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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Taylor says they're getting Covid tests today. Ameerah wonders how they could get Covid when they haven't seen anyone else for three weeks. 

Now they're practicing counting things. Like there are seven cars in Terrence's room. Four beds in Ameerah and Taylor's bedroom, three in the other girls' bedroom and four in the guys' bedroom.

I guess Pooch noticed the cameras following him around and he walked around saying, "There's a peeping Tom!" and "If they want a show I'll give them a show!"

Taylor has a cough and Ameerah's coughing a little, too.

Taylor and Terrence wonder if there will be a double eviction. But then they were told a backstage person COULD be evicted, so it doesn't sound like a double eviction.

You can hear lots of noise in the background so I think I'll switch cameras.

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Terrence is giving Taylor a pep talk about being on the block, getting a good night's sleep, being prepared. He says one of us is coming off. He says it's crazy that Michael got off, maybe both of them will get off. He's saying someone seems mentally checked out but I don't know who he means.

The fiber stuff tastes terrible, everyone agrees.

Alyssa cut her finger and she couldn't deal with it, so Nicole bandaged her up. Now they're talking about scary movie. Terrence says he saw Saw (Chainsaw?). The other two are amazed.

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Paloma and Joseph are talking. Paloma asks "Are we even real?" She says every word she says in here will freak us out, and she says at the end they will all walk out together, and that she's afraid to walk out that door.

Quick switch to the bathroom.

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8 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Paloma and Joseph are talking. Paloma asks "Are we even real?" She says every word she says in here will freak us out, and she says at the end they will all walk out together, and that she's afraid to walk out that door.

Her brand of crazy was funny at first, dare I say entertaining, but I'm really starting to worry about her.  Girl is batshit.

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Monte and Joseph are talking about which of the "girls" are a threat. Nicole is a savage, they both agree. Indie is OK, then can trust her but she has a target on her back. They want Brittany to win HOH because she will target Ameerah. Ameerah is really smart. They don't want Terrence to leave. Paloma and Alyssa are OK, too.

Joseph is whispering now. He says someone, someone and Taylor will f------- kill us. Probably Nicole and Ameerah, which along with Daniel, is an alliance. Now they're talking about which ones should be on jury. Paloma and Alyssa, if they don't cross them, Jasmine is OK.  Monte's going to drop a turd now. Hope he has a nice time.

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The guys are calling Indie the Bachelorette. She says she is lucky she has the four guys: Monte, Michael, Kyle, not sure of the other one, maybe Turner. Now Indie is talking about her ex-boyfriend. Kyle is asking questions about him. She says her boyfriend tried to drag her down.

I can't figure out if Indie is going to try for Bachelorette or if Monte or one of the guys is going to. Oh, I think she's talking about herself doing that.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

ETA: Really, Jackson Michie being kept in the house while detoxing from multiple drug addictions and being placated with watermelon and a smush room to remain rather than removed for his safety kinda kills any idea that Grod would do the "right thing". Also consider how hard she worked to keep fan favourite Tyler (ugh) when he missed Mother Angela. Paloma isn't a hot dude, though.

To be fair, neither were Jackson and Tyler. ;)

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Michael is a Swiffer Wet Jet Lovin Fool!  He's cleaning the bathroom floor.   Apparently, Brittani asked for a vacuum and one has not been provided.  Why? 

Taylor is looking kind of rough.  I wonder if all the anti-Girl Power is getting to her. 

Joseph just came out of the bathroom, upset about something that he said was TMI.  He then told Michael, Brittani, and Taylor, "it is just that I touched my pickle and forgot to wash my hands and then I grabbed my other pickle, and now I need to shower." 

Oddly, enough, I don't think he was trying to use a metaphor.   

Edited by Thalia
Lesson learned: always wash your hands after touching your pickle!
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Kyle and Michael are talking. One says "I don't know if I would watch the live feeds. It's a big investment if you don't know if anything interesting is going to happen."

What is Kyle fixing? Fried slop?

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Taylor’s scoring big points with this discussion on race.

But Paloma exclaimed “You’re so knowlegeable!” and I winced. She might as well have said “You’re so articulate!” Which is rather patronizing.

ETA-OK, I’m not thrilled with what Taylor just said about people needing to “be on their own journey” and called the mask regulations “arrogant.” F**k her. 

Edited by TimWil
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Does the casting questionnaire ask if you are prejudiced or racist? Just asking. Also, does casting and/or production even care at this point. I guess they didn’t like the steamroll of last season and decided to hire non fans to put another stop to it. I’m willing to see how Thursday plays out and then plan accordingly. I’m not too optimistic though. I really don’t even have anyone to root for or really, really like. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week versus this being middle of August when I’m just plain old tired. Hopefully, it will pick up and be less hateful.

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41 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Does the casting questionnaire ask if you are prejudiced or racist? Just asking. Also, does casting and/or production even care at this point. I guess they didn’t like the steamroll of last season and decided to hire non fans to put another stop to it. I’m willing to see how Thursday plays out and then plan accordingly. I’m not too optimistic though. I really don’t even have anyone to root for or really, really like. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week versus this being middle of August when I’m just plain old tired. Hopefully, it will pick up and be less hateful.

Oh, they 100% wanted to make sure they avoided a replay of last year. Them having to actually talk about touchy subjects? No way, Jose, they want to get credit for THEORETICALLY addressing sensitive topics, not ACTUALLY address them. 

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Believe it or not, articles I was reading about this season said that the HGs underwent racial sensitivity training before they went into the house. Which was really just Grodner shaking her finger at them and telling them not to say anything too racist.

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Paloma update: she used to have narcolepsy, she's a legal liability to the point that her shirt should say that she's a legal liability, she's going to drop immediately if it's the wall comp, she's a legal liability, you should really vote her out, she's a legal liability no really, she's a floater, too! But most of all, a legal liability.


Paloma's Girls' Girls are discussing how paranoid she is and that they're probably going to cut her next week and get her evicted. An all female alliance already turning on each other and eating them own? No one could have seen that coming. ETA: So it turns out that they were actually talking about Brittany being paranoid and getting cut, Paloma has a "great social game" running and "everyone wants to protect her" because they like her, according to them. Jesus.

Alyssa: "Poor Terrance, he's going to be hitting that block multiple weeks." Professional pawn status confirmed.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Paloma update: she used to have narcolepsy, she's a legal liability to the point that her shirt should say that she's a legal liability, she's going to drop immediately if it's the wall comp, she's a legal liability, you should really vote her out, she's a legal liability no really, she's a floater, too! But most of all, a legal liability.


Someone spike the Gatorade?

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Someone spike the Gatorade?

If they did, my coffee cup is also available and I'm all out of Bailey's.

ETA: Paloma's Girls' Girls swung back around to Brittany and Terrance for next week because they assume they're controlling the whole thing. They're as erratic as Paloma right now.

Edited by Callaphera
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8 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Taylor says they're getting Covid tests today. Ameerah wonders how they could get Covid when they haven't seen anyone else for three weeks. 

Better safe than sorry.

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Jasmine to Ameerah: "The only two people I haven't talk bad about is you and Alyssa."

Brittany and Indy are in her crosshairs next. I kinda hate Jasmine in the way I hated Kyle when the feeds started except Kyle is a fucking ghost and I never seem to see him (maybe he has a good sleep schedule, I dunno) so I just hate Kyle on principle atm.

Edited by Callaphera
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Jasmine and Ameerah are alone in the atomic bedroom discussing their strategy for the coming weeks. Ameerah points out that their current strategy is picking off all the weak ones and leaving the strong ones in the game when the jury phase starts. Jasmine: "What's wrong with bringing them to jury?" I mean.

Jasmine about Indy in regards to them: "I just know that she's loyal as fuck."
Also Jasmine: is targeting Indy in the week after this one.

Alyssa interrupted the strategy session by coming in the room in tears (she's hormonal and someone said something to her [it was Poochie joking that he was going to vote her out if she ends up on the block with the Backstage Bullshit twist] and she's a sensitive butterfly with a poet's soul) followed quickly by Brittany to check on her so you know Jasmine is seething inside right now.

Edited by Callaphera
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54 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Believe it or not, articles I was reading about this season said that the HGs underwent racial sensitivity training before they went into the house. Which was really just Grodner shaking her finger at them and telling them not to say anything too racist.

RHAP mentioned this tonight but I thought I had misheard it. Because if there was sensitivity training some (if not all) missed (or skipped) the classes altogether. They probably said, there are black and white people but no Asians because we don’t do that on Big Brother. Okay?! Good. Class dismissed. Good lord!

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Taylor is talking to Daniel in the HoH room. She wants to connect with him. But she isn't the dopest of homies like Paloma so I don't think he's digging her vibe.

Daniel is speculating that the Backstage Bullshit Boss is going to have to pick someone from his Bullshit Crew to go up against the noms in a comp to determine who the ultimate noms are. Taylor brought up the Mon Won twist up and now he's having a revelation because it's a Backstage Bullshit Pass and they had to pass the Mon Won hat around.

In other news, Indy and Alyssa just solidified a Final 2 (or as Indy said, "You're my Top 1.") together in the storage room. Alyssa: "I know I cry a lot, I'm sorry." Indy left and now Brittany entered and is crying because she thinks that the Backstage Bullshit Crew aren't going to be safe next week. The Ghost of Christie Murphy just floated by in a cloud of Brussels sprouts and period tears.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Believe it or not, articles I was reading about this season said that the HGs underwent racial sensitivity training before they went into the house. Which was really just Grodner shaking her finger at them and telling them not to say anything too racist.

Oh, no doubt they got some training, but I think it really is actually quite similar to your joke, in that they likely make it very clear what words to avoid and stuff like that and not, you know, how to avoid being racist. :D 

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Sign up for the Big Brother live feeds today! Where you can see such riveting action like...

Terrance lying in his grown up race car bed, staring off into space.

Starting at $5.99/month, only on Paramount+! You don't wanna miss all this wild action!

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The feeds have been down since the Terrance-ception above to stop people from writing thinkpieces about Paloma's supposed descent into mental illness and madness for reasons.


They've been keeping the cameras off of Paloma as much as possible and switching feeds if anyone mentions her. She's been spotted in the background and reflection of shots, though. There was talk that she was going to ask Ameerah to switch beds for the night but I don't think it ended up happening.

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For those that hate Poochie, here's another one for the list:

He went on a 3:00 am ice cream run. He scooped from the communal ice cream container, licked the back of the spoon, and then proceeded to scoop more into his bowl. It's not quite "taking your pantyliner out in the storage room and then reaching into the bag of chips for a snack" and definitely not at the same level of poop hands salad but still. I rank it 3 pieces of tuna in Austin's beard out of 10. Also he made smacking noises while he ate.

In Paloma news, Daniel swapped beds with her so she's snoozing in the HoH room tonight.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

He scooped from the communal ice cream container, licked the back of the spoon, and then proceeded to scoop more into his bowl. It's not quite "taking your pantyliner out in the storage room and then reaching into the bag of chips for a snack" and definitely not at the same level of poop hands salad but still. I rank it 3 pieces of tuna in Austin's beard out of 10. 

How does it rate against holding a tortilla up to your face, rubbing it against your nose, exhaling deeply, then putting it back?

Reasons I will never attend a BB picnic.

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13 hours ago, Thalia said:

Apparently, Brittani asked for a vacuum and one has not been provided.  Why? 

They only get it once a week, either Wednesday or Thursday. I assume it's because they don't want them running it a lot because it makes such a loud noise.

8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Believe it or not, articles I was reading about this season said that the HGs underwent racial sensitivity training before they went into the house. Which was really just Grodner shaking her finger at them and telling them not to say anything too racist.

I knew they did this last season but I assumed they didn't this season since ya know lol.

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

In other news, Indy and Alyssa just solidified a Final 2 (or as Indy said, "You're my Top 1.") together in the storage room. 

Indy also told Monte he was her 'Top 1' on day 2 right in front of Terrence. And has also told multiple people she doesn't want to do alliances. She's a hoot. It'd be hard though to decide whether to keep her because she's not a threat per se or get rid of her because she's too erratic to really be useful.

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Good morning! All quiet in the BB house this morning. Camera 1 shows Alyssa, Indie and Ameerah asleep in the atomic bedroom. They keep their room very tidy. There's nothing scattered around on the floor. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Indie.

Camera 3 shows the guys' room (cars).  I'm trying to identify the people in there - I think that's Nicole by herself up against the far wall. Looks like Joseph in the end bed and Pooch in the middle, Terrence in the bed I can't see. Quiet in there so Terrence doesn't have his night music going.

I think Joseph is a Have Not, so it would be Pooch in the end and Turner in the middle.

Now that I'm looking at Camera 4 I think the beds are like this:

Left - Nicole; Middle - Pooch; Right - Terrence

So Turner is the one up against the other wall.


How does it rate against holding a tortilla up to your face, rubbing it against your nose, exhaling deeply, then putting it back?

Wasn't that just last season? I'm trying to remember who did that.

Someone's up, walking in the dark. Monte! He's usually the first up. I wonder why the lights didn't go on - they usually do when someone wanders through the house in the early morning, Now someone else got up as Monte went back into the Have Not room. I think it is Kyle. Now the lights are turning on. It's Michael, not Kyle.  Looks like someone left their animal print underwear lying by the sinks. The toilet scrubber and holder are in the middle of the bathroom leaning against the bench. Michael washes his hands, drying his hands on a hand towel, which is not animal print underwear after all. He stops to gaze at the portrait wall. No dimmed out pictures yet! Pondering who will be the first to go black and white. Goes back to the Have Not room hallway (towels hanging up on the wall) to return to his yellow floatie. The watermelon is still deflated.Can't tell who is on the butterfly. I think Monte is on the slide. The person on the butterfly is swathed in blankests, wiggling like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon.

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Indy is a fucking gem. And apparently she smells really good - it was the one thing almost everyone mentioned was their first impression of her. Other than David ETA: Daniel who was essentially all, "heh heh big boobs heh."

44 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Wasn't that just last season? I'm trying to remember who did that.

The Department of Human Resources Kyland.

Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Good morning! All quiet in the BB house this morning. Camera 1 shows Alyssa, Indie and Ameerah asleep in the atomic bedroom. They keep their room very tidy. There's nothing scattered around on the floor. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Indie.

Camera 3 shows the guys' room (cars).  I'm trying to identify the people in there - I think that's Nicole by herself up against the far wall. Looks like Joseph in the end bed and Pooch in the middle, Terrence in the bed I can't see. Quiet in there so Terrence doesn't have his night music going.

I think Joseph is a Have Not, so it would be Pooch in the end and Turner in the middle.

Now that I'm looking at Camera 4 I think the beds are like this:

Left - Nicole; Middle - Pooch; Right - Terrence

So Turner is the one up against the other wall.

Wasn't that just last season? I'm trying to remember who did that.

Someone's up, walking in the dark. Monte! He's usually the first up. I wonder why the lights didn't go on - they usually do when someone wanders through the house in the early morning, Now someone else got up as Monte went back into the Have Not room. I think it is Kyle. Now the lights are turning on. It's Michael, not Kyle.  Looks like someone left their animal print underwear lying by the sinks. The toilet scrubber and holder are in the middle of the bathroom leaning against the bench. Michael washes his hands, drying his hands on a hand towel, which is not animal print underwear after all. He stops to gaze at the portrait wall. No dimmed out pictures yet! Pondering who will be the first to go black and white. Goes back to the Have Not room hallway (towels hanging up on the wall) to return to his yellow floatie. The watermelon is still deflated.Can't tell who is on the butterfly. I think Monte is on the slide. The person on the butterfly is swathed in blankests, wiggling like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon.


Yeah Im trying to figure out who is hiding walking around with the towels on top of them. 

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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:


Don't tell me they’re letting new people in. I’m just finally figuring out the old ones.

Muscle memory. Or PTSD. Might be the same thing.

Daniel. Although until that moment, I thought he was gay for some reason.

Edited by Callaphera
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Now someone with an orange and white striped towel over his head left the Have Not room to go downstairs. I'm guessing Joseph from the height.

Monte and Joseph are up. Then WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.

Now all cameras are on the guys' bedroom and Terrence is serenading us with some night music. 

Better put the laptop on mute before my 11:00 meeting starts. All department meeting - I'm sure the bosses would appreciate it if they hear snoring in the background.

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13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Believe it or not, articles I was reading about this season said that the HGs underwent racial sensitivity training before they went into the house.

Translation: “Now y’all gotta watch this PowerPoint….”

Or, if TPTB decided to get real hardcore on the issue: “Now y’all gotta sign this letter saying you watched the PowerPoint….”

4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

They only get it once a week, either Wednesday or Thursday.

Thursday mornings, IIRC - for House cleanup before the live eviction episodes.

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10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Translation: “Now y’all gotta watch this PowerPoint….”

Or, if TPTB decided to get real hardcore on the issue: “Now y’all gotta sign this letter saying you watched the PowerPoint….”

Thursday mornings, IIRC - for House cleanup before the live eviction episodes.

Now if the sensitivity training had been done with an overhead projector they might have paid attention.

Guys were talking about coffee in the kitchen: Pooch, Daniel, Monte, maybe Turner. When the conversation turned to coffee in New York, suddenly the camera switches to Taylor sitting on her bed all by herself. Looks like she's started packing. Maybe she's thinking it won't be so bad to get out of there.

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