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S16.E32: Live Eviction #12 & #13 / HoH Comp #13

Tara Ariano

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I'm so happy that other people were bothered by the booing. The thing that bothered me the most is that I know that none of the guys are going to be booed when they get voted out. No! Cody's not gonna get booed and all his interviews are gonna be about how "cute" he is. He did the same thing Christine did! It's lame.

Also, as mentioned, Frankie is not getting booed, so now he's not gonna understand that he's The. Worst.

Other thoughts. I hated Julie's look. Jeff and Jordan who? And I refused to change over to routing for Derrick because that would mean that I also was misted by his aura. I stand by my previous pov that he's just kind of all right. Shrugs and tosses my hair.

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Production will manipulate one of them into pushing that silly button... although Derrick was trying hard to convince them all to keep their hands off it because I am sure he thinks it will interfere with his master plan.


This episode was boring and predictable.  And quite honestly, I have never heard any HG booed this loudly during any exit afte ran eviction. And that one guy who was booing real loud above all the others? What a sadist he is. And I do NOT like Christine, but it was just too harsh. 



Newsflash Frankie: If the evicted person managed to get louder boos then card carrying racist Aaryn Gries it does NOT mean that you sent the right person out! That is the person you WANT next to you at final two for a guaranteed win.

Not really, because the YV audience does not determine the winner. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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What if someone pushes the button RIGHT NOW before anything has actually happened?  Does that mean that it can't get pushed later?  If that was the case, I'd totally push the button before the HoH and just take it out of the game.  Why make a move or even think about doing anything as an HoH if it can all get undone and then a target is square on your back.  Yeah, no.  

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Oh, Julie. They upgraded your programming again and made you just a little snarky and sly. Loved the "what was it that attracted you to..." comment she made.

Don't care what anybody else thinks; *I* thought the Chenbot was rocking a pretty hot look tonight. Damn you, Les.

Poor Christine. And Cody questioning if it was the Cody/Christine thing that was the reason they were booing. Ha! That little bit made me so happy. Was it just me or did he look a little weepy after Christine left? He sure didn't seem happy voting her out.


No - despite all his talk in the DR and the He-Man Boys Club meetings, Cody was extremely upset to vote out his Raggedy Ann doll. To do otherwise, however, would require the boy to grow a backbone - so thank god we didn't have to worry about THAT.

No one will hit that button. I don't know why they're bothering. Although I'd like someone to, just to spite Frankie and his "don't you dare hit it" comments.

I dunno... Caleb was jonesing AWFUL damn hard....

You cannot imagine my surprise when Derrick won it on the first question.  Was that planned?  I mean, it seems really unlikely that they all get it wrong like that.  Oh, and of course, Frankie *knew* it was kisses.  Shut up, Frankie!

Suuuuuure Frankie knew. The biggest control freak in the House knew the correct answer in a DE HOH comp - and decides to throw it in the first round. Riiiiiight.

Tell it to the Marines, Frankie - the Navy ain't buying it. I call bullshit.

It was probably Tim.

Doubtful - but damn, that was funny.

I thought he was trying to figure out if anyone threw it, but you're probably right.

Actually, I noticed he wasn't looking at his own puzzle, but at the others (I think Christine's when the camera cut away). I got the impression he was simply looking to see who was closest behind him.

Two things:

1. Christine can say she was expecting it - but she didn't throw a few things in a hefty bag. I'm of the opinion that vote caught her TOTALLY flat-footed.

2. Victoria should be happy now - she is now officially the Prettiest Girl In The House.

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IIRC, the audience when Aaryn was evicted was pretty well stacked with people who were connected with the show in some way and could be counted upon to not erupt in a deafening chorus of boos. I don't think TPTB were prepared for Christine to get them, and so didn't take the same precautions. If Frankie had been the second eviction, he likely would have gotten the same thing. I have to say I didn't feel one bit sorry for her. And it was the one actual unscripted and unexpected thing to happen all damn summer.

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Production will manipulate one of them into pushing that silly button... although Derrick was trying hard to convince them all to keep their hands off it because I am sure he thinks it will interfere with his master plan.


This episode was boring and predictable.  And quite honestly, I have never heard any HG booed this loudly during any exit afte ran eviction. And that one guy who was booing real loud above all the others? What a sadist he is. And I do NOT like Christine, but it was just too harsh. 


Not really, because the YV audience does not determine the winner.

You are right...I did not think of that...but that doesn't change that he was acting very foolish by repeatedly saying that.

What if someone pushes the button RIGHT NOW before anything has actually happened?  Does that mean that it can't get pushed later?  If that was the case, I'd totally push the button before the HoH and just take it out of the game.  Why make a move or even think about doing anything as an HoH if it can all get undone and then a target is square on your back.  Yeah, no.

I believe the HGs were simply seeing a picture of the Big Golden Power of Button, and not the Button itself; that, I expect, is safely locked away in what used to be the HN room.

It wouldn't surprise me if Frankie wasn't simply being paranoid that just touching the PICTURE might set it off. Shut up, Frankie, and go change your pants.

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Did Christine not pack her bag just in case?  Or was she too pissed to even stop and pick it up.  I think she might hold the record for fastest HG out the door.  I kind of wish she had run so that it could have been down to a 2 second exit. 


I don't really think the studio audience should be forbidden from booing contestants.  If they are, then maybe they should be forbidden from reacting at all, and be forced to just sit there in silence so the person being interviewed has no idea how anyone feels.  Christine did get a lot of boos, and I almost felt a little bad for her, but I also heard yays, it wasn't a unanimous boohiss fest.  This show focuses on and interacts with its fan base more than any other program I can think of, so telling the audience they can only cheer for whoever comes out the door seems pointless when you consider all the other ways they ask for the viewers opinions.  Why have polls to show who is liked most and least if they only want sycophants to respond?  Why give us the chance to vote on potential punishments and rewards if they only want us to show love and respect?


"I vote to evict girl." Leave it to Caleb to sum up the season.



HAHAHA!!!  Yes, that was absolutely the perfect synopsis of the entire season in one succinct sentence.


I bought apple pie for dessert tonight in hopes it would somehow help get Frankie out in the second eviction, but as soon as I saw what the PoV competition was, I said Frankie would win it before they even started.  Victoria at least managed to surprise me because I didn't expect her to get out of the first circle maze.


When Frankie stands around making Shirley Temple poses for the camera, it absolutely infuriates me.  He should have been wearing a tutu with his stupid outfit instead of those ill-fitting shorts that looked like they might be made of felt.  WHO WEARS FELT???????

Edited by Irritable
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Did Christine not pack her bag just in case?  Or was she too pissed to even stop and pick it up.  I think she might hold the record for fastest HB out the door.  I kind of wish she had run so that it could have been down to a 2 second exit.

I don't think anyone in the second part of DE goes out with a bag unless they were nominated in the first part.

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From the second Christine did her fake speech shout out saying how she loved her husband and that he was hot, the audience was already gasping and reacting to her. You could hear them already booing when she mentioned Tim in her speech. Then her getting evicted gave them more opportunity to show how she's perceived. Cody at the end with Frankie trying to reassure him, seemed to finally grasp that may be he shouldn't have been feeling up and all touchy with a married woman on worldwide tv and live feeds. Now Cody looked worried at the end of the episode, when he should have known he was wrong all along.


 I disagree he's the same as Christine though, she's the married one, she's the one who took vows to Tim, she's the one cheating, she's the one claiming to love her husband and give shout outs to him on tv, while her own parents are appalled by her behavior. None of that's Cody. He's in the wrong, but not as much as the married one.


Was Derick's HOH win, the quickest in history? 


I don't think Jeff's proposing on BB. Announcing engagement may be, but not proposing.

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1. Christine can say she was expecting it - but she didn't throw a few things in a hefty bag. I'm of the opinion that vote caught her TOTALLY flat-footed.


Christine was absolutely sure she was at least 5 with Derrick/Caleb, 3 with Frankie, and 2 with Cody.


She was completely blindsided.  I think she would have been fine with it if Victoria went before her.

I still feel bad about the booing, but when Christine gave her plea to stay speech and said it would be cool to be the last girl in the house, I just shook my head in disbelief. I knew from that point on it was going to go really badly for her.

Then when Julie interviewed her and asked about her attraction, Christine tried to defend herself by saying that Cody's just really funny. Say what? I've seen dying turtles with more comic ability. She needs to learn to quit while she's ahead. The exit interviews are going to be brutal.

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I don't think anyone in the second part of DE goes out with a bag unless they were nominated in the first part



Ohhhhh yeah...I got confused about which eviction that was, thinking about her being on the block with Nicole.  That sucks...I feel worse for her that she has to rely on those people to gather and pack her belongings than I do about her getting booed.


Ohhhhh yeah...I got confused about which eviction that was, thinking about her being on the block with Nicole.  That sucks...I feel worse for her that she has to rely on those people to gather and pack her belongings than I do about her getting booed.

I loved Elissa last year can I  pack my stuff? NOOOO!

If that had been me walking out the door to a loudly booing audience (especially after the other evicted players had been applauded) it would have FREAKED ME OUT!  I would have been asking Julie what was wrong, what's going on?!  Heck, I probably would have been up on Julie's lap sucking my thumb.  I think with the recent shout out's to Tim and the Zingbot's zing she wised up that what she was doing with Cody was wrong.  But why didn't she stop?  I guess Cody's just irresistibly funny...


If Derrick doesn't want that button pushed, that button sadly wont be pushed.


And how true to form is this very boring season being by having something so lame and predictable as Jeff proposing to Jordan?  Yawn....  I'm beginning to think Jeff has something on Grodner.

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I think that we'll be treated to a montage of assorted people looking twice, sneaking in and slammin that button. Because the way they put it it won't be revealed if it has been hit until after the first noms are in their seats ready for a vote right? Just think about it, you put a shiny gold button in a house where there is nothing to do 24/7 and man I'd smack the hell out of that button just hoping something to break up the misogyny err I mean monotony.


I'd smack the hell outta that thing!

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I would have wanted to boo Christine for all the times she hissed that she hated Donny, that he was creepy, and yes, definitely for trying to sabotage him during the BotB.  I don't like her shenanigans with Cody at all, and I'm glad that she was starting to feel wisps of guilt after Zingbot visited, but just for me personally, the things she did to and said about Donny would be enough for me, were I in the audience, to risk being ejected and banned forever just to get in some boos.  It makes me really sad that they might actually be able to shelter Frankie from getting booed.  He needs to hear them more than anyone, because I think he would go down like the wicked witch did when she was hit with water.

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I agree about Jeff abd Jordan. I think they're coming to the house so Jeff can propose.

Who gives a shit? Oh well congrats after dating 9 years now please retire or join the Foreign Legion.

That rewind button couldn't be more useless at this point.


I think Christine's boos weren't just due to the adultery with Shit for Brains showmance but also because she's super damn annoying with a horrible voice, grating constant laugh, crippling insecurity, and snide hatred of anyone who possesses something she lacks. Also she looks like a bitter old crone so the audience booing her is like trying to speak her language.

(See the Ancient Booer in The Princess Bride and that's her in 20 years.)

Edited by Petunia13
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You cannot imagine my surprise when Derrick won it on the first question.  Was that planned?  I mean, it seems really unlikely that they all get it wrong like that.  Oh, and of course, Frankie *knew* it was kisses.  Shut up, Frankie!



I had the same thought initially, but then i realized that the other players didn't know what Derrick's answer was.  They couldn't have thrown it without that information.


All I can say is some intern is really p*&$#d that he spent hours doing those bleep-outs videos and they used ONE of them...




I thought the same thing.  They probably prepared somewhere between seven and ten of those.


I still feel bad about the booing, but when Christine gave her plea to stay speech and said it would be cool to be the last girl in the house, I just shook my head in disbelief. I knew from that point on it was going to go really badly for her.



Christine has compared herself to Britney with the Brigade before.  I never understood this because Britney did not even get to the finals.  Being the last female in the house doesn't guarantee you more money unless you are sitting in one of the final two chairs.

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I am torn between wanting to boycott the TA vote since there is no Team America without Donny, or to vote for the one which they will inevitably fail.


Inevitably Fail is the way to go .  Just so Frankie can get another 'Overwhelming ...... No' from Chenbot.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was only half paying attention to the explanation of the button thingie (watching the baseball game)....so explain it to, pretty pretty please!


Fortunately I caught tonight's broadcast on my DVR. :)  Julie's exact words were:


"It's called the Big Brother Rewind (#BBRewind displayed on screen).  If that button is pushed in the coming days, then next week's live vote will stop live on the air, the two nominees will immediately come off the block, the game will rewind, and the entire week will be replayed.  That means next week's nominees could go from being on the block to becoming Head of Household."


At the end of the episode the HG pictures are gone from the Wall, replaced by two video feeds of the Big Gold Button (one life-sized, one extreme close-up), as the HGs argue about what it means....

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Two things:


1.  Remember when Christine left her wedding rings in Cody's pocket out in the yard and nearly panicked?  Imagine if she'd left them in his pocket when she got evicted and removed from the house!  Hee Hee  Except Dinosaurs don't have pockets.....


2.  This is how invested I was in tonight's show.  Right before the HOH that Derrick threw, er, won, I accidentally hit the remote and changed the channel to PBS.  However, I kept watching.  I didn't realize it until after the HOH and a commercial was on.  What's that tell you?


I don't see why cheering is okay, expected and practically required, but booing is not.   It's two sides of the same coin.  Big Brother is a show that boils down to a pretty basic villains and good guys format, and each viewer gets to decide which player they think falls into which category.  Why watch the show at all if you don't take it seriously enough to care about who you do and don't like, especially if someone jumps hard on your last nerve, or really charms you with their good characteristics?  If I had no feelings whatsoever about who does what in the Big Brother house, then I wouldn't bother watching.  


People cheer and boo at sporting events, and I don't see anything wrong with that either, even though I don't care at all about sports.  These people aren't 6 year olds performing in a class play (I am VEHEMENTLY against heckling small children, for the record), they are adults who know how they have behaved while being on camera nonstop for weeks.  They should be prepared that not everyone who has watched is their fan.  They should expect there will be some people who are the opposite of fans, that's just logic.  Some people will have more fans than others, which is the same for anyone on television.  People who play mean characters on scripted shows get booed on the street sometimes.  If anyone goes into that house expecting to be handled only with kid gloves, given a bright yellow "PARTICIPANT" ribbon, and patted on the head on their way out no matter what they said and did in the house, they might not understand how these things work.

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JediDVGuy, how could you forget Lawon? He was one of the worst HGs of all time in every respect.

If Caleb doesn't push the button I'll be dad gum gobsmacked.


I usually have a decent memory of former HGs but I drew a blank when I saw Lawon in your post.  I had to look him up on Wikipedia because I had no clue.  I remember him now but I found it funny when I read your post I thought to myself, "Who?"



I think the audience could have booed Christine alone just for when she tried to sabotage Donny in the BotB. Donny said in the DR that he was very hurt by that. I have a feeling a lot of the boo-ers remembered that.


I think it might have been a combination of both but I do think the way she talked about/treated Donny was a factor in the booing. 

Edited by BK1978
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