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S03.E01: Part One - The Next Generation

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1 hour ago, marinw said:

We need to keep reminding ourselves that Picard is French and not British. Accents aren’t a genetic trait, so whatever his parentage Not Wesley would have had to grow up somewhere where people spoke Universal Standard with a British accent.

Well, the Picards are French again now but last season it was explained that they spent a long time living in Britain after WWII. So Picard’s accent and tea obsession are based on his family culture and heritage.

However, we know from that awful candle-sex episode that Crusher’s Nana lived on a colony planet designed for people from across the galaxy who wanted to recreate a traditional Scottish Highlands lifestyle and that Beverly was raised by her there after she lost her mother.

Perhaps she sent her son to live somewhere similar, only based on another part of the UK. Or perhaps she also had British relatives who raised her son. 

Or maybe it simply doesn’t matter, as this particular iteration of Star Trek doesn’t seem to care why people have the accents they do. We’ve already had an Irish Romulan and an Australian one and nobody mentioned it.

Edited by Lebanna
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10 hours ago, marinw said:

We need to keep reminding ourselves that Picard is French and not British. Accents aren’t a genetic trait, so whatever his parentage Not Wesley would have had to grow up somewhere where people spoke Universal Standard with a British accent.

Oh, we get that, but I think they chose him because his accent reminds us of Picard's, no matter whether there's an explanation or not! (I'd be very happy to be proven wrong.)

23 hours ago, paigow said:

Without any formal training, she was more competent than most officers on Voyager ... and she probably passed the Kobayashi Maru by telling the Klingons that their attack was futile...

While not formally a Starfleet Officer, she served as one for years, leading a whole department. So yeah, for Trek, I'm buying it.

Oops, sorry for double posting!

Edited by ofmd
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5 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:

That was a recruitment center in "District Seven", not San Francisco.  It is presumably near the District Six on M'Talus Prime where Rafi was doing her undercover work.

That is one very huge recruitment center.  What’s so important there to have such a big Campus on a outlying planet? 

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9 hours ago, marinw said:

As for the age of Not Wesley, I think it's been established that human women of the 24th and 25th Centuries can have children later in life, as menopause happens much later due to medical advances and longer life spans and such. Also, FWIW in TNG Gates McFadden was pregant IRL and wore her doctor's coat to cover it up. So maybe Crusher was pregnant then and everyone was polite to ask or something? The apparent age of Not Wesley would match up.

Is that canon?  Regardless if it is or isn't Bev wouldn't be that cruel to with hold a child from their father or a father from his child.  Picard for all his bluster of "discomfort" with children actually was a decent with kids of all ages.  Wesley, Jonah, those kids that he was stuck in the turbolift, Elnor and Rene to name a few.  Now if you want a shitty role model as a father all you have to look at is Worf.  

Even if they retcon Beverly's nature, I won't buy if they try to sell me the kid is Picard's regardless of any reason Beverly has to offer.

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As for what we watched happen when the recruitment centre collapsed, Raffi said something to her Orion contact about quantum tunnelling (or subspace tunnelling?) technology that could be used as a weapon, right? Make the bottom fall out of the world with one end of the tunnel, then use the other end to drop the displaced mass like a payload somewhere nearby. 

Edited by Sandman
Or maybe it was warp tunnel technology?
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5 hours ago, tkc said:

The voice of the Eleos computer is Amy Earhart, Stacey from the Pink Five series of Star Wars parodies!

Not only that, she’s Terry Matalas’ wife.  So continuing the tradition of the producer’s spouse voicing the computer. She also appeared (uncredited) as a Vulcan in two Enterprise episodes.

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On 2/16/2023 at 6:55 AM, cambridgeguy said:

I sincerely hope they're not doing the WoK thing of giving Picard an adult son he never met.  At least Kirk knew about David and agreed to stay away, even though he probably regretted that decision.

I've seen WoK too many times, and as I recall, Kirk knew that Carol had a son, but didn't know that he was David's father. 

On 2/17/2023 at 4:44 AM, cambridgeguy said:

She’s a slacker?  After all, it only took Pine’s Kirk one mission to get promoted from cadet to captain.  

Don't get me started with that again. I still rage about the whole ensign to captain thing.  They really could not come up with something better?


So far, I'm enjoying it. The chemistry between Stewart, Frakes, and Ryan is wonderful. 

RIP Annie. 😥

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2 minutes ago, aemom said:

Don't get me started with that again. I still rage about the whole ensign to captain thing.  They really could not come up with something better?

Seven must have skipped Starfleet Academy altogether.

And FU Shaw, Seven will always be Seven to me. I wonder if Shaw was somehow coerced into taking on Seven as his First Officer for some reason, which wouldn't make for the best working relationship.

Edited by marinw
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Kirk definitely knew David was his son. Carol didn't want him involved in his upbringing and Kirk talks her he did what she asked.

Excellent start. Very cinematic indeed and Mayne the best episode so far. I really liked the Picard and Riker interaction. The TrekMovie podcast said it best. Stewart and Frakes are close in real life but watching the friendship onscreen is watching Picard and Riker as friends as opposed to Stewart and Frakes and that's why it works so well.

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11 hours ago, greekmom said:

Is that canon? 

Well. LwaxanaTroi was pregnant in the 4th season of DS9. If Memory Alpha has the dates right, Deanna was 36 at the time, so Lwaxana would be a lot older than Bev when Not Wesley was born. Also, given all the other medical advances - genetic enhancements after birth, surgically altering someone to appear as another species, regrowing organs and replacing limbs - extending the viable age a woman can give birth seems fairly trivial. There are women who have given birth in the mid-50s now.

I'm not buying she is the biological mother, though. There's no logical reason she'd leave the kid behind for 10 years before disappearing to raise him after that. I agree with others that he's likely a Jack Crusher clone or something. Of course, if she's trying to hide him, naming him Jack wouldn't have been the best move... It would explain where she got the ship. That's not some personal shuttle she's hanging out in, and those were some powerful phaser shotguns. I think she's doing something with Intelligence behind the scenes.

Speaking of which, Raffi can die any time now. Hate the character, hate her story and want her off screen as much as possible.

While the cinematography was great, the dialogue was clunky and phasers are not shotguns. They don't need to be pumped. Phasers are not machine guns, and should not sound like one when fired. That's just so jarring. Maybe they thought it made the fight sound more menacing, but I ended up laughing at it.

Shaw had every right to be suspicious of Picard and Riker, but no way he'd get away treating them like that. Retired/inactive or not, they still have friends in high places. Shaw committed career suicide.

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1 hour ago, marinw said:

Seven must have skipped Starfleet Academy altogether.

And FU Shaw, Seven will always be Seven to me. I wonder if Shaw was somehow coerced into taking on Seven as his First Officer for some reason, which wouldn't make for the best working relationship.

I wonder if Captain Douchebag lost people in the war with the Borg or to a Borg ship. That would explain the hostility towards Seven and her former Borgness. Still doesn't absolve him.

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1 hour ago, Cattoy said:

Well. LwaxanaTroi was pregnant in the 4th season of DS9. If Memory Alpha has the dates right, Deanna was 36 at the time, so Lwaxana would be a lot older than Bev when Not Wesley was born. Also, given all the other medical advances - genetic enhancements after birth, surgically altering someone to appear as another species, regrowing organs and replacing limbs - extending the viable age a woman can give birth seems fairly trivial. There are women who have given birth in the mid-50s now.


Lwaxana Troi wasn't human though, so her age relative to Beverly's doesn't prove anything in respect of Beverly's ability to get pregnant. 

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Beverly Crusher is 76 years old. If Jack is 30, which ties into the actor better, then she was 46 when he was born.

If Jack is 20, to match how long she's been cut off from the others, then she 56 when he was born.

Both of those are ages a woman can give birth in the present. It is perfectly possible for her to be his biological mother even with today's medical treatments. What's the issue with believing she could be his mother in the future?

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Can somebody remind me where Wesley is in this universe and what happened to him? I vaguely recall a cameo in a previous season.

I'd really like to believe this show won't make this new guy Picard's secret son. That's just so lame and I want desperately to believe the writers are better than that.

I agree the dynamic with Picard and Riker is great. "Nice recovery there Admiral." "Shut it Will." 😆

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Not only is Seven former Borg and did not attend Starfleet Academy, she had also joined vigilante organization after she had been rejected by Starfleet. Picard gave her a field commission (which was wonky as hell) and somehow that held and catapulted her on her current position. Since I like Seven/Jeri Ryan I'm willing to handwave her career trajectory though I can't deny my wrists are getting a good work-out.

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17 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Can somebody remind me where Wesley is in this universe and what happened to him? I vaguely recall a cameo in a previous season.


Memory Alpha:

In the years that followed, Crusher rejoined with the Travelers, and at one point, during a visitation with the past, Wesley had made a joke that had inadvertently changed a century's worth of history. Following that incident, he endeavored to never be misunderstood again. Wesley and the other Travelers were also responsible for dispatching the various supervisors responsible for ensuring the proper flow of time.

Following the success of the Europa Mission and the foiling of Adam Soong's plot to create the Confederation of Earth timeline, Wesley approached Kore Soong and offered her a choice: she could continue to lead an ordinary life, or she could take a different path that would lead to "everything else", though Wesley could not guarantee Kore's safety. Conceding that she had never been safe, Kore accepted Wesley's offer and they were teleported away.

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Seven is Cmdr. Hansen because that's how the Captain wants it? I guess this is supposed to be like Jellico telling Troi to put a uniform on but if Shaw did this in the 21st century, he'd be dead naming someone. Maybe he's just counting on Seven's lack of familiarity with Starfleet's HR regulations?


What's wrong with Commander Hansen?  Annika Hansen is her name.  She is serving in a military organization.  Surely that was the name she had used to join Starfleet.  Right?  If not, I would find it odd for her to use her Borg designation as her official name after all these years.

Seven clinging to her Borg designation during the few years after she had been disconnected from the Collective is one thing. It was a familiar name. And she had continued to cling to her use of Borg diction and beliefs. But clinging to a name that was forced upon her while being assimilated by the Borg after so many years just didn't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want to continue clinging to a name that had been forced upon him or her, after literally being kidnapped and raped from a technological/biological point of view, by an alien race? Which is what the Borg had done to her. Especially after she had learned to finally ditch that Borg mentality and diction. This story arc about Seven's name does not make any sense to me. I think the showrunner had used the wrong topic to push whatever political statement he was trying to make.




I was not a Voyager fan so I didn't have much of an opinion on Seven. But Picard has done a great job with the character and I would be down with a Seven spinoff.


I am a "Voyager" fan and I thought the series did a great job with her character, aside from her rushed romance with Chakotay.  "Picard" is another kettle of fish.  Granted, Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd have great chemistry.  But . . . the manner in which their relationship was established had moved even faster than the Chakotay/Seven ship.  It practically took me by surprise.  Nor did I care how "Picard" dealt with Icheb and Seven's relationship with him.  Really distasteful and she better hope and pray no one finds out what really happened following Icheb's death.

Edited by LJones41
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39 minutes ago, LJones41 said:


Seven clinging to her Borg designation during the few years after she had been disconnected from the Collective is one thing. It was a familiar name. And she had continued to cling to her use of Borg diction and beliefs. But clinging to a name that was forced upon her while being assimilated by the Borg after so many years just didn't make any sense to me. Why would anyone want to continue clinging to a name that had been forced upon him or her, after literally being kidnapped and raped from a technological/biological point of view, by an alien race? Which is what the Borg had done to her. Especially after she had learned to finally ditch that Borg mentality and diction. This story arc about Seven's name does not make any sense to me. I think the showrunner had used the wrong topic to push whatever political statement he was trying to make.

I always got the impression that they had Seven keep her name because it caused people to have to immediately accept that she had been Borg, for the same reason that, for example, people might keep a horrific tattoo or a brand that had been forced on them in our planet’s more recent terrible history. You could have it surgically removed, or you could keep it and even show it to people, so that they had to accept what had been done to you.

They decided that she has to keep her implants, which make people have to accept she was Borg and they had her keep the name so that the other characters have to call her by her designation and accept it as part of her. 

I have always found it a curious choice by the writers, honestly. But it does add an interesting element. Not everyone dumps their slave name, or the name their abuser gave them. Some people keep it and their scars and hold them up to the world and say ‘look at what was done to me’. It’s all about having that choice, though, being free to decide. Something they didn’t have when they were captives.

Edited by Lebanna
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On 2/16/2023 at 6:40 PM, Francie said:

But having watched parts of this first episode, I'm gobsmacked at how amateurish the dialogue is. It's like reading a college freshman's first attempt at script writing. This passes for professional writing nowadays? Jokes about Enterprise-D models being unwanted because they're too fat ("You better leave the bottle"), and publicly shaming Geordi's daughter at work to make a crash joke (let me guess, there'll be payoff later on). It's all glib and superficial. It's all wink-wink. 

Overall, I hate, hate, hate, hate hate JJ Abrams' type "mystery box" writing -- dropping clues to whet the viewers' appetites, with no actual enjoyable plot. All set up and introduction and no realized arc from beginning to end of a single episode. There's no good reason to watch this episode, in and of itself. I compare these 45 minutes to, say, the 45-minute episode of Survivors from season 3 of TNG. That ending literally took my breath away, both when I first watched it as an adolescent and even on revisit. I walked away from that Survivors episode with something to contemplate, and it was the story that gave me feels.  

Yes. Clunky dialogue and I hate mystery boxes too. At least they ripped off Blade Runner this time and not Oliver Twist. 

I can’t stand the new captain but I’m sure that’s because they want me to be rooting for his redemption when he rides to the rescue a few episodes from now (pure speculation not a spoiler). I really could have done without the closeups of him eating.

Beverly as Ripley is interesting, I will say that. Am I supposed to know who these bad guys are? Could anyone just tell us these things?

Should have let Seven run the con, Riker (cf Leverage). At least come up with a plausible story. 

Of course I’ll watch because Stewart, Frakes and Ryan were great to see together.



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My favorite theory about the bad guys is that they are the “Nubbin Bug” aliens from the first season episode Conspiracy. It explains the “Trust no one” and that they always have different faces. They certainly would have an antipathy towards Picard and the Enterprise crew. I’m wondering if the “Red Lady” stuff might not even be related, yet.

As to the new son,  think he must either be a clone or foundling. I cannot imagine Beverly giving birth and nobody knew about it. He’s about 30 years old, which would put this around the time of Generations. This is putting aside any age issue in her part. (According to Memory Alpha, she was 40 when the show started, which would have been close to 40 years before the events of this episode.) 

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After the trash fire that was last season, I am really hoping that this season goes better and the show ends on a high note. I like what they seem to be setting up so far, its really cool seeing so much of the original cast starting to gather together, its shameless nostalgia bait and I am living for it. Its sad that we have lost most of the new cast, except for Raffi who's off in her own plot, but its damn hard to beat the natural chemistry that Patrick Stuart and Jonathan Frakes have, that can only be built from working together and off of each other for years. I still smile every time Picard calls Riker Number 1, it feels like its the old days again. This is a promising start to the season, lets hope they keep up this momentum and don't end up falling apart trying to do a million things at once like last season. 

Should be interesting to see what's up with Beverly and why she cut everyone off, not to mention why she's flying around space running from some enemy, alongside her never before mentioned British son. I really hope that he isn't Picard's long lost son, that's not the soap opera stuff I want and it feels out of character for Beverly to never tell Picard that he had a son. Of course, since he's got an English accent, he's obviously French, so who knows*? I would be alright with them giving it another try though, I always thought that Picard and Beverly would get together one day and was always disappointed that nothing ever came of their flirty moments. Does this mean we'll get a Wesley cameo? If this guy isn't Picard's son, who's son is he? 

Or maybe he's half candle on his fathers side? 

Captain Shaw seems like he's a variation of a Jellicoe style commander as compared to our heroes, but while Jellicoe had no people skills and was way too much of a hard ass, he did make some solid points, he had reasons for what he was doing, and turned out to be more of a gray character than a bad guy, while Shaw just seems like an asshole. I was watching some TOS this weekend, and its remarkable how many Starfleet officers are five seconds from becoming supervillains or are just enormous assholes. The academy really needs to weed these people out or get them to shape up before giving them command. 

Poor Seven is still struggling with what to do with her life, it sucks that she ended up on a ship with an asshole like Shaw, if she ended up working under another Captain she would probably feel a lot better about joining Starfleet. 

The "For Annie" card was a very nice touch. 

*Yes, I know that there is a cannon reason why the Picard's are the most British French people ever, but its still funny to me*

Edited by tennisgurl
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17 minutes ago, Ceindreadh said:

I'm leaning towards Jack not being Beverly's biological son. 

Either that or it's a similar situation to Deanna in 'The Child'. 

(and I expect to be completely wrong on both counts!)

I had a weird dream last night. Junior was Bev and Jack Sr.'s kid, but he was a lab experiment to try and create another Wesley. Not hard to imagine that being possible in the future since both of them would have had some sort of DNA sample taken at some point in their Star Fleet career. Since there's a group out there looking for weapons, imagine how useful a brainwashed kid with Wesley's abilities - whatever those are exactly - could be. The kid was found, and Bev took him in. She's desperate to keep him safe. Obviously my poor, overworked brain was trying to find a scenario that explained her actions and where the kid came from.

Now, why he has a British accent... Bashir created the kid? 🤪 Really drawing a blank on that other than the casting director wanted someone with a British accent.

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On 2/19/2023 at 1:54 PM, Lebanna said:

I always got the impression that they had Seven keep her name because it caused people to have to immediately accept that she had been Borg, for the same reason that, for example, people might keep a horrific tattoo or a brand that had been forced on them in our planet’s more recent terrible history. You could have it surgically removed, or you could keep it and even show it to people, so that they had to accept what had been done to you.

They decided that she has to keep her implants, which make people have to accept she was Borg and they had her keep the name so that the other characters have to call her by her designation and accept it as part of her. 

I have always found it a curious choice by the writers, honestly. But it does add an interesting element. Not everyone dumps their slave name, or the name their abuser gave them. Some people keep it and their scars and hold them up to the world and say ‘look at what was done to me’. It’s all about having that choice, though, being free to decide. Something they didn’t have when they were captives.

I recall from Voyager that they removed all the implants that could be removed, but had to leave the ones that were too integrated into her body. 

She also had decided to keep using Seven of Nine because she had been known by that longer than she had been known as Annika, and was used to it.

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4 hours ago, aemom said:

I recall from Voyager that they removed all the implants that could be removed, but had to leave the ones that were too integrated into her body. 

She also had decided to keep using Seven of Nine because she had been known by that longer than she had been known as Annika, and was used to it.

Additionally, once Voyager returned home, she would have become famous. Even if she did want to revert to her human name, everyone she met would go "hey aren't you...?"

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10 hours ago, catsitter said:

In DS9 Keiko O'Brien went to celebrate her mother's hundredth birthday. I don't think they ever explained this, but it means anything is possible, even for humans. 

I seem to remember Bashir once saying someone (maybe Chief O'Brien) should live till 150. I think the old Trekverse novels picked up on that idea too that humans can live much longer in the future. Stewart was 47 when TNG started but Picard's age was nearly 60.

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11 hours ago, catsitter said:

In DS9 Keiko O'Brien went to celebrate her mother's hundredth birthday. I don't think they ever explained this, but it means anything is possible, even for humans. 

Good point: so if Keiko was Rosalind Chao's age, she'd have been about 40 when her mother was 100,  meaning that Keiko was born when her mother was 60. 

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17 hours ago, aemom said:

I recall from Voyager that they removed all the implants that could be removed, but had to leave the ones that were too integrated into her body. 

She also had decided to keep using Seven of Nine because she had been known by that longer than she had been known as Annika, and was used to it.

Yeah, I think the whole 'slave name' thing seems overwrought. It was who she was and she was owning it, and frankly, she'd had it long enough that it was her name. I remember that about the implants, too.

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2 hours ago, paigow said:

Alternatively, she might have been conceived in a lab from frozen egg & sperm and implanted in a surrogate for maturation...

Yes, people alive right now have been born to mother older than 60 through egg/sperm donation. In the future it may be possible to have biological offspring at that age through egg/sperm freezing. There are lots of ways, both biological or through legal adoption, or simply through care and deep emotion, of becoming a mother or a father.

This would simply not be an issue in the utopian 25th century that we see in Star Trek. The only strong argument against having kids at an older age is parental life expectancy or the possibility of ill health while responsible for a child. Remove the health issue and the need for money and there’s no problem. I always thought that line about Keiko’s 100 year old mom was super cool. 

In a galaxy where your parents can be different species from different planets, why would age or gender or anything else be a thing?

Edited by Lebanna

Patrick Stewart has become more noticeably more shrunken and frail. It took me aback at first.

Twenty minutes in and already this season is 100% better to me than the last one. It's almost like Season 2 never happened.

Yeah, Shaw is a piece of work. Insulting Picard and Riker right off the bat? Not that he didn't have some valid points about their lowkey arrogance but he didn't have to make them in such an asshole-ish way.

Ditto comments upthread, Shaw essentally deadnaming Seven was sad. You'd think that would no longer be happening in the 25th century.

Had Riker not met Seven before? I'm not fully knowledgeable of Star Trek cannon across the various TV series and movies.

TMW you find out you're a baby daddy but the baby you're meeting is a 20+ year-old man. Jean-Luc's face looked like he was doing that age math in his head real fast, lol. (As a veteran soap opera watcher I found this potential development hilarious but I guess it's a UO among most ST fans. Oh well.)

I keep reading that the use of I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire at the beginning of the episode reminded people of a computer game but the song always makes me think of this Chanel No. 5 commercial.


Bevery cut everyone out of her life 20 years ago, per Picard - but the actor playing her "son" is 35 years old.

Actors often play characters younger than they actually are IRL. I'm thinking Jack is meant to be in his 20s.


Beverly as Ripley is interesting

As a huge fan of Alien/Aliens I had mixed feelings when I picked up on the reference. I want to go with Sarah Connor instead but I know she doesn't quite work with what we've been shown so far.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Had Riker not met Seven before? I'm not fully knowledgeable of Star Trek cannon across the various TV series and movies.

No, Riker has not met Seven before this moment. Picard only knew Seven by reputation until he actually met her in person in Season 1 episode "Absolute Candor". 

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On 2/17/2023 at 8:01 PM, Lebanna said:

Or maybe it simply doesn’t matter, as this particular iteration of Star Trek doesn’t seem to care why people have the accents they do. We’ve already had an Irish Romulan and an Australian one and nobody mentioned it.

My fanwank is that the universal translator is just approximating accents according to where the people of a given planet are from.

Or like the Doctor once put it: "Many planets have a north."

On 2/18/2023 at 3:35 PM, Cattoy said:

LwaxanaTroi was pregnant in the 4th season of DS9.

Lwaxana Troi is not human though.

On 2/18/2023 at 5:31 PM, Cattoy said:

Beverly Crusher is 76 years old. If Jack is 30, which ties into the actor better, then she was 46 when he was born.

If Jack is 20, to match how long she's been cut off from the others, then she 56 when he was born.

Both of those are ages a woman can give birth in the present. It is perfectly possible for her to be his biological mother even with today's medical treatments. What's the issue with believing she could be his mother in the future?

56 is only possible if you had some eggs frozen in your younger years. Of course that is likely to change in the next centuries.

46 is absolutely possible, but I do like the theory more that this happened during her absence in season 2 of TNG, which would put her at a perfectly reasonable 41.

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On 2/16/2023 at 3:07 PM, Tachi Rocinante said:

A good start, hope they don't ruin it.

The noise of the "Cylon" ship sounded like the machine planet from the original movie.

Todd Stashwick is underappreciated and a good choice for Shaw.

"For Annie" indeed.

Cylon Ship.... I was looking at it along the lines of the ships on Babylon 5... With all these sci fi shows, all the ships start to resemble each other


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