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S01.E05: Chapter Five - Return of the Mandalorian

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The show's really trying to sell that non-Jedi aren't safe using lightsabers, huh. Though this also highlights how much of Mando's body isn't actually armored with beskar. (Also, beskar or no, seems foolish to let his jetpack take hits when there are armor plates with less complicated technology underneath.)

Wow, there are ringworlds in Star Wars??? and this whole thing looks very much like the Citadel of Mass Effect. (I know, Mass Effect is itself very influenced by Star Wars.) But still, elevators, a general 1970s sci fi aesthetic, people aimlessly shifting around which passes for dancing -- very very Mass Effect. The elevators take a lot less time than Mass Effect though.

Why doesn't Mando carry some field first aid? I thought Star Wars people had tiny travel sized bacta dispensers like (post-2020) real life people have hand sanitizer bottles.

The Armorer!!!!!!! ... ehhh, the duel with Paz Vizsla was underwhelming. But at least the Armorer cast Din out of their now-tiny cult. Honestly, I think she already knew the answer to whether he'd ever removed his helmet in the company of others and she held off on asking that question until circumstances (like the duel) forced her to. (BTW, did Mando hold a vibroblade up to Paz Vizsla's neck? Is that what vibroblades look like?)

Yay, it's Peli Motto! (Amy Sedaris, and yes, I am looking up Wookieepedia to get the character names.)

A starfighter might be more manueverable than the Razorcrest, but you can't replace a space van with a space sports car. There's no place to just lie down for the night, there's definitely no space for a carbonite freezing chamber. Also, it's always bugged me since the first movies that a starfighter can basically fly as far and as fast as any large ship, so I've always been annoyed at this part of SW canon.

Aw, Motto remembered Mando doesn't like droids! and I guess that little astromech bubble is clear for Grogu to sit in now. I would quibble that the entire Motto scenes have way too much Star Wars lingo. I generally prefer it when it's an occasional spice and this is like if they took the pepper shaker cap off and just poured the whole bottle over the script.

Carson Teva! (Paul Sun-Hyung Lee) This ep is basically a Mandalorian supercut of return cameos.

Mando must be bored as shit if he's willing to get into a fight for free for Boba Fett, who (1) isn't a real Mandalorian by Mando's creed and (2) they were already square after they helped him get Grogu back.

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I haven’t been watching this show, but I saw this morning that John Campea posted a quick reaction to this episode on his YouTube channel, and based on his comments, and my affection for “The Mandalorian,” I knew I just had to watch this particular episode.  (One hilarious comment under the Campea’s video said that Boba Fett was like the longstanding crush you finally get with and then realize you’ve been in love with your best friend (Mando) all along — haha!)

It was a delightful Mandalorian episode:  an engrossing character study.  One small touch that I liked was that Grogu’s gift was wrapped up so that the package looked like Grogu’s head, with the little flaps that looked like his ears—precious!

It was compelling to see the Armorer and Paz again, but I thought the best parts were when the contrast between Din’s somber manner and the world at large were allowed to take center stage (with his first bounty, with Amy Sedaris, with the space cops, with Din having to check his weapons on the commercial flight).

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So the best episode of Boba Fett is a surprise episode of the Mandalorian s3. Lol

Did Mando get an address of the Jedi training camp from Luke? Since he didn't even look like he asked for his name. How is he going to find him to give is present? I hope it's a Beskar ball like the one Grogu kept taking from the ship. 

That ship is fast and all but where is he going to sleep. He's going to pay to board places now. 

The blade being heavy or lighter depending on the user connecting to it is from Rebels. Sabine was taught from jedi's how to wield it. Mando needs to learn if he wants it. I'm also surprised Bo Katan let him leave with it. 

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A ringworld! that's a scale of engineering we've never seen before in the star wars universe.

2 hours ago, arc said:

a general 1970s sci fi aesthetic,

the shot of the space liner leaving the ringworld had a very 70s it's only a model + matte painting feel to it.


2 hours ago, arc said:

but you can't replace a space van with a space sports car.

I know, you're not going to be able to haul around grogu and his junior jedi soccer team in that.

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35 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:


3 hours ago, arc said:

but you can't replace a space van with a space sports car.

I know, you're not going to be able to haul around grogu and his junior jedi soccer team in that.

His new ship is like his “midlife crisis sports car,” but when he gets full custody of his kid back, he’s going to need to trade that in for a sensible suburban dad SUV.

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6 hours ago, magdalene said:

(I want Grogu to sit in the bubble of the new ship.) 10/10.

I thought the same exact thing!  It's like it was perfectly made for him.  (I also want to know what Mando had cast for him in beskar.  I was hoping for a helmet, but the package is too small.)  

This show has been dragging for me, but this was the best episode by far.  I guess that says something about the character of Boba Fett?

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First episode that had the right amount of Boba Fett.

Grogu got some chain mail.

New space ship has nowhere to sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, no space for food, water, fuel, weapons, oxygen, friends, or a can of air freshener.

The new space ship has no room for supplies or his bounties. I guess Mando will only be taking them dead, never alive (a head, in his new see-thru head compartment). At least the bounty head will allow him to use the carpool lane of the hyper vector.

Good thing Mando melted down the spear, it wouldn't have fit in the suitcase, he would have had to put it in the overhead compartment.

Mando was smart to bring aboard a personal jetpack, just in case the starliner got into trouble.

I guess at some time Mando will head into the mines of Mandalore and find that Mythical Beast that The Armorer was blathering on about. She knows that it is down there and Mando is "The Man" to find it.

Mando, time to work on those Triceps, the Darksaber's not going to wield itself.

So was that little kid supposed to remind us of our cute beloved Grogu, the only thing he had going for him was that he was green, otherwise "no dice".


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3 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

Grogu is small but he's not that small. That thing looked tiny for any kind of helmet or chest plate. I don't know what else he'd be giving him. I guess it can be chain mail but why was it balled up. Lol

I haven't see this episode yet--will watch when I get home from work later. However, regarding a small package...could it contain the round ball topper from Mando's ship that Grogu kept taking and playing with?

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The Book of Boba Fett basically turns into an episode of The Mandalorian and... well, frankly, it's a lot better for it.

Seriously, I don't want to hate on the show and the character of Boba too much, but it really is insane just how much more watchable, likable, and interesting Mando/Djarin is as a character and how superior he is as a lead.  I also wouldn't be surprised if almost all of his scenes were done by one of the doubles, but it's amazing just how much he/they can do with their physicality and just how much Pedro Pascal can bring to the proceedings with his voice work.  Just a simple sigh or a particular head tilt can say so much and you can even see the combine charisma radiate on screen underneath that visor.  It really is fascinating to see how successful they have been on that front.

As for the story itself, I thought it was a nice little character study and catch-up for Mando.  Not surprised he has gone back to his bounty hunting ways, but it is obvious that he still cares and misses his little buddy/son, and is driven to reunite with him.  At least he's got a ship now, even if it isn't the Razor Crest!  A Naboo fighter of all things, too.  Pretty impressive, but it did seem kind of small, so I wonder if he is going to have to buy some kind of attachment or extra space if he wants to keep doing his thing.

Cool seeing The Armorer again, but it is no surprise that this particular Mandalorian faction is still weird as hell, and basically booted Mando once they found out he took his helmet off at one point.  It sounds like there might be a complicated way for Mando to be redeemed in their eyes, but at this point, I don't think he should bother.  Just leave that cult to be the ultra weirdos that they are!  Bo Katana and her group are so much cooler!

Great seeing Peli Motto and her group of droids again as well.

The space station/ringworld thing was an interesting concept that I want to learn more about.  But what I also want to see more of?  Commercial space transportation!  We know they have to check weapons into a carry on at least, but what about everything else?!  Do they also board by rows?  Do they get inflight service and entertainment?!  Do the chairs lean back?!!  Do they have to watch those safety videos also?!!

Another impressive showing from Bryce Dallas Howard behind the camera.  If she keeps this up, I'd be curious to see her direct an entire Star Wars film if that is something she'd be interested in.

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4 minutes ago, kimaken said:

I haven't see this episode yet--will watch when I get home from work later. However, regarding a small package...could it contain the round ball topper from Mando's ship that Grogu kept taking and playing with?

No, they showed The Armorer making little links for a chain and since Beskar can't be used for a weapon it has to go on some type of armor.

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5 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Were those links, or were those shavings that came off of whatever the Armorer was making?  I couldn't tell.

She definitely didn’t use the whole spear for Grogu’s present. But yeah, it looked like she was making chain mail.

It’s a bit disappointing that they set up (or really, feinted) that Mando would learn sword skills from the Armorer, then was almost  immediately kicked out of the covert instead. He won that duel with regular dagger (vibroblade) fighting. And for all the talk about not fighting the darksaber, it’s not like Paz Vizsla either noticed the same effect nor was so much better at wielding the thing that he didn’t suffer it. Both of them just seemed to be regular levels of bad at using it.

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24 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Maybe he could learn the sword skills from someone else. Ahsoka would be better equipped to teach him to use his laser sword. Lol Or Luke if he's going to see Grogu. 

The Armour only had knowledge of it she doesn't know how to wield it either. 

There were a lot of nods to Star Wars Rebels where we saw the Dark Sabre last. Callen told how the dark saber had to guide you until you were one with it. Otherwise you cannot handle it right. I do agree though, Mando is the better fighter and after the Armorer told them of the story on how to reunite the clans and redeem himself. Well, like I said, all set up for season 3 of Mando.

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13 hours ago, magdalene said:

This episode made me so happy I cried.  I am excited for the first time to be watching this show.

Same here (except for the crying part). I was grinning and loving it almost the entire episode, which is not my typical reaction to an episode of this series. We got an homage to the A-Team build scenes, and it tapped into George Lucas's hot-rod phase which gave us American Graffiti.

10 hours ago, arc said:

I would quibble that the entire Motto scenes have way too much Star Wars lingo. I generally prefer it when it's an occasional spice and this is like if they took the pepper shaker cap off and just poured the whole bottle over the script.

I was okay with it, because if they had been discussing a real car, I would have been just as lost when they were discussing the parts and how they fit together, so the techno-babble didn't bother me. I also felt like I didn't need to understand it for the scene to make sense. 

7 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

So the best episode of Boba Fett is a surprise episode of the Mandalorian s3. Lol

I totally and completely 100% agree with this statement. 

4 hours ago, paigow said:

Once again, some genius built long catwalks without any railings!!! Instead of handing out speeding tickets, the X-Wing cops should be enforcing OHSA rules!

I am going to post this image, and will admit it is super nerdy and cheesy. Apparently the government after the Empire isn't any better in terms of design safety. 


I want to see what's inside the little package. I'm guessing its small and adorable. I was thinking that Grogu sized beskar armor would be the cutest thing ever. I did love that the package looked like Grogu's head. 

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7 hours ago, MrWhyt said:

A ringworld! that's a scale of engineering we've never seen before in the star wars universe.

The very first movie had a space station the size of a moon, The Force Awakens had a planet converted into an even bigger Death Star, and Snoke’s capital ship dwarfed regular capital ships from previous movies.

if anything, the ringworld calls into question why even build one when ships as small as the Millennium Falcon and Razorcrest have working artificial gravity, no centripetal spinning needed.

Loved this episode! I really miss Mando. Its been fun to see a different Star Wars world, by Mando is definitely one of my favorite characters.

Watching Mando fight the Darksaber was watching history repeat it almost rhymed. The forms, the saber getting heavier. Sabine Wren had to face her demons to wield it, I wonder what Mando will confront to finally wield it. If only there was a Jedi or Mandalorian who had trained with the Darksaber before to help Din…

I’ve been trying to figure out the puzzle of Boba Fett-I’m kinda in the camp of this was a side quest story in the world of Mando. I wanted to see Boba on Mandalore with Din, see him see that part of his heritage.  I liked this idea of Din seeing all the different ideas of what makes a Mandalorian, between the Children of the Watch, Bo Katan, and now Boba. Which makes me really hope he gets to start seeing some clans that survived the bombing of Mandalore-like Clan Wren. 


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11 hours ago, arc said:

Wow, there are ringworlds in Star Wars??? and this whole thing looks very much like the Citadel of Mass Effect.

I said the same thing while watching.

I can't believe Mando said Wizard.😂  if it wasn't for Robot Chicken I'd have hated it.

Fantastic episode, easily the best of the series and that's a problem. I don't think Boba Fett has a story to tell.

Loved the fact that Mando is going to see his little buddy and, had something forged for him. I can't wait to see it! 

I love everything about the Mandalorian pity this was the wrong series.

I really liked that Mando cut himself with the Dark Saber while fighting. I always said that should happen to someone because those damn things are so dangerous. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 13
4 hours ago, arc said:

It’s a bit disappointing that they set up (or really, feinted) that Mando would learn sword skills from the Armorer, then was almost  immediately kicked out of the covert instead. He won that duel with regular dagger (vibroblade) fighting. And for all the talk about not fighting the darksaber, it’s not like Paz Vizsla either noticed the same effect nor was so much better at wielding the thing that he didn’t suffer it. Both of them just seemed to be regular levels of bad at using it.

I watched the episode again and if you watched closely, Paz Vizsla (everytime I see that name I think of the dog breed, the Vizsla, from Hungary), he had trouble lifting the the saber.  It was heavy for him too.  He couldn't seem to lift it very far, despite his strength, and didn't know how to wield it either.  

I did have to laugh to myself that all of those new Mando action figures with the beskar spear are no longer accurate. 

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3 hours ago, arc said:

The very first movie had a space station the size of a moon, The Force Awakens had a planet converted into an even bigger Death Star, and Snoke’s capital ship dwarfed regular capital ships from previous movies.

if anything, the ringworld calls into question why even build one when ships as small as the Millennium Falcon and Razorcrest have working artificial gravity, no centripetal spinning needed.

A ringworld based on Earth's orbit would have a circumference of 940 MILLION km. We didn't get any reference to see the size of this one but I still think it's safe to say it dwarfs the death stars and anything else.

Wow, this episode really showed the weaknesses of the show so far. I’ve really tried to get into it, but not even Ming-Na is enough. One outing with Mando and Peli and I loved every second if it!  My biggest fear was we would return to the main storyline…but we didn’t until the end! Hooray!

I can’t wait for Mando season 3!

hopefully the amazing physical and voice work from Mando will save the last 2 episodes from being a snooze fest. 

Edited by Eliza422
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1 hour ago, MrWhyt said:

A ringworld based on Earth's orbit would have a circumference of 940 MILLION km. We didn't get any reference to see the size of this one but I still think it's safe to say it dwarfs the death stars and anything else.

Why is there a slaughterhouse on Ringworld? Is there some grassy pasture for livestock?? 

1 hour ago, paigow said:

Why is there a slaughterhouse on Ringworld? Is there some grassy pasture for livestock?? 

slaughterhouses used to be concentrated in Chicago as a transportation and population center even if that's not where the livestock was raised.

That said, it's surprising this wasn't done with droids instead of organic labor.

4 minutes ago, arc said:

slaughterhouses used to be concentrated in Chicago as a transportation and population center even if that's not where the livestock was raised.

That said, it's surprising this wasn't done with droids instead of organic labor.

A train ride for a bunch of steers from Kansas / Nebraska to Chicago is more affordable than chartering the Millennium Falcon for hauling live Tauntauns or Banthas

Amazing episode. There is so much to process. 

Mando flying commercial was comic gold. 

17 hours ago, arc said:

The show's really trying to sell that non-Jedi aren't safe using lightsabers, huh.

I didn’t get that at all. They were just showing that it is a specialized weapon that has to be handled differently. Plus a non-Jedi has mastered the dark saber with training. 


8 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

Maybe he could learn the sword skills from someone else. Ahsoka would be better equipped to teach him to use his laser sword. Lol Or Luke if he's going to see Grogu. 

I feel like there is one obvious choice. If they don’t introduce Sabine and have her teach him it’s a massively wasted opportunity. She was taught by a Jedi and has the Mandalorian mindset. Plus Mando could really benefit from her perspective on Mandalore. 

39 minutes ago, paigow said:

She is either searching for Ezra or waiting for Ahsoka to pick her up

And? That’s doesn’t mean their paths can’t cross. Somehow Mando keep finding Captain Appa. It’s a pretty small galaxy after all.

Why wait until Ashoka to introduce her when bringing her on this show or The Mandalorian would help build more hype for the spin-off?

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