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S11.E14: Top 4 Perform

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There has been a ton of broadway this season and it has to be part of the "I guess I'll let you hire this person" guidelines from On The Town. Like, I've got to see the winner perform broadway x times if I'm going to give them a part in this show.


Not that I'm complaining I guess- my favorite dancers are dancers like Cyd Charisse, Donald O'Connor & Gene Kelly. So I'll take it. Kind of bummed they haven't done more tap though- seems a bit of a waste of two tappers in the finale.


I'm not impressed with any of the dances that much yet. I mean they are nice but whatever.

  • Love 1

Is anyone else tired of Nigel's incessant babbling tonight? Shut up already! I'm also almost ready to turn it off because of all the back patting they're giving themselves tonight and the effusive compliments that seemed geared toward manipulating the viewers. Like Mary telling Valerie that no one could question why she's in the final.

  • Love 2

See now I loved how Anthony choreographed the tapping to the beat of Piano Man. And I mean, Aaron can do no wrong in my book anyways. Why couldn't he have just done all of the routines?

I liked Jason Mraz's performance and was thinking that it really could have been enhanced by Tanisha and Ryan doing a ballroom dance around the band.

I just think that Valerie clomps around. No matter what she is doing.

Jessica is a sexy as a calico kitten.

I'm fine with either Ricky or Zach winning. Ricky does have beautiful feet, I cannot deny it.

  • Love 6

I am totally disinterested in tap, but I could watch Zack tap for hours with interest (and Valerie for approximately a second and half).  I thought the choreo to "Piano Man" was the best tap routine I have ever seen/heard in my life.  


Cat's dress was all kinds of awesome.


Nigel is a prat.


I forgive JTF because he really is funny and that is so much preferable to the sugary bullshit Nigel and Mary spout ad nauseam that I want to kiss him all over his face.


I thought Jessica sucked the air out of everything she did.


If either Jessica or Valerie win, I will be pissed.  Zack should win, but I can live with Ricky.  Zack pwned Ricky in their number, but both were pretty cool.  Unfortunately, there were a couple of weak spots - I spotted one for each guy - but the strong parts made the adrenaline churn in my body.

  • Love 7

For my money, Zack's the most deserving of the win. To me , he's got the edge in terms of picking up the different styles and emoting while dancing. And he's got great musicality, too. That tap solo was pretty awesome. I'd have been on my feet if I was in the audience.

I think the voting will be between him and Ricky. I'd like someone with hip hop experience to weigh in on the dance where they went head to head. Did either out dance the other?

Edited by libraryone
  • Love 8

I feel that the girls' dance was alright, but the judges' reaction to it was all kinds of vaguely sexist/touching-on-racist ridiculosity.  And if I hear "animalistic" to refer to African jazz again, I am going to hurt myself.  What's wrong with raw or human-istic? I loved that choreo - Valerie telegraphed every partner move in it. i thought the choreo was great.

Edited by crowceilidh
  • Love 3

For my money, Zach's the most deserving of the win. To me , he's got the edge in terms of picking up the different styles and emoting while dancing. And he's got great musicality, too. That tap solo was pretty awesome. I'd have been on my feet if I was in the audience.

I think the voting will be between him and Ricky. I'd like someone with hip hop experience to weigh in on the dance where they went head to head. Did either out dance the other?

I don't have hip hop experience, except for watching the show.  I really enjoyed that routine. IMO Ricky's moves were sharper, more precise, and more athletic.

Edited by susannot

I love Zack so much. Loved seeing Emilio cheer for him after his solo. He absolutely tore it up in that hip hop. Ricky was great in it too but my eye kept being drawn to Zack. He really transforms when he does all the different styles. I loved him in the Spencer broadway as well and the tap with Aaron. Also, Aaron, hello I missed you <3 Joining Jesse in the Aaron crush camp.


I really wish someone would tell Tyce to stop with his "Very Special Routines."


Really though, why did Nigel feel the need to reassure us that he loves Jessica? It's been quite clear all season Nigel that she's your favourite, over much more deserving dancers.


I hope Zack wins but I will grudgingly accept a Ricky win.

  • Love 8

I thought the guys were way better tonight although I did like the Valerie and Aaron number - mostly because I really like Aaron.


I'd be happy with either Ricky or Zack I think.

Not Jessica though, which is weird because I really liked her at the very beginning


Question - Can't Ricky do that thing with his other leg?  Is that usual? I get it if it is, and it probably wouldn't have occurred to me except he does it all the time.

  • Love 3

I thought they would nail Valerie's feet to the stage and let her partner dance around her but no, they gave her a white cane and let her pretend she's blind.  Close enough!  She didn't dance so much as walk around the stage.  When she taps, if you block out her lower body, she looks like there's a M5.5 earthquake going on.


I thought the African dance, where vigorous slack movements are expected, would be a good match for her, but she's too slow.  Again, she lagged.  In the Bollywood, Jessica mopped the floor with her, but once again I think the choreographer had to dumb down the routine to her level.


Jessica is by far the better of the two girls but since I find contemporary so boring and unoriginal, I'm not inclined to vote for her.


Zack was very competent but I liked Ricky better.  I liked his personality, and he took the versatility challenge of this show like a fish to water.


JTF was a hoot.  I do miss the Shankster.

  • Love 4

Nigel, let me quote a brilliant philosopher named Christina Applegate: SHUT THE F*** UP. It's bad enough to hear you talk as though this show invented dancing...but I really do not need to hear your views on suicide. Just. Stop. Talking.

Loved Ricky....he is simply brilliant. I have grown to love Zach as well. Loved their hip hop, but thought Ricky was stronger. I may be in the minority here, but I love Jessica's dancing....but she slipped in my opinion after her talking head. Valerie is adorable and talented but not the strongest of this final group. In the Bollywood, Jessica was much lighter.

  • Love 4

AARON!! I forgot who he was, and he was my favorite dancer in his season. A man's man.


Anyway, I am going to allow myself only 2 lines to Valerie Bash.  Ok, maybe 3.  People, the girl was looking forward to and planning on being a DENTIST.  Doesn't that describe everything that is wrong with her dancing?  She hits all the marks but it is all plodding, soo plodding and with absolutely NO PANACHE and no artistry.  None. Notta.


About 2 weeks ago I swear they put a brown rinse on Zack's hair to cancel out the geeky red and they bleached his teeth.  Consequently, his blue eyes now pop and he looks like a young man, not a young boy.  The opening scene of Hernandos Hideaway he was actually quite sexy.  And Jessica is one gorgeous girl but  I hated her intro package--- it was 96% hairography.  I hate that shit.


Well I thought Nigel was going to spontaneously combust with the Homoerotic Trifecta going on on stage tonight:

1.  Same sex opening dance.  Groovy man for the chicks, bloody awful for the lads (in Nigelspeak)

2.  JTF comments to Aaron and Ricky

3.  The Blowjob Jump in Ricky and Zack's outstanding hip hop

And Nigel makes approving LGBT comments when inside you know he is repulsed.

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 2

Zack and Aaron tap routine is my favorite dance of the season. Something about it made me emotional. It was like a scene from a movie and both of them acted and danced perfectly. Zack in particular. He was divine. In fact every routine Zack did this episode was beauty in motion. He has really grown as a dancer. I really hope he wins.

  • Love 16

I really connected more to Zack tonight that any of the other dancers. He was amazing. I loved the Broadway number, loved the Hip Hop, loved his Tap with Aaron and loved his solo. His only "weakness" was the Tyce number but that was a stupid number and no one could have made that anything other than okay.


Jessica, for the first time all season, impressed me. She was fun in Broadway and great in Jazz. When she tries for sexy in a solo its very meh, like the start of the Broadway piece, but give her someone to work off of, and she's far more engaged and believable. Her Bollywood was not memorable, her solo was messy but I enjoyed her Contemporary. Travis has to be the most predictable, repetitive choreographer on the show at this point. The movement very rarely interesting; the make or break of a Travis routine is song selection. That's a skill for a choreographer sure (Wade knew his music and while she bugged me, Mia did too), but it isn't enough for the tongue baths he gets time after time. 


Ricky has hit a plateau for me. Nothing tonight really surprised me. The Hip Hop was probably the best on that front and both he and Zack were amazing. The Jazz with Jessica was exciting enough and there were really great moments but I am very disappointed that his contemporary was so blah. First off, the stage was dark, he was in dark clothes and Kathryn was in white so you could really only see her. I get that all the choreographers love Kathryn, but I couldn't see the quality of Ricky's movement at all and he should be the focus, especially on finale night. The show did him wrong there. He has potential to take on something darker or creepier and it could have happened in that number if only I could have seen the work he was doing. That was awful staging. I just want to see him take on a character. I think back on numbers like The Garden, Are You The One?, Gravity, Night of the Dancing Flame, Ramalama, or Sweet Dreams and I think Ricky has the ability and the poise and carriage to pull that sort of number off that he's been wasted on flail-y contemporary numbers. (And I didn't mean for that list to be all Neil heavy, but I do think Ricky, like Neil, could tap into a creepy dark thing without necessarily being the most mature dancer ever.)


As for Valerie... I liked getting to see Aaron some more. She's so outclassed at this point I can't believe she's still here. Tanisha was in the audience and like, if she'd hopped onto the stage and got it done I'd have been very happy.


Zack and Aaron tap routine is my favorite dance of the season. Something about it made me emotional. It was like a scene from a movie and both of them acted and danced perfectly. Zack in particular. He was divine. In fact every routine Zack did this episode was beauty in motion. He has really grown as a dancer. I really hope he wins.


This so much. There's a list on Buzzfeed today of the top 25 dances for SYTYCD. Something needs to come off so this can be added. It was one of the most interesting, intricate, well-performed numbers I have ever seen. I think all three guys understood that this was the best opportunity they'd ever get to showcase what tap can be to a TV audience and the choreography and the dancing stepped up to blow us all away. 

  • Love 6
That Tyce number was messy and gross, but honestly, I'm never really surprised or bothered anymore. I mean, he's done a cancer dance, a natural disaster dance and a dance about the Holocaust so he has no standards.


To be fair, the Holocaust dance was initially explained more as an ode to all suffering everywhere.  They cleaned it up on the re-dance because that would have eliminated his ability to do anything else, since he's driven by exploiting- sorry, exploring- these kinds of things.


I...can't get through the show.  I started watching live, heard Nigel blather on about how winners quit when they win and losers don't win, or whatever, and then Modern Family guy said something about rooting for them since forever and I was out.


Came here to see if the show would get better and read about this Tyce blindness routine and had to go back to watch it (first time I've done that) because it sounded so bizarre.  I mean, they have two tapping contestants and did this when they were paired?  And one is pretending to be blind?  What?


I don't think it was that bad.  I am, however, interpreting it as parody.  I love Valerie but that girl's facial expressions were so far over-the-top it was absurd, imho, and the whole thing was similarly exaggerated.  It had to be intentional in order to make fun of this kind of shallow, cheesy routine that rests on a heavier topic for depth and some kind of emotional heft.  If it's not parody it's just...grad school, which is the phrase that comes to mind when I see these kinds of these hollow pieces that talk a lot about how important they are.


I made it through the Ricky/Jessica jazz, and based on that I'm rooting for Zack (who I initially referred to in this post as "Nick").  Ricky's got one speed, really, though I appreciate it.  Jessica's kind of a void.  Valerie's cute but not adorable enough to win money for it.  I'll try to finish the episode tomorrow, something about it just feels off, imho.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 3

Haleth, my Fox did that to Tyce. I missed his explanation of his special dance. I'm heartbroken. LOL.


That's when I got extra ads too.  So this happened on two of Zach's dances?  He kind of got screwed.  My station came in mid-dance and at firist I was upset. I wasn't enjoying it and I thought it was because it was half a dance.  Then I saw who choreographed it with its "blindness" BS and I realized it wasn't about missing the beginning but because of who choreographed it.


See now I loved how Anthony choreographed the tapping to the beat of Piano Man. And I mean, Aaron can do no wrong in my book anyways. Why couldn't he have just done all of the routines?


I loved it too.  I loved the different textures to the dance.  I liked it the first time but liked it even more once I rewatched it and kept in mind the explanation behind it.  The best thing about having Valerie in the finals is to compare her tape solo, which isn't very musical, with Zach's.


Only Ricky and Zach were the two who received standing ovations for their solos and one of them should win. I prefer Zach but I like Ricky too. One thing I noticed both times they danced together is how good of a partner Zach is to both his male and female partners.  He's the tallest finalist so it makes sense that he did most of the lifting but he did do a lot of the lifting. 


Wasn't Jessica's solo one she did in Vegas?  The music seemed familiar. 

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This season was a bit meh for me. Unfortunate that an equal number of each gender has to be maintained (makes sense for pairings), some good dancers get cut early just because of their sex.

I realize this is the final performance show, but really with all the effusive praise? When it becomes so commonplace that it's practically expected, it just dilutes deserved praise for a truly outstanding performance. The mediocre then melds on par with the spectacular.


I'm good with a Ricky or Zack win.

  • Love 1

I don't care how goofy Ricky's personality is or about his home-alone face grab, when he dances he can do no wrong in my admittedly untrained eyes.  I hope he wins, but I won't be upset if Zack does.  But it has to be one of those two.  Every time Valerie dances, except when she taps, I just can't help thinking that she's not doing anything I couldn't do, and I'm certainly no dancer.  Her routine with Aaron just made me realize how much I've missed Aaron. Jessica is such a non-entity to me that I keep forgetting she's on the show.  I enjoy her while she's dancing, then I promptly forget her.

  • Love 1

The blind dance made me super uncomfortable, and I had to ff through most of it. 

Did not enjoy the Bollywood.  Was it just me, or was the synchronization off through most of it?  Valerie was ahead of Jessica most of the time, which made Jessica seem tired, but it could have just been Valerie going too fast.

Was there any ball room tonight? 

I really liked both of the tap routines.  Hello Aaron!  The tap choreographer is really good.  He makes tap fun and accessible for a broad audience, which is difficult.

Zach and Ricky (we are in the finale, and I still want to call him Billy, he obviously is not making a huge impact on me) were my favorite of the night.  I thought Zach was harder hitting in it.

I really liked the opening group routine too.  I loved how they were same sex partnering through most of it.  It was unexpected, and beautiful (and I am sick of Travis's routines, so I was surprised when he was the choreographer)

I hope Zach wins, but don't care too much.  Jessica is my least preferred dancer, but I just wouldn't care very much if she won.  This season has not grabbed me.  Even though the last few season's have not be my favorites, there are usually at least one or two dancers I feel passionate about, but this season, they are all fine, but that is it.

Thank you, Nigel, for your expert explanation of suicide. It all makes sense now.


Tyce's voice makes my skin crawl at the best of times, but when he starts in on a "very special" dance introduction I want to throw things at the TV.


The kick-your-partner-in-the-back-of-the-knee move has replaced the upside-down-flexed-feet-bicycle as my all-time least favorite contempo move. Travis, I'm looking at you. 


On the plus side, Robert! How sad is it that the highlights of this season for me were Ade, Chehon, Ryan, Will, and Robert?

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 2

That finale was fun, and it also cemented my belief that Zack has been the most exciting, versatile dancer this season. I really want him to win, but even if he doesn't he's blown away any expectations I had of him (and after Vegas week there were many expectations because he was apparently already so good there).


The hip-hop routine with Ricky and him was so entertaining and hard-hitting. They both did such a great job with it, though I think Zack had the edge. I actually found myself being attracted to him and all that confidence and the hard-hitting moves... and trust me, that's not something I ever thought would happen. I hadn't been overly impressed with Pharside and Phoenix this season, but I think they really hit this one out of the ball park. The whole competitive king theme with that dark red lighting really reminded me of the routine Neil and Danny did back in season three.


Plus Zack's routine with Aaron! What a great tap number! I liked that while there was music, you could still clearly hear the sounds they were tapping out. It was really lovely and rhythmic.


The routines were all pretty decent tonight, though many were forgettable. On several occasions I found myself yelling at Nigel to shut up. He's always insufferable, but tonight was worse than usual with all the blathering. Get off your soapbox with those anecdotes and quotes no one cares about. Just get on with the judging please.


It's crazy how much Jessica looks like her dad. Her face is such a mix of Candice Accola (Caroline on TVD) and Emilia Clarke (Daenerys on GoT). And Valerie reminded me of Vanellope von Schweetz at one point, which was really random and odd, haha.


On a side note, every time the camera panned to the audience, I kept seeing Emilio go crazy being a great cheerleader and supporting his buddies on the stage. It was adorable and made me crack up the entire way through. At one point after one of Ricky's routines, the camera focused on this guy holding a Ricky sign, and a blurry, out-of-focus Emilio popped up in the corner cheering wildly. I just lost it for the next 10 minutes after that. He's always going to be my number one for this season, even if he was by no means the best dancer.


Off to throw all my votes at Zack!

Edited by burntheflaws
  • Love 1

In 4 words:  Zack for the win!


Although I did love that Ricky and Kathryn dance.  I completely agree it was super hard to see Ricky, though, in those dark clothes and that blue light.  Admittedly I am drawn to that fluid, floaty quality of motion, and Kathryn has been one of my favorites since her season.


The show felt very rushed towards the end, panicked that everything wasn't going to fit in time.  Very pressured feeling.  I guess this is mostly up to Cat?  It made me uncomfortable.


Forgot to add:  every time they showed Pharside and Phoenix in the audience, it looked like they were having a great time!  That was fun to see.

Edited by Cuatro1234

WTF was that?  A complete waste of two hours of my life, that's what it was.  That episode added nothing to the season, except to confirm that: 1) the judges are idiots and don't even seem to be trying anymore, and 2) this is the worst group of dancers the show has ever had.  I wouldn't vote for any of them.  You know it's bad when the best part of the show is when Cat hit Nigel with the microphone.  Should've hit him harder, love!!!

  • Love 2

I thought the episode was good, I even really liked one of the tap routines which I usually don't like at all (Valerie and Aaron's). I think what makes me like it is the song and costumes and the demeanor of the dancers and also the choreography. I don't know enough (anything) about tap to enjoy it normally, but all those factors together made that routine really enjoyable for me.


Ricky and Kathryn routine was so beautiful, I liked it more than the other contemporaries of the night. And it is my favorite contemporary of his from the season by far.


I loved the hip-hop too. I thought in general (VERY uninformed opinion is coming) Zack seemed to hit the moves (?) with more authority when the movements were smaller/more precise but that Ricky really killed it when they were bigger (and seemed to have the style much better in those moments), i.e. all the dramatic moments in the routine so I was watching him for most of it.


There wasn't a routine that I disliked, there were quite a few that were forgettable but they were still enjoyable to watch.


I also agree with another poster who said that Ricky took to the versatility challenge of the show like a fish to water. He really did. He did everything so well.

Edited by iameatingaburrito


On several occasions I found myself yelling at Nigel to shut up. He's always unsufferable, but tonight was worse than usual with all the blathering. Get off your soapbox with those anecdotes and quotes no one cares about. Just get on with the judging please.

Oh man, it's painful to listen to him. Live TV is not a kind format to this man, is it? He just blathers and pontificates and treads into murky territory all OVER the place, managing to sound homophobic, racist, pervy, and simply random (what the hell WAS he talking about re: suicide?)  He also made some ghastly comment about African dance and another about Travis' opening number, which -- surprise surprise because I'm so sick of Travis -- I actually thought was super beautiful. Loved it.


Oh, and when he yelled "Shut up!" at Anthony, Anthony kind of looked at him like, "WTF?" That made me laugh.


JTF-- way to make everything all about you dude. I get that on finale night, the third judge is kind of superfluous because it's a night of praise and celebration, but I didn't enjoy him.


Onto the dancing: I must say that for a lackluster season, I found that to be a pretty darn good finale. Weakest link, imo, was the bollywood -- there was nothing particularly special about it. Shoot me now and mock if you must, but I actually really liked the contemporary by he who shall not be named because I found Zack and Valerie to be very genuine in it. It wasn't the greatest choreography to be sure, but it gave me a hint as to why Valerie is still here (and I know many will disagree with what I'm going to say, lol!): she has an authenticity when she dances. There's a joy, yes, but also an earnestness -- I see her shortcomings, but I appreciate this about her.


Loved, loved the Zack/Ricky HH -- I can't say one performed better because they both kicked its ass! Loved the tap numbers, especially "Piano Man" -- wish they hadn't butchered the song quite so badly to keep the dance within length constraints. I could have watched the two of them forevvvvvver. Wow. Ray Leeper? It was ok. I agree with all about the awful lighting on the Ricky/Kathryn dance. I didn't feel the emotion of that one.


So, yeah, Ricky or Zack. I favor Zack bigtime -- but I can't begrudge a Ricky win.

Edited by Gardencrown
  • Love 1


Every time Valerie dances, except when she taps, I just can't help thinking that she's not doing anything I couldn't do,

Really?  I sure couldn't.  I feel a massive need to defend this kid who just loves to dance and is trying to make a go of it.  She auditioned, made the show, has surprised me NUMEROUS times and clearly loves to dance.  I don't see all this "clomping and stomping" that alot of you guys see.  I enjoy watching someone who loves what they do.   I do NOT understand the venom that gets heaped on Valerie.  She's been voted through every week.  Deal with it.


I knew Ricky would make the finals from his very first audition.  That kind of talent doesn't come along very often.  And at 18!  Crikey!  But here's the thing..... he came in at such a ridiculously high level that it's almost impossible for him to have shown any growth or development.  And I like seeing that journey.  So for my money, I'd LOVE to see Zach win it all.  To my eye, that's been the most exciting journey on this show. 

  • Love 10

In nearly all the pieces, I felt that Nigel wasn't even commenting on the dance or the dancers and was just being so self-involved with his pontifications. NO ONES CARES, NIGEL. Anthony did look a bit taken back at the Shut Up! comment. Nigel, stop. Christian Applegate was annoying on her own but you imitating her is even worse.


Shoot me now and mock if you must, but I actually really liked the contemporary by he who shall not be named because I found Zack and Valerie to be very genuine in it. It wasn't the greatest choreography to be sure, but it gave me a hint as to why Valerie is still here (and I know many will disagree with what I'm going to say, lol!): she has an authenticity when she dances. There's a joy, yes, but also an earnestness -- I see her shortcomings, but I appreciate this about her.


I have to agree with this. Tyce was smart enough so that she doesn't have to do too technical. Zack was doing all the heavy lifting (literal and dance-wise), but Val sold it in her performance. They were both SO genuine and weren't making the usual overwrought contemporary faces (probably because they are both not competition contemporary dancers). I really felt like I was watching a love story. It was kind of emotional, TBH.


I was wary about Jessica and Zack because they have never danced together and Jessica, for me, is a chemistry black hole but surprisingly, they work well together. LOVED that Broadway piece. Spencer's best work this season. I'm bias like crazy but I honestly think Zack was part of every great dance this episode. The Top 4 routine was nice too and both Ricky and Zack were stunning. Zack is definitely the forklift of this season though. I swear he was lifting everyone.

Haleth, my Fox did that to Tyce. I missed his explanation of his special dance. I'm heartbroken. LOL.
That's when I got extra ads too.  So this happened on two of Zach's dances?  He kind of got screwed


Make that 3.  Our station issued an amber alert near the end of the show so I didn't get to see Zach's solo either.  It's a conspiracy to get a Valerie win.  (I live in Indy.)


Can I vote for Aaron?  No?  I'm ok with either Ricky or Zach, although as a dancer in On the Town I think Zach would be a better fit.

Edited by Haleth

Nigel should not have said that Jessica is the best girl this season.  It's fine for him to think that, but he doesn't need to say it.  Or, he could have waited and said it next week after all the votes are counted.  His comment could actually make people NOT vote for her because Nigel is not exactly super popular so it might please some viewers to vote against his opinion.  I have no real attachment to either of the female dancers and I never downloaded the voting app, so it does not matter to me, really, but c'mon Nigel!!!  Just be quiet.


Jesse is a funny guy.  I enjoy his quick wit.  Did he "out" Ricky with his, "If you were older, we could date!"  ??

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