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S05.E01: One Hundred Years is Nothing S05.E02: The Sting of Wisdom

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John Dutton is sworn in as Governor of Montana; as John settles into the powers of his new office, he makes bold moves to protect the Yellowstone from his opponents; the bunkhouse and the Duttons enjoy the Governor's ball.

Description is from Rotten Tomatoes. I was unable to find a description for E02.

Looking forward to seeing resolutions with the Dutton family, neighbors, friends, and enemies. Starts tonight on Paramount.

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I like scenery and cowboy stuff but hate how everyone is so mean. John and Beth are vicious with everyone they talk to and Rip treats Carter like dirt under his shoe. Rip was even yelling at the guys in the bunkhouse for laughing when they were off duty. The real world doesn’t work like that. Then we have a new business woman who is exactly like Beth. Not all women in business think every guy is staring at them and wants to fuck them. I guess I’m supposed to care about the Dutton ranch but hope they lose it all.

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Well, that's 2 hours I can't get back.  At this point. I am hoping that Jamie takes Beth, out!  After, the latest election drama we have survived, I don't want to see the same sh%$ for 2 hours, on, essentially a horse opera.  Definitely, not worth the wait!

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A lot of unnecessary scenes tonight and very underwhelming, as others have said.  I'm not interested in a political show with him pretending to be Governor. It's laughable really.   I'd rather see more interaction between Carter and John.  The scene with them was the highlight of the 2 hours tonight, IMO.

What's Taylor Sheridan's end game?  There's so much foreshadowing and everyone so grim about the future of the Ranch.  
How much more shit is he going to put Monica through?  I hate her character, but not sure what the whole pregnancy, and losing it, was even put in the show.  

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No barrel races, there's a plus. 

Premiere was kinda blah. Not as good as previous ones. 

Monica is so beyond careless and stupid.  She almost killed them all and an innocent guy. I wouldn't have minded if she didn't make it.  Tate should have drove or called 911 for help from home.  Also if she so close to term, go stay closer to town with people. Like the ranch!

They were going to name the baby John?  Didn't they move out, haven't interacted barely because all about how bad and unsafe ranch is, but Monica was going to name her baby John? 

Wow Carter grew up fast and he looks like young Rip. 

Jamie sold his ranch but is still hiding his baby? 

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Have to say this wasn't worth the wait. Very boring 2 hrs. Why did we need to waste time on the early Beth / Rip scenes? They brought nothing to the show and all it did was prove Beth has always been a slut and a bitch. Wonder what "Daddy" would think knowing she's worked her way through the bunkhouse? 

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What I learned:  A brunette Beth has been added to the cast, John dosn't want to be the governor (wait, I already knew that), senator's have nothing to do but hang around governor's offices (definitely already knew that), Monica refuses to die, and Tacova is spending their entire ad budget on Yellowstone programming.

Other than that, meh.

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Refresh my memory-does Rip know about Beth and Jamie and the sterilization?  I can’t remember. 

I didn’t understand what Kayce was doing with the horses, and just like last season his scenes seem to belong in a completely different show. I don’t care about Monica and although losing the baby was tragic these two need another kid like a hole in the head.  Tate’s voice got so deep!

Is Carter being played by the same actor?

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1 hour ago, mostlylurking said:

Refresh my memory-does Rip know about Beth and Jamie and the sterilization?  I can’t remember. 

I didn’t understand what Kayce was doing with the horses, and just like last season his scenes seem to belong in a completely different show. I don’t care about Monica and although losing the baby was tragic these two need another kid like a hole in the head.  Tate’s voice got so deep!

Is Carter being played by the same actor?

No, I don't believe Rip knows, she has held the threat of telling him over Jamie's head a few times. I wish Jamie had left her at the train station with his father last season...

Yes, Carter is played by the same actor, Finn Little. I wasn't sure myself when I first saw him. We loved John's reaction of 'stop grown up, it freaks me out...'

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Best part of the show?  NO JIMMY!  Wherever he is and whatever he is doing, please stay there.  Maybe he can move to Tulsa to help out Sylvester Stallone.  Not sure why Taylor Sheridan loves this actor so much.  He's not a very good actor and his look is very Cro Magnon... funny shaped head and forehead, tiny narrow eyes.  What is the appeal?  Please continue to keep him away and off this show.  I saw his name in the credits, so I know it won't last, but I enjoyed 2.5 hours without him.

I agree that there was a lot of filler on this show.  I'm honestly surprised that John became Governor... how is he supposed to run the state from the ranch?  Seems like he should be spending the majority of his time in the capital or on state business, but he's still on the show, so I'm assuming he will frequently be at the ranch.  I guess he will just jet back and forth.

11 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Dang does new chick look like Jamie's baby momma or what? 

I don't understand why Monica didn't have Tate driving. She almost killed 4 people that night.  I'm not being an asshole, but come on, how in the fuck did she expect to drive and have contractions. Tate should have been driving. He has lived on a ranch and is Kasey's son, he would know how to drive. She needs to stop treating him like he's 2. 

I thought she WAS the baby mama, but now I see she's just supposed to be Beth 2.0.  I already dislike her.  Yes, the guy was looking at her ass, but she wouldn't have known that.  And for her to just assume and make some Beth-like comment about staring... whatever.  So I take it she's going to take Jamie to bed and get him to spill secrets and betray his dad.  Won't take much since he's already disgruntled.

As for Beth, the scene in the "I love this bar" with the guy was just completely unnecessary.  He sees an attractive woman in a bar sitting alone and wants to talk to her, and she then proceeds into a completely unwarranted (and possible not even true) takedown of him.  Not sure if this was supposed to be a "you go girl!" moment for her.  I know many people dislike Beth, but I've always thought she was awesome, despite her flaws.  This was the first time in five seasons that I truly found myself disliking her.  The guy was just being friendly and saying hello.

8 hours ago, So unbelievable said:

A lot of unnecessary scenes tonight and very underwhelming, as others have said.  I'm not interested in a political show with him pretending to be Governor. It's laughable really.   I'd rather see more interaction between Carter and John.  The scene with them was the highlight of the 2 hours tonight, IMO.

What's Taylor Sheridan's end game?  There's so much foreshadowing and everyone so grim about the future of the Ranch.  
How much more shit is he going to put Monica through?  I hate her character, but not sure what the whole pregnancy, and losing it, was even put in the show.  

I truly despise Monica.  I still laugh that when you Google "Monica Yellowstone" one of the suggestions that pops up near the top of the search results in the bar is "Monica Yellowstone annoying".  Yes she is.  I was really thinking that this was going to be the opportunity to kill the character and get rid of her.  She adds absolutely nothing to the show.

For that matter, I don't care for Tate either.  He looks like he aged 5 years and is no longer the cute kid he was at the start of the series.  Now he's just annoying.  What is his role on this show going to be?

2 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Refresh my memory-does Rip know about Beth and Jamie and the sterilization?  I can’t remember. 

I didn’t understand what Kayce was doing with the horses, and just like last season his scenes seem to belong in a completely different show. I don’t care about Monica and although losing the baby was tragic these two need another kid like a hole in the head.  Tate’s voice got so deep!

Is Carter being played by the same actor?

I'm pretty sure Rip knows Beth was sterilized.  There was a scene in an earlier season where she apologised to him for aborting their baby when they were teens.  She said that she can't have children anymore because of it, and he told her it was OK.  However, I don't think he is aware of Jamie's role in it.

I think the scene of Kayce and the horses was to show that Kayce is carrying out his duties as Supreme Livestock Agent.  A pack of Canadian horse thieves crossed the border into the U.S. and wrangled some wild horses and were going to take them back to Canada.  Kayce and gang were chasing them.  The thieves wanted to get back over the border to Canada because they didn't want to be in an American prison.  The Canadian police were on the Canadian side, waiting to intercept them.  The thieves were caught between the two authorities and taken by Kayce.  The horses crossed over to Canada.  Kayce told the Canadian police that the horses were American horses and please send them over.  The Canadian police said that the thieves were Canadian criminals and please send them over.  Kayce said the thieves would just not be punished in Canada, Canada seemed to agree, and let Kayce keep them for committing crimes on American soil.  So in the end, Kayce got both criminals and horses and looks like the greatest agent that ever livestocked.

Whatever.  I'm tired of Kayce's story, I'm tired of Monica, I'm tired of Tate.  I find the three of them completely pointless.

Carter does seem to be played by the same actor but like the actor who plays Tate, they both seem to have aged five years during the hiatus.

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Refresh me-besides being behind Beth's sterlization, why is it that everybody dislikes Jamie?  True parentage aside (which shouldn't matter, since they adopted him, no?), as far as I can tell he's the "meek" one-which in this world, means anybody unwilling to screw everyone over to get what they want, and otherwise act like a semi-decent human being. In this world, someone like that gets punished continuously.

That said, I pretty much dislike everybody, but I keep watching because...well, this does entertain me. I pretty much watched Broadchruch for the same reason, which had the same problem (my brother refers to it as "The Town Of Horrible People").

Pity they gave Monica something new to whine about, like she doesn't need anything else.  Why was she driving when an ambulance was on its way?

I kind of hope the Dutton's get their asses handed to them, with Jamie around to smile about it. Heck, even John appears to realize that's probably going to happen. He doesn't really even seem to be in this fight anymore, despite his bluster. 

Beth is still, and always has been, a bitch. All the flaskbacks do is confirm that.  She can say she's sorry to Rip all she wants, I don't believe a word of it.

Just now, blackwing said:

Best part of the show?  NO JIMMY! 

I didn't realize that until you brought it up. Yes, keep Jimmy on the bus please...

2 minutes ago, blackwing said:

As for Beth, the scene in the "I love this bar" with the guy was just completely unnecessary.

I'm sure some people find this sort of behaviour from the character endearing. I don't. All she had to say was "I'm married, back off." Done deal. She went out of her way to humiliate him.

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4 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I was really thinking that this was going to be the opportunity to kill the character and get rid of her. 

I thought for a second what was actually going to happen. But now Monica's still arond, with something to whine about. Can't say I look forward to any further scenes involving her.

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5 minutes ago, blackwing said:

She said that she can't have children anymore because of it, and he told her it was OK. 

Ah yes, now I do remember them having that conversation on their front porch.  I think she said because of a “procedure” she could no longer have children. I’m don’t think she specifically said she had been pregnant with his baby, nor Jaime’s involvement.

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27 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Ah yes, now I do remember them having that conversation on their front porch.  I think she said because of a “procedure” she could no longer have children. I’m don’t think she specifically said she had been pregnant with his baby, nor Jaime’s involvement.

This brings up another question/possible continuity flaw. If Beth was pregnant with Rip’s baby as a teenager, why is she going on a first date with him the night before leaving for college? I thought she was in high school when she had the abortion.

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2 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

This brings up another question/possible continuity flaw. If Beth was pregnant with Rip’s baby as a teenager, why is she going on a first date with him the night before leaving for college? I thought she was in high school when she had the abortion.

Probably because they never went on a 'real date' in town and all, just fooled around on the ranch.

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The best thing about last night was seeing the bunkhouse guys having fun and dancing at the governor's celebration party.  

When Kayce was holding crying Monica in his arms, his face looked like "Oh Lord, how much longer am I gonna have to suffer with this Debbie Downer?"  I know he was grieving just like she was, but I do think he's been whipped and worn down.    

I'm getting the same feeling with Rip dealing with Beth.  He loves her, but he's tired of her being a first-class bitch all the time. 

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The flashback scene of Beth/Rip was initially confusing, especially since Carter looked a lot like Young Rip.  Why did we need to have these scenes?  Rip has always mostly shown to be a strong person but this flashback showed that Rip was kind of a chump and that Beth was always in the drivers seat.

I also thought the flashback scene of Young John was unnecessary and confusing.  That scene must have been 30 years ago.  However, the helicopter that Young John lands in has the Y logo and says "Yellowstone Dutton Ranch".  I distinctly remember that in the first few seasons of this show, the logo only said "Yellowstone Ranch".  It was only last season (I think) that they added "Dutton" to make it "Yellowstone Dutton Ranch".  Probably because many viewers were always confused, "why is the show called Yellowstone if it's not even set in Yellowstone National Park".

Initially I thought it was just another rancher.  The only way I realised that this was Young John was because Josh Lucas is a recognisable actor to me.

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I’m watching this now.i will add thoughts as I go along.  I hope the horses weren’t bothered being chased across the river and back. 
John obviously doesn’t want to be governor - why did he run? Oh yes - because the ranch is more important than the residents of Montana.  Worst kind of politician 

oh joy, Elsa is narrating 1923 too 

John lied- he’s spent nights away from this ranch. Including a hospital stay 

Jamie is better at this legal stuff than John  and Beth give him credit for.  They should listen.I still don’t know why he just doesn’t leave the state.  Yes, what he did by taking Beth to the wrong clinic was terrible - but Beth will never be happy  until she quits torturing him. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

Rip has always mostly shown to be a strong person but this flashback showed that Rip was kind of a chump and that Beth was always in the drivers seat.

Beth was always in the driver's seat with Rip because her daddy was his boss.   That's why I never thought Rip was as strong as he appears to be because he's always known that he'd better not mess things up with Beth if he wanted to keep his job.   They've never shown him with anyone other than Beth, even though in the flashbacks it looks like she was probably well known in the bunkhouse.  

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Beth Dutton's hair will continue to bother me, I want to give her a good blow out, it always looks matted and that dress she wore to the the party...OMG, tacky, low rent lady of the evening sort of dress to say the least.  I am trying to like her but I just can't.

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50 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

...that dress she wore to the the party...OMG, tacky, low rent lady of the evening sort of dress to say the least. 

That gold number she wore for her wedding was probably in the shop, waiting on parts...

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Every season this show raises the bar for both absurdity as well as inconsistency. Random thoughts :

Did the writers ( oh wait, its all pretty much written by Taylor Sheridan, who has more shows on TV than Gordon Ramsay ) forget that Jamie has a kid of his own, and presumably his former campaign worker/GF ?

Speaking of Sheridan, no rodeo porn for a change, although we were subjected to a country music montage of sorts at the ranch party. Maybe he's juggling so many different balls that he's finally run out of time to inflict that shit on us anymore. 

It looks like overhyped and under delivering Angela Blue Thunder ( and the actress who allegedly got fraudulent workmans comp while filming her S3 episodes https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2022/07/12/yellowstone-actress-qorianka-kilcher-aka-angela-blue-thunder-charged-with-disability-fraud/)   is back this season and seemingly looking to undermine Rainwater, or at least taunt him a la her white alter ego Beth. I've lost track how many Beth wannabes are on the show once you add in the chick who flew in to help Market Equities.  And the secretary/aide to Dutton is seeming to get more screen time for no good reason so we'll suspect her of something too. 

Speaking of which, the albino old lady who runs ME has a temper tantrum. Lame. 

Was I the only one who thought the singer one of the bunkhands asked to dance was the blonde barrel racer when she first appeared ?

Add me to the list wishing Monica had died; her character is just a shit magnet for eye rolling irrelevant plots. 

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5 minutes ago, Msample said:

Was I the only one who thought the singer one of the bunkhands asked to dance was the blonde barrel racer when she first appeared ?

At first glance, I thought it was the barrel racer, then I was relieved to see that it wasn't.

I was surprised that Monica and Kayce didn't have a plan in place since she was so close to delivery.  Where they live looks pretty isolated, so they should have temporarily moved back to the Dutton ranch or even to her father's place so that someone could drive her to the hospital, just in case Kayce was at work (which he was).  I felt sorry for poor Tate because he looked understandably terrified in the car.  

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The wolves thing….the tracker didn’t fall off the tree limb, which means the conservation police will retrace the wolves steps right back to the ranch. 

Rip treated Carter like crap, and Beth didn’t even go ask Carter how he was.  These two do not need a baby and a baby sure doesn’t deserve to be stuck with them. 
My thought is that the guy Beth went all Julia Sugarbaker  on will be someone  she has to deal with as Governor Dutton’s Chief of Staff.  

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I don't think there is another show that I have hate watched the way I watch this show. I can't stand the way he writes female characters. They are either bitches (Beth, new dark haired lady), sluts (all the buckle bunnies) or ignorant (Monica, looking at you here)victims. No woman that talks like Beth would make it as far as she has and no daddy would be proud of a daughter who does. Taylor Sheridan totally panders to the lowest common denominator of red state voters (horse rustlers not afraid of Canadian jail, calling people "sheep," hating on Californians who dare to anywhere other than California etc.), then turns around and tries to go blue state by wanting to protect the environment and Native Americans. I don't think I will be hate watching much longer. 

And i don't care what Jamie did to Beth: it is high time he told her to kiss his ass and move on, even if he has to go to jail. Sick of how Sheridan writes that character, too...

I don't know why but Rip is the one character who makes me stay. 

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

My thought is that the guy Beth went all Julia Sugarbaker  on will be someone  she has to deal with as Governor Dutton’s Chief of Staff.  

Ha!  Good one.  Yes, let's portray all the powerful women as psychopaths, bcause as we all know, you're either a Monica or a Beth. No middle ground.

Random thought:  So the Piper Perabo plotline is over?

1 minute ago, MamaGee said:

I don't know why but Rip is the one character who makes me stay. 

Yeah, but I would sort of like to throat punch him over his treatment of Carter.  Enough is enough of that sh*t already.

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On 11/13/2022 at 10:30 PM, RedDelicious said:

That was a disappointment. We love this series and found ourselves underwhelmed. I like Beth’s new car though.

I agree…seems like they’re recycling storylines. Beth’s new car doesn’t ring true to me…a wealthy Montanan would probably be driving a top of the line SUV or truck. A Bentley sedan wouldn’t be very helpful from October to May.

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23 minutes ago, MamaGee said:

I don't think there is another show that I have hate watched the way I watch this show. I can't stand the way he writes female characters. They are either bitches (Beth, new dark haired lady), sluts (all the buckle bunnies) or ignorant (Monica, looking at you here)victims. No woman that talks like Beth would make it as far as she has and no daddy would be proud of a daughter who does. Taylor Sheridan totally panders to the lowest common denominator of red state voters (horse rustlers not afraid of Canadian jail, calling people "sheep," hating on Californians who dare to anywhere other than California etc.), then turns around and tries to go blue state by wanting to protect the environment and Native Americans. I don't think I will be hate watching much longer. 

And i don't care what Jamie did to Beth: it is high time he told her to kiss his ass and move on, even if he has to go to jail. Sick of how Sheridan writes that character, too...

I don't know why but Rip is the one character who makes me stay. 

PREACH!!! This show has jumped the shark. So many problems with current batch of writers for this season…recycling storylines, continuing to write female characters as either whores or simpletons. Taylor Sheridan probably doesn’t even write for this show anymore since he’s developing so many new shows…as we see with all the ads for his newest one with Sly Stallone. If wasn’t for the stunning shots of beautiful Montana it would be a total bust. 

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12 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

So many problems with current batch of writers for this season

Lay your qualms solely at the feet of Taylor Sheridan, who has written every episode himself since the start of season 3, and co-wrote virtually every episode before that. There only seems to be six episodes this season, as opposed to the usual ten. Whether that makes a difference in overall quality is yet to be seen, but throwing in seemingly unecessary flashback scenes isn't an early good sign.

As for "jumping the shark" (I HATE when that description gets thrown out, BTW), the show has pretty much been the same since it started, for better or worse...

Edited by StarBrand
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I'm at the point now where I hope Jamie goes full malicious compliance on Beth's demands and that brings down the ranch and the Duttons. Would it be sad for a multi-generational ranch to fold? Sure. But she's trying to play chicken with laws and isn't anywhere near as powerful as she thinks, especially now that they are so fully in the public eye. 

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I have gone back and forth in my feelings about Beth over the seasons, but she has become more unlikeable since the end of last season. After she told Jamie, "Say yes ma'am," that was it for me.  She can not be redeemed in my eyes.  I hope she comes to a painful end, and John can grieve the loss of the monster he created.

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14 hours ago, blackwing said:

I also thought the flashback scene of Young John was unnecessary and confusing.  That scene must have been 30 years ago.  However, the helicopter that Young John lands in has the Y logo and says "Yellowstone Dutton Ranch".  I distinctly remember that in the first few seasons of this show, the logo only said "Yellowstone Ranch".  It was only last season (I think) that they added "Dutton" to make it "Yellowstone Dutton Ranch".  Probably because many viewers were always confused, "why is the show called Yellowstone if it's not even set in Yellowstone National Park".

Initially I thought it was just another rancher.  The only way I realised that this was Young John was because Josh Lucas is a recognisable actor to me.

Now I'm more confused. The scene where men are poisoning everything to put up a cell tower happened 30 years ago to a young John Dutton?  Who was living alone in a small stone cabin?  Really??

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4 hours ago, StarBrand said:

Lay your qualms solely at the feet of Taylor Sheridan, who has written every episode himself since the start of season 3, and co-wrote virtually every episode before that. There only seems to be six episodes this season, as opposed to the usual ten. Whether that makes a difference in overall quality is yet to be seen, but throwing in seemingly unecessary flashback scenes isn't an early good sign.

As for "jumping the shark" (I HATE when that description gets thrown out, BTW), the show has pretty much been the same since it started, for better or worse...

Well…”jump the shark” seems to fit for numerous reasons for numerous shows that don’t quite get that it’s time to say goodbye and move on. If Taylor Sheridan is writing all these shows and all the other shows that have been aired or are in development then he’s some busy dude. Hopefully we won’t have to see him do his fancy horse dancing this season.

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It is possible that John would at least spend weekends at his ranch, as Helena is about 100 miles from Bozeman, plus added mileage to the ranch which is supposed to be located near there.

Granted it's a plot requirement that John be elected Governor, but, for semantic purposes, it's worth noting that the Billings area over on the plains has about half the population of the entire state of Montana, and is a thriving business area.  Dutton's campaign centered on the western half of the state, so it's up in the air that he got any kind of mandate from the electorate.  He's going to find out fast that governor is not a part time position and there are a lot of competing priorities that can't be washed away.  And his Chief of Staff is out getting drunk at a high end bar.

Oh, and Monica?  Billings being that big city I just mentioned, they do have helicopters available for medical aid emergencies.  Expensive, yes, but so is a two car head on collision.

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On 11/13/2022 at 10:52 PM, toodywoody said:

I don't understand why Monica didn't have Tate driving.

Not convinced that an indigenous woman would not have a doula, a friend, anyone with her so close to the due date. I can't stand the character, the actor is bad, I was hoping she would die. Watched the first episode, don't think will watch this show again. Boring

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Oh Monica, if only you had a rich father in law with, I don’t know, his own private helicopter that could have just picked you up to go to the hospital. What a shame. The driving scene was the worst bit of tv I’ve watched in a while.

Dutton as governor is just dumb. So no one has issues that the AG is his son, his chief of staff is his daughter and he’s sleeping with a state senator. Sure, I guess only in Montana. It seems like Jamie and female senator (still don’t know her name) are trying to talk reality to him, but I guess he’s the “wall” progress beats itself against so it’s all good.

Despite all this shows flaws I do just enjoy watching it for the scenery and the over the top characters. It is not rooted in reality at all but I guess that’s it’s charm.  

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11 hours ago, MamaGee said:

I can't stand the way he writes female characters.

I came here to write this exact thing. I don’t usually complain about that on shows but here all the women are so one note. They are caricatures in extremely cheap looking clothing. 

I’ll give Kayce some credit here for what he said to Tate. Tate lost a brother, he lost a son, but Monica lost a part of herself. I didn’t think he had that much insight in him. Plus with all the screwing they do and it took them what like 9-10 years to get pregnant again?  Highly unlikely it will happen again. 

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19 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

oh joy, Elsa is narrating 1923 too 

I watched the trailer and it does sound like Elsa, but an article I read says that it was Helen Mirren.  It makes sense that she would have an American accent, but I really hope she doesn't go all caricature accent like what the Elsa actress did on 1883.  Harrison Ford's character is supposed to be the brother of James, and Mirren is his wife.  So maybe they are from Texas originally?  I really really hope Mirren isn't butchering what she thinks is a Texas/Western accent, it would really ruin my image of her as a proper English Dame.

11 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Ha!  Good one.  Yes, let's portray all the powerful women as psychopaths, bcause as we all know, you're either a Monica or a Beth. No middle ground.

Random thought:  So the Piper Perabo plotline is over?

2 minutes ago, sadie said:

Dutton as governor is just dumb. So no one has issues that the AG is his son, his chief of staff is his daughter and he’s sleeping with a state senator. Sure, I guess only in Montana. It seems like Jamie and female senator (still don’t know her name) are trying to talk reality to him, but I guess he’s the “wall” progress beats itself against so it’s all good.

I like Lynelle Perry.  She's a strong female character who is successful without being bitchy.  She's the former two-term governor of Montana who was recently elected as U.S. Senator.  She said that she's only around for a little bit before having to move to Washington, so presumably she won't be around much longer.  Her only flaw is that she is with John.

And shouldn't that have been some kind of scandal?  Outgoing governor handpicks her successor, who happens to be her sort-of boyfriend and the father of the current Attorney General.  I'm wondering if there are any modernish situations where one family held two statewide offices, any state in this country in recent years.  Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?  There are checks and balances in the government for a reason.

I do agree with others that the female characters on this show tend to be written as either supreme beeyotches or doormats with not much in between (except for Lynelle and Teeter, and maybe some other minor characters).  The less said about Piper Perabo's character, the better.  May she never return.  Unfortunately, she was seen in the previouslies, so that tends to suggest she will be back.  Silver Hair seems more unhinged than ever, and I once again find myself really irritated by her voice.  It's like nails on chalkboard.

6 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Now I'm more confused. The scene where men are poisoning everything to put up a cell tower happened 30 years ago to a young John Dutton?  Who was living alone in a small stone cabin?  Really??

Yes, that was young John.  If it wasn't Josh Lucas I wouldn't even have made the connection.  But the guy in the stone cabin was the guy who wanted to put up a cell tower.  He and his men were spraying pesticides over the land.  John flew in and said that his ranch was over the hill and the pesticides were killing his livestock.  The guy didn't care.  Then John sent men over to steal the pesticides in the middle of the night.  I think they killed the guy (or at least clocked him out) and sprayed the pesticides all over his body and all of his land.

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Jamie's best bet would have been to leave Beth at the train station with his dad.  I'm sure she didn't make a note in her memo "going to meet brother at the train station to blackmail him," so no one knew she was there.  If he wasn't a total life dunce, but Harvard-educated lawyer, he could have figured it out.  He's already killed twice, so it's getting easier.

I don't actually like Jamie, but would smile if he ended up with the whole kit and kaboodle and John and Beth somehow live to SEE him end up with it all.  Would serve them right.  But really, I guess the natural heir apparent is Kaycee and Tate.  Maybe, maybe they won't screw up the next generation quite as badly.

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39 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I like Lynelle Perry.  She's a strong female character who is successful without being bitchy.  She's the former two-term governor of Montana who was recently elected as U.S. Senator.  She said that she's only around for a little bit before having to move to Washington, so presumably she won't be around much longer.  Her only flaw is that she is with John

I did, too, until she backstabbed Jamie in favor of the man she boinked. Of course, John is more powerful and would/could be more helpful to her but it still reduces her to the kind of woman who thinks with her vagina. I have news for Taylor Sheridan: 90% of women don't make decisions that way. I think he's confused by the cowboys, actors and sycophants around him and has forgotten how real women (and men) can think beyond their ego and libido.

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1 minute ago, MamaGee said:

I did, too, until she backstabbed Jamie in favor of the man she boinked. Of course, John is more powerful and would/could be more helpful to her but it still reduces her to the kind of woman who thinks with her vagina. I have news for Taylor Sheridan: 90% of women don't make decisions that way. I think he's confused by the cowboys, actors and sycophants around him and has forgotten how real women (and men) can think beyond their ego and libido.

She appears to already regret  making this choice.  Taylor has some real storytelling to do to explain what happened to the Dutton family between James and this John.   James was hard, but he didn’t enjoy killing  - and John, Beth and Rip enjoy it. 

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8 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Now I'm more confused. The scene where men are poisoning everything to put up a cell tower happened 30 years ago to a young John Dutton?  Who was living alone in a small stone cabin?  Really??

You are not alone, I am totally confused by that scene too, was that supposed to be John Dutton 30 years ago? We see Rip dealing with the wolf killing situation, there was someone on horseback that says there is something in the water that is killing the cattle, so confusing.

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So Tate's voice has changed and he has the size and ability to drive, yet just last season Monica was bathing him in the tub.  Ooh-kay.

I too hate that they have all women as nasty shrews.  And the men are not any better.  There is no one here that is likeable.  Well maybe Kayce, but he's become a minor player.  This governor story is ridiculous.

Edited by roughing it
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6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

You are not alone, I am totally confused by that scene too, was that supposed to be John Dutton 30 years ago? We see Rip dealing with the wolf killing situation, there was someone on horseback that says there is something in the water that is killing the cattle, so confusing.

Yes.  They need to put  dates up for flashbacks.  It wasn’t quite 30 years though because young Rip was at the bulldozer scene, he’s supposed to be the same age as Beth.  I also thought it was a young John that was getting beaten up and sprayed with pesticides - but it being the cell tower guy makes sense. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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4 hours ago, blackwing said:

There are checks and balances in the government for a reason.

Fun fact:  In real life, the Montana legislature by law meets for no longer than 90 days every two years.  A crooked governor could get away with a lot with his people in the right offices.

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12 hours ago, MBayGal said:

I have gone back and forth in my feelings about Beth over the seasons, but she has become more unlikeable since the end of last season. After she told Jamie, "Say yes ma'am," that was it for me.  She cannot be redeemed in my eyes.  I hope she comes to a painful end, and John can grieve the loss of the monster he created.

I never liked or bought into why Beth hated Jamie so much.  When it was revealed what he did that was so egregious to her that she could treat him like shit, I rolled my eyes.  It appeared they had a close relationship prior to the abortion.  He was just a kid, he didn't do it on purpose.  Sure, he did not tell her they would sterilize her, but really, if he had told her at the time do you really think she would have said no?  Do you think she would have come clean to her father, whom apparently, she was terrified of.  No, I don't think so. Her level of hate prior to Jamie trying kill off his entire family, did not match his crime against her.

I have run hot and cold on her but agree with MBAYGAL that last bit of yes ma'am was it.

John Dutton as Governer, not buying it at all.  Should have put Jamie as Governer and just monitored him just like Beth is doing now.  And you know that part where Jamie tried killing his entire family, well, they deserve it.  Maybe not Kaycee but definitely Beth and John.  

And I too called foul on Kaycee's wife driving while having contractions.  Dumb dumb dumb plot line.  Tate should have been driving or at best she should have pulled over at the first contraction and called 911.  Her father is the GOVERNER for goodness sake.  They would have flown EMTs to her.  And having a baby on the side of the road is not ideal but she would have her baby today is she had.  Add me to list of people that hoped she was dead so we can move on from her storyline.

Not liking this first episode but will continue watching.

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