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S01.E11: Daughter of Ferrix


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Damn, Luther.  Nice moves.

Interesting that Maarva died offscreen.  I was starting to wonder if it were some kind of fake out but decided maybe there's a cut scene somewhere.  The "big guy" agreeing to spend the night at Maarva's place because of the sad droid will probably turn out to be a good move.  Poor Bix, though.

It was still more surprising to me that no one discovered Cassian's box of goodies in the hotel room.  Was that supposed to be the room's safe or does no one clean up there?  Wouldn't the safe show that it's locked?  Oh well.

Oof, so Mon Mothma's daughter's teen rebellion takes the shape of wanting to go back to the old ways, which are kind of creepy.  The scene between MM and Vel was a favorite - Vel goes from indignant to understanding and MM is torn apart.    I liked this because at first it seems that Vel is being set up as a loose cannon type but we get more depth from her here.

Everyone's going to collide around Maarva's home?  Will Bix and Karn die?  I keep thinking why would Cassian go back there but maybe it's to say goodbye, thinking with her death the heat is not quite as hot.

I did laugh at the guy who answered Cassian's transmission and Cassian's frustration "no names!" .  

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43 minutes ago, raven said:

I did laugh at the guy who answered Cassian's transmission and Cassian's frustration "no names!"

I kept on telling myself that Cassian was too smart to go back to Ferrix, but then he sent such a dumb, unsecure transmission. Boy, half the galaxy is on your tail!

45 minutes ago, raven said:

Interesting that Maarva died offscreen.  I was starting to wonder if it were some kind of fake out but decided maybe there's a cut scene somewhere.

Did Cinta do it? We know that the ISB wanted to use her as live bait. Perhaps the rebels had a different method of smoking Cassian out. At least, that's how I interpreted Cinta's first scene.

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Have never felt as seen by this show as I did when Sgt. Mosk's Zoom call with Syril glitched and froze.

Seeing the mini-cortege for Maarva was heartbreaking, as I remembered her last conversation with Cassian. Cass trying to get a message to his mom, part of which was "tell her she'd be proud of me" - that hit me. Yet another loss for Cassian who has already lost so much.

This episode was mostly setting up for the finale, but there was still plenty for me to enjoy like seeing some native Narkinians (I was wondering how Cass and Melshi would get off the planet), the return of the Time Grappler, and poor Mon Mothma's increasing problems.

I'm sparing a thought for Anto Kreegyr (even though we've only seen him via holo) because everyone seems so ready to throw him and his men under the bus.

Edited: How could I forget Luthen's escape from the Imperial patrol. Didn't realize what deft maneuvers he had up his sleeve.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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Oof, so many feels! Poor B2EMO. Brasso was so sweet with him--glad he stayed over, but I hope that doesn't somehow put him in the line of fire during the finale. And poor, poor Bix, god. She just looked wrecked.

I really felt for Mon Mothma during her scene with Vel, too. It was good to hear Mon's full situation laid out like that, illustrating just how dire things are. And I agree with @raven that it was nice watching Vel navigate that scene, especially after her earlier encounter with Kleya.

That scene between Luthen and Saw was good. You can see how Saw eventually comes to be so paranoid in Rogue One. And man, Luthen really knew how to keep his cool when the Imperial cruiser stopped him, stalling congenially until he was able to mess them up but good upon his escape.

Not as much Cassian in this one, but I liked what we got. Even though I have a hard time believing his stuff was still in his room on Niamos, I'm glad he was able to get it back. After he wound up at Narkina 5, I realized he must've left Nemik's manifesto back there, and I didn't want it to be lost.

Cassian's really sharp and tactical, but he can also be dumb when it comes to sentimental stuff. After everything he went through on Narkina 5, it doesn't surprise me that he'd try to get a message to Maarva, even if the way he did it was sloppy/reckless. Diego Luna was fantastic in that last scene with Melshi, keeping a lid on his grief/pain while he was silently crumbling inside.

  • Love 11

Damn, I knew things weren't looking good for Maarva but I didn't predict she'd die offscreen like that.  Poor Cassian!  And poor B2EMO!  That poor little droid really seems at a lost now.  Hope the little fellow makes it out okay.

Bix is also looking pretty rough now.  They really have done a number on her.  Interesting that we didn't see her answer though.  Did she still have the energy and mindset to claim that it was Kreegyr she introduced Cassian to (and thereby help maintain Luthen's cover for a little longer)?

Great seeing Saw again and seeing how Luthen interacted with him and approach him with his "sacrifice Kreegyr" plan.  Actually surprised Saw initially pushed back about it, but not surprised he did agree at the end.  That said, I definitely think this is really the beginning of his descent into paranoia and madness.

Luthen (and his ship)'s got some moves!

Can't wait to see how Karn single handily fucks up everyone's plan here.  You just know this is going to end with everyone being pissed off at him.  Classic Karn!

Mon really does seem to be backed into a corner now.

A little surprising that Cassian's box of supplies never got stolen from the hotel room.  I guess is hiding spot was just that damn good!

Can't wait till the finale!

  • Love 8
On 11/16/2022 at 6:41 AM, paigow said:

How did Han Solo not have this tractor beam countermeasure installed?

Probably didn't have the cash for the upgrade. He wasn't a very successful smuggler, really.

On 11/16/2022 at 1:51 PM, Msample said:

I think B2EMO ends up getting downloaded into K2S-O at some point in the future. 

I had a similar thought. If so, it is probably something of a merger into a new hybrid AI, though, as K2S-O seems much more military than B2 does, and obviously has more knowledge of Imperial ways. So not really B2 as we've come to know him here.

  • Like 2
15 hours ago, raven said:

It was still more surprising to me that no one discovered Cassian's box of goodies in the hotel room.  Was that supposed to be the room's safe or does no one clean up there?  Wouldn't the safe show that it's locked?  Oh well.

It was hidden above the shower where no one would likely look.

9 hours ago, Msample said:

I am surprised there was no mention in the ISB scenes of the prison riot. You'd think 5000 prisoners escaping ( albeit many likely recaptured/gunned down ) would merit a mention, even if they didn't know Cassian was there. 

Fascist governments tend to keep things stovepiped.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, paigow said:

How did Han Solo not have this tractor beam countermeasure installed?

It's a very situational weapon. First you have to be caught by a specific type of vessel and held in place with your launcher facing them. Then they have to crank the tractor beam up while the weapon slowly charges. And once you've hit them, great but you still have to get away except now they're mad and they know stopping you isn't an option. But as impractical as it may be it sure looked awesome.

Amazing job by the makeup crew on Bix. She looked dead. Is that just from the screams of the damned or have they been doing other stuff to her?

8 hours ago, Fool to cry said:

Can't Cassian ever have a nice time at the beach?

If he brings two million sunblock, sure. Either way, I'm sure he'll have a blast.

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21 hours ago, angora said:

Cassian's really sharp and tactical, but he can also be dumb when it comes to sentimental stuff. 

He is for now.  By the time we get to the events in Rogue One, Cassian is a stone-cold killer who has shut off the sentimental parts of himself just like Luthen.  I'm enjoying this form of character development and storytelling.  We know what happens 5ish years from now and we are seeing how Cassian got there.  Right now, he's too sentimental and not fully committed to the Rebellion.  I'm curious to see what finally radicalizes him.  Prison didn't do it for him like Melshi.  Melshi is ready to join the Rebellion.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

He is for now.  By the time we get to the events in Rogue One, Cassian is a stone-cold killer who has shut off the sentimental parts of himself just like Luthen.  I'm enjoying this form of character development and storytelling.  We know what happens 5ish years from now and we are seeing how Cassian got there.  Right now, he's too sentimental and not fully committed to the Rebellion.  I'm curious to see what finally radicalizes him.  Prison didn't do it for him like Melshi.  Melshi is ready to join the Rebellion.

Oh, definitely. I should've said "at this point." And yet, I think Rogue One also shows Cassian rediscovering the sentimental parts of himself that he'd buried, although he's a lot smarter about it by then. I'm loving his journey too.


The Cassian of Rogue One shoots his own informant to keep him from capture, and he takes the initial news that he needs to kill Galen with a brisk nod. But the longer he knows Jyn, the more unsettled he feels by that thought, and he ultimately can't pull the trigger. And when they're on the base at Scarif and K-2SO locks the door on them, Cassian freaks out because he realizes there's trouble on K's end and he can't help.

It's so cool. In Andor, we're seeing hints of the man he'll become, but I think the next time I watch Rogue One, I'll catch hints of the man he used to be too. The show/Diego Luna are doing such a great job at delivering a Cassian who, in episode 1, is SO different from the Cassian we met in Rogue One, and gradually revealing the connective tissue between the two and how one becomes the other. Just phenomenal storytelling/acting.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, angora said:

Oh, definitely. I should've said "at this point." And yet, I think Rogue One also shows Cassian rediscovering the sentimental parts of himself that he'd buried, although he's a lot smarter about it by then. I'm loving his journey too.

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The Cassian of Rogue One shoots his own informant to keep him from capture, and he takes the initial news that he needs to kill Galen with a brisk nod. But the longer he knows Jyn, the more unsettled he feels by that thought, and he ultimately can't pull the trigger. And when they're on the base at Scarif and K-2SO locks the door on them, Cassian freaks out because he realizes there's trouble on K's end and he can't help.

It's so cool. In Andor, we're seeing hints of the man he'll become, but I think the next time I watch Rogue One, I'll catch hints of the man he used to be too. The show/Diego Luna are doing such a great job at delivering a Cassian who, in episode 1, is SO different from the Cassian we met in Rogue One, and gradually revealing the connective tissue between the two and how one becomes the other. Just phenomenal storytelling/acting.

One thing that always stood out to me in Rogue One was how Cassian never pushed back on all the daddy/daughter stuff with Jyn.  I found his acceptance of Jyn's emotional moments kinda weird when I first watched the movie.  But now, I know why he understands Jyn freezing up while watching the hologram of Galen.  Cassian had a mother that he loves just as much as Jyn loves Galen.  

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On 11/16/2022 at 6:51 AM, Mr. R0b0t said:
On 11/16/2022 at 6:41 AM, paigow said:

How did Han Solo not have this tractor beam countermeasure installed?

Probably not a standard option for your spacecraft. 

And I'm not sure these countermeasures would have worked against the Death Star, which was the main time we saw Han dealing with a tractor beam. It only worked when there was one dish for the beam. I would imagine the Death Star had multiple tractor beams, considering Obi Wan had to go to the core to turn them all off. Damage one, and the beam in a different docking bay could have taken over. Ditto with trying to escape. They could have disabled the one in that docking bay, but then another one could have sucked them back in.

14 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

I had a similar thought. If so, it is probably something of a merger into a new hybrid AI, though, as K2S-O seems much more military than B2 does, and obviously has more knowledge of Imperial ways. So not really B2 as we've come to know him here.

I think it's more likely that Luthen's ship's AI ends up in K2. They seem a bit more similar. B2 is so much more cuddly than K2.

On 11/16/2022 at 10:38 AM, angora said:

Cassian's really sharp and tactical, but he can also be dumb when it comes to sentimental stuff.

Yeah, he's observant and strategic, but he's also the king of bad decisions. It would be utterly hilarious and a brilliant twist if both the Empire and the Rebels are staking out the funeral, turning it into a big trap to catch him, and for once he makes the smart choice and decides that the best way to honor his mother is to go off and spread the word about the Imperial prisons rather than going to the funeral where he might endanger his friends. But I'm afraid that might end up being anticlimactic to have all the forces in the series lined up in one critical place for a big confrontation, and the hero is off somewhere else, oblivious to all their plans for him.

It occurred to me while watching this how very wrong even the smart people in the Empire are about what's really going on. Dedra is right about there being an organized rebellion, but she came to that conclusion based on an incorrect reading of the evidence. Cassian's equipment thefts had nothing to do with the rebellion, and Luthen wasn't going to buy that gizmo because the rebellion needed it. It was merely a pretext to try to recruit Cassian. Meanwhile, the Empire seems to think Cassian's utterly critical and in the middle of it all. He's the main prize they want and they're devoting a lot of resources to catching him, but he doesn't really know anything. He could probably pick Luthen out of a lineup, but he doesn't know about the rebel organization. He's not part of it and doesn't really want to be (or didn't until the Empire managed to radicalize him through their treatment of him). He's just a thief who hates the Empire but was settling for being a petty annoyance. And yet they don't know about the thing he actually did, being the mastermind of the prison break, since all this time when they were looking for him, they had him in their custody and didn't know it.

And it amuses me that you can trace the downfall of the Empire back to Karn. Of course, there are a lot of variables, but if Karn had listened to his boss, Cassian would have probably just rejected Luthen's recruiting pitch, since he wouldn't have been forced to flee with him. Either he'd have just sold the gizmo, taken the money and run somewhere until things cooled off, or Luthen would have killed him since he'd revealed too much to him. No Cassian in the Rebel Alliance, and there's a chance the Death Star plans wouldn't have been stolen, and that means a very good chance that Luke never ran into the rebellion. It is possible that the universe/the Cosmic Force really wanted Cassian in the rebels, so there's a chance he could have run into something else that would have shoved him in that direction (if Luthen didn't kill him), or it's possible that a different rebel operative might have listened to Jyn instead of obeying orders, and I guess if Leia hadn't been captured because she was running with the plans, she might have reached Obi Wan, who'd have gone to try to recruit Luke before they left -- as I said, variables -- but there is a direct chain of events that goes from Karn insisting on investigating those deaths to the end of the Empire.

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Poor B2, I was so sad for him! Poor Bix too, man she looks like she's been to hell and back. I love how on this show you really get a sense of how bad the Empire really was and not just "this a bad regime run by a Sith Lord". We're seeing the Empire poisoning entire planets with "mining accidents" and prisons, and imprisoning people for life with no evidence and caring so little about who they're imprisoning that they don't even bother to check who they're throwing in there. And then you have the middle management toadies kissing ass to get promoted and the ones who are in it so they can legally torture people and come up with new and inventive ways to do so. There's a lot going on and so much good acting too that I almost forget at times that it's a Star Wars show until you suddenly have a Tie-fighter squadron showing up or Padme's headdress from Attack of the Clones on display at Luthen's shop.  I really want to see Karn screwing up whatever is planned for Cassian and also the ass-dragging he'll undoubtedly get from his mother afterwards.  I also want Luthen's ship, because that is one awesome ship! I have hope that things will look up for Mon Mothma soon since it's not too far in the future that the Imperial Senate gets disbanded entirely and better to be on the run with the alliance and having the Empire on your tail than living in a nice apartment with her horror show of a family (meaning just the husband and child, Vel's her only awesome family member that we've met). 

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So, I am not sure if this has already been covered in this forum, but Luthen's ship has always seemed like it shared a lot of DNA with the Millenium Falcon, from the WWII bomber canopy to the flight controls. And according to the Star Wars nerds, it is indeed Corellian:


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I've seen some speculation that Maarva isn't really dead since we didn't see her death scene, never saw her body, there was her big speech about getting involved in rebellion so it's weird for her to just die offscreen, and why would they hire Fiona Shaw and not really use her?

On the one hand, I can kind of see some of those points. Even after talking about letting B2 be alone with her, we never actually saw that, and if she'd figured out that the Empire was watching her, preventing her from doing any rebellion, faking her death would be a great way to get away from the house that was being watched so that she could actually do something. She might have been alive inside the "body bag" they were carrying out, or there might be a fake in the bag and she walked out with the rest of the group, wearing a hood. Her "funeral" might even be cover for some kind of rebel activity, and that would make nice symmetry with the Empire planning to control the funeral and use it as bait and with the other rebels also looking at it as bait for catching Cassian. She could be doing the same thing Luthen is, creating a situation that will get the Empire to clamp down so that more people will want to rebel, and she'd know they'd try to restrict the funeral. The fake might be internal to the Daughters of Ferrix, so the other friends genuinely think she's dead.

On the other hand, I can't imagine her being that cruel to B2, and he seemed genuinely distressed. Wouldn't he have known if she wasn't really dead? He doesn't seem like such a loose cannon that it would be dangerous to let him in on the secret, unless the worry would be that he'd try to follow her like a loyal puppy or wouldn't react properly, leading the Empire to figure out the fake. They mentioned she'd stopped taking her medicine, and her health was obviously slipping in the previous episodes. She could have been using her death and funeral as a setup for rebellion by actually letting herself die, knowing her funeral would spark something. I suspect there will be more flashbacks because they haven't shown how she went from kidnapping Kassa to becoming a loved adoptive mother to him, so they aren't necessarily done with Fiona Shaw.

So, I don't know.

I've also seen speculation that Cinta is Cassian's long-lost sister, probably just because she's got dark hair and dark skin. I don't know if they would have known each other after being separated as children, and they might both have been going by different names, but wouldn't she at least have noticed his accent and been curious about his origins?

I thought that Maarva wouldn't make it past the season, but I didn't expect her to die offscreen. Poor Cassian and poor little B2EMO, that little droid has really been through a lot lately. I feel so bad for him, he was so sad and lonely without any of his family, at least Brasso was with him, what a great guy. I really like the burial ritual of putting someone's ashes in a brick and uses it to build something new, its a unique idea for burial rites and says a lot about their culture. 

Kudos to the actress and the makeup team, Bix looked absolutely destroyed, I really hope that she gets out of this alright, or as alright as she can be at this point. This show has done a great job at really showing just how bad the Empire really is, a lot more than most of the movies and shows have. We know they're evil because they're run by an evil space wizard dressed in black and because the characters we like tell us how evil they are, but this really shows just how bad things were, beyond even the big atrocities like the Death Star. The torture, the oppression of various populations, how easy is it for people to be sent away to jail for life for no reason, the havoc they have wrecked on the environment, the deliberate destruction of cultures, it really makes you want to root against them, on a visceral level instead of an intellectual one. They also really needed to show how bad the Empire is so that we can better understand why the rebellion feel like they have to do the terrible things they are doing to fight them, that what they are doing is justified based on the threat. 

It looks like everything will be coming together at the funeral, which Cassian really shouldn't go to, but I feel like he absolutely will. Cassian is extremely intelligent and can be pragmatic even when he doesn't like it, but he isn't quite the guy who will coldly kill an informant like the guy we meet in Rogue One, the guy who's more like Luthen, he's still got ahold a hold of those attachments that could make him take risks based on his emotions. Ouch, he looked so hurt when he was told that Maarva had died, the poor guy just cannot catch a break. 

That was some awesome flying at the end!

Luthen is such a hard ass that even Saw is taken aback by him sometimes, and he doesn't even like the guy he wants to throw under the bus. I continue to really like this look at the early rebellion and how rough of a start it was, all of these people that would normally have nothing to do with each other, or even be enemies, are stuck working together and doing increasingly nasty things just in the hope that things might work out a long way down the road. 

The last scene with Cassian on the beach definitely made me think of the end of Rogue One, and Cassian hoping on the phone that Maarva would be proud of him seems like a deliberate call forward to his last words to Jyn, telling her that her father would be proud of her. I can imagine that he wanted to tell her what he would have wanted to hear, that his mother was proud of him. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 8
On 11/17/2022 at 6:43 PM, Shanna Marie said:

And it amuses me that you can trace the downfall of the Empire back to Karn. Of course, there are a lot of variables, but if Karn had listened to his boss, Cassian would have probably just rejected Luthen's recruiting pitch, since he wouldn't have been forced to flee with him. Either he'd have just sold the gizmo, taken the money and run somewhere until things cooled off, or Luthen would have killed him since he'd revealed too much to him. No Cassian in the Rebel Alliance, and there's a chance the Death Star plans wouldn't have been stolen, and that means a very good chance that Luke never ran into the rebellion. It is possible that the universe/the Cosmic Force really wanted Cassian in the rebels, so there's a chance he could have run into something else that would have shoved him in that direction (if Luthen didn't kill him), or it's possible that a different rebel operative might have listened to Jyn instead of obeying orders, and I guess if Leia hadn't been captured because she was running with the plans, she might have reached Obi Wan, who'd have gone to try to recruit Luke before they left -- as I said, variables -- but there is a direct chain of events that goes from Karn insisting on investigating those deaths to the end of the Empire.

To steal a quote from "the other franchise"...

<Shakes Fist>

  • LOL 7
On 11/18/2022 at 9:54 AM, Tuggy said:

To nitpick, it is not Corellian, as it was manufactured in the Fondor Shipyards. But it is indeed in the same class of ships as the Millenium Falcon, albeit smaller.

Quite right! I stand corrected. It sure looks like it was made by the same company, but apparently not. Different shipyard, and different planet, even.

  • Hugs 1
On 11/17/2022 at 3:54 PM, sashabear21 said:

Poor Bix too, man she looks like she's been to hell and back.

Unfortunately, she doesn't look like she's back at all.

With a second season on the way, I'm not sure Tony Gilroy will end this season on a positive note. I can see the ISB deciding to make an example of Ferrix and annihilating everyone, although that might accelerate Cassian's decision to join the rebels too quickly in story time.

  • Love 1
36 minutes ago, tkc said:

Unfortunately, she doesn't look like she's back at all.

With a second season on the way, I'm not sure Tony Gilroy will end this season on a positive note. I can see the ISB deciding to make an example of Ferrix and annihilating everyone, although that might accelerate Cassian's decision to join the rebels too quickly in story time.

I think the finale will have the moment that radicalizes Cassian.  He's almost there. Just seeing what the Empire did to Bix may be enough to push him over the edge.  Then, next season will be Cassian fully committed to the Rebellion as he learns how to cut off his emotions in order to be an effective spy for the Rebellion.  We will also see the Rebel grow and probably get a few more cameos from the supporting cast from Rogue One. 

  • Love 2
44 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I think the finale will have the moment that radicalizes Cassian.  He's almost there. Just seeing what the Empire did to Bix may be enough to push him over the edge.  Then, next season will be Cassian fully committed to the Rebellion as he learns how to cut off his emotions in order to be an effective spy for the Rebellion.  We will also see the Rebel grow and probably get a few more cameos from the supporting cast from Rogue One. 

There's also got to be some kind of reconciliation between him and the rebels. Right now, Luthen's group has a hit out on him. Cinta's been watching Maarva's home, looking for him. It sounded like Luthen was planning to go there to take care of it himself, and Vel may be heading back there. For him to get involved with the Rebellion, they'll have to stop planning to kill him. Would him saying, "Actually, now I'm planning to join you?" be enough? Were they always going to take him out after the Aldahni job, or was that just because he went off on his own instead of joining them? You'd think there would have been a contingency set up for that to deal with him before he took off with his share, but I guess Luthen couldn't have given that order to Vel while Cassian was standing right there, and he was sprung on her as a surprise.

There's also got to be however Cassian gets to know Mon Mothma. Her story has only been connected to his through degrees of separation, through Luthen and Vel, but we know he's eventually working alongside her and is one of her trusted operatives.

Season two is likely to also overlap some of the events of the Rebels series, depending on how close it comes to the events of Rogue One. Will it just get Cassian into the rebellion and leave a gap of a few years, or will it come close to bringing us all the way to the beginning of Rogue One?

I hope we see how Cassian meets K2.

  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

Season two is likely to also overlap some of the events of the Rebels series, depending on how close it comes to the events of Rogue One. Will it just get Cassian into the rebellion and leave a gap of a few years, or will it come close to bringing us all the way to the beginning of Rogue One?

For season 2, Tony Gilroy has said


it will cover the next four years, with a time jump every three episodes, leading right up to the start of Rogue One (source). My best guess is season 1 ends with Cassian making the decision to join the Rebellion for real, and season 2 shows us his growth/journey as a rebel.

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On 11/16/2022 at 2:23 PM, Bill1978 said:

All I wanted to do all episode was give B2EMO a hug. I was not expecting, out of all the characters, that it would be the droid that would make me feel so sad.

On 11/16/2022 at 3:08 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Damn, I knew things weren't looking good for Maarva but I didn't predict she'd die offscreen like that.  Poor Cassian!  And poor B2EMO!  That poor little droid really seems at a lost now.  Hope the little fellow makes it out okay.

Same here. I hope B2EMO finds a new home with someone who will care about him and treat him properly.  It's crazy that the Star Wars series that is supposed to be super serious for grown adults is the one with the character I would totally buy merch of. I would love a small B2EMO figure for my desk.

On 11/16/2022 at 3:08 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Luthen (and his ship)'s got some moves!

That was one of the most enjoyable surprises of the entire series so far. Also, this fight scene was better than most of the fight scenes/space battles in the entire sequel trilogy.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

Same here. I hope B2EMO finds a new home with someone who will care about him and treat him properly.  It's crazy that the Star Wars series that is supposed to be super serious for grown adults is the one with the character I would totally buy merch of. I would love a small B2EMO figure for my desk.

That was one of the most enjoyable surprises of the entire series so far. Also, this fight scene was better than most of the fight scenes/space battles in the entire sequel trilogy.

I cannot like this enough! I am a old school saw-it-when-it-first-came-out-in-the-theater from the beginning Star Wars fan. Mostly everything in the last two sequel movies was making me drowsy or grumpy, frankly. But this last ep of this amazing Andor, watching Luthen outsmart the Empire's technology was so, so engrossing. Yeah, its super enhanced having Stellan Skarsgaard on board but nonetheless the pacing/directing is really boss on this series.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I would love a small B2EMO figure for my desk.

Me, too. It could sit next to my R2-D2 (one of the original Kenner action figures, the one that has a sticker for the markings, and I took good enough care of it that the sticker still looks new).

15 hours ago, paigow said:

Cassian is going to pull another payroll / bank job- but this time for Mothma so no GoT kiddie wedding is needed...

I was wondering if Vel was going to try to do something to help. Either she got a personal cut from the Aldhani heist (did they all get cuts in addition to what got turned over to the rebels, or was it just Cassian getting paid and the others were doing it for the cause?) and maybe also has some persona money she could contribute, or maybe she's hoping to get her hands on Cassian's cut once she takes him out, and contribute that to the cause.

10 hours ago, isalicat said:

I am a old school saw-it-when-it-first-came-out-in-the-theater from the beginning Star Wars fan. Mostly everything in the last two sequel movies was making me drowsy or grumpy, frankly. But this last ep of this amazing Andor, watching Luthen outsmart the Empire's technology was so, so engrossing.

I'm another one of those "saw it in the theater in 77" fans, and I didn't mind most of the sequels (though I had issues with the third and the overall outcome -- I wish they'd been able to use the Duel of the Fates script instead). I decided to try rewatching the whole saga and watched The Phantom Menace last night. That's the one that this series really leaves in the dust. I think Lucas made a mistake by going too slick and CGI when a lot of the appeal of the original movie was that it was a universe that looked lived in. That movie now looks like if early Pixar had tried to do a Space Jam with Toy Story and insert some live-action characters into the CGI animation world. The 1977 original looks less dated than that. Yeah, the galaxy went into a bit of a dark age following the sequels, but not technologically. There's no reason they would have gone so quickly from smooth, mirror-like ships to bumpy ships. Andor has done a great job of playing with the retrofuturistic 1977 aesthetic so that it creates a world that doesn't look dated. It's just what it is. The prequels look like an entirely different universe that doesn't mesh with what comes not so long afterward.

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On 11/19/2022 at 11:52 AM, MJ Frog said:

Quite right! I stand corrected. It sure looks like it was made by the same company, but apparently not. Different shipyard, and different planet, even.

Both ships were made by Industrial Light & Magic so both were made by the same company “from a certain point of view” as Master Kenobi would say.

Luthen must be spending some of Mon Mothma’s money customizing his ship with gizmos like the thing that slices TIE fighters. Perhaps we are seeing what Han would have done with the Falcon if he didn’t have to repay Jabba the Hutt.

Edited by Athena5217
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