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S24.E01: Season Premiere



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Nicole reminds me of Kaycee. 

That pink dress that's fluffy on the bottom makes me think of something Mrs. Umbridge (?) in Harry Potter would wear - she was an evil lady and took over Hogwarts for a while and she wore clothes like that.

The Brazilian - why do I think of Abi Maria from Survivor?

Pooch looks like he should be the Elvis impersonator, not the rat-locks guy. And he walks right by the gold chair.

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2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Ok so what is going to prevent the HOH from just nominating two of the people Staten Island Joseph gives backstage passes to, since they aren’t going to be allowed to compete in the veto?

Oh duh.  I missed the part where they can’t be nommed, but they can sure be backdoored (yeah, Xavier, I said backdoored, deal with it).

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4 minutes ago, Thalia said:
57 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Please delete.  I made a mistake while editing prior post.   Also the other one.  Damn.  I'm not going to be able to complain about the house guests being idiots this year.  I mean, Pot, Kettle.  At least for a while. 

4 minutes ago, Thalia said:
57 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Please delete.  

Edited by Thalia
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It’s not a Big Brother premier without me wanting to punch several of these people in the face (not literally - I’m a lover, not a fighter). Tonight was Kyle almost immediately, then that woman who was so deep she wrote poetry while hoping the camera got her good side. And of course, the Pooch. Who I just KNEW would find some way to give the passes to three women. Shocker!

While I appreciate the whole “this is all LIVE! Who knows what will happen!” thing they’re going for, I don’t need minutes of HGs gushing over a house. And having to watch it 4 times. It made the episode drag.

But the Elvis guy being the first HOH has me intrigued. 

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While I appreciate the whole “this is all LIVE! Who knows what will happen!” thing they’re going for, I don’t need minutes of HGs gushing over a house. And having to watch it 4 times. It made the episode drag.

That didn't even make any sense. They walk into the house and a Chyron says "Live" but we get talking heads from the DR about how excited they are to be in the house. WTF. Did they pre-record their reactions to being in the house before they ever set foot inside of it?

This show has the same problem as Survivor, they seem to think they need to keep making it more complicated and throw in more twists to keep it "fresh" and "interesting" when in fact it just fundamentally changes the dynamic so much it's almost impossible to follow or play strategically. The show is fucking around with the players more than the players are playing the game.

I'm highly suspicious of Pooch being chosen as the 1st Backstage Boss (more like BS Boss if you ask me). I know we're meant to think those "event tickets" were random but they could have thrown anything up on that screen during the "scanning" and I pegged Pooch as an early favorite of Allison Grodner's. That said, I thought he did the fairest thing possible in choosing the first three out of each comp, given the circumstances.

I want to know in what universe Daniel thinks that hairstyle is attractive. Anyone else think he looks a little like Ricky Gervaise? Aside from the hair, I mean.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

So the bus driver and DJ, the thrift shop owner and the Elvis impersonator are in the HOH competition.

I think Monte's (bus driver) would be the most exciting. I could see him go nuts while I think the other two guys would be calmer.

Edited to say that Monte is not the bus driver.

Monte is not the bus driver. He is a mechanical engineer/trainer. 

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1 hour ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Wise words. I think the amateur belly dancing woman got the memo in advance. I'm so bummed to fashion-shame someone who I'm guessing is close-ish to my age, but good gravy, why did she have to dress like a extra from Kate & Allie?

I'm guessing close-ish to your age due to your Kate and Allie reference 😃 (Which I love)

I was really waiting for Julie to say to the final three "This puzzle is approximately 5 pieces and looks like you, since we're a live show."

I will add myself to those giving the BS Boss the side-eye. Those 'scans' felt a lot like a classic BB 'we want to decide the winner ahead of time but without being able to reallllly be called out for doing so' scheme. I mean, unless it went to the person wearing the most ill-fitting pants in which case I agree with the results.

This really was a pretty boring evening though, I hope these houseguests have a little more spark than they displayed tonight.

I agree though that the port-a-potty people got shit on. I mean it's different when everyone gets gopped up but to pick a third of the HGs to have to be uncomfortable for the rest of the live finale after doing their comp first was even more cruel than usual.

Also, I would bet that the Elvis impersonator decided this was a better way to spend a summer as I hear from a local resident that Elvis' Estate is cracking down on Elvis-led wedding impersonations in Vegas!

The house I feel is designed by someone who really needs to follow the 'take three ideas out before completing a concept' rule, I couldn't handle being encased in a house that busy for months. Also, given the theme I feel they can't fully pull it off without Gronk coming in telling us when to party.

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14 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

The house I feel is designed by someone who really needs to follow the 'take three ideas out before completing a concept' rule, I couldn't handle being encased in a house that busy for months. Also, given the theme I feel they can't fully pull it off without Gronk coming in telling us when to party.

Agree the whole "scanner" thing looked shady.

This house looks like it was decorated by somebody on acid.  Wow!  So much stuff everywhere.

I wish they would put up the names all the time until we get to know them.

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Those 'scans' felt a lot like a classic BB 'we want to decide the winner ahead of time but without being able to reallllly be called out for doing so' scheme. I mean, unless it went to the person wearing the most ill-fitting pants in which case I agree with the results.

Yes sirreee those were some tight pants Pooch was wearing. And what was up with him holding his crotch as he ran through the house??

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I also thought it was a pretty boring premiere as it took FOREVER to get going. The having to go immediately to the backyard and have their card scanned thing all the energy out of the first half of the show, and we really didn't get to see them interact and introduce themselves. Getting that first look at the energy and chemistry  the cast is always about the best thing in the first episodes. I didn't think we got to see much personality at all (Well Kyle in particular seems hyper and annoying, so there is that.)

I also found it very fishy that men won all the contests, and three women were automatically put in danger. This show.

I also thought of Abi Maria in comparison to indy. 

There's something that really annoys me (besides the name) about Pooch.

Paloma and Alyssa looked almost like the same person at the end when they got sent backstage.  

Edited by vb68
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6 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder if they can wash that blue liquid out of their clothing.

They definitely drew the short straw.  I'm sure every blue paint-drenched Port-o-Potty person was sitting there thinking, "I would have held on to that damn t-shirt all night long."    I felt bad for Jasmine and her pink feathery First Impression outfit--that thing has nowhere to go but the nearest Hefty bag.

Miss Michigan sounded like she got into pageants on a whim--"I just caught Miss Universe on tv..."--but she played that beauty pageant card pretty hard.  (She did look great on the tennis court.)

Nerdy lawyer guy!  You seem nice enough.  Don't start off by naming your cats!

Paloma, you pose too much, you have vocal fry and you have a pretentious name.

The funniest part of the show was that no one knew where to look to find where they were headed after they scanned the tickets.  I was interested in that, and noting which of the women wore sneakers in case they had to run around in a competition.

Hmm.  I guess it was kind of boring after all.

Edited by candall
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I'm fifteen minutes in, and it's already dragging. There are 3 more groups of HGs waiting to enter? Yikes.

Taylor is beautiful but has a really weird clenched teeth or something way of talking.

I want to like the cat lawyer (lol) but the Mensa mention...ugh.

It will forever drive me batty that the men dress for comfort and competition, and the women don't. There's always going to be a comp on the first day!

ETA, I kind of like the chef, and the thrift store guy, though he just screams early boot.

I like seeing interesting jobs, other than influencer, sales, and pharmaceutical rep.

Terrance(?) seems like the great older cast member that can never win. But I like him.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Echoing all the sighs and side-eyeing at the all male HoH comp and all females getting the "no-play card."  I'm scared because this ep gave me serious BB22 All-Star vibes.  Cody Pooch may not have "won" HoH, but his personal safety card amounts to the same thing. 

In other news, Turner looks a lot like Andrew Scott.  Given his extra styling choices, it may actually be him in disguise.

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8 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

No, she specifically said they are not safe. That’s why it was not something anyone wanted to get, because they cannot compete to save themselves if they are nominated. Pooch and Daniel are safe, everyone else is not.

She specifically said that they can’t be nominated, and also that it didn’t mean they were safe.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Yes sirreee those were some tight pants Pooch was wearing. And what was up with him holding his crotch as he ran through the house??

 Tight and ill fitting.  I was like, "where the hell did he get those?  The irregular rack in the Big For Their Age" section?  Also, he doesn't wear socks with dress shoes.   Hate.

6 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Could Joseph "I Like Volunteering in Impoverished Communities" have less presence? He is completely forgettable.

Way to compete, ladies. And what a bizarre set of comps.

I don't mind Daniel as HOH, I guess. But how long for the inevitable bro alliance?

 It was like the person producing the intro segments was punking Joseph telling him to say something deep about himself while telling everyone else to say something cutsey/fun/entertaining.   Maybe it was because he's an alternate.

 Julie:  "Watch them 24/7, Live and Unfiltered"   Me:   Um, that's not what I hear.

 Not!Mormon!Not!Ken:  If any girls are falling for that "basement apartment" line....maybe you should switch to guys.  '

 I kinda want to like the personal chef, but when she exclaimed she was going to use her cop skills to win, she obviously provoked Derick PTSD.   She doesn't have any kids to take the haute cuisine of their mouths, does she?

 Why is it that people smart enough to be in Mensa aren't smart enough to know that makes them sounds desperate when they brag about being in Mensa?  Also, "cat dad"?   I hate that shit.   

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