayed, they'd keep a helluva lot more off the feeds.  And Bless Frankie's deluded little head - interpreting Christine's boo's as 'America' saying they did the right thing.  Uh...dude, think about how you were aligned with her.  BWAHAHAHAAAAAA. 

  • Love 11

Yes there are in theory many reasons to boo Christine, but the viewing audience has no idea about Christine's "Donny's a PERVERT" psychosis, or her general glee at making people suffer.  (Hell, they don't even know about her using her gluten issues to dodge have-not status while Brittany was practically chained to those ice blocks.) They've only seen her as an ally-betrayer, a constant cackler, and last week's LOOOONG "oh my god, you adulterous harlot, you!" sequence.  I'm 99% sure that 98% of the booing was because of the Cody-touching, and I'm 100% sure that Cody won't get a single boo.


As lids put it so very well:



Yes, I know Christine is the one who's married, but it's not as if Cody doesn't know Christine has a a gay BFF, er, "husband" back home.  He's seen Tim's picture, seen Tim on videotape, and heard Tim's letter.  Did he stop?  No.  Will he get boos like Christine got, or even like the tepid mixed reactions Aaryn and Amanda got? No.


Because Cody has a Get Out of Jail Free card, ie, a penis.  Sexism, pure and simple.  And I say this as a man, and as someone who has loathed Christine from Week 1, for many reasons, even without having seen the feeds, or more than the first three weeks of After Dark.  I'm glad she cold-shouldered those assholes, just as Amber cold-shouldered Frankie's fake-ass hug attempt weeks ago.  (Of course the way Christine treated Amber is just another reason to feel this was karmic payback, and a reminder of how much I hate Christine.  But again, the audience sure wasn't booing the Filthy Whore over that.)

Well, I think on the show she was seen sabotaging Donny in a pretty obvious way.  Donny is obviously a fan favorite, and so her glee at throwing the comp would be enough to make her unlikable.  Add that to the fact that she seemed to turn on her own friends, and she ruined any chance of giving the Detonators a real run for their money by basically ratting out any counter alliance to a group of people she thought were her allies and I think those are alternate reasons for the boos.


For my money, her cuddling with Cody was ridiculous and uncalled for, but her joy in bringing others down was more of a reason not to like her than whatever she was doing with Cody.  Amber trusted her and thought she would be a great ally to at least start to bring some of the boys down.  But of course Christine, who wanted to be the "last girl standing" would simply bring that information back to Derrick or Cody.


I think people like an underdog, and everytime an underdog would try to make a move Christine would be right there to ruin it or block it or tattle.


And it bit her in the ass, so whomp whomp on her.

  • Love 5

We can't know that all the people in the audience that booed haven't seen the feeds.  If they are real fans of the show, then they probably know a lot more than casual CBS-only viewers.  The one person I read about who was in the audience this season and gave a long rundown of the experience, including being asked not to boo, was a big fan who was very informed about everything that has gone on in the house.  And we will probably never know now if Cody would have been booed, because that shit is going to be on lockdown now (and even if he is booed, I will believe some of those people did it because he has been the wimpiest wimp ever throughout the season - who swore to Donny he wouldn't put him up for eviction and then did it anyway because of cowardice - and a huge part of why this year has been so frustratingly predictable and sucky).   Cody has at least had a few endearing moments, like punching himself in the face, and being a clumsy dinosaur, but I can't think of anything Christine has ever done that has been charming or redeeming. I have no reason to believe that Christine's hecklers only did so because of the Codytouching, because it's impossible for me to know that's the case.   Former HG's on previous seasons have fully cheated on their significant others as far back as Shannon very blatantly cheating on her boyfriend with Dr. Will, and not been disliked as much as Christine, if the boos are the gage we are using here.  Shannon was by far more disliked for cleaning the toilet with Hardy's toothbrush, and harassing Autumn about her weight because she knew that was her Achilles heel.  True, Christine is married, but she didn't even kiss Cody, so I really do think it's more than possible that there are myriad reasons why people in the audience booed besides just the touching.

  • Love 5

That's right!  I had forgotten Julie was on the list of people Christine kept saying she haaaaated.


In the big picture, a few boos from strangers in a tv audience is nothing compared to the absolute skewering she is getting online, from people who are using their words, and lots of them, to express their intense dislike for her.  And of course, there is dealing with Tim, her family and their church, which will at the very least be uncomfortable.  I look at the booing as the first step in transitioning Christine into what's waiting for her when she gets out.  I would rather hear some brief boos than read what people with time to really articulate their feelings, who are protected under cover of anonymity, have to say any day - and whatever is said on this site is comparatively mild.  I mean, people will say horrible, soul-jarring things in the comments on a video about kittens, just because they can, so Christine should definitely buckle up because the ride is only going to get bumpier.  No way is she going to be able to avoid seeing some of it, no one will be able to insulate her completely from the haters.

  • Love 6

Nicole admonishing everyone to stop playing "Big Baby" might have been more enjoyable if she hadn't spent the last week or so crying. But I get her - this season has been pretty lacking as far as big moves go. And at this point, you can't consider much that they do a "big move", because they kind of HAVE to. 


Has Chenbot finally given up on instructing the evicted houseguests where to put their bags? 


Well, Derrick won a comp at just the right time. And in the first round! I was baffled, because I guessed the same thing as Derrick and was thinking to myself, "they couldn't possibly ALL be wrong, could they?" But they were! I was kind of hoping Christine would win the Veto, though, because I'd rather see Frankie go home before her (and obviously there was no point in hoping Victoria would win it). He is just so grating. Yes, Christine did deserve to be boo'd with the way she disrespected her husband on national TV (and she can take a seat with her "you're hot" shout out to Tim - too little, too late), but Frankie enjoyed it just too much. "That shows we sent home the right person" - how? 


I think I would call this "The Season of Delusions". Frankie seems to be under the delusion that America chooses the winner of this game, not the jury. And he also seems to have this impression that America loves him.  Victoria has made it to the final five and seems to think that says something about HER game play, and not that of others. Caleb is operating under the impression that he runs the house and is still part of his alliance. Well, to be fair, they left him behind in name only. He's still been included in most conversations and others in the alliance have been considered for eviction before him. But he still thinks he's pulling all the strings, and can't see the way Derrick manipulates him. Christine was delusional in not seeing how she ruined her game by being the token girl in the boys club. Sure, she claims she knew what they were going to do weeks ago, but then why didn't she do anything about it? She had multiple chances to work with other players and turn the game around. But no, Christine deluded herself that she was special because all the "popular guys" liked her. She would rather hang with them, than defect to a bunch of outcasts and oddballs, who actually could have taken her further in the game. Delusional. 


But I did think she looked pretty last night - when she wasn't smiling or talking. Haha! But seriously, I'm a fan of tattoos, good ones, and Christine has nice ink. Her outfit was cute and flattering, and her hair looked nice. She often looks very witchy to me, but when she was just sitting there in silence, there were a few moments where I thought she looked quite nice. 

  • Love 5

I was thinking about her Julie hate and therefore didn't see anything wrong with Julie asking about her Cody attraction, besides, it;s not like Christine tried to hide it. They constantly told each other they love each other! Julie also asked Amber about Cody so I really don't think it was mean and it's something that has gotten a lot of attention, she has been asked in interviews about it.

  • Love 2

There is no good end to this season, and I hate them all passionately and equally. This rewind is yet another transparent fix by the show, so they can stack the challenges during the live rewind so it will go the way they want. There are many reasons I can't fathom anyone doing this show, but the obvious rigging and tilting of the game is the primary one. It's like a Carnival game scam-style show.

As a mostly show only watcher, I didn't think Christine earned the boos. I didn't see anything that reached Aaryn-levels, and I think I would be much more apt to boo, I don't know, ALL of the losers left than her.

After Andy, I thought this notoriously homophobic show (see badly-aging Jeff and his dimwit "legend" girlfriend's return) couldn't sink any lower, yet here we are with Frankie. Short of him pledging his allegiance to the Taliban, I'm not sure he could be any less awful on every level. Moral decay of society and most of what's wrong with America is right there.

Caleb is a pathological liar, "dadgum" wimp mode loser stalker PTSD, military honor-stealer. Chief Wiggum is an asshole (somebody staple his hands to the floor during his DRs, please!) who once again, after Survivor, shows the police in this nation are a real sad, compensating breed. Victoria and Cody are just shells of people.

I wish the other networks could find something to air in the summer so I didn't get sucked into this ugly mess year after year, but every year like clockwork I hit my limit, and I'm there. Done for this year. Have at it, housemonsters.

  • Love 2

I gotta say, even though the Derreck win is a likely lock?


I'm knda wanting to see Victoria win, since A) SHe's the least offensive player in the house (followed by Cody), and B) It would epitomize what made this season so shockingly entertainment-free.



Loved, loved, loved Cody tripping over hmself while playing "Dinousaur".

Edited by ShadowDenizen
  • Love 1

Everything Frankie does irritates me. 



I haven't watched this show ever until this season, stopped watching as soon as they started their Get Donny Out campaign and I won't watch again until I read here that Frankie was voted out. Then I will watch that episode over and over.

Either I just picked the wrong season to start watching or this show sucks big time.

I watch just about every reality show out there and I have never hated anyone on any show as much as I hate Frankie. And when the Queen of EgoTown finally gets gone and reads these boards (and you know he will) I'd love to see his annoying tantrum as to how he was edited to look bad.

No Frankie, you are that bad.

  • Love 3

Oh, and put me down to end Team America. These asshats don't deserve another dime, and I think the final Team America vote should be whether they can keep their money. Not that it matters. After that "vote Janelle, Boogie, Brit, Dan into the game" garbage, I know the choice has already been chosen.

Or maybe I'd like a Bachelor Pad finale where they can keep or split the money, and hopefully both leave with nothing due to one another's greed.

  • Love 2

I don't mind the booing of Christine. She said and did some pretty awful things, and I appreciate that the audience reacted to it. Whether it was cheating on her innocent little husband or being mean to Donny or betraying her friendship with Nicole or a combination of all of it, I don't care. The booing for Christine gives me hope that when Frankie is evicted, the boos will literally bring down the studio ceiling. Fingers crossed!


My memory is terrible, but I'm pretty sure that this is the first time that a comp has been done in just one round. Derrick really didn't want to be HoH, but luckily there were still two girls to put up so he didn't have to actually make a big game move.


At least now someone will HAVE to put up one of their own. Now that Christine is gone, one of the boys will HAVE to go up alongside Victoria. And I'm pretty sure that they'll go home, even though they'll likely be told that Vic is on her way out. They really do have to keep her around because she's such dead weight she's an easy person to win against in every comp. I can't remember anyone getting this far in this game just by virtue of being utterly useless.


And OF COURSE they're going to push that button. It's like the Pandora's Box. They ALWAYS go for it. And I fear that it'll look like Frankie is on the way out of the house and then it'll rewind and he'll suddenly become HoH and put up Derrick and Caleb. Ugh.


Remember how they used to inflict Jessie on the houseguests as a Pandora's Box punishment? I feel like they'll start using Frankie for that in the future...

  • Love 2

I forgot to add that the booing sort of reminded me of when the fans booed Jeri and Lex (I think they booed Lex but I know for a fact they booed Jeri) during the Survivor All-Stars reunion show.  I wonder if she was in shock from being voted out and that is why she did not really react to the booing.


OOH!  It even made Jeri run off stage.  That was so satisfying.


i thought she looked like a cartoon Disney Princess, which sadly is probably exactly the look she was going for tonight. 


I thought she looked especially funny last night.  I watch her in amazement -- she may be the simplest thing I've ever seen on television -- oh wait . . . well, I can't remember if I ever saw Teri Schiavo on television or not.  She looks like a troll doll with her hair brushed down.  That kind of crazy unfocused look in her eyes reminds me of Kathy Najimy.


BTW, loved the Hester Prynne reference . . . wonder if that's the first time she's made an appearance on these boards?


Either I just picked the wrong season to start watching or this show sucks big time.


You picked the wrong season (although last year was a trainwreck of entirely different proportions).  Most previous seasons can be found on the web; I would suggest starting with 11, 13, or 14, among the more recent years.  (10 and 12 have their flaws, IMO, although players from those seasons return in each of the ones I cited, so it's useful to see the first appearances of Jessie, Dan, Brendon & Rachel, and Britney, to better appreciate their game on returning.)


Or you can go old-school, and choose any season from S2-S7 (7 is an All-Star year).  S2 is a bit unformed, but it's the original Dr. Will year.  S4 is a little twist-happy (as is S5 in its own way, but they're okay) and I think S6 is static and boring (a pre-show twist meant that the HGs pretty much stuck to their "team" all year long), but I know that most disagree with me on that.  And I always defend S9 (the writers' strike-birthed winter season), even though they cast some truly trashy people (the post-show prison sentences would be a clue);  I think it's dramatic and works well.


Even S8, IMO the worst season other than these past two (and IMO, still clearly worse than this one) has a few good moments.  Said moments are mostly named "Jen", but still.


Hope you're back next year.  And hope the show is back on track…we're due!  (Also hope that Grodner gets fired, but we do that every year!)

  • Love 1

I was thinking about her Julie hate and therefore didn't see anything wrong with Julie asking about her Cody attraction, besides, it;s not like Christine tried to hide it. They constantly told each other they love each other! Julie also asked Amber about Cody so I really don't think it was mean and it's something that has gotten a lot of attention, she has been asked in interviews about it.

One of the problems with Julie's job is no-win positions such as these.

- If Julie asks, then she's rubbing salt in a just-evicted HG's newly flayed wounds for the purposes of good television. What a bitch!

- If Julie doesn't ask, then she's a soft-pitching Production pawn. What a tool!

That kind of crazy unfocused look in her eyes reminds me of Kathy Najimy.


Damned if I didn't say the exact same thing to my wife last night.

That facial expression was straight out of Hocus Pocus.

I kept waiting for Vic to say, "Winnieeeeee,...?"

  • Love 1

I think part of the Christine hate is just because viewers would've liked to see Nicole and Hayden in an alliance with some teeth (or anyone to threaten the Detonators), but Christine ditched them for the hot guys' alliance.


How did Christine pay for her tats?  


Hey, are they all non-smokers this year or have they just been more careful about not catching it on camera?  


Frankie never bothered me all that much until this ep.  The insane mugging for the Julie cameras.  Trying to suck up to "America", with his reaction to the Christine boos.  "I knew it was kisses!"  Ugh, painful.  I'm surprised Ariana hasn't hired a plane to fly "FRANKIE TONE IT DOWN!" over the yard.  

Christine was a Barista (Starbucks, I think?).

Apparently she occasionally traded "free" coffee for tattoo work.

Somehow, I don't think her employer was represented in this barter arrangement.


Ha ha!    I am not sure I would want a tattoo from anyone who considers coffee a fair trade.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

So, we can skip the next couple of episodes? Thanks for the break, BB! You know damn well someone is going to push that button because the nominees, in particular, have nothing to lose.


It's easy enough for Nicole to tell the majority alliance to start making "big moves" but the fact is, it doesn't benefit any of them to make those moves. The final 4/5 got to where they are by NOT making big moves. It may not be entertaining, but it worked for them.


However, Derrick can only play that "I'm doing what the house wants" card for so long. Because at this point, the "house" is him and three other guys. Trying to play it off like he just doesn't have the control is utter BS and anyone should be able to see that. Not that it matters anymore.


As annoying as I find Frankie (and believe me, I do), it amused me to see him win POV because Cody's hard-on for getting rid of him rubs me the wrong way too. Then again it's a toss up when Frankie starts spinning around like a demented five year old girl at her first ballet recital. But for what it's worth, he went back to check to see how far Christine had gotten in the POV puzzle (not his own).


I despise those stupid tweets they throw up on the screen through the whole show but it cracked me up they actually showed one that said "Ugh, Frankie is still listening to Derrick." Amen. They're all idiots. Not 20 minutes before, Derrick was telling everyone Frankie would go home if Christine won POV.


At first I thought the audience was booing because they were unhappy with this eviction because honestly, it was worse than either Aaryn or Amanda got last year, and they were far more heinous. But it occurs to me the show is desperate for a "villain" this year and may have prompted the audience to react that way. Who else do they have?


It's kind of like how they keep pushing and pushing this dumb Nicole and Hayden thing, like anyone gives a flying damn about their showmance. How was that even a relevant question on Julie's part at this stage? Hayden wasn't even in the house anymore. The show is just desperate for their showmances and villains, so they've got to use what little they have I guess.

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My evil heart would like to think that Julie Chen had some Machiavellian hand in Christine's boo-fest.


Two weeks ago Julie questioned Christine on the live show about her attempt and failure to throw the BotB comp with Donny. Christine was pissed about being called out on TV and in front of Donny. Later that night she scowled and hissed to Frankie and Cody, "Can we just acknowledge that Julie Chen called me out on national television for throwing a competition??? What the hell??? Seriously Julie, I HATE YOUR GUTS!" (Uhhh, she does know that Julie is married to the head of the network, right?)


The very next week on the live show there was an entire segment devoted to Christine's questionable situation with Cody, including less than positive reactions from her family. This week, as Christine walks onto the stage, she is met with a chorus of loud boos that I will forever believe were started by Julie's assistant and encouraged by stagehands located off-camera.


Christine, as a self-proclaimed super fan, should have known better than to cross the almighty Chenbot.

Edited by Snarkerdoodle
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I think it might have been a combination of both but I do think the way she talked about/treated Donny was a factor in the booing. 

I was shocked (shocked!) when Christine got booed.  As a person who reads a smattering of the live feeds and watches all the episodes, I didn't think she deserved the boos when compared to Aaryn of last season.  To put them side by side was harsh in my opinion.  That being said, I actually thought it was deserving because of what she did to Nicole.  The Donny thing, while terrible, wasn't her most egregious sin in my eyes.  It was her nomination of Nicole and the speech that came with it about Nicole stabbing her in the back.  Nicole, of everyone, had been the most loyal to her even when Christine was hideously disloyal to her.  If anything, Nicole should be taking the knife out of her own back!  The way that Christine treated Nicole who'd tried so hard to be her friend and keep their alliance secret was disgusting.  If she'd kept her loyalty to Nicole, she could've made a ballsy move the week she was up as HOH and put up 2 of the Detonators. Instead she fell for Derrick's mist and I guess wanted to keep with Cody's gang. 

Either I just picked the wrong season to start watching or this show sucks big time.


You picked the wrong season.  I will say this, Derrick is a balls out amazing player.  His talking head in the Wednesday episode of how he convinced Caleb to do his bidding was damn near inspired.  Right out of the Dan Gheesling "Misting 101" book. The problem is that the Detonators (Derrick excluded) don't have a brain between them.  NIcole and Donny were also great players in the sense they understood the game and the chess pieces that were being moved around.  Nicole especially was a firecracker in the mental challenges before her return from jury.  Both Donny and Nicole made critical errors in their play, which they'll see when they watch back the show.  Nicole's critical error (telling Derrick that she thought he was as good as Dan) just hurt my heart because until that moment she was (unknowingly) safe.  But Derrick made a swift move in getting her out of the house because she was a threat to his game. Good for him. 


What makes a season good is the underdog.  America loves the underdog.  This year the underdogs were Nicole and Donny (both are on Jokers' top 3 list for the season).  Dan in BB10 was an underdog at a certain point, I remember him being targeted but he managed to use his "mist" (sort of like Derrick now) to get them to save him time and time again until he won the game.  Janelle (BB6) was an underdog during a season that had a group of much like the Detonators (the Friendship).  While I hate Rachel & Breeeennnnndaaaannnn they were technically underdogs in theirs (even though Rachel killed in competitions much to my chagrin).  Jeff & Jordan, same deal.  Underdogs. 


What's interesting to me is that no one has picked up on this trend (maybe Derrick has-- the boos must've given him a lot to think about).  I don't think Derrick will be booed, you can't fault his decisive gameplay, but Frankie certainly will be.  Caleb maybe (the way he talked about bringing Amber in line was gross) and Cody maybe (although I think he might just get a smattering of applause rather than the riotous cheer).  

  • Love 2

The women are playing like idiots this year. Christine should've started playing her own game a long time ago.

Misogyny! Misogyny! It definitely wasn't because the women in the house were appalled to even consider banding together. It was those horrible men for existing and willing to work together.

I'm a huge feminist that can pretty much find misogyny in anything if you give me enough time but I'm not buying this is the most misogynistic season ever. Not when guys like Dr. Will, Mike Boogey, most of the guys from season 5, Robert, Dick, Matt, Adam, and Spencer have been on the show.

Edited by Jrae9233
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Misogyny! Misogyny! It definitely wasn't because the women in the house were appalled to even consider banding together. It was those horrible men for existing and willing to work together.

I'm a huge feminist that can pretty much find misogyny in anything if you give me enough time but I'm not buying this is the most misogynistic season ever. Not when guys like Dr. Will, Mike Boogey, most of the guys from season 5, Robert, Dick, Matt, Adam, and Spencer have been on the show.

I tend to agree:  There have been far worse.  But for reals - this is the STUPIDITY! STUPIDITY! season. 

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Um, Derrick gets sexier and sexier every week


Um, no.  I can't get past his diary rooms.  I know they dress them he same in the diary room most of the time so they can use the footage however and whenever they want, but its really unfortunate that his includes the backward baseball hat.  Its not flattering they way he wears it.  Its the ears.

Loved Nicole's "Big Brother, not Big Baby" speech. However, seeing her reciprocate the high-five offered by an off-screen Frankie turned my stomach. If she had instead given him the finger, right there on live, national television, she would have earned every one of my AFP votes. Over RanceyPants and even over Donny.

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If that had been me walking out the door to a loudly booing audience (especially after the other evicted players had been applauded) it would have FREAKED ME OUT!  I would have been asking Julie what was wrong, what's going on?! 



I think that's why we got an extra-long "look inside the house" - Julie was calming her down enough to get her through the interview.



Um, Derrick gets sexier and sexier every week.  I know I know, some of you are probably thinking 'wtf.'  But I think its his confidence.  I love it!
When he won HOH on the first question, I kind of melted.  He just looked hot. Anyone on board with me?  Seriously. Anyone? :)


I've said it elsewhere, and please know I'm not proud of it, but I've been finding him really attractive recently.  I don't even know why, but I think it's maybe some of his facial expressions rather than his actual face, if that makes any sense.  Oddly, Victoria has really grown on me, too; I've been thinking she's nice and kind of amusing.    Go figure.

If you haven't watched Jeff's interviews with Christine and Nicole you should!  Jeff asked Nicole why she didn't just fly off the handle/blow the house up on her way out and she said she would've if she'd had anything good to say.  She said that any dirt that she knew, everyone else knew already. 


Christine on the other hand is one deluded woman, holy cow.  Jeff made me laugh with his "you know what a totem pole is, right?" and petting her and saying that he was going to do the rest of the interview like that.  She totally believed she was higher in the foodchain and she thinks that Frankie is the mastermind.  Also, she said that Nicole told other the house the stuff that Christine had told her.  I don't remember this at all. Is this house paranoia?

This is Caleb with the button:



There were several reasons why Christine was booed. First not respecting her husband, being the lapdog of the Detonators when she knew full well she was low person in their alliance, she was a player just like Andy, latch onto a superpower and becoe their minion who keeps the in power the whole game resulting in a boring season, but also how she befriended Nicole but had no problem stabbing her in the back and also how she tried to cheat Donny with the hidden bones competition. She acts all friendly and caring and it's all bull. She's a wimpy, boring phony. 


I also noticed how Frankie walks weird, like his balls are the size of bowling balls. 


I've come to terms with Derrick winning this season. Out of all the people left in the house, he is the one I hope does win. I feel like he'd use his prize money the most practical over anyone else. 


I agree with a post above about the voting system becoming stale and the nominee's speeches. Yawn. 


If they want a good twist for next year, forget putting egomaniacs, muscle bound guys, girls who rely on their looks and people looking to become famous. 

Just have a whole house of big brother superfans who all have an IQ above 115 and all have careers where they'd be good at the show IE: cops, lawyers, psychiatrists. Get some people who are natural risk takers and who know the game well. But also change up some of the competitions to throw them a curveball every so often. 

. He did the same thing Christine did! It's lame.


Well...not really, in my opinion: Cody is not married, has not made a vow to another person to love and be true to...According to Christine, she & Tim had an agreement that whatever it took to get her further in the game.  How did cuddling and pawing all over Cody get her any further in the game?  From the interviews I saw by Tim and her family, they were not ok with this behavior.  Zingbot acknowledged it but she still continued, Donny tried to warn her (and did he not say he walked in on them in a 'compromising position?) and she laughed at him and had to go running to Cody to make fun of Donny.


She deserved every boo she received...and then some...just for subjecting us to that disgusting cackle all season, if nothing else!


ETA:  One of these days, I am going to remember about that wonderful 'quote' feature on this site!

Edited by alegtostandon
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