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Milestone Moments: All The Celebrity Vitals

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22 hours ago, voiceover said:

“They're always having a good time down on the bayou, Lord —
And Delta women think the world of me…”  Bet heaven’s bar is crowded with Delta women tonight!

Loved your lyrics; loved your music.  Southern Rock 4VR!!!

RIP, Dickey B

This one hurts. Omg….I actually met Dickey years ago. My friend was a taper and friends with Dickey and the band.  He got us backstage passes several times.  I’m looking for my photos. This was back before cell phones were popular and used as cameras.  

I had so many awesome times at the The Allman Brother’s band concerts.  It’s difficult to describe the energy, the spirit and the quality of music they put out.  It’s surreal. This was in the 90s.  Great memories though.  

I wish I could find a video from a concert I attended with him, but can’t locate one!  Dang! No phone cameras back then. We always got front row.  I’ll keep searching.  Here’s one link.  Dickey toured with his own band too.



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The NY Times obituary for Terry Carter has even more details about his long and interesting career.

I didn't watch the original BSG. Now, after reading the obituaries, I want to watch his documentaries on Duke Ellington and Katherine Dunham. I wish there were a film record of his first major Broadway show, Mrs. Patterson, with my favorite actress,  Eartha Kitt.

He graduated from Stuyvesant HS a few years before I did. 

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Production and Art Designer Ray Chan who worked on some of Marvel's biggest films including : Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: EndgameSpider-Man: Far From Home, The Falcon and the Winter Solider, as well as the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine has died, age 56. 





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Actor Marla Adams who played Belle Clemens on The Secret Storm, Dina Abbott Mergeron on The Young and the Restless and Natalie Wood's best friend, June, in the 1961 film Splendor in the Grass has died, age 85.





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Actor Meg Bennett who played Liza Walton on the soap opera Search for Tomorrow and Julia Newman on and later a writer for The Young and the Restless, Santa Barbara and Daytime Emmy winner for General Hospital, has died, age 75.





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Britney Spears is reportedly completely off the rails and running out of money.

There are other stories disputing this but I have to agree. She's spending like crazy and doesn't have the money coming in the way it was. Jamie may be scuzz but he is the one who pulled her out of insolvecy and got her up to $60 million. She's not putting out music, not touring or performing, not selling merchandise, doesn't have the endorsements like the perfume line anymore. That alone made her major bank. The book hype is over. She's got her lawyer, who is not involved in any business decisions, and I believe the woman she kept from her conservatorship who does things like make her doctor appointments and orders toothpaste. 

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6 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Britney Spears is reportedly completely off the rails and running out of money.

There are other stories disputing this but I have to agree. She's spending like crazy and doesn't have the money coming in the way it was. Jamie may be scuzz but he is the one who pulled her out of insolvecy and got her up to $60 million. She's not putting out music, not touring or performing, not selling merchandise, doesn't have the endorsements like the perfume line anymore. That alone made her major bank. The book hype is over. She's got her lawyer, who is not involved in any business decisions, and I believe the woman she kept from her conservatorship who does things like make her doctor appointments and orders toothpaste. 

Even a gilded cage was STILL a cage- and IMO she was kept in it not to heal or 'her own good' but to ensure that her kin would keep getting a steady dairy supply from their cash cow!

Yes, it's sad that there's a good probability Miss Spears could go broker than broke in the near future but OTOH, at least it would be HER call to blow it on useless stuff than to revert to being compelled to perform/record JUST to keep the kin on easy street rather than have them attempt to earn their own ways in the world independent of her talents.


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8 hours ago, Blergh said:

Yes, it's sad that there's a good probability Miss Spears could go broker than broke in the near future but OTOH, at least it would be HER call to blow it on useless stuff

Except it won't be Jamie's fault if/when that happens. Because there's a line here, or there should be, where Britney should be expected to take responsibility for herself, which was why she wanted out from under the conservatorship so badly. I wouldn't go so far as to say she needs a minder, but we can't go on blaming Jamie, scuzz though he is, if she does end up with no money left. 

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18 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Except it won't be Jamie's fault if/when that happens. Because there's a line here, or there should be, where Britney should be expected to take responsibility for herself, which was why she wanted out from under the conservatorship so badly. I wouldn't go so far as to say she needs a minder, but we can't go on blaming Jamie, scuzz though he is, if she does end up with no money left. 

Plenty of people cannot manage money and end up broke, even millionaires.  If Britney didn't have mental health problems, she could still be incapable of managing her finances.  Not being able to handle money doesn't automatically require the court to appoint a conservator.  Otherwise, a large chunk of the population would have conservators.

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4 hours ago, Notabug said:

Plenty of people cannot manage money and end up broke, even millionaires.  If Britney didn't have mental health problems, she could still be incapable of managing her finances.  Not being able to handle money doesn't automatically require the court to appoint a conservator. 

She probably can't handle money because she never learned/was never taught. While she needs to take responsibility for herself and her actions, she wasn't really given the tools she needs in which to do that. It's like handing a 12 year old the keys to the car and expecting them to know how to drive it. 

She should not be put back in conservatorship but I do think she needs some help from someone to learn all the basic life things we normies have to do, like living within a budget. 

Sadly, the damage done to her when she was young will continue to affect her the rest of her life and the family that used her all those years are, in part, to blame for her being so unable to function in the real world. 

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6 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Sadly, the damage done to her when she was young will continue to affect her the rest of her life and the family that used her all those years are, in part, to blame for her being so unable to function in the real world. 

I do wonder, just in general, what the difference is between Britney's case and someone like Zendaya, who is a decade younger. Zendaya was fourteen when she first appeared in Disney's Shake It Up, and while she wasn't overtly sexualized the way Britney was, she has made statements regarding her complicated feelings about being the family's breadwinner. I doubt that in ten years she'll be the one everyone is staring at, asking why she can't get it together, since she only plays a wreck on TV, but either she lucked out in having much better parents or.....some other factors.

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While I actually agree that since Miss Spears IS a legal adult and managed to have that Conservatorship overturned, that means she sinks or swims with the rest of us legal adults re finances, traffic laws,etc.

 However, even with the above said, I do think she somewhat got  hobbled  from her early teens to very recently by the very same folks who exploited her and put her through the Conservatorship to force her to keep them on easy street.  I'm going to try to be more optimistic that since she DID somehow corral the resources and legal eagles to get her OUT of said Conservatorship that she IS capable of learning to take care of her own finances,etc. I know it's a LOT easier said than done but that doesn't mean it's impossible for her to do.

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20 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Britney Spears is reportedly completely off the rails and running out of money.

There are other stories disputing this but I have to agree. She's spending like crazy and doesn't have the money coming in the way it was. Jamie may be scuzz but he is the one who pulled her out of insolvecy and got her up to $60 million. She's not putting out music, not touring or performing, not selling merchandise, doesn't have the endorsements like the perfume line anymore. That alone made her major bank. The book hype is over. She's got her lawyer, who is not involved in any business decisions, and I believe the woman she kept from her conservatorship who does things like make her doctor appointments and orders toothpaste. 

I wonder if as her cash levels start dropping she will start getting more and more bizarre offers for ways to make money. Like if she is not making actual music her name/image is probably her best way to make money so are we going to start seeing some weird Britney brand products or her singing a commercial jingle or being like a greeter at a casino or something.

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26 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I do wonder, just in general, what the difference is between Britney's case and someone like Zendaya, who is a decade younger. Zendaya was fourteen when she first appeared in Disney's Shake It Up, and while she wasn't overtly sexualized the way Britney was, she has made statements regarding her complicated feelings about being the family's breadwinner. I doubt that in ten years she'll be the one everyone is staring at, asking why she can't get it together, since she only plays a wreck on TV, but either she lucked out in having much better parents or.....some other factors.

I doubt there is one clear thing but more a combination of factors, they grew up in different eras, had different parents, different support system, are inherently different people, etc. But I do get the impression that Zendaya is overall a more grounded person, be that by nature or nurture I can't say, but I will assume that, while she may have been a child breadwinner, I don't get the impression that her parents got as seduced by the glamour as Brittney's did and remained grounded parental figures for her. 

Another difference, that could be just part of who each of them are inherently, is that Zendaya seems much more confident in who she is than Brittney. I think Brittney got swallowed up by the popularity and fame in a way Zendaya hasn't because of that grounding she gets from her family (and possibly pre-fame friends). 

There are plenty of child performers who came out of it quite well and some who sadly crashed and burned and I think it's part nature (their core personality) and nurture (the influences around them). Brittney seems to have struck out, I think her personality wasn't right for fame (not a diss, it's not for everyone) and she was surrounded by vultures who picked away at her until there was not much left. Zendaya has the right personality for fame and is surrounded by a good support system. 

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4 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I do wonder, just in general, what the difference is between Britney's case and someone like Zendaya, who is a decade younger. Zendaya was fourteen when she first appeared in Disney's Shake It Up, and while she wasn't overtly sexualized the way Britney was, she has made statements regarding her complicated feelings about being the family's breadwinner.

Zendaya isn't the only child actor to have those complicated feelings.  I believe Jason Bateman has talked about that as well.  He (and his sister) knew that working was supporting their family because his parents' line of work (managing their careers) was so connected to his.  And that's often the case because being a parent of a child actor often leads to sacrificing their career for their child's.

But what happened with Britney goes deeper than just being a breadwinner.  I do think it's a combination of bad parenting, lack of being able to just walk away and genuine mental illness that everything else exacerbated. 


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15 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I do wonder, just in general, what the difference is between Britney's case and someone like Zendaya, who is a decade younger. Zendaya was fourteen when she first appeared in Disney's Shake It Up, and while she wasn't overtly sexualized the way Britney was, she has made statements regarding her complicated feelings about being the family's breadwinner. I doubt that in ten years she'll be the one everyone is staring at, asking why she can't get it together, since she only plays a wreck on TV, but either she lucked out in having much better parents or.....some other factors.

My guess is that when it comes to child actors, or really any children that had to work instead of study, play and do all of the usual "child stuff", the ones who make it out unscathed are probably the exceptions. Especially if they live under so much media scrutiny. 

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12 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

But what happened with Britney goes deeper than just being a breadwinner.  I do think it's a combination of bad parenting, lack of being able to just walk away and genuine mental illness that everything else exacerbated. 

I imagine that education probably plays a big role in that. Like sure you always hear about kids working on a TV show have school time. So when she was on Mickey Mouse club she probably got some schooling. Although how good would Disney backstage elementary school be. But then she was only 16 when Hit Me Baby came out and I don't think the music business has any kind of similar school requirements. So if her parents wanted her to do school work what 16 year old who would be touring and having money flow in and could get anything she asked for, would have motivation to do that?

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6 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I imagine that education probably plays a big role in that. Like sure you always hear about kids working on a TV show have school time. So when she was on Mickey Mouse club she probably got some schooling. Although how good would Disney backstage elementary school be. But then she was only 16 when Hit Me Baby came out and I don't think the music business has any kind of similar school requirements. So if her parents wanted her to do school work what 16 year old who would be touring and having money flow in and could get anything she asked for, would have motivation to do that?

While many a child and minor performer has crashed and burned having no idea how to function as an adult much less how to manage monies, it might not hurt to consider the case of the Toronto-born  Mary Pickford [born Gladys Louise Smith](1892-1979) who had been her family's support after her alcoholic father's death when she was eight. She had little if any formal education but had had to work on the stage almost straight away. Despite the fact that she often played helpless waifs (not in small part due to her five foot stature- and her first movie  billing was as 'Little Mary'), she quickly educated herself on virtually every aspect of movie contracts and  became a hardboiled negotiator- literally pricing herself out of the other studios before  becoming one of the founders of United Artists.   Alas, it was her younger sibs Lottie  (1896-1936) and Jack (1898-1933) (who  themselves attempted movie careers but were somewhat overshadowed by her) who wound up having somewhat dysfunctional lives  that were cut short and dominated by substance abuse. After Mary divorced her 2nd husband Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. in 1933 , Mary became a reclusive alcoholic  who wound up completely estranged from her grown adoptive children by her 3rd marriage to Charles' Buddy' Rogers ( 1904-1999) who seemed to have passively enabled her. However,  Mary somehow DID hold onto her fortune and saw to it that her legendary mansion Pickfair stayed an mmaculate showpiece  to the end of her life!

I guess the point I'm making is that sometimes it's just the luck of the draw that gets some performers to swim early on and others to sink. Although Mary by no means was spared emotional misfortune and had poor coping skills, she DID somehow ensure that she and her immediate family would always be comfortable no matter what!

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12 hours ago, stonehaven said:

Letterman's people always come through....A GREAT clip of Duane Eddy from 1985 doing his classic "Rebel Rouser".


I follow Letterman on YouTube and they do that a lot. The only problem is he will post a random funny clip of someone who hasn't died and I have to search to make sure it isn't an in memoriam thing.

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Broadway, film, and television Producer Edgar Lansbury who won a 1964 Tony Award for The Subject was Roses has died, age 94. Lansbury was the younger brother of actor Angela Lansbury and twin brother of television producer Bruce Lansbury.





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25 minutes ago, jewel21 said:

I knew him from his role on Titanic.

I just checked his credits, and that's the only thing I've seen him in.  He's quite good in it; I hate that movie, for how very much I despise the stupid five-minute "romance" it's centered around, but I like a number of scenes with other people, and consider the captain's final moments among the film's best due to his performance saying volumes without a single word.

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