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S06.E12: Bubble Baths And Family Wraths

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So, Angela can afford to consult with a psychic or fortuneteller? She sounded like she was feeding Angela's insecurities about Mykull just wanting her for the Green Card. At this point with all of her abuse, he probably deserves one. I will want to watch that scene again on Sunday.

Yara and Jovi do not have a crib for the baby? It is time to get one for her and not keep her in the bed.

I have a Ukrainian heritage and for those folks who do celebrate Orthdox Christmas and New Year, it is a big celebration. The event is not going to start at 4 and folks will be sent home by 6 pm. Very rude of Yara. She could easily put Mylah down on the bed and check on her every 15 minutes/have the baby monitor hooked up. It's not have people over, have them wait a half hour for dinner, have them eat, and send them home 15 minutes later. Have some margarine tubs or Tupperware tubs, fill them up with food if anyone wants any leftovers and then send them home after a respectable time. Jovi's mom and cousins drove 2 hours to come to dinner.

The Potthast reunion seemed to be at a fancy venue. Hope there are lights for all those stairs so when the mostly drunk folks leave, they can see where they are going. More fake drama as Andreii finds out that Libby hired a nanny/babybsitter for Eleanor. And didn't tell him. Seriously? Libby is Ms CEO and can't work from home and look after a smallish toddler type kid? Lots of folks have been working from home, helping their kids with school, etc. during the pandemic. Never a family event where something is quiet and no drama.

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The widely different dress code for the Potthast family reunion just cracked me up. Chuck’s offspring were dressed like they were going to a wedding but many of the relatives were in flannel shirts, puffer vests and baseball caps. Camo even, like they just came in from hunting! Becky’s dress was slit down to her navel. Libby sure loves to be ensconced in velvet. And every time I see Libby and Jenn with their hair parted in the middle and zig zag waves, all I can think of is a cocker spaniel. 

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Saw the half hour last night.

I fast forwarded the Angela crap. I really cannot stand her anymore.  You are having marital problems. Who do you call?  A therapist? A social worker? Your pastor? Nope. A psychic.  

I know that the Family Potthast thing was bullshit. But Becky acting like it's no big deal that Libby got a sitter behind Andrei's back is an issue. If I was her husband, I would ask myself what is Becky hiding from me?

Speaking of bullshit, the Christmas dinner and Yara kicking them out is TLC plot crap.  Yara and Gwen have a great relationship.  There is not much drama there. So let's fake some.


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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I don’t think anyone wanted to take home anything left from that meal 

Gwen was carrying the red Solo to-go cup through the kitchen after they were asked to leave.   Yara set the table with them, placing them next to the wine glasses.

11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I have a Ukrainian heritage and for those folks who do celebrate Orthdox Christmas and New Year, it is a big celebration. The event is not going to start at 4 and folks will be sent home by 6 pm. Very rude of Yara. She could easily put Mylah down on the bed and check on her every 15 minutes/have the baby monitor hooked up. It's not have people over, have them wait a half hour for dinner, have them eat, and send them home 15 minutes later. Have some margarine tubs or Tupperware tubs, fill them up with food if anyone wants any leftovers and then send them home after a respectable time. Jovi's mom and cousins drove 2 hours to come to dinner.

Yara may be a Byzantine Catholic, which would explain a January 6th Christmas celebration and Jovi's cousins as Mylah's godparents.

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I think Psychic Tracey is just somebody Angela (or production) got to dress up in a ridiculous costume as a fortune teller and pretend to do a reading for Michael. She was obviously on Angela's side and scolding him. She shuffled the cards and had Michael tell her to stop and turns up an "Angel card" with a woman's picture (I suspect all of them have a woman on them) and dramatically says, "See this, Michael, THIS is Angela..." and proceeds to launch into a lecture about how he should treat her. Then she says, "I have picked this card for you..." and sees him surrounded by other people, "friends or family?" (Maybe the Goofballs?) Finally, she gets Angela to ask a question about Michael and turns up a card that says, "If you believe..." Wouldn't that be an ambiguous response to any question? It was all so stupid and phony, Miss Cleo must be spinning in her grave. 

Edited by magemaud
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27 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I think Psychic Tracey is just somebody Angela (or production) got to dress up in a ridiculous costume as a fortune teller and pretend to do a reading for Michael. She was obviously on Angela's side and scolding him. She shuffled the cards and had Michael tell her to stop and turns up an "Angel card" with a woman's picture (I suspect all of them have a woman on them) and dramatically says, "See this, Michael, THIS is Angela..." and proceeds to launch into a lecture about how he should treat her. Then she says, "I have picked this card for you..." and sees him surrounded by other people, "friends or family?" (Maybe the Goofballs?) Finally, she gets Angela to ask a question about Michael and turns up a card that says, "If you believe..." Wouldn't that be an ambiguous response to any question? It was all so stupid and phony, Miss Cleo must be spinning in her grave. 

That accent was positively fascinating in a train wreck sort of way.

I, too, assumed that was some woman Angela probably met at the local bar and invited her to appear on the show as her "psychic" to throw some shade at Michael.  Instead it turned out to be unintentionally comical.  😂

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2 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

Gwen was carrying the red Solo to-go cup through the kitchen after they were asked to leave.   Yara set the table with them, placing them next to the wine glasses.

Yara may be a Byzantine Catholic, which would explain a January 6th Christmas celebration and Jovi's cousins as Mylah's godparents.

Some people here do the whole shebang, while others make one or two dishes. It is very time consuming and expensive.  Unless you are having a lot of guests.


I don’t see Yara spending two or three days preparing the food and maybe she made a modified version. She may also have struggled to find some of the necessary ingredients.

Some of my relatives who did celebrate the Orthodox Christmas liked that they could get a live tree cheap or free, that the presents would be half price because of Boxing Day sales, along with cards, gift wrap, etc.

Most of my family only celebrates the December Christmas.


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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I think Psychic Tracey is just somebody Angela (or production) got to dress up in a ridiculous costume as a fortune teller and pretend to do a reading for Michael. She was obviously on Angela's side and scolding him. She shuffled the cards and had Michael tell her to stop and turns up an "Angel card" with a woman's picture (I suspect all of them have a woman on them) and dramatically says, "See this, Michael, THIS is Angela..." and proceeds to launch into a lecture about how he should treat her. Then she says, "I have picked this card for you..." and sees him surrounded by other people, "friends or family?" (Maybe the Goofballs?) Finally, she gets Angela to ask a question about Michael and turns up a card that says, "If you believe..." Wouldn't that be an ambiguous response to any question? It was all so stupid and phony, Miss Cleo must be spinning in her grave. 

You are not paying a ‘psychic’ for their advice on your life. The psychic’s job is not to tell Mykull how to treat Angela. A friend or coworker can give lots of advice for free. It seemed like a setup for Ange calling up a fortune teller. 

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Here's some info about Psychic Tracey 


She's a "celebrity psychic" from Birmingham, England who also advised Mama June: https://www.psychictracey.online/?fbclid=IwAR3aa0wzNMYJ-SA-NtmIORImbZNgk0tm8b-oEdppki3UScW8d3dk-iJ9Fzs  No coincidence that Angela and June have the same agent and the same weight loss surgeon in LA. 


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Potthast Family Drama:

Elizabeth was wrong to hire a babysitter without telling Andrei, if in fact they had discussed it and Andrei had said he did not want her to hire one.  Yes, Elizabeth, you are married, and you need to agree on these things first, not doing things behind your husband's back.

Andrei is wrong in not "allowing" Elizabeth to hire a babysitter, because it's something the couple should agree on, not a unilateral decision.  

Elizabeth's sister Rebecca was wrong in creating the drama she knew would happen when she brought up said babysitter.

Andrei was wrong in storming out during the family reunion.  How many of us have gritted our teeth and put on a fake smile during an event, only to have our private argument in the car on the way home?

Rebecca knew Andrei would over-react.  She knew Elizabeth would run after him, and she knew the camera crew would be on it.  

What a freaking snake that Rebecca.  She tried hard to control her evil grin.

Edited by Starlight925
  • Love 24
17 hours ago, magemaud said:

Here's some info about Psychic Tracey 

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She's a "celebrity psychic" from Birmingham, England who also advised Mama June: https://www.psychictracey.online/?fbclid=IwAR3aa0wzNMYJ-SA-NtmIORImbZNgk0tm8b-oEdppki3UScW8d3dk-iJ9Fzs  No coincidence that Angela and June have the same agent and the same weight loss surgeon in LA. 


So much for my theory.  

I knew it was fuckery of some sort, though.  😂

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I watched the whole thing on Friday.  It was so boring and more of the same.  I ff'd through Angela's stuff as I don't care.  You scream, belittle, shame and demean him but now you want to sexually connect?  Yeah.....okay.

Yara, you are a rude whiner.  Your baby isn't that cute, either.  (Sorry.)

Tiffany and Ron:  Girl, find yourself a fixer upper in your hometown.

Kalani and Boo Boo Butt Butt:  Stop sharing loving photos on IG then having a conversation that contains the words:  "You need to talk to your mom to not beat up my sister." 

Mike, you are up there with Ed and Andrew.  Such horrid HORRID men.

Family Libby:  SHUT.  UP.  NOW.  Take your botoxed faces someplace else.  Stop swearing and fighting while kids are around.  

See?  The whole thing was wash rinse repeat that I am resenting the show, lol.  But yet here I am..........

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On 7/17/2021 at 12:19 AM, Frozendiva said:

So, Angela can afford to consult with a psychic or fortuneteller? She sounded like she was feeding Angela's insecurities about Mykull just wanting her for the Green Card. At this point with all of her abuse, he probably deserves one. I will want to watch that scene again on Sunday.

Yara and Jovi do not have a crib for the baby? It is time to get one for her and not keep her in the bed.

I have a Ukrainian heritage and for those folks who do celebrate Orthdox Christmas and New Year, it is a big celebration. The event is not going to start at 4 and folks will be sent home by 6 pm. Very rude of Yara. She could easily put Mylah down on the bed and check on her every 15 minutes/have the baby monitor hooked up. It's not have people over, have them wait a half hour for dinner, have them eat, and send them home 15 minutes later. Have some margarine tubs or Tupperware tubs, fill them up with food if anyone wants any leftovers and then send them home after a respectable time. Jovi's mom and cousins drove 2 hours to come to dinner.


I think Yara kicked them out because they were all ganging up on her about Mylah's sleeping place, which is absolutely none of their business and it was shitty of Jovi to complain to everyone.  Personally, if I put that much time and effort into a dinner for people, and then they came and picked on me, I would ask them to leave too, but I wouldn't be so nice about it. In fact, I did have a aunt come awhile back who took advantage of me being trapped in my house to let me know how I was doing everything wrong, and then ask my husband to verify that I was indeed wrong. She's not coming back again ever. 

I saw the whole episode on Discovery plus, so I don't want to post any spoilers but the Andrei thing and going into business together with the dad and outrage from the grown adult sisters with their own children and families just doesn't make any sense, and the dad is helping out Andrei just like he did everyone else. So maybe they think it's a good story to make it seem like they are jealous, but it makes no sense, and the outrage makes no sense. 



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6 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Elizabeth was wrong to hire a babysitter without telling Andrei, if in fact they had discussed it and Andrei had said he did not want her to hire one.  Yes, Elizabeth, you are married, and you need to agree on these things first, not doing things behind your husband's back.

I thought it was interesting that she said she "only hired a babysitter A FEW TIMES A WEEK!" To me, in a typical work week, "a few" seems to mean almost every day. 

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13 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I thought it was interesting that she said she "only hired a babysitter A FEW TIMES A WEEK!" To me, in a typical work week, "a few" seems to mean almost every day. 

I laughed out LOUD when she was nattering on and ON about wanting to be a SAHM then after 8 HOURS she demands a nanny.  (That was a few weeks ago but it stayed with me, like a bad rash.)

Why, oh why......do people complain about their spouses to their families?  I mean, my hubs is the BEST and we rarely argue but if I do have a small complaint it is this:  He leaves cups or plates EVERYWHERE.  And we laugh about it.  Very solveable!!!!❤️

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16 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I thought it was interesting that she said she "only hired a babysitter A FEW TIMES A WEEK!" To me, in a typical work week, "a few" seems to mean almost every day. 

The young'uns dont seem to know the difference between a couple and a few. Seriously, I had a store clerk look at me with a vacant stare and ask me what a couple was when I asked for something. 

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I like the Mama A. comes to town, bringing her enforcer Tammy with her.  I'm betting if they ever really have a fight (I'm sure the entire threat of a fight is staged for the storyline) that Kalani will clean Tammy and Mama A's clock, and if she needs help, I'm sure Kolini and their mom will help.     It's better than Natalie and Mike whining, or Michael and Angela, and Angela's abuse. . 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I think a mom has to involve a dad in the decision to hire and to select the sitter, not because the Dad should have the final say, edited to add BOTH parents mom dad, mom mom, dad dad, whatever a family looks like BOTH should select a sitter and agree. Libby took NO responsibility for that at all. 

Also, she is so thin but her chin doesn’t change. I would feel so ripped off if I busted ass to a rockin bod and still was stuck with that jowl. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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I'll have more to say later regarding this episode, but for now:

It's pretty rich for Libby to say she doesn't need a man to tell her what to do (in reference to Andrei telling her not to hire a nanny), when the reason she hired the nanny was Becca telling her to do it, and not to tell Andrei that she did.

So Andrei telling Libby to do or not to do something = bad, but Libby's sister(s) telling Libby to do or not to do something = a-okay?

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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Yara is so frigging rude.  She should thank her lucky stars that she is blonde, thin and had oodles of plastic surgeries, otherwise social media would rip her to shreds. Seems to me that all they have to do is buy a crib and set it up in their bedroom.  Mylah would be near, but not in their bed.  Problem solved.  

Libby and Andrei's family drama is clearly scripted.  From the sister just walking up and inquiring about the nanny, to the brother in-law informing the family that Chuck and Andrei were going into business together.

Edited by Adeejay
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God, Yara has the most childish whine -- every sentence ending in the downward pout. And it's obvious she's done with sex and that's A) the weapon she used to have the baby and B) having the baby in bed protects her from having sex. 

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm certain Ronald can do better than similarly whiny and useless mountainous Tiffany, who seems to spend most of her day spackling on eyeshadow. She is now complaining that "a man can clean, too..." Um, last ep she was howling that he wasn't paying attention to her because he was mopping. How does that work, now? Is he supposed to clean or not?

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Not sure I can watch it anymore. 

The "fortune teller" segment was fake and a setup. (I don't think Michael was in on it, though.)

I'll eat a toe if ANY of Family Libby's drama is real (except I do believe that Charlie is a raging coke head). I'm sure the "nanny" is a close friend who Libby and Andrei have played to play a part. 

Yara's 'Ukrainian Christmas' setup was fake. I think she and Jovi watched previous seasons and decided that they needed to produce more drama and the best, and cheapest, way was to fight with family. What we saw was probably a re-creation of the actual event. 

IDGAF about Brandon and Julia. 

The only person I care about is Daniel and, unfortunately, I DO think that both of his "parents" are emotionally manipulating him. 

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1 hour ago, nytonc said:

I am beyond sick of the Chucklefuck family. It’s the same fight week after week, season after season. If it’s production-driven, they need to come up with a new angle. Preferably one that doesn’t include this family. If it’s not, Chucklefuck Sr needs to lift up that fat belly, find his balls and tell his family of leeches that it’s his business and if they don’t like working with André, they can all fuck off and find employment elsewhere.  

The fact that Chuck stands back and watches it happen is one of the big reasons why I think it's scripted. Family Libby is trying to be like Family Chantel, only they lack the comedy and absurdness. 

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39 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

The fact that Chuck stands back and watches it happen is one of the big reasons why I think it's scripted. Family Libby is trying to be like Family Chantel, only they lack the comedy and absurdness. 

On some level, I think Chuck has some genuine affection for Andreii. He is different than the kids.

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49 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Not sure I can watch it anymore. 

The "fortune teller" segment was fake and a setup. (I don't think Michael was in on it, though.)

I'll eat a toe if ANY of Family Libby's drama is real (except I do believe that Charlie is a raging coke head). I'm sure the "nanny" is a close friend who Libby and Andrei have played to play a part. 

Yara's 'Ukrainian Christmas' setup was fake. I think she and Jovi watched previous seasons and decided that they needed to produce more drama and the best, and cheapest, way was to fight with family. What we saw was probably a re-creation of the actual event. 

IDGAF about Brandon and Julia. 

The only person I care about is Daniel and, unfortunately, I DO think that both of his "parents" are emotionally manipulating him. 

Yeah, the fortune teller seemed to validate Angela and tell Mykull what he is doing wrong, at least in Angela's eyes.  She probably picked up what Angela wanted her to do and to move her nasty nature to blame on Michael. A real one would be objective. And not give out advice. I have worked with a psychic/metaphysical practitioner about my soul connection experience and hell. He had no interest in repeated readings or validating folks. Teaches you the tools you need so you help yourself. No respect or use for the end of the pier fortunetellers.

I too thought that the Ukrainian Christmas was fake. January 7 is Christmas Day; not the 6th. The 6th is the 12 meatless dishes which I doubt Yara had the time, energy, or desire to make. I also wouldn't be springing unfamiliar food like herring to people who have never eaten it. More friendly foods like ham sausage (if there any good Polish delis), cabbage rolls, pyrohy. Things like herring or headcheese (jellied pork hocks) would be a small amount as they are not for everyone, as are the buckwheat cabbage rolls.

There was an 'article' on SoapDirt that Julia was continuing to spend time in Russia and then she and Brandon were on a break. But no, it was a joke. To get attention.

No interest in Libby's backstabbing family. They are not charming, they are not funny, they are not entertaining. Selfish, entitled adults who rely on dad to take care of them and not doing anything on their own.

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This season is just a bunch of rude ass people from all over the world. Angela: rude as hell. Yara: fuckin rude. Family Libby: pas de rude. Family Asuelu: aggressively rude. I already forgot who else is on this rude ass show. 

Ukrainians are Orthodox, which is not Catholic. They don’t answer to the Vatican or conduct services in Latin. They’re liturgical/high church and did develop out of the Byzantine tradition but that was long ago.

I thought Yara said they were having Ukrainian Christmas just because Jovi was back; I didn’t hear her say anything about it lining up with the Orthodox calendar. She doesn’t strike me as especially pious, anyway — not like Saint Natalia of Sequim. Her religion seems to be Mommy Martyrdom, with a little serpent named Jovi slithering around “her” garden on Lake Ponchartrain, tempting her to stay out past 6pm. And she’s not a jerk because of her culture. She’s just a huge, spoiled jerk. 

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I thought Yara said they were having Ukrainian Christmas just because Jovi was back; I didn’t hear her say anything about it lining up with the Orthodox calendar.

I think you’re right. Jovi wasn’t due back until after December 25th and Yara mentioned he’d been home for two weeks, so I think they were celebrating later than January 7th.    

Edited to add: Yara was just serving a typical Ukrainian Christmas DINNER without any other holiday trappings or traditions like decorations or some type of religious services, so that could be done at any time. 

Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Yeah, the fortune teller seemed to validate Angela and tell Mykull what he is doing wrong, at least in Angela's eyes.  She probably picked up what Angela wanted her to do and to move her nasty nature to blame on Michael. A real one would be objective. And not give out advice. I have worked with a psychic/metaphysical practitioner about my soul connection experience and hell. He had no interest in repeated readings or validating folks. Teaches you the tools you need so you help yourself. No respect or use for the end of the pier fortunetellers.

Someone above posted a spoiler about the fortune teller. It explains a lot. 

3 hours ago, JeanJean said:

And the taser!!!

And the hats!

Things are about to get a whole lot stupider.


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5 hours ago, JeanJean said:

It occurred to me that Ronald's spending sprees, like at the Christmas shop, could be giving him the same kind of thrill as gambling. I wish he had a therapist or a 12-Step sponsor (I learned so much about those programs thanks to the sitcom "Mom") who would point that out to him. 

Good point.   Just like on Hoarders when the cast talks about the 'High of the Buy' where the hoarder gets a charge out of spending, and collecting, even if they don't need anything, or use it.   And, as an addict, Ronald is substituting booze , and vaping, for going to casinos.   Who knows what he's smoking in the vape device anyway.     

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So the entire Kalani family puts on Christmas pj's to go to a nursery to purchase a Christmas tree and they look at the big trees and then settle on a small tree in a bucket that looks like a landscaping tree, that seems so anti climatic. Asuelo doing housework to prove he can take of another child was stupid, that proves nothing.  I would love to see an all out family brawl at this point, I want to see blood, just do it and get it over with, please. 

Natalie, Mike, the big tire and the fighting, boring and Natalie still sounds stuffy.

Yara and Jovi still fighting about the baby sleeping in their bed, Jovi wants sexy time and Yara...not so much.  I thought I saw the movers moving a crib in to the apartment.  Don't they even have a pack and play sort of thing?  The thing is and I firmly believe this is that kids need their own space to learn how to self soothe and go to sleep on their own, their marriage will take a beating if she continues to co sleep because it looks like she is using the baby to not be intimate with Jovi, which she is.  Jovi has to understand the baby comes first but he cannot deal with being second, they both have things to work on.

Angela, she is just so icky in every way.  She wants Michael to "be there" for her but other than a phone call what does she want him to do?  His squinting in to the camera whilst assessing Angela's tits was telling, he says those will work for him, they are ok, etc...pleases Angela?  She brays about how the surgery was practically life saving for her health but continues to smoke which is anti health, knowing that she will likely have some horrible diseases from smoking does not worry her as much as if Mah-kul likes her tits or not.  Also, it seemed to me that Michael was hanging dry shirts on that drying rack to re-enact laundry day.  If Angela did not want to take care of Michael why did she make him quit his job?  He can get the bj any where, any time not sure why she thinks the car was the root of all evil.



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7 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Not sure I can watch it anymore. 

The "fortune teller" segment was fake and a setup. (I don't think Michael was in on it, though.)

I'll eat a toe if ANY of Family Libby's drama is real (except I do believe that Charlie is a raging coke head). I'm sure the "nanny" is a close friend who Libby and Andrei have played to play a part. 

Yara's 'Ukrainian Christmas' setup was fake. I think she and Jovi watched previous seasons and decided that they needed to produce more drama and the best, and cheapest, way was to fight with family. What we saw was probably a re-creation of the actual event. 

IDGAF about Brandon and Julia. 

The only person I care about is Daniel and, unfortunately, I DO think that both of his "parents" are emotionally manipulating him. 

Yeah. Production is very heavy handed in assistance to the storylines which it's very obvious.

I agree with your post 100%.

They just need fresh genuine meat. Like back in season 2.

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On 7/17/2021 at 12:28 PM, ethalfrida said:

I am in awe of anyone who can listen to Tiffany. Whether it’s all her doing or producer driven it is horrible. I am beginning to see the effects on her son in subtle ways.

I put the show on and there came Tiffany’s big face with that eyeliner and switched the channel.  I’ll take 100 Angela’s instead of Tiffany and her whining closeups.  She talks like she’s an authority on him and everything.  I taped the show so I could fast forward.  I hope Ronald leaves her, but will be sad for the kids.  The boy wants the Father.  She better stop eating to catch her third guy.  The shoulders just won’t do.


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On 7/17/2021 at 10:34 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

"It's not Cajun party its Ukrainian Christmas!" LOL haha 

I will use this line as often as possible! 

That spectacle had to be fake, no?  The girl is insane.  I feel very bad for Jovie.  Is this going to be his life from now on?  He can’t enjoy his home because Yara is a nut job?  The baby sleeping in the bed is a no no.  Jovie has to man up, but then she will threaten to go home and take the baby.  
Mike is a complete asshole.  He has to pick on every little thing she says or does.  He’s a yenta and a stupid hick.  Natalie has to leave him.  No real man behaves like him, but look at his mother who taught him.

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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

On some level, I think Chuck has some genuine affection for Andreii. He is different than the kids.

Definitely. Andrei does bring something different to the business than Charlie. He will pick up the dad (dad marveled at having a chauffer!) he will drive a huge RV across the country (Andrei was a truck driver!), and he will demolish houses (he whacked that refrigerator door off in less than a minute). 

Charlie and Chuck used to be a clique, always agreeing with each other on how worthless Andrei was and picking on him together. Now, Chuck is on Andrei's side, and Charlie just has his glow stick wife to stick up for him.

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15 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I laughed out LOUD when she was nattering on and ON about wanting to be a SAHM then after 8 HOURS she demands a nanny.  (That was a few weeks ago but it stayed with me, like a bad rash.)

Why, oh why......do people complain about their spouses to their families?  I mean, my hubs is the BEST and we rarely argue but if I do have a small complaint it is this:  He leaves cups or plates EVERYWHERE.  And we laugh about it.  Very solveable!!!!❤️

Haha.  We all know it’s easier to go to work than stay home with kids.  My husband worked nights for ten years and took our own car.  I was always alone with three little kid .. no nanny ever.  No car.  Trapped in the snow.  And she’s complaining?  My only enjoyment was when I put the kids to bed.  I made a salad and watched Merv Griffin on tv and was happy.  These girls whining over every little thing cracks me up.  
I only hope Family Libby doesn’t get a spin off.  All they do is fight with Andre about the job.  Boring.   In fact this whole show is boring.  They pick the bottom of the barrel.




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