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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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20 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Not going to overshare - again - but I’ve written final papers under circumstances which apparently would’ve sent Azah running and screaming to bar the doors at the nearest church. 

Heck, I feel like just pulling an all-nighter to get a final paper done would be enough to send Azah running and screaming.  Of course, drinking wine while doing a paper would have made me fall asleep, plus I was such a teetotaler at that age that it never would have happened, lol.

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Azah's naivety is entertains me. I'm very hot and cold with Hannah. I like her, but her game was on life support until she became Tiffany's #1 and Tiffany was giving her information. If she ends up winning I think fans will overrate her game which will annoy me endlessly. 

Also Sara Beth's HOH reign has to be one of the worst ones ever right? 

Edited by choclatechip45
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Derex may be Jury Member #2 but he's probably also going to win AFP - no one has brought together all the different sides of the fandom like this since BB16's Donny. I honestly don't think anyone else will come close to him in votes. We just won't get a Frankie Grande in the background looking bummed when he realized that his sister's name wasn't enough.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:


The only way it'll do anything is if you vote for Hannah. Deref is currently the only person who will have enough BB Bucks to play Coin of Destiny but if Hannah gets 100 this week then she will also be able to play. No one else will have enough, even if they get the 100. I almost wanna vote for Claire though just because I want her to know she's well liked but I likely won't vote at all since it won't matter anyway lol.

Maybe BB will up the bucks house guests can will. After all there's nothing to stop BB from breaking its own rules. 

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love them. 😭

Derex going on trying to save his girls. I'm not crying, you're crying!

If you actually open up Twitter from these messages and scroll down, you will see the commode Xavier has in solitary confinement.  It's like a blue fuzzy throne with evil eyes.

38 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Heck, I feel like just pulling an all-nighter to get a final paper done would be enough to send Azah running and screaming.  Of course, drinking wine while doing a paper would have made me fall asleep, plus I was such a teetotaler at that age that it never would have happened, lol.

Back in the day my method for surviving all-nighters was milk and peanut M&Ms.

If you enlarge the commode picture it's not fuzzy. But it looked like it.

Edited by Lamb18
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Cameras 1 and 2.show Xavier in exile. He's in the Have Not room. He's talking to something that is on the jet ski and called it Stanley.  Stanley is like a sort of human/R2D2 figure assembled from different things that's sitting in the jet ski. Now Xavier is conversing with Stanley. Is he channeling Tom Hanks and the volleyball from that one movie where he was shipwrecked on an island? Or maybe BB from a few seasons ago where someone was by himself, maybe jury house, and drew faces  on the grapefruit.

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And Xavier has a rolled up red shirt around the top of his head. He tucked a napkin around his microphone and boy did that make a lot of static.

Now he's asking Stanley if he would rather stay with Dan G or Danielle R in solitary confinement. Breakfast is a peanut and butter sandwich which he's eating with a knife and fork. Now he asked Stanley if he'd rather be with Josh M or Evil Dick in solitary confinement. Now would Stanley rather be with Da'Vonne or Janelle. 

And then the cameras switched to Kyland and Sarah Beth in the HOH bathroom. 

BB Chat says the commode is a tent with a bucket in it. Feeds didn't show a good view of it.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Derex may be Jury Member #2 but he's probably also going to win AFP - no one has brought together all the different sides of the fandom like this since BB16's Donny. I honestly don't think anyone else will come close to him in votes. We just won't get a Frankie Grande in the background looking bummed when he realized that his sister's name wasn't enough.

Oh, I can totally see Deref pulling a Frankie Grande on Finale Night when he realized his dad’s name (or being cuddly, gay and adorable) wasn’t enough.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

In the living room, Derex sits alone, pondering the chess board and wondering where it all went so terribly wrong.

Christian. Getting rid of Christian.

The one person in the house who would have benefitted from him staying was the one who orchestrated his downfall.


Edited by Alice Mudgarden
thought of the silly dj khaled meme afterwards and had to be my dopey self and add it in.
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Christian. Getting rid of Christian.

Nah, it was NOT PLAYING ROULETTE. He knows it's we know it Hannah definitely fucking knows it. He woulda wiped the floor with Alyssa and he could have an should have lied to Hannah about it since they didn't even reveal who played only the winner. Also there is always multiple hinge plays in the game.  Also of course not dismissing the idea of the CO as crazy joke he nor Claire should take seriously. So basically DereX has a lot of failures so many. But those are the big one and the most recent one. 

Edited by blixie
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Feeds are back. Cameras 1 and 2 on Azah by herself in bed in the Joker room. Cameras 3 and 4 on Sara Beth, Kyland, Derek X, Tiffani, Hannah and DereknF sitting around the kitchen.

Derek F called Hannah Oscar, then Banana Bread. Hannah is feeling nauseous from eating bad steak last night.

BB chat is going ballistic because Alyssa asked Azah if she could wear one of Azah's dresses that Azah hasn't worn yet. Azah's clothes look too tight on Alyssa.

The kitchen table group is talking about their pictures. Alyssa is trying on Azah's dresses.

5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


The only way it'll do anything is if you vote for Hannah. Deref is currently the only person who will have enough BB Bucks to play Coin of Destiny but if Hannah gets 100 this week then she will also be able to play. No one else will have enough, even if they get the 100. 

Deref already has his bags packed and ready for the HoH room. He’s probably up there right now, measuring for new drapes. He and Ky have their nomination plans ready to go: Put up SB and Alyssa, make everyone think Tiffany did it. Put Tiff on everyone’s radar as the first CO to go. 

Now, if Hannah pulls out a win (which she should, if she gets to play— her competition would be Deref) the ladies have one last chance to turn this testosterone-fueled ship around. VOTE FOR HANNAH, EVERYONE!!

5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder who will vote for Sarah besides Shelly after Sarah told America what it could do with its BB bucks. 

Yeah, that was a brilliant move. On the other hand, SB doesn’t need America’s help! She has Ky! …oh, wait.

9 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

I think this is what bothers me about the CO. While it’s tactically brilliant, the side piece relationships bug me. I know the friendships are valid but if I was the side piece I would feel like it was one-sided and I was used. 

It will be interesting to see once this is over, but I actually think most of them will be fine with it. I think Britini and Claire will applaud the strategy. I see Derex as feeling hurt at first, but getting over it pretty quickly. Alyssa shouldn’t feel too bad; she tanked her own game long before X came along. If she’s honest with herself, X only extended her game. (The same could be said for Hannah/ Tiff and Derex.) 

But Sarah Beth… I could see real bitterness coming from her. I feel like she was the most manipulated of the bunch, and also the one who probably felt the closest to her “ally”.  I would not be surprised to see a boiling bunny in Ky’s future.

8 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

I don’t know what to do with this. Someone else has to take over 

This is me, every morning around 3am.

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4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

 Hannah is feeling nauseous from eating bad steak last night.

HA! So that’s how it turned out. Ky found some steaks in the refrigerator that had expired on Sunday. He asked Azah if she thought they would still be ok, and she said yes: meat is still good for 3-4 days past the expiration date. She also said she uses everything. He asked if he could just cut off the bad parts, and she said that’s not how it works. So he decided to just cook it up and see. 

(For the record, Azah was right about the days— but only if the meat doesn’t stink or have bad parts. That should have been the clue.) 

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Tiffani says, "Dear Kyland, I hate your guts. You are the scum between my toes. (Plus some more)." Then she says I'll stop now. Kyland says, that's OK, he's getting it from America already.

Tiffani is cutting Kyland's hair again. Thursday afternoon at the barber's. She offers to put stripes in his hair. She's doing the sides. I wonder if they'll be shaved like Derek X's. Now she's at his neck. Oh oh. She tells him not to talk because she doesn't want to cut his Adam's apple off.

38 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

But Sarah Beth… I could see real bitterness coming from her. I feel like she was the most manipulated of the bunch, and also the one who probably felt the closest to her “ally”.  I would not be surprised to see a boiling bunny in Ky’s future.

I dunno. Now granted, I've been on a feeds free diet for the past week (I'm sorry, I just couldn't listen to Ky) but the few times I've checked in, Sarah Beth seems super fucking over Kyland. Like "you broke up with him six months ago but he keeps calling under the pretense of wanting the couch because "it's his" even though you were the one that schlepped all to IKEA and managed to shove it in the back of your '97 Pontiac Firefly and put the thing together but you know it's not about the couch, he just wanted to get back with you so IF YOU WANT THE SECTIONAL SO BAD, YOU CAN FUCKING HAVE IT AND THE BROKEN MICROWAVE TOO BECAUSE I'M MOVING TO ALBERTA WITHOUT YOU, JERK. SEE YOU NEVER!" over him.

Not that I would know or anything. Ahem.

But yeah, my money is on Alyssa being bitter because she wasn't included and Cool Girls always get an invite.

Edited by Callaphera
how could i forget the cool girl?
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I think Britini/SB will be the only ones bitter about the Cookout. But I think Britini will be over it once she finds out how Azah did feel conflicted or if Azah explains it to her in jury plus America loves her she might hate DX for winning America's Favorite. I don't think SB will get over it since she put all of her trust in Kyland. 

I think DX/Claire will be like that's brilliant. Good job on them. 

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6 hours ago, Nashville said:

Not going to overshare - again - but I’ve written final papers under circumstances which apparently would’ve sent Azah running and screaming to bar the doors at the nearest church. 

I, uh, may have written a last-minute paper after accidentally ODing on Vivarin the night before it was due. I don't recommend it—I felt like Apu that time he thought he was a hummingbird.


FWIW, I got an A- on the paper. The professor liked everything about it except "the abrupt ending."

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Now, if Hannah pulls out a win (which she should, if she gets to play— her competition would be Deref) the ladies have one last chance to turn this testosterone-fueled ship around. VOTE FOR HANNAH, EVERYONE!!

Hannah won't do shit, which is why I'm just not gonna vote. Unless @Lamb18's spec that they raise the money this week is right, in which case I will vote for Claire since she is the only person who might do something interesting. She likely wouldn't, but the hope is there and there's no hope with anyone else.

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5 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I uh, may have written a last-minute paper after accidentally ODing on Vivarin the night before it was due. I don't recommend it—I felt like Apu that time he thought he was a hummingbird.

I had the opposite experience. The day of my college English Lit final I was getting a cold. About an hour before I went in to write it, someone handed me Contact C, the drowsy variety. Stupidly, never having taken it before, I took it, and spent the next couple of hours in a near-coma. I ended up with the worst English mark of my life. 

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I think Big Brother social media is on suicide watch for tonight on all platforms. It cracks me up seeing so many people saying that they can't bear to watch, oh it's so sad, why isn't Big Brother doing something this isn't faaaaair!!!1

All the rest of us:

Just a reminder that Derex was asked three times in the DR if he was sure he wasn't going to play in the comp this week and three times he said no. He deserves this. It's okay, he's going to a better place that has Netflix and no camera in the toilet. It also has Britini - you win some, you lose some.

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It's fascinating to me the way everyone has fallen in love with Derex, given his average to poor game skills. I think it's because he has a playful, sort of androgenous quality. He's attractive, but not in a threatening way. He's good-natured and boyish - I forget his age but he could pass for a teenager. He's hard to read so I guess people could attribute almost any thoughts or feelings to him, sort of like people do with cats and dogs. 😁

That said, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. I still find his popularity mystifying though. 


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If SB is over Ky I wish she'd found that energy a week ago. Whatever heaux you did his bidding and your ass will be on the block next week. If that's true are we thinking Alyssa is F7 or Claire? Should be Claire for her lack of comp winning.

I think DX and Claire will be fine and respect the CO game, especially because they both blew it off. I think Britni will see how awesome the strategy was,  but probably still feel a bit hurt by Azah/DerekF. SB said she'll be totes rational so almost certainly she will not be, but I think she's good vote for Tiff since she will then know how Ky/X played her and that Tiff was really the one doing all the work. Alyssa will be mad but vote for X or Ky anyway.


Edited by blixie
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I've barely watched this season, and even I'm sad about Derex going. I'm even sadder about him and Claire having a pretty good idea about the CO, yet not saying anything. (Or have they?) Maybe SB would have done something differently if she had that information. Derex has seemed to almost work against his best interests time and time again, so that sucks.. Hopefully he'll get invited back.

Edited by le bordel chaud
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3 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think DX/Claire will be like that's brilliant. Good job on them. 

 I think they'll all be, "Good for them. Appreciate the cause. Stoked to be a part of it." It'd be the only politically correct stance to take.

Maybe a few years later, after a few too many beers, one or two will let their true feelings out on Twitter.

2 hours ago, blixie said:

I think DX and Claire will be fine and respect the CO game, especially because they both blew it off.

That's what makes me mad about Derex and Claire. They just accepted defeat. I wish they had gone to SB with their suspicions. They could have told her "You don't need to believe us right away but just tell kyland you plan to nominate (2 COs) and see his reaction. "

10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


The only way it'll do anything is if you vote for Hannah.

I will keep my votes, thankyouverymuch 

...or vote for her stiffest competition. 

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Y'all, I kind of have a bad feeling that Tiff is going to get a raging case of HOHitis this week. I just hope Hannah gets enough to play and beat Derek F because I can NOT handle him having any kind of power at any time ever. Although with an extra possible $100, who else is in play this week?  It's going to be Sarah Beth, I just know it.

Also, hopefully Alyssa and Sarah Beth sweat it out a bit, they were both so smug about the backdoor (which, yes, reasons, but I don't care about logic).  

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So noms will be SB/Ky/X and then SB will go. That'll be both really hilarious and really frustrating to watch.

I voted Claire for the BB Bucks because if she gets 100 she's guaranteed to play for Coin of Destiny. Now, she's unlikely to use it but I am afraid someone else could win and get her nommed or something.

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Got my 10 votes in for Claire, but I'm mostly hoping that this week Derek F ends up at 50 because no one has him confused with DX.

I'm so happy that Tiffany won a comp!! But of course it's an HoH that can be taken over and worst of all could be taken over by Derek F. Tho I guess with the extra envelopes most people could be playing: At the very least Hannah/DerekF/Claire/possibly Tiffany (is it clear if the HoH can play to hold service?) and SB and Azah who have been saving up.

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28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So noms will be SB/Ky/X and then SB will go. That'll be both really hilarious and really frustrating to watch.

I voted Claire for the BB Bucks because if she gets 100 she's guaranteed to play for Coin of Destiny. Now, she's unlikely to use it but I am afraid someone else could win and get her nommed or something.

It's fine with me if she at least can play - which she would be smart to do - and hopefully Tiff/Hannah will recognize this and tell her "it's better that one of us controls the Coin of Destiny than anyone else".  

I really hope that Tiff strongly considers flipping Hannah & Azah from going to F6 with the CO this week.  I know she's very committed to it and that SB is her BEC at this point, but focusing on getting SB out is just bad overall for any of the 3 CO women even getting to F2 much less winning.   All it will take are 2 votes, with Tiff as the tiebreaker, to send someone home, as long as she can guarantee that the other 2 people on the block split the 3 other votes.

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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