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Farmer Wants A Wife - General Discussion

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Ryan’s farm is a horse boarding and training facility.  He did or does teach riding lessons, with several reiners in his barn as well as some cutting horses. He starts young horses. He’s got a couple of nice stallions and actively crosses his mares with big name stallions, so he’s in breeding too, apparently.  


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13 hours ago, Tess23 said:

This might be the most boring reality show in the history of tv. I had high hopes. Do these guys want a wife or a hired hand?

As a REAL farmers wife the answer is YES...both. 😁 it's helpful to my husband that I can load a tractor, drive a semi, and get equipment from point A to point B safely so he can work on other things. About half our farm ground is over an hour away from the home place. And he knows that the other "chores" are getting done here. Chickens, cow/calf pairs, haying, garden, yard, cleaning, cooking, canning, and the bookkeeping. DAMN I need a raise. 🤣

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I totally get it, JunkFoodTV and should have elaborated! Although we now live in Omaha (metro population 1 million), we used to live on a farm 40 years ago and raised hogs early in our marriage. I was happy to help out and can do a mean vaccination (pats back), but If my husband would have 'auditioned' me prior to our engagement like these socially awkward fellows (Ryan excepted), there would have been no Mr. and Mrs. Tess23. I don't love Ryan, but at least he took his date to a lovely restaurant one night. 

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1 hour ago, Tess23 said:

I totally get it, JunkFoodTV and should have elaborated! Although we now live in Omaha (metro population 1 million), we used to live on a farm 40 years ago and raised hogs early in our marriage. I was happy to help out and can do a mean vaccination (pats back), but If my husband would have 'auditioned' me prior to our engagement like these socially awkward fellows (Ryan excepted), there would have been no Mr. and Mrs. Tess23. I don't love Ryan, but at least he took his date to a lovely restaurant one night. 

Yeah mr. junk food said stop complaining (even though I would NEVER) at least my official "uniform" isn't short shorts. 🤣

Are they keeping miss botox on the show to annoy me? I'm beginning to take it personally. 😒

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I can understand the men getting to know the girls and needing help with chores but there is more to farm life than that. Like someone stated there’s cooking, gardening, etc. and it would have been nice to see some of that- what can the ladies do well that can help out also. Not that it would be a competition but at least see if they can cook and what other talents they have they could “bring to the table”. 

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The farmers/ranchers all seemed to be pretty good dancers.  But, there is a disjointedness to this show that somehow lessens how interesting it might have otherwise been.  Loved the puppy that was running around on one of the farms.

The women seem disinterested yet competitive at the same time.  It bothers me that some of the women are all 'I have to really think about giving up my life and moving here' as if they never considered the possibility that marrying a farmer would mean living on the farm.  It's as if they just signed up for a reality show (any reality show) without even thinking about what the show was about (life! on a farm! with a farmer [rancher]!).

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3 hours ago, silversage said:

Like someone stated there’s cooking, gardening, etc. and it would have been nice to see some of that- what can the ladies do well that can help out also. Not that it would be a competition but at least see if they can cook and what other talents they have they could “bring to the table”. 

It's probable that the host (Jennifer Nettles?), and the rest of the production staff don't cook much--so no one thought of that GREAT idea when developing the show.

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4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

That was me.  I guess I'm just impressed when people (try) partner dance with spins.  Obviously I'm easily impressed...

And, I have watched far too many episodes of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette when what they consider to be "dancing" is standing on the dance floor while making out to some unknown singer...

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Spinning one's partner.  She (usually a she) expects to face forward...so when you spin her backward because you're only pretending to dance, she's caught off guard and off balance.  Also, don't "interlace" fingers with your partner--it's too confining; also signals you don't dance much. A nice easy handclasp works well.

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16 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think a second season of Joe Millionaire would have been more interesting.

It's funny because that's what this show to me the most closely resembles.  It's the D list Bachelor.  And I like/liked both!

We're this far in and I can remember some of the ladies names but then I can't remember which "farmer's" group they are in.  

Megan needs to come back.  Hunter doesn't have anyone else viable in his group.

When the show started, Hunter seemed so homely to me compared to the other guys.  But the more you get to "know" him, the more attractive he becomes.  I think he's a nice balance of kind of goofy but can be serious as well.  

I actually don't mind Allen because I think he's trying realllly hard.  He knows he doesn't share his emotions and is highly reserved.  And I think it shows that he's really trying not to be that way, for the sake of the ladies (and the show). 

I don't think Landon fits with anyone in his group.  I think he's the most attractive but a bit of a dud. 

On 4/20/2023 at 2:26 PM, seacliffsal said:

The farmers/ranchers all seemed to be pretty good dancers. 

I thought so too!  The first time Hunter danced I was like - wowza!!  Now that's attractive!  So maybe technically they aren't any good (I know nothing about line dancing), but Hunter, Allen and Landon all seemed to possess pretty good rhythm. 

Cassidy Jo is long past her expiration date.  Please leave.

I also don't like Lily and that hostile one in Landon's group.

It was funny, the ladies who were picked for the final solo date were over the moon.  It was so obvious that each one was getting their final chance and that the "farmer" was the least interested in them out of the group. 


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I heard Landon say responsibility (of the farm) comes first before the fun things when he went to check up on the rain soaked field before their date. He didn’t even tell Zoe he was going to do that.  Zoe said she didn’t mind it as a pit stop before dinner or a movie, etc. Sometimes those responsibilities take an unexpected long time and plans will be changed. Zoe is obviously not ready for reality. 

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I think it was good there was a camera crew there otherwise I think Allen would have pushed Cassidy Jo overboard and left her there.  Wow is she needy!  And, she thinks her neediness is cute.

So Lilly couldn't even talk to Ryan face-to-face.  Oh well, at least she got to be on the t.v.

Oh, and the way they hyped "the most unexpected return" of Meghan was the least unexpected return in my mind.  I feel for the other women as Hunter just can't seem to hide his emotions.  

Landon has really grown on me.  His friend seemed solid and sincere.  I guess his farm is really isolated-not everyone is cut out for that kind of life.  I would embrace it as I enjoy a less crowded and isolated environment.  But, in this social media era in which everyone is always showing how very busy they are, these young women may not be as prepared for this type of life as they think.

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think it was good there was a camera crew there otherwise I think Allen would have pushed Cassidy Jo overboard and left her there.  Wow is she needy!  And, she thinks her neediness is cute.

It seems like Production was trying to give her a better "character" near the end ... when they knew THEY were booting her.

3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Oh, and the way they hyped "the most unexpected return" of Meghan was the least unexpected return in my mind. 

Everything about this show suggests, "First time working on Reality TV," for everyone involved.

7 hours ago, silversage said:

 Zoe said she didn’t mind it as a pit stop before dinner or a movie, etc. Sometimes those responsibilities take an unexpected long time and plans will be changed. Zoe is obviously not ready for reality. 

I doubt if there will be much "reality" for anyone involved in this mildly interesting series.  Loved the landscapes and the animals.  Cassidy Jo probably doesn't have enough self-awareness to be embarrassed when she "watches back" (some term created by the Bachelor Franchise).


On 4/20/2023 at 10:12 AM, JunkFoodTV said:

Are they keeping miss botox on the show to annoy me? I'm beginning to take it personally. 😒

She's such a NEEDY personality, I assume she's doing "anything" to stay.

On 4/20/2023 at 7:13 PM, Meowwww said:

Cassidy Jo, honey, lay off the foundation.  You’re so beautiful naturally. 

Beauty only goes so far.  She's not pretty enough to offset her pushy personality.  She probably thinks it comes off as vivacious.  IT. DOES. NOT.

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5 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

It seems like Production was trying to give her a better "character" near the end ... when they knew THEY were booting her.

Everything about this show suggests, "First time working on Reality TV," for everyone involved.

I doubt if there will be much "reality" for anyone involved in this mildly interesting series.  Loved the landscapes and the animals.  Cassidy Jo probably doesn't have enough self-awareness to be embarrassed when she "watches back" (some term created by the Bachelor Franchise).


She's such a NEEDY personality, I assume she's doing "anything" to stay.

Beauty only goes so far.  She's not pretty enough to offset her pushy personality.  She probably thinks it comes off as vivacious.  IT. DOES. NOT.

I haven't lied her since the first episode.

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So who is the mistake...mentioned in previews? I am guessing it is one of the 2 guys who had to eliminate women when choosing their 2 to go visit. So, Hunter or Landon? Did they show who said they made a mistake? I am guessing Hunter takes Meghan and that other cute little blonde. And Landon takes the one with the kid and not Zoe (fun one) but the other.

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With the dramatic cutoff before Hunter announces his final two . . . I think he announces his final ONE.  I would have packed my bags if I saw how happy he was to see Meghan return!  If there hadn’t been a gate to open, it looked like they would have literally ran into each other’s arms like in the movies!  Game over on that one!

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On 4/29/2023 at 12:01 AM, Real4real said:

With the dramatic cutoff before Hunter announces his final two . . . I think he announces his final ONE.  I would have packed my bags if I saw how happy he was to see Meghan return!  If there hadn’t been a gate to open, it looked like they would have literally ran into each other’s arms like in the movies!  Game over on that one!

You could tell he wanted to run so bad.  Him taking her on the date to meet the fam pretty much sealed it in my mind.  She’s a professional wedding venue planner.  Plenty of land to do something in that area if they stay  together. 

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I’m a city girl, so my tastes may just be completely different, but I keep thinking “Why would women compete for these men?” Is this just the best farmers the producers could get, or do most women consider these men hot catches? They don’t seem particularly attractive, charming or considerate to me. 

I’m not trying to be snarky—it’s a genuine question. I’m a little baffled. 

On the snarky side, the show itself is very poorly produced. I do like Jennifer as a host though.

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4 hours ago, Cramps said:

I’m a city girl, so my tastes may just be completely different, but I keep thinking “Why would women compete for these men?”

Perhaps why would THESE women compete for these men.

4 hours ago, Cramps said:

I’m not trying to be snarky—it’s a genuine question. I’m a little baffled. 

Since it's a genuine question, my (worthless) opinion is that (like most reality shows), these woman probably have agents and are showbiz wannabe's.  They don't have the more respected agencies because they don't measure up (yet), so they're not going to be sent for interviews like the Bachelor Franchise, etc.  THESE women want showbiz careers and "reality TV" is one of the latest stepping stones.

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On 5/1/2023 at 3:40 PM, LakeGal said:

Did I see Allen at the White House Correspondents dinner?  I think that was him in a  black cowboy hat.  

All the guys were there…not sure why, it’s so random. 
So…if I were single and young and pretty, this should would be something I might try.  I’m a lifelong horse person, country lover, you name it.  I totally see the appeal for someone like me (and Rebecca and Lily). The rest are just there to be on tv.
I kind of love this show. 

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