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S09.E16: The Reunion, Part I

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Charli gained 45 pounds during COVID.

Wow. I’m actually feeling some compassion for James. He’s being very honest and aware of himself, for once.

(ETA: I wrote that after only watching about 15 minutes. Sorry!)

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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5 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I like Raquel’s dress. But not the color.

Raquel often has very pretty dresses on the show - I wasn't as crazy about this one.

God, what the hell was Katie WEARING? It was so ill-fitting and uncomfortable looking. Most of the rest of them looked good - as much as I dislike her, Lala had a lovely looking dress on (from what we could see).

Funniest part of the episode: Charli adamantly stating "People think I'm funny! They like me!".... crickets.

Apart from James' meltdown (I don't understand why he lets Brock set him off so much) I was impressed with how he and Raquel made their announcement on the show, and that Raquel returned the ring - even for LA fameho's that couldn't have been easy. I hope Raquel continues with her career aspirations.


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Yea the sex thing was weird. It was none for 2 years but then once a month all of a sudden. But maybe that was James saving face and Raquel letting him. Janes is still a little dbag and I don’t think it was mutual at all. Raquel was def the one to call it off. Janes isn’t that aware of himself.

Katie looked idiotic. Why was she wearing gloves? I wish Andy would’ve muted her she’s so screechy and annoying sometimes.

Sorry LaLa but all this crying you’re about to do about Randall - just don’t. You were the mistress at one time too. They never should’ve had a baby together either but LaLa just wanted that baby and potential child support cheque. Of course her mom is her new nanny.

Charli? Who cares.

Also pls of course James was doing coke too. They all do it. Nobody is shocked lol


Edited by Marley
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The cast of "Vanderpump Rules" reunites at SUR to discuss some of the most buzzworthy antics of the season

Some of the cast members phoned it in, due to epidemic concerns. Yeah, whatever. 🙄

I felt a little touched by DJ Muppet Baby and Raquel's announcement, but I thought we read about it in the media before filming the reunion. 🤔 I suspect a large portion of the reunion was going to be dedicated to this storyline, but now they got nothing.

Shut up, Charli! I neither care about your vague food issues nor losing the 45 epidemic pounds. Why is she even here? OK, she redeemed herself a little bit when she called out Schemer. Was it she or Schemer who urged Raquel to keep the engagement ring? 

Wow, I did not real Schemer had such a difficult birth! 😢

The Tom's fake business is nowhere near ready. 

Jax, with whom FI Tom is no longer speaking, tattled to successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks about the Toms' fake business. #YouBeenJaxed

I have mixed feelings about LaLa, but I swear it looked like she hadn't quite finished getting dressed on time.



Edited by Gharlane
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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Charli gained 45 pounds during COVID.

Wow. I’m actually feeling some compassion for James. He’s being very honest and aware of himself, for once.

What the fuck for ??!! Fuck him … he’s an arrogant asshole who treats people like shit .. nothing brought me more joy than to see him like that …only thing better if he walked in on Jax and Brock having their way with his ex fiancé 

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18 minutes ago, worleybird said:

So, according to my cable guide, Part 2 is tonight??

Yes, it's tonight.  Much better than having to wait a whole week. 

Edited by Shauna
just added that second line
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I've just peripherally kept up with the VP these last years and the cast changes. That said, just who the heck is Charli ? And she is so full of herself like she's been around for years.

I say: Go Raquel. Better yet: RUN.  This girl in the end, who often appeared ditsy and unconfident, is evolving into a smart young woman. I was also impressed with her real career aspirations. Admitted that she got caught up into the "LA life", including her modeling. But realized that she wants more. I think she is a sweet human being with deep empathy. She actually was very kind to James in the end.

Arianna has gained some weight this season. That's okay. 

And Katie and her personal style ? (clothing, hair, etc) Just continually awful.

LaLa is so beautiful. 

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9 hours ago, Marley said:

Also pls of course James was doing coke too.

Yup. Could also be a reason for his rage issues. Coke is not a good replacement if you're an alcoholic. Weed is not either but better than coke.

So why exactly couldn't Lala and Tom/Katie be in the studio? That was never made clear. We know Lala and Katie think they are too good for this cast and will always be devoted to Stassi, Brittney and Jax but that's not reason not to earn your check and show up in person. 

Raquel went a little too far revealing their sex life. James was embarrassed. Nobody's business. But now that it's out there... anybody thinking what I'm thinking that maybe James is gay and not ready to deal with it? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I still don't understand why some were in person and others had to zoom in.  I get covid protocols but are we to assume Lala, Katie & Schwartz either tested positive or are unvaxxed?  

No clue why Charli got a seat. I can't believe anyone actually cares about her 45lb weight gain or food issues. Yelling at Scheana didn't move me as it was obviously an attempt for a storyline/camera time.

Not sure what more can be said about Scheana. She's not going to change. Brock is the worst. Talk about entitlement, he actually had me rooting for James Kennedy! With the skeletons he has his in closet, there's no way he should be judging anyone. He screams opportunist, pretty sure he finagled the chance meeting with Scheana and is riding this wave for all it's worth.

As a fellow broad backed babe, I have to ask, WTF was Katie wearing?  Her poor bosum was crying out for oxygen. She also needs to keep Schwartz' venting about Sandoval private. I get standing up for her man but she's betraying a confidence and making him look bad. 

Finally, Sandoval is such a fucking pompous asshole and Ariana obviously got her pre-reunion marching orders to support him. I seriously despise them both so much, I want this show to be canceled just so I don't have to see them again.

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At first I thought that it was surprising that James and Raquel were being pretty mature and had a “united front” about their break-up…that is until they started questioning James’s substance-abuse and explosive anger issues…which threw him into one of his typical fits. I guess in retrospect now it makes a bit more sense why they were “sticking to the script” of the sole reason for the break-up being Raquel realizing they’re not soul mates, which takes the blame entirely off of James’s behavior and puts the blame on “the fates” or the universe or god or whatever destiny determines whether they’re meant to be. So the second the “blame” was taken off destiny and James was asked to make any introspective comment on the part he may have played in the demise of his relationship, he lost his damn mind, per usual. Good for you, Raquel! Stay far away!

Edited by JenE4
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52 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Raquel went a little too far revealing their sex life. James was embarrassed. Nobody's business. But now that it's out there... anybody thinking what I'm thinking that maybe James is gay and not ready to deal with it? 

It could also be that he has a case of good, old-fashioned "coke dick".

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7 minutes ago, bosawks said:


1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Raquel went a little too far revealing their sex life. James was embarrassed. Nobody's business. But now that it's out there... anybody thinking what I'm thinking that maybe James is gay and not ready to deal with it? 

It could also be that he has a case of good, old-fashioned "coke dick".

I thought coke gave one boners that certain medicines warn you about on TV.

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58 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So why exactly couldn't Lala and Tom/Katie be in the studio? That was never made clear. We know Lala and Katie think they are too good for this cast and will always be devoted to Stassi, Brittney and Jax but that's not reason not to earn your check and show up in person. 

I'm thinking they must have been exposed or still in a quarantine period. I can't imagine that they could be unvaccinated as most of these shows are being pretty rigid about that if someone wants to be filming. I don't have specific info about this show and vaccination, but there have been actors on other shows who have been fired for not being vaccinated. I think it has become a bit of an industry standard as there is so much money involved in making these shows and having to shut down production because everyone is sick is something they do not want.

57 minutes ago, snarts said:

As a fellow broad backed babe, I have to ask, WTF was Katie wearing?  Her poor bosum was crying out for oxygen. She also needs to keep Schwartz' venting about Sandoval private. I get standing up for her man but she's betraying a confidence and making him look bad. 


There have been rumors that she's pregnant so perhaps her dress was ill fitting and tight because of that?  I'm in the minority in that I like Katie more than most, but even that aside I was happy that she was telling Sandoval all those things. Yes, Schwartz was dismayed that she was revealing the things he's been complaining to her about and normally I'd be totally for a spouse keeping their counsel. But Sandoval is so terrible and makes it a point to make it seem that he's 99.99% responsible for any success the Toms have had. Katie must get so frustrated both in having Sandoval do and say these things on the show to make her Tom look like an idiot and in having to see and hear from her Tom as to what he's contributing and how aggravated he gets with Sandoval's behavior.

Yes, she shouldn't reveal things, but we know that Schwartz would never say anything. And if it's true that he's doing the bulk of the work while Sandoval swans around doing his music and whatever (which I totally believe), then I will cheer her on in revealing that. 

57 minutes ago, snarts said:

Finally, Sandoval is such a fucking pompous asshole and Ariana obviously got her pre-reunion marching orders to support him. I seriously despise them both so much, I want this show to be canceled just so I don't have to see them again.

I loathe Sandoval but had started to soften on Ariana, but this reunion is reminding me why I dislike her. She is so convinced that she's the cool girl (I think she even said it this season). I think of the description of the 'cool girl' in the book Gone Girl:


“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl."

That's Ariana to me. And I do not like.

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Raquel calling off the wedding was probably the best decision she’s ever made.I think she’s a sweet girl and glad to hear that she’s getting herself together and has a plan for her future. I wish her luck. 
James was humbled for the first time ever. His anger issues are really scary. 
Despite the fact that I think LaLa is a shit person, she looked beautiful and her backdrop was perfect.  
Brock is a total loser and user. Scheana is just so clueless and annoying. While we seen some of the others grow up (maybe just a little) she is still the same. Interesting that they just HAD to get married on James and Raquel’s engagement weekend, but now how many months later they still haven’t. Wonder who Brock will try to get to foot the bill on their next attempt.


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I am usually the sap who feels bad for even baddies at their downfall. But I didn't feel any sads for LaLa. Don't know why. Just nothing at all.  She looked all bitter and put out, not able to believe that Tubs would ever cheat on her. Believe it!  Maybe a little humiliation will help her. 

I don't get the Sandovol hate. He actually seems like a pretty good egg to me.  




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3 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

There have been rumors that she's pregnant so perhaps her dress was ill fitting and tight because of that?  I'm in the minority in that I like Katie more than most, but even that aside I was happy that she was telling Sandoval all those things. Yes, Schwartz was dismayed that she was revealing the things he's been complaining to her about and normally I'd be totally for a spouse keeping their counsel. But Sandoval is so terrible and makes it a point to make it seem that he's 99.99% responsible for any success the Toms have had. Katie must get so frustrated both in having Sandoval do and say these things on the show to make her Tom look like an idiot and in having to see and hear from her Tom as to what he's contributing and how aggravated he gets with Sandoval's behavior.

Yes, she shouldn't reveal things, but we know that Schwartz would never say anything. And if it's true that he's doing the bulk of the work while Sandoval swans around doing his music and whatever (which I totally believe), then I will cheer her on in revealing that. 

I like Katie too and would be happy for them if the pregnancy rumors are true. I just think the dress was a bad choice regardless, it made her look wider than she is and was too tight to be comfortable. Maybe it looked better standing up or in person but the zoom view wasn't good.

I'm always glad when she outs Sandoval for the peacock that he is. However, I wish she would've done it without all the "Tom told me, Tom said" etc. If made Schwartz look even more weak/timid for not standing up for himself & saying those things directly to Sandoval.

While I applauded Raquel for breaking things off with James, I would throw a damn party if Schwartz broke up with Sandoval. 

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When you start off as someone's mistress, don't be surprised when he turns around and cheats on you. (AHEM LALA.)

Whenever I see Katie, I think of Princess Diana's line from her famous interview about how "there were three of us in this marriage." She realizes that she's also married to Sandoval, right? And that Schwartz will never leave him? Honestly, he'll divorce Katie before he divorces Sandoval.

Brock sucks.

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2 hours ago, AnnieBananie said:

When you start off as someone's mistress, don't be surprised when he turns around and cheats on you. (AHEM LALA.)

I've always heard the term, 'If he does it with you, he'll do it to you'. 

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2 hours ago, Flutterby said:

I've always heard the term, 'If he does it with you, he'll do it to you'. 

"What do you get when you marry a guy who cheats on his wife? A guy who cheats on his wife".

"When a mistress marries the man she's cheating with, it creates a vacancy".

No sympathy for Lala. I was CHEERING when Raquel blithely outed her (something everyone already knew, but everyone tiptoed around). GO RAQUEL! As much as I dislike Brock, he was correct - she was in it for the Land Rover & lifestyle - she had no interest in the chinless wonder. 

I also loved how they all dissed pickle-ball! That was my favourite part of the whole episode!

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7 hours ago, snarts said:

I like Katie too and would be happy for them if the pregnancy rumors are true. I just think the dress was a bad choice regardless, it made her look wider than she is and was too tight to be comfortable. Maybe it looked better standing up or in person but the zoom view wasn't good.

I'm always glad when she outs Sandoval for the peacock that he is. However, I wish she would've done it without all the "Tom told me, Tom said" etc. If made Schwartz look even more weak/timid for not standing up for himself & saying those things directly to Sandoval.

While I applauded Raquel for breaking things off with James, I would throw a damn party if Schwartz broke up with Sandoval. 

I agree, but I don't think that Katie is pregnant, if her appearance is any indication.  I think each time they took a break, she smoked another bowl - she seemed to get more stoned as the reunion dragged on.


5 hours ago, AnnieBananie said:

When you start off as someone's mistress, don't be surprised when he turns around and cheats on you. (AHEM LALA.)

Whenever I see Katie, I think of Princess Diana's line from her famous interview about how "there were three of us in this marriage." She realizes that she's also married to Sandoval, right? And that Schwartz will never leave him? Honestly, he'll divorce Katie before he divorces Sandoval.

Brock sucks.


2 hours ago, Flutterby said:

I've always heard the term, 'If he does it with you, he'll do it to you'. 

Yup....and even LVP agrees - she said something to the effect of "The way you got him is the way you'll lose him."


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14 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

I've just peripherally kept up with the VP these last years and the cast changes. That said, just who the heck is Charli ? And she is so full of herself like she's been around for years.

Last season she was just a side piece who worked at Sur and she WAS funny in her THs - making fun of Jax and calling him Grandpa, and exposing the grossest Sur employee ever - Brett - for the douchebag that he was.  She was better as a fellow employee and commentator than an actual cast member!

2 hours ago, Cheezwiz said:

No sympathy for Lala. I was CHEERING when Raquel blithely outed her (something everyone already knew, but everyone tiptoed around). GO RAQUEL! As much as I dislike Brock, he was correct - she was in it for the Land Rover & lifestyle - she had no interest in the chinless wonder. 

Revenge was indeed a dish best served cold by Raquel this season - first of all asking others to be her bridesmaids in front of "Lala" last week, and then outing her this week 😂.  "Lala" has been a total bitch to her over the years and I'm happy for Raquel to end on a high note!

Also:  Katie looked like she first slithered into her dress and gloves, and then gained 20 lbs.  

Edited by princelina
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2 hours ago, Cheezwiz said:

No sympathy for Lala. I was CHEERING when Raquel blithely outed her (something everyone already knew, but everyone tiptoed around). GO RAQUEL! As much as I dislike Brock, he was correct - she was in it for the Land Rover & lifestyle - she had no interest in the chinless wonder. 


But But But... they are SOULMATES!!!!  She said it so many times!!!!


1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Katie’s dress is hurting her breasts.


19 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Katie’s dress is hurting my breasts….

When I see women dressed in breast-hurting clothes, I find myself shallow-breathing, even though I'm wearing my husband's XL t-shirt.



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44 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

No one confessed that they’re relieved Raquel dodged that bullet. Do we suspect James immediately fell off the wagon after they wrapped the Reunion?

They always seem to root for him in spite of his outbursts (well, except maybe Brock). I'm sure Raquel's family must be heaving the most enormous sigh of relief EVER. Personally, for me there was never any way James was going to come back after the horrific rage texts he sent to Raquel. It's interesting that she pointed that incident out as the turning point in their relationship. I'm amazed they hung on as long as they did, because his behavior was straight up abusive, and I don't understand why no one really called him on it - the things he said were appalling. I can't imagine calling someone I supposedly loved those names under any circumstances, sober or not. Raquel seems like a genuinely kind person, and she's well rid of him.

James may have addressed his drinking problem, which is important, but he hasn't addressed his underlying behavioural issues. He assumed everything would magically fall into place once he quit drinking - the drinking was a smokescreen for him being an asshole. He's a dry drunk.


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On 1/26/2022 at 9:46 PM, princelina said:

Katie looked like she first slithered into her dress and gloves, and then gained 20 lbs.  

My heart goes out to Katie as she has serious body issues and I cringe at any comments about weight gain. She needs to ignore trolls who body shame her. Who knows, she may be going through IVF which puts weight on. She's beautiful as she is and needs to ignore any body commentaries.

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29 minutes ago, Chalby said:

My heart goes out to Katie as she has serious body issues and I cringe at any comments about weight gain. She needs to ignore trolls who body shame her. Who knows, she may be going through IVF which puts weight on. She's beautiful as she is and needs to ignore any body commentaries.

My point is never to "body shame" but rather to "outfit shame".  For the most part all of the women (here and HWs) have nice figures but can't dress themselves for anything.  Katie looked awful in her outfit because it was way too tight and small is how I could have said it nicer.

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1 minute ago, princelina said:

My point is never to "body shame" but rather to "outfit shame".  For the most part all of the women (here and HWs) have nice figures but can't dress themselves for anything.  Katie looked awful in her outfit because it was way too tight and small is how I could have said it nicer.

Sorry, not directed at you specifically. I was remembering different digs from James, Lala, Stassi, LVP's party planner guy who body shamed her while she worked an event etc., and I feel for her anytime her weight it brought up because we've seen her struggle with body image. We rarely hear the guys being put down about their bodies. Katie hears about it every season.

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2 minutes ago, Chalby said:

Sorry, not directed at you specifically. I was remembering different digs from James, Lala, Stassi, LVP's party planner guy who body shamed her while she worked an event etc., and I feel for her anytime her weight it brought up because we've seen her struggle with body image. We rarely hear the guys being put down about their bodies. Katie hears about it every season.

Yeah I know - and I remember someone on here saying they had seen her in public (after she had gained weight and was no longer as thin as she was in original seasons) and she was very tiny!  I just don't understand why these women, especially after their first reunion, don't do things like sit down in their dresses, take a few photos or videos with cell phones to assess how they look, and come out looking really great!  It's not rocket science.  And unless they're seriously underweight they should never ever ever wear long gloves!  (they shouldn't anyway because they are stupid and tacky 😄 )

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On 3/3/2022 at 7:47 PM, princelina said:

Yeah I know - and I remember someone on here saying they had seen her in public (after she had gained weight and was no longer as thin as she was in original seasons) and she was very tiny!  I just don't understand why these women, especially after their first reunion, don't do things like sit down in their dresses, take a few photos or videos with cell phones to assess how they look, and come out looking really great!  It's not rocket science.  And unless they're seriously underweight they should never ever ever wear long gloves!  (they shouldn't anyway because they are stupid and tacky 😄 )

I don’t know if you’re referring to my comment specifically, but I was for sure one of those people! (LOL I actually came to the boards and posted as soon as I could, I was so excited) When I saw her, she was toned, and REALLY pretty. I could see how her body type would “read” as heavier, especially next to many of her cast mates, but she was FAR from fat. 

I’m heavier than I’d prefer to be at this time, but even when I weigh my “normal” weight I have a figure that’s hard to dress. So I can empathize.

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