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Razvan has a surprise for Amanda; despite their different pasts, Meisha and Nicola believe God has brought them together; Gino and Jasmine's first night ends in tears; Tyray looks for answers; Riley begins his journey to Vietnam.

First Look: 16/06/23; TLC: 18/06/23; Discovery+: 18/06/23;

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Let me be the first to say it. I already can’t stand Meisha. 
How many people can claim a Catholic nun as their grandmother like Nicola? 

Edited by magemaud
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Oh my Meisha.  We all put on our lipstick before we go into church.  And mark your card people, another one that "my kids are the most important thing in the world".
Nicola 46 lives with his mom. Ohhhh gawd.... And his granny was a nun?!?! When did she become a nun? After her husband died? Or was she a nun and then left the church to marry ?
Why did Meisha have to leave her tv career for her faith? Again, doesn't make sense.
And he's a virgin. This guy is totally Israel's version of Mursel. But the Turks did it better. 

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1 hour ago, greekmom said:

But the Turks did it better. 

Of course!

I’ve got to remind myself that Nicola is the man’s name and Meisha is the woman’s in this relationship because originally I had it reversed. 

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Gah, the grieving widow is a real bitch. “Where’s my coffee!?” “Go shower, you stink!” 

Looks like ol Jason dodged a bullet. 


So, Meisha “falls in love” with a foreign exchange student and marries him. She then “has a vision” and quits her job to devote her life to the Catholic Church. Now she’s met another guy from the other side of the world, and she’s “in love” with him. Seems to me like she’s obsessed with being obsessed with something. 

Edited by JayDub1987
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3 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Someone should probably tell Meisha that she is correct, because realistically, she and Nicola do not have a future.  

Haven’t you heard? They’re blaming God for this whole train wreck. I think that guarantees that it works out. *holy facepalm, Batman. 

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I just realized ol Nicola is using one of my old moves. At 13 years old, I came home from school one day and told my parents I needed a ride to youth group. My dad said “what’s her name?” I went to church to see a girl, jolly ole Saint Nic found a good looking woman on social media. Maybe it’ll go better for him than it did me. 

Edited by JayDub1987
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So if the marriage is annulled as not valid does the church view the kids as born out of wedlock (what used to be called illegitimate)?

1 minute ago, JayDub1987 said:

Yea. That sucks. /dadjoke 

Saint Paul was on the road to Damascus.  Meisha was pursuing clumps of cat hair.

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So Jasmine was pouring the frozen premade vegan meatballs in a pan and Gino was supposed to peel all the vegetables.  Nice division of labor.  I wouldn’t try to peel with that huge knife, I was waiting for him to cut himself.

For a $3000 rental that kitchen looked awfully dated and depressing with the dark cabinets and marble walls.  

I can’t imagine how sleeping with a billed cap would be the least bit comfortable.  If you toss and turn at all you are going to smack the bill on the mattress or the headboard.  If he is that uptight about his baldness wear a knit cap like The Edge.

Jasmine must model her idea of a seductress on B movies. It’s flat out laughable bordering on repellent.

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4 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

And the reason that her kid busted out with my daddy died is because it's all he ever hears his mommy talk about. It's as simple as that.

She probably mentions it to every store clerk.

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I hate to impugn anyone’s genuine religious epiphany (yours truly had a holy experience with Coldstone Creamery’s “Peanut Butter Cup Perfection”) but Meisha is so artificial and likely devoid of any actual principles or kindness. Was Nicola suggesting that his website is his job? How does he make money from it? And his weird insistence that Meisha’s sexual past is magically gone and she is a virgin means what, that he’s going to pretend her two daughters don’t exist? What the hell is this, a 90 Day twist on Flowers in the Attic?? Alarm bells were sounding frantically when one of the daughters said that whenever they speak to Nicola, all he does is essentially preach at them. He’s a fanatic. If he ever moves to the US, the daughters should move in with Meisha’s sister who seemed to have some sense. 

@greekmom Indeed “my kids are the most important thing in the world!” But I will repeatedly and cheerfully ignore their feelings and their safety and lay a guilt trip on them if they express one iota of doubt about my sOuLmATe! 

If Gino is stupid enough to keep shelling out three grand a month on that place, he deserves to be miserable. I haven’t a shred of sympathy for either of those two walking catastrophes. 

Amanda has no business whatsoever being on this show when she’s still deep in the throes of grief for her late husband. Every scene with her was excruciating. 

My most hated people this season will be Meisha, Nicola, and Riley. Riley gives controlling gaslighter vibes.


Edited by Mrs. Landingham
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10 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Is unemployment high in Israel or is Nicola just a lazy fuck?

Lazy fuck. I’ve only been to Israel as a tourist so I have no knowledge about the structure there, but if they have something akin to social security, I’m sure Nicola lives off his mother’s allocation. Or maybe he gets money for being her “caregiver” even though she does all the work in that house. 

I’ve searched my pockets for fucks to give about Tyray and Carmella but came up empty. 

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I agree that Amanda is simply not ready to find another husband and I find the two, especially her, extra cringe worthy. They make me truly uncomfortable. She's so demanding, and I don't think he can do anything that pleases her. What sort of person thinks it's weird to keep tissues by the bed? Who wants to get up in the middle of the night just to blow their nose? Guess she never had allergies or never sneezes at night.

Meisha. In what world does a legitimate marriage which produced two children qualify for annulment?

Tyray Is really working hard on his self-delusional skills.

Edited by renatae
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7 minutes ago, renatae said:

Meisha. In what world does a legitimate marriage which produced two children qualify for annulment?

My aunt got one with the bs excuse that they were too young.

Amanda, hickeys are childish.  You’re 31.

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5 hours ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

I hate to impugn anyone’s genuine religious epiphany (yours truly had a holy experience with Coldstone Creamery’s “Peanut Butter Cup Perfection”) but Meisha is so artificial and likely devoid of any actual principles or kindness. Was Nicola suggesting that his website is his job? How does he make money from it? And his weird insistence that Meisha’s sexual past is magically gone and she is a virgin means what, that he’s going to pretend her two daughters don’t exist? What the hell is this, a 90 Day twist on Flowers in the Attic?? Alarm bells were sounding frantically when one of the daughters said that whenever they speak to Nicola, all he does is essentially preach at them. He’s a fanatic. If he ever moves to the US, the daughters should move in with Meisha’s sister who seemed to have some sense. 

@greekmom Indeed “my kids are the most important thing in the world!” But I will repeatedly and cheerfully ignore their feelings and their safety and lay a guilt trip on them if they express one iota of doubt about my sOuLmATe! 

If Gino is stupid enough to keep shelling out three grand a month on that place, he deserves to be miserable. I haven’t a shred of sympathy for either of those two walking catastrophes. 

Amanda has no business whatsoever being on this show when she’s still deep in the throes of grief for her late husband. Every scene with her was excruciating. 

My most hated people this season will be Meisha, Nicola, and Riley. Riley gives controlling gaslighter vibes.


First welcome back @Mrs. Landingham. Nice to see you back on the boards. 

Nicola indeed is probably one of those ppl who thinks the website is their job (they make no money) and does nothing all day except bang on his computer keyboard (see what i did there?? ;-)  )   Of course he's going to do whatever it takes to excuse away anything Meisha has done or been in the past - i mean the dude is not only punching above his weight she can fund his lifestyle.  If I was mom, I would want to unload the freeloader as quick as possible.

I have no sympathy for Amanda.  My take is that she went on line. This dude was a fantasy thing. Then she went to Romania and it's real and she probably had chats like "yeah when i see you i want to jump your bones!"  and "we are going to be in bed 24 hours a day)."  Now that it's real - she is changing her mind.   Add Amanda to that hate list above.


5 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Is unemployment high in Israel or is Nicola just a lazy fuck?

Google says in April 23 unemployment was at 3.62%.  I am thinking - low !?!?  But a job will interfere with his website, prayers, etc.

I said it in the chat and I'll say it here again.  Nicola isn't a virgin by choice.  

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Still don’t know all the names, but Cebu lady seems nice and Vietnamese lady seems scary b in other words, both guys appear to be getting what they deserve.  

At least Meischa’sdaughters are old enough to deal with their mom’s delusions.  And if they do work out, is she ready to bring mom over too, because I can’t see Nicola leaving mom behind.  

I also think her need for an annulment is her get out of jail free card.  I think she is already having second thoughts with her worries about him not having had a relationship.  I doubt he has ever kissed a woman.  No way he will be good at physical intimacy because that takes practice. He will probably prefer praying with her to any secular activity.  

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

So if the marriage is annulled as not valid does the church view the kids as born out of wedlock (what used to be called illegitimate)?

Saint Paul was on the road to Damascus.  Meisha was pursuing clumps of cat hair.

Yes, that's it.  I've heard of that happening with "the rich and famous" over the years.

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Is Meisha too botoxed for 43?  Usually when faces have the cheekbone fillers and lip fillers I think they look 60 trying to look 30.  Hee daughters are beautiful.
And Nicola is only 46?  Maybe I’m projecting but guys I know in their 40’s and 50’s seem more youthful.  

I just don’t know what is real and what is a mix of people wanting their 15 min of fame.  Wanting to come to America.  Or just finding gullible people.  

Is Gino just not into Jasmine or is it maybe that there are cameras filming them?

Edited by Laurie4H
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I’d love to hear from Meisha’s former co-workers. She said she left her job but I wonder if she was fired because she refused to shut up and stop proselytizing to everyone she trapped into a conversation about her religion.

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

First welcome back @Mrs. Landingham. Nice to see you back on the boards. 

Nicola indeed is probably one of those ppl who thinks the website is their job (they make no money) and does nothing all day except bang on his computer keyboard (see what i did there?? ;-)  )   Of course he's going to do whatever it takes to excuse away anything Meisha has done or been in the past - i mean the dude is not only punching above his weight she can fund his lifestyle.  If I was mom, I would want to unload the freeloader as quick as possible.

I have no sympathy for Amanda.  My take is that she went on line. This dude was a fantasy thing. Then she went to Romania and it's real and she probably had chats like "yeah when i see you i want to jump your bones!"  and "we are going to be in bed 24 hours a day)."  Now that it's real - she is changing her mind.   Add Amanda to that hate list above.


Google says in April 23 unemployment was at 3.62%.  I am thinking - low !?!?  But a job will interfere with his website, prayers, etc.

I said it in the chat and I'll say it here again.  Nicola isn't a virgin by choice.  

Thank you, very nice of you! It’s good to be back. I agree - Nicola is not a virgin by choice. He has heavy incel energy, too.

21 minutes ago, Shelbie said:

I’d love to hear from Meisha’s former co-workers. She said she left her job but I wonder if she was fired because she refused to shut up and stop proselytizing to everyone she trapped into a conversation about her religion.

She mentioned she was a big party girl so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d had flings with co-workers, both married and single. 

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9 hours ago, renatae said:


Meisha. In what world does a legitimate marriage which produced two children qualify for annulment?


Have you never heard of religion ? It's where the rules are only guidelines when it suits people & the catholic church is just the biggest money making scam & cabal of gaslighters in history, as long as you're handing over your hard earned they don't give a fuck what you actually do. 

From her job description it sounds like she deals with older people who may be very old & she probably promises redemption & a gateway to heaven as long as they write the catholic church into their will.

Is her last Gemstone ?

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

So if the marriage is annulled as not valid does the church view the kids as born out of wedlock (what used to be called illegitimate)?

No. I personally think that annullments are a scam but my godmother used to process them in her local parish. She was a true believer but it seems that, as long as you know what to say, you can get any marriage annulled. I’m not sure what sort of mental gymnastics you have to go through but somehow the kids aren’t impacted or considered illegitimate. I knew a guy who was married for over 20 years and had four kids. His new girlfriend really wanted to get married in the church so he got an annulment, no problem, and they had their big church wedding.

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

So if the marriage is annulled as not valid does the church view the kids as born out of wedlock (what used to be called illegitimate)?

Saint Paul was on the road to Damascus.  Meisha was pursuing clumps of cat hair.

No- if the marriage was made in “good faith” and is later annulled, the children are born in the bounds wedlock. 

I wanted to say Meisha’s daughters are such pretty young ladies! Evidence Meisha’s natural face was pretty as well, before she started messing with it. I think she has cheek implants? Or filler?

2 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

No. I personally think that annullments are a scam but my godmother used to process them in her local parish. She was a true believer but it seems that, as long as you know what to say, you can get any marriage annulled. I’m not sure what sort of mental gymnastics you have to go through but somehow the kids aren’t impacted or considered illegitimate. I knew a guy who was married for over 20 years and had four kids. His new girlfriend really wanted to get married in the church so he got an annulment, no problem, and they had their big church wedding.

Yeah my godmother’s last husband wanted to do this, his ex wife (whom he was on good terms with) thought it was comical “we were married 19yrs and have two kids but whatever”. They were able to have their Catholic wedding in 2016. My godmother died in 2021, dealing with him was less than pleasant. 

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And, of course, we have another parent bringing her children into this mess.  At least Meisha's daughters are in the teens, but still, I don't want to see children brought into these idiotic scams and stories.

Meisha is still very much 'look at me' as evidenced in the rosary scene.

I am really not liking Amanda.  Very demanding/critical along with totally confused as to why her son would bring up his dead father while speaking with Razvan.  Then she acts all offended when Razvan told her he has an interview for his tourist visa when it was totally evident that the two of them discussed his coming to visit.  All of a sudden her kids are everything-except they're not when she made her plans to go to Romania.  Didn't we all tell her it was too early?  Why didn't she listen to us?  Oh, and I'm sure that people she actually knows told her the same thing that we've been saying...  Only now, not only did she drag her children into this, but Razvan is going to be hurt/disappointed (although I think he really wants a green card, it also does seem like he likes her).

Tryra, I get it-you've been hurt and humiliated.  But, just stop, end it while you still have some dignity.

Still fast-forwarding everything Gino and Jazmine.

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I think Amanda is drowning and thought Razven was a life preserver.  She was still a teen when she married a man at least a devade older and stayed home to have and raise their two kids.  Then he went from diagnosis to deceased in 10 days.  She is floundering without direction and latched onto Razven.  But now she is finding out reality is different than the fantasy she built up in her head. She has never been with any man but her husband.  The big fantasy has been replaced by the flesh and blood man and she is panicking.  I don’t know if she was this demanding with her hubby…. He may have indulged her in all things but Razven isn’t her hubby and also not a mind reader.  

She needs to go home alone and meet with a good grief therapist so she can figure out how to be herself as a single person who isn’t one half of a couple.  And to help her kids move forward.   Then she can start looking for love again.  

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I forgot to mention that it seems like Amanda uses her grief selectively to manipulate Razvan and probably everybody else in her life. One minute she's joking and laughing and then the next minute she's trying to put her own guilt trip for being in Romania while her kids remain in America unaware that she's pursuing a new romance, onto him. One minute she's sucking on his neck, and the next minute she's trying to make him feel bad for wanting to move forward with his relationship with a recent widow. When he said he would come to the US her reaction spoke volumes. She doesn't want him in the US. She wants to go to Romania and have a fling with somebody she's telling herself she's in love with, but she's really only just attracted to. She tries to make him feel like he's not putting her kids first but she is. He's not the one who left his kids back home to pursue a new romance without telling them first. That's all on her and she projects it on to him. I really don't like her.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She was a true believer but it seems that, as long as you know what to say, you can get any marriage annulled.

I think there is a fee you send to Rome so that may be why they are available lol.

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Razvan seems to be very patient with Amanda. He can do nothing to please her and she finds fault with everything. I'm surprised at what a decent guy he is saying he is wants to take time to wait until she's more comfortable. Girl, you a bitch. Go home to your kids. 

Jazmine, peel the damn one potato, one beet and two carrots yourself. She said she was going to make him dinner so do it. It's the least she can do while he's paying all the bills. Why is Gino so bent out of shape at the cost of the apartment? Hasn't he been paying for it for many months now? He acts like he had no idea it was $3,000 a month. Lastly, they have two completely different sex drives, it ain't never going to work! 

The autistic guy has met his match! I hope these two work out. 

Meisha and Nicola- we're being pranked, right? 

Farm boy is way out of his league with that gorgeous Colombian. He should stick with country girls that like that life. 

There are too many other couples to keep track of. 

The show with the matchmakers - is that a different show? I'm confused.  


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16 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

The autistic guy has met his match! I hope these two work out. 

Meisha and Nicola- we're being pranked, right? 

Farm boy is way out of his league with that gorgeous Colombian. He should stick with country girls that like that life. 

There are too many other couples to keep track of. 

The show with the matchmakers - is that a different show? I'm confused.  

I think these two (in bold) are on another show? 

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On 6/17/2023 at 9:27 AM, greekmom said:

Why did Meisha have to leave her tv career for her faith? Again, doesn't make sense.

She was the Traffic reporter here in Philadelphia.  My recollection is that she jumped pretty quickly to monetizing her faith by starting some kind of ministry. 

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2 hours ago, Quof said:

Did Jasmine throw a random raw beet into that weird dance of the vegetables?   

It was a rough afternoon and she thought she could turn the beet around. 

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Did not see the show.

About the religious person? My anecdote is my sister’s friend. Normal Irish Catholic life, I guess. She got a teaching degree, started teaching. She then went on vacation to the Caribbean and came back changed. I don’t know what happened and never will. The woman is now 65 years old and this has been going on for close to 40 years. She became really fanatical about religion. Hours praying, a prayer bench, trying to join a convent. She liked the Carmelite branch. They didn’t want her. It is not easy to become a nun. There is also a dowry involved. She has been trying for years, joins some convent and leaves. Don’t know if her family ever suggested counseling for her or anything. I guess for her it was a calling but maybe if she found the right people to talk to, perhaps her life would not have gone down the direction it did.

Some weird things have happened to me in my life but I have never become religiously zealous. My research took me to a metaphysical direction and found someone who could tell me what was going on. I was open to different worldviews and was told what was going on and what I needed to do without using religious constructs. Maybe that person did have some experience she felt was religious but could just be a normal human experience that went a different direction.

Missed the Gino and Jasmine hijinks.

Edited by Frozendiva
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3 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

I forgot to mention that it seems like Amanda uses her grief selectively to manipulate Razvan and probably everybody else in her life. One minute she's joking and laughing and then the next minute she's trying to put her own guilt trip for being in Romania while her kids remain in America unaware that she's pursuing a new romance, onto him. One minute she's sucking on his neck, and the next minute she's trying to make him feel bad for wanting to move forward with his relationship with a recent widow. When he said he would come to the US her reaction spoke volumes. She doesn't want him in the US. She wants to go to Romania and have a fling with somebody she's telling herself she's in love with, but she's really only just attracted to. She tries to make him feel like he's not putting her kids first but she is. He's not the one who left his kids back home to pursue a new romance without telling them first. That's all on her and she projects it on to him. I really don't like her.

This. All of this.

At first, I assumed she was addicted to her own grief and that grief is her whole personality, but no. You’re right - it’s just selective. She wields it like a weapon to get whatever she wants. That whole spectacle of letting her hairbrush fall to the floor to prove she didn’t have enough room for her things was rage-inducing. How dare Razvan as a single person live in an apartment designed for one person! The nerve of him not to remodel the entire pad and install additional shelves for her three-week visit!

She sucks. 

Edited by Mrs. Landingham
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32 minutes ago, Drogo said:

It was a rough afternoon and she thought she could turn the beet around. 

Gino prefers to beet off in the.bathroom rather than have sex with her.

Just now, Mrs. Landingham said:

for her three-week visit!

That she now wants to shorten.

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

In case you missed the episode, here's a quick visual recap! 















If I had a dollar for every couple who met at Hooters. 

This is my favorite post in the history of this site. 

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Meisha can't be real, can she?  Is she a human person?  Is she a robot weather lady gone rogue?  She is horrifyingly too much.  Too much of everything.  But no doubt hollow and empty inside.  Apart from the batteries.

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