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Manzo'd With Children - General Discussion

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Does anyone think Chris might be gay, and Greg Bennett was a former date or lover?  I can't even imagine what that would be like for him in this family.  Caroline would smile/cry every time she talked about it. Ugh.

Yes. That's why Chris looked like he was going to cry every time Lauren and Vito touched.


Sadly, to her family, I think that her wedding has been the only thing Lauren has done right in her life so far, besides losing weight. 

Edited by misschung
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Christopher's book, "Oliver Brightside: You Don't Want That Penny," was released on April 15th and it does not appear to be doing very well. It is ranked #57,776 in Books and #1374 in Children's Books. That is very dismal.

I wonder how many books were sold. 

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I cannot believe this people are coming back.


As for the Critter's book, if doing an advanced search by publisher on Amazon, it looks like it was a small basically defunct publishing house that tried to revamp itself in the digital age as a clearing house for self published authors.  Their catalog is a joke and I wonder how much of Critter's BRAVO salary paid to have the thing bound and boxed.

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I watched last season on and off over the weekend. If Caroline wasn't on the show, it would not be a loss. She is so annoying. Mrs. High and Mighty and Co. could be the title of the show, blech.

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On 8/22/2016 at 9:51 PM, Pickles said:

Just saw an ad for the show. Ugh. Caroline's new hairstyle is NOT flattering. And she is still talking about finding a girlfriend for Albie. Omg. A broken record.

Maybe she learned her lesson and this time will hire someone willing to forgo posting tons of pics of her real boyfriend on social media while the season is still airing.   It makes me wonder just what the hell is really wrong with this manchild of hers.  He is on tv.  I've seen worse on the Bachelorette that aims at trying to at least convey they have as hot a line up as an Applebie's on a Friday night trolling the bar area after 9 pm.  Forget the accusation/speculation on his sexuality. There must be something so wrong with him that he can't even attract someone simply drawn to the lights of the cameras enough to pretend to be interested in him.  I'm thinking maybe he just randomly losing control of his bowels.  One second dull but inoffensive.  The next second ripe pungent loudly produced shit. 

And I'm not talking about the harsh jarring shit in an orange wig that says it is his mother.

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Oh, Jeez. Judging from the previews they are going for the fun loving, wild and zany Manzo's season.  Watch all the crazy hijinks this family will get in to this ! Not. Not. Not. They are not charming. They are not cute. They are not smart. 

You have to have a beautiful face or at least awesome bone structure to pull off a severe haircut like Caro's new doo. She has neither. 

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Watching the previews, Lauren and the husband are still living with the parents, yet she is lamenting that she is not pregnant yet. Is this all for the show or do they honestly live with the parents?? And how does she have money to open a second shop? Are we supposed to believe that Christopher is making a living as an author and still "writing"? And what is Albie's so called job?

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Lauren didn't look happy to me.  She lost all that weight and looked gorgeous but she still had that "meh" personality that she always has.  I also took offense to her saying she wasn't going to be "fat at her wedding."  Um, offensive much?

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17 hours ago, Pickles said:

Are we supposed to believe that Christopher is making a living as an author and still "writing"? And what is Albie's so called job?

Albie never has a job. Just dreams. And Mommy and Daddy are willing to foot the bill for those dreams. That never come to fruition. 

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A little off topic, but Caroline was on Andy Cohen and it came out that she and Dina are totally on the outs again. No details, but then Dina tweeted that she was "sick of this s*** and she might just snap".

Albie really does look unattractive. Why is that? His face looks all pinched up. He has his own apartment, but no job? I did not see all of the show. Caroline also said on Andy that Lauren and her husband just bought a "little" house and have moved out.

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I can't help it...along with my unpopular RH Opinions such as wanting RHDC to return and liking Eileen Davidson, I kind of like the Manzos and enjoyed the two shows tonight. I think the family dynamic is what made RHNJ really watchable in the beginning and the absence of it now hurts the show. I do think the kids actually do some work (albeit with startup cash for the show/Al) and I like that Caroline isn't some weird Picasso of botox. And the code names at Ghost Prison cracked me up.

I also saw WWHL and Dina's tweets really surprised me. It seemed like she tweeted about Siggy to get a reaction for not tweeting about Caroline, then lashed out when Caroline gave the status of their relationship.   

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Hi I am here with the 4 other people that watch this show!  Yayyy!

So Albie "works" as a consultant?  OK so really, what are these people's jobs, and how do they support themselves?  I mean how do they afford food, a roof over their head, etc.  Are their parents subsidizing them?  Has to be, right?

I am LOL @ Albie and his touting himself as a consultant possessing a wealth of experience with start up companies and promoting. I would never ever ever go to this guy for business advice.  OMG what has he had success with?  BBQ sauce?

Dina is a shit stirrer.  If you want to stay off the radar don't tweet in to the other guest who is on the show with your sister, while ignoring your sister.  I am genuinely sorry to hear they are on the outs again, but Dina opened it up this time.

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1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

I am LOL @ Albie and his touting himself as a consultant possessing a wealth of experience with start up companies and promoting. I would never ever ever go to this guy for business advice.  OMG what has he had success with?  BBQ sauce?

blk water? I mean, I live on the other side of the country and I saw it at a sandwich shop once. 

Of course, I didn't buy it because I'm still not convinced it's anything but runoff gathered in late January from a freeway in Trenton... But I saw it... 

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5 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

It's interesting that Bravo piggy back the Manzo show onto RHNJ in the cable listings.  It was listed as a two hour Real Housewives episode rather than two separate series.  Almost as if they had no faith in the Manzo show getting ratings on it's own. :)  

I feel so defrauded now. 

But I watched and the first one wasn't SO horrible. Just horrible enough.

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On ‎9‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 10:55 PM, tenativelyyours said:

Maybe she learned her lesson and this time will hire someone willing to forgo posting tons of pics of her real boyfriend on social media while the season is still airing.  

as hot a line up as an Applebie's on a Friday night

Wait what's this now?  Was he pretend dating someone?  I think I missed that.

I saw Applebie's and at first I thought you had a new nickname for Albie - I think Applebie's fits him.  Dull, awful crappy...

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I don't know why I keep coming back for more of this sh*t fest.  I had to fast forward through the haunted house episode.  So boring!  And we are to believe that this is something Christopher chose to experience to improve his writing?  Try real life!  Ugh.

The second episode was about Albie's fake restaurant consulting business?  Consultant is another name for someone without a job.

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3 minutes ago, GussieK said:

I had to fast forward through the haunted house episode

Omg, me too! That was the most boring mess I have ever seen! 

So Lauren opened a second location of her business? Really? Any NJ people out there know if this is for real?  And she did it alllllll on her own, no help from mommy and daddy.  

Albie is coming off as the know it all business man now. Ok, then. Believe your own hype, Albie. What happened to the marijuana growing chemical he was supposed to be so hot on, and the restaurant in Hoboken and BLK water, and on and on it goes....... what a loser. The only way he could ever afford an apt. in Hoboken is from the BRAVO money he makes from the show. The rents there are insane, almost as bad as NYC.  

Christopher the author.  How many books has he really sold. You can write a book, doesn't mean anybody is going to buy it.  He should ask Teresa Guidice how it's done successfully.  Where is Chris supposed to be living? 

They're all such entrepreneurs, those crazy fun loving Manzo's! 

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I checked out the reviews for Chris' book on Amazon and it has five stars.  Problem is, you can create nicknames for your reviews so Caroline may have written all of them.  In fact, one of the reviews is by Albert Manzo.  Albie, the family's former shining star really is a loser.

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I thought it was also comical that Caroline was filling her house with homemade soaps to expand her creative horizons.  As far as I can tell, she was not making these to sell.  How many of these can she make before she needs a crossover episode of Hoarders?

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11 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:


I checked out the reviews for Chris' book on Amazon and it has five stars.  Problem is, you can create nicknames for your reviews so Caroline may have written all of them.  In fact, one of the reviews is by Albert Manzo.  Albie, the family's former shining star really is a loser.


Really, how bad can a Children's book be? You fill it with colorful pictures and a simple little feel good life lesson story. Done! There are your 5 stars. 

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On 9/10/2016 at 8:40 PM, Pickles said:

Watching the previews, Lauren and the husband are still living with the parents, yet she is lamenting that she is not pregnant yet. Is this all for the show or do they honestly live with the parents?? And how does she have money to open a second shop? Are we supposed to believe that Christopher is making a living as an author and still "writing"? And what is Albie's so called job?

I follow Lauren on snapchat and she moved into her own house about 2 weeks ago.

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Who in their right mind would hire Albie as a consultant ? He's failed at every endeavor bankrolled by mommy & daddy .  I always laugh out loud when Caroline does that proud of my kids ugly cry ?  Chris the author is gay right ?  And Albie can't seem to hold onto a lady either.  Poor Vito if Lauren gets preggers - Vito rub my feet , Vito Change little Vitos diaper , Vito do the laundry.   How does this dull family continue to have a show ?

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On 9/10/2016 at 10:43 PM, misschung said:

Lauren didn't look happy to me.  She lost all that weight and looked gorgeous but she still had that "meh" personality that she always has.  I also took offense to her saying she wasn't going to be "fat at her wedding."  Um, offensive much?

Why is that offensive? I've yet to see a woman who doesn't either starve herself or up her workouts before her wedding.  

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7 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I checked out the reviews for Chris' book on Amazon and it has five stars.  Problem is, you can create nicknames for your reviews so Caroline may have written all of them.  In fact, one of the reviews is by Albert Manzo.  Albie, the family's former shining star really is a loser.

One of the larger pay to publish companies provides as part of its service, several positive Amazon and goodreads reviews. The Critter's publisher seems to be just that.   So I can see a couple of office personnel having in their job description doing just that.  Plus there is no way that Caroline isn't roping in every relative she can and having them create profiles that try not to tip the family hand.

How many times can they try to re-brand Albie.  First Lawyer-in-the-family.  Then remember when he was going to be all Officer Albie, Local Deputy?  Then Water Magnate.  Restaurateur Extraordinaire.  Bar Mogul with a Festival Traveling Beer Tapster on the side, Legalize Marijuana entrepreneur.  Now consultant?  On how not to start a business that won't last longer than the subsidy and promotion being on tv allows?

It is funny that the father, Albert is pretty determined to not let the stench of his sons get too close to his business.  I'm starting to think that instead of the kids being too lazy and entitled to dig in at the family business, the father realizes what coddled messes his wife is going all Elektra on and doesn't want his mediocre but steady and solid money maker suffering.  Because they could have used that catering business as a jump off point for a lot of their failed or simply abandoned efforts that could have built to a real and sustainable business.  They could have tried to market certain goods that became unique to the catering hall and then expanded that into a line of commercial products that sold independently of the business.

I find it so hard to believe that anything other than credit is floating the daughter's business.  I think when these people finally have the lights and sound turned off for the final time it is only a matter of time before her businesses shut down.  Unless she has a strong staff that obtains and maintains a strong loyal customer base,  it seems to rest a bit too much on the gimmick of "as seen on tv".  But again, not long after she was profiled on RHofNJ doing bridal hair and makeup at the catering hall, there was a woman profiled on one of the tri-state news shows who opened a bridal party make up and hair service that showed them kind of doing much more in depth consulting, doing house calls and having a person on hand throughout the wedding and reception to make sure everything was kept in order for photographs etc.  With the rise of event weddings, especially in the Northeast, it seems this woman's business is going really strong.  It might not be new.  But it seems for the five boroughs and N, NJ the demand is going to be high and she had a huge build in start for such a business with the family doing events already.

These people could all have expanded and built on a strong but still kind of modest and too stolid success.  But lazy, dim and entitled are a lethal combination.  And with their mother enabling like some reverse Medea, it is scary how little they have accomplished with so much basically thrown at them.  I know people with less privilege who still have almost tripped over their own success.  Let alone people who simply have taken what they were lucky to get and roll up their sleeves and make it work even better than they found it.



The woman that played Albie's girlfriend that Caroline was so pearl clutching over when she first met her in the first season and then came back as a storyline last season, the one with the fluffy hair, heavy make up and bolt on boobs; had a boyfriend the entire time and apparently was a wannabe actress who listed the show under acting experience on an online resume before the first season had even finished airing.  She took the resume down but not before she was tracked down online as having also tried out for other reality shows though I cannot remember what they were.  I'm pretty sure they were in the VH1 and WE quality though.  I think her instagram was made private or just went inactive for a little while but then she was back posting pictures of herself and her boyfriend while the second season was airing and it was the same boyfriend she had before she ever appeared on the show. 

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God bless Vito. He just wants a simple life and to run a deli.

Seems so nice, and unaffected by all this. Raised by grounded, loving parents Decent guy who'd give you the sort off his back.

I LOVE that he's scared of litter critters like mice, spiders, etc.

Edited by selhars
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That video directed by Chris lol now he's a writer & director ? Haha such talent . And I said Hey wait a sec when the black guy was the kidnapper , that's biased lol I can't with these clowns 

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Lauren is amazingly successful compared to her two brothers.

Chris' book is cute.  I have a friend who wrote a Children's book too.  It sells on Amazon and she does local book signings and Author Fairs.  She considered it a fun side project but has not made a huge ROI.  So it's not like the book profits alone are what's keeping Chris in the "sliders and beer" lifestyle he mentioned.

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1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

 So it's not like the book profits alone are what's keeping Chris in the "sliders and beer" lifestyle he mentioned.

Of course not. It's the BRAVO paychecks that are keeping him afloat. And I'm sure the BRAVO paychecks also paid for Albie's security deposit and a year's rent on his nice Hoboken apartment.  God knows these "kids" can't do it on their own. 

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On 8/22/2016 at 8:51 PM, Pickles said:

Just saw an ad for the show. Ugh. Caroline's new hairstyle is NOT flattering. And she is still talking about finding a girlfriend for Albie. Omg. A broken record.

OMG - what the hell happened to Caroline's hair?  In one scene she looked like the Little Dutch Boy.  Her hair has aged her 20 years.  I cannot believe this POS show is dragging on for another season.  I didn't watch the show but I caught an upcoming preview clip where Crittofer and Mommy are shooting bows and arrows STILL trying to make that "Find Albie a GF" happen.  NOOOOOO!!!!  Albie just needs to come out of the closet already and get straight with his parents.  That would probably be one of the most genuine and profound scenes this show could ever air.  

If Albie is gay what's so bad about that?  You know Mama Bear Manzo will defend him at any rate.  She may be disappointed in the beginning but I think she would eventually come around.  Isn't one of Caroline's brothers gay? and I thought she was okay/accepting of him.  

The Manzos have zero going on with zero storylines.  They showed a clip of the upcoming season and it looked like a ton of clowning around, straight up bufoonery, embarrassing stupid shit.  And then there was fucking annoying Lauren screeching at the top of her lungs into her phone (sigh) .....

Yeah, I'm out.  Well,  I was never in actually.

Edited by beesknees
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8 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Albie just needs to come out of the closet already and get straight with parents.  That would probably be one of the most genuine and profound scenes this show could ever air.  

Yup, and he needs to bring Crittofer along for the ride cause I can't remember a time when they even tried to pretend he had a girlfriend. At least Albie made an attempt a couple of times to fake it. 

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BWAH ! HA HA HA!!!  Yeah, definitely co-sign on all of this. BTW, is Greggie a part of this monstrosity this season?  I mean, damn.  In the upcoming preview clips Albie looked sooooo tired and sooooo over the "We need to find you another GF" crisis he out right looked a tad disgusted.

Edited by beesknees
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