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19 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Instead of the "two nice Jewish girls" (per Andy) making a quick appearance in Reunion Part 2 - I would have liked to see Bo Dietl and "ex-friend" Laura show up.  I think they both got more airtime mentions than Jackie Goldschneider and Jen Fessler.

At least, maybe they could have cleared up a few things.  


From Bo Dietl: 

No investigations on the cast members on behalf of Luis. 

Separate from this, Margaret has an arsenal on everyone but it's crickets. 

Anyway, thank goodness this season is over. I don't want to hear about this Gorga/Giudice feud ever again. 10 years is long enough. 

Edited by funnygirl
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Joe Gorga's business was fined with $1 million! And he was sued for not paying construction costs for his house. These are not rumors spread on the media, these are facts. 

As for Dave, Dina's husband, he threatened to sue Joe Gorga for the lie about Louie and him having a falling out about business. His attorney had a press release about it. That's why Melissa was backpedaling about it in the first or second part of the reunion.

Teresa is not intelligent, or articulate, so she is an easy target for the rest of the women. But this was a pile on, and pile ons are not a good look. It seems that after Melissa and Joe and Teresa had a falling out after the wedding, the supposed stories about Louie (and Dave, and the pizza oven, and Frankie) started appearing on gossipy social media, blogs, etc. at the time the show started airing. That's no coincidence. Margaret and the Gorgas have close connections to some of those, and then other outlets repeat the stories. Margaret was accused at the reunion of even paying them to post stories. I believe it because those outlets (there is a million of them out there) profit by getting paid by individuals because only a few might attract any advertisers. Other HWs and reality people do it, as well. 

As for Louie, it seems that he sometimes talks without thinking before he does.

It's good that the show is on pause. 

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That was atrocious. This could have ben the series finale.

I think the women knew they were in trouble at the end when Theresa got up and Andy followed her. Melissa was essentially begging for her job at the end. Yikes.

There's a lot of toxicity. I personally think a lot of stems from Margaret - even though she never gets caught.  I'd be okay with the Gorga's leaving -- the family storyline is so repetitive and sad. They can take Louie with them and Theresa can film solo.

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40 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Melissa for the win. Did not get sucked in to Teresa’s web of rage, and in fact was laughing. She’s over it and Teresa’s still complaining about M and J “following her on to the show” 

For someone who just got married and is in her love bubble, Teresa doesn’t seem very happy. You’d think if life with Louis was so wonderful she’d focus on that instead of her hatred of Melissa. 

She looks happy when not on the show (and especially the reunion). I don't follow any of these people on social media, but I look when something is discussed here, and there are also posts about Teresa everywhere (where she went on a vacation, etc.). Her daughters and his son look happy living with them, they go together on vacations, etc. 

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4 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

That was atrocious. This could have ben the series finale.

I think the women knew they were in trouble at the end when Theresa got up and Andy followed her. Melissa was essentially begging for her job at the end. Yikes.

There's a lot of toxicity. I personally think a lot of stems from Margaret - even though she never gets caught.  I'd be okay with the Gorga's leaving -- the family storyline is so repetitive and sad. They can take Louie with them and Theresa can film solo.

Joe Gorga started saying that he could eventually reconnect with Teresa. I think he realized the show was in jeopardy.

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3 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

She looks happy when not on the show (and especially the reunion). I don't follow any of these people on social media, but I look when something is discussed here, and there are also posts about Teresa everywhere (where she went on a vacation, etc.). Her daughters and his son look happy living with them, they go together on vacations, etc. 

Then she should stay off the show.  

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14 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

I assume by the end of the year. Filming ended, and shows don't air until at least 6 months after.

I don't disagree. I have no idea how this show can continue as it is.

I don’t see how the show can continue either.  Last week we saw Andy go to the men before they came out and basically express his concern for his safety.  They can’t continue like that.

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I love how Dolores is over Frank. She is so done with covering for him. She had been covering for him for most of his adult life and this season especially she is really just putting it all out there about him being a cheating, abusive husband. Frank is such an ass. Now poor Frankie has exposed him as the f'ning liar that he is. Frankie had to let the world know that he is also an abusive father. How could he use his son to try to hurt Louie. It's ridiculous to think that Frankie would lie about his father (who he loves very much) to cover for Louie (who he hasn't known for long and supposedly screwed him over). 

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John Fuda is such a loser sorry. I don’t like him or his wife at all.

Why would there need to be a smear campaign against Joe Gorga and Frank to make them look bad they both are already known crooks lol. Finally someone throws Gorgas shady building dealings in his face.

I don’t understand how Joe Gorga was screwed in the business deal? It wasn’t some groundbreaking idea and he lost no money lol.

The Dina and David with Joe Gorga stuff was proven as a lie was it not?

Melissa and Teresa need to shut up tho and let Andy and other ppl talk. It’s fucking annoying.

Louie looks creepy but Melissa and Joe Gorga suck honestly.

Joe Gorga’s little speech to Teresa is so stupid. Just more dramatics.

Agree with Dolores time to just move on.

The front of Melissa’s dress looks really cheaply made.

I don’t blame Dolores for not wanting Frankie involved. He’s not on the show and she is protective of him and wants him to succeed in life. Trashing his past boss on a tv show would prob not be a good look. Frank sr even bringing his son up to get at Louie is a fucking joke. 

Not sure where this show goes from here.

Edited by Marley
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These chuckleheads in their stupidity and vitriol have destroyed their goose that laid the golden egg, this show. It was almost amusing to see this realization slowly dawn on their faces during the reunion.  Most of them need the Bravo paycheck to maintain or achieve the lifestyle they aspire to. Their manipulations and contrivances to get airtime has blown up in their faces in a big toxic mess of threats, intimidation, and PIs of which Bravo cannot afford to be a part of. Bye, bye, bye. 

Dolores and Paulie were the only adults in the room. 

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4 hours ago, bencr said:

I think Teresa really believes her lies which makes arguing with her both fruitless and exasperating. From a viewer's point of view, Teresa comes across as pure emotion with no logic or ability to persuade. I don't enjoy watching her, and I don't care what she has to say.

She says she has nothing  to do with pizza gate, but she talks, reminds and tells Louis what he should  be telling  Andy, the woman,  is a mental case. I hate Louis, and, as I've said before,  the truth will come out about him, it always does. His ex fiance allegedly  was punished for not giving  him enough  sex, hence the restraining  order. ( page 6 ) 

I'm not a fan of Fuda, but I do believe  Louis wants dirt on him, actually,  all of them. He's a pathological  liar imnsho. This show needs an overhaul,  it's getting  stale.

Delores was a bit shady  about Louis and Frank junior, she's usually  not like that,  interesting 

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2 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Melissa for the win. Did not get sucked in to Teresa’s web of rage, and in fact was laughing. She’s over it and Teresa’s still complaining about M and J “following her on to the show” 

For someone who just got married and is in her love bubble, Teresa doesn’t seem very happy. You’d think if life with Louis was so wonderful she’d focus on that instead of her hatred of Melissa. 

They push each others  buttons.  I don't  mind Melissa, but having  a sil like Teresa, would be a hell of a lot of work.

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Andy Cohen asked John Fuda "what would be the purpose of his (Louie's) people reaching out to her (the mother of his son)? He said "I couldn't tell you", as in I have no idea. Exactly. There was no reason to "investigate" John Fuda who has no connection with Louie. Fuda was doing Joe Gorga, his friend, a favor by adding to the investigation story. 

1 hour ago, Quiet1 said:

Melissa starts lying saying they did invite Teresa but Joe talks over her to say they didn't invite Teresa because she was single! Wonder if they would exclude Melissa's sister for the same idiotic reason.

Melissa admitted she didn't invite Teresa to go out with her and Joe when she was single because they do it with couples only, as if everybody does this. Teresa and Jennifer said that Jennifer takes her sister who is single with them when they go out as a couple.

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John Fuda is creepy as hell. And that yellow snot rag...ridiculous.

Frank with his new choppers....no, just no.

Did it bother anyone else how Melissa kept adjusting her hood?

All I could focus on was how great Tres hair looked.

Hate all of the screaming over each other.

And Peacock is showing an uncensored longer version today so you can see more screaming over each other.

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Instead of the "two nice Jewish girls" (per Andy) making a quick appearance in Reunion Part 2 - I would have liked to see Bo Dietl and "ex-friend" Laura show up.  I think they both got more airtime mentions than Jackie Goldschneider and Jen Fessler.

At least, maybe they could have cleared up a few things.  


From your mouth to G-d's ear! It would make for an epic season if they could be "Friends Of!"

Wait, Jen Fessler was there? LOL.

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Teresa was mad that J&M said they only go out with couples...isn't Teresa the same person who did not invite Delores to some pre wedding dinner or was it an engagement party because it was couples only? Which still makes me wonder why as adults that would even be a thing.

J&M also said since Teresa was single at that time she was going out every night with other single people, sounds like Teresa wanted to sow her oats instead of a night out with couples.

I cannot help but feel like Teresa's life with Looney is akin to some Lifetime movie in the making, like the guy looks great on paper but in person he takes over her entire life, we have all seen that movie, right?

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

I didn't appreciate Melissa's sly, smug smile at various points when Teresa was upset. She looked Iike the cat who caught the canary.

This was exhausting. I don't enjoy all the fighting.

I didn't appreciate Theresa squawking like a chicken, calling everyone disgusting when she didn't have the vocabulary or brains to actually frame a response and the sparkly, see through pants?  She looked like she was wearing an I Dream of Jeanie Halloween costume. 

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7 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Joe Gorga started saying that he could eventually reconnect with Teresa. I think he realized the show was in jeopardy.

Or maybe he actually does hope that he can reconcile with his sister some day? Is is so impossible to believe that some of the emotions expressed are real and that is isn't ALL about the money.  

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15 minutes ago, BluishGreen said:

in his attempt to win over Joe Gorga Louie said he slept in Nonno's pajamas to make "the girls feel safe" and when confronted with so many people finding that disgusting and creepy, Louie now says he made THAT up, too.  What the hell?  Only an idiot would believe Louie about anything.

There is no way to walk that back and still make it seem normal, no way at all. Louie is problematic and now he has to realize that nobody will believe anything he says from now on.  The problem is Louie is not one to give up, he will double down with his lies as odd as they are and his truths will be the just as odd, Teresa is not one to give up on anything as well and will back up Louie no matter what, Joe and Melissa can never mend the relationship as long as Louie is in Teresa's ear.

I would like to never hear Teresa say "You are disgusting," again, her desperate deflection is not doing her any favors.


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10 hours ago, ZettaK said:

What does Fuda trying to adopt the kid have to do with knowing who contacts the prison authorities which is confidential information?

I may have not explained my thought well, if you are looking for someone in prison there is a database in which you can look up that person,it (is not confidential) to fill out the paperwork for the adoption they (lawyer and or John Fuda) would have to know where the birth mother is and contact her about the plans for adoption.  

I found out about the prisoner locator when the CFO of a company I worked for got caught stealing 2.5 million dollars from the company, stood trial, sentenced to 23 years, all but 7 years were suspended, we all wanted to know where she was, we found her and when she was released and then found out she was sent to a halfway house before being released from the state. Not confidential at all.


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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Teresa was mad that J&M said they only go out with couples...isn't Teresa the same person who did not invite Delores to some pre wedding dinner or was it an engagement party because it was couples only? Which still makes me wonder why as adults that would even be a thing.

J&M also said since Teresa was single at that time she was going out every night with other single people, sounds like Teresa wanted to sow her oats instead of a night out with couples.

I cannot help but feel like Teresa's life with Looney is akin to some Lifetime movie in the making, like the guy looks great on paper but in person he takes over her entire life, we have all seen that movie, right?

I was just thinking that! 

Didn't Teresa have some younger guy she was seen with a lot?

So, yeah, I'm more inclined to believe Mel on this one. Plus, didn't she have photos of them hanging out together in round 1 of this argument?

Edited by SweetieDarling
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Not only did Frank Jr refute his father's claims about Luis, he also stopped following Joe Gorga on social media (he follows Tre & Luis) and was out at a hockey game with Luis well after Frank made those staged comments. Dolores shut that down that lie with quickness. 

The guys were stupid enough to film an instagram story lunch before their reunion appearance.  They boosted about the Luis takedown, all pre-meditated. Notice how Fuda never even opened that envelope. It was all just a bunch of accusations to make Luis look like the issue. Meanwhile, this stupid family "feud" predates him by about 8 years.

Also funny watching the tide turn after Dolores says they all need to go their separate ways. Joey & Melissa suddenly see hope in repairing the relationship. In the last 90 seconds Melissa's goes from smirking to being uber supportive, ready to "go with the flow" of the family.  Uh huh, more like they realized they might've truly burned the bridge down and bankruptcy flashed before her eyes. 

Just this week, Frank Sr posting his appreciation for Luis as a father on social media. The rats are scrambling, trying to save themselves and their paychecks. 

The Housewives shows used to be fun, this season was not fun. Sad because it really could have been. Certain people are thriving by pitting people against each other and constantly swirling up drama while they themselves don't add much of anything entertainment wise. Plus, the men are way too involved. Hoping the pause & cast shake-up can make the show enjoyable to watch again.

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10 hours ago, bencr said:

Something else Luis said that didn't ring true was that Bo Dietl sent a security guard to protect Luis and Teresa without their hiring him to do so. That smacks of vigilantism and I don't think an experienced PI like Dietl would assume the liability (financial and criminal) that might occur if something nasty went down.

I think Dietl - a person I was totally and blissfully unaware of until recently 🙃 - probably resents the hell out of the Ruelas, and I’d be surprised if he didn’t make another statement about having nothing to do with them. The unmitigated name dropping is over-the-top INSANE. Never “my friend” or “an associate,” but always MYVERYGOODFRIENDBODIETL. We’re very close friends! So immediately after denying hiring BODIETL, Andy asks about the hired security, and Luis can’t help himself. I’m gonna say it - it’s sad. He really tries to hitch his wagon to stars. Well “stars.”

Annoying that the whole show stopped for Teresa’s tantrum. Would have been a good opportunity for the rest of them to talk without interruption. It also just drives home that she’s the star. This show would be fun without her, but it’s never gonna happen. 

Edited by RedInk
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Without the show M&J have no other income? How foolish to think this Housewives House of Cards is guaranteed income for the long term especially having kids.  Will we see Melissa on OF giving daily feet pics in the near future?

10 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Then again, I can't really understand why so many people, including Delores and Danielle, defend the worst of Teresa's behavior. I sort of get it with Jen because IMO she really has no other identity than being Bill's wife and Teresa's friend, so they are birds of a feather. But beyond that? It's mystifying. 

I am right there with you, I just do not understand it.

If Delores wants a real relationship with Paul she might try leaving the show, he does not strike me as someone with patience or desire to deal with the cameras and the drama.  Before he gets divorced they should try life without the show to see if it is worth the money he will pay to his future ex wife. 

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9 minutes ago, RedInk said:

I think Dietl - a person I was totally and blissfully unaware of until recently 🙃 - probably resents the hell out of the Ruelas, and I’d be surprised if he didn’t make another statement about having nothing to do with them. The unmitigated name dropping is over-the-top INSANE. Never “my friend” or “an associate,” but always MYVERYGOODFRIENDBODIETL. We’re very close friends! So immediately after denying hiring BODIETL, Andy asks about the hired security, and Luis can’t help himself. I’m gonna say it - it’s sad. He really tries to hitch his wagon to stars. Well “stars.”

Bo's released two statements, in both he confirms that he & Luis are indeed friends. The second of Bo's statements is posted in this thread

I doubt Bo is upset about the publicity, it's probably driven a lot of business his way. 

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47 minutes ago, snarts said:

Bo's released two statements, in both he confirms that he & Luis are indeed friends. The second of Bo's statements is posted in this thread

I doubt Bo is upset about the publicity, it's probably driven a lot of business his way. 

Oof, I listened to that rant & stand corrected! I didn’t know anything about him, so I assumed he was a regular businessperson. But I stand by my statement that Luis seems desperate, invoking his name at every opportunity. That’s all I’ll say. I don’t want to be investigated. 😆

Edited by RedInk
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12 hours ago, bencr said:

I believe Fuda, and I admired the way he wasn't taking any BS from Luis.

If he had any proof he would have actually opened the envelope, or said what was in the envelope. Even Andy didn’t care enough to take the envelope from him and open it. Because 1) nobody cares about the Fudas and their 27 businesses 2) you’re as shady as the rest of them Mr Chinless Wonder. 

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Melissa saying at the end she would follow with whatever the family wanted to do. And Joe saying he’d always be there for his sister because he loves her so much. It’s all so laughable. Why not just come out and say “look Andy, we know this show has destroyed our family and we hate her as much as she hates us, BUT if you want us back next season, we’ll be here with bells (and hoods) on”. The Gorgas are straight up pathetic. That they don’t see that any of this would have happened if they had stayed in their lane and let Teresa do her thing with her friends on her show, none of us would have  been subjected to this BS all these years. They apparently hated each other since day one, so why would they have even wanted to be on a show with her? Go out and get your own show. 

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12 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Attorney/client confidentiality? That's what Frank said. Joe Gorga was asked by the FBI to discuss Joe Giudice's business, but he didn't go? Isn't it what confidentiality is about? That Frank won't discuss anything even if Joe went to the FBI? Also, why would the FBI ask Joe Gorga in the first place? Why would they even know about him, and that he might know something about Giudice? They were not business partners. 

Exactly!  Why is everything that comes out of their mouths on that side of Andy accepted without question?  

Didn't the Gorgas claim to not even know the ex business partner?  The guy has already said he and Joe Gorga are friends.  https://www.celebuzz.com/g/joe-giudices-ex-business-partner-spills-all-on-who-put-teresa-and-joe-behind-bars-claims-they-owe-him-nearly-1-million/3/

Frank Jr. has himself said that there was no issue with the job he had with Luis. Dolores has said the same thing, yet Frick and Frack claim otherwise and it is immediately accepted as fact. https://www.allabouttrh.com/2023/06/14/rhonj-frankie-catania-joe-gorga/

Teresa has been messy in the past but I think the worst thing to be said for her this particular season was the continued "my wedding" and "love bubble" baloney.  Melissa and Joe do not come off as innocents in my mind.  They seem to be all about the fame and putting on a show of wealth. Their actions this season seemed to me very much a Hail Mary pass to maintain their position.  I don't trust anything that Margaret says in addition to her seeming to get a pass for a lot of things which appear to be questionable. The Fudas have come in too hot for my liking.  Frank, the disbarred attorney, should be taken at face value?? If Teresa and Luis are going to be judged solely upon their pasts why not the man who also cheated on his pregnant wife?  Meanwhile the other couch, with the exception of Dolores, seems mainly messy, but actually much more "real" than the others. Given that this is supposed to be a reality show I prefer messy and genuine more than polished and fake. 






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