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S15.E13: The Ugly Truth

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3 hours ago, shok said:

In actuality, Mitch was trying to give Krysten a compliment and to tell her he thought she was beautiful as she was and didn't need to do anything fancy and of course Krysten took it the wrong way and stirred up all sorts of shit over it.

The “she’s beautiful au naturale” thing is a compliment but where he overstepped is asking his SIL how to get Krysten to stop wearing makeup altogether. It would be fine if he said to her “you’re so beautiful like this” when they’re in bed at night and she has no makeup on and her hair isn’t done (and she doesn’t seem to do her hair that much anyway - the occasional curling iron, but her hair wasn’t done at that dinner), but asking her to stop wearing makeup indicates that he’s not attracted to her at all when she wears it - particularly since he already told her he wasn’t attracted to her. The message should have been “you’re beautiful no matter what but I really love when you’ve just woken up and your hair is all messy” or whatever. Like Alexis said, being halfway attracted to someone is going to hurt their feelings. An ex of mine had a particular shirt that I thought he was especially  hot in, but I thought he was hot no matter what - he was just hottER in that shirt.

Speaking of Alexis, she’s such a shit-stirrer that I have to wonder if producers are feeding her things to say.

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11 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I want Morgan to tell the experts exactly what Binh said to Justin that was so bad, because he doesn’t know.  Neither do we.  She owes us.  Was it bad enough to quit the marriage?  I think she’s a nut job.  If it’s too personal, at least just tell the expert.

it isn't any of our business what it is

and you think the experts would keep it a secret?  on this show? hahahaha

the producers would love to give us the dirt

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8 hours ago, Spectator said:

Omg…once again Alexis stirred the pot by revealing “non-public” information about another couple - this time Mitch and Krysten, specifically noting how when Mitch and Krysten were first married Mitch said he didn’t want Krysten to dress up or wear makeup. Even Mitch was surprised that that has gotten out. 

Jeex Alexis. She needs to mind her own business. Mitch is a dolt but why does she need to blurt out private crap about the others couples all the time? Rotten move. Again.

yeah, she is purposely saying stuff and then acting like she had no idea she is stirring the pot by what she says

she wants the other couples to fail so she doesn't look bad when justin realizes he needs to divorce her

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What the hell?  Are we, the viewers, going to find out what Binh told Justin?  If it was something very personal, how about a little snippet ?  Actually, I’m surprised the Village Idiot Alexia didn’t spill the beans already, as she’s good like that.

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I don’t understand Lindy’s outfit with Pastor Cal. The suit is cute but the hat?  It’s giving me prison jumpsuit office casual.  Again, I focus on that because I don’t understand what the hell she’s talking about.

I like how Kristen’s sister shut Mitch down on the makeup topic. Also go Krysten for that speech.

Poor Binh feeling like he may want to leave the city. I hope he sees the love from everyone outside the bubble.

Alexis- blather shit stir blather…not her place to play passive aggressive armchair therapist.

New therapist is cute but I can’t do the motivational speaker high energy.

Edited by For Cereals
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13 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Decision Day to Krysten means not staying married to Mitch.

Mitch is unbearable. She can't even drink a latte in peace without you getting mad about the cup it's in? Is this guy serious? If he is that strict about things, this isn't the show for you. You need to go on a dating website that is geared toward saving the planet, not a show where you marry some rando. I do think if he thought Krysten was hot, he'd be less strict with her.. but I think he thinks she is mediocre so he is trying to ruin it for himself.

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Just now, kristen111 said:
1 hour ago, cinsays said:

it isn't any of our business what it is

and you think the experts would keep it a secret?  on this show? hahahaha

the producers would love to give us 

So is that what this is all about .. Morgan not having all her credentials?  I though it was about some deep dark secret Morgan was hiding.  She’s giving up her marriage for just that?

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12 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Statia is too pushy and expects love too fast.

She's pushing him away with her constant expectations of immediate love. He's a good guy and is doing the best he can to please her but he's not willing to lose himself in the process.  She's going to blow it with her impatience and making him feel whatever he does just isn't enough. 

Krysten is out of Mitch's league. She's intelligent, pretty and ambitious but not in an off putting way. He needs to go find some tree hugging surfer chick that thinks putting on a wet suit is dressing up. 

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16 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

So is that what this is all about .. Morgan not having all her credentials?  I though it was about some deep dark secret Morgan was hiding.  She’s giving up her marriage for just that?

I would have thought  that issue was settled shortly after the honeymoon and  the meeting with Pastor Cal.  I can’t believe that Binh would continue to discuss that particular topic with Justin.  Nor do I think Alexis would hesitate to say so if it was still being discussed since it was already discussed. It must be some  other issue they were discussing - maybe her father? Yet the nurse credentials does seem to be the only item that Morgan keeps bringing up. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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6 hours ago, shok said:

Amazing how two people can watch the same thing and come away with totally opposite reactions to what they saw. I couldn't disagree with you more with your description of Krysten. She's phony as a three dollar bill and thinks she is so superior to Mitch. And she's no better than Binh. She must have called Alexis and blabbed to her the minute she got off the phone with her sister so she's probably bitching about Mitch to everyone she sees and playing the 'poor me' card. In actuality, Mitch was trying to give Krysten a compliment and to tell her he thought she was beautiful as she was and didn't need to do anything fancy and of course Krysten took it the wrong way and stirred up all sorts of shit over it. Mitch could never ever make her happy.

I think you're right about Krysten.  Since she knows Mitch isn't attracted to her, she's been trying to screw him over so she can come out looking like the one who got screwed.  I used to like her, but last night made me rethink how I see her now. 

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I think you're right about Krysten.  Since she knows Mitch isn't attracted to her, she's been trying to screw him over so she can come out looking like the one who got screwed.  I used to like her, but last night made me rethink how I see her now. 

but how is she trying to screw him over?  i don't have any idea what you are seeing that would say that

she's feeling suppressed and just saying what he's doing

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So, good-bye Morgan and Binh. I think that what Binh said about himself showed growth and acceptance. Morgan continued to whine and pout and not say anything except that trust was broken. I don't know if there even IS anything more specific, other than the nursing credit. I just think that was their couple assignment for the show. To me, she is just too cold to be a caring nurse and I would hate to see her clomping down the hall with any shot for me!

Yay for Krysten. The only thing is, I wish she would seem so agreeable and stop saying, "yeah" every time he says anything. I even noticed her sister did that, too. Krysten has been too accommodating to him and I am glad that is over. I don't know what the hell that slurping was, but he is nowhere near her class-wise. He disgusts me and is also nowhere near ready to be in a relationship with anyone who does not hold his lofty values. I wonder if he would have liked Dr. Amelia?

Alexis and Justin bore me. Nothing changes, she continued to talk under her breath and I can't understand her. She keeps saying that she is trying to teach him this or that. I personally would not want to have a partner I would have to teach to communicate or have sex or whatever else she claims she is teaching him.

Stacia and Nate may be ok if she just lets up on him with her demands of professing undying love. Otherwise, they are pretty boring - no new info or story.

Same with Lindy. I am 100% Team Miguel. I like that he keeps telling her the truth - he doesn't know if he will want to be with her forever - he just met her! And her constant personality flipping WOULD be scary. She still thinks that she can get away with her crazy behavior because she is cute. I am glad Miguel sees that he could be stuck with that behavior. And to constantly be holding out that he hasn't seen her at her worst, whatever that means. She lied to Cal. She blames Miguel for worrying about it, but he is absolutely right - she IS negative (like when they were going through the wedding album and she just pointed out the negative things while he was trying to enjoy the experience). They may be fine for a while, but I do not believe they will last. And they cannot ever have a real baby - Miguel had to take care of Migindy the whole time. She would be too immature and jealous.

So, we get to see her blow up next week at the retreat. That might be interesting.

On the Afterparty last night, Krysten looked really pretty. Miguel seemed to be supportive of her. And there was some pod cast person I couldn't care less about. Both Miguel and Krysten felt that Morgan needed to find a man to out-alpha Morgan herself. Binh was not that person.

Edited by Retired at last
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15 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Was that Mitchs last meal?  Sure sounded like.  I can see him eating on the cheap.  She’s too polished for him and will get disgusted with his thinking and manners.  I could see them living in a tent on the beach.  I use lots of paper towels.  She will miss them, and now he doesn’t like makeup.  Maybe because it’s expensive.  She’s giving up too much.  What is he giving up?  Maybe that stupid hat.

I still say that Mitch can barely make ends meet and is threatened by Krysten because she likes nice things and he knows he can't provide them. So..., he hides behind his self-righteous save-the-ocean morality and criticizes everything she does.

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Mitch can get on his surfboard, start paddling and don't stop. What a turd. Krysten is a boss and he doesn't deserve her. Fuck him about the makeup. If any man told me how much makeup to wear, it would be over. You worry about your face, and I'll deal with mine. If you don't want to look at it made up, avert your eyes or leave.

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28 minutes ago, gwen747 said:

I still say that Mitch can barely make ends meet and is threatened by Krysten because she likes nice things and he knows he can't provide them. So..., he hides behind his self-righteous save-the-ocean morality and criticizes everything she does.

And he has that, you know, very punchable face.

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

but how is she trying to screw him over?  i don't have any idea what you are seeing that would say that

she's feeling suppressed and just saying what he's doing

She blew up in front of the group about the makeup issue so that Mitch would look bad and she would get sympathy. 

In the beginning of this season, I thought she was pretty cool in handling the fact that he wasn't attracted to her.  Now, she just wants to let it all out.  Also, other than the makeup issue, Mitch always looks like there are some negative things he could say about her, but he won't.         

Edited by Crashcourse
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1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

Mitch can get on his surfboard, start paddling and don't stop. What a turd. Krysten is a boss and he doesn't deserve her. Fuck him about the makeup. If any man told me how much makeup to wear, it would be over. You worry about your face, and I'll deal with mine. If you don't want to look at it made up, avert your eyes or leave.

Haha .. where I come from we wore makeup since 15 yrs old.  I love it, so does my husband.  Lipstick, liner and eye shadow, Everytime I go out of the house.  No fake lashes tho.  Why not look your best.

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

She blew up in front of the group about the makeup issue so that Mitch would look bad and she would get sympathy. 

In the beginning of this season, I thought she was pretty cool in handling the fact that he wasn't attracted to her.  Now, she just wants to let it all out.  Also, other than the makeup issue, Mitch always looks like there are some negative things he could say about her, but he won't.         

i think she blew up in front of the group because her sister just told her what he has said she she didn't have time to blow up when they were alone

i think mitch does say negative things about her 

but ok, we just see differently on her

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I just don’t get Morgan and Binh.  They were so happy in the beginning.  Same nationality and all.  So he slipped and told Justin she didn’t have all the credits.  He had nobody else to confide in.  It’s not like she killed someone.  I feel bad for him.  He had no clue.  She gives up a marriage because of that?  Never gave it a chance.  I don’t think marriage is for her with anyone.

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6 hours ago, For Cereals said:

I don’t understand Lindy’s outfit with Pastor Cal. The suit is cute but the hat?  It’s giving me prison jumpsuit office casual.  Again, I focus on that because I don’t understand what the hell she’s talking about.

I thought she looked like a giant Candy Corn with those colors.

6 hours ago, kristen111 said:

So is that what this is all about .. Morgan not having all her credentials?  I though it was about some deep dark secret Morgan was hiding.  She’s giving up her marriage for just that?

At the After Party Krysten said that Morgan was looking for a more alpha type of guy. Krysten said she was tight with both of them.

4 hours ago, Retired at last said:

On the Afterparty last night, Krysten looked really pretty. Miguel seemed to be supportive of her. And there was some pod cast person I couldn't care less about. Both Miguel and Krysten felt that Morgan needed to find a man to out-alpha Morgan herself. Binh was not that person.

The podcast person was wearing some of the ugliest boots I have ever seen. Usually, boots make a woman's legs look great but her boots had this weird fabric in the front that made them look square.

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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

Haha .. where I come from we wore makeup since 15 yrs old.  I love it, so does my husband.  Lipstick, liner and eye shadow, Everytime I go out of the house.  No fake lashes tho.  Why not look your best.

Same!!!! I was a teen in the late 1980's, and I started wearing makeup when I was 13. I spent most of my teen years looking vaguely like Alexis Carrington from Dynasty ;-p I call Ulta my second home - can't leave without a new lipstick or gloss, eye liner or shadow. I love it. Even during the pandemic while I was furloughed and barely leaving my house, I at least filled in my eyebrows and put on mascara because I couldn't stand it.

Mitch is crazy - Krysten doesn't go overboard with her makeup - it's tasteful and just makes her look pretty. Yeah, this would definitely be my deal breaker! Imagine if Mitch was married to Dallas Amber, or even Lindy with that stupid bright pink lipstick 24/7.......

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1 hour ago, TeapotWakeen said:


I thought Morgan was, at most, 1/4 Japanese... and Binh is Vietnamese. Am I remembering wrong?

No you're not, except I thought Morgan was half white, half Japanese. I want to say her mom is Japanese (not sure if she's Japanese-American or an immigrant. Binh's parents are immigrants, I think) and her dad is white. She definitely doesn't look 100% Asian. Regardless, her Asian country of origin is not the same as his (and even if it were, that doesn't guarantee compatibility).

I do think marriage isn't for Morgan unless she does some work on herself but she's not self-aware to do that, at least not yet. She's rigid and demanding and just kind of mean. Sometimes people like that pair up with people they can walk all over but she doesn't seem to want that, but I think if she were with someone with her same temperament, they'd kill each other.

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1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

Same!!!! I was a teen in the late 1980's, and I started wearing makeup when I was 13. I spent most of my teen years looking vaguely like Alexis Carrington from Dynasty ;-p I call Ulta my second home - can't leave without a new lipstick or gloss, eye liner or shadow. I love it. Even during the pandemic while I was furloughed and barely leaving my house, I at least filled in my eyebrows and put on mascara because I couldn't stand it.

Mitch is crazy - Krysten doesn't go overboard with her makeup - it's tasteful and just makes her look pretty. Yeah, this would definitely be my deal breaker! Imagine if Mitch was married to Dallas Amber, or even Lindy with that stupid bright pink lipstick 24/7.......

I don’t think Krysten over does her makeup.  Look at Alexis and Statia.  They really put it on and nobody says anything.  Fake permanent eyebrows and all.  Speaking of Lindy, to me, she’s a little strange.  She’s either laughing for no good reason, or pouting.  She appears a little off.  Miguel is noticeing.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

At the After Party Krysten said that Morgan was looking for a more alpha type of guy. Krysten said she was tight with both of them.

If Morgan was looking for another instead of Binh, she should have gone out gracefully, not making him look like an ass.  The way she went out was cruel to Binh and very hurtful.  He’ll probably have to go for therapy now.  Unnecessary.

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My guess is that Mitch doesn't have an issue with women wearing lipstick and a little eye makeup, but the way Krysten rings her eyes make her eyes look bigger and crazier.  At one point when she was shouting to the group, I thought her eyes were gonna pop out of her head. 

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22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I try not to but having a dog is a game changer. Granted one of ours is older and on medications that make him pee a lot, but dogs are just messy. I could use regular towels and wash them but that's just kind of gross. And Mitch would be horrified but one of our dogs is in diapers now and I'm not using reusable ones. And honestly, I laughed when Mitch said he doesn't use paper towels. We saw his house; it looks like he doesn't clean at all, so of course he doesn't need paper towels. 

Binh is a class act, though I think he is still taking on way too much of the blame for the end of the relationship. I don't think that anyone can meet Morgan's vague standards for trust. She's going to have a lonely life if she doesn't figure her shit out.

Geeze.  I can’t see Mitch not using paper towels.  A rag?  For every wipe up in his house?  So, how many rags does he use a day?  Does he wash one Everytime, or keep them in a heap, then put them in the machine.  WTF?  Moldy, scuzzy rags.  Disgust.  My husband goes nuts.  I use lots of paper towels, tissues and toilet paper, lol.  He keeps buying.  Mitch would kill me.  Now I’m wondering if Mitch uses toilet paper.  Lol.

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Like everyone else, I am really baffled about why the experts continued to back up Morgan in such a servile manner.  But Yeah No, your post made me wonder: do you think she threatened to sue them for defamation of character or something?  That moment where she held up her license on her phone was very revealing, as you said.

I had hopes for Mitch but when he said to Kirsten, while slurping away, that they were living in a temporary house so he had "gone easy" on her, I knew things were going south, even before makeup gate.

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12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She's pushing him away with her constant expectations of immediate love. He's a good guy and is doing the best he can to please her but he's not willing to lose himself in the process.  She's going to blow it with her impatience and making him feel whatever he does just isn't enough. 

Krysten is out of Mitch's league. She's intelligent, pretty and ambitious but not in an off putting way. He needs to go find some tree hugging surfer chick that thinks putting on a wet suit is dressing up. 

I hate the concept of leagues. She is not out of his league. They just want different things.

The way Mitch goes about these differences is terrible though.

But, Krysten would be fine with him as is with his looks and lower than hers salary. So, she's not out of his league. They define those terms.

They are just a bad bad match.

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On 9/28/2022 at 9:20 PM, kristen111 said:

Was that Mitchs last meal?  Sure sounded like.  I can see him eating on the cheap.  She’s too polished for him and will get disgusted with his thinking and manners.  I could see them living in a tent on the beach.  I use lots of paper towels.  She will miss them, and now he doesn’t like makeup.  Maybe because it’s expensive.  She’s giving up too much.  What is he giving up?  Maybe that stupid hat.

Guys who want to change a woman's personal style choices - I wonder how they'd react if a woman said to them "I'd find you much more attractive without that facial hair; please shave it off" or "I don't care for that tattoo; would you please have it removed? You'd look much better without it".

My guess is most men would take a "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out" stance if any woman told them how they should look. 

In my experience, most men don't mind a bit of wardrobe advice (and neither do most women, unless it's "That makes you look fat" - in which case the man who said it should immediately move to another country and assume a new identity), but won't stand for being told whether they should have facial hair, tattoos, piercings, etc. 

Men have always been "my body, my choice" in terms of themselves; but some think "your body, my choice" in terms of women. 

Every person has a right to express their own personal style, and should never be encouraged or coerced into changing it to align with someone else's preferred aesthetic. 

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So the guy panicked and told Justin something that turned out to be untrue.  I don't even think it was an intentional lie.

I think the lie to which Morgan is endlessly referring is Binh telling her (falsely) that he wasn't talking to anyone from the show about their marriage. He did lie about that and apologized. I don't think he told Justin lies about there apart from the mistake he made about her not being a real nurse because he didn't understand that she didn't need a BSN to be a licensed nurse. 


I can’t see Mitch not using paper towels.  A rag?  For every wipe up in his house?  So, how many rags does he use a day?  Does he wash one Everytime, or keep them in a heap, then put them in the machine.  WTF?  Moldy, scuzzy rags.

Yup. That's what I think he does. He has a stack of rags and he uses them to mop up everything. Then he tosses all the rags in a pile and when he has a full load of laundry, he washes them all together, probably throwing the same rag he used to clean the toilet (who am I kidding????) in with his bedsheets.


In actuality, Mitch was trying to give Krysten a compliment and to tell her he thought she was beautiful as she was and didn't need to do anything fancy and of course Krysten took it the wrong way and stirred up all sorts of shit over it.

Mitch wasn't paying Krysten a compliment. Sure - it's great that he finds her attractive when she has on no makeup and lets her naturally wavy hair flow free. But he said that to her sister, not to her. And he didn't just say it to the sister; he asked the sister how he could say this to Krysten in support of his request that she present herself like that more often because it's what he prefers. That isn't a compliment. 

I think it was fine for Krysten to bring it up at the dinner. The couples were at that party to discuss issues in their marriages. Then the experts came in to stir the pot even more. That was exactly the time to bring it up.

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7 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I just don’t get Morgan and Binh.  They were so happy in the beginning.  Same nationality and all.  So he slipped and told Justin she didn’t have all the credits.  He had nobody else to confide in.  It’s not like she killed someone.  I feel bad for him.  He had no clue.  She gives up a marriage because of that?  Never gave it a chance.  I don’t think marriage is for her with anyone.

I think Morgan would be a tough person to find a match for.  And here she just repeated her admitted pattern of not sticking things out after one conflict.  I would say she should match with an Alpha male type but she would even clash with one of those.  I don't get the big deal about Binh talking privately with someone else on the show because look at last season when they were all talking to each other "off the record" and forming friendships with other spouses to let off steam on the roof and none of the experts said anything about it.  For all we know they were all backstabbing each other.  My husband thinks Alexis is a backstabber and shit stirrer and at the core evil for revealing what Justin told her in private about his conversation with Binh and I hate to say I'm beginning to agree with him.

One nit, though.  Morgan and Binh are not from the same Asian background.  Binh is the child of Vietnamese refugees and Morgan's mother was Japanese.  Very different backgrounds.

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1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

Like everyone else, I am really baffled about why the experts continued to back up Morgan in such a servile manner.  But Yeah No, your post made me wonder: do you think she threatened to sue them for defamation of character or something?  That moment where she held up her license on her phone was very revealing, as you said.

Wow you must have been reading my mind because yes, that did cross my mind.  Morgan may have told them she'd sue for defamation if the show used that incident to make her look like a liar.  So to appease her, maybe they went really far in the opposite direction and instead made Binh look like the one in the wrong.  They went overboard to make him look bad, make him take total responsibility and told him what he did was way over the line, AND they didn't tell Morgan she had any responsibility for anything going wrong in the relationship and let her show her nursing license on the screen. 

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Regarding the paper towels issue:

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I did many hours of research into the disposable diapers vs cloth diapers debate. I wanted to make my choice based upon which was less harmful to the environment.

This was back in 1996, so I didn't have the internet as a research tool. I had to go to the library and search out relevant books, magazine articles, and studies to learn as much as possible about it.

What I ultimately learned is that which one is better for the environment is different depending upon the state in which you live. In states that have limited water sources and/or experience drought conditions, disposable diapers are less harmful for the environment.

In states that have fewer landfills and less land available for new landfills to be built, cloth diapers are better for the environment.

My next step then was to call my library to ask what state government department I should call to find out whether water or landfills we're in short supply in our state..

I called the number, asked the question, and no one knew the answer. They gave me the phone number of another state gov't department to call. I called them, and they didn't know the answer either.

I made at least eight calls that afternoon, all to different state gov't departments, and not a single one could answer the question. I gave up 

When my daughter was born, I used cloth diapers on her until several months later, she outgrew them. Then I switched to disposable.

I'll bet the paper towels vs cloth towels dilemma is likely governed by the same things; paper towels if it's a state with a limited water supply and/or one that experiences droughts, and cloth towels in states that have fewer landfills/landfills near capacity and/or limited land to build more.

If that's the case, then Mitch should be advocating for paper towels, as California's issues with water are widely known. 

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10 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

This wasn't addressed to me, but if my husband thought putting on a full face of makeup would make him look "his best", I'm sure he'd have no problem doing it.  But his standard of personal beauty is not the same as the average woman's and he is probably pretty typical for a conventional straight guy so I wouldn't expect him to think makeup would improve his facial appearance.  I don't think there's anything wrong with Krysten if she feels that makeup makes her look her best.  I feel that makeup makes me look better too.  And why shouldn't we feel that way?  That's a rhetorical question, I don't expect any answer.  I think that's the spirit in which @kristen111 asked that question.

I like the way Krysten's sister pointed out that perhaps Krysten wears makeup for herself and not for the male gaze. Maybe, Mitch should think about her needs instead of what makes him happy.

Remember, how Mitch was ready to burn the house down when the ladies dared to pick out a shirt for him that he did not like for a prank? This man also threw a hissy fit when a lady did not shave his beard the way he liked it for his wedding. 

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35 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Guys who want to change a woman's personal style choices - I wonder how they'd react if a woman said to them "I'd find you much more attractive without that facial hair; please shave it off" or "I don't care for that tattoo; would you please have it removed? You'd look much better without it".

My guess is most men would take a "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out" stance if any woman told them how they should look. 

You are so right.  I once was dating a guy that wanted me to change my style of clothing.  He wanted me to wear frilly feminine clothes in baby colors, especially pink.  I never dressed unfeminine but frilly pink clothing was never my style.  I tried to indulge him at first but later I realized that he didn't just want me to look better or wear something more flattering to me, but he wanted me to be a completely different type of person.  His preference for what I should wear told me he really wanted an old fashioned obsequious woman who would let him put her under his thumb.  He also wanted everything his way.  He was the "baby" of his family and his mother never said "no" to him so he expected to get his way all the time.  He wouldn't even let me listen to my favorite music around him.  It always had to be his favorite music or no music.  Once he decided to grow a beard.  I didn't like it and asked him if he might shave it.  Of course he declined.  After I went and wore frilly pink clothing I didn't even like for him.  I knew right then and there what kind of guy he was and that was the beginning of the end.  I was never going to be the type of woman he wanted nor would I ever want to be.  Krysten can try to please this guy by turning herself into someone else but it's not going to work nor should she have to become someone else to make a successful marriage.  She should find a man who is willing to accept her as she is.  My husband gives me style advice but I value his opinion and I never feel like he's trying to make me into someone I'm not or criticizing me and my choices in the process.  But that is not what Mitch is doing with Krysten.  He is trying to change her and in effect telling her she is not for him and should be different.  And let's not forget how he acted about that stupid t-shirt.  He couldn't even accommodate her wishes of him to wear that shirt for a gag on one freaking afternoon!  So we know exactly how Mitch would react if Krysten asked him to wear different clothes.

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28 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Regarding the paper towels issue:

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I did many hours of research into the disposable diapers vs cloth diapers debate. I wanted to make my choice based upon which was less harmful to the environment.

This was back in 1996, so I didn't have the internet as a research tool. I had to go to the library and search out relevant books, magazine articles, and studies to learn as much as possible about it.

What I ultimately learned is that which one is better for the environment is different depending upon the state in which you live. In states that have limited water sources and/or experience drought conditions, disposable diapers are less harmful for the environment.

In states that have fewer landfills and less land available for new landfills to be built, cloth diapers are better for the environment.

My next step then was to call my library to ask what state government department I should call to find out whether water or landfills we're in short supply in our state..

I called the number, asked the question, and no one knew the answer. They gave me the phone number of another state gov't department to call. I called them, and they didn't know the answer either.

I made at least eight calls that afternoon, all to different state gov't departments, and not a single one could answer the question. I gave up 

When my daughter was born, I used cloth diapers on her until several months later, she outgrew them. Then I switched to disposable.

I'll bet the paper towels vs cloth towels dilemma is likely governed by the same things; paper towels if it's a state with a limited water supply and/or one that experiences droughts, and cloth towels in states that have fewer landfills/landfills near capacity and/or limited land to build more.

If that's the case, then Mitch should be advocating for paper towels, as California's issues with water are widely known. 

If Mitch really knew anything about the cause he supposedly champions he would know this stuff already.  He's supposed to be the "expert" - he should know that in some cases it's not as simple as it looks and sometimes in attempting to do what's right for the environment you're really contributing to a different and even worse environmental problem.  The single use plastic bag issue is like that.  Some studies have shown that many of the multi use bags cause more damage to the environment in the long run.  Even paper bags deplete the forests even if they are made of recycled paper.  Make enough of them and that will happen.  There are even pros and cons to electric cars when it comes to the impact to the environment.  The issues are arguable but still it's far from clear which is worse in many cases when you read up on it.  I personally think Mitch is a hypocrite, though.  He had no problem getting on a jet plane to go to a honeymoon destination.  I am sure if you looked closely at what he does there are many similar instances.  He makes convenient "exceptions" when it suits him.  

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Ah! Justin FINALLY said he didn't want Alexis going to the club because she might cheat! Good! I'm glad that was finally said. Very insecure indeed! & WTF were they saying at the end with the "experts"?!! He asked Alexis to help him WHAT??? Be dominant, HUH? HOWSO?! That was so confusing. They're too vague. If it's gross, I don't wanna know.

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11 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

Mitch can get on his surfboard, start paddling and don't stop. What a turd. Krysten is a boss and he doesn't deserve her. Fuck him about the makeup. If any man told me how much makeup to wear, it would be over. You worry about your face, and I'll deal with mine. If you don't want to look at it made up, avert your eyes or leave.

Either they're telling you that you wear too much makeup or it's the opposite... You need to dress up more. I dated a guy who complained when I wore tennis shoes to walk into the office. I did that to protect my feet and my office shoes. He said, "women in Europe don't do that." I told him that if I become a woman in Europe, then I'll reconsider. Until then, he can stick it.

Edited by gwen747
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Mitch really brought up preferring her "natural state" again?!?!! After dropping it since the honeymoon? WTF?!! COMPLETE FOOL!!!! & then DP asking if he found Krysten very attractive & him not saying yes. Uh ohhhh. & Krysten saying she's done... I thought she was saying she was done with the marriage. 😅 That's why people really need to finish that statement. YIKES! What a mess he just caused! 😬

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15 hours ago, For Cereals said:

I don’t understand Lindy’s outfit with Pastor Cal. The suit is cute but the hat?  It’s giving me prison jumpsuit office casual.  Again, I focus on that because I don’t understand what the hell she’s talking about.

15 hours ago, Empress1 said:

She dresses oddly.

11 hours ago, kristen111 said:

The one with the ski hat on?  Strange.  Someone must have told her she looked good in hats.


Just..... WHY!!!!????

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Wow you must have been reading my mind because yes, that did cross my mind.  Morgan may have told them she'd sue for defamation if the show used that incident to make her look like a liar.  So to appease her, maybe they went really far in the opposite direction and instead made Binh look like the one in the wrong.  They went overboard to make him look bad, make him take total responsibility and told him what he did was way over the line, AND they didn't tell Morgan she had any responsibility for anything going wrong in the relationship and let her show her nursing license on the screen. 

She did lie. She has nothing to sue for.

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