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S03.E03: Fight For Love

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2 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

I remember that Armando had a dog grooming business, and that's a needed service in most of the world. Kenny could easily work as his assistant, answering the phone, collecting the fees, and washing the dogs.

If the show accurately depicts his command of Spanish, answering the phones is a no-go.  Shoot, even washing the dogs might be sketchy because they probably speak only Spanish.

But here's an idea--if he's bored or rootless or whatever, he could immerse himself in learning Spanish.  Treat it like a job, even--not just sitting in front of the TV.

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So are Ari and Leandro divorced?  It doesn't sound like it.  She said it was never resolved.  She says she thought she'd just sow her oats and come back, but got pregnant.  So...are they still married?

Also, Leandro never said "no" when asked the sex question.  And when Bini told Ari he asked Leandro the question, her response was "what did he say?"  If she had not slept with him, she would have known what his answer was.  NO.  But since he never said he didn't, and that was her response, I think they DID have sex.  That's just me though!  I tend to over analyze, lol.

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Leonardo never answered the sex question because they did everything but penetration!

Something to be said about that but Leo and Ari aren’t telling that little detail. 

Bini knows something went on but just what is his question!

And a hush fell over the crowd. Lol

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20 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

I remember that Armando had a dog grooming business, and that's a needed service in most of the world. Kenny could easily work as his assistant, answering the phone, collecting the fees, and washing the dogs. I guess this is much too practical advice for a TLC storyline. They'd rather have the couple crying and gnashing over every little bump in the road.

If you don't stop making so much sense, @Rt66vintage, TLC will hunt you down and force-feed you a whole lotta Kool-Aid.

Oh, and on the subject of Armando not wanting to uproot his daughter--he did uproot her. He took her all the way across Mexico. So she's in the same country, but do we really think she's seeing her grandparents, her aunt, her cousins, etc., with the same frequency she saw them before? I'm guessing she hasn't seen them once in the last 6 months, based on the previews. It's enough to make Kenny cry!  😭

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40 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:


I just can't get over how calm Leandro is about how horribly awful Ari had treated him.  HTF is he not still pissed off at her?  And WTF is Bini all jealous that Leandro wants her back with that Miss Piggie snout face of hers?  Love must truly be blind, as well as deaf and dumb.  Not that he's any bargain either.  He's not that high scoring in the looks department, though he is in tremendous physical shape.  Meanwhile, lumpy, dumpy, frumpy awful Ari is the "catch" over Tsoni?  Does Bini hate females of his own race or what???  Tsoni is a bombshell.  That's the woman I'd be crying my eyes out over not being with any longer, NOT Miss Piggie.


But, does Tsoni come with a doctor father who can foot the bills for a 3 bedroom house, nice furniture, and a nanny? I don't know a lot about the average life style in EthiOPia, but I imagine Bini's life style has changed a good bit since Ari came back. Also, I think he worries about losing his second son. (No one's fault but his own!)

Edited by lilysmom
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I've been reading articles online about this season's cast, and I'm flummoxed why so many people have been so quick to support Ellie, with so many, quote, "fans" thinking she's such a "sweet lady". 

I'm not saying that she's NOT a nice person.  What I am saying is that it's too quick and early on in the season to make such a sweeping statement about her, and to have formed that opinion of her based solely on the fact that her first husband passed away shows that their liking of her is totally not based on merit. 

What has she done thus far to show the world that she's so "sweet" or "nice"? 

We HAVE seen her friends be nice and sweet to her, but how has she reciprocated any of that?

Only time will tell what kind of person Ellie actually is, however, based solely on her actions and comments thus far only into episode 3, to me she's a melodramatic idiot who fancies herself to be the heroine in a Harlequin romance novel.  This opinion of mine is merit-based in light of what she's shown as well as told us about herself - that she's willing to give up everything to move to another country to be with a cheater who repeatedly lied about his cheating, and her ridiculous comment about "doing crazy things for love" (ridiculous coming from a woman of her age - it wouldn't be so ridiculous if the comment was made by a teenager who hasn't experienced life yet and doesn't know better).

Edited by Xebug67
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56 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

I just can't get over how calm Leandro is about how horribly awful Ari had treated him.

I wonder how Leandro felt about being Plan B (not the birth control) when Ari openly admitted that she'd go back to him if she decides that life in Ethiopia doesn't work out. Talk about keeping your options open! 

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1 hour ago, Rt66vintage said:

I remember that Armando had a dog grooming business, and that's a needed service in most of the world.

I think it was also a doggy daycare/kennel and surely there's something Kenny could do behind the scenes to help out in running a facility. Except maybe they don't have the room for a business now like Armando did on his family's compound. 

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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

I LOVE that movie, as well as Diane Lane.

I actually do, too. I was just disappointed to learn that if I'm on a tour of Italy and I stumble upon a derelict villa I can't just throw some money down and expat myself to Florence. 

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On 9/13/2021 at 8:50 AM, Mondrianyone said:

She also looked filtered within an inch of her life, which was weird.

Can someone remind me why Kenny had to move to Mexico rather than have Armando come to the US? They could get married here without any problems, Kenny would be near his kids and grandson, Armando could bring Hannah--who's not able to see her grandparents very often now anyhow--Kenny wouldn't have to learn Spanish while Armando already speaks perfect English, and Kenny'd be able to work. All I can see are upsides, so I'm having trouble remembering why they did it what seems like the ass-backwards way.

Is that what made her head so oddly, extremely vertically elongated looking?

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6 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Armando has a young child he does not want to uproot. Mexico is not a savage wilderness. Lots of people don't want to live in the US. Its cheap to live in Mexico and the quality of medical/dental care is very high. Thousands of Americans retire there. And now, there is a pandemic raging and his daughter is too young to vaccinate. In Armando's shoes I would stay put without hesitation. 

It can be a savage wilderness if you don't have money. Armando was living in a shack before Kenny moved down there. Even though Armando is no lazy slug (he had his own little dog sitting/grooming shop), the money a Mexican earns is poverty level. It's Kenny's money that got them that nice home they live in now. I think he made a big profit from selling his Florida home? 

Anyway, the people that live a comfortable, cheap life in Mexico are the ex-pats, that move there with their retirement money, not the native Mexicans. It's sad but true. the majority of Mexican people work hard for their money and have very little to show for it.

As for Armando moving to the states, it can be done but it is difficult if you do it legally. I know this because my son lived in Mexico for 2 years and when he and his girlfriend (Mexican and educated) moved back to the states she had to jump through hoops to get here. Interviews, proof of employment, background check, etc. Of course if son married girlfriend that would not be an issue but that's another story I won't get in to, I've already made this post way too long for anybody to probably want to read it. 😏

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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But here's an idea--if he's bored or rootless or whatever, he could immerse himself in learning Spanish.  Treat it like a job, even--not just sitting in front of the TV.

He had days to drive across the country to learn some Spanish.


44 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I've already made this post way too long for anybody to probably want to read it.

No, no, no, you are fine!  Go back and find the epic post from summer of 2019 (maybe 2018 I can't remember) how I UNLOADED on tiffany for being a horrible person. Tiffany broke the three C's of addiction:  You did not cause it, you can not cure it, and you can't control it.  But, in all fairness, she, like a lot of people, think they CAN control it.  Ya can't.  Then I unleashed my rage at her involving Daniel in adult decisions.  Then I went to town and back over getting pregnant six hours after landing.  So, @bichonblitz, you are just fine!

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On 9/13/2021 at 10:13 AM, treeofdreams said:

Who the heck is scripting these stories?  They are so fake.

The whole Jenny/Hare Krishna storyline is absurd because, as mentioned above, the immigration lawyer had to have known that it takes a few years to get that missionary visa.

Also, one of the reasons they couldn't go to America and get married was because Sumit's ex-inlaws took his passport?  Simple.  Get a new one, go to America, and get married there.

Corey and whatshername are already married?  But he is stressing about funding a $50,000 dollar wedding.  The whole thing is a bad joke.

Why did Ellie fly to Columbia without a plan?  She has been shown to be in touch with his sister; she could just ask where he is.

Through all the scenes we have seen, Ari has this smirk on her face that says this is all manufactured drama and she is in it for the kicks.

Perhaps this lawyer's fee is commensurate with his knowledge of the law.  Considering how Jenny and Sumit barely have a penny to rub between them, I would think that any lawyer they can afford to meet with might not be the most competent.  Alternatively, immigration just might not be his specialty and he thought he found a loophole and got too excited to finish reading what ALL the requirments were for eligibility for the Hare Krishna visa.  Then again, Jenny and Sumit might not have even paid him their joint penny for the consultation and talked him into meeting with them based on the free publicity they'd garner for him by getting him on TV.

I had been reading on here where many of you all have been saying ever since the season started that Evelin and Corey were already married but didn't know where you got that information.  I try to avoid being spoiled during each season and did not want to know this ahead of time.  Now that Evelin has made the big announcement about their "secret", Corey will be even a bigger dumbass than he already is if he gives in to Evelin's demands for a ridiculously expensive wedding, and especially as regards a stupidly over-priced gown(s) for her to wear on their "wedding" day.  As much of a tightwad as Evelin strikes me as being, it astonishes me that she would want Corey to spend the amount of money she and the wedding consultant were throwing around.  I would think she'd much rather have him spend that money on them and their business(es). Not that I think Corey actually even has the kind of money Evelin and the wedding consultant were talking about.

Maybe Ellie can volunteer to help with the aftermath of the hurricane once she's over there on the adjoining island.  When hurricane Andrew hit in South Florida back in 1992 I did a ton of volunteer work down in the parts of town where they had been worst hit.  It was depressing and humbling at the same time.  Those poor people needed as much human care and assistance as could be gotten to them.  It is possible to be helpful without being in the way, so long as you're committed to truly being helpful and not in it for whatever self-serving needs you might have, which I think might be Ellie's mindset - to only find and get to Victor, not to help others.

That's not a smirk on awful Ari's face.  That's her, "I just smelled a fart"/"sucked on a lemon" permanent sour facial expression.  Geez, that hog, Miss Piggie, is ugly, with her recessive upper lip that cannot fully cover her oversized top teeth.

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4 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

I just can't get over how calm Leandro is about how horribly awful Ari had treated him.  HTF is he not still pissed off at her?

It’s Areola’s secret sauce. She’s an emotional wreck, thus you need to treat her with kid gloves so she doesn’t go off the rails. Just as I have trained friends and relatives not to call or text me on Sunday nights (Live Chat is my first priority 😁), so has she trained everyone to walk on eggshells because she is THIS CLOSE 👌 to having a nervous breakdown.

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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

I wonder how Leandro felt about being Plan B (not the birth control) when Ari openly admitted that she'd go back to him if she decides that life in Ethiopia doesn't work out. Talk about keeping your options open! 

Without Ari, Leandro would probably still be in Argentina.  When they got married, he was able to receive a green card and move to the U.S.  They've been married for over ten years, so he is most likely a citizen by now.  I am willing to bet her parents paid for his education.  Hence why he seems so beholden to her.  

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4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Without Ari, Leandro would probably still be in Argentina.  When they got married, he was able to receive a green card and move to the U.S.  They've been married for over ten years, so he is most likely a citizen by now.  I am willing to bet her parents paid for his education.  Hence why he seems so beholden to her.  

I think Lenardo actually liked/lusted/had serious emotional attachment to Ari, this wasn’t a fly by night relationship. So I’m not surprised there is still something there. (I don’t know if they had sex or not, but they aren’t “just friends” to my eye.)


5 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

Considering how Jenny and Sumit barely have a penny to rub between them, I would think that any lawyer they can afford to meet with might not be the most competent.  Alternatively, immigration just might not be his specialty and he thought he found a loophole and got too excited to finish reading what ALL the requirments were for eligibility for the Hare Krishna visa.  Then again, Jenny and Sumit might not have even paid him their joint penny for the consultation and talked him into meeting with them based on the free publicity they'd garner for him by getting him on TV.

This is likely. 

I cannot with Jenny and Summit right now. Jenny was very disrespectful to think she could just get a missionary visa at the drop of a hat because she didn’t want to have to leave the country every 6months. And it was disrespectful to the followers of Hare Krishna.

Of course I understand in a world without Covid leaving every six months less of a hardship, BUT Summit is a liar. Summit lied to his parents, his wife, and Jenny. Summit does not want to marry her, he will keep her around as long as it’s convenient and she was a good excuse to get out of his marriage. 

I personally think his in-laws took his passport to make his life more difficult and as “insurance” he would pay back the dowry. But he could always apply for another one!

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Leandro could not breathe when Bini had him in that choke hold. That was not cool. Bini trying to show his macho power fighting skills could have killed the guy. He was pounding on the mat to be let go. Not a fan of spoiled Ari but not a fan of Bini even more. 

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6 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

I'm not saying that she's NOT a nice person.  What I am saying is that it's too quick and early on in the season to make such a sweeping statement about her, and to have formed that opinion of her based solely on the fact that her first husband passed away shows that their liking of her is totally not based on merit. 

Yes, exactly!

I really don't like that people seem to like her only because her husband passed away. They feel so bad for her, and therefore, she's a sweet, nice person. We don't know that, do we? They want eternal happiness for her based on the fact that her husband died. We'll see more of her personality as the show goes on and then I can see if she's sweet or not. The only thing I know about her now is that she lives in Seattle, owns a pizza shop, her husband passed away and she makes horrible decisions.

Your post was 100% on the money!

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Yes, exactly!

I really don't like that people seem to like her only because her husband passed away. They feel so bad for her, and therefore, she's a sweet, nice person. We don't know that, do we? They want eternal happiness for her based on the fact that her husband died. We'll see more of her personality as the show goes on and then I can see if she's sweet or not. The only thing I know about her now is that she lives in Seattle, owns a pizza shop, her husband passed away and she makes horrible decisions.

Your post was 100% on the money!

You & @Xebug67 are right. 

To me, her sensible friends seemed a bigger indication that she was a decent person rather than her first husband passing away (which of course is awful- that happened to a former coworker, husband dead 10months after the wedding). 

Lets see if she has control freak or domineering tendencies with Victor and others. 

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21 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

He's TWENTY-FIVE ... but definitely immature.  Maybe this "catfish" game can help to end it all.  I'm sure SteVen's mother is beside herself...but trying to remember that he did well on his mission (I assume).  The entire family has probably had to protect him all his life.

Yes, Bini was completely in the wrong...and worse: he didn't acknowledge Leandro's tap-out.  It's obvious Leandro was afraid and in physical distress. That gym should ban Bini for awhile.

YES. That didn’t look staged to me. It looked like Bini was about to choke him out. And I agree the gym ought to ban him. 

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18 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Armando has a young child he does not want to uproot. Mexico is not a savage wilderness.

I live in a border state and travel (traveled) to Mexico often.

18 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Its cheap to live in Mexico and the quality of medical/dental care is very high. Thousands of Americans retire there.

I have friends who retired to Mexico (beach towns), and friends/relatives who drive just a few hours to get prescriptions filled.  My son and two cousins went to Algodones several times for EXPERT dental work.  I'm familiar with the benefits of Mexico.  Still, I think this relationship with Armando and Kenny will not survive this physical "separation" from family for one of them--no matter which one.

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Roid rage?

You might be on to something there. Remember the photos of Bini when they met and he was really muscular and had dreadlocks? Then, when we first saw him in person Ari was so disappointed that he had cut his hair and remarked that he was so skinny? He looked downright scrawny. Now it looks like he’s got nothing to do all day but work out. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he isn’t using something to bulk up again. 

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On 9/14/2021 at 12:52 AM, Back Atcha said:

I agree.  He's disappointed in himself, in Armando, the living conditions, day-to-day life.  He has always been "a good guy," so he'll just cry more often (privately) and get so depressed it will be dangerous.

I'm wondering if the laws of physics would allow Kenny to cry more often. 

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On 9/13/2021 at 4:00 PM, bichonblitz said:

Yes and their home is very nice. Unlike most Mexican's they are living a very nice life there.  Shut up, Kenny and your cry baby daughter. 

Their housing development looks very upscale.  They also seem to have gorgeous views of the water.  I wonder if the surrounding areas are unsafe and not so great.

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An article I was just reading took me to Ari's Instagram, and she has this photo posted on there, supposedly of her.  I did see here wearing that same dress/blouse in another photo, so it probably is her, but heavily filtered.  On what planet would anyone assume that Miss Piggie with the snout is this girl?  I never in a million, gazillion years would have known this was her. 

Ari's Instagram Photo.jpg

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This is super-weird.  Also on Ari's Instagram page was this photo of their lovely nanny.  Ari has posted a loving message about her, but is calling her Tsion.  Wasn't that Bini's ex-girlfriend's name?  Is Tsion that common a name in Ethiopia?

Ari's Instagram Photo The Nanny.jpg

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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

An article I was just reading took me to Ari's Instagram, and she has this photo posted on there, supposedly of her.  I did see here wearing that same dress/blouse in another photo, so it probably is her, but heavily filtered.  On what planet would anyone assume that Miss Piggie with the snout is this girl?  I never in a million, gazillion years would have known this was her. 

Ari's Instagram Photo.jpg

Never in a million years would I have thought that was Ari...maybe some like a younger sister but not her. Or maybe her if at some point after this she'd had reconstructive surgery from a major accident. Which I honestly had thought that might have happened...her face is kinda ...crooked for lack of a better word.


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On 9/13/2021 at 6:37 PM, Tuneful said:

I'm no Kenny "dee-VOTE-ee," but it seems he moved to a place where he doesn't speak the language, he's gained weight, the culture is homophobic (violently), he's car-dependent, has no friends or relatives, has no job or volunteer work, is isolated in a gated community, and lives with a young child FT who speaks no English (as cute as she is).

Reminds me of my summer age 19 when I was an au pair in a Spanish-speaking country, on the edge of a city, and my host family's first language was yet another one. Cool place, but I became clinically depressed (first time out of a few in my life). I got the job last-minute and wasn't ready or fit. And gained 10 lbs.  without even trying. 

Ari is not well or responsible enough to be traveling the world or to be a mother. And she has no filter, or impulse control. Her parents will never rest easy. Leo probably qualifies for sainthood. Hope his current GF, bra maven, is more together.  I got scared when Bini put Leo in a choke hold and he couldn't breathe.

What about a paternity test? Who knows what else Ari got up to on that trip?  

I wonder if Ellie took drugs like her late husband (a bartender, like current BF). Restaurant business is high-stress, long hours, physically exhausting. There are other ways to take better care of yourself than chasing a smooth guy on Bali Ha'i who romances you while wheedling you for money. 

The priest in the ISKCON temple has been there, done that, with American tourists who get a mad crush on India. 

If I heard "de-vo-tee" one more time I don't know who I'd kill first - Jenny or myself, LOL.  Fingernails on the blackboard level of annoying.

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23 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Of course I understand in a world without Covid leaving every six months less of a hardship, BUT Summit is a liar. Summit lied to his parents, his wife, and Jenny. Summit does not want to marry her, he will keep her around as long as it’s convenient and she was a good excuse to get out of his marriage. 

I personally think his in-laws took his passport to make his life more difficult and as “insurance” he would pay back the dowry. But he could always apply for another one

Jenny is just hoping to outlive Sumit's parents and force him to come up with a new excuse to not marry her.

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On 9/13/2021 at 8:54 PM, Mrs. Landingham said:

Agreed. Ari is a right pain in the arse, but Bini is a hopeless, coddled dope. 

Ellie makes my palms sweat. She walked out of her perfectly good home and her lovely friends to get on three planes during a hurricane to track down a man she barely knows, is financially unstable, and already cheated on her at least once. I swear every single sentence she uttered as she was shown boarding and deplaning and boarding again began with “I don’t know…” or “I’m not sure…” Then stay home, love! Why be a logistical burden on a country in the throes of a natural disaster? 

Yes, I realize she’s the epitome of the entire premise of this show, but saints preserve us!  I understand she’s experienced loss in her life, and this is my misanthrope personality shining through here, but her actions just seem extreme. Much more so than Jenny who left behind ALL her furniture to go be with a guy who’d already admitted to catfishing her. 

Ellie deserves everything that's coming to her.  She's a grown ass adult who is walking into this with her eyes more than open!

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On 9/13/2021 at 10:59 PM, Back Atcha said:

Did you watch previous seasons?  Did you see Evelin come to America?  Those two are so boring many of us BRAG about fast-forwarding through their portions.

Not just boring, but unlikable to boot.

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On 9/14/2021 at 8:42 AM, magemaud said:

I always thought Stephanie’s hair was gorgeous, and I hate the new look. Why didn’t she just get a wig to try out a different style and color. I guess her Only Fans like the soft, voluptuous “pin up girl” type. 

Not just her hair.  She was also very pretty, with a nice curvaceous figure.  Didn't Darcey's Tom cop to having a crush on her, or am I confusing her with someone else he liked?

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Meant to post on here earlier today, but as I was reading this thread, I suddenly had a massive anxiety attack and had to step away from the iPad for a little while and take a nap. Now I’m still laying in my bed, reading all of your great comments on here. I appreciate all of your opinions and enjoy reading them.

Jenny thinking she could chant once and get a missionary visa. 🤦🏼‍♀️ “Oh, I’d have to be here every day?! Full time?! For you to sponsor my visa?!”

I want a Nathan For You-style spinoff where Sumit comes up with a new scheme each episode to keep Jenny in India without marrying her. The plan? Enroll Jenny to become a Hare Krishna missionary.

So basically Ari left Leandro to travel, "broke up with him" because they break up a lot apparently, used the Ross Gellar "we were on a break" excuse to hookup with people in other countries, and then accidentally got pregnant. Am I following? Did they ever actually get divorced? I haven't heard either of them mention it.

I’m convinced Leandro and Ari had sex, but Leandro didn’t want to admit it and get choked out again. Leandro’s answer of “You have nothing to worry about” instead of just saying, “No, we didn’t have sex” was a huge red flag to me.

I love that Biniyam invited his ex girlfriend to dinner. Tsion may be the most attractive woman I've seen on this show. She is gorgeous and so sweet navigating that uncomfortable conversation with Bini, Ari, and Leandro. No wonder Ari is insecure about them dancing and rehearsing together.

How does TLC okay Ellie going to a place just destroyed by a hurricane? The aftermath of Katrina, Sandy, Maria…. these places turn into war zones.

Did Corey really just give Evelin his sister’s old prom dress without even having it dry cleaned, and present it as a gift to her? I get that he wants to save money, but the dress is one of those things that you definitely want to pick out on your own terms. If he gave it to her in private and presented it as a backup option, and asked her to consider using it if he couldn’t afford everything else, that would be one thing, but that’s not what happened. I still think Evelin is being ridiculous by suggesting that Corey needs to pay for everything, just to get that out of the way. Also, they’re already married? Ugh. It just never ends with these two.

I think Kenny and Armando are living in Mexico and not the US because Armando didn't want to uproot Hannah from the only family she has, since she lost her mother. And I don’t really blame him.

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On 9/14/2021 at 10:24 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

If the show accurately depicts his command of Spanish, answering the phones is a no-go.  Shoot, even washing the dogs might be sketchy because they probably speak only Spanish.

But here's an idea--if he's bored or rootless or whatever, he could immerse himself in learning Spanish.  Treat it like a job, even--not just sitting in front of the TV.

Who, the owners, the dogs, or both? 🐶

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On 9/14/2021 at 2:57 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

It’s Areola’s secret sauce. She’s an emotional wreck, thus you need to treat her with kid gloves so she doesn’t go off the rails. Just as I have trained friends and relatives not to call or text me on Sunday nights (Live Chat is my first priority 😁), so has she trained everyone to walk on eggshells because she is THIS CLOSE 👌 to having a nervous breakdown.

She does put on a good act, though, of trying to appear strong - courageous even.  She also very consciously wants to be perceived as "the cool chick" by others.

Like how she wears as a badge of honor that her pregnant self is chucking it all and moving to the third-world country of Ethiopia to be with her baby's African sperm donor, or the fact that she and her ex-husband are on such good terms that they're actually BFFs.  I really do believe that immature Ari does think like that.

She's just extremely blessed to have the parents that she has who are always there to clean up her messes.  I will at least say this for her - she does express a ton of love and appreciation for her mother on her Instagrams.

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On 9/14/2021 at 4:08 PM, bichonblitz said:

Leandro could not breathe when Bini had him in that choke hold. That was not cool. Bini trying to show his macho power fighting skills could have killed the guy. He was pounding on the mat to be let go. Not a fan of spoiled Ari but not a fan of Bini even more. 

I thought the grimacing look on Bini's face as he had poor intellectual Leandro in that choke hold revealed a lot about what he's thinking about his future wife and her not-yet-ex husband, and those were NOT good, happy thoughts. 

Leandro really did look like he was suffering.

22 hours ago, Breedom said:

Yes, exactly!

I really don't like that people seem to like her only because her husband passed away. They feel so bad for her, and therefore, she's a sweet, nice person. We don't know that, do we? They want eternal happiness for her based on the fact that her husband died. We'll see more of her personality as the show goes on and then I can see if she's sweet or not. The only thing I know about her now is that she lives in Seattle, owns a pizza shop, her husband passed away and she makes horrible decisions.

Your post was 100% on the money!

Thank you, Breedom.  You put it even more succinctly.

One other thing we know about her is that she has very caring friends.

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21 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

You & @Xebug67 are right. 

To me, her sensible friends seemed a bigger indication that she was a decent person rather than her first husband passing away (which of course is awful- that happened to a former coworker, husband dead 10months after the wedding). 

Lets see if she has control freak or domineering tendencies with Victor and others. 

That's a very astute observation, Scarlett45. 

Hence the saying, "You are judged by the company you keep."

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Ari and Bini's caretaker also has a prominent forehead, but on her it's not at all unattractive, whereas on Ellie it's unsightly.  She has a great hairstyle that's very complementary to her overall face.

Notice I didn't say nanny just now, because I DO believe she's there to look after the two older "babies" as well.  🤣



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2 hours ago, Aradea831 said:

Never in a million years would I have thought that was Ari...maybe some like a younger sister but not her. Or maybe her if at some point after this she'd had reconstructive surgery from a major accident. Which I honestly had thought that might have happened...her face is kinda ...crooked for lack of a better word.

You know who she looks like?  The Sewing with Nancy lady who had Bell's Palsy, if Nancy used more eye makeup.

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3 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

I thought the grimacing look on Bini's face as he had poor intellectual Leandro in that choke hold revealed a lot about what he's thinking about his future wife and her not yet-ex husband, and those were NOT good, happy thoughts. 

I should watch these shows more carefully; obviously I don't know this:

  • Bini and Ari were married in a religious ceremony...but are NOT legally married.
  • Ari is not divorced from Leandro.

Is this what your comment suggests?  (I thought she divorced Leandro and married Bini.)

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48 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

I should watch these shows more carefully; obviously I don't know this:

  • Bini and Ari were married in a religious ceremony...but are NOT legally married.
  • Ari is not divorced from Leandro.

Is this what your comment suggests?  (I thought she divorced Leandro and married Bini.)

Arie and Bini are engaged but not married.  Arie calls Leandro her ex but I have not heard her say they actually divorced (it may be implied in ex).

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7 hours ago, Back Atcha said:
9 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Arie and Bini are engaged but not married.  Arie calls Leandro her ex but I have not heard her say they actually divorced (it may be implied in ex).

SOooooo...Ari should be havin

Crap, my quote messed up.

So with all the pearl clutching with Ari having sex and a baby with another man while still legally married to Leandro or as she says, ehhanndrahhh how about the craziness of two men finding her attractive enough to sleep with her?  

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

So with all the pearl clutching with Ari having sex and a baby with another man while still legally married to Leandro or as she says, ehhanndrahhh how about the craziness of two men finding her attractive enough to sleep with her?  

^^^This is what I find the most remarkable about the whole situation.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

how about the craziness of two men finding her attractive enough to sleep with her?  

That three-bedroom house with the full-time nanny and no need to hold down a job might look pretty attractive when viewed from a certain angle.  If you squint.

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@Xebug67, Thanks for posting that screenshot of Ari saying sweet things to Mimi.  Wait, she calls this person Tsion.  Is this Bini’s old gf or the housekeeper/paid companion - or are they the same person after all?  I’m so confused.  Also….    
- why does she not spell out and capitalize God?  For someone who is supposed to be a writer/blogger, I would expect more.   
- I also believe the paid companion is there to care for everybody.   
- I believe she has been doing Ari’s hair and makeup and picking out her clothes.   
- why doesn’t she say “we” love you and not “I” and she doesn’t mention Bini at all.   
- how many “best friends” can one person have.    
- please don’t call humans “silly”.  

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11 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

I should watch these shows more carefully; obviously I don't know this:

  • Bini and Ari were married in a religious ceremony...but are NOT legally married.
  • Ari is not divorced from Leandro.

Is this what your comment suggests?  (I thought she divorced Leandro and married Bini.)

My comment was based on many others on this forum discussing that Ari is not yet divorced from Leandro.  Regretfully, I do now know if that is the truth or not.  Perhaps I should not have said about Ari not yet being divorced.

As of this moment in time in the current season, she's still only engaged to Bini (unless they too had a secret marriage ceremony the same way that Corey and Evlin did or Coltee and Vanessa.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Crap, my quote messed up.

So with all the pearl clutching with Ari having sex and a baby with another man while still legally married to Leandro or as she says, ehhanndrahhh how about the craziness of two men finding her attractive enough to sleep with her?  

That's what I keep saying.  How does this truly unfortunate looking girl have men fighting over her?  Even more so, why would anyone want her to "star" in their music video?

I can never get past that pig snout of hers.  To her credit though, she does have really beautiful blue eyes.

I feel that beautiful blue eyes are the saving grace of many otherwise unattractive people.  I can't think of all the ones I think this when I'm watching them, but presently who comes to mind is Corey.  His blue eyes are also gorgeous.  It's just to bad they're part of a ferret/weasely looking face.

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