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Ghosts of Housewives Past: Jill Zarin, Alex, and the Rest

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Hope it's OK to start this topic. Just to get the ball rolling, I'll say that I was saddened to find out that Countess Luann was demoted to a recurring role this year. I'll miss her particular brand of crazy, although I suppose now she can storm in as she pleases, kick up a fuss, and retreat to her lair without having to deal with Ramona ALL the time, so good for her.

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Yeah, both Kelly and Aviva are crazy, but Kelly...she was an artist of crazy. It's like Aviva is the Thomas Kincade of Crazy and Kelly is the Picaso of crazy. The form, the colors, the composition, it's all a level of batshit I could never hope to achieve. It's a talent that can't be taught. However, if I really dedicated myself, I could achieve an Aviva level of crazy. I miss Kelly.

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Jill must turning as green as the Wicked Witch of the West. Bravo has a new show Women of London or something like that. I remember that a few years ago, she wanted to get cast on a Real Housewives of London and even went so far as to go house hunting in London.

I am definitely loving the Countess this season. It seems that she has come to terms about being Countless and has loosened up a lot.

Simon VanKemplen did say that Lulu was a lot of fun away from the cameras when they filmed.

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I laughed many times at Kelly's crazy. My favorite - trying to storm off and the automatic doors on the boat not opening. Classic!


I don't know that Aviva has ever made me laugh. So yea, I guess I'd take Kelly back if it meant getting rid of Aviva. But Kelly is just so unstable, I don't know that it would be good for her. I'd actually take Silex back. They grew on me towards the end, and definitely provided plenty of snark ("you're ruining the surprise!!!").

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Silex was the ultimate of social-climbing hilarity!!

I hated them back then, but they still amused the Hell out of me with their pathetic desperation to fit in with the other ladies and their crowd.

I always wished they would learn to own their social stations with the others a'la Bethenny, who was almost proud of being the poor hustler she used to be. It would've been such a nice contrast to have seen them really enjoy being a token hip Brooklyn couple with artsy friends and creative interests---by the time they did sort of embrace this role on the show, Alex was already on her way out.

I do miss kuckoo Kelly, if only for her amazing downtown loft. And her amazing overuse of the word "amazing". And "like."

She was such an oddly interesting mix of mean girl fashion-district snob and loopy hippie chick spirit. Also: "AL SHARPTON!!!"

  • Love 6

LMAO @ Fozzy!  It's a gift, id'n it?



I do miss kuckoo Kelly, if only for her amazing downtown loft. And her amazing overuse of the word "amazing". And "like."
She was such an oddly interesting mix of mean girl fashion-district snob and loopy hippie chick spirit. Also: "AL SHARPTON!!!"


This will never not be funny.   Ah, boy.  Good times.

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That infamous meeting with Bethenny and the disjointed "I'm up here, you're down here" conversation will never not be hilarious.  It was like a more confusing version of Who's on First.


Also the "I don't eat processed food," as she's noshing on gummy bears and jellybeans.


And the "You're not a chef, you're a cook, not a chef."


Kelli took crazy to a level I don't think any housewife will ever be able to top.  Even Aviva (although I reserve the right to change that statement if there's more over-the-top batshit crazy antics courtesy of Aviva later this season).  

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Charming, I wonder if at any point one of the ladies who were there will come up with some tell all book or maybe even a fiction book about what really happened.

I have to conclude that bravo actually ran out of tape or they would have replayed the unseen footage time and time again, it would had been a ratings bonanza.

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I'm missing all the old Ho'Wives.  The show has gone the way of all the other RH shows and descended into fights and yelling.  NY is a great city and interesting stuff can be seen and done there that has nothing to do with yet another sit down over drinks to rehash yet another stupid bloody argument.  It's tiresome and it's why I am beginning to lose my RH habit.  The franchises are now all the same:  fight, scream, meet for drinks to 'clear the air', storm out, fight, scream, lather, rinse, repeat.  It's dull as dishwater and there is no drama left.  Not that I would want to spend five minutes in the company of Jill Zarin or Alex-and-Simon.  But they made for entertaining tv.  Unlike this bunch.

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I'm missing all the old Ho'Wives.  The show has gone the way of all the other RH shows and descended into fights and yelling.  NY is a great city and interesting stuff can be seen and done there that has nothing to do with yet another sit down over drinks to rehash yet another stupid bloody argument.  It's tiresome and it's why I am beginning to lose my RH habit.  The franchises are now all the same:  fight, scream, meet for drinks to 'clear the air', storm out, fight, scream, lather, rinse, repeat.  It's dull as dishwater and there is no drama left.  Not that I would want to spend five minutes in the company of Jill Zarin or Alex-and-Simon.  But they made for entertaining tv.  Unlike this bunch.

I also miss the old shows. I enjoyed the charity events, the fashion shows, shopping etc. It was my way of living vicariously in a cities that I have never seen or been to occasionally. I still  watch in hopes that Bravo will figure it out that women for the most part do not want to see all this pseudo drama. I would much rather hear Jill's shrill voice than pervy George and his creepy daughter. Even Simon who use to drive me crazy with his " society" obsession would be a welcome change to the misogynous environment that has pervaded the franchise. For me it has become 1 step above Jerry Springer. This season on New York and the nonsense in OC has made me begin to realize that there is probably no hope. Bravo  Andy in his arrogant attitude will probably either cancel NYC or re-cast and then try to make it even edgier. How sad!

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I like Jill (said in a tiny voice, face red with shame) and I really like her new haircut. I really loved this show the first two seasons, before it devolved into the shrieking mess it is today. I loved the less staged feel it had then. The scene from season one where Simon and Alex had taken their two pretentiously named kids out to lunch and Simon insisted that the boys order in French KILLS me and sends me to heaven. I can hear Simon now, "Lemon Odd, see voo play?" Such happy memories.

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I never ever liked Bethany.  Someone at TWOP once described her as someone who should have a drum follow her to play after all her one liners.   Although I do think Kelly was a crazy and Jill was wrong in their (Beth and Jill's) fight, I also felt Bravo gave Bethany the best edits always.

  JMHO the only time I felt Bethany was being real was when she screamed at Kelly "Go to Bed!!"   My sister and I still quote that one.

  • Love 3

I like Jill (said in a tiny voice, face red with shame) and I really like her new haircut. I really loved this show the first two seasons, before it devolved into the shrieking mess it is today. I loved the less staged feel it had then. The scene from season one where Simon and Alex had taken their two pretentiously named kids out to lunch and Simon insisted that the boys order in French KILLS me and sends me to heaven. I can hear Simon now, "Lemon Odd, see voo play?" Such happy memories.

The first two seasons were awesome. Remember Jill’s tagline? "I run with a fabulous circle of people." I was so naïve back then! While I knew she wasn't rubbing elbows with the foofoo sheeshee elite of NYC, I really did believe she probably knew some pretty fabulous people. Fast forward a little bit and we learned that the fabulous circle of people included the "fabulous" Michael Lohan and the equally "fabulous" Jon of Jon & Kate Plus 8 fame.  LOL!

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Wasn't it in LuAnn's garage? And the pubic bedazzler was there, right? (I can't think of her name right now) That seems so long ago.

Ha! It was last season, but early on before we met George. Were we ever that young?

Yeah, pretty much it was a bunch of art in the garage and Luanne invited her friends. It struck me as a "build up my daughters self-esteem and get her back on the right track after a rough year" type of thing. Nothing wrong with that. In fact I've always thought that one of the reasons Luanne has been willing to give Aviva so much benefit of the doubt was that she made an effort to come and was very supportive of Victoria's talent. Even in their argument this week Luanne didn't really lose her shit until she thought Aviva was comparing Victoria's art to pornography.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 1

The first two seasons were awesome. Remember Jill’s tagline? "I run with a fabulous circle of people." I was so naïve back then! While I knew she wasn't rubbing elbows with the foofoo sheeshee elite of NYC, I really did believe she probably knew some pretty fabulous people. Fast forward a little bit and we learned that the fabulous circle of people included the "fabulous" Michael Lohan and the equally "fabulous" Jon of Jon & Kate Plus 8 fame.  LOL!


comatoast (love that screenname) thank you for helping me relaugh at bragging on knowing LindsayLohanDaddy.     Her hair is cute.  the shirt, not so much. 

Nene! Isn't she another member of Jill's "fabulous" circle of people? Gotta love them.


Well, stands to reason.  From what I understand Jill is also very rich, bitch.


Yes, wasn't Michael Lohan in the background during a RHOA fight? That dude sure gets around. 


The infamous wig pulling.  There was a hussy, a bar and a camera crew, need we say more? lol!

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It's so...tootoo. Tootoo foofoo! BTW, I love how generous you are with your description by calling it dancing.

Lol! I could watch those two on a loop, it cracks me up. I can't stand either of them and yet I love that scene. Anytime I see Ramona "dancing" in a shiny dress makes my day.


I'm having fun watching past episodes today. Kelly was awkward from the start. She was so weird having drinks with Luann. I bet it was worse and the editors cut out a lot of it.

Edited by imjagain

I'm watching KooKoo Kelly's melt down in St. Barts now.  There are just some episodes you have to always keep on your DVR while you are ironing.  "I want you to zip it!"   "Are you guys going to make out with tongue?"  


Bethanny "Best dinner party ever!"  


Some things are precious.  Fried out KooKooKelly  with her jelly beans are one of them.


Next up, Jill walking in on them having their mani pedis.  "Bawby!"


Wow, Sonja's body looks better now then then.  She's still a drunken hot mess, but what a difference!

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 6

I just watched the episode "if you have nothing to say" season 2 epi 4.

Ramona and Mario lounging in their large Hamptons pool, cut to Alex and Simon in their inflatable pool lol!

And Alex and Simon talking to the architect,they were beyond obnoxious.

And of course the tense argument between Ramona and Luann at Hope lodge, good stuff.

I didn't want to double post so I'll add it to this post.

Just watched scary island and Kelly was losing her mind for sure. I posted on another thread that drugs made sense. And it does in all her weird behavior before scary island. On the island I wonder if she had meds she didn't bring or didn't take.

Re watching I see there is something wrong with Kelly, and I used just think she was a snooty superficial person and I'm sure she is but there is a bigger issue with her. Sorry I'm rambling. That was insane to watch I can't imagine being there.

I had a question about the Jill/Bethany thing. Is it true that Jill made up the fight for a storyline and never told Bethany that her plan was to have the season end with them making up?

After watching the season 3 again I see that Jill does seem to be acting in the first couple episodes. There must have been a real disagreement there at some point, right?

Edited by imjagain

I think there was a real disagreement with Jill not wanting anyone else to film with Bethanny for her spin off show.  Something about not 'why should we help her?'.  Jill admitted she wanted to do everything that Bethanny was offered, like the Today Show.  It was all on that reunion.  




ETA:  I copied the link and it showed up like this.  Sorry.

Edited by Lablover27
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I think there was a real disagreement with Jill not wanting anyone else to film with Bethanny for her spin off show.  Something about not 'why should we help her?'.


Wasn't there a recorded voice mail, or something, of Jill saying as much? A text message maybe? I might be remembering wrong, but I didn't think there was any question that Jill was trying to get the girls not to film with Bethenny on her spin-off shows.

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I finally finished season three and watched the first part of the reunion I'm skipping the other parts of the reunion for now.


Yes there was a saved voice mail from Bethany to Jill to get a hobby, and yes Jill  did admit that she asked the others not to film with B. It also came up that the season before B asked the other women not to film with Kelly. B thought it was different because Bethany and Kelly were not friends.

 Here is my take and it is probably not right but wth lol.

 Jill thought that the little spat She and B had would make great tv so she exaggerated it. To me that explains why she wouldn't make up with B at first, she wanted to drag it out. By the time she was ready B was done with her and had more important things happening and knew that the fight was never that big. So it all blew up in Jill's face. 

I liked J and B as friends but apart I was meh with both.  

 I think the first three seasons are my favorite.

SEASON 4  is next I don't remember to much except Alex finds her "voice" and I wanted her to shut the hell up! And she becomes a model! I think the class trip is to Morocco.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 2

I had a question about the Jill/Bethany thing. Is it true that Jill made up the fight for a storyline and never told Bethany that her plan was to have the season end with them making up?

After watching the season 3 again I see that Jill does seem to be acting in the first couple episodes. There must have been a real disagreement there at some point, right?


This is what I can gather after watching not only the episodes but also articles and interviews. I also like to collect useless information :)


Jill was trying to peddle a spin off show with the two of them: Jill and Bethenny almost as a Lucy and Ethel kinda of show. Bravo was not having it , they were interested only in Bethenny, Bethenny's two books have made it to the best seller lists and were there for months so obviously interviews followed, invitations to host and what not. Jill was upset because she thought that Bethenny owed her to dragged her along, after all how can she peddle a show about both of them when Bethenny was doing things by herself. Then the invitation to the Today show came along, Bethenny was invited by herself and Jill threw a fit when she found out, she even went as far as to call one of the executives of the show and try to get a back door invitation but it didn't worked. Jill even hinted that Bethenny would not do the interview without her.


Jill was with Bethenny , not together but on the same room when an executive of Bravo approached her (immediately after season 2 reunion tapping) and offered her the spin off , of course Bethenny was static and Jill smiled through her teeth, Bethenny told Jill that even though the show would not be about both of them that she would love to have her on her show as much as possible, Jill again smiled and then when leaving she was heard saying that she would not be caught dead filming on her show, other people came back and told Bethenny what Jill had said. Then Bethenny received the phone call from the producers of the Today show asking her if she would be there and they told her what Jill had said. Bethenny grew worried but still didn't do anything. As part of one of her gigs she received two free tickets to go to Turcos and Caicos at the beginning of June 2009 and she decided to go with Jason (they have decided to get out of the open dating relationship and give it a try and Bethenny said she wanted to take this trip to see how it went), Jill went ballistic when she heard about it , she thought she should be the one going in this trip. That is when the phone call happened, Bethenny aired her grievances with her and let her know that she needed to find a hobby.


Jill hatched a plan in her mind to sabotage Bethenny, first off she never let anybody know about Bobby's health condition, Bethenny was doing her book tour for her two best seller books so they lost contact for the summer but as soon filming resumed (Memorial day) Jill lead everyone to believe that Bethenny all along knew about Boby's cancer scare and she had not bother to call or reach out to her, she tried to portrayed herself as the poor friend who had been left in the dust. When filming started Bethenny thought that they will resume to normal and that is why she was surprised by Jill's reaction not wanting to talk to her and the others telling her about how bad friend she was because she never reached out when Bobby was sick. All this was news to Bethenny, she was surprised and that is why she asked Ramona to be the mediator because she thought this was just a misunderstanding that could get cleared. Little did Bethenny know that behind screens Jill had hatched a masterplan to isolate Bethenny , Jill probably thought that if nobody filmed with Bethenny , she would faced out, become irrelevant and the spin off will be off the table, she e-mailed her costars, all of them and not only informed them of the spin off offered to Bethenny (which was not public information at all) but also asked them not to film with her. At some point (I am thinking after the failed meeting at Ramona's house somebody, either Ramona or Alex, must have told Bethenny about such e-mail and what was happening. I think that is when Bethenny realize what Jill was doing to destroy her and from that point on Bethenny was done with Jill, she didn't want anything to do with her. Jill was still determined to continue her sabotage until news of the engagement and the dead of Bethenny's father reached her and soon enough the pregnancy, that is IMO when Jill realized the stupidity of her plan because on her own Bethenny had plenty of material for a spin off and that is when she tried to reach out, too late, I think when Bethenny found out the lengths that Jill was willing to go she was done with her.  


I am not sure what Jill was thinking when she said that she mastermind a plan to have a "fake" fight with Bethenny for ratings, that she went to Andy with the idea and he tried to discourage her, that she never let Bethenny know that the fight would be fake and just for ratings but I do not believe her. I do believe that she tried to take Bethenny down but between two bad things Jill chose to say that she pretended a fight and it went wrong and Bethenny is a hard head because she won't let it go rather that tell the truth about how she tried to destroy Bethenny's career and isolate her so she couldn't have a spin off show.


The first option portrays a stupid woman willing to do stupid things for ratings (which she actually is) but the second option IMO portrays and evil and vindictive woman who thought she would be the star of the show and couldn't cope with not having her way. IMO Jill is the second.

  • Love 9

Wow! Thanks Leroux.

That is all very interesting. Jill really did herself in, didn't she.


Yes, she did.


There is a difference in villains at this point for me, even thought IMO Bethenny has never really been a villain but let's pretend she was.

Bethenny in her maniac ways has only hurt herself , she has never plotted behind doors to take someone down, when she was done with Jill she let her know that and it was the end of it, she has not spoken ill about Jill, she has wished her the best, she is the first one who told Andy to stop when he was going on and one listing the viewers' grievances about Jill, even now if anybody asks Bethenny she says plainly than they haven't seen each other, that she wishes her the best and that is about it.


Compare that to the great lengths that Jill has gone out of her way to hurt Bethenny, first plotting to isolate her from the rest of the cast, then creating the idea that Bethenny knew about Bobby's and never reached, then after the season ended filming and while waiting for it to be aired by going to any and every interview that would have her to plant the seeds about Bethenny being a bad friend, then after the airing of season 3 reunion and during season 4 talking about how Bethenny is such a bad friend for not taking her back, talking about Bethenny's marriage, talking badly about her show, refusing to go to her show while other active RHNY have been there, actively plotting with her besties Rob Shuter and Cindy Adams (from Page Six) to continue spreading gossip about her.


While they are both strong and determined, the difference in her styles when they are facing challenges is quite different and very telling of their personalities.

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Jill is going to be on an upcoming Celebrity Wife Swap.


She's really milking those last few seconds of her 15 minutes, I'll give her that.






Set your DVR's everyone because former Real Housewife of New York City star Jill Zarin is coming back to our TV screens! According to Naughty But Nice Rob, Jill has taped an episode of ABC's Celebrity Wife Swap – which she's exchanging lives with Jenna Von Oy. The episode is scheduled to air on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 on ABC and is full of drama.
Edited by Persnickety1
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Jill is going to be on an upcoming Celebrity Wife Swap.


She's really milking those last few seconds of her 15 minutes, I'll give her that.



Who is Jenna Von Oy? Is she related to Molly Sims? Ok I just may have to check this out. I do enjoy watching Jill make a fool of herself (for only 1 hr).

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Who is Jenna Von Oy? Is she related to Molly Sims? Ok I just may have to check this out. I do enjoy watching Jill make a fool of herself (for only 1 hr).


A D-lister who, I believe, co-starred as the affable best friend on Blossom about 10,000 years ago.


Celebrity Wife Swap has a way of snapping up some of the most irrelevant "celebrities" to ever celebrity.  Zarin would be case in point.  Anyone who doesn't watch RH will have absolutely no freaking clue who in the world Jill Zarin is nor her "fabulous crowd" she runs with.


Of course, I'll be setting up the DVR momentarily so I don't miss a snarkalicious drop of this episode.  

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