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S10.E07: Eat Me In Seven Different Languages


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Like a drunken sailor who is a teetotaler compared to these guests, these comments are in the order of the episode scenes broadcast.

Kudos to Rachel, who straight up responds not only to the spice level of the Indian guests but gets the lingo as well.

So the guests think Rachel’s food is too bland.  Big mistake – huge.  Now, as Rachel puts it, she has “carte blanche to blow your ass off”. 

Tony complains about work hours – what did you think life was like on a yacht, dude?

Alissa reveals again how manipulative she is as Camille tries to improve, but Alissa tries to poison the well with Fraser. 

I call shenanigans on the female “primary” who hates everything Rachel produces.  The camera is always in just the right place at the right time for her to elicit her disgust.  Not buying it, considering no other guests are having a bad experience.

Medusa (Hayley) – “These guests seem to have a problem with almost everything.”  Translation:  Prepare for a crap tip because that’s what they intended all along.  Oh, and yeah, learn to smoke a cigar from the right end.

And again, we can’t escape Tony’s grunting.

Captain Queeg has to get herself more air time by doing the job her crew is supposed to do.

Fraser, as the guests go to the beach, “What a horrible group of people.”  Must agree with Fraser’s snide comment on this one.

And once again, as if on cue – wait a tick, of course it’s on cue – the guests complain about how their environment isn't special enough.  Since it seems like all they want to do is drink anyway, why not just stay on the boat and drink yourself into an irrecoverable coma?  Win for all of us.

What will happen next week?  Will Alissa and Camille kill each other in front of the worthless guests?  Will Queeg intervene in a helpful manner?  Will Ben wake up and kick Camille to the curb?  Will Medusa turn the rest of the crew to stone?  Stay tuned, if you can sort crafty from crazy…


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Well, for the majority of this episode Camille didn't bother me nearly as much as she usually does because these guests were flaming assholes from the get go.  Nothing is right for them, from the food to the beach picnic and I'm sure they will find fault with the Bollywood dinner.  They are running the crew ragged and will most certainly leave a shitty tip.

Alissa should know better than to engage and yell back and forth with Camille during a charter.  Sandy needs to start knocking heads.  If Frasier isn't sure what's going on when he's not there, maybe he should ask people who are.  Camille needs to get a pink slip.  She has a bad attitude and she's lazy.  She acts as though part of her job is to be on vacation.  Girl, bye.  

Katie, go ahead and let Camille take your pride while she's leaving.  You clearly have no self-respect.  Of course Ross is out of the doghouse.  He always will be because you will always forgive him his terrible behavior, even after shooting death glares at him and proclaiming that you are done.  You're not and Ross knows it.  

Ben is clearly in line for getting his heart broken.  Not a good idea to dip your pen in the company inkwell.

Oh, and in case I haven't already said so, these guests are massive assholes and I cannot wait for them to get off the boat.

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These guests could win the award for bitchiest guests ever!  Wow.

Maybe it's just me, but if I were going on a yacht TV show centered on the crew, I would be on my best behavior.

Alyssa and Camile can both go away.  A shouting match in front of the guests is really, really stupid.  What will Sandy do?  Getting replacements has never been easy.  Fraser is still clueless.

Tony should quit whining and Ben is making a huge mistake.

Ross is pretty useless too.

I can't wait to see how hot Rachel's next meal is.  LOL  She and Big Red seem to be the only ones who get it.

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These guests are jerks, but that was not a 5 star yacht excursion. And if the guests request a stone free secluded beach experience and that's not achievable in the area the boat is moored, then you tell them that will be an issue and give them other options; you don't drop them off at the rest area off I-95.

I'm total team "relax, it's a vacation" but I would have apologized to the crew and asked to return to the luxury yacht that doesn't smell so much of animal urine that the crew was joking that they'd reek of it later.

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1 hour ago, kassa said:

These guests are jerks, but that was not a 5 star yacht excursion. And if the guests request a stone free secluded beach experience and that's not achievable in the area the boat is moored, then you tell them that will be an issue and give them other options; you don't drop them off at the rest area off I-95.

I'm total team "relax, it's a vacation" but I would have apologized to the crew and asked to return to the luxury yacht that doesn't smell so much of animal urine that the crew was joking that they'd reek of it later.

Didn't they show another beach that was secluded and Sandy vetoed that in favor of the other beach with trees? (and horses and dogs and people and cars and poop)


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4 minutes ago, Lurk said:

Didn't they show another beach that was secluded and Sandy vetoed that in favor of the other beach with trees? (and horses and dogs and people and cars and poop)


In their defense, when they went to look at beaches, the one they chose was empty and looked inviting. Several hours later, not so much. Interestingly, on WWHL, when asked if she regretted choosing the beach, Sandy said she didn't choose it. Hmmm😉

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Soon as they stepped on the boat they were demanding things, like hookahs over here and hookahs over there.

Did they really want them or encouraged to push setting them up?  On the one hand, they want to try to act like kids 30 years younger on spring break with the twerking and constant drinking.  OTOH they want to bring their Indian culture on board with the hookahs and the sarongs and Bollywood theme party.  The latter sounds like something the producers want because is it easy to pack a couple of hookahs?

So far Rachel served Mexican and Spanish after bragging about studying Indian cuisine.

BTW, these people are Hindu and she served them beef?  Chorizos are pork, do they have pork in Indian dishes?

Camille and Alissa are so tiresome, Fraser and Haley don’t want to get involved.

Sandy didn’t see the dogs or the road behind the “beach” or the campers?  If they still get about $15k or more you know the tips are fake.

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Camille is just a kid, yet she's at least trying to do better.  She could be managed, but Fraser doesn't have the skillset for it. I'd rather see Alissa get it, because she's a passive-agressive backstabber and is more deserving. Although I think Ben is a more talented Chef, Rachel is certainly no slouch. She did a ten course tasting awhile back that was impressive. For some reason, she seems to have brought her B game this season. 

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7 hours ago, aghst said:

BTW, these people are Hindu and she served them beef?

I wondered about this also. My daughter has 2 friends who are from India. They moved to this contry as small children. But they identify strongly with the Indian culture. They do not eat beef. She attended both of their weddings and fish and another dish were served. So I was taken aback when all of the beef started appearing on the menu. But maybe these individuals are no HIndu. 

But these are some of the most obnoxious people that have appeared on the Below Deck shows. Do people like this think it makes them special and important to come on a reality show and be demanding and rude? That woman who repeatedly screwed up her face and announced that the food was terrible was a real prize. I have a feeling that they will stiff the crew with the tip.


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7 hours ago, aghst said:


Did they really want them or encouraged to push setting them up?  On the one hand, they want to try to act like kids 30 years younger on spring break with the twerking and constant drinking.  OTOH they want to bring their Indian culture on board with the hookahs and the sarongs and Bollywood theme party.  The latter sounds like something the producers want because is it easy to pack a couple of hookahs?

So far Rachel served Mexican and Spanish after bragging about studying Indian cuisine.


I can understand drinking, being loud, and dancing, but I think all the smoking was producer driven. I call shenanigans on anyone bringing a hookah on a transatlantic flight, and I don't think any of those men had smoked a cigar before since none of them knew which end to light. This group was obnoxious enough on their own without any Bravo-added drama. 

Ditto all the comments about the food. I expected to see Indian food at least for dinner on the first day. Maybe Rachel has lost some of her zing because of the bad layout of her work area. Or maybe, since I just googled her age and she's almost 40, she's getting tired of yacht life. 

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There's been some speculation (mainly on Twitter) about why Camille has an issue with Alyssa. Frankly, I do not feel it's race related at all, I think Camille is immature and a little lazy, with a stated issue with authority. Not to generalize but she reminds me of many of the young workers I encounter lately who seem to want a pat on the back for merely showing up.

We've not seen her personally attack Alyssa, other than recently calling her a bully. Whereas, I do wonder why Alyssa had such an intense dislike of Camille, seemingly from the jump. She's personally attacked Camille starting in the very first episode, not always to her face but in her comments to others and her confessionals.

The most recent conversation with Fraser was quite telling. She's holding on to hostility.  Why? Other than being a lackadaisical worker, what has Camille done to her?  I can't help but think that it all goes back to jealousy over male attention.

So why I do think it's time to fire Camille, I also have issue with Alyssa. I think she's manipulative and patronizing. She picked the fight with Camille the second she returned from the beach. Camille came in carrying multiple bags and Alyssa couldn't wait to task her with the ironing. Not sure why Camille asking for a minute turned into such an argument, other than that's exactly what Alyssa wanted. 

Rachel's heart doesn't seem in it this season. 

Sandy was on WWHL with Oriana from Adventure. Oriana treated it like a job interview. I think she's jonesing for chance on the mother ship.

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Alyssa is not handling this well. She can't ever let Camille have the last word. This causes the situation to escalate.  She would be wise to let Camille do herself in. As it stand now she looks as bad as Camille.  A big part of the problem is that Camille is probably used to skating by on her looks and receiving a lot of male attention. She resents taking orders from another woman with the exception of Captain Sandy who is her ultimate boss And can fire her. Alyssa resents Camille getting a pass on everything and she has Sandy snowed.  Alyssa was wrong to jump on Camille right after she got back from the beach picnic. She seems to resent that Camille works well under Fraser but not her. She really wants to be the boss. 

Fraser need to step in and take over supervising Camille. Camille reminds me of a combination of augumentative Riley and crazy Rocky.  I dont think there has ever been a Below Deck show where the 2nd stew has almost total authority over the 3rd. stew. Fraser is not doing his job. Instead of laying down the law to both Alyssa and Camille he holds a meeting where he tells them to get along and then they all hug. This changes nothing.


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10 hours ago, aghst said:

So far Rachel served Mexican and Spanish after bragging about studying Indian cuisine.

BTW, these people are Hindu and she served them beef?  Chorizos are pork, do they have pork in Indian dishes?

I was so disappointed by Rachel's interpetation of ethnic foods on this charter. Beef? Pork? She could have made veggie samosas, chicken tandori, shrimp vindaloo, saffron rice etc...colorful plates full of food but she decided on a strange mix of Mexican and Spanish foods that were not even prepared well? Also, putting the sausage in little iron skillets and putting them on the table without a plate under it? How would the guests pass that little dish to each other without burning themselves? Yes underplates are important!

Unpopular opinion but I do not hate Alissa, she may over react to Camille but c'mon, how can you not? 

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So why I do think it's time to fire Camille, I also have issue with Alyssa. I think she's manipulative and patronizing. She picked the fight with Camille the second she returned from the beach. Camille came in carrying multiple bags and Alyssa couldn't wait to task her with the ironing. Not sure why Camille asking for a minute turned into such an argument, other than that's exactly what Alyssa wanted. 

Yes. This is the first time I've started to see that Alyssa is part of the problem here. Not the whole problem, mind you - Camille is still a lazy worker. But I agree with your take on the scene above and also Alyssa was being passive aggressive with the guests when they were all ordering drinks at the bar. I understand her frustration in both situations, but she does not handle it well. 

Fraser should have split them up after Day 1. And now that Camille is working morning shifts with Fraser, Alissa should just back the hell off and keep her mouth shut. Let Camille sink or swim on her own.

What exactly are the guests smoking in those hookahs? It better not be anything stronger than tobacco after all the episodes where they insisted drugs are illegal.


And once again, as if on cue – wait a tick, of course it’s on cue – the guests complain about how their environment isn't special enough.  Since it seems like all they want to do is drink anyway, why not just stay on the boat and drink yourself into an irrecoverable coma? 

I don't blame them for criticizing the beach they picked, it did look pretty trashy and touristy. But (and I said this last week) I don't get why you'd charter a luxury yacht and then ask for off-boat excursions. It's only two days. Enjoy the damn luxury yacht. There are plenty of water sports and toys to amuse you, plus good food and all you can drink. Who the hell wants a beach picnic anyway? All I can think of is sand getting everywhere.

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I don't get the beach picnics either.  If I'm paying and tipping as much as these yacht trips cost, I'm staying on that boat until they throw me off.

On top of that, that beach was awful.  I'd have been upset about that excursion too.

I don't get the serving Indian food because the guests were Indian.  When I travel, I would want to eat the local food.  I live in New Orleans--when I visit family in Dallas, I don't look for creole and cajun restaurants there.

And while I'm on a roll, I don't get the dining with the captain and partying with the crew.  Do these guests really think the captain and crew want to dine and party with them?

I hope this is all producer driven and not guest choice.  Has anyone every come across any behind the scenes stuff from the guest perspective?

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8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Yes. This is the first time I've started to see that Alyssa is part of the problem here. Not the whole problem, mind you - Camille is still a lazy worker. But I agree with your take on the scene above and also Alyssa was being passive aggressive with the guests when they were all ordering drinks at the bar. I understand her frustration in both situations, but she does not handle it well

Yes! You said it somuch better than I. You are exactly right  And I agree leave Camille alone to sink or swim and I bet she sinks.

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10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

What exactly are the guests smoking in those hookahs? It better not be anything stronger than tobacco after all the episodes where they insisted drugs are illegal.


Who are they and what drugs are you talking about ? They're guests which is completely different to the staff taking drugs when working.

You are 100% correct about Camille & Alyssa though.

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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9 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Probably the very first Below Deck when the guests were caught with what appeared to be cocaine in thier rooms and the Captain ended the charter ASAP.

I had forgotten all about that. If they're smoking crack in their hookah then sure kick them off the boat but I doubt they are even with the way they are acting, maybe some weed in their hookah would chill them out and wouldn't be a bad thing.

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2 hours ago, mytmo said:

How can you not know which end to smoke on a cigar with the band and all? 

Oh, they know all too well which end to properly smoke the cigar from. 

They want to be seen as trendy, cutting edge and somehow more knowledgeable than “regular” cigar aficionados. Back in the day (during the cigar boom) we had a word for them…poseurs. 

There are so many reasons NOT to smoke it that way. One is that the creator of the leaf blend sometimes changes it as the cigar progresses. Another, is that because there is no leaf cap on the reverse end, the cigar may unravel or at the very least put tobacco bits in the smokers mouth.  A third is a very uneven burn, as is evident in the episode. 

I called a Cuban friend of mine who lives in Little Havana Miami today to say hello and asked him what he thought of this. He’s been a senior cigar roller for 45 years. He said “silly tourists” 🤣



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I'm sure Rachel is saving the Indian feast for Bollywood night and has gone off the preference sheets for the other meals.  It's too bad that the food is not clicking with the guests, especially that Scotch Bonnet salsa.  That would have been fire!

I agree with the other posters about Camille and Alissa's interactions.  If I were Alissa, I would have let Fraser know long ago that Camille is not respecting her authority and she does not feel comfortable supervising her.  That would leave the problem in Fraser's hands, and he is, after all, the chief stew. As it is, Alissa is now culpable because she cannot stay out of the fray and just let Camille sink or swim on her own.  Arguing in front of the guests was way too much.  I hope Sandy blasts them both.

20 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Alyssa and Camile can both go away.  A shouting match in front of the guests is really, really stupid.  What will Sandy do?  Getting replacements has never been easy.  Fraser is still clueless.


Will Sandy call "Norma" for two new stews?  Stay tuned!  

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7 hours ago, SoTheresThat said:

don't get the serving Indian food because the guests were Indian.  When I travel, I would want to eat the local food.  I live in New Orleans--when I visit family in Dallas, I don't look for creole and cajun restaurants there.

This makes me crazy!  Not just on this show, either. Years ago I won a trip to Palm Beach, FL as part of a work contest.  We ate out for almost every meal for 4 days.  Most of the corporate representatives were from FL, TX and GA.  I’m from Boston.  Every place we went, someone would point out on the menus, “Look!  The have New England Clam Chowder!” or “Bet you wanna try the ‘lob-STAH!”.  Why would I eat a Floridian interpretation of New England regional foods?  And the lobster in FL is not the same as cold water caught, North Atlantic lobster. 

Anyway, I was confused by Rachel’s menus for this charter.  But with these guests, no matter what she produced, they’d complain. Is there a Hindi equivalent for the name “Karen”?

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Fraser should not have to babysit his stews. Both Camille and Alissa should be fired. Talking to them or giving them warnings does nothing as they both lack self awareness. Alissa comes across a little better but she’s a persnickety asshole. Fraser’s  mistake was giving her second stew duties. She sucks. 
The guests were awful but I do wonder if they edited them worse. The one complaining about the food looked like a lazy slob who sits and makes ugly faces constantly.  The jerks drinking shot after shot were annoying. Just be drunk and go pass out. Why do they need a nice beach if they are that shitfaced?

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Alissa is basically the personification of "I'm NOT touching you!" while you have your finger one inch away from your sibling's eyeball. 

And I'm fucking mystified by how much these people seem to love alcohol, like top to bottom, charter to charter. If it isn't the guests, it's the crew. It's really pretty gross. Frankly I think the guests got the beach picnic they deserved: it looked fine before anything really got started, but was disgusting by the time the event was in full swing, and everyone involved hated everything about it. 

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I agree the guests were awful and lacked manners.  Shouting drink orders.  Reminds me of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht guests - Dr Nipples was it?  I can see Alissa getting upset when they made a mess on the floor then telling her to clean it up now. It's dirty, clean this!  Both were at fault for the argument and should be reprimanded.  I wonder how long Camille will last.

Alissa did instigate the argument with Camille when she came in. Camille needed to put the stuff away, she didn't say she wasn't going to the work.  Still, Camille again went swimming while others were clearing the stuff on the beach.  Fraser seemed to ignore that when Alissa told him. I just don't think he is a good chief stew.

The beach was horrible and I can see them getting upset. When Sandy was on WWHL Andy asked her why she picked the beach and she claims she didn't.  I thought she did. Why did she need to go anyway.

Tony the boat is not your personal gym.  Your work comes first and if you getting up early is affecting it then you need to change that schedule.

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I wonder if Fraser had told the guests that the beach is not suitable for the beach picnic you would want, suggests that they have lunch on the boat and then take them to the beach for swimming after and maybe some pre mixed cocktails to toast the sunset...sometimes you have to tell the guests what is best for them, painting it like a better experience, etc...that is a skill a chief stew should have.

32 minutes ago, MyMaui said:

Tony the boat is not your personal gym. 

That bugs me so much, how do the guests not hear the grunting? Should he be doing downward dog in full view of where the guests might see him? Why not offer a yoga class, kill two birds sort of thing?

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I wonder if Fraser had told the guests that the beach is not suitable for the beach picnic you would want, suggests that they have lunch on the boat and then take them to the beach for swimming after and maybe some pre mixed cocktails to toast the sunset...sometimes you have to tell the guests what is best for them, painting it like a better experience, etc...that is a skill a chief stew should have.

That bugs me so much, how do the guests not hear the grunting? Should he be doing downward dog in full view of where the guests might see him? Why not offer a yoga class, kill two birds sort of thing?

That would have been a good idea to do that.

I'm surprised no one has said anything about that.  He is loud.  I honestly don't think he should be.

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8 minutes ago, MyMaui said:

That would have been a good idea to do that.

I'm surprised no one has said anything about that.  He is loud.  I honestly don't think he should be.

I was taking yoga lessons in a tiny little studio and there was one person who would plant herself front and center, during shavasana she would breath so heavily it was distracting, during other poses she would burp constantly, like try and make yourself burp type burping, every exhale...I asked the teacher about it and she got mad when I asked, the instructor told me it was part of that person's journey, I did not ask about her journey I stated maybe have her off to the side because it was interferring with my yoga journey and suddenly I'm the asshole.  The burping, extreme heavy breathing and the anti semetic, (it was really ugly and I am still the asshole, really?), things that person said made me re-think that class, I quit. Point is, if you are loud during yoga you know it, maybe it is better Tony be alone during his yoga journey. 

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42 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I was taking yoga lessons in a tiny little studio and there was one person who would plant herself front and center, during shavasana she would breath so heavily it was distracting, during other poses she would burp constantly, like try and make yourself burp type burping, every exhale...I asked the teacher about it and she got mad when I asked, the instructor told me it was part of that person's journey, I did not ask about her journey I stated maybe have her off to the side because it was interferring with my yoga journey and suddenly I'm the asshole.  The burping, extreme heavy breathing and the anti semetic, (it was really ugly and I am still the asshole, really?), things that person said made me re-think that class, I quit. Point is, if you are loud during yoga you know it, maybe it is better Tony be alone during his yoga journey. 

Did you counter that maybe pointing out inconsiderate and / or racist assholes is part of YOUR journey?

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Fraser's a horrible chief stew.

Alissa is a bully-in-training. Although she was more tolerant of the obnoxious guests than I would be, especially if I'm already overworked. Maybe she kept telling herself that the behavior was producer-driven.

3 hours ago, MyMaui said:

Tony the boat is not your personal gym.

Nor your personal audition space trying to catch producers' eyes.

Camille is too exhausting to watch or post about.



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Tony the boat is not your personal gym.  Your work comes first and if you getting up early is affecting it then you need to change that schedule.

There's something wrong with him. I don't know if it's an obsession issue with his body image or just what, but saying he has to get up that early and do his workout or he will "go insane" is odd. 

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On 1/10/2023 at 7:40 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Unpopular opinion but I do not hate Alissa

I also like and respect Alissa, even though communication is not her strong point.  Alissa works her ass off, staying awake until 3:40 a.m. and dealing with horrible, shit-faced guests, these self-proclaimed cigar aficionados who don't know what the f*ck they're doing.  Even I know which end of the cigar gets lit, and I've never smoked a cigar in my life.  And this is the second time Camille has had her own little vacation, swimming while she is supposed to be working.  How can Alissa NOT compare what she, Alissa, does while working, with what Camille does (swimming, standing around flummoxed, whining, complaining).  I know I pitied Camille last week when they showed her meltdown after Sandy's one-more-chance warning, but it now appears she is irredeemable and must go.

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On 1/10/2023 at 9:39 AM, snarts said:

There's been some speculation (mainly on Twitter) about why Camille has an issue with Alyssa. Frankly, I do not feel it's race related at all, I think Camille is immature and a little lazy, with a stated issue with authority. Not to generalize but she reminds me of many of the young workers I encounter lately who seem to want a pat on the back for merely showing up.

We've not seen her personally attack Alyssa, other than recently calling her a bully. Whereas, I do wonder why Alyssa had such an intense dislike of Camille, seemingly from the jump. She's personally attacked Camille starting in the very first episode, not always to her face but in her comments to others and her confessionals.

I agree.  The issue with Alyssa and Camille is Alyssa is a hard worker, Camille is not.  I think what is bugging Alyssa now is all the "second chances" Camille is getting.  And now Camille is being "good" in front of Frazer but back to her old self with Alyssa.  That has to be so frustrating so I can see Alyssa picking at Camille.  I have not seen anything other than that period.

The blame for this work environment is placed directly on management starting with Frazer then up to Captain.

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Alissa should just let Camille do what she wants to do.  If she stays up late then let Fraser worry about it.  If she doesn't get her work done, don't do her work.  If Fraser asks why it wasn't done say it was her job to get it done. Tell him I am tired of doing her work and mine.  On beach activities tell Fraser before they go that if Camille goes she is not cleaning up everything while she takes a swim in the waters. I wouldn't clean up after her anymore. Let Fraser see what she doesn't do - I somehow doubt he will as he doesn't seem to follow up on anything.  Make him clean up after her. 

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38 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I think Fraser is doing a good job. Kate used to be bitchy and pick on her stews, often teaming up with another stew. Remember her and Josiah?  Mr. Olender uses positive reinforcement. The thing is the bar is now too low for Camille. He should provide her with a list of tasks.

Yeah that's the poisonous working atmosphere in real life, especially one the supervisor/manager is involved in the bullying.

But it's perfect for a Bravo show because of the drama!

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

There's something wrong with him. I don't know if it's an obsession issue with his body image or just what, but saying he has to get up that early and do his workout or he will "go insane" is odd. 

I don't think its a body image thing, I think he finds a release and calm in working out.  It's something he has found that completes his day and helps him feel healthy.  But, I love B. Betty's idea that he could offer yoga classes for the guests.  

Tony has never liked showing off his bod, unlike Ben.  He was discussing not wanting to take his shirt off at every opportunity earlier in the season.

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I don't think its a body image thing, I think he finds a release and calm in working out.  It's something he has found that completes his day and helps him feel healthy.  

Yes but if he feels like he has to do it every day at the exact same time of day or he will go insane, it's an obsessive-compulsive thing. I mean, lots of people work out, including me. But if I took a job where I had to be more flexible about when and where I could work out I'd either have to accept that or find another job. He's apparently killing himself getting up so early then working a full shift just so he can get that workout in. It's counter-productive.

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Maybe he's exercising hard enough that he's getting an endorphin buzz. That can keep a person calm for quite a while, and it could help him believe he's able to do his work better if he starts his shift feeling good. 

Or maybe he's just a young guy who thinks working out it important for his image, and the producers are encouraging him to make a big deal about it. 

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Most people work out around their work schedules. Normally, I’d say it’s great that Tonys fitness is a priority but work needs to be a priority too. 
However his horny ass unprofessional bosun is a bitch for talking about him behind his back instead of leading him. His bunkmate is banging crazy Camille inches above him and the other deckhand has the hots for the gross bosun. He deserves his workout time away from all that bullshit.

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He's on the boat to work, not to train.

But my guess is the producers encouraged him to do this workout and got camera crews to film him at 4 AM.

So it's a dubious story line for the show.

The entitlement, how pissed off that he can't work out.  We've seen that on other BD shows like Benny wanting to have fun on BDDU or even this season, Camille going for swims.

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On 1/11/2023 at 10:04 AM, MyMaui said:

That would have been a good idea to do that.

I'm surprised no one has said anything about that.  He is loud.  I honestly don't think he should be.

Tony is not doing yoga, he's mixing some yoga poses in with his workout. Yoga doesn't involve weights and other tools like he's using. And yeah, he should tone down the grunting though I guess he does it early enough and the boat is large enough that he's away from guests. Neither captain has a problem with him doing the workout, Ross  was concerned because Tony was getting up so early and maybe not getting enough sleep. 

Teaching a class to guests would not be the same as the intense workout he seems to need to relieve his stress and give him that endorphin buzz.

Edited by RedHawk
Added thoughts
On 1/11/2023 at 11:40 AM, iMonrey said:

There's something wrong with him. I don't know if it's an obsession issue with his body image or just what, but saying he has to get up that early and do his workout or he will "go insane" is odd. 

He also said he would be "grumpy" and when he was not able to do his workout there were scenes where his anger, not just grumpiness, flashed through and I was like "woah, dude". 

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