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S15.E15: Are You My Person?

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I think that she has.a refrigerator on order. The one she has is adorable but it looks weird in that space that is clearly roughed in for a larger refrigerator. 

Makes me wonder if she has a garage and this is a spare refrigerator that will eventually go there. I know of many people who do that.

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On 10/14/2022 at 4:43 PM, bichonblitz said:

What exactly was she trying to say? That he doesn't have the moves to satisfy her? 

Yes, she is truly horrible. I'll go one step further to say she's a stone cold bitch. 

What a slap in his face.  For that comment alone, he should go get his dog and tell her he’ll see her on Decision Day.  She’s bad news.  

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4 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
On 10/14/2022 at 4:22 PM, kristen111 said:

People go in restaurants with a baby.  It’s not the end of the world.

It might seem that way to the other people in the restaurant.  😀

Not an issue - her baby will be told not to cry. Problem solved.

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On 10/14/2022 at 11:18 AM, mythoughtis said:

I don’t think Nate wants her to be a stay at home parent - giving up her job.  He wants her to understand that her life will change. That a baby takes up a lot of time and effort.  That traveling  with a baby or small child  isn’t really fun.  That he doesn’t want his child raised by a nanny kept up in a nursery and only brought out for before dinner family time.  It’s not Downton Abbey. 

I think Nate is going overboard.  And he's the one that thinks traveling with a baby isn't really fun.  My mother did it and had fun.  Maybe that's how he sees it (or thinks she will see it) but maybe she takes the idea in stride.  He makes it sound like she should be 100% focused on her child 24/7, but that's probably because she's giving the impression that she isn't willing to change her life one bit for a baby. 

The problem as I see it is that Stacia has the kind of career that's pretty much all-consuming of time and energy.  Most people don't expect a man, especially one that has an all consuming high powered career that makes the big bucks to think his life will have to change that much when he has children.  Men routinely go into marriages assuming their wives will be the primary caregiver should they have a child and if they have a very demanding job they should find ways to make it less demanding so a nanny isn't necessary.  Meanwhile this is often not expected of husbands.   Why isn't the conversation also about what role Nate will be taking in the childcare?  Didn't she mention something about him being a SAHD?  I've heard that mentioned here before.  I just don't like it when the man starts in about how much the woman needs to change to accommodate children, especially when he KNOWS she has an all-consuming career and is the one in the couple that makes the big bucks.  What about starting off with what he's going to do or what he's going to sacrifice for having a child?  I get it that he grew up without a mom but if he's that hung up on her being a hands on mom that doesn't need to hire a nanny, then maybe Stacia and him are not a good match.

Edited by Yeah No
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I would bet my next paycheck that Justin & Chris worked out the Mya deal to be possibly temporary.  If the marriage works out, then Justin can visit Mya, and if it doesn't, then the deal is, Mya comes back.  Either way, Mya can stay in Justin's life.

The body language of Alexis when she & Justin were on the loveseat after Mya was gone said it all.  He was sitting straight up, stroking her right leg with his left hand, while she was completely turned against him, unable to even view him.  If you really love the guy, you'd have your head on his shoulder, holding his hand, stroking his arm.

I think she just made an appearance so she wouldn't get trashed on social media.  Well here we are, trashing you.

The gym/thrusting machine comment was crude and unacceptable.   She's just actively now, trying to hurt him.

I still can't figure out what Justin has done that's so horrible.  She keeps saying he needs to change, but reverts back.  Reverts back to what?  A sweet guy who shows you and tells you how he feels?

Justin's DM's will be overflowing with nice women, like that guy who was with horrid Myrla from last season.  The two guys should do a dating show together.

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23 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Before Alexis said that, when Chris arrived at Justin's to take Mya, Justin narrated that "Chris is the only person that Mya loves more than me".

I thought it was just Alexis getting tongue-tied, but both of them said the same thing--that Mya loves Chris more than her own owner, Justin.  It's probably impossible to actually tell whether Mya loves Justin or Chris more, and if I were Justin, I'd give myself the benefit of the doubt--it's me she loves more.  Maybe he's more humble than I am.

29 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

I would bet my next paycheck that Justin & Chris worked out the Mya deal to be possibly temporary.  If the marriage works out, then Justin can visit Mya, and if it doesn't, then the deal is, Mya comes back.  Either way, Mya can stay in Justin's life.

Good theory, except Chris lives a long way away--I can't remember how many hours Justin said the drive was, but judging from Chris's accent, he's probably in the south, where Justin is from. 

Justin told him he'd told his wife he might be going to visit Mya once a month, and he said she reacted negatively to that prospect.  So I don't think she'll be in Justin's life very much if they stay married. 

But I think the chances of Alexis and Justin staying married are about zero, so he can get Mya back no problem, but he should make sure he has his renter's or homeowner's insurance up to date to cover future bites of more litigious people or dogs.

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On 10/13/2022 at 6:30 AM, Katie111 said:

I think Mitch loves to look at the “beach babes” but doesn’t actually get anywhere with them, hence why he ended up on this show.  Seems like he wanted to be matched to a 25 year old surfer chick.  Couldn’t he find one of those on his own?  No, he couldn’t because he’s 41 and not that attractive so he had to go on this show and now he has a wife that (gasp!) wears makeup and brushes her hair.  And he’s torn between married life and his old life.  He needs to remember that his old life probably means that he’ll be alone for the rest of his life.  I feel like Krysten actually genuinely missed him while he was gone.   And he didn’t really miss her. 

I actually think before coming on MAFS all this was true. When he first got on the show, he was totally clueless about women. But after being on the show and being trained by Krysten and the other women on the show, he now has way more confidence,  Just by observing the other couples, he has gained way more insight into women and relationships than he had entire life. I think we was flirting with the surfer women and may have hooked up with one.   He now knows what to say to women without appearing to be a total asshole because of Krysten. Before Krysten, he didnt know how to do that.

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On 10/14/2022 at 12:13 PM, Shauna said:

Aren't we going to talk about the comment Alexis made in response to Justin's saying he was going to work out more (on the treadmill, I think)?  Her reply was something like, do they make a machine for thrusting?

She's truly horrible. 

I gasped. This isn't the first time that she has made a disparaging comment about her husband. How could she embarrass and emasculate him like that on national TV? What has he done to deserve such horrible treatment? What a nasty, mean woman!

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I'm no psychologist, so I won't even say what disorder I think Miguel suffers from, but all I can say is, I've lived with it.

The picking apart of every single little thing, where you feel you can't express any sort of feeling, any sort of emotion, is paralyzing.

Even when things are going great, and you are afraid to even ask him to take your picture, out of fear of him shutting down for the entire day, but on another day, when you decide to let him rest, you get analyzed for not asking him.  Lindy is right:  damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Ugh, this harkens me back to one of the darkest times in my life, living with my version of Miguel.

This isn't about machismo.  This is about control.

He dangles the marriage carrot in front of her all the time, because he knows that's her soft spot button.  He knows that the best way to hurt her is to threaten the end.  Take my last name, or get a divorce.  Don't interrupt me, or I can't take it, it's over.

I agree with all who have said, Lindy is annoying.  But she's a sweet girl with a good heart who doesn't deserve this.

It's one thing if she's just not his cup of tea.  But he tells her repeatedly that he loves her, that he's so happy to be with such a "hot girl".  Then he yanks it away.  Loves her again, yanks away.  I'm not going to say the word, but it begins with an A.  Actually, two words that both begin with A's.

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11 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

I actually think before coming on MAFS all this was true. When he first got on the show, he was totally clueless about women. But after being on the show and being trained by Krysten and the other women on the show, he now has way more confidence,  Just by observing the other couples, he has gained way more insight into women and relationships than he had entire life. I think we was flirting with the surfer women and may have hooked up with one.   He now knows what to say to women without appearing to be a total asshole because of Krysten. Before Krysten, he didnt know how to do that.

I think he's smart enough to know that the producers would out him to the group if he was careless enough to hook up with one of the surfer gals.  

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29 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I think he's smart enough to know that the producers would out him to the group if he was careless enough to hook up with one of the surfer gals.  

As in Ryan signing up for a dating site, and Brett giving a guy in a bar her phone number.  The latter was just a throwaway line Ryan said during a conversation after she stayed out until 2am.  It wasn’t elaborated on.  

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Lindy has driven Miguel to his poor behavior. You can’t be a lazy whiner and expect a Prince Charming. Sorry.  He doesn’t want a mouse. He wants a reasonable adult woman. Not a big whiny baby.
I hope to hell Chris is dog sitting Mya so Justin could finish the experiment with that sloppy jerk he got stuck with. There’s no way in hell he expects to stay married to that woman. She is mean and cruel. 
Oh Mitch. He must not be planning to stay married if he can’t tell his coworkers and bosses about his wife. Wake up Krysten. 
Stacia wanted to get the house she wanted and I’m guessing she picked her house before the show so that the man would get no say in the house. Nate should make her sell it and pick something together. It’s not very family friendly so I understand his concerns. On the other hand, they are getting a little too old to have kids and perhaps will be happier without children. There’s nothing wrong with being child free.

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Still using a harness, which is wrong. Poor dog. Too bad it had a bad owner and was sent to an ineffective place. They should've shown the name for people to know where NOT to take their dog. 🤣🤣

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43 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Lindy has driven Miguel to his poor behavior. You can’t be a lazy whiner and expect a Prince Charming. Sorry.  He doesn’t want a mouse. He wants a reasonable adult woman. Not a big whiny baby.
I hope to hell Chris is dog sitting Mya so Justin could finish the experiment with that sloppy jerk he got stuck with. There’s no way in hell he expects to stay married to that woman. She is mean and cruel. 
Oh Mitch. He must not be planning to stay married if he can’t tell his coworkers and bosses about his wife. Wake up Krysten. 
Stacia wanted to get the house she wanted and I’m guessing she picked her house before the show so that the man would get no say in the house. Nate should make her sell it and pick something together. It’s not very family friendly so I understand his concerns. On the other hand, they are getting a little too old to have kids and perhaps will be happier without children. There’s nothing wrong with being child free.

lindy is perfect if you want to marry a child but i'm pretty sure that's not what miguel signed up for

agreed on kristen, she will just move on... bye mitch

i think nate would not be happy without kids, not so sure about stacia.  could she fit one into her life? maybe, maybe not. i don't think he'll be happy with her house rules, so i think they will stay married on decision day but he'll decide pretty quick this isn't how he wants his life to be lived

i'm pretty sure chris said it was a 10+ hour drive to his home, so was hoping chris was just driving maya to another friend's house close to san diego to be picked up by justin once the decision day is over. makes no sense for the dog to have to travel all that way twice for no reason when he must know they don't have a future together.

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I think Lindy wanted to be on MAFS so she could get health insurance, and if she liked the guy, that would be a plus.  Since she's a physical therapist, she should know that accidents happen to perfectly healthy people and anything could happen besides being hit by a bus.  I just don't think she's marriage material for anyone until she grows the hell up.  Miguel knows she's not ready and even if they say Yes on Decision Day, I think he'll be gone soon after.

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16 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Miguel knows she's not ready and even if they say Yes on Decision Day, I think he'll be gone soon after.

IMO, that will be the conclusion for ALL except stacia and nate who will probably keep the marriage going a big longer because she goes for therapy and maybe he'll join her.

As for Miguel, he showed an abusive, sinister side to him that was of GREAT concern to me so he has some personal work to do on himself, as well, if he wants to get married to a healthy, responsible woman.

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45 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

As for Miguel, he showed an abusive, sinister side to him that was of GREAT concern to me so he has some personal work to do on himself, as well, if he wants to get married to a healthy, responsible woman.

I haven't seen anything sinister about Miguel, but I do think that if he doesn't call it quits, Lindy could bring out the worst in him. 

I do agree that he has to do some work on himself, but that could apply to all the people who felt the need to go on this show.

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29 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I haven't seen anything sinister about Miguel, but I do think that if he doesn't call it quits, Lindy could bring out the worst in him. 

I do agree that he has to do some work on himself, but that could apply to all the people who felt the need to go on this show.

His behavior was brought on by her. Back when she demanded to be put on his insurance because she’s too lazy to work full time . The constant whining and negativity has worn the man down. Yes he needs some time to himself to figure things out.

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On 10/13/2022 at 4:32 PM, pdlinda said:

This is my read on Nate. 

He portrays himself as a "day trader."  Not sure the recessionary market is generating a lot of $$$ in a steady, reliable and continuing manner to him.  I don't see him as having a lot of savings or other sources of income.  The San Diego housing mkt is extremely expensive!  I think he is smart and savvy; however, financially he is vulnerable.

Enter, Stacia.  She has (with all her neuroses) substantial income from a business she built on her own. She has wealth.

The prospect of leaving Stacia and having to navigate the local world he inhabited before they were married is weighing on Nate's mind.  I saw his eyes twinkle when he entered her comfortable home (irrespective of its institutional whiteness and lack of style).  The thought of living in a fully-furnished comfortable home with Stacia (including ongoing intimacy and sexual enjoyment) is certainly resonating with Nate.

Perhaps they will develop some business plans between them and he can play a useful role in building up their assets.  Once he starts contributing to the household (that I doubt he can do much of right now) there will be more of a "power sharing" regarding decision making.

It would be VERY ADVISABLE for Nate to have an attorney/accountant at his disposal so IF HE DOES BEGIN doing business deals with Stacia, he would be receiving a fair percentage of what they are producing together.  That way, if (maybe when) they part, he'll have enough $$ to avoid being homeless.

Of all the couples, I think Nate and Stacia will stick it out and see what develops between them.  

She has childhood issues. (No father) He has childhood issues (No mother).

On the subject of children,  NO, NO, NO until and unless BOTH of them are 100% committed to that choice.  BOTH Nate and Stacia are the products of dysfunctional childhood homes and have borne a heavy price growing up including now!  

I know Stacia is 37; however, there are many women conceiving in their 40's with few complications.  There really is no hurry to bring an innocent child into that household in its "infancy."

Nate has a job in technology that usually pays over $100,000.  Day trader is his side hustle.  He can be found on LinkedIn with current and former jobs.  The show lists him as Day trader to make him seem shady and unemployed.

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12 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

I'm no psychologist, so I won't even say what disorder I think Miguel suffers from, but all I can say is, I've lived with it.

Even when things are going great, and you are afraid to even ask him to take your picture, out of fear of him shutting down for the entire day, but on another day, when you decide to let him rest, you get analyzed for not asking him.  Lindy is right:  damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Me too - I remember that my feeling was always that his attitude was "Don't Boss Me!" which I didn't think I was doing (in reality I just wasn't asking a favor properly) and then when I tried to go in the other direction I was not communicating well.  (As in:  reading the room/nuances).  Lindy's no prize but she shouldn't be expected to be a mind reader either!

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15 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

I'm no psychologist, so I won't even say what disorder I think Miguel suffers from, but all I can say is, I've lived with it.

The picking apart of every single little thing, where you feel you can't express any sort of feeling, any sort of emotion, is paralyzing.

Even when things are going great, and you are afraid to even ask him to take your picture, out of fear of him shutting down for the entire day, but on another day, when you decide to let him rest, you get analyzed for not asking him.  Lindy is right:  damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Ugh, this harkens me back to one of the darkest times in my life, living with my version of Miguel.

This isn't about machismo.  This is about control.

He dangles the marriage carrot in front of her all the time, because he knows that's her soft spot button.  He knows that the best way to hurt her is to threaten the end.  Take my last name, or get a divorce.  Don't interrupt me, or I can't take it, it's over.

I agree with all who have said, Lindy is annoying.  But she's a sweet girl with a good heart who doesn't deserve this.

It's one thing if she's just not his cup of tea.  But he tells her repeatedly that he loves her, that he's so happy to be with such a "hot girl".  Then he yanks it away.  Loves her again, yanks away.  I'm not going to say the word, but it begins with an A.  Actually, two words that both begin with A's.

I'm not a professional either but I do have a graduate degree in Psych. and a special interest in romantic relationships.

I think the "disorder" Miguel has is mostly caused by cold feet.  His fear is causing his shadow side to take over, which makes him look absolutely despicable.  We all have a "shadow side" that can look pretty ugly if our specific buttons are pressed.  Miguel is actually causing Lindy's "shadow side" to emerge too, in the form of a "whiny baby" as people have called her.  Do I think this is who Lindy is at her core?  No, not at all.  

Speaking of control, Miguel's the one that's afraid he's losing control.  He's normally a person under tight control of his emotions and actions and allowing himself to lose some of that control under the spell of a woman is very scary for him.  So of course in the grip of his fear about that he's trying to get back his control by attempting to control her.  

Do I think that this is "who Miguel really is"?  No, I don't.  I think this is Miguel in the grip of his negative emotions, which for a person as controlled and rational as he normally is can be a pretty ugly, nasty sight.  

Do I think Miguel will sort things out and not take them out on Lindy so much?  Yeah, I do.  If he can get over his fear somewhat this side of him won't be the one in control.  At least I am trying to be optimistic about that.  I think they might have more going for them than it looks if one concentrates on these unfortunate interactions.

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9 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I think Lindy wanted to be on MAFS so she could get health insurance, and if she liked the guy, that would be a plus.  Since she's a physical therapist, she should know that accidents happen to perfectly healthy people and anything could happen besides being hit by a bus.  I just don't think she's marriage material for anyone until she grows the hell up.  Miguel knows she's not ready and even if they say Yes on Decision Day, I think he'll be gone soon after.

I don't think she signed up for this primarily to get health insurance, but I think you're right that it's probably more important to her because she's a physical therapist.  And that in and of itself might explain her pushing him to put her on his health insurance right away.  Personally I would have waited until after decision day to bring it up but her bringing it up beforehand doesn't prove to me that she was primarily looking for that when signing up for the show.   I can't imagine anyone putting themselves through all of this for health insurance, especially if they're otherwise a healthy young person.  I think for her it was the other way around and that she signed up to hopefully like the guy and if he had health insurance that would be the plus.  I'm not convinced that these two will make it for the long haul but I do think they'll say "yes" on decision day.  I personally don't see any of these people except for perhaps Krysten as really ready for marriage.  But people not ready for marriage can and do make it work.  Otherwise I wouldn't still be married after 42 years! 😉  Love can and does overcome a lot!

Edited by Yeah No
I forgot how long I've been married, LOL!
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On 10/15/2022 at 4:11 PM, Emma Snyder said:

Well this season has been pretty forgettable 😃

I believe the participants are learning to play to the camera more. The shock value of being married at first sight has worn off.

Of the remaining couples they should put off getting a divorce. They all have there problems but I don't see obvious deal breakers. Welcome to marriage and life. Think you have problems now wait until kids arrive...

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13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Speaking of control, Miguel's the one that's afraid he's losing control.  He's normally a person under tight control of his emotions and actions and allowing himself to lose some of that control under the spell of a woman is very scary for him. 

What I found very very interesting, was when Miguel and Lindy were talking after the (dodgeball?) game, he had a resolutely firm need for Lindy to know that he had not been "angry".  He was really insistent about that word not being applied to him but he was okay with "annoyed".  Whatever was behind that clearly seems to be tied into not only his need to have control of his emotions but also his need to be perceived as having control over his emotions.  

On 10/16/2022 at 1:26 PM, Chatty Cake said:

Nate should make her sell it and pick something together. 

Uh, that's not really how marriage is supposed to work.

13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I don't think she signed up for this primarily to get health insurance, but I think you're right that it's probably more important to her because she's a physical therapist.  .......   I can't imagine anyone putting themselves through all of this for health insurance, especially if they're otherwise a healthy young person.  I think for her it was the other way around and that she signed up to hopefully like the guy and if he had health insurance that would be the plus.  

I agree.  With MAFS, there are a lot of hoops to go through to even get selected, and even if she got selected, there is no guarantee that the guy would have health insurance.  If getting married to a guy with health insurance was her primary concern, there would be far easier ways to accomplish that.

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I think Lindy wanted a partner that works full time and would support her part time working ass. She may not have signed up for the show for health insurance but she sure as hell didn’t waste any time when she found out he has it. 

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Nate should make her sell it and pick something together. 

There are a lot of financial reasons that might make sense.

When my husband and I married, I sold my house and moved into "his." There were a lot of reasons behind this, all of which I knew and agreed with prior to our marriage. But it worked well because he never made/makes it feel like "his" house. We got some new furniture, moved some stuff around... 

Stacia is so Type A that any house they have is going to feel like "hers" instead of theirs. That's just how she is. She either has to find some guy whose taste exactly matches hers or someone who can live in a home where she literally chooses everything.

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9 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

There are a lot of financial reasons that might make sense.

When my husband and I married, I sold my house and moved into "his." There were a lot of reasons behind this, all of which I knew and agreed with prior to our marriage. But it worked well because he never made/makes it feel like "his" house. We got some new furniture, moved some stuff around... 

Stacia is so Type A that any house they have is going to feel like "hers" instead of theirs. That's just how she is. She either has to find some guy whose taste exactly matches hers or someone who can live in a home where she literally chooses everything.

or she just needs to stay single and live alone

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40 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Maybe this is why Pepper and her husband don't live together - wildly different interior design styles???

I didn't know that about Pepper.  Can you provide some more details????

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9 hours ago, pdlinda said:

I didn't know that about Pepper.  Can you provide some more details????

I can't really. I just remember from last season, when one of the couples wasn't living together (I can't even remember which one) but chose to stay married on decision day and Pepper made this big point about how she and her husband don't live together and it's great!

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I can't really. I just remember from last season, when one of the couples wasn't living together (I can't even remember which one) but chose to stay married on decision day and Pepper made this big point about how she and her husband don't live together and it's great!

Oh yeah, I think that was Steve and Noi, which was so stupid because it was obvious that Noi was not living with him because she had issues (in general and with him).  That Pepper would make any comparison between them and her unique situation was ridiculous.  As an older person I can sort of understand how two mature older people who've already "been there and done that" with relationships and marriage would decide to live separately, but not two much younger people who say they want kids.

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On 10/15/2022 at 5:07 PM, Blissfool said:

Krysten is a very poor judge of character if her favorite person to hang out with is Alexis.

Some good can come out of this if she convinces Krysten to not stay married shithead Mitch.

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On 10/16/2022 at 3:46 PM, Crashcourse said:

I think Lindy wanted to be on MAFS so she could get health insurance, and if she liked the guy, that would be a plus. 

There's this little secret called Obamacare that makes health insurance available to anyone, so she doesn't need to be on someone's employer-provided policy to get insurance.  Obamacare even subsidizes the premium if someone doesn't make a lot of money because, for example, they arrange their work life so they don't work 40 hours a week every week.  Hello, Lindy?

And because she's in California, she's paying actual money out of her pocket not to have insurance because California still imposes a penalty on the uninsured.  

Being on MAFS to get health insurance would be insane even by MAFS standards.

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51 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

There's this little secret called Obamacare that makes health insurance available to anyone, so she doesn't need to be on someone's employer-provided policy to get insurance.  Obamacare even subsidizes the premium if someone doesn't make a lot of money because, for example, they arrange their work life so they don't work 40 hours a week every week.  Hello, Lindy?

And because she's in California, she's paying actual money out of her pocket not to have insurance because California still imposes a penalty on the uninsured.  

Being on MAFS to get health insurance would be insane even by MAFS standards.

Hah hah, yes, I am familiar with the Affordable Care Act, but I think Lindy is insane enough to go on this show for a health insurance husband.   And it's not only the insurance issue, but she acts like she just wants to work part time, and then sit on her ass the rest of the time.  No exercise for her! 

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On 10/12/2022 at 6:08 PM, kristen111 said:

If Justin feels like he’s been played, why did he give the dog away so soon?  Why not wait until decision day, or a few weeks after?

It was a wise thing to do for the dog's stress level. I can imagine that dog wanting to attack Alexis for her crappy treatment of Justin.

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On 10/17/2022 at 1:04 PM, LuvMyShows said:

What I found very very interesting, was when Miguel and Lindy were talking after the (dodgeball?) game, he had a resolutely firm need for Lindy to know that he had not been "angry".  He was really insistent about that word not being applied to him but he was okay with "annoyed". 

Great post. I find Miguel's super-focused on semantics, and uses this to gaslight Lindy. At present, she's not challenging this habit he has (which drives me nuts)

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On 10/19/2022 at 11:37 AM, Crashcourse said:

Hah hah, yes, I am familiar with the Affordable Care Act, but I think Lindy is insane enough to go on this show for a health insurance husband.   And it's not only the insurance issue, but she acts like she just wants to work part time, and then sit on her ass the rest of the time.  No exercise for her! 

And wait for a nice dinner made by Miguel.  She appears to be on the lazy side from what I’ve seen, but of course we don’t know.

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On 10/19/2022 at 7:40 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

There's this little secret called Obamacare that makes health insurance available to anyone, so she doesn't need to be on someone's employer-provided policy to get insurance.  Obamacare even subsidizes the premium if someone doesn't make a lot of money because, for example, they arrange their work life so they don't work 40 hours a week every week.  Hello, Lindy?

And because she's in California, she's paying actual money out of her pocket not to have insurance because California still imposes a penalty on the uninsured.  

Being on MAFS to get health insurance would be insane even by MAFS standards.

Exactly! Thank you!

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On 10/19/2022 at 10:37 AM, Crashcourse said:

Hah hah, yes, I am familiar with the Affordable Care Act, but I think Lindy is insane enough to go on this show for a health insurance husband.   And it's not only the insurance issue, but she acts like she just wants to work part time, and then sit on her ass the rest of the time.  No exercise for her! 

Sorry to single out your comment (which I realize is 1.5 years old but I’m just watching now), but so many have been commenting on Lindy’s insistence on being put on Miguel’s insurance.  What I recall is that she did so because he was insisting that she change her name (also before decision day, actually in week one).  Putting someone on your insurance, and taking them off, is a click of a button (yes, open enrollment is only once a year but major life changes such as marriage and divorce are exceptions).  Changing your name means endless paperwork with the DMV, IRS, SSA, TSA (at least if you have precheck), voting registration, etc.  Not to mention any professional or educational credentials or certifications you may have.  And then undoing that is the same nightmare of paperwork again.  I can understand her reluctance to go through all that for a guy who couldn’t even commit to her enough to temporarily put her on his insurance.

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