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S45.E06: I'm Not Batman, I'm the Canadian


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14 hours ago, mojoween said:

Emily knew Kaleb was going to play his shot in the dark, she had the chance to vote out whoever the fuck she wanted to if it worked.  I mean, she stayed, but the revote was unnecessary drama.

Dee, calm the fuck down.

She knew everyone was going for Kaleb (such she told him)for sure she didnt want to be the only one out of the unanimous vote and break the confidence with Drew and Austin. Thats proven on how after Kaleb was safe no one went o board with J Idea to vote her. With Bruce and Kaleb being the biggest targets and Austin and Drew having more power that people realize, I can see a scenario of them making into the final 3 and keeping Emily with them. If that happens I can also see a potential for Emily to make a great case for herself by pointing out how they played the same game/had a easier ride with alot advantages while she had to fight, rise her social game and keep her treat level very low. Buts thats something to discuss later in case this happens. For now, great that Kaleb stayed and J left. Her biggest moves were big mistakes that only made her a target (take the blame for the Sifu vote and insist with the Amulet "advantage"? Geeez)

Edited by Guiaoshi
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I like Kaleb, so I was happy he survived.  I was surprised it was a unanimous vote though, I guess nobody cared if he had an idol?  Strategically, he was the right vote, he is strong in the challenges and good at the social game.

I'm still not liking Emily.  She's not as abrasive as she was initially.  She's very analytical.  Normally I like the analytical players but I find it annoying how she excuses all of her behaviour by relating it to her experience as a stock analyst or whatever it is she does.  "Oh sorry, the math told me to vote for you, that's in my nature and I can't help it."  It's like she's trying to get others to excuse her plays against them by saying it's not her, it's them for being a threat.

I didn't mind J and I guess I don't understand why the entire cast was against her?  She made Sifu think she voted for him... why not tell him it wasn't her?  What else did she do to the rest of the people?  Austin and Kelly wouldn't mind her gone so their amulets grow in power, but not everyone knows they have these, do they?

Bruce is extremely irritating, why was the first 30 or so minutes of the show all Bruce, all the time?  

21 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

I'm waiting for the ego clash between Bruce & Sifu.  It's got to happen, as "Celebrity" Bruce and Sensei Sifu are both so Alpha Male, it's painful.  And I hope it's going to be really ugly. 

I can't help but notice that the two people that Bruce has the most issues with, Kaleb and Katurah, are two of the remaining Black players.  Not sure if there is some kind of unconscious thing going on there (I am reminded of the season that had three Asian women and one of them was determined to be the last Asian standing).  I agree it won't be long before Bruce sets his sights on Sifu, after getting rid of Kaleb and Katurah.

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50 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

I was saying "Kendra, calm the fuck down". 

With all those slack-jawed SLOSSes Kendra kept throwing, I was wondering if she was trying to supplement her protein intake by catching some flies in that wide-open trap of hers.

Edited by Nashville
Typo, added linky
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12 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Kendra can cool it with her over the top facial reactions to everything and her general insanity around camp. I don’t know how anyone can stand being near her for more than 5 mins.

She also needs to keep her arms at her sides. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the all the shots of the jungle in her armpits. You could hide an immunity idol in there, and it would never be found. 

  • LOL 9
1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I like Kaleb, so I was happy he survived.  I was surprised it was a unanimous vote though, I guess nobody cared if he had an idol?  Strategically, he was the right vote, he is strong in the challenges and good at the social game.

I saw some comments on SM last night about why they didn’t split the vote just in case of this, and that was my first thought as well.  But with so few people up for the vote, plus everyone banking on Kaleb not knowing he was the target, on top of the SITD having little odds of working, and I think they might have figured out by process of elimination he likely didn’t have any idols or advantages, I can see where they’d take the chance.  As some others have said, not sure how much time this will buy him.  And Emily may have put a target on her back that maybe wasn’t there in the first place.

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If I had to spend an extended period of time with Kendra, Bruce and Sifu and their ridiculous mugging, I'd quit too.

As for J's ouster, it was unanimous. We saw her bad strategy by taking the blame for the Sifu vote, which was not hers, and she pissed off Austin over the sandwich, which he made sure everyone knew, thus outing her amulet.  Plus her supposed alliance-mates Dee and (blonde lady whose name I don't know) quite eagerly floated her name.  Sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, and sometimes you're an easy vote because people don't like or trust you.

  • Like 6
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Actually, J being on the outs was telegraphed somewhat at the beginning of  the previous episode - when stfu was grilling the others over who threw a vote at him:

  • Dee: “I wrote down Sean’s name.”
  • Julie: “I totally voted for Sean.“
  • J: <buries face in arms>

Almost certainly purely editing, I’m sure, and in actuality it may have been J taking one for the team - because even if (as the women were trying to play off) Sean had written stfu’s name down, somebody else had to have thrown a vote Dee’s way - the scene still emphasized J being tagged as odd person out.



1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

If I had to spend an extended period of time with Kendra, Bruce and Sifu and their ridiculous mugging, I'd quit too.

As for J's ouster, it was unanimous. We saw her bad strategy by taking the blame for the Sifu vote, which was not hers, and she pissed off Austin over the sandwich, which he made sure everyone knew, thus outing her amulet.  Plus her supposed alliance-mates Dee and (blonde lady whose name I don't know) quite eagerly floated her name.  Sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, and sometimes you're an easy vote because people don't like or trust you.

But this is just it -- we knew that her closest allies were against her, but not why. Those women were considered by everyone else to be an extremely tight alliance, so it seems way too early to be turning on each other. I imagine very few people will want to work with Dee or Julie after seeing what they do to their closest allies. Even if they did find her annoying or knew she'd ultimately turn on them.

On the other hand, I can see why Dee might be eager to get rid of J so that Dee herself never gets exposed for that Sifu vote. (She's lucky J didn't announce it on the way out!)

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Kendra and all her antics and faces are very, very annoying.  She is not the type of person I could see myself being near for more than five minutes.

I could do without "celebrity" Bruce as well.  He's called himself a celebrity a few times now hasn't he?  He's also acting like he's the one in charge and that really never ends up well for people.  Here's hoping for a blindside next week.

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I thought the other women in J’s alliance were annoyed that J was bent on getting Sifu out. Sifu was also part of their alliance, he’s helping them win challenges and I think it seemed like if she could flip on Sifu so easily, why not one of them next? I think pushing the Sifu vote, and it failing, collapsed her alliance with the women, and turned Sifu against her. 

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4 hours ago, blackwing said:

Bruce is extremely irritating, why was the first 30 or so minutes of the show all Bruce, all the time?

My guess (I don't read spoilers at all) is that it is a set-up edit for an episode down the line.

3 hours ago, eel2178 said:

She also needs to keep her arms at her sides. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the all the shots of the jungle in her armpits. You could hide an immunity idol in there, and it would never be found. 


2 hours ago, eel2178 said:

No. That bothers me, too. I've always wondered why guys don't shave their armpits. They'd smell so much better if they did.

I like underarm hair on both.  Nature is more wise than western (and it is mainly "western" traditionally) fads in body "looks."  Hair wicks off sweat, allows for micro air flow there and prevents clothes from rubbing there as well.  Nature for the win!

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I think we all saw Kaleb's play go one step over the line last night by schmoozing a little too much, a little too well.  He's smart, he'll figure he needs to lay low for a bit and the typical Survivor attention span of a gnat (except for Katurah's hate-on for Bruce) will move to another target.  I just hope he learned his lesson about overplaying.  I do like him, and had him pegged as going far--he is damn lucky that SITD worked.

I didn't really see or understand the whole switch to J last night.  What did she do?  How did the vote go to her, and not a real target like Sifu or Bruce?  Merging is traditionally when you go for the big strong guys who might win a string of immunity challenges.

After thinking about it, and reading up here, I think she was the victim of being the target of two different motivations to vote her out, and the combination sent her on her way.  Sifu et al wanted her gone because they are all now convinced she voted for him.  She's a traitor, a schemer, etc.  (Even though she didn't vote for him....sigh.)  Austin--sandwich longings notwithstanding--wanted her gone so his amulet gains in power.  His was a clear-eyed, strictly machiavellian, cold-blooded strategy, since she stood in his way to gaining a full immunity idol.  I also suspect that he knew, after spending more time around her after the "merge", that trying to get the three amulet holders to agree to use the power of three was never going to work.  And if it were just him and J?  She'd probably disagree then as well. 

I think Austin's move was well done.  Sifu et al's move was......an emotional move coming from flawed information.  Nevertheless, both came together, and J is gone.

Was she the one with the unusually long big toe? 

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I'm confused about all the talk about an alliance between Dee/Julie/J. Now, I don't pay that close of attention so I might have missed it, but I thought the red alliance was Dee/Julie/Austin/Drew. I do remember the women of blue, Kendra/Katurah/Kellie, aligning early on though so I wonder if people are mistaking it. Or if the women on red also aligned and I just forget/missed it.

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

Was she [J.]the one with the unusually long big toe?

No, that's Dee, and she can use it to kill someone 10 different ways.

34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm confused about all the talk about an alliance between Dee/Julie/J. Now, I don't pay that close of attention so I might have missed it, but I thought the red alliance was Dee/Julie/Austin/Drew. I do remember the women of blue, Kendra/Katurah/Kellie, aligning early on though so I wonder if people are mistaking it. Or if the women on red also aligned and I just forget/missed it.

Pre-switch, it was absolutely a Dee/Julie/Austin/Drew alliance, and during their idol search they showed them taking turns being decoys for J. and Sifu while the others looked.

Post-switch, J., being apparently ignorant of the 4 vs. 2 dynamic, gravitated toward Dee and Julie with her concerns/grievances against Sifu and they sort of fell into an alliance with her because they had no real use for Sifu, either. Kaleb, through observation or just guessing, seemed to have picked up on that and was using it as a (somewhat foolish imo) hook to hang the "vote J. out" campaign on at TC.

39 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm confused about all the talk about an alliance between Dee/Julie/J. Now, I don't pay that close of attention so I might have missed it, but I thought the red alliance was Dee/Julie/Austin/Drew. I do remember the women of blue, Kendra/Katurah/Kellie, aligning early on though so I wonder if people are mistaking it. Or if the women on red also aligned and I just forget/missed it.

That is the Reba alliance, but I don't think anyone is aware of it.  Even J Maya and Sifu seemed oblivious that they were on the outs with their own tribe.  The Belo girls formed a women's alliance early on, but I think Kellie had one foot in, one foot out, because she seemed to be bonding with the guys.  However, Kendra seems more Belo strong but Kellie seemed ready to get rid of Bruce.  We know where Katurah stands on that issue too ;)

Edited by LadyChatts
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4 hours ago, bankerchick said:

As for J's ouster, it was unanimous. We saw her bad strategy by taking the blame for the Sifu vote, which was not hers, and she pissed off Austin over the sandwich, which he made sure everyone knew, thus outing her amulet. 

J was on the outs with Dee, Julie, Austin and Drew from the start on Reba. I don't know why. It's possible they simply didn't "vibe" with her but they've never really explained it. (And this in a season of 90 minute episodes with extra footage devoted to tribe dynamics. But hunting for idols and advantages does take up a lot of time.)

2 hours ago, KeithJ said:

Kendra and all her antics and faces are very, very annoying.  She is not the type of person I could see myself being near for more than five minutes.

Kendra is getting the Caroline edit. She seems to be the designated "goofball" this season. Production clearly thinks she's hilarious, hence the constant shots of her burping or picking her nose or looking wild-eyed while explaining something. 

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19 hours ago, mertensia said:

Okay, I am a bad person. I was hugely amused by everyone but Katurah being plastered in mud at the reward.

That was driving me nuts, I'm someone who likes to clean up before eating so watching them try to enjoy a meal with sand all over them was hard to watch. It was funny to see the relatively clean Katurah though, especially when they cut from her to Bruce, who was absolutely caked with sand and dirt, lol.


At TC, when Kaleb was talking about who he believed was the biggest threat (J) and Dee challenged him to point to another threat, and he wouldn't...the look on her face, I couldn't tell if she was genuinely annoyed at him or pulling off one heck of an acting job to not spook J Maya. 

It reminded me of Amazon Heidi famously badgering the F2 to name her as something (smart or a threat or whatever), they kept saying other people's names and she was like "okay, but who ELSE??" Probst finally had to dismiss her.


I’m also cool with sandwich gate. Austin keeps joking about being deprived of his meal but taking J out also strengthened his advantage and now he’s 1 step away from it becoming an idol. As opposed to the one that was handed to Bruce on a silver platter 🙄😒 I will be delighted if they send him home with it in his pocket. 

If he's playing up the sandwich angle to distract from the advantage part, that's a smart move. Make it seem like you're holding a petty grudge for not getting a sandwich, rather than wanting to vote out a fellow amulet holder to get a stronger advantage. And if it really is mostly about the sandwich, I get that too. These convoluted multi-person advantages have so many variables to them and those sandwiches were right there. A little food in your belly when everyone else is starving can be an advantage unto itself.


I'm with all of you who didn't understand why everyone was so anti-J. Bummed to see her go, but I guess better her than Kaleb, because that moment was a sheer delight.

I think J was just socially awkward and it put her on the outs with the larger group. She definitely did not have her finger on the pulse of the social game, she seemed to think she had a perfectly good alliance with the Reba folks.

I felt a little bad for her in this episode, she looked kinda foolish throughout and the editors really milked the montage of her demise at TC. I guessed that Kaleb's SITD was going to work when they included that random clip of her saying she hadn't thought about the SITD. She got progressively more miserable as the unanimous Kaleb votes were read and the camera just zoomed all the way in. She does have killer abs though, I hadn't noticed that until she stood up to get her torch snuffed.


I get the worry on Kaleb; they all see that he's the type of player who can integrate himself into alliances and get far. Kendra's logic made sense for sure. Bruce, on the other hand, felt like it stemmed more from jealousy at Kaleb's position. I could be wrong, but Bruce seemed to turn on Kaleb when he started figuring out that Kaleb was integrating himself with groups better than Bruce, and people were actively not going to Bruce. It seemed like that was when he started vocalizing his anti-Kaleb tirade. 

Yeah, I agree. Bruce is trying to be the dad/leader while Kaleb is drawing people to him naturally. I have to give Kaleb credit for that conversation at the water well, he played Bruce just right. He looked shocked and shamed and like he was eager to right things with Bruce, but in reality, he wasn't the least bit ruffled by Bruce's lecture.

Kaleb is pretty fascinating, for someone who just completely upset the apple cart and thwarted a unanimous vote, there sure were a lot of people excited and happy for him at the same time. He does seem like a lot of fun and if he can go on an immunity run, he's got an excellent shot. But it's so early in the merge to be such a massive target, that's a long way to immunity run to the finish.

  • Like 5
4 hours ago, gesundheit said:

But this is just it -- we knew that her closest allies were against her, but not why. Those women were considered by everyone else to be an extremely tight alliance, so it seems way too early to be turning on each other. I imagine very few people will want to work with Dee or Julie after seeing what they do to their closest allies. Even if they did find her annoying or knew she'd ultimately turn on them.

They might have been J's closest allies - but they were much closer to their other allies Austen and Drew, as witnessed by their help in getting that idol for Austen. Austen had J well on his radar after sandwichgate. J had been gunning for Sifu from the first episode, from memory, so they had no allegiance. J could have exposed Dee to Sifu, and made her a target. It made sense to get rid of her and was a target for Bello that wasn't any of them.

I think old Reba were foolish to not pull Kaleb into their fold along with Emily for that first vote and use their numbers to take out a prominent Bello, and have the majority numbers for the first phase of the merge - but then Austen may have not felt able to trust they absoutely had the numbers so he could not vote and get that idol extension...

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3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I didn't really see or understand the whole switch to J last night.  What did she do?  How did the vote go to her, and not a real target like Sifu or Bruce?  Merging is traditionally when you go for the big strong guys who might win a string of immunity challenges.

Sifu and Bruce were both immune. They could only vote for J, Emily, Dee, Kellie or Jake.

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10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

It is nice when good deeds come back to you.  Kaleb helped Emily and 8n return she has saved him twice with her info.  

I agree with a poster in the live thread who said they’ve become a favorite duo. Reminds me of Ken and David in Gen x vs millennials. Very different personalities but they just work together. And they’ve saved each other now. 

emily has definitely grown on me. Like Frannie did last season. Which means she’ll probably go out at 5-6. 😞 But it’d be a great winner’s journey. 

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I knew that Kaleb was going to play his SITD.  The clue in the opening was the die being cast.  So someone was going to use it.  When it turned out that Kaleb would be the one who needed to, it was clear to me he would.


On 11/1/2023 at 9:54 PM, gesundheit said:

I have to say, the fact that it was only Lulu at TC before the tribe mix-up means that I didn't really have enough time to get clear on the original members of the other two tribes. So now all this talk about Reba vs Belo means nothing to me, because I have no idea who was on which tribe. I can't keep the "who knew who and was aligned before" components straight.

With only the people in this episode, a Quick Tribe Tracker, in a quote for collapsibility:




  • Austin
  • Dee
  • Drew
  • J. Maya
  • Julie
  • Sifu


  • Bruce
  • Jake
  • Katurah
  • Kellie
  • Kendra


  • Emily
  • Kaleb


  • Dee
  • J. Maya
  • Julie
  • Sifu


  • Bruce
  • Jake
  • Kaleb
  • Katurah
  • Kellie


  • Austin
  • Drew
  • Emily
  • Kendra


On top of that we have

  • Kendra's unseen visit to OG!Lulu before the first TC (see below)
  • The 1st Journey where Bruce and Drew met (with non-factor Brandon)
  • Kaleb meeting/raiding Reba camp and giving the Goodwill Advantage to Drew
  • The Amulet Journey


On 11/1/2023 at 10:19 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Kendra's obsession is probably destroying all of Lulu.

That has to stem from her early visit to Lulu camp and her vote for Brandon at the first TC.  Them "keeping" Brandon and "voting out" Hannah made her vote superfluous.  And as we've seen now, Kendra's someone who holds grudges.


On 11/1/2023 at 11:50 PM, Skooma said:

He really isn't.  Just playing to the camera for laughs.  He said the real reason.  With J Maya out his "thingie" becomes more powerful as does the second one one of the women has though I forget who.

Good segue for an Advantage Tracker.

  • Idols
    • Austin has Reba's Beware Idol and has now fully empowered it to work until the F5.
    • Bruce has Lulu's replacement Idol, which is also good until F5.
  • Amulets
    • Since there are now 2 left in the game, Kellie (yellow) and Austin (blue) each have half a Steal-A-Vote.
      • To use that power, they must agree on
        • Which TC to use them
        • Whose vote to steal
        • Who the stolen vote will be cast for
    • If either one them is voted out, the other then has a full idol.
    • In either case, the power of the Amulets is good until F6.
  • Other "Advantages"
    • Drew still has his Safety Without Power, which is good until F10.
    • Sifu has made a fake idol, which could come into play
  • Advantage Graveyard (aka all advantages out of play)
    • Sabiayah's Wax Idol
    • The (presumed) unfound Beware Advantage Idol from Belo
    • The Goodwill Advantage
    • J. Maya's Amulet (red)
      • The Amulets' Extra Vote power


On 11/2/2023 at 8:19 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

There are supposedly 5 "Not safe" and 1 "Safe" parchments in the bag for a contestant to choose from. So there was a roughly 17 percent chance of Kaleb being safe, 83 percent chance of him not being safe.

I believe at this phase of the game, there's actually a total of 12 scrolls in the bag; 10 "Not Safe"s and 2 "Safe"s.  Still the same percentages though, so the point is somewhat moot.


On 11/2/2023 at 6:06 PM, ljenkins782 said:

Kaleb is pretty fascinating, for someone who just completely upset the apple cart and thwarted a unanimous vote, there sure were a lot of people excited and happy for him at the same time. He does seem like a lot of fun and if he can go on an immunity run, he's got an excellent shot. But it's so early in the merge to be such a massive target, that's a long way to immunity run to the finish.

I think that stems from 2 factors:

  1. They all genuinely like Kaleb as a person.  Their votes for him were not out of any personal animosity (except for maybe one...), but for the usual backhanded complimentary reason on Survivor of "You're such a good player, I can't beat you.  You have to go so I can win."  So him sticking around is good thing on a personal level as their "friend" is still in the game.
  2. They're all Survivor fans.  So to see not only the SITD come up "Safe" (which has only happened once before), but for it to then nullify every vote cast!  That's something amazing to be a part of and witness live, much like when Wentworth nullified 9 votes for her with a hidden idol play.
Edited by SVNBob
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On 11/1/2023 at 8:06 PM, Jodithgrace said:

As far as shenanigans go, Dalton Ross, who has hung out on the island with the crew, says that standards and practices are right there, making sure that things like the shot in the dark are on the up and up.  

On 11/1/2023 at 8:39 PM, dizzyd said:

As opposed to the one that was handed to Bruce on a silver platter 🙄😒 I will be delighted if they send him home with it in his pocket. 

If there are shenanigans involved, I call it for Bruce "miraculously" finding the idol with literally seconds to spare.

21 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

II'm enjoying Kaleb and Emily, but my favorite is Katurah. Why does everyone shun her?  Is it just because they, inexplicably, love Bruce? I find her so lovely, both in looks and personality.

I've found that a lot of Black men put Black women below anyone else, and Bruce definitely seems like the type (also holding a grudge against Emily over an off-hand remark 2 or 3 weeks later???)  Plus the fact that she had him pegged from the get-go -- everyone bought into his act until they could all see how fake it was -- made her a target.

21 hours ago, cowgirlwen said:

OMG Yes!!!  And not just at TC.  The entire episode has so much background "music" and noise, I cannot hear the conversations most of the time.  And my husband is hard of hearing, so it's especially tough for him.  I just don't get why they think that enhances the show in any way!

I'm hard-of-hearing, too, and depend on Closed Captioning for all the shows I like.

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Kaleb may have popped up as a target this week, but I’m not too worried for him. I see focus quickly shifting to targets like Bruce and Sifu, now that merge is here and they are not needed for team strength. Bruce should have extra eyes on him just for being annoying. (Celebrity, my ass.) Personally, I am hoping for a Kaleb/Emily/Katurah trio so all my faves can work together.

As for Austin and his sandwich, let’s not judge too harshly until we know just what kind of sandwich it was. Some are worth fighting for.



Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, millennium said:

Did they cast Kendra hoping for Carolyn 2.0?   Carolyn was out there, sure, but she was also likeable.   I would vote off Kendra in an instant.

Bruce really believes he's the whole package, doesn't he?   I wonder what he was like before the bump on the head.



On 11/3/2023 at 3:50 AM, KeithJ said:

Kendra and all her antics and faces are very, very annoying.  She is not the type of person I could see myself being near for more than five minutes.

I could do without "celebrity" Bruce as well.  He's called himself a celebrity a few times now hasn't he?  He's also acting like he's the one in charge and that really never ends up well for people.  Here's hoping for a blindside next week.

I didn’t like Carolyn, I thought she was just as annoying as Kendra.

Bruce has a massive ego, I am unclear as to why he thinks he is such a celebrity.  He was literally on the show for about 15 minutes last time.  If he hadn’t been brought back, then he would have been one in a long line of forgotten first exits.  I don’t know why he thinks he is such an expert that everyone should defer to and ask for advice, because he barely played last time.  Hope he goes soon.

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I don’t know why he thinks he is such an expert that everyone should defer to and ask for advice, because he barely played last time.  

Apparently he was like this last season. Carolyn who was on Tika with him for however many hours warned him, before he went on this season, that he had to rein in his bossy side.

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