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S03.E14: Love Is Love

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Corey worries that Evelin will stand him up at the altar; Steven surprises Alina with unexpected wedding guests; Ari and Bini are at a crossroads; Jenny and Sumit finally take a big step forward; Kenny and Armando say "I do."


Edited by greekmom
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I know this was just posted, and I guess the episode will preview tomorrow (Friday?) but I can't help thinking that

Corey should be worried whichever route Evil lynn chooses. Neither is a bargain - he's as hopeless and clueless and immature as they come, and she is nasty and self centered and demeaning. They are both delusional to the max.

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1 hour ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

Corey should be worried whichever route Evil lynn chooses. Neither is a bargain - he's as hopeless and clueless and immature as they come, and she is nasty and self centered and demeaning. They are both delusional to the max.

They actually make a good pair.  At least as long as they are together they are not inflicting themselves on anyone else.

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52 minutes ago, MargDelahunty said:

I'm just here to see what Summit's excuse is this week.

In the preview Jenny said "we're getting married today, but we haven't told Sumit's parents".

Who else thinks Sumit will tell his parents so they can swoop in and save him from going through with the wedding??

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1 hour ago, MargDelahunty said:

I'm just here to see what Summit's excuse is this week.

  • Inexplicably, the third finger on his left hand suddenly fell off, so there's no place to put a wedding ring.
  • He thinks he may be a lesbian.
  • He's not really over his ex yet.
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Wonder how Kenny and Armando's wedding will go down w/the bilingual aspect.  Will it be in spanish and english? There will be people who don't have a grasp of the vows and they all should have the opportunity to hear and understand the ceremony and the words and emotion. I feel like Armando's dad might be on board a bit more if he were closer to Kryin' Kenny and they could communicate in general.

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Dull preview.

Steven went cat hunting for Alina to get some guests for the wedding. At least he was thoughtful enough to arrange for hair and makeup.

Corey put on his best suit. Evelin's sisters are still trying to talk her out of the wedding. Uh, she is already married and can file for divorce any time.  A waste of money when they could have had a simple vow renewal and dinner out.

Sumit contacted the wedding registy and he'd rather be with Jenny than without her. Awwwwww.

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4 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

It looks like we are set up for several weddings next week.  Will they all actually happen??

Probably 2 of 3.   I am not including Corey and Evelin because they have revealed they are married so this is more of a vow renewal.

Just when I thought it was impossible to dislike SteVen any more, he pops a new requirement on Alina--she must sign  a prenup to protect any assets he brings to the marriage.  I have no idea what that might be;  I seem to recall he was a basement dweller so maybe he has a decent bank account that he is unwilling to share.   He looked like an idiot on the cat hunt.  What kind of idiot would even think that was workable.  First you have to catch the cat and put it in the carrier; you cannot let the cat out at the venue so the cat is likely to be meowing loudly to get out of the carrier.  Stupid, but  possibly thoughtful--just not thought out.  Alina is just too desperate; she will marry the moron.  It makes me think of the saying about marrying in haste, repent at leisure.

Kenny and Armando---they will get hitched.

Jenny and Sumit----they will be on the verge, and something will happen.  Sumit won't tell his parents directly, but he will let it slip to his SIL and brother or some close family friend that they will get married at a certain time and place.   Then Ma Sumit will swoop in, and Sumit will choose parents over Jenny.


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First look:

I wonder what Sumit is going to do now? I really wonder what the pull is with him to be with Jenny. I mean I've watched the cougar show and I don't know if it's a perverse thing or what at this point. It can't be for the paltry money she gets.
I wish I can go at night when SteVen is sleeping and cut his.. um hair. Yeah his hair. Damn I felt sorry for those cats and where the heck did he get all those cat carriers?

8 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

It looks like we are set up for several weddings next week.  Will they all actually happen??

I checked next week's first look and guess what!?! It's the Tell All preview!  So this has to be the last episode.

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We already know that Steven and Alina, and Kenny and Armando, get married.

As pointed out above, Corey and Evelin are already married, but Raoul's appearance at the wedding may derail that ceremony.  Manufactured drama!!

Jenny and Sumit - as I posted above, I think Sumit might use his family in a last ditch attempt to avoid going through with the wedding, but we will see.

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15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

At least he was thoughtful enough to arrange for hair and makeup.

for a minute I thought you meant for the cats. image.png.edff6e22d57759336c4ef6c307396d09.pngedited to add: I thought it was hilarious when Steven, in all seriousness, said it "wouldn't be appropriate" to invite the cats they weren't friendly with to the wedding.  

Edited by magemaud
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Maybe Steven has an inheritance. However, it is poor manners to spring a prenup on your fiancée a couple of days before you marry. Doing so should be done well in advance in case there are significant assets. The fiancée’s lawyer needs to see what it is and if it is legal.

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15 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

However, it is poor manners to spring a prenup on your fiancée a couple of days before you marry.

It was downright insulting.  Her first response was, "Do you think I am marrying you for your money?"  You could tell she was really hurt.

I think Alina must have "Love conquers all" tattooed in invisible ink on her forehead.  No matter what he springs on her, she is all "...but I love him and I know he loves me."  I could see the marriage not lasting longer than three months, as he no longer feels he has to sweep her back into it with his "romantic gestures" once they are married, and she finally begins to wake up.  And perhaps there are even more revelations to come.  Or he goes back to his social media ways with his new accounts.  I fully do not expect him to have mended his ways, just put them on hold until after the wedding.  And if she does get baptized a Mormon, he will probably feel he has more of a hold on her.

I do not foresee good things in this marriage's future.

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13 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

It was downright insulting.  Her first response was, "Do you think I am marrying you for your money?"  You could tell she was really hurt.

I think Alina must have "Love conquers all" tattooed in invisible ink on her forehead.  No matter what he springs on her, she is all "...but I love him and I know he loves me."  I could see the marriage not lasting longer than three months, as he no longer feels he has to sweep her back into it with his "romantic gestures" once they are married, and she finally begins to wake up.  And perhaps there are even more revelations to come.  Or he goes back to his social media ways with his new accounts.  I fully do not expect him to have mended his ways, just put them on hold until after the wedding.  And if she does get baptized a Mormon, he will probably feel he has more of a hold on her.

I do not foresee good things in this marriage's future.

Love does NOT conquer all. Real love is without need or expectation. One does not spring a prenup like that. That would be a massive red flag. She seems to be some sort of trophy or prize for him. She will decide when she has had enough of him, grow a spine and focus on what is right for her. If she doesn’t marry him, there will be another guy, and probably a better one, somewhere down the line. He is very wrong for her. I hope they don’t decide to have kids within the first year. She is then trapped.

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21 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Love does NOT conquer all. Real love is without need or expectation. One does not spring a prenup like that. That would be a massive red flag.

It would also be, most likely, unable to be held up in court.  Each party needs his/her own attorney and it can only address assets, property, money, etc.  It can not address child custody nor support.  (Can y'all tell we talked about it seriously?  Twice? And met with an attorney?)

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I suppose Bini will be tasked with packing up and shipping all the clothes Ari left behind in Ethiopia 

I wonder how that other cat, Laser Pointer (or whatever ?) felt about being on the B list for SteVen and Alina's wedding. 

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13 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

If someone asked me to sign a pre-nup, I would take that to mean they are not really committed to the marriage, but rather already have one foot out the door.


8 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I appreciate your feelings and I am not attempting to change  your mind.  To me, it is protection, as a female, to not be homeless when I am 75.  Waaaaaay too many women trust their husbands way too much,  For example, I am going to marry Mr Widower.  We live in his house for twenty years but he does not put me on the deed.  Mr Widower passes.  Here come adult kids.  "When are you leaving so we can sell?"  Me; "But.....this  is my home."  Adult kids:  "Emotionally, yes, legally no.  So again, when can you be gone?"  I have heard of this more than once.  Also, I am sped teacher.  If I am going to marry a Rockefeller or a Getty, you bet I am getting something in writing IRON CLAD that I will have something if he leaves.  I am not a greedy person, I legit own three pairs of shoes, two purses, two pairs of jeans and just bought, in August new clothes for work.  Had not done that in five years!  No MAC makeup for me!  No, I don't want half of your fortune, you worked hard for it.  But if I am quitting my job to travel, then yeah, I need a prenup.  I would like to ask, if you are comfortable answering, if you have ever been through a divorce.  Because take it from me:  If you think talking about money when you are happy and in love is hard, try it during a divorce.  It. Is. HELL.

So Steven can take his grimy broke missionary ass and shove that prenup up his ass.  I think the cats would approve.

I agree with @Mrs. Hanson.  I went thru a messy divorce wishing I had a prenup.  You think after 16 years of marriage the marital home is the marital home but if it's in his name only it gets complicated.  Alina could have told SteVen to shove his prenush up his ass and draw up one that is fair to both of them. Especially if he cheats.  Again, I don't know what SteVen thinks he has for the pre nush but whatever.

I think hell has frozen over with Sumit and Jenny finally marrying.

Kenny and Armando have had the best wedding over all in the series (screw you Libby and Andrei and your expensive wedding back home).  The only nitpick I have is why did the officiant say "your favourite person" ?!??!  Couldn't she just say "<insert name> do you take <insert name> to be your lawfully wedded husband. To love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day? "  

Sheesh. Much better than favourite person.

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1 hour ago, greekmom said:

I think hell has frozen over with Sumit and Jenny finally marrying.

When do we find out that that ceremony is not the legal one, they will need another in which his parents participate, etc...I would not put it past Sumit to pull something like that.

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Why did Kenny's oldest(?) daughter wear what looked like a full, long sleeve bridal gown to the ceremony? Is that a tradition in Mexico? The other two looked pretty too but had on more casual bridesmaid-looking dresses. They were all in the bridal party, but that big bridal dress was confusing to me.


I loved Kenny's moment about the series significance of this marriage. About how AIDS ravaged so many of his friends. How incredible that their marriage was even possible when not so long ago it couldn't even have been imagined, and in places in the world today, just being gay is risking your life. He is old enough to really get it.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

When do we find out that that ceremony is not the legal one, they will need another in which his parents participate, etc...I would not put it past Sumit to pull something like that.

Reading my mind:  "Is there a piece of paper with a seal from the government saying this is legal?  Otherwise.....pass."

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

I suppose Bini will be tasked with packing up and shipping all the clothes Ari left behind in Ethiopia 

I wonder how that other cat, Laser Pointer (or whatever ?) felt about being on the B list for SteVen and Alina's wedding. 

Must have been great spending several hours in a cat carrier without food, water, or litter box.  And I assume outdoors cats don’t dig being confined.   But hey it was quirky, especially when he called Cow Cat “Cat Cow.”

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

I wonder how that other cat, Laser Pointer (or whatever ?) felt about being on the B list for SteVen and Alina's wedding. 

My guess is that he was pleased as punch. Wouldn't you be? 

3 hours ago, greekmom said:


Kenny and Armando have had the best wedding over all in the series (screw you Libby and Andrei and your expensive wedding back home).  The only nitpick I have is why did the officiant say "your favourite person" ?!??!  Couldn't she just say "<insert name> do you take <insert name> to be your lawfully wedded husband. To love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day? "  

Sheesh. Much better than favourite person.

I have a strong suspicion that the "favorite person" choice was a cutesy in joke of Armando and Kenny's. I know that it appears to be common among the young 'uns these days to refer to a partner/boyfriend/girlfriend as "my person". 

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

I went thru a messy divorce wishing I had a prenup. 

Same here! And similar to the Slimy Steven and Alina, we were both very young when we married and really didn't have any assets to speak of, so a prenup never crossed my mind. Flash forward to the divorce and I had been significantly outearning him for years. So there was not only the house (which I really didn't want, I wanted him to buy me out or sell), there was my significant retirement account, plus personal savings, and a mutual fund I started with the leftovers of my mother's life insurance (she passed unexpectedly at age 49). You never know what the situation will be down the road and a prenup would have saved me a lot in lawyer fees haggling to get him to give up his 50% of it all. 


I am getting pretty serious with current boyfriend and we have talked marriage. He is very sensitive about money (in that he has always been the breadwinner and provider in previous relationships) and the fact that I have my own income and savigns, etc, while he is now in a position to struggle a bit (coming out of a bankruptcy, other debts). I dont' know when or how to bring up a prenup (i guess once we actually get engaged?), but it will be a difficult conversation. HOwever, I will be his third wife so.....yeah, not chancing it. 

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

Sheesh. Much better than favourite person.

I just spent Thanksgiving weekend with my 20 month old grandson watching countless hours of “Cocomelon”. “Favorite Person” sounds like something they’d sing a song about. 

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2 hours ago, seasons said:


Why did Kenny's oldest(?) daughter wear what looked like a full, long sleeve bridal gown to the ceremony? Is that a tradition in Mexico? The other two looked pretty too but had on more casual bridesmaid-looking dresses. They were all in the bridal party, but that big bridal dress was confusing to me.




Hard to tell if she’s the oldest since they’re triplets. I was too busy typing to pay much attention, is she the one who is pregnant? 

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Seeing Armando's father's acceptance was probably the most heartwarming thing I've experienced all year!  Superficial note, I was surprised to see Kenny and Armando standing together and see that Kenny is SHORTER than Armando.  For some reason, just watching them in their talking heads and such, I had the impression that Armando was the shorter of the two. 

Corey and Evelin, eh, whatever. 

I was very happy for Jenny that Sumit finally went through with it.  Yes, the parents are going to have a fit.  I'm sure Mama Sumit thought that if she played "nice" that Jenny would eventually (sooner) go away. 

Ari's reaction to returning to Ethiopia tells me that more took place while she was in America than we have been told.  I want to know THE TRUTH!

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16 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Same here! And similar to the Slimy Steven and Alina, we were both very young when we married and really didn't have any assets to speak of, so a prenup never crossed my mind. Flash forward to the divorce and I had been significantly outearning him for years. So there was not only the house (which I really didn't want, I wanted him to buy me out or sell), there was my significant retirement account, plus personal savings, and a mutual fund I started with the leftovers of my mother's life insurance (she passed unexpectedly at age 49). You never know what the situation will be down the road and a prenup would have saved me a lot in lawyer fees haggling to get him to give up his 50% of it all. 


I am getting pretty serious with current boyfriend and we have talked marriage. He is very sensitive about money (in that he has always been the breadwinner and provider in previous relationships) and the fact that I have my own income and savigns, etc, while he is now in a position to struggle a bit (coming out of a bankruptcy, other debts). I dont' know when or how to bring up a prenup (i guess once we actually get engaged?), but it will be a difficult conversation. HOwever, I will be his third wife so.....yeah, not chancing it. 

When we wed I had kids still financially dependent on me, he was never married no kids.  I just felt it was not his job to financially support kids that were not his.  He has, over the last few years, contributed more than me to their college educations.  (Way more than bio dad, fyi.)

The point is this:  We have NEVER fought about money, we keep it all (for the most part) separate.  "Hey honey?  How much do I owe for the mortgage?  Anything else?"  No it is not romantic. paying bills is not usually romantic.  (Although I once wrote him a rent check over Valentine's dinner, so there is that, lol!!)

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I do "Cat Cow," pose in my yoga class, not kidding.

Downward Dog!


4 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

Still on the edge of my seat to see if Sumit washes his hair.

His wedding attire hat covered it all up.  I ff through the wedding prep:  I assume Jenny nattered on and on over their uphill climb and how everyone hates them?

I used to watch "Four Weddings" and there were a few Indian weddings featured.  5000 people does not surprise me.  Most ceremonies are really long, like people get up and have coffee and talk.  The problem is, in the US it is very hard to find a venue to hold that many people!

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I remember attending the wedding of a friend when I was around 25 - I recall having weird, contradictory feelings where I was happy for my friend, who looked so beautiful and seemed so so happy in the moment, but at the same time I was so sad because I was certain that the marriage was a terrible mistake (I was right…infidelity, emotional abuse and a messy divorce were soon to follow). I haven't had that same feeling since…up until last night, that is. And more than once, sadly. Both Alina and Corey ignored AAAALLLLL the red flags in their relationships and wound up married. I just wanted to fast forward through both weddings…I didn’t see either as a reason to celebrate anything as I’m quite certain they could both be quite a bit happier with other people. Or alone even. I hate watching people get rolled over and then going back for more. They can’t even say they weren’t warned…

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Did we ever learn how Kenny came to have children? Surrogate? Adoption? 

Now we have Armando telling Kenny that old chestnut, "In my culture we..." telling him that having his own child is more the norm for his culture so why did they even bother going to an orphanage?

What is with Kenny's daughter in that wedding dress? She really does need to be front and center of her father's wedding? Also, she is not a pretty girl and that ugly crying does not help.

My sister and her girlfriend after 32 years of being together have decided to get married, my sister proposed on top of a hill over looking out over a valley near the family farm (Zepp VA for anyone out that way), and her gf said yes. When my sister called to tell me the good news I flashed on the not so pretty daughter of Kenny and did my best not to make any comments about how I thought their wedding should be planned or cry about how my future SIL is stealing my sister from me, etc...so Kenny's daughter served as a classic example of what not to do and I thank her for it.  For the record, my sister in law to be wants my thoughts about the wedding and I am tickled pink.

24 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

(Although I once wrote him a rent check over Valentine's dinner, so there is that, lol!!)

I had my hysterectomy on Valentines Day (a few years back), my dear husband paid the co-pay. Romance, yeah, I hear ya!

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33 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I used to watch "Four Weddings" and there were a few Indian weddings featured.  5000 people does not surprise me.  Most ceremonies are really long, like people get up and have coffee and talk.  The problem is, in the US it is very hard to find a venue to hold that many people!

I remember another wedding planner show called "Whose Wedding is it Anyway", and they had an Indian wedding in Atlanta, and they rented the movie theater, I think one that showed Gone With the Wind when it premiered.     The theater was full, so that wedding had thousands of guests too.  

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Four beautiful weddings.

I would love to see what happens afterward for both Jenny and Sumit (the wrath of Sumit's mother!) and how Steven and Alina's marriage works out.

The others - I think Kenny and Armando will be fine.  Evelin and Corey - don't care.

The couples who haven't married (yet?) - don't care.

Who will come back next season, and who will show up on another variation of 90 days?

Looking forward to the Tell All.

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Ari and her never ending list of grievances and fears and anxieties.  Everybody, especially her parents and family, walking on eggshells around her emotional needs, which she appears to be using as a way to control everyone around her.  Either believe Bini or not, but stop with the waffling around with going back to Ethiopia or not.  You are a parent, grow up and face the music with your head up for a change.  Whatever Bini did or not, she has chosen to stay with him, so support him and stop complaining about it.  

I second all the comments about Kenny and Armando’s wedding.  I admit I teared up a little when Armando’s dad said there is no point to putting up “barriers in your mind”.  Wise words and a happy ending/beginning.  

Finally Jenny and Sumit.  I have no wish to see the sourpuss face of Mama Sumit on the tell-all.  I don’t entirely trust Sumit’s sudden turnaround on getting married; Jenny is kinda naieve but I hope he doesn’t hurt her again.  Steven and Alina are sort of like a couple kids playing pretend.  The kitties at the wedding was odd, but in Steven’s mind this was a brilliant romantic gesture, and Alina seemed to appreciate it.  Whatever, I love cats.  

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

Same here! And similar to the Slimy Steven and Alina, we were both very young when we married and really didn't have any assets to speak of, so a prenup never crossed my mind. Flash forward to the divorce and I had been significantly outearning him for years. So there was not only the house (which I really didn't want, I wanted him to buy me out or sell), there was my significant retirement account, plus personal savings, and a mutual fund I started with the leftovers of my mother's life insurance (she passed unexpectedly at age 49). You never know what the situation will be down the road and a prenup would have saved me a lot in lawyer fees haggling to get him to give up his 50% of it all. 


I am getting pretty serious with current boyfriend and we have talked marriage. He is very sensitive about money (in that he has always been the breadwinner and provider in previous relationships) and the fact that I have my own income and savigns, etc, while he is now in a position to struggle a bit (coming out of a bankruptcy, other debts). I dont' know when or how to bring up a prenup (i guess once we actually get engaged?), but it will be a difficult conversation. HOwever, I will be his third wife so.....yeah, not chancing it. 

I think we sometimes think some subjects of conversation are sensitive but looking forward nobody is sensitive at the divorce table.

Third wife and bankruptcy both sound scary so hop over the sensitive and protect yourself!

Also its nice to gift each other a big insurance policy.  One passes the other is protected!

I see a lot of social security aged women working at McDonald's.  A lifetime of bad choices!

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So Steven might have something worth protecting with a pre nup!  What can it be?  He always seems to be one sandwich short of a picnic but money could explain Alina being so anixious.

Money? Property?  Does he even work?  I'm intrigued about what can it be?

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30 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

So Steven might have something worth protecting with a pre nup!  What can it be?  He always seems to be one sandwich short of a picnic but money could explain Alina being so anixious.

Money? Property?  Does he even work?  I'm intrigued about what can it be?

He has big plans to become famous, so perhaps he is looking forward to when he is making the big bucks.  Heh.

I have been wondering how they will support themselves in Russia.  Alina is still a student,  If Steven is not wealthy, I suppose he could get a job teaching English as a second language.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I see a lot of social security aged women working at McDonald's.  A lifetime of bad choices!

In all fairness, they could like to work.  Maybe a WalMart greeter could be better, though.  You get to sit!

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