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S03.E05: Facing Fears

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So, in this week's installment....

Steven and Alina: Surely you folks realized that if you want to get married in a foreign country, that you should have some idea what to do *before* you get there. Both of you could have contacted your own embassy or consulate, and the Turkish one. Not go to see some lawyer or whoever he was and then be told of your bureaucratic nightmare awaiting you. This story would work best on a Before the 90 Days show. It will take you half your trip there to do all this paperwork. Alina also has to get the full version of what converting to a Mormon would entail. Maybe she doesn't want to. Steven needs to be honest with her about himself. He is showing himself to be not particularly stable or a man who has much to offer in a relationship. Be very wary, Alina. Send him back to the hostel and spend time with him in small doses for a bit. Jumping in to a pool fully clothed, hitchhiking in the middle of a city when there is public transit or taxi service available. Renting a car may be expensive. He is showing a lot of red flags. Alina can do better and maybe Steven can find an impressionable young Mormon girl who would happily accept him as-is and marry him, knowing full well what life she is getting into.

Evelin and Corey: The evil Evilyn and the poor hapless sap of Corey. If they have been married for a year, no need for a big, fancy official wedding. Just have a nice party. Him talking to Raul was weird - a friendship born out of necessity or stupidity? I wonder if Jenny from Peru will make an appearance. You just don't ghost someone Corey.

Ariela and Bini: Again, subjecting someone to your religious or spiritual traditions? All Ari got was cold and wet. Avi just seems to be a little accessory for her. Wonder how much time she spends with him. Leandro or the idea of Leandro is not really the problem. Bini was a nice vacation fling that maybe Ari enjoyed but was not planning a family with him. And now they are stuck with each other.

Ellie and Victor: Cut off the chin ponytail. I wouldn't have gone to Providencia for at least a couple of months. I would be a burden and unwanted. Sure, bringing some supplies is nice but they need much more and how much money do you have to help out Ellie? I didn't care for Victor's home. I don't know if it was some sort of ladder to get upstairs, but I would be very uncomfortable with going up and down that way. He may be her dreamboat but I don't see a happily ever after for them.

Jenny and Sumit: How much longer are you going to invest in this dude? He will marry you when his parents die. You are not welcome at family gatherings, the parents don't like you, his siblings don't like you and won't accept you. Give him an ultimatium. That he does X or he moves to another town or whatever. He likes stringing you along and you will have to come to the point where he runs out of string. Go back home, enjoy your Out of India movie that you starred in, and put this chapter behind you. Sumit will find another more suitable wife and be the good little son his parents want. Or he may find a dude or whatever He could be hiding a lot more from both his parents and you.

Kenny and Armando: The talk with Papa Armando went better than expected. Armando, give your dad some time. He is of the Old World and this is a lot for him to process. A lot of people don't want to open their lives on TV and he may also be struggling with being a private person and not wanting any attention. You and Kenny signed up for this show and not your family members. Some may want to just to carry on with their lives. Your dad loves you and that is all that matters.

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Loving Scary Hair's white privilege in this episode, rolling into a devastated island, surveying Victor's brown sisters'/mother's flattened homes, being all "oh, shit that like totally SUCKS for Y'ALL," and then peaces out back to the land of air conditioning and charged cellphones. 🙄 If Victor had left me near the dock and I was around elderly folk trying to clean up I would actually ask if I could lend a hand (well, not moving poop in just a tank top, but I couldn't sit around for an hour+ watching people without helping). If I were marrying into the family I'd stay in my own house that DIDN'T get flattened so I could help them, but Scary Hair is probably just used to throwing money at a problem and expecting it to just be fixed.

Can't fault just SteVen for not having researched the intricacies of marriage in Turkey as Alina should also have known (and at least clued SteVen in). I agree with everyone else here that he'll just continually put her in harm's way and she needs to run for the hills. Like, now. She's pissed about him not wanting to commit to marriage and he says, "Do you want me to go to the store and buy you a watermelon? [pause] 'Cause I'd really like a watermelon right now." What a prick.

I'm past the point of caring why Jenny or Sumbitch do anything anymore and just living for Sumbitch's asshole parents screaming and getting pissed off about Jenny. Sumbitch's harridan of a mother threatening suicide is like a toddler holding their breath: eyeroll-inducing, but at the same time entertaining.

I'm a little bit in love with Armando's dad. When he hugged Armando and Kenny last episode, I teared up. I hope that he continues to grow and gets happy moments with Armando. ❤️

I'm glad that Evilyn's family all know about their stupid secret marriage, but am not surprised that she threw Corey under the bus. Not at all.

Edited by lightninggirl
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If Victor needed to take supplies back to the island Ellie should have given him what she bought and let him go alone.  He knows the people and the devastation as well as how to get around.  She added an extra layer to what he had to do in addition to being in people's way at the dock while she waited for him to return with a car.  Also?  She can just stop it with how stressful it was for her to see the island before returning to her hotel on the mainland; she should be supporting/thinking of the people who survived the hurricane and are living/dealing with the aftermath.

Steven continues to see himself as uniquely special and is intent on reinforcing that in every scene we see.  If Alina continues with him it would demonstrate that she wants to be on t.v. as badly as he.  Very interesting that immediately after saying she wanted to marry Steven she told him not to cuddle with her (this was before Steven hesitated about marrying her).

I think Summit's parents are very fortunate to have their younger son and his wife-they seem smart and nice.  I think Summit and Jenny live quite well (based on the size of their house, etc.) so I can see why they both stay together (more TLC money!).

I lost a bit of respect for Armando as this episode showed how his father loves him and is working on accepting and supporting him but not only did Armando seem upset with him that he wasn't following Armando's timeline, it really occurred to me that his father is very private and yet is showing his vulnerability and love on a t.v. show that Armando convinced him to be on.  I don't think there is any way that Armando's parents would put themselves on t.v. (based on observing their reserve and deep emotion through the episode) except to try to please Armando.  When his father was telling him how much he doesn't like being at large celebrations, Armando got upset at him (and maybe being at one wedding already for Armando was beyond the father's comfort level).  

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I have to say, I do appreciate that Ellie & Victor seem matched in terms of physical attractiveness in that I think they are both fugly. I mean, typically we get one half of the couple dating WAY out of his or her league in the looks department, but not here! 

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

When his father was telling him how much he doesn't like being at large celebrations, Armando got upset at him (and maybe being at one wedding already for Armando was beyond the father's comfort level).  

Poor Armando has Kenny crying in his ear everyday to get his dad on board with the wedding.

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

I lost a bit of respect for Armando as this episode showed how his father loves him and is working on accepting and supporting him but not only did Armando seem upset with him that he wasn't following Armando's timeline, it really occurred to me that his father is very private and yet is showing his vulnerability and love on a t.v. show that Armando convinced him to be on.  I don't think there is any way that Armando's parents would put themselves on t.v. (based on observing their reserve and deep emotion through the episode) except to try to please Armando.  When his father was telling him how much he doesn't like being at large celebrations, Armando got upset at him (and maybe being at one wedding already for Armando was beyond the father's comfort level).  

I understand they wanting a big, celebratory wedding and not keep their marriage a secret but PLEASE give your father some time to process everything.  For him these are HUGE steps!

Ari pissed me off with the couldn't we have just driven here comment!  And then all of that was just to get Bini to see how much he deserves her?!  Way to crap on his religion American!  Why not at least try to experience a spiritual journey?

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So Jenny and Sumit have been together for nine years, and still no marriage. Jenny, give it up. Stop leaving everything up to Sumit and make your own decision. You can either decide that you can live a life with Sumit without being married or leave and move back to the US. Why are you fighting for this marriage certificate so badly? The parents are going to hate you either way. Find some peace in your life.

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6 hours ago, Shauna said:

Will we ever see Ari caring for her baby? 

Doubt it. She has NO job yet deserves a live in nanny. Her parents are paying for it because they obviously don't think their daughter can handle being a mother. With NO JOB outside the home. I had to add that again because I can't get over it. 

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

You can either decide that you can live a life with Sumit without being married or leave and move back to the US. Why are you fighting for this marriage certificate so badly? The parents are going to hate you either way. Find some peace in your life.

I think after all these years she still wants to get married so she doesn't have to leave India every 6 mos then turn around and go back. I would imagine flights to and from India every 6 mos is very expensive. If they marry she won't have to do that. It's the only reason I can think of that would make her want to still marry that loser. On the other hand, she can go back to the US and never return to India! That would make to much sense for a dingaling like Jenny. 

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7 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

I'm a little bit in love with Armando's dad. When he hugged Armando and Kenny last episode, I teared up. I hope that he continues to grow and gets happy moments with Armando.


I am right there with you. I love his sweet mother, sister, daughter; I just want to give them all a group hug. Their support and love for each other warms my heart.

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7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:


If Victor needed to take supplies back to the island Ellie should have given him what she bought and let him go alone.  He knows the people and the devastation as well as how to get around.  She added an extra layer to what he had to do in addition to being in people's way at the dock while she waited for him to return with a car.  Also?  She can just stop it with how stressful it was for her to see the island before returning to her hotel on the mainland; she should be supporting/thinking of the people who survived the hurricane and are living/dealing with the aftermath.


It would have been even better if, after hearing that Victor and his family were okay, Ellie had just stayed in Seattle and had a fundraiser for Providencia at her pizza restaurant then traveled there at a later time. And now she’s whining about how she doesn’t think she can live on the island in its current state? She’s lucky she has the option not to move there unlike the residents who lost their homes. 

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17 minutes ago, judyri said:

What was Corey's big reveal to Raul?  I missed it.

Corey's big reveal was that he fell in love with Jenny and the only reason he returned to Engabao was to get his things.  However, when he returned he got stuck because of the COVID travel ban and ghosted her.  I believe that when he told Evelin about Jenny she got nervous and forgave his "transgressions".  After all, she couldn't risk losing her meal ticket.  The thing is, Corey is Evelin's puppet.  She doesn't want him, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him.

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10 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I have to say, I do appreciate that Ellie & Victor seem matched in terms of physical attractiveness in that I think they are both fugly. I mean, typically we get one half of the couple dating WAY out of his or her league in the looks department, but not here! 

Also true for Alina and SteVen!

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17 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I have to say, I do appreciate that Ellie & Victor seem matched in terms of physical attractiveness in that I think they are both fugly. I mean, typically we get one half of the couple dating WAY out of his or her league in the looks department, but not here! 

I honestly thought that Victor was adorable when they showed him on the pixellated screen during the video calls. Now that we have the full-on HD filming experience? Yeah, not so much. I do not even want to know how much bacteria and filth is contained in that dangling hair crap trap on his chin!

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That braided chin/beard thing has GOT to go, but I'll take the rest of Victor's appearance with a grain of salt for now.  The guy has been living without running water, electricity, or clean clothes - and in the tropical weather no less.  That's the only pass I'm giving him or Ellie though - as others have said they were a vacation fling and should have stayed that way.  The hurricane obliterating his and his family's homes should have changed her plans to go there.  Also, there is just something about the way she says, "ProviDENcia" that makes me cringe.  I think of Elaine Benes and "fiance!"

Whether it's because he's a spineless doof or because he cannot escape the bonds of his culture doesn't matter, the fact is Sumit is never going to choose Jenny over his family, full stop.  All their fighting and drama over it is stupid, but then they wouldn't be on TV if there were no drama.  I wonder if they aren't actually both content with the way things are and all of this is for the cameras? 

The scene between Armando and his father was one of the few touching displays of genuine emotion I think I've seen on three seasons of this show, which really doesn't surprise me since I also think Armando and Kenny are one of the few genuine couples I've seen worth rooting for.  But I really, really wish Kenny would learn more Spanish already.  Hasn't he been in Mexico for, like, a year now?  (Assuming last season was filmed pre-Covid?)  It would not only make living there easier, but it would go a long way towards feeling a part of Armando's family.  It would probably mean a lot to Armando too.


Edited by Earl Is Dead
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16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Doubt it. She has NO job yet deserves a live in nanny. Her parents are paying for it because they obviously don't think their daughter can handle being a mother. With NO JOB outside the home. I had to add that again because I can't get over it. 

I can't believe I am typing this, but, in Ari's defense.....if Ethiopia is like other parts of the developing world I have experienced, the salary for nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, etc is SUPER low by US standards. Like, my ex in laws had a live in maid and cook who earned $300 US. A month. She got one day off a week. The other 6 days? She was working from sun up to as late as they wanted her up. I will never forget my ex brother in law, a fully able 20 something man, waking the maid up at 11 pm to serve him dinner. Which consisted of dishing out the food she cooked earlier, warming in the microwave and sitting it in front of him as he watched tv in the kitchen. She then had to wait of course to clean up when he finished. I had a guy come clean my apartment every week for $10 US. I mean, if you have the money, why not pay someone to scrub your toilet? Change diapers? Plus you do help the local economy. Plus, I am guessing her parents know, Ari's isn't mother of the year material. 

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34 minutes ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Also, there is just something about the way she says, "ProviDENcia" that makes me cringe.  I think of Elaine Benes and "fiance!"

Ellie: Have you seen my Providencia? 

Everyone Else: Maybe a dingo ate your Providencia.

Ellie never intended to stay there, that is why her house was the furthest thing from looking like she was packing it up to sell.

Before her time is up on TV I would love to see Ellie with a professional blow out, straightened smooth hair, just once.  I bet if it was straightened out it would be half way down her back, she has some tight curls.  


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4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Before her time is up on TV I would love to see Ellie with a professional blow out, straightened smooth hair, just once.  I bet if it was straightened out it would be half way down her back, she has some tight curls.  


Remember this infamous blowout.....image.png.3f3dfef33cb14b67055ba3061cabf25a.png

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19 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I have to say, I do appreciate that Ellie & Victor seem matched in terms of physical attractiveness in that I think they are both fugly. I mean, typically we get one half of the couple dating WAY out of his or her league in the looks department, but not here! 

All I get when I see them is the chin braid dangling over her face or getting in her mouth while they are you know, doing it. ICK.

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21 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Jenny and Sumit: How much longer are you going to invest in this dude? He will won't marry you when his parents die, he is just not that into you.

Fixed that for you.


12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe that when he told Evelin about Jenny she got nervous and forgave his "transgressions"

HAHAHAHA!!!  you crack me up!

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1 hour ago, Earl Is Dead said:

But I really, really wish Kenny would learn more Spanish already. 

He doesn't care to learn because Armando makes it easy for him because he speaks perfect English and now Armando's daughter does, too. Kids pick up language so easily. Not the case for Kenny. 

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50 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I can't believe I am typing this, but, in Ari's defense.....if Ethiopia is like other parts of the developing world I have experienced, the salary for nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, etc is SUPER low by US standards. Like, my ex in laws had a live in maid and cook who earned $300 US. A month. She got one day off a week. The other 6 days? She was working from sun up to as late as they wanted her up. I will never forget my ex brother in law, a fully able 20 something man, waking the maid up at 11 pm to serve him dinner. Which consisted of dishing out the food she cooked earlier, warming in the microwave and sitting it in front of him as he watched tv in the kitchen. She then had to wait of course to clean up when he finished. I had a guy come clean my apartment every week for $10 US. I mean, if you have the money, why not pay someone to scrub your toilet? Change diapers? Plus you do help the local economy. Plus, I am guessing her parents know, Ari's isn't mother of the year material. 

True to all this and I believe they said the Nanny was paid $200 a month but......would it be any different if Ari was back in the US where it is very expensive to have a live in nanny and only the wealthy people here can afford it? I think her parents would continue to pay for a nanny no matter the cost because Ari is a spoiled, entitled brat and would cry her eyes out at the thought of having to care for the baby all by herself because let's face it she doesn't even hold her own child. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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22 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

Loving Scary Hair's white privilege in this episode, rolling into a devastated island, surveying Victor's brown sisters'/mother's flattened homes, being all "oh, shit that like totally SUCKS for Y'ALL," and then peaces out back to the land of air conditioning and charged cellphones. 🙄 If Victor had left me near the dock and I was around elderly folk trying to clean up I would actually ask if I could lend a hand (well, not moving poop in just a tank top, but I couldn't sit around for an hour+ watching people without helping). If I were marrying into the family I'd stay in my own house that DIDN'T get flattened so I could help them, but Scary Hair is probably just used to throwing money at a problem and expecting it to just be fixed.

I would think if Ellie REALLY wanted to help the family, she would rent an AirBnb for them on San Andres (that is the island close by that is fine no?) so that the children/elderly persons could have a place to stay with amenities, and the persons able/wiling to help with the clean up could do so without having to worry about the children underfoot that need care.

Manual labor is not my jam, but that is what I would do, try to get everyone I could into a hotel/Airbnb so they could be comfortable until the debris could be cleared away and rebuilding could happen.

1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

I can't believe I am typing this, but, in Ari's defense.....if Ethiopia is like other parts of the developing world I have experienced, the salary for nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, etc is SUPER low by US standards. Like, my ex in laws had a live in maid and cook who earned $300 US. A month. She got one day off a week. The other 6 days? She was working from sun up to as late as they wanted her up. I will never forget my ex brother in law, a fully able 20 something man, waking the maid up at 11 pm to serve him dinner. Which consisted of dishing out the food she cooked earlier, warming in the microwave and sitting it in front of him as he watched tv in the kitchen. She then had to wait of course to clean up when he finished. I had a guy come clean my apartment every week for $10 US. I mean, if you have the money, why not pay someone to scrub your toilet? Change diapers? Plus you do help the local economy. Plus, I am guessing her parents know, Ari's isn't mother of the year material. 

I have no problem with Ari having a nanny so long as she isn't mistreating or exploiting the woman. Not every woman who has a child wants to be a caregiver, and so long as the baby is being cared for, paying the nanny is really between Ari and her parents. Ari is a lot of things but I don't see her being the type that would mistreat or abuse her in-house staff. She is probably friendly and amicable to the woman.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

True to all this and I believe they said the Nanny was paid $200 a month but......would it be any different if Ari was back in the US where it is very expensive to have a live in nanny and only the wealthy people here can afford it? I think her parents would continue to pay for a nanny no matter the cost because Ari is a spoiled, entitled brat and would cry her eyes out at the thought of having to care for the baby all by herself because let's face it she doesn't even hold her own child. 

I would have no problem with Ari having a nanny here. Same principles, so long as she wasn't being exploitive or mean to the person, that person's salary would be between Ari/the nanny/Ari's parents. If her parents want to give that type of support that is really their choice.

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On 9/25/2021 at 5:35 PM, Breedom said:

SteVen wants to be considered adventurous, daring, different, fun, a hoot, unique, a prize and a risk-taker among many other things. I'm not impressed. Don't be stupid, hitchhiking in a foreign country. Really? Who does this? Grow up.

Equally reckless in this day and age are any idiots who pick up hitchhikers.  The reason this one probably picked them up is because he was either hired to play the role of a driver picking up hitchhikers OR he saw them surrounded by a camera crew and was interested in appearing on camera in whatever they were filming, a TV show or a movie.

Steven is a socially awkward loser who is anything but adventurous, daring, different, fun, a hoot, unique, a prize or a risk-taker.  The most exciting thing he's probably ever thus far done is eat his kiddie cereal with chocolate milk instead of normal white milk.  This freaky man-child grows physically uglier and more revoltingly facially disgusting with each episode that progresses, to the point of my wanting to throw up in my own mouth every time he's onscreen.  How Alina finds him in any way attractive or intellectually stimulating is beyond my grasp, let alone that she also finds him humorous.  Bathroom humor is the level of funny that Steven is at, which is nowhere near the level of Jerry Seinfeld or Dennis Miller intellectual, thinking man's humor.

I think Alina may have us all fooled by having impressed us so early on in the show with her seemingly intellectual educational aspirations, when for all intents and purposes she's maybe not all that bright, different or special than any of these other losers are, given her romantic attachment to this scuzzbag.

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On 9/26/2021 at 6:27 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Not-a-V Steven's nervous forced laugh after every sentence would be a deal breaker for me.   There aren't enough redeeming qualities in the world to make up for that. And he doesn't have any anyway. I adore a good weirdo, but Steven is just too much of a lost cause. Why a watermelon?


That laugh of his is absolutely deranged.  It's so NOT the kind of laugh that makes you want to laugh along with it.  It's the laugh of a demented psycho killer.

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My example of my ex in laws treatment of their maid was in no way meant to insinuate Ari does or would mistreat her nanny or maid or cook. Just mentioned it as an example of how hard that woman busted her ass for pennies an hour. I agree, if she were in the US, Ari would have a nanny or other help. Although I can imagine her being a total "Karen" and the subject of a Reddit on how she expected the moon from a teen nanny for pennies. Ari seems the type who would expect people to feel privileged to care for her baby. So, a total whiny cheapskate? Absolutely. Physically or emotionally abusive to help? no, I don't see it. 

5 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

Steven is a socially awkward loser who is anything but adventurous, daring, different, fun, a hoot, unique, a prize or a risk-taker.  The most exciting thing he's probably ever thus far done is eat his kiddie cereal with chocolate milk instead of normal white milk.  This freaky man-child grows physically uglier and more revoltingly facially disgusting with each episode that progresses, to the point of my wanting to throw up in my own mouth every time he's onscreen. 

Yes to all of this....and yet this specimen found women willing to screw him?? Ladies, please, have some standards. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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On 9/26/2021 at 7:03 PM, seasons said:

Geez, Armando, give your dad a chance. Don't push the wedding And kenny on him. It's next year. He just made huge progress in accepting you. Give him some time. This made me frustrated with Armando. 

My heart melted during that conversation between Armando and his father.  I would have thought the father would not like having cameras around filming while they were having such a touchingly emotional.  That man really loves his son, and he really said a lot of heartwarming things that should have satisfied almost all of Armando's needs from his father without pushing for the wedding attendance.  I totally understand Armando's ideally wanting it all from his father, but he should for now be happy with how accepting and proud his father already is of him and let him come the rest of the way in his own time.  In addition to everything his father already said he was proud of about Armando, my additional two cents worth of pride is that he's such a wonderful father, brother and son to his family (and the perfect partner for Kenny).

Edited by Xebug67
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15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I would think if Ellie REALLY wanted to help the family, she would rent an AirBnb for them on San Andres (that is the island close by that is fine no?) so that the children/elderly persons could have a place to stay with amenities, and the persons able/wiling to help with the clean up could do so without having to worry about the children underfoot that need care.

Maybe.  It doesn't sound like that would break the bank, but somebody's going to have to rebuild.  Not to sound crass, but this is the Caribbean.  They're used to hurricanes.  I was a little struck by her "this sucks for *me*" reaction, though.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

He doesn't care to learn because Armando makes it easy for him because he speaks perfect English and now Armando's daughter does, too. Kids pick up language so easily. Not the case for Kenny. 

I go back and forth between thinking he knows more Spanish than they show or he really has been too lazy to learn.  He should at least have had a conversational Spanish class if not an immersion class before heading to Mexico. I have French as a second language and can read it quite well, but my conversational skills are not so great, and I probably should go back to the local French group now that we are all vaxxed.  He doesn't appear to be working so he could be watching Spanish language tv all day.

The other thing that bugs me about Kenny is that he is always the one seen driving.  I get that it is his car, but does Armando not know how to drive.   Because of the age difference, it always seems to me like a dad driving his teen age son around.

I hated that the conversation between Armando and his dad was on camera.  I do wonder how the family feels about being filmed, and I recall that Armando lied to them at first about the reason for the filming.

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5 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

That man really loves his son, and he really said a lot of heartwarming things that should have satisfied almost all of Armando's needs from his father without pushing for the wedding attendance.

I remember watching a documentary about Greg Louganis. And he said, his mother told him when he came out that she was sad he was gay, not because she loved him any less or thought it was wrong, etc. She loved and accepted him. She was sad because she knew how unaccepting the rest of the world was and she didn't like to think of her son facing that discrimination.

I wonder if that is also part of with his father. I don't know about Mexico, but LA in general has a reputation as being very homophobic, in part due to the huge role the Catholic church plays in politics and day to day life. He knows his son faces a hard road just trying to live his life and that has to be painful to watch. 

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5 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

Maybe.  It doesn't sound like that would break the bank, but somebody's going to have to rebuild.  Not to sound crass, but this is the Caribbean.  They're used to hurricanes.  I was a little struck by her "this sucks for *me*" reaction, though.

Yeah, I would think 2-3weeks in an Airbnb for the little ones/the elderly would be actually helpful and appreciated by the other family members. And it would show that Ellie ACTUALLY cared, not just about her own comfort.

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4 minutes ago, Twopper said:

The other thing that bugs me about Kenny is that he is always the one seen driving.  I get that it is his car, but does Armando not know how to drive.

It's quite possible Armando doesn't know how to drive. Many Mexicans take busses or walk, they can not afford cars. My son's 27 year old Mexican girlfriend is just now taking driving lessons, now that they are living in the US she knows it's necessary. She and all of her friends took busses everywhere when she still lived in Mexico.

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9 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

He knows how to drive. He was driving down a highway after an argument with his wife (they were separated at the time) when she rear-ended him and then lost control of her car. That's how she died. So if anything, he may be traumatized about driving, but he is capable.


Could be Kenny actually likes to drive and Armando just does it because he has to. I am not partnered, but of most couples I know, one person likes driving more than the other and is the one doing it unless they are injured or ill.

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14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

It's quite possible Armando doesn't know how to drive. Many Mexicans take busses or walk, they can not afford cars. My son's 27 year old Mexican girlfriend is just now taking driving lessons, now that they are living in the US she knows it's necessary. She and all of her friends took busses everywhere when she still lived in Mexico.

True.  For some reason I thought that he was driving before Kenny came.  Not sure why I have that impression.


3 hours ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Whether it's because he's a spineless doof or because he cannot escape the bonds of his culture doesn't matter, the fact is Sumit is never going to choose Jenny over his family, full stop.  All their fighting and drama over it is stupid, but then they wouldn't be on TV if there were no drama.  I wonder if they aren't actually both content with the way things are and all of this is for the cameras? 

Jenny always makes me think of the expression "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me," but I think with Summit the fooling Jenny count is in the double digits.   I do think they are fairly content with the exception of Jenny having to leave the country periodically. It was not helpful for Sumit to choose the pregnancy announcement/blessing event to fight for Jenny's acceptance.  Great way to also alienate the brother and SIL.  Doesn't he still owe money for the divorce?  assuming he actually got the divorce.

Evelin and Corey are neither interesting or entertaining.  Now that they have revealed they are married, they will probably get on HEA where they will continue to be uninteresting.

Speaking of uninteresting and not entertaining, let me now comment on Steven-with-a-"v"-and- not-a "ph."  Jumping in a pool after a shower with all your clothes on and then walking down the street with your shoes sloshing and your clothes all wet cannot be romantic.   I am guessing the hitchhiking was staged as I think there was a TLC car following along.  I cannot believe neither one of them was aware of the paperwork to get married, but maybe they were.  They both seem to be escapees from middle school.  I think I may owe an apology to middle schoolers for that remark.

Ellie, I think, is an idiot.

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

I cannot believe neither one of them was aware of the paperwork to get married, but maybe they were.  They both seem to be escapees from middle school.  I think I may owe an apology to middle schoolers for that remark.

Never underestimate some people's stupidity/naivete/general cluelessness. I remember years ago when I had to deal with what was then called INS to get my ex's paperwork started. Back before you had online appointment bookings, you waited in line before they opened to grab a number to then get to ask your question or turn in your paperwork, etc. There was a couple ahead of me who just were AMAZED that there would be a cost to getting the papers filed for the guy's green card and OMG!! They want actual paperwork like birth certs and financial information?? We can't just walk in, say hey we are married give him a green card??? So, yes I can see dipship Steven with a V thinking getting hitched in Turkey was just like eloping in Vegas. Maybe even easier cause you know, 'Merica is so much more advanced than any other place. He is a tool, so is she and I hope they fizzle out a la Amira and Andrew. 


I think the only reason Jenny is pushing for the marriage is so that she can just settle in India, get a work permit. That would be a royal pain in the ass to have to leave every 6 months, especially at her age, which she will rapidly enter the phase of life where it may not even be physically safe for her to travel that far. I mean, there are 60 somethings that are super healthy and fit and look 10 or 20 years younger than they are...then there is Jenny who looks old enough to be Sumit's grandmother and waddles down the street (adn she isn't obese!). 


If Ari returns to NJ, I can see her bringing the nanny with her. Imagine how much attention that will get her at her Princeton mommy group? Oh, that is my EthiOPian nanny! 

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3 hours ago, Twopper said:

Speaking of uninteresting and not entertaining, let me now comment on Steven-with-a-"v"-and- not-a "ph."  Jumping in a pool after a shower with all your clothes on and then walking down the street with your shoes sloshing and your clothes all wet cannot be romantic.

Also, and I'm not a dude so I can't speak to this issue directly, but I'm also thinking that walking around in wet unders/shorts through city streets would cause a certain amount of chafing ... especially with temple undergarments. My friend just got back from Hawai'i and went for a dip with his gf while on a hike, and took off his bottoms to swim because he didn't want to continue hiking in wet shorts and cited chafing specifically.

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6 hours ago, Twopper said:

Evelin and Corey are neither interesting or entertaining.  Now that they have revealed they are married, they will probably get on HEA where they will continue to be uninteresting.

If these two pop up on pillow talk I will be throwing an Evelin sized bitch fit!

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