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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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4 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Hi everyone:  I’ve had an incredibly hard 2 weeks and I am ready for anything to take my mind off my my troubles.  On Wednesday my mom agreed to have my brother taken off life support.  He died on Thursday with my sister and I by his side.  He never regained consciousness after he fell.  I just left my mom’s house where she was having an huge argument with my sister.  These things bring out the best in people.😩

I am so sorry for your loss, I hope in time the pain of your loss eases and his memories are a comfort to you.

Snark is good medicine.

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3 minutes ago, rideashire said:

Just my luck that I got distracted by my cat hacking up a huge hairball directly on the rug right when Kimbally was Not!Begging for sex and missed most of that scene. I'm gonna guess she did in fact beg though.

Well, she didn't actually use the words, "I'm begging you"  but whatever she said, that was the message.  Then she got pissed she was rebuffed.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

"Just laughing and dancing and looking a little bit. Not a BETRAYAL like choosing a paint color".

Could you imagine the nuclear-type reaction if the roles were reversed and Gino's friends got him a stripper???

This bitch making me feel bad for Gino.

it'll pass....

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4 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Hi everyone:  I’ve had an incredibly hard 2 weeks and I am ready for anything to take my mind off my my troubles.  On Wednesday my mom agreed to have my brother taken off life support.  He died on Thursday with my sister and I by his side.  He never regained consciousness after he fell.  I just left my mom’s house where she was having an huge argument with my sister.  These things bring out the best in people.😩

I'm so so sorry, @Emmeline. You have lots of supportive company here in the Mourning Corner of our Fam 💔

Yes, The. Absolute. Worst. As we're trying to avoid probate, I'm STILL listening to my brothers argue over my Moms's estate and it just makes me cringe over how she would feel knowing about it.

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3 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Lol at them cutting to him packing while Jasmine enjoys the stripper.

also I thought no men were allowed, who is her male friend?

hey @sainte-chapelle  hope you were able to dig out of Monday and Tuesday's snow!!

I think gay men are the exception.

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Memphis keeps talking about the "consul-ette". Is that a little tiny baby consul? 

1 minute ago, GrammyPammy said:

Oh, the juxtaposition of the male stripper party and Gino restlessly pacing in the empty hotel room is perfect!

See what the boys in the back room (or the Sharp writers' room) will have! Someone got a raise for coming up with a new idea. Of course, now it will be bored right into the ground endlessly. Lets remember the good times, when it was new!

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2 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

Oh, the juxtaposition of the male stripper party and Gino restlessly pacing in the empty hotel room is perfect!

You know he would never be allowed a stripper.

I wonder if she forbid him to leave his room for fear he may look at another woman.

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

I just got in. Who is that MAN at the no-men party? Not the paid man, the one who answered the door.


That's her best friend/hairdresser Leo, right?  I guess he doesn't count as a man because he's gay and just one of the girls?

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8 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Hi everyone:  I’ve had an incredibly hard 2 weeks and I am ready for anything to take my mind off my my troubles.  On Wednesday my mom agreed to have my brother taken off life support.  He died on Thursday with my sister and I by his side.  He never regained consciousness after he fell.  I just left my mom’s house where she was having an huge argument with my sister.  These things bring out the best in people.😩

So sorry to hear he didn't make it.  My condolences  to you and your family. 😞

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Kimbally has oddly sheltered vibes...like she seems to believe that there are strategies and obligations to dating,. I've seen that in fundamentalist religions-but Kimbally doesn't seem too fundamentally anything. 

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