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S04.E08: Yard Sale, Phone Fail, and a College Betrayal

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4 hours ago, Rocknrollzombie said:


I saw someone that them mentioning hell and Roseanne just seems way to petty at this point. Just like some many users on the conners Reddit are always mentioning her of how she would be feeling probably watching.  Like  Roseanne herself has moved on, living in Hawaii living her life as best she can. While some writers, producers and even ‘fans’ seem to still have some weird vendetta against her that she practically lives rent free in their heads.

I wonder how some of the actors feel towards Roseanne. Three can pull their weight and force a change in the script if they wanted to.


I'll be surprised if there is a season 5 at this point. Stories getting recycled and characters are just there doing nothing. 

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7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I can easily see the kids making a joke about Bev being in hell, or perhaps Nana Mary. But Roseanne died of a drug overdose after becoming addicted to pain killers. That's a pretty tragic thing to joke about, especially this soon. I really don't buy the idea that this is typical of the Conner kids. I don't know if it was meant as an inside jab against Roseanne Barr or if it was just more lazy writing. 

I don't buy it either.  I've been wracking my brain on why Roseanne Conner would deserve to be in hell.

I've already given my worthy of two cents thought on this.

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This show just gets worse every episode.

I feel like I’m crazy because once again Darlene has this new great guy all into her and it makes no sense at all. There is no appeal to Darlene she’s a negative jerk who loves cheating so yay every guy must wanna be with her. 

Dan burning the furniture was so dumb. Sell it to the guy for $100 or donate it. 

Like many have said it makes no sense that none of the kids seem to care their mom died. 

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3 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

I don't buy it either.  I've been wracking my brain on why Roseanne Conner would deserve to be in hell.

I've already given my worthy of two cents thought on this.

How about stealing a second stove? Or breaking in to a rival and hiding dead fish to shut the B u siness down? And constantly, purposely passing the neighbors off?  Holding her granddaughter's head under water? She really was a horrible person

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3 hours ago, bobalina said:

How about stealing a second stove? Or breaking in to a rival and hiding dead fish to shut the B u siness down? And constantly, purposely passing the neighbors off?  Holding her granddaughter's head under water? She really was a horrible person

Just because someone can be horrible or mean doesn’t mean there are no people who love that person. Every human being isn’t supposed to be perfect. Even characters have their flaws it what makes them human. 

No one in this world is meant to be perfect all the time and do no wrong. We all have done things we aren’t proud of, made choices that don’t align with someone else’s ideals but that doesn’t stop other people from caring about you. My grandfather wasn’t a great father from what I hear sometimes but that doesn’t mean me or the other grandkids or my grandmother or his sons and daughters didn’t love him. It has been 5 years since his passing and just seeing a photo of him when he was alive makes me cry because I miss him.


Edited by Rocknrollzombie
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On 12/2/2021 at 7:01 PM, rmontro said:

Good point.  Who burns furniture?  At least sell it to the guy for $100.

And that gigantic fire so close to the house in a suburban neighborhood at night?! The police would have been there for sure. This show is idiotic a lot.  Sell the stuff online, or donate it, morons. If it was a solid wood vintage set, he could have gotten decent money. They hardly make quality anymore. Another example of why these people are poor white trash. 

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8 hours ago, Rocknrollzombie said:

Just because someone can be horrible or mean doesn’t mean there are no people who love that person. Every human being isn’t supposed to be perfect. Even characters have their flaws it what makes them human. 

No one in this world is meant to be perfect all the time and do no wrong. We all have done things we aren’t proud of, made choices that don’t align with someone else’s ideals but that doesn’t stop other people from caring about you. My grandfather wasn’t a great father from what I hear sometimes but that doesn’t mean me or the other grandkids or my grandmother or his sons and daughters didn’t love him. It has been 5 years since his passing and just seeing a photo of him when he was alive makes me cry because I miss him.


People loved Hitler too. Even horrid people may have people who love them or at least fear them enough to pretend. Roseanne Connor was horrid, the question was why would she deserve hell. There were myriads of reasons.

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wow, can't believe they had Dj saying that line about conceiving kids on that mattress when we had a  whole episode about them getting a new one.   So lazy with these kinds of mistakes.  That's when the writing on this show was actually realistic, waiting for a sale, stacking an employee discount, etc.   Honestly, I feel like John Goodman knows that the writing is trash.  His lines seem off to me and it's like he can't figure out how to be affectionate in a realistic way with Louise.   It's all him getting wide eyed when Louise doesn't give him shit for enabling is loser kids and tolerating stuff no normal person would want to be involved in, then saying something like 'Wow !  You're so cool!  I love you honey!'  The original show was a lot more about what motivated the characters, like how they had Daddy issues, or came from abusive homes, or whatever.    

Also, why is Dan so chilled out lately?   I get that he's older now, but the original writers gave Dan a temper, and he did pop off from time to time when the kids were being ridiculous/rebellious.   I don't see the old dan sitting here when Harris was shoving her mom across the room for example


Edited by lexiexx
added something
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17 hours ago, bobalina said:

How about stealing a second stove? Or breaking in to a rival and hiding dead fish to shut the B u siness down? And constantly, purposely passing the neighbors off?  Holding her granddaughter's head under water? She really was a horrible person

Thou Shalt Not Steal.  Yeah, that gets you a one-way ticket to meet Satan every time.  A prank meant to stop the competition.  What is passing the neighbors off?  Passing by them or passing them off a some other people?  Every parent who disciplined their children or grandchildren in an unseemly fashion but didn't harm them would be in hell.  Does Aunt Jackie deserve to go to hell to because she slapped Darlene?

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50 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Thou Shalt Not Steal.  Yeah, that gets you a one-way ticket to meet Satan every time.  A prank meant to stop the competition.  What is passing the neighbors off?  Passing by them or passing them off a some other people?  Every parent who disciplined their children or grandchildren in an unseemly fashion but didn't harm them would be in hell.  Does Aunt Jackie deserve to go to hell to because she slapped Darlene?

Pissing. Belittling your husband and not allowing him to help raise his own kids?

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I wanted to add this thought to the hell discussion that I didn't make explicitly before:  The point is why would the daughters or son of Roseanne Conner believe she could, should or would go to hell?  They all loved their mother, still do and despite the writing on The Conners still miss her.

I am now ending any further discussion on my part on this topic.

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Roseanne did good things and bad things like all other humans.  She also tried to teach her kids not to be racist, took in David, let her grown kids move back home when they needed to, gave food stamps to the neighbor.  I think the 'she's in hell' idea was just a joke and in bad taste.  I do think its kind of weird that none of them seem to be upset at all over her being dead.   Their characters never show any emotion at all about her and that's just more out of character bad writing in my opinion.  


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On 12/1/2021 at 11:34 PM, Bastet said:

Holy hell, once again they decline to let even one of the kids express some mixed emotions about Louise marrying Dan and moving in.  They like her, they know she's good for Dan, they're happy.  But, the only reason any of this has happened is that their mom, with whom he was also happy (so it's not like what's in the past is a miserable marriage or one that only lasted out of inertia), died.  There's going to be the occasional twinge.  But we're apparently never going to see it.

We've seen realistic reactions from Dan all along, so I appreciate that, and we got one moment from Jackie (but it was couched in her usual crazy), but NOTHING from the kids.  It's ridiculous.  I can only hope that once Louise returns from the road and actually moves in, we finally get some realism.

I think all of these story lines would have worked a lot better if Louise had been there.  Is Katey Sagal doing other shows?  Why is she on the road? 

I would have expected the kids to have different reactions to Louise marrying Dan.  Maybe DJ, being the youngest, would take it hardest, and Becky would be ok with it because she already had known Louise from the bar, and Darlene could have felt nothing.  That could have been a story line for DJ, with his sisters, and with Dan.

The writers are spending a lot of time on Darlene's quest to find herself, but they never let her be without a boyfriend.  If she wants to find herself, attaching herself so quickly to one guy after another won't help. 

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Just now, izabella said:

I think all of these story lines would have worked a lot better if Louise had been there.  Is Katey Sagal doing other shows?  Why is she on the road? 

I would have expected the kids to have different reactions to Louise marrying Dan.  Maybe DJ, being the youngest, would take it hardest, and Becky would be ok with it because she already had known Louise from the bar, and Darlene could have felt nothing.  That could have been a story line for DJ, with his sisters, and with Dan.

The writers are spending a lot of time on Darlene's quest to find herself, but they never let her be without a boyfriend.  If she wants to find herself, attaching herself so quickly to one guy after another won't help. 

Louise is away because Katy Sagal was hit by a car in October. She's expected to return in January.

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18 hours ago, izabella said:

I think all of these story lines would have worked a lot better if Louise had been there.  Is Katey Sagal doing other shows?  Why is she on the road? 

As noted, Sagal was injured when she was hit by a car, and I agree it would be different if Louise was there.  So I'm hoping that when she actually moves in (not just some of her stuff), they'll finally address some sort of I'm happy for Dad, but this feels a little weird sometimes sentiment among the kids.

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18 hours ago, izabella said:

The writers are spending a lot of time on Darlene's quest to find herself, but they never let her be without a boyfriend. 

What do these guys see in her?  That's the big mystery to me.  She's negative, she's broke, she's a whiner, she lives with her dad.  Who'd want her?

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I think this show has always had an underlying idea that Darlene is like this diamond in the rough with huge potential.  Lol.  
It’s why she got a big promotion for no reason and why she was allowed to go to art school.   I guess all these dudes see it behind the resting bitchface and history of cheating and lying and generational dysfunction and and whatnot.  

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6 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

What do these guys see in her?  That's the big mystery to me.  She's negative, she's broke, she's a whiner, she lives with her dad.  Who'd want her?


19 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

I think this show has always had an underlying idea that Darlene is like this diamond in the rough with huge potential.  Lol.  
It’s why she got a big promotion for no reason and why she was allowed to go to art school.   I guess all these dudes see it behind the resting bitchface and history of cheating and lying and generational dysfunction and and whatnot.  

To be fair, the guys that first meet her see a smart sarcastic woman with a sense of humor. That’s probably enough for them to be a little bit interested. The cheating, lying, dysfunction etc. wouldn’t be obvious at the start. 

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25 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I think DJ turned out the best--he has a steady job OK not the most glamorous--a sweet little girl--an independent home a a wife with ambition to make something better of herself by joining the military.  Id like to see more of his back story.

I'm just glad he didn't turn out to be a serial killer.

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On 12/4/2021 at 11:38 PM, Marley said:

This show just gets worse every episode.


Like many have said it makes no sense that none of the kids seem to care their mom died. 

It seems like a few weeks ago Darlene completely lost it that her mother was suffering and God didn't help, nothing helped. So there's pain there. But the writers pick it up and put it down, same as the pain of ALL the characters. Becky crying about throwing her life away for Mark even while acknowledging how much she loved him - THAT's the heart of this show that they are being stingy with in favor of slapstick and "ain't we all just a bunch of failures?!" The Conners always made loser jokes, but it was poking fun at the situations they were in, not that they were inherently worthless, which seems to be the attitude of these writers half the time. 

I find it hard to believe that anybody is watching his OUTSIDE of fans of the original, so why not give us what we crave? If it were hit or miss, you could chalk it up to the brilliance of the original creative teams and say they tried their best. But they aren't trying and failing - they're going in completely different directions that insult the characters we're invested in.  In orientation were they given only tapes of the final post lottery seasons or something? Because that's the vibe they're serving up. When fans choose to ignore the final season retcons, it's for a reason. 

God knows some of the funniest moments in my life have come at the absolutely worst moments - that's where Roseanne (the show) shined. Worried about a job interview? "Don't worry, you suck, no way they'll hire you." Served with a grin and a hug. Got to call relatives about a dead family member?  "She's fine, she sends her love!" The brilliance of the show was the ability to show struggling people coping with their lives with humor. Now we get martyrdom and insults.

19 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I'm just glad he didn't turn out to be a serial killer.

He's in the vending machine business, isn't he?  Where I come from, that's the mob. For what it's worth.  (Apologies to non-mob vending machine business owners/primetimer readers)

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2 minutes ago, kassa said:

It seems like a few weeks ago Darlene completely lost it that her mother was suffering and God didn't help, nothing helped. So there's pain there. But the writers pick it up and put it down, same as the pain of ALL the characters. Becky crying about throwing her life away for Mark even while acknowledging how much she loved him - THAT's the heart of this show that they are being stingy with in favor of slapstick and "ain't we all just a bunch of failures?!" The Conners always made loser jokes, but it was poking fun at the situations they were in, not that they were inherently worthless, which seems to be the attitude of these writers half the time. 

I find it hard to believe that anybody is watching his OUTSIDE of fans of the original, so why not give us what we crave? If it were hit or miss, you could chalk it up to the brilliance of the original creative teams and say they tried their best. But they aren't trying and failing - they're going in completely different directions that insult the characters we're invested in.  In orientation were they given only tapes of the final post lottery seasons or something? Because that's the vibe they're serving up. When fans choose to ignore the final season retcons, it's for a reason. 

God knows some of the funniest moments in my life have come at the absolutely worst moments - that's where Roseanne (the show) shined. Worried about a job interview? "Don't worry, you suck, no way they'll hire you." Served with a grin and a hug. Got to call relatives about a dead family member?  "She's fine, she sends her love!" The brilliance of the show was the ability to show struggling people coping with their lives with humor. Now we get martyrdom and insults.

He's in the vending machine business, isn't he?  Where I come from, that's the mob. For what it's worth.  (Apologies to non-mob vending machine business owners/primetimer readers)

 DJ has a route filling  vending machines. He works for a company.

I think the kids miss their mom. But also don't want their dad to be alone. A weirdly mature attitude for the Connors but still understandable.

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He's in the vending machine business, isn't he?  Where I come from, that's the mob. For what it's worth.  (Apologies to non-mob vending machine business owners/primetimer readers)

I've heard that but most serial killers aren't mobbed up. I literally thought he was showing all the ear markings of a serial killer with his killing of animals.

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7 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I've heard that but most serial killers aren't mobbed up. I literally thought he was showing all the ear markings of a serial killer with his killing of animals.

Not serial killers are in the mob, but vending machine operators, according to the OP on that topic.  I remember in this episode that they lightly touched on DJ being fascinated with fire as a kid, during the furniture burning scene.  So much for air pollution!

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Okay, jokes about deceased family members...Back in the '90s, an almost-cousin of my dad's died.  He had been a gambler. I wouldn't say a notorious or compulsive gambler, but he was in Atlantic City a lot, not to get salt water taffy. Anyway, my parents (I didn't live with them) lived close enough to attend the funeral. During the procession to the cemetery, my dad's cousin was driving, other cousin in the passenger seat, mom and dad in the back. My dad muses aloud, "I wonder if that guy with the blond hair* was there just to make sure it was really "Mike" in the casket?" Meaning, he might have owed money to some scary people, and Blond Guy was sent to check up that it was a for-real funeral and not Mike faking his death and escaping to Minnesota. "Oh, it gets better," my mom said when she told me. "Sal laughed so hard he fell on the steering wheel and honked the horn. Then he had to pretend he was crying when the people ahead looked at us." 

To be sure, my mom also said she didn't think there was any truth to what my dad said. After his retirement, Mike had actually spent less time in AC and more time around the house, fixing it up. "But it's the kind of thing you say when you can't say what you're really thinking...that someday, one of them will be in the casket, and there'll be one less car in the procession." 

*Pretty big sore thumb in a room full of mostly Italians and a scattering of Poles.

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18 hours ago, bobalina said:

 DJ has a route filling  vending machines. He works for a company.

I think the kids miss their mom. But also don't want their dad to be alone. A weirdly mature attitude for the Connors but still understandable.

I wonder how much of it is not wanting him to be alone and how much of it is not wanting to be responsible for his care as he ages. 

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On 12/3/2021 at 12:18 AM, statsgirl said:

I spent part of the last week trying to find donations of furniture for a refugee family who have nothing but the clothes they could bring. I am so not impressed with Dan burning that furniture.

Yeah. That was really NOT funny as there are so many with nothing that would have loved ANY furniture. The writers strike me as incredibly tone deaf. That, and the beer can tree around Becky. 

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On 12/5/2021 at 7:49 PM, lexiexx said:

Roseanne did good things and bad things like all other humans.  She also tried to teach her kids not to be racist, took in David, let her grown kids move back home when they needed to, gave food stamps to the neighbor.  I think the 'she's in hell' idea was just a joke and in bad taste.  I do think its kind of weird that none of them seem to be upset at all over her being dead.   Their characters never show any emotion at all about her and that's just more out of character bad writing in my opinion.  

Agreed. Whatever Roseanne Barr may be in real life, Roseanne Conner as a character was a caring person. She was sarcastic and expressed herself in particular ways, but she worked her butt off to support the family and tried help people. And she and Dan had a genuinely loving relationship, unlike many marriages portrayed on TV. Whether you agreed with the way they expressed themselves, they sold the connection. 

Jackie making that joke about Bev would be perfectly in character, not so much for the Conner kids.


I'll be surprised if there is a season 5 at this point. Stories getting recycled and characters are just there doing nothing. 

I would love to see Harris go...somewhere. Anywhere else. Her storylines are depressing and the character is such a terrible brat. It's hard to get invested in such an unlikeable character who serves to remind you that sometimes people's lives go off the track at a young age and the domino effect leads to a rough, unhappy life. 

I just don't really care about any of the characters at this point, there's no one storyline that I'm dying to get more of. And while I feel bad that DJ has little to do, he was such a minor character in the original that it seems fitting that he continues to be so.

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2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

I just don't really care about any of the characters at this point, there's no one storyline that I'm dying to get more of. And while I feel bad that DJ has little to do, he was such a minor character in the original that it seems fitting that he continues to be so.

Yes, I'm just watching out of habit.  I don't think I laughed once while watching.  The original show was so much different (and much better) than this incarnation.  Dan and Roseanne always had a tough time making ends meet, but at least they weren't living with their parents like Becky and Darlene (and their respective children).

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On 12/2/2021 at 11:54 PM, Yeah No said:
On 12/2/2021 at 9:19 PM, CrystalBlue said:

At this point, I wish they'd bring back Ben.  I know there is a separation between the actual actors and their characters, but I'm just not feeling new age Nick, as last I recently saw him he was Peter the Pedo on A Million Little Things.  Not actually a pedophile after children, but took advantage of young teen girls in a sexually manipulative way.

Why did they have to get rid of Ben in the first place?  Did the actor piss somebody off?  It just seems like the plan was for Darlene to be in a relationship and when the actor that plays Ben got under someone's skin, POOF, he can be easily replaced.  Again with my suspicious nature, LOL.

For me, Nick is still the brother singing tunes on Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. I do watch A Million Little Things, but that isn't the character that stuck.

Ben getting away from this ridiculous family was a good thing. I know these people aren't real, but it's hard not to be a little invested when I grew up watching them. It is hard watching them make so many bad decisions. The original show had to make tough decisions, but not bad ones.

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2 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

When did she do that? I don't remember the episode

It was an episode of the Roseanne reboot with the Muslim neighbors.  The wife was ahead of Roseanne at the grocery store and was being shamed with rude and racist remarks by the store clerk when she tried to pay with her EBT card.  Roseanne offered to cover the difference when she came up short on the available amount.

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17 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

t was an episode of the Roseanne reboot with the Muslim neighbors.  The wife was ahead of Roseanne at the grocery store and was being shamed with rude and racist remarks by the store clerk when she tried to pay with her EBT card.  Roseanne offered to cover the difference when she came up short on the available amou

 I have absolutelyy no memory of that happening.

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

 I have absolutelyy no memory of that happening.

The episode started off with Roseanne being suspicious of the new neighbors being t*rrorists and then her "bigoted" opinion turned around after she and Jackie met and spoke with them.  The shopping trip was the next day.  I believe we only had the Muslim neighbors in just one or two episodes and then they were gone.  The Conners didn't revive or revisit them at all.

Edited by CrystalBlue
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On 12/6/2021 at 9:06 PM, One Tough Cookie said:

I think DJ turned out the best--he has a steady job OK not the most glamorous--a sweet little girl--an independent home a a wife with ambition to make something better of herself by joining the military.  Id like to see more of his back story.

While I'd be interested in seeing more of what DJ is up to, that would mean seeing more of Michael Fishman -- who after thirty years, still can't act. I'd only be able to make it through if the actors who play DJ's wife and daughter did most of the heavy lifting in the storyline. Otherwise, I'll pass.

Listening to Lecy and Laurie shout their lines each week is bad enough ...

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19 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I am totally drawing drawing a  blank...


On 12/2/2021 at 1:40 PM, Bastet said:

Roseanne and Dan bought a new mattress in season three of the original series.


On 12/2/2021 at 1:46 PM, peacheslatour said:

That was the episode where they introduced Mark. I thought it was stupid to burn that bed too. At the very least they could have donated it to a shelter or something.

It says something about the show that I remember the mattress episode perfectly but totally forgot about the much newer Muslim bigotry episode.

I remember how Mark was introduced and how he left a bad impression on the family that would, probably unfairly, haunt him for the rest of his life.

I also remember Dan doing a belly flop on a water bed when looking for mattresses and being shocked that it did not explode (Dan was much bigger than). Back then I thought the anti-social behavior was kind of badass compared to the prim and proper behavior of other sitcoms families.

On 12/3/2021 at 3:59 PM, iMonrey said:

Darlene is not broke. She makes good money now that she's a supervisor at Wellman. I guess we're meant to assume she still lives with Dan because she's helping him with the mortgage. Still, that house is packed full of people, and with Louise moving in it makes no sense for her to still be living there. It's just more convenient for the show.

Well, it makes him look more stupid than ever, that's for sure. And clearly I'm not the only one who has noticed a very lazy trend in the writing where the characters continue to make very stupid choices just so the show can wring a joke out of them. They're all being played as idiots, more or less. 

It speaks to how tone-deaf the writers are to the damage they're doing to their characters' integrity. 

I'm an atheist and would never make a "joke" about one of my parents being in hell.


On 12/4/2021 at 2:15 PM, Rocknrollzombie said:

I’m kind of glad that people aside from users here and some on Reddit are starting to see that the writing is lazy. Even the writers themselves admitted they are cynical when they write the episodes sometimes. 

the integrity of the family in my opinion was thrown off a cliff and beaten with a stick. Like you said making a joke about their mother who died from a drug overdose just isn’t something they would do, if they still had some traits from their original counterparts..or at least more integrity they would be respectful. 

Like the nostalgia for some is starting to wear off. me instead of going back to watch this show or catching up on it, since I have no obligation to it anymore. I go rewatch of the chucky series that barely ended its first season I find a show about a killer doll more funny than a comedy sitcom.

I saw someone that them mentioning hell and Roseanne just seems way to petty at this point. Just like some many users on the conners Reddit are always mentioning her of how she would be feeling probably watching.  Like  Roseanne herself has moved on, living in Hawaii living her life as best she can. While some writers, producers and even ‘fans’ seem to still have some weird vendetta against her that she practically lives rent free in their heads.

I am convinced the people on this board can write better scripts for this show because we actually care about these characters.

It must have been heartbreaking for Becky to realize that she really was not much of an inspiration to the girls as she thought.

Also, Becky would have been much more likely to be the one that got a promotion at Wellmans. She was always hardworking while Darlene just hated any type of authority. Of course, Beck had just started school and had a newborn. Also, Darlene got along well with the boss and they liked that the other employees kind of hated her.

Becky also claimed that there was no one there to help her when she did not go to college.

Mark totally encouraged her to go to school in the beginning.

Her family was also always telling her to go back to school.

Becky was not in a situation of a single young mother who has to drop out of high school and has no one. She did not have her baby until she was in her forties. Her family is still helping her by giving her jobs and shelters.

I still like Becky, though.

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4 hours ago, qtpye said:

I am convinced the people on this board can write better scripts for this show because we actually care about these characters.

That is true I have seen better ideas from fans, I have my own ideas as well. Most shared idea I have seen between fans who do share their it could have gone this way instead of the disappointment that the show is. Is if Becky and Mark’s baby was kept instead of done away with. 

Me and two other fan have even thought of who could have been the actor/actress for Becky and Mark’s kid that would have been a late teen/young adult. 

Like fans have more of a grasp of the characters from shows than actual professional writers so many times, which is definitely shown with how much fanfics there are for different fandoms. 

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On 12/5/2021 at 5:08 PM, bobalina said:

Belittling your husband and not allowing him to help raise his own kids?

That reminds me of the line from the one episode from the original Roseanne series, where she implied to Dan something along the lines of, “OK, the kids are not here so we can stop pretending you have any say.”

And yes, I would agree that DJ is doing the best of all Dan’s children when you consider the whole package. Darlene has a good job but naturally flounders in any relationship she has, and has a terrible relationship with her daughter. Becky’s pretty much a single mom (but she’s still married to Beverly Rose’s father for the sake of him staying in the states IIRC) trying to go to school, coming off of alcoholism. DJ on the other hand, has a steady job and seems to have a good marriage and good relationship with his daughter. Now it makes sense why he isn’t covered so much on this show; he’s too successful to fit in with his “down on their luck” family. 🤣

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One thing someone pointed out to me about the bedroom furniture in the conners it’s different from what we saw in the original and the revival. The color of the headboard is different in the original it was more dark even in a lit setting. While on the conners it is more of a lighter shade in a lit setting. Even the painting above the bed is different than the original and revival. 

call me stickler for consistency but Jesus is this show just a bad written AU.


Edited by Rocknrollzombie
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The show needs to stop spending so much time trying to convince us Darlene is the most desirable woman ever. Every guy just wants to be in a relationship with her and it’s idiotic. She sucks. So much bad acting happening I honestly don’t even know why I’m still watching lol.

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On 12/5/2021 at 3:06 PM, lexiexx said:

Also, why is Dan so chilled out lately?   I get that he's older now, but the original writers gave Dan a temper, and he did pop off from time to time when the kids were being ridiculous/rebellious.   I don't see the old dan sitting here when Harris was shoving her mom across the room for example


I don't think hes is chill,just apathetic because sees  his life goiing down the toilet. whenever you see him he has a beer can is is hand.  Louise has no idea about the pile of shit she married.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Wow, Isabella was shitty to Becky, for all intents and purposes, a stranger to her, who watched her baby for hours, probably for free. She's being pretty irresponsible, and not being a good mom to her baby. She had no excuse for not calling Becky.

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