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S23.E33: Power of Veto #13

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Azah was not wrong when she said that Ky needs to feel in control of everything.  X does too, he's just had better luck or played a little smoother than Ky.  

Interesting that Ky went from last episode saying that DerF has done so much in the game that he was a worthier save than Hannah, to this episode pretty much calling him out for doing not so much.  Also hypocritical?  Ky getting mad at X for not giving him a straight answer when he did the same thing to DerF in their conversation.   I get that he's pissed that he thinks X is being a coward and backing out of their F2 deal, but he's doing the same thing to DerF.  Of course it's probably because he's being "noble" by taking the "best competitor" to the end.  He no doubt thinks he can talk his way into a win over X because he never seems to catch on that his logical arguments are firmly rooted in his own perspective instead of understanding that others may not see things his way.  Clearly, his way is the right way if only people weren't too stupid to understand.

After I posted, I realized that production must be fed up with Kyland as well.  Perhaps he's made a few too many "suggestions" to staff in DR.  The "sniffing" segment was awful.  If you can't tell, I don't like Ky very much but even I felt bad that they chose to include that in the show.  Funny?  Absolutely!  But I think it will be mortifying to someone with an ego like Ky's.

I sincerely hope that Ky is voted out, Azah manages to win the final HOH and takes Derf to the end and wins.  It will never happen, but that trio needs to learn some humility and I think that would be a great way to do it.

Edited by leocadia
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6 minutes ago, leocadia said:

But I think it will be mortifying to someone with an ego like Ky's.

Also mortifying to, as X mentioned, people that he's made food for. I was repulsed by his ummm 'interactions' with the tortillas. It freaked me out that he then used ONE of them and put the rest BACK in the package for others to come upon, unbeknownst. *shudder*

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The first few minutes, aghhhhhhhh!  Azah drives me crazy not having any plan or agency in this game!  She drives me crazy!  CRAY-ZEE!!!!!!!!

Then for the rest of the episode I could calm down.  The Derek F. / Kyland non-argument was really interesting.

I probably couldn't be friends with Kyland in real life, but I do find him interesting on television because I've never seen a reality show contestant like him.  He's so odd.  

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

That very last shot of the episode with Kyland sniffing a bag of salad was pretty much the best part of the episode. Both because it was over and because the sniffing thing is just weird.

I always sniff my food because I'm single and things hang out in the fridge for awhile, but it never touches my face.  That's too weird and it probably makes stuff go bad faster.

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5 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I always sniff my food because I'm single and things hang out in the fridge for awhile, but it never touches my face.  That's too weird and it probably makes stuff go bad faster.

Kyland was sniffing not just his food but pillows, shirts, I forget what else-- but it looked like above average need for sniffing!  lol    (I sniff my food, too,if it looks a little wonky-- just in case...  I drive my husband nuts with thinking hamburger meat or left over chicken smells 'bad'.  He can't smell it but I'm afraid of poisening us!) 😬

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I almost didn't make it through last night's episode, not just because there weren't a lot of surprises, but because first I watched the 2 hour Survivor premiere. It was after midnight by the time I finished BB, and I almost packed it in a few times. 

The only thing that truly woke me up was the sniffing segment. I feel bad saying it, but I was dying. I mean laughing so hard I was literally crying. I almost rewound it but I was too tired. And yes, I also felt bad for laughing but I couldn't help it. 

I was relieved to see Deref seems to be having some actual pangs of conscience about having to cut one of his friends. I was starting to wonder. 

I'm ready for this to be over. I'm not mad it's dragging because that's the nature of the game, but this part is a slog. I'm ready to see some jury house. 

Am I the only one who keeps thinking X is 45?? It's impossible for me to believe he's in his 20s.


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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That very last shot of the episode with Kyland sniffing a bag of salad was pretty much the best part of the episode. Both because it was over and because the sniffing thing is just weird.

My favorite "sniff" (and the least gross one) was him sniffing the cut end of the pineapple, looking amazed, and then sniffing its rind and looking absolutely astounded.  Like--did it not smell like pineapple on the outside or something?

Azah's "Do you want to go with Wonder Woman?" or however she said it was pretty cute.  

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10 minutes ago, Maya said:

I didn’t even understand Derek and Ky’s conversation. Wasn’t Derek just trying to get Ky to say that he (Ky) was planning on taking Derek to final two? If so, why didn’t Ky just say that, whether it was true or not??


Here's the mid-show remark I jotted down:


I thought Kyland wasn't really dumb enough to take X to a final two--that it was only game talk.

But watching him just now refuse to reassure Big Sloth when Big Sloth's eyebrows are hovering around the ceiling and he's BEGGING Ky to reassure him . . . I guess Ky really is strategically clueless.



I did not like DerekF, that big lump, summoning Azah over to his bed so he could gaslight her with some nonsense apology, then dismissing her back to where she'd come from.


I defy any of the people left in that place to name one thing DerekF has done through the course of the whole show.  How do they manage to keep referring to "Big D's game" with straight faces?  SMH

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8 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I always sniff my food because I'm single and things hang out in the fridge for awhile, but it never touches my face.  That's too weird and it probably makes stuff go bad faster.

I have never sniffed my food. I am single. I don't need to sniff my food. I eat my food. If it's been in the apartment for too long, I just throw it out. I don't need to test it out. But, that's just me. Sniffing food that a group of people eat by putting it to your fave and then putting it back is just gross.

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I defy any of the people left in that place to name one thing DerekF has done through the course of the whole show.  How do they manage to keep referring to "Big D's game" with straight faces? 

He seems to understand the only way he gets to F2 is if someone takes him there. He has zero chance of winning a final 3 comp, those are always super physical. I have no idea what his argument would be for the win if he did make it to F2. Maybe F2 is good enough for him. If he thinks he's done anything to deserve the actual win, the reasoning would be laughable.

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8 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I have never sniffed my food. I am single. I don't need to sniff my food. I eat my food. If it's been in the apartment for too long, I just throw it out. I don't need to test it out. But, that's just me. Sniffing food that a group of people eat by putting it to your fave and then putting it back is just gross.

But how do you know when it's been too long?  You better learn to take a little whiff.

I'm a single who eats what's in my fridge until I open the lid and a little hand reaches up and slams it back down again.

I agree that Ky wiping those tortillas all over his face was gross.  He has several compulsive habits.  I've seen him self-soothe by swaying back and forth for 20 minutes while Julie asked challenge questions.

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4 hours ago, Blissfool said:

The floss! Don't forget about the floss!

It's also a good way to sniff out gingivitis.  I had problems with it years ago and would do that to see if I was making any progress.  Got it cleared up with Vince Tooth Powder, which I don't think they make anymore, and flossing.  Even had to have some surgery.

Now I use a Water-Pik every day and the dentist is very happy with my gums.  No more floss.

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12 hours ago, leocadia said:

I sincerely hope that Ky is voted out, Azah manages to win the final HOH and takes Derf to the end and wins.  It will never happen, but that trio needs to learn some humility and I think that would be a great way to do it.

Even if by some miracle Azah wins the Final HOH (which is not to happen), I can see her taking X.  She is not strategic in the game.   She plays with her emotions and thinks she's closer to X.  She blew it when she was HOH by not taking him out.  That would have been a big move for her.  

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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

t's also a good way to sniff out gingivitis.  I had problems with it years ago and would do that to see if I was making any progress.  Got it cleared up with Vince Tooth Powder, which I don't think they make anymore, and flossing.  Even had to have some surgery.

Now I use a Water-Pik every day and the dentist is very happy with my gums.  No more floss.

But would you do it if you were on camera 24/7?

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I just was able to watch last night's show today and I just had to say , that compulsive sniffing that Ky was doing was exceptionally disgusting !! He put the whole damn tortilla on his face & then put in back in the bag ! OMG. I don't think I'd ever be able to eat anything that had been opened in that house again after seeing that. Only previously unopened products, though I'm not sure that is even possible in there. So gross.


Oh and, yeah, Derek F has no game, at all ! Unless you consider attaching yourself like a barnacle to other players and being dragged to end-- if that's his game, well then, well done lazy ass. As I said early on, if he would somehow win this game ( which I know is highly unlikely ) , it would ruin the whole show for me.

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17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That very last shot of the episode with Kyland sniffing a bag of salad was pretty much the best part of the episode. Both because it was over and because the sniffing thing is just weird.

I'm a sniffer. Like I'll sniff my kids when i hug them, sniff food to make sure it's not bad (esp when other people won't sniff it), I sniff out the location of suspicious smells in the house, etc.  So when X said, "Kyland is a sniffer" I was like, "oh yay, me too!".  But my excitement soon turned to 😲😳.  That is NOT normal behavior, even for a "sniffer".

Edited by greeneyedscorpio
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I've bashed on The Oaf most of the season, but I'll concede that I was stunned with how well he did in the competition last night. First of all, I was stunned that he could stay awake that long. Secondly, I didn't think he had a chance at outperforming the other 3 in a comp that required math, balance, and some agility. Ky obviously was trying way too hard to go fast which led to knocking his own balls out of the card. It also begs the question, how horrible is Azah at everything (except for the one comp she won)?!

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9 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I've bashed on The Oaf most of the season, but I'll concede that I was stunned with how well he did in the competition last night. First of all, I was stunned that he could stay awake that long. Secondly, I didn't think he had a chance at outperforming the other 3 in a comp that required math, balance, and some agility. 

He was also surprisingly good in the Hoh comp that Sarah Beth won. It, too, required balance and agility. Guess he floats like a butterfly, stings like a....oh, wait! Wrong boxer-dad.

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21 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I've bashed on The Oaf most of the season, but I'll concede that I was stunned with how well he did in the competition last night. First of all, I was stunned that he could stay awake that long. Secondly, I didn't think he had a chance at outperforming the other 3 in a comp that required math, balance, and some agility. Ky obviously was trying way too hard to go fast which led to knocking his own balls out of the card. It also begs the question, how horrible is Azah at everything (except for the one comp she won)?!

Derek F and Azah are still around for two reasons:

1) They were part of The Cookout.

2) The two guys running The Cookout (Xavier and Kyland) don't consider them annoying (like Tiffany) or possible comp threats (like Tiffany or Hannah).

Without The Cookout protecting Derek F and Azah, they both would've been gone a month ago. Maybe two.

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1 hour ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Derek F and Azah are still around for two reasons:

1) They were part of The Cookout.

2) The two guys running The Cookout (Xavier and Kyland) don't consider them annoying (like Tiffany) or possible comp threats (like Tiffany or Hannah).

Without The Cookout protecting Derek F and Azah, they both would've been gone a month ago. Maybe two.

I do think Azah could have been okay for a bit with her relationships with Claire and DX, but I think DF would have been out a while ago.

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10 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

It wasn't the tortilla sniffing that bothered me so much as the fact that he put them all back.  If he had sniffed the top one and then ate it, no biggie.

Yes, and the WAY he sniffs the food. Its not just a little "is this food still good?" He seems to be getting some weird pleasure from sniffing, and puts the whole tortilla up to his face, for a lot longer than is necessary to see if it was bad,   before putting them back!!! 

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On 9/22/2021 at 11:56 PM, Wandering Snark said:

Also mortifying to, as X mentioned, people that [Ky’s] made food for. I was repulsed by his ummm 'interactions' with the tortillas. It freaked me out that he then used ONE of them and put the rest BACK in the package for others to come upon, unbeknownst. *shudder*

I would say I was curious as to what a Ky-face-flavored tortilla would taste like, but I’d be lying - not even a little curious.

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