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The Aspen trip — is there a Hampton Inn nearby for Erika? And Diana shows a flash of self-awareness. I wouldn’t want her in my house, either.

EDIT — Toothless And Homeless — Kathy FTW, and bless her for taking the spotlight off of Sutton.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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5 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

(Can’t get rid of the quote box, sorry…)

When is Sutton going to learn? She cannot win with this group, especially when Kyle sets them off. 

2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

that charity that we acted like a bunch of wild animals screaming at each other was REAL important damn it ... gid rid of that FAKE outrage Dorit 

And Rinna her fake grief.

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5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

but NOW its been said pretty much out loud they have it out for anyone that's NOT in their "group" and this whole season has proved that ... Good God its like they weren't popular in HS so they are trying to get back at the world 

And note they are already going after Kathy - that paycheck she got must piss them off and how DARE she say the name of that charity that is so close to Dorito that we never heard of it before???  The Faux Force Five really needs to read the room

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Erika's go-to seems to be accusing every Housewife who doesn't fall for her bullshit of being fake and a liar. She repeatedly admitted to mixing pills and booze to the point of losing control over herself, but somehow Garcelle is instigating by questioning whether Erika's drinking is problematic? Okay, Erika.

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF

I'm glad the ladies told Dorit her charity's name makes it hard to take them seriously, despite her camera-seeking self-righteousness. The cause is worthy; the name is ridiculous.

Watching Sutton on this show is like watching a toddler try to do something themselves. She insists she knows what she's doing, but is so clumsy you want to offer her assistance. (You like to debate, Sutton? Then be better at it.) Why does she continue to confide in Kyle? Or try to befriend Rinna or Erika? She even kinda snapped a Crystal for telling her the "colt" comment was a tangent. Speaking of, did the Editing Gnomes cut Sutton's comment short or was I just not paying attention? Why was she talking about her horse?

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2 minutes ago, charliesan said:

Garcelle is the future of this franchise and they need to cast around her, although not Sheree. I think I read she told Garcelle that Sutton was preventing her of getting close with the other women, but she knows Lisa lied about Harry being upset with Garcelle about the sauce (so stupid) and she was just there when Erika called Garcelle a liar… Sheree, why would Garcelle want to be closer with this group? 

she just sat there and let Erika call her good friend a liar and did nothing NOT even a snort or a hey now ZIP ZILCH NADDA

... that along with the interview she did that said if Garcelle would just not be close to Sutton the other ladies would be close to her SPEAKS volumes (so if it was presented to her that they couldn't get close to her because of Garcelle she would dump her?).. she just wants a in with these ladies and its becoming super obvious 

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1 hour ago, Chicklet said:

Oh lord Kathy is something else, walk in and demand they give her nibbles.

I know, right?  That's ALWAYS what I do when I roll up on a friend!  I sit my happy ass down, I refuse a lovely glass of wine and then I DEMAND that I be fed! Anything will do!

Wonder what Kathy might have said if they'd thrown a bag of cheetos at her?

And, as long as I'm here....  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Garcelle!!  She is the truth bomber on this bunch of assholes!!  Throwing that "Erika, you can make YOURSELF look bad" was GOLD!!  I noticed that Sharee didn't have nearly as much to say as she has in the past!  Think she's finally seeing the Faux Force for what they REALLY are??  It seems obvious to me that they're about to run out of ways to runnoft Sutton.  She's just not going for it!

AND.. it seems to me Sharee needs to do some real-life soul searching about her newfound way of making stoopid $$$.  Is she gonna throw her REAL friend (Garcelle) over for the Faux Farce Five??

THANKFULLY, in the preview, we get to see ..... ASPEN!!  I didn't realize the men were going! How fun!  We can finally see the END of this dumbass season.  Praise the Lort.

Edited by goofygirl
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Kathy, if you came to my house and asked for crackers, chances are good that I’d just hand you a box of crackers and you’d have a work it out amongst yourself. 


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1 hour ago, WaltersHair said:

I'm surprised the poor Not Toothless people didn't knock over tables and chairs running out of there.

The poor Not Toothless people were just dismissed in the most obnoxious perfunctory way - as if they were inferior human beings and in the way of the Housewives grand finale fight of the evening!

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2 minutes ago, Axie said:

Kathy, if you came to my house and asked for crackers, chances are good that I’d just hand you a box of crackers and you’d have a work it out amongst yourself. 


I didn't understand that whole thing.  Rob and Crystal asked Kathy if she wanted a glass of wine or anything, and she said "no" - less than five minutes later, she's asking for things from ordering Rob around in his own kitchen - I'll have a cracker, and maybe some cheese - not that kind of cheese - this kind - no nuts, just crackers.  Now, get me a Diet Coke...."  

Kathy was extremely rude and acting all superior to everyone, and it's worse this season than last.  She is in her own little universe, where she is Queen, and everyone is there to do her bidding.  She doesn't need to know or doesn't choose to know anything or anyone who she feels is beneath her.  I think that Dorit was extremely hurt over Kathy's mangling the name of her charity (even though the charity should change it's name) - Kathy sounded supercilious and quite condescending.

I also didn't catch the entire conversation, but was she talking about saying something the wrong way and then getting totally "cancelled"??  Interesting that the editors threw that in - perhaps a set up for the Aspen trip??  

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45 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

she just sat there and let Erika call her good friend a liar and did nothing NOT even a snort or a hey now ZIP ZILCH NADDA

... that along with the interview she did that said if Garcelle would just not be close to Sutton the other ladies would be close to her SPEAKS volumes (so if it was presented to her that they couldn't get close to her because of Garcelle she would dump her?).. she just wants a in with these ladies and its becoming super obvious 

Is it possible that Sheree is feeling a tad jealous of Garcelle and Sutton's friendship?  And, that Sheree was not made a full time housewife?  She seems like she's trying to get "in" with the mean girls so that she could possibly get a diamond next year, so she's digging at Garcelle and falling in with Rinna, Erika and Kyle more for her own benefit than actually being a friend to Garcelle.

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5 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Also, what's funny to me is that Erika/Rinna don't seem to understand they lost both round one and round two. I feel like round one (Dorit’s gala) definitely went to Sutton and her "surprise, the attorneys contacted me about your many, many lawsuits, Erika" and round two definitely went to Garcelle. But Erika and Rinna haven't figured out yet that they are outmatched and so they are going to keep at it.

TBF, Rinna thinks Sutton made a fool of herself calling her out on her non-thank you about that dinner, so...

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OMG the ladies' disco outfits were awful! How disappointing that with all their money they couldn't do any better. They all looked like they were either wearing Halloween costumes...or the opposite like they barely put any effort into dressing for the evening and just threw on anything sparkly. I love Garcelle but that faux-crocheted patchwork dress with lace collar is hideous. And Lisa Rinna's wig is beyond ridiculous.

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I agree 100% eleanorofaquitaine!  I'm just not sure either Rinna OR Erika would even catch the CLUE that they're outmatched in the brain power of Garcelle!

It's too bad seriously.  And can I just ask?  HOW MANY FREAKING HOWIVES HAVE A MAKEUP COMPANY??  AND....  Did they ALL have more than one roll out of said makeup company??

Edited by goofygirl
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21 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I didn't understand that whole thing.  Rob and Crystal asked Kathy if she wanted a glass of wine or anything, and she said "no" - less than five minutes later, she's asking for things from ordering Rob around in his own kitchen - I'll have a cracker, and maybe some cheese - not that kind of cheese - this kind - no nuts, just crackers.  Now, get me a Diet Coke...."  

Kathy was extremely rude and acting all superior to everyone, and it's worse this season than last.  She is in her own little universe, where she is Queen, and everyone is there to do her bidding.  She doesn't need to know or doesn't choose to know anything or anyone who she feels is beneath her.  I think that Dorit was extremely hurt over Kathy's mangling the name of her charity (even though the charity should change it's name) - Kathy sounded supercilious and quite condescending.

I agree - Kathy holds no charm for me.  From jump last season when she thought Garcelle was Kyle and then claimed it’s because she can’t see well. There are things called glasses. Contacts.  It’s not cute to behave badly.  I don’t care who you married.

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18 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

OMG the ladies' disco outfits were awful! How disappointing that with all their money they couldn't do any better. They all looked like they were either wearing Halloween costumes...or the opposite like they barely put any effort into dressing for the evening and just threw on anything sparkly. I love Garcelle but that faux-crocheted patchwork dress with lace collar is hideous. And Lisa Rinna's wig is beyond ridiculous.

I agree!!!  I spent a LOT of time at discos and clubs in the late 70's/early 80's, and these women really didn't do the theme justice.  They all spent more time and effort on their hairstyles - or at least their glam squads did.

I really thought we would have seen Kyle wearing her roller skates to the party.  She was actually pretty good at skating, and that disco skating was such a huge part of that era.

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49 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I didn't understand that whole thing.  Rob and Crystal asked Kathy if she wanted a glass of wine or anything, and she said "no" - less than five minutes later, she's asking for things from ordering Rob around in his own kitchen - I'll have a cracker, and maybe some cheese - not that kind of cheese - this kind - no nuts, just crackers.  Now, get me a Diet Coke...."  

Kathy was extremely rude and acting all superior to everyone, and it's worse this season than last.  She is in her own little universe, where she is Queen, and everyone is there to do her bidding.  She doesn't need to know or doesn't choose to know anything or anyone who she feels is beneath her.  I think that Dorit was extremely hurt over Kathy's mangling the name of her charity (even though the charity should change it's name) - Kathy sounded supercilious and quite condescending.

I also didn't catch the entire conversation, but was she talking about saying something the wrong way and then getting totally "cancelled"??  Interesting that the editors threw that in - perhaps a set up for the Aspen trip??  

Is Kathy insane?  The look on Crystal's husband's face was priceless. 

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31 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Here's the thing with Kyle - I actually appreciate how over-the-top obvious she is about stirring the pot. And to be fair to her, with both events, she didn't reveal any confidences or anything. Sure, she stirred up trouble about asking about Rinna's wine party and asking Erika what she meant by calling a Sutton a "liability" but it's not like those things were secret or anything. 

It's champion-level pot stirring but it's all out in the open and Kyle knows that the audience watches for it.

Also, what's funny to me is that Erika/Rinna don't seem to understand they lost both round one and round two. I feel like round one (Dorit’s gala) definitely went to Sutton and her "surprise, the attorneys contacted me about your many, many lawsuits, Erika" and round two definitely went to Garcelle. But Erika and Rinna haven't figured out yet that they are outmatched and so they are going to keep at it.

I agree, 1,000%!!!  

We mentioned this in last week's posts, but I have somewhat of a soft spot for Kyle - because she has really come into her own and is unashamedly being a shit stirrer, just because.  She knows that's her main role on the show, and even though she does it with no problem, I truly believe that she does it completely without vindictiveness or maliciousness, as opposed to Rinna, who seems to get some personal kicks from stirring up trouble for someone.  Kyle has been annoying me this season more than others, though.

And, this episode just proves how dimwitted Rinna and Erika are.  Erika likes to think she's quick-witted and smarter than the average female, but Garcelle and Sutton (yes, even bumbling, babbling Sutton) have proven them both to be too stupid to realize just what assholes they have shown themselves to be.

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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

And, this episode just proves how dimwitted Rinna and Erika are.  Erika likes to think she's quick-witted and smarter than the average female, but Garcelle and Sutton (yes, even bumbling, babbling Sutton) have proven them both to be too stupid to realize just what assholes they have shown themselves to be.

I'm so sick of the pair of them. They are not only nasty but are obviously trying to hold onto their jobs by playing villain roles. They come off desperate and I don't know why Sutton has just accepted the role of 'the target'.

14 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Garcelle is the MVP. 

  • Google me if you want to get to know me.
  • Speaking for all of us with pure annoyance at the Faux Force faux-forcing:
    E: Because these women are the closest to me. 
    Garcelle: Oh I know. God, you guys say that almost every other day. 
  • And being unfazed by Erika's dramatics: "Then destroy it." "Blow up your life. It's your prerogative."  

These heifers think they can bully Garcelle like they did LVP, Denise, and their attempts on Sutton. I'm so appreciative that Garcelle calls them out because someone has to. 

Kathy is the most enjoyable Richards sister. (I do like Kim, too, and wish her continued good health. Kyle can go fuck herself.)

I think Garcelle may be the only genuinely nice person among the group!

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