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S03.E08: A Tiny Pair of Shorts

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Original Airdate: 10/05/2021

Ethan returns from his mysterious road trip and shares important news with Olivia. Micah gets a wakeup call from his agent in Atlanta. Moriah shops with Kim and Max's mom for outfits for her upcoming gig but struggles to be honest with Kim.



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I felt like there was so much adult behavior happening tonight!  I appreciated Moriah's talk with her bf's mom.  I think Moriah's therapy sessions are really working b/c she seemed so mature about letting go of things and building a different foundation with her mom. 

This is the first time all season I felt the love coming from both Ethan and Olivia.  I genuinely think they are both trying to save their marriage by reassessing the foundation. I can appreciate that so much!  I like the idea of therapy and starting a little bit over from a friendship to work on their marriage.

Micah is sweet, but he is rash and irresponsible sometimes, and to make a mark in his career, he is going to have to step up.

I can't with Kim, y'all.  She is just so judgey about other people.  The first thing about Moriah's bf's mom..."well, she obviously has colored hair..." Girl, we can see, I don't need your shocked, unsubtle judgement about it all. 

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This show is always a little raw and a little awkward.  

I think it is because this family, other than Kim, don't know how to play at being on a reality show.  They speak their minds, they show their faults, and they don't pretend to be more, better, happier than they really are.

That makes it both refreshing and sad.

I could do with less/no Kim.  And I was happy for no Lydia.


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I still think Ethan and Olivia just need to cut their losses and move on. If two people truly want completely opposite things from life (especially at 22), it may be best for everyone if they just decide to pursue their dreams without any obligation to one another. I'm not saying anyone is at fault, but now it seems like Ethan is just doing whatever he has to do to convince Olivia to stay with him. Again, I'm not anti-either one of them, but I didn't like Olivia's handling of the conversation in this one. She said she was "so nervous" about Ethan wanting to talk to her and she immediately started by offering him her drink, and showing concern for him. Then, when he says he wants to work things out, she says, "Let's just be friends, and I'm not moving home." It came across like she wanted to be in control of the situation. She also said she wants a partner who stands up for themselves and tells her no, but when Ethan does it, she moves out. Divorces can be amicable, and I still believe it's the best route for them.


Moriah-You can tell her therapy is helping her, but once again, Kim is displaying her typical, manipulative behavior. She has no real interest in changing, and never will. Moriah starting to trust Kim is like believing a snake that says it won't bite you. 

I was really glad to not have to deal with Lydia this episode. I believe in God, but I'm so tired of her "God told me the same exact thing that Mom and Dad said! They must be right!" garbage. 

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Ethan seemed to think that Olivia would jump for joy when he told her he decided he wanted to be with her. I think she’s smart to say that they need to take things slowly. His words mean nothing if his actions don’t match. Time will tell. 

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I agree Ethan and Olivia need to go their separate ways. They were simply too young and too sheltered to get married. Olivia is finding herself, as most of us do in our early 20s, and they just don’t want the same things in life.

Also, I call producer shenanigans on the Realtor scene. I would assume both Ethan and Olivia had to sign the listing agreement.  The lockbox for the key was already on the backdoor, so the house was clearly already on the market. 

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3 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:


He's going to blow a fantastic career opportunity. 

37 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

 The lockbox for the key was already on the backdoor, so the house was clearly already on the market. 

Great observation!

I was surprised Ethan said regardless of what happens with Olivia he is still going to move out of town. Wha? That was a complete turn a round. 

Moriah's outfits were horrible. I can't believe Kim sat there acting like she approves of those awful clothes. Has she really changed that much? 

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Kim’s trying to make things right between herself and her daughter. 

It seems the boyfriend Max and everybody watching the show says enough but Moriah keeps saying ‘it’s me being me’!  Perhaps Kim has decided to save her breath to cool her soup!

Olivia is so evil. She’s so happy getting this shot in where Kim and Barry can’t go and see their daughter sing and play. She’s in heaven over this latest cou!

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I don’t think Olivia is evil at all. I wish more young women had the ability to stand up for themselves and identify their own boundaries. If that were the case, young women like GP would still be alive right now. 

Olivia is absolutely correct that they need to start again as friends and build their foundation from there, if there is a future for their marriage. And they might find out there is not. I agree with @camom, Ethan’s words mean nothing if his actions don’t match. My $.02 is that he thinks they can just move back in, go to counseling and everything will be fine. Counseling is hard and it is painful and I think he needs to learn how to be counseled before they can make any real progress. They each need to find their own way before they can grow back together. 

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39 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I don’t think Olivia is evil at all. I wish more young women had the ability to stand up for themselves and identify their own boundaries. If that were the case, young women like GP would still be alive right now. 


Agreed!  I love the way she is able to articulate her needs and has finally established boundaries with Ethan's parents.  They've mistreated her since day one.  I also think she really loves Ethan and wants this to work, but needs him to accept that she's not the same girl he married, nor will she be the same woman she is today for the rest of her life.  It's not possible and Ethan needs to learn to accept change.  Really glad he's going to go to therapy.  I like them both.


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Kim in the car talking about how she just wanted to make sure Moriah was safe while wearing her seatbelt UNDER her damn armpit was so on brand for Kim, I just can't. 🙄 Then she sits there like a douchebag with her mask down under her nose - also not surprising.

Is Ethan now desperate to get Olivia back because he isn't getting laid?

I'm digging Max's mom - well, at least her hair. Here's hoping she can model some positive parenting behaviors to Kim. Oh, who am I kidding. Kim won't emulate anything that won't benefit her directly or magically conjure some carbs. 🙄

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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Kim’s trying to make things right between herself and her daughter. 

It seems the boyfriend Max and everybody watching the show says enough but Moriah keeps saying ‘it’s me being me’!  Perhaps Kim has decided to save her breath to cool her soup!

Olivia is so evil. She’s so happy getting this shot in where Kim and Barry can’t go and see their daughter sing and play. She’s in heaven over this latest cou!

If Moriah was so committed to having her parents present at her show, she wouldn't have asked Olivia play keyboards.  From what we saw, Moriah knew that if Olivia was performing with her that she wouldn't want Barry and Kim around.  It seemed to me like Moriah made a choice and she would rather have Olivia there than her parents.   

As for Kim 'making things right', from the previews for next week, it looks like she decided to 'make things wrong' pretty quickly.  She really has absolutely no respect for the autonomy of her adult children, no matter how much she pretends that she thinks Moriah looks pretty in a crop top and mini skirt.

I do think Ethan really thought that if he agreed to move, Olivia would be right there with him.  Obviously, there are more problems in that marriage than living in Cairo.  Interesting that, after Olivia declined to live with him, he still put the house  on the market and specifically said he was not going to remain in Cairo.  Either he made a very big change in his thinking in a short period or the whole " I need to live in this small town forever" stuff was producer shenanigans.

Edited by Rootbeer
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I like Olivia more every episode.

Having been raised in a restrictive way of life where parents attempt to control every thought and action I think she is thoughtful about how she wants to live the rest of her life. She understands boundaries and the need for them. She was clear about how she wouldn’t move back in with Ethan but wasn’t mean. 

I watch other reality shows and it was nice to see a conversation between two people that didn’t include screaming and endless bleeping.

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8 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

I still think Ethan and Olivia just need to cut their losses and move on. If two people truly want completely opposite things from life (especially at 22), it may be best for everyone if they just decide to pursue their dreams without any obligation to one another. I'm not saying anyone is at fault, but now it seems like Ethan is just doing whatever he has to do to convince Olivia to stay with him. Again, I'm not anti-either one of them, but I didn't like Olivia's handling of the conversation in this one. She said she was "so nervous" about Ethan wanting to talk to her and she immediately started by offering him her drink, and showing concern for him. Then, when he says he wants to work things out, she says, "Let's just be friends, and I'm not moving home." It came across like she wanted to be in control of the situation. She also said she wants a partner who stands up for themselves and tells her no, but when Ethan does it, she moves out. Divorces can be amicable, and I still believe it's the best route for them.


Moriah-You can tell her therapy is helping her, but once again, Kim is displaying her typical, manipulative behavior. She has no real interest in changing, and never will. Moriah starting to trust Kim is like believing a snake that says it won't bite you. 

I was really glad to not have to deal with Lydia this episode. I believe in God, but I'm so tired of her "God told me the same exact thing that Mom and Dad said! They must be right!" garbage. 

I think Ethan and Olivia are WAY too young to be going thru all this drama, hurt, etc.  (at their age EVERYTHING is drama - just speaking from my personal opinion and all my friends at that age).

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It’s funny, strange to me how young adults like to blame their parents for every wrong in their life. 
Micah explaining to the woman how he doesn’t return emails because they didn’t have electronics growing up!   Really Micah. 

You have them now and you’ve had them for a while. Lazy maybe?

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4 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

It’s funny, strange to me how young adults like to blame their parents for every wrong in their life. 
Micah explaining to the woman how he doesn’t return emails because they didn’t have electronics growing up!   Really Micah. 

You have them now and you’ve had them for a while. Lazy maybe?

In the case of these kids, I think there are definitely issues that they have encountered as adults that were at least in part the fault of their parents.  I agree that Micah should be in the habit of checking his email daily and the lack of internet access as a kid shouldn't matter since many of us manage to keep up on our email, especially work related email, even though it didn't exist in our formative years. 

Most kids, if nothing else, have watched TV shows and movies where they saw people interacting with coworkers and employers; Micah really hasn't and I don't think his parents ever bothered to fill him in.  So, he wouldn't know that people in fields like his that work only when it is available, really need to keep on top of their potential opportunities on a regular basis.

The Plaths intentionaly limited their kids' exposure to the outside world and the kids didn't really have any need to check in with anyone since they never saw anyone but family.  I could see them being less connected to the outside world that other kids their age and also not really savvy about how people keep in touch using electronics these days.  Their role models were limited to their parents; one of whom seemingly doesn't work outside the home or keep any specific work schedule despite her claims of being a holistic practitioner and their father, who doesn't seem to have much to say about anything and seems to defer to their mother in most things even though he does have a job outside the home.

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2 hours ago, Shelbie said:

I like Olivia more every episode.

Having been raised in a restrictive way of life where parents attempt to control every thought and action I think she is thoughtful about how she wants to live the rest of her life. She understands boundaries and the need for them. She was clear about how she wouldn’t move back in with Ethan but wasn’t mean. 

I watch other reality shows and it was nice to see a conversation between two people that didn’t include screaming and endless bleeping.

Yes, I got the sense that Olivia wants to do what is necessary to build a solid foundation for their relationship instead of doing what's fast and easy. If they stay together, that will give them the best chance for the long-run and if they don't stay together, at least they'll know they really did the work to figure out that they shouldn't.

11 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Moriah looked lovely, not overdone, when she met with Ms Gay!

Ethan/Olivia just make me sad. It’s like reading an angsty romance novel. Hoping for an HEA!

Ms Gay seemed so nice! Kim, OTOH, was her usual petty, judgmental bitchy self-centered self.

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For Ethan, Olivia is not just his first love, she’s his first friend. She’s the first person outside his family that he was allowed to spend any significant time with and that didn’t happen until he was almost an adult. His entire life is completely wrapped up in her and he seems to not know how to function without her. I can understand how that can be exhausting for Olivia as she’s trying to find out who she is herself. I think they work as friends, but both are way too young and inexperienced to be married to anyone right now. If Micah gets some modeling work overseas, I think it would be great for them both if Ethan went along.

Kim is a trip with no luggage. She made sure to shade Gay by pointing out that Gay was divorced and remarried while she is still married to her first husband. She neglected to mention that she’s actually Barry’s second wife though.

Max laying on Micah’s bare chest and pretending to put his mouth on his nipple was...uhh interesting.

ETA: When I opened this thread, there was an advertisement for a bunch of tiny shorts lol.

Edited by charmed1
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51 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Max laying on Micah’s bare chest and pretending to put his mouth on his nipple was...uhh interesting

I came here to say this. 🤔😳

And I agree about Kim conveniently omitting mention that she is Barry’s second wife. She also didn’t mention that Ms. Gay has managed to keep all her children alive. Ok, that was mean but so is Kim.

Edited by Cancun
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And Olivia is the way she is because of her parents, Barry and Kim are the way they are because of their parents, and on and on it goes.

Ethan has realized he married his parents. While the control is bad enough in parents (Barry & Kim), it's even worse in a spouse. Olivia is his neck, spine, balls, etc. Olivia loved being in total control of him and some of his siblings at first but now it's boring and not very sexy to have a child as your spouse. 

It's one of the most fake shows anyway. Olivia and Ethan will reconcile, Kim and Barry will ease up on the kids and boundaries will be set and they will all be one big happy family again. Just have to drag it out another season or two. They are all still close to the oldest daughter and see her all the time. They were more isolated than most growing up but not to the extreme that they are trying to portray. They had/have friends and see/saw relatives. 

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15 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

If Moriah was so committed to having her parents present at her show, she wouldn't have asked Olivia play keyboards.  From what we saw, Moriah knew that if Olivia was performing with her that she wouldn't want Barry and Kim around.  It seemed to me like Moriah made a choice and she would rather have Olivia there than her parents.   

As for Kim 'making things right', from the previews for next week, it looks like she decided to 'make things wrong' pretty quickly.  She really has absolutely no respect for the autonomy of her adult children, no matter how much she pretends that she thinks Moriah looks pretty in a crop top and mini skirt.

I do think Ethan really thought that if he agreed to move, Olivia would be right there with him.  Obviously, there are more problems in that marriage than living in Cairo.  Interesting that, after Olivia declined to live with him, he still put the house  on the market and specifically said he was not going to remain in Cairo.  Either he made a very big change in his thinking in a short period or the whole " I need to live in this small town forever" stuff was producer shenanigans.

Kim will only make things right with Moriah to try to absolve herself of the mess she made with Ethan and Olivia. She’ll use the fact that Moriah “came back” as “proof” that she and Barry aren’t that bad or to blame in whole or part for the estrangement with Ethan. 

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I applaud Olivia for sticking to her guns. She seems like she's learning from therapy and using the tools and advice she's getting there. And I am hopeful that therapy will also help Ethan as he now seems to accept that he has to go in order to fix his life. That's a huge step for someone like him. The fact that he wants to move away regardless of what happens to his marriage is a great step forward, that he can even articulate that is big for him. And yes, Olivia is like his mommy/wife and that can't be fun for a young woman in her early 20's. Her growth is faster for her than Ethan's is for him, but if he can grow and accept change, then they might have a chance.

FWIW, I don't see Olivia as Kim at all. Olivia has been put into the position of being 'in charge' because Ethan is either incapable or unable to make life choices and decisions right now.

The few shots we've seen of Moriah with no makeup, she is soooo pretty without all that gunk on her face! I don't understand why Max doesn't talk to her about that, tell her how beautiful she is un made-up, because she is. So is Olivia.

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Looking at the scenes with Olivia a year ago and now she looks like she's aged ten years.  This hair color is very unflattering and way too much makeup.  She is a young woman but looks much older. 

Olivia will love the drama of Kim pulling up with the kids at Moriah's gig.  It's right up her alley.  Kim is going to show Olivia she is not in charge of her family.

I felt really sorry for Moriah when she had to tell Micah's friend her mother could not come to her gig because of Olivia and Olivia never once relented and said heck let them all come.  Your mom and dad, brothers and sisters.  Maybe something good could have come from it.

Nope it's all about Olivia.  She's playingkeyboard and she's got her walls up and this is all about her.  She should be ashamed when she sees Moriah needs her on the keyboard but really wants her family there.

It will be interesting to see Micah make an ass out of himself when he gives his own mother what is.  It's all for show and all to show Olivia he's taking the reins.  Uggg.  A good person would never behave like that. 

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On 10/7/2021 at 6:23 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Nope it's all about Olivia.  She's playingkeyboard and she's got her walls up and this is all about her.  She should be ashamed when she sees Moriah needs her on the keyboard but really wants her family there.

In fairness, Olivia did offer to back out and Moriah emphatically said no, she wanted Olivia on keyboard.  I agree with you that a kind, mature person would at this point say "listen, Moriah, I know you want me up there with you, but I can't in good conscience be there if your mom is going to be there, and your mom *ought* to be there.  You can get somebody else to play keyboard this time--this is your first big performance and of *course* your mom wants to be there.  I can perform with you at a later concert, one your mom won't be so interested in attending."

But on to (Artisto says it's Ethan, and I believe it):  I'm glad they are going to have couples counseling, but Ethan on his own needs to see someone (starting with the family doctor) about his obvious depression.  He needs private talking therapy, or medication, or both.  He is in a lot of unnecessary pain.

Edited by Mothra
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Didn’t Moriah say that no one she asked could play the keyboard that well?

really don’t think Olivia thinks she’s in charge of the Plaths and I don’t think she’d want to be. That’s laughable. She’s got her own life to live and it seems like she’s living it. As she should be. 


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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

Didn’t Moriah say that no one she asked could play the keyboard that well?

really don’t think Olivia thinks she’s in charge of the Plaths and I don’t think she’d want to be. That’s laughable. She’s got her own life to live and it seems like she’s living it. As she should be. 


Agreed. Olivia doesn't want to be in charge of her toxic inlaws, she just doesn't want to be abused, steamrolled, or gaslit by them (just like her husband doesn't).

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I have a lot of sympathy for Olivia.  She is 23 and wants to experience love and life.  Through no fault of her own (I firmly believe her family/religion pushed her to marry young) she has married a loving man-child.  Ethan has a lot of baggage caused by his overbearing and judgmental mother.  He is dealing with Kim wanting to be in charge of everyone's lives.  Olivia doesn't want that.

Kim's need to be in control is evident in her attending the concert when she is asked not to.  If you love your children, even if you are disappointed in a decision, you don't go and create drama.  You accept the adult child's decision and ask if you can attend the next concert.  You don't load the kids up to have a camera crew film you ruining an important event in your child's life.  Again, it is all about Kim, so she does what she wants.


Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Just a thought that may have been covered years ago.  Does anyone think that Kim running over and killing her toddler son is the reason that she wants to be in absolute control of her children?  That she was confronted by the dangers of the world and now sees herself as the seer of truth, the protector of children and the HBIC?  

Not making excuses, just wondering if that is the event that sent her down this path.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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I can’t even imagine losing one of my children. And by my own hand…unimaginable.   What they all must have gone through.  

I don’t think Moriah has anybody else to play keyboard. Olivia is it!  Honestly unless Moriah has improved a whole lot this is going to be a disaster.   She will certainly need a keyboard!

Many times in relationships you have to give a little. Olivia and Ethan have drawn their line in the sand and they won’t even try and I think that’s what’s really eating at him. He wants his family. 

Moriah and Micah have both found their way back home with supporting, non judgemental bf/gf.   Ethan has a big problem.  Olivia!

I’m really curious about the relationship Olivia has with her parents,siblings, friends. 

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15 hours ago, readheaded said:

Agreed. Olivia doesn't want to be in charge of her toxic inlaws, she just doesn't want to be abused, steamrolled, or gaslit by them (just like her husband doesn't).

THIS. Olivia is not required to take Kim and Barry's abuse. She's right to refuse.

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Many times in relationships you have to give a little. Olivia and Ethan have drawn their line in the sand and they won’t even try

I'm really surprised to hear you say that.  Ethan and Olivia tried talking to his parents a few times, and every time his parents refused to admit any fault.  They talked down to Ethan and Olivia and said they weren't looking at their own behavior critically and that they were overlooking their own faults.  When Ethan or Olivia pointed out things that Kim or Barry had said that was hurtful, Kim and Barry told them that they were wrong.

Ethan and Olivia HAVE tried.  Kim and Barry want everything on their terms.  They are the ones refusing to try.

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On 10/6/2021 at 11:03 AM, CSunshine76 said:

I agree Ethan and Olivia need to go their separate ways. They were simply too young and too sheltered to get married. Olivia is finding herself, as most of us do in our early 20s, and they just don’t want the same things in life.

Also, I call producer shenanigans on the Realtor scene. I would assume both Ethan and Olivia had to sign the listing agreement.  The lockbox for the key was already on the backdoor, so the house was clearly already on the market. 

I'm a realtor. I don't know of a single state where one spouse can sell a house that they purchased with the other spouse. That scene was completely set up.

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12 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I'm a realtor. I don't know of a single state where one spouse can sell a house that they purchased with the other spouse. That scene was completely set up.

It's possible that Ethan bought the house before he got married. Many fundie guys do this to prove their worth to the fiancee's family.

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On 10/7/2021 at 9:19 PM, RedDelicious said:

Didn’t Moriah say that no one she asked could play the keyboard that well?

really don’t think Olivia thinks she’s in charge of the Plaths and I don’t think she’d want to be. That’s laughable. She’s got her own life to live and it seems like she’s living it. As she should be. 



Olivia is a daughter-in-law who is trying to be "in charge of the Plaths" by saying she won't participate if the parents are there.  She is creating the conditions under whether mother and father are able to attend a concert performance by their child.  I think Olivia should back off and counsel Moriah to put her parents' feelings first *in this situation*.

I loathe the parents, but think of the choice Olivia and Olivia alone has created for them:  either they do not attend a concert by their child--which imo is a pretty big deal--or they risk having the keyboard performer what?  walk off the stage?

How, really, is it going to hurt Olivia to play keyboards if the parents attend?  And if this isn't trying to "control" the Plaths I don't know what is.

Edited by Mothra
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Not at all. Olivia even suggested that Micah do it and Moriah said no. And she said maybe she shouldn’t do it and Moriah insisted. Olivia wanted to help Moriah but she wasn’t going to do it at the expense of her own boundaries. Moriah accepted those terms and Olivia didn’t force her to. She actually came up with a few alternatives. If it was the other way around and Olivia was insisting that she play, that could be interpreted as trying to control, but she didn’t do that. She simply said she’d like to do it but not if the parents would be in attendance. There is a difference between creating a safe boundary and trying to control. Olivia doesn’t owe Barry and Kim anything and if she doesn’t feel safe around them she shouldn’t have to be. 

Besides I got the impression that Moriah didn’t really want them there anyway. Having a successful gig with a good keyboardist was more important to her, as I somewhat think it should be, if she’s trying to make a name for herself and get more work.

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Another indication of how fake this show is. Olivia doesn't get to dictate who can attend this concert. If it was in her own home, sure, she would have a say, but not here. She can request whatever she wants but they also have the freedom to do what they want as well. They don't owe Olivia anything.

Olivia and Kim are two peas in a pod. It's fitting they are now family. They deserve each other. A good reason for Ethan and Olivia to stay together. I wouldn't wish either one on any one else. May Olivia and Kim have many more years of making each other miserable. 



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I am new here, but read these posts, regularly.  There are a few here that seem to blame Olivia, consistently & I just shake my head as in why?  I have three adult daughters, one is 29 & getting married, the middle one is 25 & my youngest is Olivia & Ethan`s age (22).  They are all wonderfully different & unique & would throw my ass to the curb if I ever tried to pull any of the shit Kim does!  I married at age 21 & had my first daughter at age 22 years. How can someone blame a woman at age 22 years old for trying to defend herself against the most toxic & controlling MIL I have ever saw? You may be able to fake a little for the camera, but holy, her entire demeanor is soooo disgusting (narcissistic)  & controlling & harmful to not only Ethan & Olivia, but to her younger children as well.  I am not mentioning Barry, as he is a total loss & so needing a therapist now. All I have seen is a pure train wreck that Kim has created & caused.  I like Olivia & I like Ethan.  I feel like that they may have a chance if they get the Eff away from that Shit Storm holy hell Mom. 

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On 10/6/2021 at 7:56 AM, Jeanne222 said:

Kim’s trying to make things right between herself and her daughter. 

It seems the boyfriend Max and everybody watching the show says enough but Moriah keeps saying ‘it’s me being me’!  Perhaps Kim has decided to save her breath to cool her soup!

Olivia is so evil. She’s so happy getting this shot in where Kim and Barry can’t go and see their daughter sing and play. She’s in heaven over this latest cou!

Olivia is a MASTER MANIPULATOR who is controlling all of the story lines on this show. She is controlling Ethan and doesn't care that he doesn't want to move, live in a city, not have his hobbies (tinkering on cars, gardening), not have access to his family. It has to be her way or the highway. She has made him miserable. Every time she says to him, "I feel so unloved......(insert reason)", she is manipulating him. She has manipulated the split within the family. She has manipulated Moriah with her first show by pretending to be her "supporter", but threatening to bolt if the family shows up. It's Moriah's big moment, NOT Olivia's! Olivia wants fame and she's getting it by being the source of drama on the show. Without drama, reality shows die.

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I did like Olivia but since following her Instagram she does seem to consider herself a celebrity and the heart of the show. I’m guessing that without the show she wouldn’t have the money to jet off to New York to see Hamilton or fly to Alaska to take a few pictures.  I hope she will come to understand that Ethan has a right to his own dreams and that the money from this show won’t last forever. I understand she is a wedding photographer but unless she is Annie Lebowitz she isn’t making a fortune on her own.

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On 10/8/2021 at 4:33 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

It's possible that Ethan bought the house before he got married. Many fundie guys do this to prove their worth to the fiancee's family.

That is possible, and depending on Georgia laws (that I have ZERO knowledge of) he may then be able to sell it without her signing. However, there are states that would still require both parties to sign. 

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This beeyatch Olivia is sooo over Ethan, it's palpable.  She's got another option out there (speaking mate-wise) & she's trying to squirm away from Ethan. Reminds me of myself at 20 yrs old too emotionally immature to break up with someone OFICIALLY. Difference is, they're MARRIED!!!! "Just be friends for now"?! Wtf?! So dumb! Ethan, go therapy & start looking for your soul mate. 

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2 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

"Just be friends for now"?! Wtf?! So dumb!

Yeah, I don't think she worded that well.  But I do understand what she was trying to do.  Olivia wants to make sure Ethan is really sure about what he wants and not just saying whatever he thinks she wants to hear.  That's kind of what he'd been doing.  He would tell her what he thought she wanted him to say.  She would ask him what he wanted, and he would either agree with her (even if he didn't) or he would try to avoid the conversation.  She's trying really hard to give him time and space to figure out what he really wants and then to talk to her about it.

I don't think saying "let's be friends" was the best choice in words.  I think she was really saying, let's spend some time together and try to work on things, but I'm not ready to move back in.  She doesn't want move too fast, because she wants Ethan to really think about what he wants.  She's trying to be mature, because she knows if Ethan just does what she wants and doesn't really think about what he wants, they're just going to end up back where they started.

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4 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

Yeah, I don't think she worded that well.  But I do understand what she was trying to do.  Olivia wants to make sure Ethan is really sure about what he wants and not just saying whatever he thinks she wants to hear.  That's kind of what he'd been doing.  He would tell her what he thought she wanted him to say.  She would ask him what he wanted, and he would either agree with her (even if he didn't) or he would try to avoid the conversation.  She's trying really hard to give him time and space to figure out what he really wants and then to talk to her about it.

I don't think saying "let's be friends" was the best choice in words.  I think she was really saying, let's spend some time together and try to work on things, but I'm not ready to move back in.  She doesn't want move too fast, because she wants Ethan to really think about what he wants.  She's trying to be mature, because she knows if Ethan just does what she wants and doesn't really think about what he wants, they're just going to end up back where they started.

I really like this explanation, because I have heard many people in successful relationships say they are married to their best friend. And likewise, I have heard people in unsuccessful relationships say they don’t know who the other person is or they never knew them at all. 

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