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S02.E14: Worlds War Bizarre

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Boy, the citizens of Smallville are very easy to whip up into a frenzy, aren't they? Are you sure you want to be mayor to such a fickle group of people, Lana?  She wasn't able to get control of the crowd either, Superman had to calm them down.  

Speaking of Superman, your mother was CLEARLY telling you about a way to speed up the recharge process when the hologram flickered.  No inclination to try and fix it to get that info?  I mean, it's pretty obvious you can't count on the other members of the Justice League, so you've got to do it yourself. 

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5 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Boy, the citizens of Smallville are very easy to whip up into a frenzy, aren't they? Are you sure you want to be mayor to such a fickle group of people, Lana?  She wasn't able to get control of the crowd either, Superman had to calm them down.  

Speaking of Superman, your mother was CLEARLY telling you about a way to speed up the recharge process when the hologram flickered.  No inclination to try and fix it to get that info?  I mean, it's pretty obvious you can't count on the other members of the Justice League, so you've got to do it yourself. 

Seriously. You have Superman-who is an ALIEN FROM ANOTHER PLANET, yet they’re scoffing at the idea of another world??! And I expected a larger crowd at that town hall.

I am just so so so sick and tired of this season, where Ally Parasite has won 99% of the time. Where is Kara? I know, I know, WHY, but that’s the problem when you KNOW there are other heroes in this universe that could HELP.

Next week better not end on a cliff hanger.

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I continue to love this show. Jordan came through for his dad and saved the day with Natalie’s help, but showed his powers to his girlfriend

That town hall was a trip. They know Superman exists and maybe some other aliens but scoff at other aliens trying to merge their world and Earth?

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Was I the only one who expected Bizarro Lana to crash the meeting when she was talking about doppelgängers? I wish one of the Bizarros would have taken out the former mayor. 

Did Sara figure out that Clark was Superman or did she just learn that Jordan had powers?

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The actor playing Jordan has apparently been fight training for the last year and a half, so that was all him and not the stunt people in this episode

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I get Melissa probably doesn't want to make an appearance. That is completely fine. However, for a show they claim is set in the Arrowverse, they sure go out of their way to make it seem like Kara doesn't exist. Or any other hero for that matter. 

The Smallville citizens get on my nerve. You all live in world where Superman (and supposedly other Superheroes) exist. That man is from another world. You guys literally dealt with half of you getting possessed by Kryptonians. Yet, somehow they all refused to believe that your world is merging with another? 

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Looks like we're barreling to an ending. Bright side: even with all the little nits begging to be picked, at least we had a story this season . . . as opposed to the disjointed mess that is The Flash. Sure, they've had a lot of bad guys coming out, but I don't think they rate next to a middle-aged woman who leads a cult and is about to slam two realities together.

1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said:

Boy, the citizens of Smallville are very easy to whip up into a frenzy, aren't they?

1 hour ago, DanaK said:

That town hall was a trip. They know Superman exists and maybe some other aliens but scoff at other aliens trying to merge their world and Earth?

NO SHIT. Lets assume that -- for whatever reason -- S&L isn't connected to the Arrowverse, divorcing it from the events of the last few seasons of Supergirl. Those are stupid, stupid, STUPID sheep. Possibly dumber than the population of Bon Temps, LA . . . or the last iteration of Smallville. And you just know the ex-mayor was itching to stage a coup . . . or at least blab about Kyle's infidelity. If Lana survives and stays on the job, she'll have to use smaller words with these people. "Doppelganger" just sends them into a skeptical panic.

Dang, Jordan kicked some ass. And not even overtly . . . he pulled a few sweet moves, and two of Allie's acolytes are down and out.

Sara? Don't bitch about secrets. Just . . . don't. And this isn't about you kissing a girl. I don't think we'll get to the heights of the (trying to remember the exact phrase from the TWoP days) "thecreth and lieth) of Smallville, but it's a pain to watch.

Thinking about it . . . this series might be divorced from the Arrowverse because there's nobody talking about COIE and realities merging again. It's a lot scarier here, though . . . lots of blipping sounds and random shit changing.

While I'm typing . . . Allie isn't Parasite. I don't think any iteration of Parasite has been this powerful. Allie's ability to turn Superman into a mere mortal has to be filed underneath "flying into a void and pulling two universes together."

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The orange skies reminded me of the forest and wildfires that we get here that would turn the sky into something apocalyptic. What is stopping the merging from affecting tides and causing earthquakes and other natural disasters? The merge just replaces things?

Is this just happening in Smallville as a start or is it something worldwide? Where are the TV crews? Where are people's cellphone videos?

Felt bad for Superman being not so super and normal. Where is the help going to come from? John Henry Irons and Natalie? His brother Tal taking him for a trip around the sun to reboot him? Wearing the black suit?

The folks in Smallville seem too stupid to have elected Lana as Mayor. The town would have worked better with the other guy - he hoped so hard that he could stage a town coup to become Mayor again? How is *he* going to help the townspeople? Where is the Department of Defence, the US National Guard, whoever shows up for things like this?

Jordan showed off the powers and helped to damage the school. That will take all summer and probably most of fall to repair - if not longer. Sara saw him at work. Ooops. Now she has to keep the secret or maybe if the realities don't merge, there will be a time reset.

Alt Lana had an agenda, along with Alt Jonathan. The real one is disappointed that he doesn't have powers.

At least Natalie felt safe enough to go back to the farm to await news on her dad. Eventually Ally's powers will dry up and she probably cannot sustain this indefinitely. Does the Bizarro world want to merge with this world?

Kyle seemed to have less hair and facial hair.

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2 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

Do we know know that there are other superheroes on this world? Have any been referenced in-show?

Yes. John Diggle showed up last season and he and Lois talked about Oliver Queen's death. This is supposed to be Earth-Prime.

I can't have been the only one expecting Jon to tell Jon-El he'd merge if him if he let Clark go.

2 hours ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

Did Sara figure out that Clark was Superman or did she just learn that Jordan had powers?

Just the latter, I think. That's why Lana said the secret was more important than Sarah knew.

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2 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

I can't have been the only one expecting Jon to tell Jon-El he'd merge if him if he let Clark go.

I honestly think this will happen, accidentally perhaps just to set up next season of the Kent family angst 😂.

Sigh…when Kara got like this the DoD and later Lena etc had a nice sun bed for her to recharge. Granted it took time even after charging but it did happen. This bumbling around for poor Clark is needless hand wringing. Clark and Kara etc are sunlight magnets.This should not be a head scratcher for everyone.

Edited by rtms77
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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Seriously. You have Superman-who is an ALIEN FROM ANOTHER PLANET, yet they’re scoffing at the idea of another world??!

4 hours ago, DanaK said:

That town hall was a trip. They know Superman exists and maybe some other aliens but scoff at other aliens trying to merge their world and Earth?

I will defend the people of Smallville from being skeptical about Lana's message. We are privy to what is going on, and genre-savvy. So it's easy for us to know that the story being told by experts is BS. 

I don't think it is quite so easy for Smallville residents to deal with it.

The fact that aliens exist doesn't mean that other dimensions do. Let alone the notion that people from another dimension are trying to merge their dimension with ours. That would be a tough concept for people to get their minds around. 

But on top of that, there's a question of who do you believe: the scientific authority on the TV or the mayor for less than a month who hasn't really done much to establish trust, who has no particular scientific background, and whose source for her information is given as Chrissy, a newspaper editor who hasn't published this story herself? I think most of us would be skeptical about the story Lana was telling. Especially when she sounded kind of like a crazy person in telling it.

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I was sorry we didn’t get more Clark dealing with his loss of powers but I liked ‘it is never a mistake to save a life, especially yours’. They had a moment!

i’m more than happy if this turns out to be a show totally disconnected from the ‘arrowverse’ but I’d guess if Sam Lane is taking the lead (and he appears to) if there are any ‘weapons’ at his disposal he will call on them or at least mention them.

go Jordan! And Jonathan and Natalie!

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9 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

The fact that aliens exist doesn't mean that other dimensions do. Let alone the notion that people from another dimension are trying to merge their dimension with ours. That would be a tough concept for people to get their minds around. 

Maybe, but this is also the town who, just last year, dealt with Kryptonians and possessions. IMMEDIATELY dismissing any sort of idea that Lana could be telling them the truth is ridiculous enough. I get being skeptical, but they literally were laughing at her. They wanted answers, they were getting them. Maybe, instead of laughing as if it's a joke, ask more questions. 

Then again, that whole scene frustrated me because we have Evil Mustache Twirling Former Mayor AND Lana needed Superman to step in instead of allowing Lana to do it herself. I've been frustrated with Lana this season, and a lot I'm mad at her for, but this is the one time where I'm mad for Lana herself, with how men keep jumping in to either undermine her or save her from disaster.

Clark wanted to be useful as Superman. Maybe make that speech to the world (since this merge is not just happening in Smallville) and leave Lana to deal with Dickhead Former Mayor herself. 

I do wish we got a little more of Powerless Clark before the merging of the worlds, but at least we got some insight. 

I did like the Jordan/Natalie team-up. That's what I was hoping for all season and it delivered! Though I wish it didn't have Jon, Lois and Sam just standing around, watching it happen. Last season, they at least got the humans more involved in other ways. They didn't just stand around and yell. So that was disappointing. 

I'm sure John Henry is not dead, but where is he going to end up, I wonder? And will we be waiting until next season for him to return.

At least Sarah knows Jordan's secret AND she's mad at Lana and not Jordan! Hooray! Jordan's inability to lie effectively comes to his rescue! 

Don't get me wrong, this was a good episode with some nice character moments. But I've been frustrated all season with the development of stories and characters, and this episode was no exception. I hope the finale is satisfying.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maybe, but this is also the town who, just last year, dealt with Kryptonians and possessions. IMMEDIATELY dismissing any sort of idea that Lana could be telling them the truth is ridiculous enough. I get being skeptical, but they literally were laughing at her. They wanted answers, they were getting them. Maybe, instead of laughing as if it's a joke, ask more questions.

In the same world where Central City was publicly invaded by people from the other side of the mirror not too long ago. (Which was never covered up or treated as a hoax after the fact. Support groups were formed.)

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9 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

In the same world where Central City was publicly invaded by people from the other side of the mirror not too long ago. (Which was never covered up or treated as a hoax after the fact. Support groups were formed.)

Granted, there have presumably been approximately two decades of strange phenomenon happening at least, coinciding with the public existence of Superman. So one would hope that people would be more open to the possibility of the bizarre.

But then I suppose it follows that there would be tons of tinfoil hat theories too that might make people more skeptical.

In the real world, people are in denial about far more mundane stuff than interdimensional doppelgangers and reality warping/mergers. 

A small-town Kansas mayor says, essentially," I know the truth of what's happening in this global emergency, it's not what that expert says is happening but rather this complicated situation with little historical precedent, the main resource to solve the crisis is utterly unavailable, and my knowledge is based on what I was privately told by the editors of the local paper, who a) haven't published their global scoop and b) haven't really explained how they know it,"

I think not only is it plausible that people would be skeptical about such an announcement, but also it's striking how little cynicism there is about that statement. Heck, even with Superman coming forth and saying "This is all true," I wouldn't have been shocked if some people still remained in disbelief.

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Is next week the season finale?  I love this show but I am so tired of Ally Alston and I'm ready for her storyline to come to a close.  I really hope her storyline ends this season and it doesn't carry over into Season 3.  Bring back Tal Rho as an antagonist for Season 3, along with that assistant of his that disappeared, I forget her name or whether she is free and loose or imprisoned somewhere.

The town hall was exasperating, especially the former mayor and that other angry man.  You'd think that more people besides Kyle would stick up for Lana... they elected her over the former mayor for a reason, and it should have seemed obvious to many that he was condescendingly stirring the pot on purpose.  Emily should have said something.  She was one of the people that had gotten possessed.

Sarah/Jordan.... zzzzzzzzzz.  I really couldn't care less whether they get back together or not.  Super irritating to me.

They said that Natalie and Jordan took down Jon El and Lana Rho.  Where are Jon El and Lana Rho?  In custody with the DOD?

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Oh man, Clark sure is in a jam without powers! Too bad his teenage son is the only other superhero in the entire world that he knows...who's Kara? Who's Barry? I know not of which you speak. Seriously, I can understand them not wanting this to turn into a whole big crossover event or they are having trouble with actor availability, but just a throw away line about how Kara and Superfriends are in space and cant be reached or that Barry is dealing with speed force stuff and cant help would be nice. We know this takes place on Earth Prime, why cant they just acknowledge that, even if its just a handwave? 

I get that parallel worlds merging and people running into their evil twins to try to merge with you is a lot to swallow, but you would think that people who not too long ago were being possessed by alien ghosts wouldn't be so fast to call just about anything ridiculous. The Smallville citizens are certainly quick to whip into a frenzy, is Lana sure about this mayor thing? They might deserve mayor mustache twirl. 

Despite that, I did like a lot of the episode. The Kents trying to deal with Clark's lack of strength and their worries about what is happening, John Henry figuring out how much he feels comfortable letting Natalie join him in his fight, the talk between Clark and Sam was really nice, most of the character stuff was as good as ever. Just that some of the bigger plot stuff was less so. I am ready for Ally to be defeated, I am over everything going so well for her.

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

it's not what that expert says is happening

The people seemed skeptical of the expert, too, though. Or rather, of the news anchor who said "experts say".

49 minutes ago, blackwing said:

They said that Natalie and Jordan took down Jon El and Lana Rho.  Where are Jon El and Lana Rho?  In custody with the DOD

Yes. We saw them being wheeled off on carts in the high school hallway ahead of our protagonists as they walked away from the gym.

49 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

but just a throw away line about how Kara and Superfriends are in space and cant be reached or that Barry is dealing with speed force stuff and cant help would be nice. We know this takes place on Earth Prime, why cant they just acknowledge that, even if its just a handwave? 

Yeah, even an obviously contrived explanation like "Too bad Kara's been missing for two years" is better than no explanation at all.

52 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

The Smallville citizens are certainly quick to whip into a frenzy, is Lana sure about this mayor thing? They might deserve mayor mustache twirl.

It seems to me that whenever a main character is in a position of political power on TV, the people they need to work with are extremely fickle.

When Sam said the boys were good in a fight, I rewound to see if Jon had done some fighting that I'd forgotten. But no.

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Seriously, is Kara dead? Thedialogue they write on this show make it seems like she doesn't exist at all. Especially in this episode with Clark. This man said the world needs him. Lana said they have no one to help. All these types of dialogue makes it seem like there is no Supergirl in this world at all.

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

Is next week the season finale?  I love this show but I am so tired of Ally Alston and I'm ready for her storyline to come to a close.  I really hope her storyline ends this season and it doesn't carry over into Season 3.  Bring back Tal Rho as an antagonist for Season 3, along with that assistant of his that disappeared, I forget her name or whether she is free and loose or imprisoned somewhere.

Next week is indeed the season finale. 

I too hope that this is mostly the last we see of Ally, or near last. If (or should I say, when) her character is seriously powered down then an occasional return appearance might be OK. 

I think Tal-Rho has moved from an actual antagonist to more like Clark's equivalent of Thor's Loki: a brother who is at least somewhat justified in his grey outlook, who can bring in some occasional comic relief, and who can challenge the hero on various grounds sometimes, help him sometimes, etc. We're also to overlook that he was in for some light genocide/bodysnatching, in much the way we are to overlook that Loki was responsible for the deaths of presumably at a minimum hundreds in the Battle of New York and would have subjugated the Earth if the Avengers didn't stop him.

The assistant is Leslie Larr, and IIRC to the best of what we've been shown, she's locked up somewhere in DOD custody. Looks like we last saw her in the S1 finale. 

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22 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Seriously. You have Superman-who is an ALIEN FROM ANOTHER PLANET, yet they’re scoffing at the idea of another world??! And I expected a larger crowd at that town hall.

21 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Is this just happening in Smallville as a start or is it something worldwide? Where are the TV crews? Where are people's cellphone videos?

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maybe, but this is also the town who, just last year, dealt with Kryptonians and possessions. IMMEDIATELY dismissing any sort of idea that Lana could be telling them the truth is ridiculous enough. I get being skeptical, but they literally were laughing at her. They wanted answers, they were getting them. Maybe, instead of laughing as if it's a joke, ask more questions. 

5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I get that parallel worlds merging and people running into their evil twins to try to merge with you is a lot to swallow, but you would think that people who not too long ago were being possessed by alien ghosts wouldn't be so fast to call just about anything ridiculous. 

The above quotes sum up The Stupid that I felt about this episode. 

2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I think Tal-Rho has moved from an actual antagonist to more like Clark's equivalent of Thor's Loki: a brother who is at least somewhat justified in his grey outlook, who can bring in some occasional comic relief, and who can challenge the hero on various grounds sometimes, help him sometimes, etc. We're also to overlook that he was in for some light genocide/bodysnatching, in much the way we are to overlook that Loki was responsible for the deaths of presumably at a minimum hundreds in the Battle of New York and would have subjugated the Earth if the Avengers didn't stop him.

I'm good with the show keeping Tal Rho as a Loki-ish character. I don't read spoilers so I have no idea what the plan is for S3 and if the actor is signed for S3 or not...

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I am sick of the Ally character and mostly bored with the merging worlds storyline, but I do have questions (partly sarcastic, but I would like to hear anyone's answers/theories):

If merging of people entails subatomic integration (or whatever term was used in this episode) that likely results in death, why would Ally want the worlds to merge? Who would she rule over if everyone is dead?

Why doesn't Bizarro Lana go straight to regular Lana and merge with her instead of attacking Jordan, Superman, etc.? What is Bizarro Lana's purpose anyway, if not to just merge with her regular Earth version?

Will everyone from Bizarro world be superpowered when they come to Earth, and if so is this because of the difference in suns? Leading to the next question...

How is the merging supposed to happen, and how does "real" Lana think it can be prevented by simply staying close to your family and watching for any bizarre behavior? If the Bizarro people (superpowered or not) can simply grab and hold on to the regular Earth people, how would the latter stop the merge? 

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

I'm probably thinking about this a lot more than the writers did, but as much as I like sci-fi I find it hard to just accept some story premises without any explanation.

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42 minutes ago, Paloma said:

If merging of people entails subatomic integration (or whatever term was used in this episode) that likely results in death, why would Ally want the worlds to merge? Who would she rule over if everyone is dead?

Why doesn't Bizarro Lana go straight to regular Lana and merge with her instead of attacking Jordan, Superman, etc.? What is Bizarro Lana's purpose anyway, if not to just merge with her regular Earth version?

Will everyone from Bizarro world be superpowered when they come to Earth, and if so is this because of the difference in suns? Leading to the next question...

How is the merging supposed to happen, and how does "real" Lana think it can be prevented by simply staying close to your family and watching for any bizarre behavior? If the Bizarro people (superpowered or not) can simply grab and hold on to the regular Earth people, how would the latter stop the merge? 

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

I'm probably thinking about this a lot more than the writers did, but as much as I like sci-fi I find it hard to just accept some story premises without any explanation.

1. Natalie said "subatomic recombination", and that it would be death from a subjective point of view. In other words, the two 'incomplete' people would 'die' in a sense as the merged person replaced them. Not literally die.

2. She may not be able to do it yet, without the pendant, until the worlds finish merging. Ally ordered her to kill Superman at the end of the previous episode, so that was her priority.

3. Bizarro Lana is the only full human from Bizarro Earth who showed superpowers, probably from Green Kryptonite, which works there the way that X-Kryptonite works on Earth-Prime. We saw Jon-El using a Green Kryptonite inhaler when he and Lana-Rho touched down outside the high school (he would have needed it in order to recharge after spending so much time in a world with a yellow sun), which she must have brought him when she busted him out of DOD custody, so she likely uses them herself.

4. We'll find out.

5. We'll find out.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness
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1 hour ago, Paloma said:

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

That is what makes me think Ally never knew what the merging would be like. I feel like it's not merging. This looks like Bizarro Earth is just absorbing our Earth. Maybe Bizarro Ally tricked Earth Prime Ally. I don't see what the endgame is here. Like you said, everything on Earth Prime is turning into Bizarro Earth. Literally what will change for them?

Also, did Kyle disappear at the end?

Another thing about this "merge", what happens to the people who wouldn't have a Bizarro half? 

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9 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Despite that, I did like a lot of the episode. The Kents trying to deal with Clark's lack of strength and their worries about what is happening, John Henry figuring out how much he feels comfortable letting Natalie join him in his fight, the talk between Clark and Sam was really nice, most of the character stuff was as good as ever. Just that some of the bigger plot stuff was less so. I am ready for Ally to be defeated, I am over everything going so well for her.

Having them ignore the past Arrowverse, isn't totally working.  Clark was close to Kara.   I think they need to either give a throwaway line or make it clear why it's not the same as we were led to believe.  Hopefully it's answered in the final.

I'm tired of Ally.  So much of this season hasn't been as strong for me as Season 1,  So the next ep could be a real letdown or a win.  I'm hoping for a win but I'm not sold that it will be.  I like the actors and I think they are trying to do their best with what they have been given but I want to see Jonathan have a stronger story than what they gave him this season.  It will get old if they don't find a way that he can be useful.  In season 1 many times he was the one that got Jordan to believe he could do something.  So in this ep, I almost forget he is there as he doesn't really have anything to do unless he is Bizarro bad boy.

1 hour ago, Paloma said:

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

I'm probably thinking about this a lot more than the writers did, but as much as I like sci-fi I find it hard to just accept some story premises without any explanation

I found myself being taken out of the story.  Right now it looks like a bad choice and it doesn't make sense why?  Also what happened to Kyle?  Why would the world's merging cause him to just disappear?

11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Don't get me wrong, this was a good episode with some nice character moments. But I've been frustrated all season with the development of stories and characters, and this episode was no exception. I hope the finale is satisfying.

I totally agree.  I was excited to see season 1 and unless they do something really well; I think I will feel this season was full of promise but failed on delivery.  The first half was forgettable for me.  So many issues should have had a shorter storyline so they could have expanded on the stronger parts.  If they end on Ally being the big bad to deal with...not sure I would care.  I'm bored of her already.

I think it would have been better to have allowed for more time for Clark to be without powers.  When you skim over the best moments, and have so much space between eps, it really harms the storytelling.  For that I blame the writers.  Most of the positive moments have already been expressed.  I'm still a fan, but I wish I felt Season 2 was as solid as Season 1

I did love how they had the kids work together to figure out how to fight the big bad, I want more of that.

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On 6/21/2022 at 10:46 PM, Lantern7 said:

Looks like we're barreling to an ending.

Barreling?   This season has been dragging on for six months.   And it's episodes!   The only relation this season's progress has to barrels is the ones that sit in warehouses for years aging bourbon.  

10 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

That is what makes me think Ally never knew what the merging would be like. I feel like it's not merging. This looks like Bizarro Earth is just absorbing our Earth. Maybe Bizarro Ally tricked Earth Prime Ally. I don't see what the endgame is here. Like you said, everything on Earth Prime is turning into Bizarro Earth. Literally what will change for them?

 We're not seeing what's happening on Bizzaro Earth.  One assumption is that the same thing is happening there, with items from regular Earth replacing them until eventually they merge and their is only one left.

12 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

Also, did Kyle disappear at the end?

 Yes.  He was in the garage with the younger daughter and she didn't know where he he went.

13 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said:

Another thing about this "merge", what happens to the people who wouldn't have a Bizarro half? 

 There are two possibilities:  either the lone version that exists continues on in the merged world or they die/cease to exist.  

 Regarding the brain trust that is the Smallville town folk, sure they don't have as much information as the viewer.  But still, these are the people buying the story that the second red, square sun that has appeared is a mirage, even though it's casting an eerie, agarolytic red light on everything.  And, you know, IT'S SQUARE.   

 There is simply no way this show is set on the same planet as the post-Crisis merged Earth.   With everything we've seen happen, there's no way to explain not mentioning, much less calling a Kryptonian relative, a Martian or a Speedster.  It's like the new Star Trek shows.  The writers can claim  they're in the same "main" universe as the classic shows all they want, but it doesn't work.  The only way it makes sense is if it's set in a universe where some things are the same but a lot of things are different.

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2 hours ago, Paloma said:

I am sick of the Ally character and mostly bored with the merging worlds storyline, but I do have questions (partly sarcastic, but I would like to hear anyone's answers/theories):

If merging of people entails subatomic integration (or whatever term was used in this episode) that likely results in death, why would Ally want the worlds to merge? Who would she rule over if everyone is dead?

Since we have not gotten that much backstory on Ally, and really haven't seen much of her since she became Parasite, it's only a guess. 

But Ally was raised as a kid with the theory that there was another world with duplicates, and merging would make people whole and that is a good thing. She has further developed this in her cult. Now, it could have been that like a lot of cult leaders, she just was saying whatever BS to get money, power, sex, etc. But I think we are to take it on face value that she actually does think merging is a good thing for all concerned. So she is looking at things with blinders on to the possibility that merging would be painful and lethal. 

I'm operating on the assumption that normally merging with a counterpart does lead to a painful death. IIRC (and I very well may not, since it's been so long that the season's been going on) 

2 hours ago, Paloma said:

Why doesn't Bizarro Lana go straight to regular Lana and merge with her instead of attacking Jordan, Superman, etc.? What is Bizarro Lana's purpose anyway, if not to just merge with her regular Earth version?

Putting aside "because if she did, then we would have to deal with the consequences of Dead Lana or Super Lana or something outside the status quo," Bizarro Lana and Jon did attempt to go straight to regular Lana and Jon. They just weren't like "We can finally do the thing that we've always wanted and there's no one who can really stop us." They did the classic villain overconfidence thing, f---ed around and found out. Bizarro Lana's purpose within the series was to be a lieutenant for her Ally. I suppose she has an internal purpose of trying to get whole. It's unclear what Bizarro Lana felt like she was missing in her life, but anyway...

In a bigger picture sense, her purpose is to give those who might appreciate the sight a glimpse of Emmanuelle C. in a leotard something to look at, setting up a scene where Tal-Rho Prime gets to see that his Bizarro wife is Lana and reacts bemused by this, and putting Clark in a position where he is almost obligated to tell her his secret.

2 hours ago, Paloma said:

Will everyone from Bizarro world be superpowered when they come to Earth, and if so is this because of the difference in suns?

Probably not. Ally has powers because she was merged with both pendants. Presumably, people from Bizarro World who are generally garden-variety humans would be garden-variety humans on our Earth too. (Perhaps on Bizarro World, Kara, Barry and the rest of the Superfriends actually exist and are allowed to do stuff. If they came to our Earth or merged with their duplicates and survived, then they probably would retain their powers.

2 hours ago, Paloma said:

How is the merging supposed to happen, and how does "real" Lana think it can be prevented by simply staying close to your family and watching for any bizarre behavior? If the Bizarro people (superpowered or not) can simply grab and hold on to the regular Earth people, how would the latter stop the merge? 

They haven't really gone into the mechanism for how merging is going to happen now that one of the pendants has been destroyed. All we know is that somehow Ally is merging the earths using Clark's stolen power. Presumably Lana doesn't have any more insight into how the merging might happen than we viewers do. I don't think Lana thinks the merging can be actually prevented by staying close to your family. Rather, it would be a slight precautionary measure. If you are all together, and there is an individual Bizarro who tries to do some bodysnatching, the rest of the loved ones can hopefully prevent that person from getting in physical contact. Whereas if you're each going about your individual business, it would be possible for a Bizarro to grab ahold of someone while alone and merge. Also, of course, in an end of the world scenario, being with one's family should be better than the alternative. (Of course, some of us don't have supportive families, and some of us have actively abusive ones.) 

2 hours ago, Paloma said:

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

I'm probably thinking about this a lot more than the writers did, but as much as I like sci-fi I find it hard to just accept some story premises without any explanation.

My assumption is that for the people on Bizarro Earth, they are seeing the inverse and things there are appearing "right way forward."

It's probably best to not think about this too much, especially because we know ultimately Supes will save the day. (Though I would give a lot of money if they resolved things by having Ally actually merge the earths and turn out to be right that everyone would finally feel complete.)

One thing that occurs to me is that the premise that everyone and everything has a counterpart to merge with almost certainly has to be flawed. Sure, there are going to be a lot of people who have one, but by virtue of people doing things differently there, some people and things should not be duplicated. There should not, for example, be a Bizarro Sarah or Sophie or Natalie, because (as far as we know) Kyle never met Lana, let alone had two kids with her, and Bizarro John Henry never had a relationship with Bizarro Lois to impregnate her. There should be no reason why the Bizarro Els should have much of a connection to Smallville at all, let alone have a house there. What happens to all these loose ends?

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56 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I'm operating on the assumption that normally merging with a counterpart does lead to a painful death. IIRC (and I very well may not, since it's been so long that the season's been going on)

Ally is the only person who has merged, and there's been no description of a merge failing or even the possibility of that happening. You might be thinking of how going through the portal without either the pendant or Kryptonian powers led to a painful death.

As I said above, Natalie said that to merge was to die "from a subjective standpoint". As in the individuals that existed before have been replaced by a new one. Not death as in becoming a corpse.

1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

My assumption is that for the people on Bizarro Earth, they are seeing the inverse and things there are appearing "right way forward."

Right. Unless it's disproven next episode, I was assuming that was likely. And Kyle may have been transported to the other world.

We don't even know if there was a Bizarro Kyle or if he died young and that's why he hasn't married Lana or shown up at all.

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Christ, the citizens of Smallville are the worst!  Considering all the crazy shit that has already been proven to exist in this universe (and that's not including everything else on the other shows, if you still want to go with the Arrowverse being connected in a major way), them acting like the idea of multiple universes and doppelgängers was that far-fetch was hilariously ridiculous.  I can understand a certain level of shock and initial questioning, but they were mainly just dolts for most of it.  At least Superman made an appearance and told them it was all true.  And we see once again why Clark is truly a hero, because he didn't start things off with "Listen here, dipshits..."

At least Sarah now knows that Jordan has powers and that was partially the reason he was so cagey with her.  And she easily pierced together that it was Lana that made him keep some of it from her.  I guess that will effect their relationship going forward.  I wonder if she'll find out about Clark's secret identity soon.

I'm guessing John Henry will eventually come back somehow, but I'm curious to see if this will allow Natalie to get closer to the Kents going forward.

Bizarro Lana can certainly kick a decent amount of ass, but Bizarro Jonathan is still my favorite.

I'm guessing the bit where Clark's mom was saying there was a way to speed up the process for Clark to get his powers again will come back into play.  I wonder if Tal-Rho will somehow be involved as well.

Worlds are starting to merge!  Looks like poor Kyle got blipped out of existence.  Hope that gets reversed!

Can't wait till the finale! 

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6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I'm guessing John Henry will eventually come back somehow, but I'm curious to see if this will allow Natalie to get closer to the Kents going forward.

I hope he comes back because he has become one of my favorite characters. I liked that Natalie allowed Lois to hug and comfort her, considering that there has been some understandable tension between them. I'm sure at least a small part of Natalie was getting comfort from being held by someone who looked and sounded like her mother, but at the same time she  knew Lois was not her mother and was just connecting with her in a maternal way.

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8 hours ago, Maverick said:

Barreling?   This season has been dragging on for six months.   And it's episodes!   The only relation this season's progress has to barrels is the ones that sit in warehouses for years aging bourbon.  

Agreed, this season has dragged.  And the multiple hiatuses hasn't helped.  Show is on hiatus for a month, comes back, airs two eps, and then hiatus again.  Annoying.  I get that this is one of the more successful CW shows and therefore they feel that people won't lose interest, but it's a disservice to fans.

6 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

At least Sarah now knows that Jordan has powers and that was partially the reason he was so cagey with her.  And she easily pierced together that it was Lana that made him keep some of it from her.  I guess that will effect their relationship going forward.  I wonder if she'll find out about Clark's secret identity soon.

I'm guessing John Henry will eventually come back somehow, but I'm curious to see if this will allow Natalie to get closer to the Kents going forward.

Bizarro Lana can certainly kick a decent amount of ass, but Bizarro Jonathan is still my favorite.

I'm guessing the bit where Clark's mom was saying there was a way to speed up the process for Clark to get his powers again will come back into play.  I wonder if Tal-Rho will somehow be involved as well.

Worlds are starting to merge!  Looks like poor Kyle got blipped out of existence.  Hope that gets reversed!

Can't wait till the finale! 

I'm wondering if Sarah is going to make the connection on her own (without being told by Lana) that Clark is Superman.  Jordan has powers just like Superman (although I suppose all the X-K people did too) and he is Clark's son, and if she thinks about it long enough, doesn't Clark look a little bit like Superman?  The stupidity of the magic glasses disguise and the wool trimmed coat continues.

Jon El is awesome.  I think the only permanent change I would like to see from the merging is that either Jon El merges with Jon and Jon's personality is dominant but he now has powers.  Or Jon El stays on this earth but decides to use his powers for good, and there is both Jon and Jon El in this world.  The actor must be having a blast getting to play a character with powers.

Kyle is blipped out... I assume maybe he doesn't exist or is dead in Bizarro World.  I wonder if Sarah and Sophie will blip out next... if Kyle doesn't exist in Bizarro World and Lana is married to Tal, then they don't exist either?

I do wonder what the plan is for Kyle going forward.  Maybe they are writing the actor out.  To me that would be preferable to the current version of Kyle, who is Kirk Van Houtening his way through life, being the overly eager divorced dad, spoiling his kids with ice cream and toys while trying to pretend that he isn't a loser.  If Kyle stays on the show for Season 3 and he and Lana remain separated, I'd like to see him get a storyline of his own that isn't related to Lana or his kids.  He's the fire chief, I'd like to see a storyline related to fires and see more of his team.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

Agreed, this season has dragged.  And the multiple hiatuses hasn't helped.  Show is on hiatus for a month, comes back, airs two eps, and then hiatus again.  Annoying.  I get that this is one of the more successful CW shows and therefore they feel that people won't lose interest, but it's a disservice to fans.

I'm wondering if Sarah is going to make the connection on her own (without being told by Lana) that Clark is Superman.  Jordan has powers just like Superman (although I suppose all the X-K people did too) and he is Clark's son, and if she thinks about it long enough, doesn't Clark look a little bit like Superman?  The stupidity of the magic glasses disguise and the wool trimmed coat continues.

Jon El is awesome.  I think the only permanent change I would like to see from the merging is that either Jon El merges with Jon and Jon's personality is dominant but he now has powers.  Or Jon El stays on this earth but decides to use his powers for good, and there is both Jon and Jon El in this world.  The actor must be having a blast getting to play a character with powers.

Cosigned about the annoying on air / hiatus cycle.  Since I have this listed as a favorite for recording purposes, that's the only way I know there's a new episode, since I don't love this show enough to independently find out when new episodes air.

Maybe they could say that Jordan was using X-K and that's how he got powers, so they can keep the secret that since Jordan has Super powers, and he's Clark's son, that means Clark = Superman.

I too hope Earth Jonathan gets powers. It's boring watching him stand around feeling helpless...Even though it doesn't really make sense, perhaps they could explain that when Jon El tried to absorb Earth Jon, somehow that gave the latter powers (not enhanced by X-K or anything else "artificial").

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15 hours ago, Paloma said:

I am sick of the Ally character and mostly bored with the merging worlds storyline, but I do have questions (partly sarcastic, but I would like to hear anyone's answers/theories):

If merging of people entails subatomic integration (or whatever term was used in this episode) that likely results in death, why would Ally want the worlds to merge? Who would she rule over if everyone is dead?

Why doesn't Bizarro Lana go straight to regular Lana and merge with her instead of attacking Jordan, Superman, etc.? What is Bizarro Lana's purpose anyway, if not to just merge with her regular Earth version?

Will everyone from Bizarro world be superpowered when they come to Earth, and if so is this because of the difference in suns? Leading to the next question...

How is the merging supposed to happen, and how does "real" Lana think it can be prevented by simply staying close to your family and watching for any bizarre behavior? If the Bizarro people (superpowered or not) can simply grab and hold on to the regular Earth people, how would the latter stop the merge? 

As the merging starts happening, it looks like everything in Smallville is turning into the Bizarro version (backward letters, decrepit and dirty houses, etc.). Shouldn't merging result in something different than we see in either world (as Ally claims the merging will make people whole and better), rather than turning regular Earth into Bizarro Earth? 

I'm probably thinking about this a lot more than the writers did, but as much as I like sci-fi I find it hard to just accept some story premises without any explanation.

I think the breaks/frequent hiatus have done this show no favors this season.  If they are going to dangle the treats like this the treats better be tasty. Ask any donkey, dog or cat. 

I really don't know what Ally wants out of this. Maybe the story of her father or her family has something to do with it, but if so, they should have told us already, as a sop. 

I wonder if bJonathan and bLana actually want to merge. they are themselves and living their best lives as themselves, why merge with the mundanes?

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1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

Maybe they could say that Jordan was using X-K and that's how he got powers, so they can keep the secret that since Jordan has Super powers, and he's Clark's son, that means Clark = Superman.

I too hope Earth Jonathan gets powers. It's boring watching him stand around feeling helpless...Even though it doesn't really make sense, perhaps they could explain that when Jon El tried to absorb Earth Jon, somehow that gave the latter powers (not enhanced by X-K or anything else "artificial").

I'm pretty sure the two (or three actually) families will know each other's secrets by the end of the next episode. While I assume Clark gets his powers back, I kind of hope it isn't a huge part of the next episode,,

I really like one kid with powers and one who doesn't have powers and I think that Jordan was the most interesting choice to have powers. I hope he ends up hooking up with natalie and the suit technology, though. That was hinted at in the beginning and he apparently had the mechanical skills. 

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Yeah, it seems like this season they've forgotten that Jon was technically minded and a brain over brawn guy and was hanging out with John Henry, based on his dialogue in the mines in "Lies That Bind". And the tease from that episode that he'd get his own suit has just been dropped.

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Every story thread that Jonathan had at the end of Season 1 has been dropped, along with the idea of Lois and Clark being quality reporters worthy of decades-long tenure at the Daily Planet. Every time the superpower stories start overtaking the human stories, these type of shows get out of balance. If the writers are going to force certain characters to stay out of the superpower developments, they need to give them better quality stories of their own instead of just using them as fodder in service of the stories in which they have little to no agency.

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12 hours ago, blackwing said:

I do wonder what the plan is for Kyle going forward.  Maybe they are writing the actor out.  To me that would be preferable to the current version of Kyle, who is Kirk Van Houtening his way through life, being the overly eager divorced dad, spoiling his kids with ice cream and toys while trying to pretend that he isn't a loser.  If Kyle stays on the show for Season 3 and he and Lana remain separated, I'd like to see him get a storyline of his own that isn't related to Lana or his kids.  He's the fire chief, I'd like to see a storyline related to fires and see more of his team.

I think that the character and actor both deserve better than just to be written out. I think they just need to better use him.

For instance, I think it would have made a good call to have incorporated him more in the central arc of the season (the rise of Ally and her cult) by having him flirt with joining it. It would have made total sense -- he obviously had his drinking issue, his cheating issue, and his falling for Morgan Edge issue. That could have made him an easy target for Ally's preaching.

I don't know if there's all that much exciting to do with Kyle's being fire chief. 

Or alternatively, they could do something contrary to television economics and basically make anyone who's not a Kent less than a season regular, and up the backstories on a lot of the peripheral people of Smallville. I would rather have more recurring appearances by characters like Emily, the ex-mayor, the football coach and whatnot than to force plots with characters like Kyle and Chrissy just because they are regulars.

8 hours ago, norcalgal said:

I too hope Earth Jonathan gets powers. It's boring watching him stand around feeling helpless...Even though it doesn't really make sense, perhaps they could explain that when Jon El tried to absorb Earth Jon, somehow that gave the latter powers (not enhanced by X-K or anything else "artificial").

They can have him do more than stand around feeling helpless without giving him powers. Lois is anything but helpless, after all, despite not having powers. I of course hope that Jonathan does get powered up, but I can see why storywise they would not want to. Having one person with Superman's powers should generally solve most of the drama that they realistically could face in a show like this. But having Clark, JHI, Nat, Jordan AND Jonathan with (for most practical purposes) flight, super-strength, invulnerability, super-speed, access to a super-AI, and distance attacks really seems like there would be very little they could not reasonably handle on a week-to-week basis.

7 hours ago, Affogato said:

I wonder if bJonathan and bLana actually want to merge. they are themselves and living their best lives as themselves, why merge with the mundanes?

We saw enough of Bizarro Jonathan's backstory to understand why he could have fallen for Bizarro Ally's gospel. He has daddy issues and isn't enjoying the empty heroics his father was pursuing. What Bizarro Lana's issues are, who knows?

7 hours ago, Affogato said:

I'm pretty sure the two (or three actually) families will know each other's secrets by the end of the next episode. While I assume Clark gets his powers back, I kind of hope it isn't a huge part of the next episode,,

I really like one kid with powers and one who doesn't have powers and I think that Jordan was the most interesting choice to have powers. I hope he ends up hooking up with natalie and the suit technology, though. That was hinted at in the beginning and he apparently had the mechanical skills. 

I mean, it seems like there's no chance that Clark won't get his powers back as a large portion of the season finale. I would applaud the show if Clark somehow figured out a way to beat Ally just through being clever, but nah.

One possibility: Ally can only hold on to stolen power for so long while the "donor" is alive. So at some point, Clark will get repowered and Ally will seek him out for a rematch. But this time he will fight smarter. 

There really is no inherent, in-show reason I can see that they don't make suits for Jon, Lois and all of them. Even if they were inferior, for emergency use only type deals. They basically have access to all the xK or other resources they might want through the DOD and Clark just getting it/earning money to pay for it etc. 

1 hour ago, kickingnames said:

Every story thread that Jonathan had at the end of Season 1 has been dropped, along with the idea of Lois and Clark being quality reporters worthy of decades-long tenure at the Daily Planet. Every time the superpower stories start overtaking the human stories, these type of shows get out of balance. If the writers are going to force certain characters to stay out of the superpower developments, they need to give them better quality stories of their own instead of just using them as fodder in service of the stories in which they have little to no agency.

I wish that the writers would dare to mix up the current format of incremental long story arc featuring incremental problems with a big bad for like 5 episodes, then one episode where Big Bad suffers a first real setback, followed by the Big Bad going "Well, that setback doesn't matter because I have this backup plan that allows me to do the same exact thing" followed by another bunch of episodes where the good guys mostly lose.

Like I would love more bottle episodes against one-of villains who don't have anything to do with the Big Bad. 

Or episodes where there's almost no superheroics whatsoever and just showing life with the Kents and the Irons families (and grudgingly the Cushings).

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12 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

What Bizarro Lana's issues are, who knows?

I think Ally told her that Supes killed Bizarro-Tal-Rho? When in fact she killed him? I can’t remember and don’t feel like going back to check.

It’s disappointing because the first season was so good. This season? One giant snooze fest.

Even the number of comments and posters has dropped.

And since this show is in the same universe/Earth Prime, we don’t even get most of the villains that are Supes’ because Supergirl co-opted them all, so I’m assuming that’s why we have been subjected to this never heard before Ally Parasite hybrid? Ally doesn’t care/give any shits about anyone else. She just wants to be a God.

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41 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I think Ally told her that Supes killed Bizarro-Tal-Rho? When in fact she killed him? I can’t remember and don’t feel like going back to check.

It’s disappointing because the first season was so good. This season? One giant snooze fest.

Even the number of comments and posters has dropped.

And since this show is in the same universe/Earth Prime, we don’t even get most of the villains that are Supes’ because Supergirl co-opted them all, so I’m assuming that’s why we have been subjected to this never heard before Ally Parasite hybrid? Ally doesn’t care/give any shits about anyone else. She just wants to be a God.

When I was talking about Bizarro Lana's issues, I meant more of what she felt was so lacking in her life that she was attracted to Ally's philosophy in the first place. I mean, for most people, life has its ups and downs, but feeling incomplete to the point where you think the only way to feel "whole" is to merge with a duplicate of yourself seems crazy. And for the little glimpse of Bizarro Lana, she seemingly had a good life -- superpowers, a superpowered husband who seemingly truly loves her...it's unclear what she feels is missing.

I think this season is still overall good. Last season was just better because a) it was new b) Tal-Rho was a way more interesting villain than Ally and c) there were not as many subplots and arcs that they had to attempt to service (or maybe they just handled them better).

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I think Ally told her that Supes killed Bizarro-Tal-Rho? When in fact she killed him? I can’t remember and don’t feel like going back to check.

No, she just told her to kill Superman. Bizarro Lana presumably doesn't even know that Bizarro Tal-Rho is dead.

1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

For instance, I think it would have made a good call to have incorporated him more in the central arc of the season (the rise of Ally and her cult) by having him flirt with joining it. It would have made total sense -- he obviously had his drinking issue, his cheating issue, and his falling for Morgan Edge issue. That could have made him an easy target for Ally's preaching.

The fact that Edge also talked about using a process to become one's best self might make him wary, though.

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Lana to Sarah:  “You’re tired. Look at my face. This is what tired looks like running around with you and your sister and all day at the office”

Every single, working mother:  “Hold my beer”


My hope is that when this dragged out season is over and Ally ( they better!) is destroyed, that next season they’ll focus on The Kent’s maneuvering around whilst everyone ( maybe the entire town may find out after next week) now knows their secret. Maybe even Jordan honing his skills as Clark recovers his. I know there needs to be nefarious circumstances because, Superman & villains go together, but I want to see more character development/ dynamics instead of them just trying to survive each day from the next disaster ( hello, Walking Dead!)

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3 hours ago, ctlady said:

that next season they’ll focus on The Kent’s maneuvering around whilst everyone ( maybe the entire town may find out after next week) now knows their secret. Maybe even Jordan honing his skills as Clark recovers his. I know there needs to be nefarious circumstances because, Superman & villains go together, but I want to see more character development/ dynamics instead of them just trying to survive each day from the next disaster ( hello, Walking Dead!)

I hope that next season has more episodes to allow for that.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness
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On 6/22/2022 at 11:47 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Christ, the citizens of Smallville are the worst!  Considering all the crazy shit that has already been proven to exist in this universe (and that's not including everything else on the other shows, if you still want to go with the Arrowverse being connected in a major way), them acting like the idea of multiple universes and doppelgängers was that far-fetch was hilariously ridiculous.  I can understand a certain level of shock and initial questioning, but they were mainly just dolts for most of it.  At least Superman made an appearance and told them it was all true.  And we see once again why Clark is truly a hero, because he didn't start things off with "Listen here, dipshits..."

But did you notice how he looked right at Former Mayor Asshole at the end of his speech as he said the words "trying to promote her own self-interests"?  That was a priceless own!

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I flove Nat trying to think her way to a solution - too often Superhero stories come down to who can hit harder than whom. And I’m glad that the damage to Supes wasn’t permanent, but repairable. Because biologically, he’s still a Kryptonian and he shouldn't be turned into an ordinary human. Not that I believe he'll stay depowered for long (maybe try a big sunlamp?).

Kinda with Chrissy on this one. Better to publish what she has to let people know what’s going on (yes, I believe people act better when they’re fully informed – nobody elected the DoD to act on behalf of America, let alone the world). Always amused by how often superhero stories assume that the right thing to do is to keep facts from people and act outside the law.

Why are people looking to the Mayor of a small town in Kansas to have answers? And then ignoring the answers she gives even after all the $%*@ they'd seen last year!

Jordan actually learnt some tactics from training with his grandpa! Good job taking out two superpowered enemies (alongside Natalie).

On 6/23/2022 at 3:11 AM, Paloma said:

If merging of people entails subatomic integration (or whatever term was used in this episode) that likely results in death, why would Ally want the worlds to merge? Who would she rule over if everyone is dead?

I’m guessing everything that Ally says is pure BS and that she is the only one who will gain powers. If everyone else dies… well there are always other worlds to take over.

On 6/23/2022 at 7:47 AM, thuganomics85 said:

And we see once again why Clark is truly a hero, because he didn't start things off with "Listen here, dipshits..."

Since Clark never swears, that would prove that he wasn’t the real Clark. Which actually might help, because it might convince people that Supes had been replaced by a doppleganger!

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