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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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26 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I HATE when I’m sitting near noisy, obnoxious assholes in a restaurant.

I know, . . . back when eating out was a thing, you look forward to eating out and you're sitting next to the Squatly Family reunion, and 13 year old Bertha Squatly is having her birthday party at the same time, and a couple cousins drop by and they want to use chairs from your table. . . 

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41 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Rating the males' sexual prowess so far, from worst to best, it would appear to be:




Caleb - insufficient data 

Johnny - hasn't entered the competition

They are all equally bad. 

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1 minute ago, Doublemint said:

She should have bought him some of the clothes from the shop instead of a stupid t shirt.  Ha ha enjoy brushing your teeth with your gold plated Christmas toothbrush

But she doesn’t want him to have something he can enjoy without her.

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1 minute ago, mmecorday said:

Girl, you think a toothbrush is a lousy Christmas present? One year I got post-it notes for Christmas. And not ones with funny pictures or sayings on them. Just plan yellow post-it notes.

The Sonicare I have was $200.

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2 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

I know, . . . back when eating out was a thing, you look forward to eating out and you're sitting next to the Squatly Family reunion, and 13 year old Bertha Squatly is having her birthday party at the same time, and a couple cousins drop by and they want to use chairs from your table. . . 

I read that wrong…I was like, when was it not a thing?

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2 minutes ago, Bees52 said:

How hard is it to understand that vegans don't eat eggs? Look up the word, Stupid Gino!!  Look up vegetarian and a lot of other words that end in "arian," while you're at it.

I've been offered chicken or seafood many times.  The uninterested assume that vegetarian means "I don't eat quadrupeds".

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2 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

I know, . . . back when eating out was a thing, you look forward to eating out and you're sitting next to the Squatly Family reunion, and 13 year old Bertha Squatly is having her birthday party at the same time, and a couple cousins drop by and they want to use chairs from your table. . . 

If you're the band in the restaurant you love this - Happy Birthday to You in F - I miss those days, this Covid stinks!!

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

She is wearing lipstick when she wakes up? My mouth area usually feels cruddy in the AM.

She's wearing lipstick and he's wearing his hat!

1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Hey, that's the  $295 Oral B!

Probably discontinued and bought at a steep discount on meh. com. 

Or maybe he has a friend who works at a dental school. When I worked at Tufts Dental there were expos and stuff all the time, lots of free swag and half price Oral B's. 

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