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S09.E19: Tell All Part 2

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

John works with his brother and installs alarm systems. Pretty good job IMO. What does Jabbers do again? As mentioned I think the divorce wiped Pat out financially. He also seems to overspend….hence living with his brother.

Jibri got a CDL during the pandemic but apparently does not want to use it.

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1 hour ago, Doublemint said:

WHY, the very last minute  of the show, when so many people already tuned out, did they put of a large red sign and show the messages Mo had sent his girlfriend?   This should have come out with Shawn when she was questioning them on the couch.

It said it came to light after the taping so that would have been impossible.  The Tell Alls are taped months before airing.

56 minutes ago, Goodtimes said:

For such a grand trek she was short on details,

Wonder if she met another dude in a taxi line.

56 minutes ago, Goodtimes said:

Blocking Bini when she has Avi with her was cruel and very strange, if it were reversed she would be on the rampage. 

Not to mention she told him she was taking his son away for a week and it became three months.

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I am shocked she took Avi with her on the mystery trip to Ethiopia....I mean, seems like a perfect excuse to leave him behind, how much of his culture does he absorb a refugee camp at his age????? And we all know she doesn't take care of that child. The nanny did all the work and now his father. Seems like another mind game.....and he was so distraught over not seeing his child day in and day out he didn't even notice he was blocked?? WTF. Sort of aligns iwth his ex wife's story of how he signed over his parental rights to kid number one. 

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1 hour ago, Doublemint said:

I feel sorry for Shae.  Bile duct did agree in the pre-nup for her to have a child, she can sue for breach of contract and should asap.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for her. She knew what she was getting and went for it anyway, God knows why. I'm not convinced she really wants kids at all and just used that as a story line because they're so boring otherwise. Plus, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm 90% sure that provision of the prenup is totally unenforceable. You can't create a pregnancy based on a contractual obligation. If you could, the landscape would be littered with conception clauses.

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The season is over, so I believe the spoiler rules are no longer applicable.   The media is reporting that Yve was arrested for Domestic Violence.  Seems she literally kicked Mohamed's ass. Violence is never the answer, however, in this case, I can understand.  

Edited to add:  Word on the street is that it's not true, but Mohamed filed the charges in order to get his green card without her help.  Sad!

Edited by Adeejay
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I think the rest of the cast was scared of Jibri.  Ari tried to fight back but didn't know how to effectively shut him down.  It was interesting how after the fact multiple people sided with John but not while Jibri's attempts to shut him down were going on.  John knew exactly how to respond to Jibri-just laugh at him.  Jibri is so self-center of the world (maybe even universe) that he just cannot stand it if someone laughs at him.  Loved how pretty much everyone (and this includes the cast of pillow talk) totally knew that John would so take out Jibri should Jibri try to fight him.  It was also interesting to watch how quickly Jibri changed his tune when presented with information different from what he was spewing.  Patrick quietly commented that Jibri lived with him mom-to which Jibri said that she put in the hard work and then Patrick responded that John had put in the hard work after their father died.  Patrick goes under the radar with his snark, like when he 'complimented' Bilal with his sales ability while at the same time throwing shade at Bilal for his sales ability.  Thais needs to just stop with the John bashing as he didn't bash her at all during the tell nothing.

This was really just a sad, sad episode.  What Shawn and the producers want to ask isn't what we the viewers want asked.  For whatever reason the producers seem to bring back contestants, oops, participants that I don't like.  Therefore, I will not be watching HEA.  I will also not watch anything that Jibri will be in (and hopefully he won't be in any future version of this show).

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41 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

I don't feel the least bit sorry for her. She knew what she was getting and went for it anyway, God knows why. I'm not convinced she really wants kids at all and just used that as a story line because they're so boring otherwise. Plus, I'm not a lawyer, but I'm 90% sure that provision of the prenup is totally unenforceable. You can't create a pregnancy based on a contractual obligation. If you could, the landscape would be littered with conception clauses.

It was weird when Bilal blurted out that she didn’t want kids and he had to talk her into it.  I think she panicked because he was exposing the cooked-up storyline.  She isn’t at ease around his kids and refused to play games with them so not sure how maternal she really is.

27 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

The season is over, so I believe the spoiler rules are no longer applicable.   The media is reporting that Yve was arrested for Domestic Violence.  Seems she literally kicked Mohamed's ass. Violence is never the answer, however, in this case, I can understand.  

Edited to add:  Word on the street is that it's not true, but Mohamed filed the charges in order to get his green card without her help.  Sad!

Yeah there is some DV exception re green cards.

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Thoughts on the tell-nothing, er, Jibri's Jabbering Juggernaut....

Kara and Guillermo - kept pretty quiet this last chunk. More weird expressions from Kara. Mouth open shock, surprise, I can't believe what I am hearing. Yawn.

Patrick and Thais (and John) - I still don't have much of a read on Thais. She appears to have little warmth or kindness or empathy, acts like a spoiled, selfish immature brat. No idea of what she brings to the relationship except a pretty face. Yeah, most people would not like some of their spouse's family living with them - uh, take a look at some folks who have parents, grandparents, and other relatives sharing the same home. John is just one person. Maybe John sees through her. No talk about having set healthy boundaries with each other, if all are still living together, or finding a home that has a separate basement suite for John to share the expenses, but still have some privacy.  Never really speaking up for herself and hoped that other couples would come to her defense. Poor little victim. She has some growing up to do. If she does ever 'work', she will come across coworkers that she doesn't like but sadly, they won't just disappear in to the sunset because she doesn't like them.  Even the school mommy folks. A lot of competition with some of the mommies. I found her a bit manipulative and unpleasant. 

She probably saw the rich Patrick in Brazil. Flies down every month or so to see her, brings her expensive gifts.Maybe she felt he was a prize catch. Life is different in the US. 

I don't know if Patrick took the high road when Jiblet called him and his family trailer park trash. Them's fightin' words. Maybe he held back to not give attention-seeking Jiblet the time of day. Not worth the fight. He could toss him in a heartbeat. And then face possible assault charges. Jiblet was itchin' for a brusin'.

Maybe the new baby will change things. Maybe not. Do I see them lasting? Not really.

Bini and Ariela - How nice of you to tell your wife that you only married her because of the baby. Stop finding tourists to have affairs. Unplanned baby, unplanned marriage. Had no idea Ariela went to Ethiopia for 3 months and more or less ghosted her husband. With the baby, you do need to be in touch 24/7 in case there is an illness or anything. I can see her informing him that she will be in X place for X days and there will not be good mobile phone reception, so she may not talk to him for a few days. He is spending time in Vegas and she is still in New Jersey? This may not last either. Bini seems like a nice guy but he made the mistake of an insta-family with a person he doesn't know and may not be suitable for him. Time for him to repent at leisure. I can see him taking off when he gets his Green Card and co-parenting Avi. Too bad Shaun did not ask about the frequent interaction with her ex-husband and why he seems to be circling like a weird vulture. Hope we don't see them for a while.

Mohamed and Yve - hello love that is most true! LOLOL. Tatiana added nothing. Mo got all bent out of shape about the personal questions. Were they appropriate? Not at a first meeting. I would have felt like a piece of grilled meat. He is also from a culture where that kind of stuff is more personal. He owed them nothing. How nice of him to think that he is good in bed though. No hard questions of Yve as to why she chose him except for the six pack, the age difference, the cutural difference, how he interacts with her son, whether he can be a step-parent. Tatiana was useless. And then the end of the show whammy about Mo apparently texting other women. He probably is only in it for the Green Card, he will then take off and find a more suitable Muslim woman and have the relationship of his dreams. Yve was just a means to his end. He also added nothing to the show.

Kobe and Emily - they were the most likeable of all the couples or at least did not embarrass themselves. No need for Emily's chatter about her placenta supplements.  Kobe still seems decent and it is good that he and her dad have a friendship and a father-son type relationship, or one headed that way. He has a good head on his shoulders. Hope they do have a plan to move out and get out on their own.

Bilal and Shaeeda - yeah, you have been married not even 6 months and you are not preggers. Upset at the two pregnant girls around you and their joy - which is not yours. Another few months and you can go to your doctor and get things checked out. Wonder if Bilal did not disclose that he has been snipped. Don't really know who the two of them are, what the real story is, or anything. Things just don't seem on the up-and-up with them. Shaeeda knew she was marrying a human deep-freeze. She had the chance to walk away.  Of course, it will be yet another broken engagement and people will talk even more about the fact that something is wrong with her! Almost 40 and no husband. So now she has an excuse for one. The walking talking salesman, always has a line, always has a manipulative sales tactic to grasp from his Salesman 101 book. Wouldn't want to be with him after the show.

Jiblet and Miona - another quiet one. Granted, when did she have the chance to talk? Jiblet was chewing up the scenery. Me me me I need attention so more me me me. I'd also like my own spinoff since my music gig isn't working out. His behavior was way out of line and inappropriate. Who asked him for his thoughts on the other couples? Does he hang out with them regularly and play golf or Scrabble or whatever? Nope. They were on the show's season and that is it. No business judging anyone. Work on his own relationship. He is perfect. Miona is either used to this schtick or embarrassed by her husband's acting like a royal jerk. Telling that his parents didn't want to participate. They knew he was already married, they knew that the 'wedding' was a photoshoot. His friend David was calm and rational. Covid hit a lot of musicians and entertainers hard. Jiblet was a part-time band frontman. Nothing really talented about him, no real charisma. Being in a band takes a lot of hard work, and work he really wasn't interested in putting in. Miona is a low-rent Yoko. He had already semi checked out of the band. The instruments got small and he got too big. Maybe a solo artist is more his speed. Maybe Miona will call his mom and ask for help. Otherwise, I see her just lasting til she gets her Green Card and moving on to better pastures. Soon as she meets someone rich. Hope we won't see both again until maybe two years from now on some Diary update.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Shawn is the all time worst reunion host in history. 

100%. She was horrific, not asking interesting, pertinent and thoughtful questions that the viewers want to know - and expected to be talked about in this format but instead, discusses Kara's placenta. OMG. John should be hired for this role and Shawn needs to go get another job more fitting for her.

I don't understand Shy. She seems like a centered, independent, strong woman, yet she has picked Bilal? An uptight, rigid, no-nonsense guy without an ounce of fun in him. Plus he wants his way, period. WHY? What does she see in him?

The last scene broke my heart. Shy was sharing her thoughtful insights with him and he stood there not responding, staring straight ahead, no emotion and statue-like while she stood there utterly alone, with her new husband, the man she gave up her life for to come here. Bilal, devoid of emotion, feeling or even a smile. The look in her eyes and face said it all. Shy, what have you gotten yourself into?

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2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I am shocked she took Avi with her on the mystery trip to Ethiopia....I mean, seems like a perfect excuse to leave him behind, how much of his culture does he absorb a refugee camp at his age????? And we all know she doesn't take care of that child. The nanny did all the work and now his father. Seems like another mind game.....and he was so distraught over not seeing his child day in and day out he didn't even notice he was blocked?? WTF. Sort of aligns iwth his ex wife's story of how he signed over his parental rights to kid number one. 

I’d bet the bank that while Ari was on her Ethiopia trip she rehired the full-time nanny/maid/cook/hair braider that she and Bini had when they lived there together. That might explain why she extended her stay for so long. That woman made it possible for Ari to do absolutely nothing so Ari would surely be over the moon to get her back and be able to do nothing all over again, but this time without a single adult there to question or judge her laziness. 

18 minutes ago, Breedom said:

John should be hired for this role

Brilliant idea! John hosting the tell all would be HYSTERICAL. He’d have nicknames for the entire circus of people and wouldn’t let them get away with even a second of BS. I love that idea! 

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Ari went to Ethiopia for one reason: she wanted to present herself as an all-important, caring, giving, adventurous person for the tell-all. Ari, so giving of herself, so generous with her time and kindness, so relevant. While the others were doing nothing, she was the important one, the one to admire. Plus, she would have had to get a "real job" - and this is the perfect excuse.

There would "be talk" if she didn't take the baby, so she would have to include him. We all know she's not maternal. And who paid for this? The apartment turned out to be costly, too. She likely had to once again siphon money from Janice and her dad for her latest idea, one that she probably didn't give that much thought to. She should stick around home and look for a job to help support her family and put her "adventurous" life on hold for awhile to live in the real world.

Shawn, there was so much to ask, but instead you just flitted around from couple to couple, spending a few minutes with each at a time, never going into any depth. For a four hour tell-all, there should have been way more substance than taking time to talk about someone's placenta.

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think the rest of the cast was scared of Jibri.

Why? There is nothing to be afraid of. I think the guys know that. Which is why I'm perplexed as to why they all let him get away with his analysis of their relationships. Mostly Bilal and Bini. They should have stopped him in his tracks. 

** Interesting note, There are photo's of Jibri at Thais and Patricks baby shower. John was there, too. Unbelievable. 


Edited by bichonblitz
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19 hours ago, peacockblue said:

Jibs...Apple tree thing going on with Momma Jibs 

Yeah .. parents didn’t go to his wedding.  Anyone think they were wrong not to come?  Guess Jib thinks so as he hasn’t seen Mother in six months.  I don’t know who’s right or wrong here.  Wedding was total of five minutes.  Jib could have had it recorded, so Mom & Dad could see.  Show should have gotten Mother’s take on that.  The only thing nice about that wedding was the pictures.

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Shawn, there was so much to ask, but instead you just flitted around from couple to couple, spending a few minutes with each at a time, never going into any depth. For a four hour tell-all, there should have been way more substance than taking time to talk about someone's placenta.

They should have gotten Kevin Frazior.

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39 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Why? There is nothing to be afraid of. I think the guys know that. Which is why I'm perplexed as to why they all let him get away with his analysis of their relationships. Mostly Bilal and Bini. They should have stopped him in his tracks. 

** Interesting note, There are photo's of Jibri at Thais and Patricks baby shower. John was there, too. Unbelievable. 


Thanks for the nice pictures of everyone.

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Shawn continues in this role season after season. Surely somebody reads SM posts. Surely somebody sees the critique. 

Could it be she is following a script?  Could it be production and the couples have parameters set for the show. 

Many questions for an unpopular host!

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8 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Shawn continues in this role season after season. Surely somebody reads SM posts. Surely somebody sees the critique. 

Could it be she is following a script?  Could it be production and the couples have parameters set for the show. 

Many questions for an unpopular host!

She must know somebody.  What else could it be?  

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Man, Bilal was PISSED. Shaeda was in big trouble, and it worried me.  Someone somewhere posted that in the Muslim religion, the wife must only publicly support her husband and say nothing bad.  He was dripping with rage. 
We too must have said “shut up Jibri” a hundred times.  Was he on something?  He was so amped up.   Unlikeable human right there. 
Ya’ll beat me to the idea of Ari meeting Leandro in Ethiopia. Something is weird there. 
My favorite of this whole season is Kobe. I feel like he’s a really good guy. 

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23 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Did anyone notice when JibJab was fuming on the couch and Bile came over, Bile said, don't forget why you did this, don't let them break your character" Now, did he mean that in the sense of stay strong, or did Jibjab admit to Bile off camera that they did this for the social media exposure, the whole storyline was fake AF? Or is Jibjab really as mentally off kilter as he came across tonight? And how could Miona just sit there silent? She is SOOO gone once she gets those papers. And Jibjab will be all over social saying how it was the haters who poisoned her mind, etc. Was he holding back laughter at the end when Ari was saying what she has learned from Bini??? 

Bini was pretty crystal clear tonight and I will give Ari the benefit of the doubt in her response. That had to be humiliating to hear him announce on national tv that he only married you because of his son. How would any of us react??  I mean, we keep saying she has to know, he has made it clear, but has he? I mean, we don't see them when cameras are gone. For all we know, Bini tells her he loves her, he loves their little family, etc. And then turns mute when confronted in public. Sort of like with his sisters. For whatever reason they felt it was OK to disrespect her like that over and over, maybe cause when it is the three of htem he is laughing at Ari right along with them?? He has his green card he will be filing as soon as he finds someone else to support his MMA ass. 

I missed the first 5 mins or so, but I appreciate that Patrick didn't trash his brother. AS he pointed out there are layers and that is blood. Thais should not have sided with Jibjab over her husband. 

The visit from a member of Yve's squad was a waste. Why didn't anyone call Mo out on the texting other women? He is correct that the way they spoke to him about sex and teh questions they asked are NOT normal get to know you talk. And her friend's spiel about how they are empowered women etc----ok fine that's all good, but that is NOT appropriate get to know you talk IN PUBLIC. 

WTF was the focus on everyone's sex lives??? TMI and don't care. As if anyone will be honest on stage. Oh, except Kobe apparently. Shaeeda seemed to be visibly upset with all the baby talk and focus on pregnancies. As someone who has never had kids and now wants to, only to realisticly know it is too late, I can relate. You want to be happy for them, and you are, but at the same time you see what you are missing out on and feel like you can't add to the conversation. 

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All Mothers know their children and what makes them tick.  That’s who Jibis Mother didn’t come to his wedding.  She knows in her heart that he’s a nut job, and the marriage won’t last.  I meant ‘why’ up there.

Edited by kristen111
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17 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Jibri got a CDL during the pandemic but apparently does not want to use it.

I’m still curious as to why Patrick went on that boat in Miami with those shady guys for only one night?  

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12 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Man, Bilal was PISSED. Shaeda was in big trouble, and it worried me.  Someone somewhere posted that in the Muslim religion, the wife must only publicly support her husband and say nothing bad.  He was dripping with rage. 
We too must have said “shut up Jibri” a hundred times.  Was he on something?  He was so amped up.   Unlikeable human right there. 
Ya’ll beat me to the idea of Ari meeting Leandro in Ethiopia. Something is weird there. 
My favorite of this whole season is Kobe. I feel like he’s a really good guy. 

Ari was up to something!  Bini was so quiet during that whole interview and while Jibri was throwing jabs at her he said nothing!  I thought it was from his training.

Bini looks pretty much done with her!

Her parents are huge enablers of her wanderlust and possible cheating.  Cash cows!

Of course they too are lining their pockets with gold and travels from show money!.  Maybe they all get what they deserve!

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14 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Ari was up to something!  Bini was so quiet during that whole interview and while Jibri was throwing jabs at her he said nothing!  I thought it was from his training.

Bini looks pretty much done with her!

Her parents are huge enablers of her wanderlust and possible cheating.  Cash cows!

Of course they too are lining their pockets with gold and travels from show money!.  Maybe they all get what they deserve!

Thanks for the update.  I only started watching mid way, and don’t know too much about Ari and Bini, plus some of the others.  Even mid way, I got sucked in. 😀

Edited by kristen111
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22 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Meanwhile Bini is working in Las Vegas having the time of his life and hopefully has a drawer full of condoms next to his bed for all the groupies he will be screwing.

I can't see Bini worrying about protected sex. In fact, he wants 10 kids and apparently they could all have different mothers. 

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4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I’m still curious as to why Patrick went on that boat in Miami with those shady guys for only one night?  

I thought it was just a brief stop on the way to Orlando for the wedding. He explained that his good friends who were in "the same business" gave them the yacht excursion as a wedding gift. He mentioned three guys but we only saw two and their wives on the boat. Later the Gucci track suit guy officiated at their wedding. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I thought it was just a brief stop on the way to Orlando for the wedding. He explained that his good friends who were in "the same business" gave them the yacht excursion as a wedding gift. He mentioned three guys but we only saw two and their wives on the boat. Later the Gucci track suit guy officiated at their wedding. 

I guess those guys are Patrick's squad, lol.

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21 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Why? There is nothing to be afraid of. I think the guys know that. Which is why I'm perplexed as to why they all let him get away with his analysis of their relationships. Mostly Bilal and Bini. They should have stopped him in his tracks. 

** Interesting note, There are photo's of Jibri at Thais and Patricks baby shower. John was there, too. Unbelievable. 


Jibri really let himself go...those moobs are Colt territory!  

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Velour is very unforgiving 

For a so called 'celebrity stylist' he sure doesn't know how to dress himself. For someone who was 'bullied' he sure doesn't mind making fun of John and his appearance.  The only trash here is Jibri.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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On 8/23/2022 at 4:49 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

For someone who was 'bullied' he sure doesn't mind making fun of John and his appearance.

He even admitted to being a bully when he said the fight with Daveed that ("supposably", if you believe him) put him in a coma was because Jibri was making fun of Daveed's English. 

Edited by magemaud
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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Ari was up to something!  Bini was so quiet during that whole interview and while Jibri was throwing jabs at her he said nothing!  I thought it was from his training.

Bini looks pretty much done with her!

Her parents are huge enablers of her wanderlust and possible cheating.  Cash cows!

Of course they too are lining their pockets with gold and travels from show money!.  Maybe they all get what they deserve!

They're very much together. These last episodes were very scripted.

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This must have been the most boring Tell All ever.  It was a big fat nothing.  No hard questions about things we, as fans  hostages, wanted to ask.  

And Tim, who I love, was wearing the most ridiculous outfit I have seen him wear.  What was up with the short sleeve jacket and the tall boots that look like girl's boots?  And he was sporting a pretty good sized spare tire around his middle.

And what was the point of him and what's his name (I am drawing a big blank on his name) being there wandering around back stage and randomly talking to whoever walks by?  Why not set them up a little area to have the cast members come sit and talk and answer questions?  Something tells me they would not be able to ask the questions we wanted to hear either.

And Jibri taking over the entire show sucked too.  Why everyone sat there and listened to him go on and on about their relationships made no sense.  Shawn did nothing to rein him in.  She must have been tired.

Most boring season ever.

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Please give this post a 👏🏾 if you hate Jibri. He is absolutely unhinged. Truly, what the fuck is wrong with him? Jibri made the episode almost unwatchable for me. And Miona just sitting there poking out her lips and fiddling with her hair instead of checking him really irritated me. Whether you believe he's right or not just tell him to chill and keep his mouth shut for a bit, FFS! Can someone make him shut up? OMG.

I absolutely believe that Jabroni and Me-ona are putting on an act because they want to make good reality TV. The reason why it’s failing isn’t because the viewers don’t get that, it’s because J&M aren’t funny, clever, or entertaining enough to pull it off. They’re hilariously bad at this game. How much attention does Jibri need? He thinks he’s way cooler than he actually is. He was commenting on instagram earlier that he was basically just performing and giving the viewers of the show what they wanted - to be entertained. He was doing all of that for us, guys. What a guy.

The sex questions are so stupid and pointless. 🙄 And it bothered me that no one (especially Bini!) called Jibri out for being such an asshole to Ari. Three quarters of the program was that asshole mouthing off.

Could we re-film this without SPAAAHHHKLES?! Would love for the couples to say something without all the peacocking.

What did you think of that entire hallway full of chips and snacks at the tell all? And Jibri hoarding it all at the end so he didn’t have buy dinner that night. 😂

Do you think that Emily got it easy at this tell all?!? They never brought up the pre-bought engagement ring, the altercation at the horse stall, the hidden pregnancy from her parents, the entitled mooching, the unwillingness to move. Like, are you serious??? Why did none of that get brought up? She was one of the most unliked people on the season and AGAIN she was not held accountable for her actions. I. JUST. CAN’T!

Emily had a huge redemption after this. I truly believe that her and Kobe have a wonderful and happy life ahead of them.

Did you find Bilal and Shaeeda’s final interview bone chilling? Shaeeda looks terrified and Bilal looks sooo scary like she’s gonna be punished for making him look bad. I’m so worried for her. Yeesh.

I stand by my original opinion that the “commentators” were completely irrelevant and honestly annoying! Why?

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This isn't exactly 90 Day related...  Have any of you caught "Inmate to Roommate" on A&E?   Talk about snark worthy!  I hope there will be an area created to do live chats with you witty people!

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53 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Did you find Bilal and Shaeeda’s final interview bone chilling? Shaeeda looks terrified and Bilal looks sooo scary like she’s gonna be punished for making him look bad. I’m so worried for her. Yeesh.

Yes!  If someone you love is THAT obviously distressed, the natural inclination is to COMFORT THEM.  This guy just stared into the camera like he was embarrassed to be there.  What an ASS!

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There was no reason that the 2 day tell nothing should have become the Jiberish Sparleless SHOW! As soon as he started all his crap...TLC should have muzzled him....SImple..shut up or go sit in the green room!

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3 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

 How much attention does Jibri need? He thinks he’s way cooler than he actually is.

100% agree, except the above insinuates that Jibby has some coolness in him. He's a guy that has absolutely no charisma, character, integrity and zero coolness. He's a bully too. Any other guy on that stage could have taken him, easily. Probably most of the women could too. His ridiculous threats were something that might be expected to come from a teenager, but a grown man almost 30 years old? Grow up.

3 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Do you think that Emily got it easy at this tell all?!?

Very disappointing that Shawn didn't touch on any one of those things you mentioned. I was ready to have the whole cast gang up on her poor judgements and behaviors, but nothing. Why did she and Kobe even fly to NY? They hardly participated, thanks to Shawn.

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Don't they film many hours of Tell Nothing?    I suspect that if anyone refused to comment on something, or if anyone threatened to leave, that they didn't show it.  

They would send Spahkuls to the green room, that's where John was, unless the crew were placing bets on how many punches before Spahkuls hit the floor, I say two punches, one to put him out, and another on the way down. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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My thoughts on this whole thing.

Jibri stole the show. He was acting coked up, but I'm not sure if he really was or was just trying to seem cool Bini isn't great at English so he stayed quiet, I don't think it's because he didn't want to defend Ari.

Kobe and Emily got off EASY. Kobe said some really horrible things to Emily and vice versa. Those weren't discussed.

Yve's horrible friend was horrible and it was all pointless.  Yve seems a little witchy fucked up to me. As do her friends.

Thais, IMO, has a weird face. her body bangs, don't get me wrong. Patrick I think will be really good for her. She doesn't come off, to me, as high end. Patrick has a cute face and weird body. Thais has the weird face and banging body. It works. I didn't think she held herself that well though, slumped on the couch and hiding behind Patrick the whole time. That said, it was the English speakers show with Jibri spewing the entire time.

I don't think I care about Sheeda and Bilal. They both come off as very superficial and calculated and very unhappy. Bilal's ex seems also miserable and pissed. The kids seem marginally happy.

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I think Jibri does everything he can to make himself "unique."  During the Tell All is really hit me that while Jibri wants to be unique and special, Tim really showed him how to be unique.  Tim just seems authentic in his quirks and doesn't let anyone lessen his own sense of self (would I wear the outfit he chose for the Tell All?  No, but I respect that he has his own sense of fulfillment and enjoyment).  Jibri always has to have the most sparkliest outfit (many times he matches his hair color to it) while telling us nonstop how completely creative, talented, and unique he is.  If someone disparages him, he fights back in order to defend his specialness while Tim just continues on letting his uniqueness speak for itself.  Jibri is a poser (IMO) and it threatens him when people don't buy into his act.

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On 8/24/2022 at 2:14 PM, Chloe Dog said:

This isn't exactly 90 Day related...  Have any of you caught "Inmate to Roommate" on A&E?   Talk about snark worthy!  I hope there will be an area created to do live chats with you witty people!

I caught it tonight. Another Matt Sharp masterpiece so it should be as "real" as Love After Lockup. Will probably still watch it at least once more lol

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On 8/22/2022 at 3:09 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Jibri got a CDL

It is so hard to imagine him actually working a job like that---one that is stressful and difficult and where he can't showcase his amazing talents. Unless----are CB radios still a thing? I can imagine him torturing his fellow drivers with his crooning over the CB to the point they track him down "Joy Ride" style 

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55 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

It is so hard to imagine him actually working a job like that---one that is stressful and difficult and where he can't showcase his amazing talents. Unless----are CB radios still a thing? I can imagine him torturing his fellow drivers with his crooning over the CB to the point they track him down "Joy Ride" style 

I forgot about that movie, it was actually pretty good for its genre.

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I'm laughing reading these websites that rank what everyone wore to the Tell All like it's the Red Carpet outside the Oscars. Still, I have to agree that Guillermo won "Best Dressed" and the "Worst Dressed" was....drum roll, please...JIBRI! (But of course, everyone feels that way because they are JEALOUS of him!) 

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22 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I'm laughing reading these websites that rank what everyone wore to the Tell All like it's the Red Carpet outside the Oscars. Still, I have to agree that Guillermo won "Best Dressed" and the "Worst Dressed" was....drum roll, please...JIBRI! (But of course, everyone feels that way because they are JEALOUS of him!) 

The pillow talkers said Yve was the best dressed but to me it looked like a sheet.

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