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S16.E23: Live Eviction #9 / HoH Comp #10

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Is there anyone in the world who doesn't believe that after all the machinations are done that it won't be Victoria and Donny sitting on the block next week?

<raising hand>

At this point in the game, I don't see Derrick letting Victoria go on the block. I expect the HGs sitting in the nom chairs next Thursday to be some pair-permutation of Donny, Zach, and Christine.

Also, Jerry Jones is one of the worst owners in the league and a big reason his team has been irrelevant for so many years. And Romo sucks.

Of course! You think a good team would put themselves out for BB? This will probably be the closest to good press the Cowgirls have gotten in years!

I totally missed this.  Could somebody tell me what was said, please?  FWIW, I think they're disgusting and if I was Tim, I'd be furious.


They showed Nicole talking to Victoria, in the fire room, in bed [red eyed, after she'd been BD'd at the Veto meeting] - she told V (paraphrasing); "I can't believe her & Cody do that.  She's married.  I'm not married, and I don't even carry on like that with him!"

I didn't even know who that was from the back, hugging Nicole goodbye. When he turned around, I thought, when the fuck did Cody join the Hitler Youth? Holy crap, that haircut is horrible, horrible, horrible. I really wonder who gave it to him.


Why could we not have seen two minutes of jury house instead of useless Screechel? We're fast approaching the point at which I'd rather see that than the actual house. Unless they're all sequestered separately and there is no jury house yet. In that case, they could have just made a loop of Cody clocking himself in the forehead. A better closing than platitudes from that sparkly, red-headed harridan.

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In my head, Cody punched himself because he was dreaming about meeting Tim.


That was his brain actually working, while he was sleeping.  It was yelling at him "What are you doing!!?", and his arm & hand just tried to make the message sink in by reflexively punching himself near the forehead.


I still think his total clueless "WTF just happened!?" reaction to it was funnier than the actual punch.  And then the "eh, whatever" look as he turned over to go back to sleep. 

  • Love 3

How appropriate that Rachel would return on the episode with the undead theme. It would take a glitter covered stake through the heart to kill a fame whore of her caliber.

I hate the Team America idea so much. I honestly think they would have evicted Donny over Nicole if Derrick hadn't wanted to keep the team together. He thought Donny was a bigger threat but hopes to win more money for himself. Nicole should sue.

The best part for me was Julie's question about the big thing that happened last week. Frankie gets all coy and flutters his eyes in anticipation of being spot lighted for his big reveal, and then Victoria actually says the biggest moment of the week -- the one we must all be discussing over the water coolers is ... she got emotional. Right Veronica, we could speak of nothing else.

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 6

"Dead Set," is a scripted zombie movie.  It does feature an actual host of BBUK and it has some cameos, but most of the people are actors.  If you like zombie movies, I think it's a pretty good one.  It's basically people in the BBUK house getting trapped by a zombie apocalypse.


I don't know of any place in the US that has current (officially) distribution, but you could probably check out some other places (maybe if *you* went to a *tube* of some kind) if you wanted to watch it.

  • Love 1

I really don't know how to feel....I liked both Nicole and Donny. So either way, the outcome would have been a no-win for me. I only feel slightly better about Nicole going because I feel she has a real chance of getting back in if it's competition based. I was annoyed at the boys claiming they needed to send Donny because he will come after you all, but Nicole won't. Um, there are hardly any people left outside your little clique. Who is she going to go after exactly? Shit, we have two Detonators as HOH and you're still going to have to cannibalize. 


This house does kind of amaze me, though - because they can turn on each other and fight and stab one another in the back, but they still seem to all genuinely like each other. They have fun together. I got such a kick out of them huddling together in the fire room to watch for apparitions in the mirror - it was like summer camp! 


LOVED the zombie HOH comp! 

Loved Nicole's reaction when Julie told her that she may be able to come back into the house.  Her gasp was priceless.  I think the audience thought so too.


I hate how easily I was sucked into that.  For a split second there, I really thought Julie was going to tell her that in a surprise twist, she could walk right back in to the house.  I knew better, but for that split second; especially with the way Nicole's face, and whole body, just reacted to how Julie started her reveal about how she might get back in (at sometime in the future).

I remember years ago when BB had the dog. I wish they would bring having a pet in the house back.


For me, life is empty without a dog.  I think a pet in the house would really enrich the HGs lives.  BUT, these people are such slobs - they can't even pick up their own clothes.  Most of them are immature and irresponsible.  There would be poop and pee everywhere, and the dog would be in danger of starving to death.  Plus, what happens to the dog at the end of the summer?  Back to the pound? I think just about any dog would bolt out the door with the next evicted HG to get the hell out of there.  It would make for an awesome reward though - you get to sleep with the dog this week.


I can't stand how Frankie jumps around and screams like an ass every time he wins something.


I do find him unbearable in those moments - other than when he won the POV.  That seemed a genuine reaction.

I actually think this is the PERFECT week for Derrick to finally win an HoH.


See, this is the final dual HoH (Julie specifically mentioned that the next BoB would be the last one), and basically, everyone but one houseguest is either HoH or nominated. Next week we'll be back to one, and Derrick really won't want that one. This week, he can put up two people and be all "Sorry, I didn't have any other options." I'm guessing that he'll have Frankie nominate Victoria and Donny together with the argument that he doesn't want to hurt Victoria by putting her up himself. Then he puts up Caleb and Cody. Or maybe Christine with one of the guys. This is clearly a stronger team that will win the BoB, taking themselves off and dethroning Derrick. So he gets to have the HoH perks and the letter from home without actually getting any blood on his hands because his nominees don't go home.


That said, I was kind of disappointed in this episode because after all the recent drama following the double eviction and Frankie winning his BoB, things seem to have settled back into the same predictable rut as before. It started to look like this was the time when the hamsters start turning on each other, but there's still a few strays to get rid of before things can get interesting, I suppose.


Oh, and I would assume that next Thursday, when the next houseguest is eliminated, we'll get the competition to see who is going back into the house. If it's a quiz, they could do it right then, but I feel like it's more likely to be an endurance comp. That way people won't find out the results until Sunday. And I really hope that it's Nicole who struts back into the house. And if she lets out a "I'm back, bitches!" I will love her forever. :-)

I can't believe Zach wasn't nicer to Donny. This group seems to all play nice together in the house, even if they are against each other game wise, so I'm not sure why they continue to alienate Donny. I would think being ignored in that house for so long would lead to some mild (if not more serious) depression. Poor guy. 

Nicole really does a great job of hiding that she's totally gorgeous.  I realized that when she was all gussied up for her eviction.


It cracked me up how excited they were to go to Cowboys' training camp.  I work 3 miles from Bears' training camp, and every summer I...don't bother to go. It's not a big deal at all. I guess if you were locked up in one place for a month, though, even a trip to Applebee's would warrant some girlish shrieking.


ETA: My apostrophes look odd. I just want you all to know I'm aware the placement may be incorrect. :)

Edited by Pixel
I too just laughed out loud seeing Cody [hit himself]for the first time. How embarrassing.


Ditto here.  I’ve said it before, but I think Cody is getting the winners (or at least F2) edit. I was actually shocked that they even HINTED at the Cody/Christine ickiness.


I can't stand how Frankie jumps around and screams like an ass every time he wins something.


Such an ass!


Victoria didn't take Julie's bait and so didn't reply "Frankie telling us his sister was Ariana Grande" when she was asked what was the most shocking thiing which happened in the past week. And I think I spotted Frankie shaking his head at her.


I loved that. And you just KNOW Chenbot was in the background all “She went off script! Does not compute!”

  • Love 5


An evicted HG will come back and, unless awarded HoH immediately, will be evicted the following week.

I haven't heard them say that an evicted HG will come back, only that they'll have that chance, so one possibility that addresses that issue would be to have them participate along with everyone else in a HOH competition. They've done something like that in other reality competitions where there's a mini challenge at the start of the episode that confers immunity or other advantage for the main challenge later. Washouts would come back for that mini challenge and stay if they won.



Victoria didn't take Julie's bait and so didn't reply "Frankie telling us his sister was Ariana Grande" when she was asked what was the most shocking thiing which happened in the past week.

If that's the answer they wanted, maybe the producers shouldn't have picked this week to surprise the HG's with the zombie stunt. It's easier to pick up on a leading question if there's only one obvious answer.

That was his brain actually working, while he was sleeping.  It was yelling at him "What are you doing!!?", and his arm & hand just tried to make the message sink in by reflexively punching himself near the forehead.


I still think his total clueless "WTF just happened!?" reaction to it was funnier than the actual punch.  And then the "eh, whatever" look as he turned over to go back to sleep.

Agreed! Cody's reaction was priceless. It would've been perfect as a Joey schtick on Friends.

I think this was the moment the dual HoH twist was designed for. I'm sure they were hoping it would happen sooner but AG and her crew are glad they finally got someone to go from HoH to evicted in a week.


Is the setup anything like normal BB, or is it more like a scripted TV show or movie type of thing?  If its not really like BB, I'll probably pass.

The premise is that being isolated in the BB house saves the HGs from the first round of the zombie apocalypse. It's a different hook on the zombie trope where the protagonists wake up and find the world after the world has been destroyed.

Nicole and Donny broke my heart. I was so sad for the both of them. Christine is just... wow. I hate saying unkind things about people, but she is pushing it. I loved the Zombie's in the mirror. Nicole had the best reaction EVER! LOL Definitely the best part of the show for me. Caleb saying he knew many football players, so that was no big thang cracked me up. Whatever!

I didn't like Derrick saying "team America" in the voting room. It felt like he was schmoozing us, like he plays all the other houseguests.

.... these people are such slobs - they can't even pick up their own clothes.  Most of them are immature and irresponsible.  There would be poop and pee everywhere, and the dog would be in danger of starving to death.  Plus, what happens to the dog at the end of the summer?  Back to the pound? I think just about any dog would bolt out the door with the next evicted HG to get the hell out of there.  It would make for an awesome reward though - you get to sleep with the dog this week.


This, on so many counts.


I cannot believe what slobs these people are! It seems to get worse each season. I don't remember the house being such a godawful mess years ago ("back in the day"...hahaha...get off my lawn!). No dog deserves to be put into that situation.


Also, have they toned down the booze? Or am I just not seeing drunken hamsters because I'm not watching the feeds this year?

Also, have they toned down the booze? Or am I just not seeing drunken hamsters because I'm not watching the feeds this year?

I think they've severely cut back on the booze this year, quantity-wise. At first I thought it was because some of the HGs (Devin and - Frankie, I think?) had cited dependency issues. Which explained why their first shipment of hootch didn't arrive until after Devin was evicted.

Still, they've been pretty chintzy on what they're doling out. One or two HGs usually have to abstain entirely for the rest to get as much as two beers each. Pretty thin, especially considering this bunch needs as much social lubrication as they can get.

ETA: didn't like the first draft, ok? :)

Edited by Nashville

Maybe I'm just cold but I don't feel the least bit sorry for Donny. Believe it or not, this is the nicest group of people they've had on the show in years, and every person who's walked out of that house has said how much they love Donny. If he's feeling alone and isolated, that's on him. So he watches the other guys play pool . . . do they not invite him to play pool, or does he just not know how to play? Has he asked anyone to play pool with him? If he gets up earlier than everyone else and goes to bed earlier than everyone else, who's fault is that? He knows he's on the outside of a big alliance but does nothing about it. I'm sure he's very nice, but he seems like an odd little man.


I still don't get how they expected this HoH competition to go. What if Cody had been right, and Frankie and Derrick had been wrong? Cody would be HoH and how would they decide who the second one was? Oh well, at least it sounds like they're through with this dumb Double HoH thing. Just in time - there are eight people left. That means only two people aren't going to be nominated.


Oh, Cody - that hair! When you're living off your looks, don't mess with the product. Although I guess nobody is really looking at his hair when he's doing those underwear ads. 

  • Love 2

Cody smacking himself awake was top notch.  I just like the comic timing of the editors knowing that we had to see that.  


Derrick saying he is voting out Nicole because of Team America is kinda crap.  Derrick wasn't too concerned about Team America when he was scheming and trying to get Frankie out of the house, so yeah...no.  Derrick wanted Nicole gone because she is more of a threat to his game.  

Is it me or does Nicole look a little like Taylor Swift? I have been thinking that all season long.

Nope. Not just you. I think it, too.

Yes. Derrick thinks he's schmoozing us with the Team America crap. He doesn't realize we are on to him and Godner managed to round up the dumbest lemmings in America for the cast this year. Any other year, he'd be called out by now.

Maybe I'm just cold but I don't feel the least bit sorry for Donny. Believe it or not, this is the nicest group of people they've had on the show in years, and every person who's walked out of that house has said how much they love Donny. If he's feeling alone and isolated, that's on him. 


I agree.  I'm sure it sucks to be stuck outside a majority alliance in the middle of a reality show but he should be glad he's got food and shelter, unlike on Survivor.  You sign up for a chance to win, play it out and suck it up.  He knew it wasn't going to be a season of 40-something hillbillies.  

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