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Unpopular Food Likes/Dislikes: Table for One


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I don't mind guacamole with lots of mix-ins. I think the lemon juice and tomato are to keep the avocado a nice bright green, instead of turning brown. This week I had guacamole that was olive green. It wasn't spoiled, but it didn't look as nice as I would have liked. 



That just means it had been exposed to air.  Neither lemon or tomato will stop that.  

I'd be interested to know what determines what people like and dislike.  I get having an aversion to something you've had a bad experience with but I don't think most dislikes are learned from experience or example.  I wonder if anyone has ever done a study about that.


There isn't much food I hate, but one of the foods I dislike the most is eggplant, and I know why.   I had spaghetti with a pasta sauce to which I added eggplant.  Later that day I went to a party, had too much to drink, and threw up the eggplant, I could still see the little chunks I'd chopped it in.   Now I know intellectually that it wasn't the eggplant that made me sick, it was the booze, but I still can't get the picture out of my brain, even though it's been over 30 years since it happened.  

I worked with a woman who was an alcoholic and her drinking would be in cycles. We knew she was drinking again when she would come into work with a 5-lb bag of red licorice and that's all we would see her eat (with coffee). I no longer work there and she was fired long before I quit but I can hardly look at licorice without feeling sick to my stomach. I'll probably never eat it again. Not to mention, she was a vile creature, to boot.

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Most Cheeses only really like Mozzarella & only if it is covered in sauce.

once at Panera they gave small free samples of bagels.  I took the 1 bite simple and wanted to cry.  I thought it was the most disgusting thing ever.  It was gorgonzola cheese bagel.  Since then I never try anything unless I know what it is.

Edited by tribeca
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Me, too, but the thing that caught me off guard was an anchovy-stuffed olive. A coworker offered me an olive, knowing how much I like them. I hate anchovies, and only learned that's what it was after I spat it in the trash can.


With baked goods, I always ask 'cause I'm allergic to pecans and walnuts. Try living in Texas and being allergic to the state nut.

One of our book club members showed up with a pizza one night, and we were all delighted, until I took a big bite and realized there were anchovies on it.  Bleurrrrrghhhhhhh!!!  We were meeting outside, and I bolted behind a tree to spit it out.  I almost barfed.  Seriously, while it was lovely of him to bring some grub to share, who gets anchovies on a pizza meant for sharing?!?


I'm also allergic to nuts--peanuts, walnuts, and cashews, to be exact--and have a VERY bad GI reaction to red peppers, so I'm ALWAYS asking what's in things.  One time I didn't ask, because who'da thunk there'd be walnuts in cranberry sauce?!?  I only had one bite before I realized it, so no anaphylaxis, just some throat itching that made me sound like I had a hairball for about 20 min.  I also don't like seafood of any kind, so when I'm at a buffet that doesn't identify things (like little fried nuggets that could be fish/could be chicken, or spring roll type things that could be shrimp/could be pork or chicken) I'm always asking someone else to try it for me.  I'm like a medieval king--I need my own food taster to detect nuts and fishy things!

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Most Cheeses only really like Mozzarella & only if it is covered in sauce.

once at Panera they gave small free samples of bagels.  I took the 1 bite simple and wanted to cry.  I thought it was the most disgusting thing ever.  It was gorgonzola cheese bagel.  Since then I never try anything unless I know what it is.


I love Gorgonzola, but cannot imagine enjoying it as a bagel.  There can be too much of a good (or in your case, bad) thing.

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I'm trying to picture, and I cant. I really like Asiago cheese bagels and Parmesean bagels. Why would Gorgonzola be bad? Because it's stinkier?


To me, I guess Gorgonzola as more of a garnish or topping -- a little goes a long way. I think I would find a whole big bready thing infused with it to be too strong a flavor.  I love Asiago bagels, but I think it's a milder flavor than Gorgonzola; and I like Parm but haven't seen a Parm bagel around anywhere.  So, yeah, I guess it kind of comes down to being stronger, or stinkier.  


I might try a Gorgonzola bagel if I ever come across one, but I might also have a backup bagel ready just in case.



(sorry, I forgot to set up the quote first)

Edited by harrie

I love runny egg yolk on toast. I think Nutella is disgusting. I love anchovies on pizza. Peanut butter on burgers and in chili. One of my favorite go to quickie sandwiches is a plain potato chip and mustard on white. Now & Laters taste like electricity. Well, most candy in my opinion kind of does but Now & Laters are the worst. 

I hate capers, but I don't know how popular they are.

I also love Lean Cuisines. Totally and completely.

The only gum I like is peppermint, cinnamon, and fruit. I hate mint. But, I like mint tea. Peppermint tea is still better.

I miss Checkers hamburger chains from when I was little.

Harissa sauce is amazing. It reminds me how disappointing sex is.

I like instant potatoes, though real are much better.

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I also love Lean Cuisines. Totally and completely.

Me too! Although whenever I'm in the aisle I think of a bit that comedian Patton Oswalt does, about Lean Cuisines scraping the bottom of the barrel, effort-wise. Lean Cuisine sesame chicken meal is really good, as are their pizza and paninis. I don't feel like I'm sacrificing flavor to go low-fat. You've also inspired me to go try harissa. I don't think I've ever had it

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Me too! Although whenever I'm in the aisle I think of a bit that comedian Patton Oswalt does, about Lean Cuisines scraping the bottom of the barrel, effort-wise. Lean Cuisine sesame chicken meal is really good, as are their pizza and paninis. I don't feel like I'm sacrificing flavor to go low-fat. You've also inspired me to go try harissa. I don't think I've ever had it

The pizzas are yummy. I also love the Orange Chicken.

Do you have a Mediterranean restaurant near you that has beef cigars or goat cheese phyllos? That's my favorite to put a ton of Harissa on. I'll usenit as a dip for anything though...potatoes, bread/pita, meat bites, carrot sticks. Yum. Yum. It's a little spicy but mostly creamy and just heartwarming.

Ever make it to Beaumont? They have the last Checkers in Texas.

Well, well, well. You've made my day! When my mom and stepdad visit, we're driving out there!


Is red velvet cake a Texas thing? And if so, why? Never really encountered it anywhere else I have lived but it is all over here (north of Houston).

I've lived in CA for almost 30 years and it's everywhere here and has been since I can remember.  What I can't remember is if it was a thing back when I was growing up in Vermont. 


I love Lean Cuisine, too.  My favorite is Mushroom Mezzaluna Ravioli.

I have a Checkers here but never eaten there. I will check out their burgers. Cool

I like all food so there is not much I can add to this thread other than I have never had a Lean Cuisine but I bet I wouldn't like them!

Be warned...I can't promise they're good. I loved them when I was 10 years old. They had 5 burgers for 5$ sometimes. My mom loved this deal. My idea of going out to eat when I was little was about once a month we'd get barbecue or Checkers burgers, and once a year for my stepdad's birthday we'd go to Outback.

Be warned...I can't promise they're good. I loved them when I was 10 years old. They had 5 burgers for 5$ sometimes. My mom loved this deal. My idea of going out to eat when I was little was about once a month we'd get barbecue or Checkers burgers, and once a year for my stepdad's birthday we'd go to Outback.



I do get that.  You just never know though.  The burger of my childhood was Hardys.  When I ran across one as an adult they were not the same.  I mean really they changed it wasn't a memory thing.  White Castle was another favorite and they still rule when you can find one.  I think they are down to just a few in the Midwest.  

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I do get that. You just never know though. The burger of my childhood was Hardys. When I ran across one as an adult they were not the same. I mean really they changed it wasn't a memory thing. White Castle was another favorite and they still rule when you can find one. I think they are down to just a few in the Midwest.

If you're out West & you like Hardee's (that's how you spell it, not with a Y at the end), go to a Carl's Jr. Restaurant. That's what they call Hardee's in that half of the country. It's exactly the same as Hardee's except for the name. Like Checker's is Rally's in some areas & Hellmann's mayonnaise is Best (or Best Foods) mayonnaise in different areas of the country.

As for the chains you all listed, Checker's is still around--we've had 1 in 1 of the strip malls by my neighborhood for, literally, years. Baja Fresh is also still around, as far as I know. It was the last time I was out West, anyway; they may have just closed in certain areas of the country--maybe the franchisee wanted out for some reason (mostly why my area no longer has Domino's [Pizza] or Sonic--the franchisee wanted to do something different & closed 'em all down). Boston Market & White Castle are also still around & doing fairly well, as far as I know (though, like Baja Fresh, we've never had them in my city proper); again, if they were in your area but aren't now, maybe they closed 'cause the franchisee wanted to move on. Unless corporate closed 'em for being unprofitable. I don't think White Castle is down to just a few in the Midwest, either.

How many restaurants a chain has--& where they are--can usually be checked via a "Store Locator" on the website for most/all restaurant chains, especially the national chains, if you wanna check/be sure.

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Ever make it to Beaumont? They have the last Checkers in Texas.

Checkers was in my neck of the woods for about 5 minutes 10 or so years ago in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I went one time and got the hugest piece of gristle I had ever seen in my life in my burger and was done. Gah ask my brother about me and gristle. However White Castle is alive and well. And pretty tasty too if you've had a cocktail or two!


Yes, I couldn't get the Checkers locations page to work. You have to type in a location to see if there's one nearby. There's not a straight list of all the stores, unfortunately. At least on the mobile site-all I can access.

What I can't stomach are fast food chicken sandwiches. One bite of uncooked or gristle veiny chicken had me vomit in high school. I've not had a chicken sandwich since. Though, I will eat chicken nuggets, which at most places are their own brand of yuck I guess...but I like Wendy's spicy nuggets, as well as, please don't kill me, Chic fil a's breakfast minis with added jack cheese. To be fair, I very, very rarely don't hate chicken anyway.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Don't know about Lean Cuisine, but I do know the four or five times I have given Healthy Choice a chance, it was bland as hell and tasted like cardboard.

Try their Italian foods if you haven't done so yet. Of all the diet frozen meals, those are the ones I find most tolerable. They may well be full of sodium, though, to compensate for the relative lack of fat.

Edited by GreekGeek
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Well, well, well. You've made my day! When my mom and stepdad visit, we're driving out there!


There are quite a few Checkers here in Southern Maryland. And states like Virginia and Ohio have Rally's, which is Checkers but with a different name (kind of like the East-West divide between Hardee's and Carl's Jr.).

Edited by UYI
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What I can't stomach are fast food chicken sandwiches. One bite of uncooked or gristle veiny chicken had me vomit in high school. I've not had a chicken sandwich since. Though, I will eat chicken nuggets, which at most places are their own brand of yuck I guess...but I like Wendy's spicy nuggets, as well as, please don't kill me, Chic fil a's breakfast minis with added jack cheese. To be fair, I very, very rarely don't hate chicken anyway.

This is me! OMG any bite of a chicken sandwich or nugget with any remotely odd "mouth feel" or veininess? ::shiver:: The difference between us is that I normally like chicken and I have had to give up Wendy's spicy nuggets due to aforementioned gristle issues. Which is sad because I did used to love them.

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I have a 3-1/2-year-old son who hates bacon, but loves Brussels sprouts. I don't understand it, but figure that means more bacon and fewer sprouts for me, so I'm good with it.


Doesn't like bacon? Loves Brussels sprouts? Your son is clearly a medical marvel! And if he doesn't want his bacon, by all means, send it here if you want to avoid temptation.  :-)


Sad to say I once accidentally ate a whole pound of it when I was a teenager. And it really was an accident. Even if it was a yummy one!


Brussels sprouts + bacon = one of my favorite combinations.


I still like to tease my best friend about the time when we were about eight and my mom fixed 10 pieces of bacon with our breakfast (ah, youthful metabolism and weekend treats), and my best friend managed to scarf down nine of them before I was ready to move on to my second one.  Obviously, I was having a rather unobservant kind of day. 

Edited by Bastet

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