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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

The funniest part of Derrick trying change the game now that white people don’t make up 90% of the cast is that someone suggested the veto should be the hoh, noms, and players picked by those 3 and he was like yea good idea. First of all, see seasons 1-5 and secondly the reason they promptly changed veto is because that format makes BDing a slam dunk.

In seasons 3-4 everyone played in the veto. They changed to 6 people in season 5. I think it's for practical reasons. You can't have 16 people playing OTEV, spelling comp, or most of the games they use in recent seasons, in the backyard space. It would have to be one-at-a time type of comps and I don't think they will ever go back to that.  

In seasons 5-6 HOH and noms picked the players. The current selection process has been in place since all stars for the reason you mentioned. That is not going to change either.

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The old veto rules did result in two of my FAVORITE  backdoors ever - Season 5's Jase due to Nik's 6 fingered plan, and Season 6's Cappy due to a chess veto which was 5 on 1 against Maggie.  Good times.  Good times.

Do you think Derex will take his backdoor better than Christian?  I can see it going either way.  

  • Love 9
49 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

I dislike DereF as much as I've disliked any houseguest. Everything about him makes me angry/annoyed. Azah is just obnoxious. I'd actually rank them behind all the guests you listed there. 

Right there with you:

  • Since the start of the feeds DerF has been, for lack of a better term, a showboat.  Any time there was a HG group in the LR trying to manufacture some way to amuse themselves or simply carry on a discussion, regardless of who originally came up with the subject of discussion - sooner or later there was DerF jumping up in front of everybody trying to take ownership of the topic, talk over everybody else, and direct the conversation to his particular aggrandizement.  Some may find that sort of behavior entertaining, some may not care one way or another - but for me, it’s abrasive as hell.
  • Simply put, to me Azah comes off as acting entitled as hell.  Azah is apparently working under the delusion that her personal preferences should dictate what is/isn’t acceptable gameplay for other players - and she gets bent WAY the hell out of shape when other players (alliance mates or not) do not operate in accordance with her preferences.  I mean, shit; everybody WANTS other HGs to play to one’s own preference/benefit, sure - but it isn’t like they’re breaking the rules when they DON’T.  Azah’s constant fit-throwing over such seems immature as hell to me - like she’s not recognizing her fellow HGs as autonomous functioning people vs. bit players in THE AZAH SHOW - STARRING AZAH!


46 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

How is she obnoxious? 

See above.  YMMV

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

How is she obnoxious? 

She comes across as entitled. Obnoxious is actually the nicest thing I could say about her. I tried to like her at the beginning based on her resembling my wife, but gah, her personality makes it impossible. 

35 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Right there with you:

  • Since the start of the feeds DerF has been, for lack of a better term, a showboat.  Any time there was a HG group in the LR trying to manufacture some way to amuse themselves or simply carry on a discussion, regardless of who originally came up with the subject of discussion - sooner or later there was DerF jumping up in front of everybody trying to take ownership of the topic, talk over everybody else, and direct the conversation to his particular aggrandizement.  Some may find that sort of behavior entertaining, some may not care one way or another - but for me, it’s abrasive as hell.
  • Simply put, to me Azah comes off as acting entitled as hell.  Azah is apparently working under the delusion that her personal preferences should dictate what is/isn’t acceptable gameplay for other players - and she gets bent WAY the hell out of shape when other players (alliance mates or not) do not operate in accordance with her preferences.  I mean, shit; everybody WANTS other HGs to play to one’s own preference/benefit, sure - but it isn’t like they’re breaking the rules when they DON’T.  Azah’s constant fit-throwing over such seems immature as hell to me - like she’s not recognizing her fellow HGs as autonomous functioning people vs. bit players in THE AZAH SHOW - STARRING AZAH!


See above.  YMMV

Yep. You summed up my feelings perfectly. If I never had to listen to DereF speak again, it'd be too soon. I think he's trying to be the stereotypical fun gay friend, but he comes across as the public nuisance who should be locked in a room somewhere and forgotten. 

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7 hours ago, Lamima said:

The show/production/casting is partly to blame for that in that they tended to cast a certain character for the couple POCs they cast each season. Like Chima and Swaggy C...etc. They do it for maximum drama and ratings. Even this current cast, the CO can't stand other members of the CO. Seems like Big D and Tiffany both are the typical cast BB liked to get in the past. X and Hannah are not the typical POCs BB usually cast.


So if the 2 POC cast (also blame the show for only casting 1 or 2 each season) are Swaggy C and Chima, then yes an alliance will form of all white folks who will be trying to get them (the dramatic characters) out. The same is also true for the gay cast. They cast a gay character for drama and they cause trouble and get voted out by an alliance. It's never a pre-planned 'hey, all us white straight people are an alliance and we need to get out the POC and gay cast...each of us team up with one to get info while we pick them off one by one'. It just seems that way because the dumb show casted 'characters' for the POC cast and the gay cast for maximum drama...imo.

I cant agree with the premise that most of the black houseguests were similar and/or dramatic - Howard was nothing like Marvin who was nothing like Lawon who was nothing like David who was nothing like Dayvonne who was nothing like Amanda, and so on and so on. However, even if they were all similar in terms of dramatics, there have been plenty of white houseguests who were dramatic and/or annoying but made it into big alliances and/or went far in the game. I guess I can understand the urge to try and find any factor other than race to explain why the black houseguests are rarely ever fully included in the big alliances and so often evicted early. However, sometimes the common denominator is the common denominator, and there’s no way around that. 

Edited by Jess14
  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

She comes across as entitled. Obnoxious is actually the nicest thing I could say about her. I tried to like her at the beginning based on her resembling my wife, but gah, her personality makes it impossible. 

Fair enough. I guess we like who we like, for myriad reasons. I find her kind and funny, others find her obnoxious and entitled.

Maybe if we all met and interacted with her IRL we'd totally change our opinions. It's so hard to judge TV people because we don't really know them. It's still fun though. 😊

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Sarah Beth's villain era continues: apparently she found a necklace that Travis (who?) left behind. Derex and Travis were besties in the first week. Sarah Beth was considering wearing the necklace when she renoms Derex. I love the pettiness but it's just weird because she did nothing for so long and now she's doing too much for no reason. I'm starting to be really entertained by SB's HoH reign.

After hearing that the DR asked Derex three fucking times if he was sure he wasn't going to play in the High Rollers comp this week, he kinda deserves it. I like him and all but damn.

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The funniest part of Derrick trying change the game now that white people don’t make up 90% of the cast is that someone suggested the veto should be the hoh, noms, and players picked by those 3 and he was like yea good idea. First of all, see seasons 1-5 and secondly the reason they promptly changed veto is because that format makes BDing a slam dunk.

Few former HGs have worse takes on the show than Derrick. I sometimes wonder if some of his viewpoints are based solely on him getting irked whenever someone plays his type of game better than him (he was REALLY down on Vanessa back in BB17, for instance). 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Sarah Beth was considering wearing the necklace when she renoms Derex.

That’s an odd villain move. If she wanted to rub it in his face, it would better to wear something belonging to his nemesis, Frenchie. (He left a pair of smug-encrusted overalls behind, right?)

Maybe she thought seeing a link to his bestie would be comforting, somehow. Who knows. Sarah Beth is weird.

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47 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Few former HGs have worse takes on the show than Derrick. I sometimes wonder if some of his viewpoints are based solely on him getting irked whenever someone plays his type of game better than him (he was REALLY down on Vanessa back in BB17, for instance). 

Yea, that's exactly what it is. I would imagine it really grinds his gears when someone not like him can do it.

I'm really waiting on this triple eviction. Let's speed this process up! 

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43 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

That’s an odd villain move. If she wanted to rub it in his face, it would better to wear something belonging to his nemesis, Frenchie. (He left a pair of smug-encrusted overalls behind, right?)

Maybe she thought seeing a link to his bestie would be comforting, somehow. Who knows. Sarah Beth is weird.

Legend has it, if you put those overalls on, you turn into a neurotic, obsessive whack-job who screams uncontrollably in the DR. 

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28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm really waiting on this triple eviction. Let's speed this process up! 

Sorry for not paying attention, but do we know when it is? Do the HGs know it's coming? 

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So the only people who will be able to play for Coin of Destiny are Deref and Hannah if they both get $100 BB Bucks, right

Please remind me what power this gives them. The right to choose or remove the HOH? (I'd like it to be called Derex's Coin of Destiny in memorium. He wanted it so much.) 

3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's always wacky when the season's end table gets power for a week. SB really thinks she's doing something. While complaining that she feels like her HoH reign wasn't really hers. It's really amusing.

Jessica getting rid of Jack is still so funny to me for that reason. It was this huge move that didn't help her at all. 

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22 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

So the only people who will be able to play for Coin of Destiny are Deref and Hannah if they both get $100 BB Bucks, right? 

Correct; assuming DX gets canned this week (a fairly safe assumption), then DerF and Hannah are the only HGs within theoretical range of the Coin of Destiny’s $250 price tag:

  • Derek F: $150
  • Derek X: $200
  • Hannah: $150

Each would have to win an additional aggregate total of at least $100 to play, though.


22 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Please remind me what power this gives them. The right to choose or remove the HOH? (I'd like it to be called Derex's Coin of Destiny in memorium. He wanted it so much.) 

It’s the Cootie Taw, basically; gives the winner power to depose the then-sitting HoH and take their place prior to after initial Block noms.

Edited by Nashville
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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Sarah Beth was considering wearing the necklace when she renoms Derex.

That's just....weird.

And also?  DereX is a guy.  She's assuming he's going to recognize that Travis left that necklace behind.  That's a LOT to assume, even if the necklace says "Travis" on it*.  DereX is smart, but I doubt he's that observant.  I also doubt he'd care.

I'm gonna die laughing, though, if during the Veto ceremony she stands there stroking the necklace as she were Dr. Evil and the necklace were Mr. Bigglesworth, while making significant eye contact at DereX when she backdoors him, and DereX just looks at her like "What?  Do you need some cortizone cream or something?"



*Not remembering Travis or his taste in jewelry, I'm going out on a limb that the necklace in question isn't some sort of very distinctive amulet or beaded choker or something.  Maybe it is some sort of surfer dude necklace, but there's no reason why DereX would know it belonged to Travis or was or a souvenir Shelly bought Sarah Beth on a Hawaiian vacation.

  • LOL 14
1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Jessica getting rid of Jack is still so funny to me for that reason. It was this huge move that didn't help her at all. 

Jessica getting rid of Jack was literally the only good thing that happened in BB21 lol.

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

It’s the Cootie Taw, basically; gives the winner power to depose the then-sitting HoH and take their place prior to initial Block noms.

I would assume it’d be after noms since that’s how the other 2 High Rollers went.

6 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

Are they not gunning for Claire? That's who I thought they would try to get out this week with the final noms being who they are.

Nope. Derex is 100% gone.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

It’s the Cootie Taw, basically

Like so much of our esoteric BB lingo, "Cootie Taw" never doesn't make me laugh. Can anyone remember how it came to be spelled like that? Is there a story? 

All I remember is Jeff looking at the card and saying "What's a coop de tatt?" Astonishing that someone who knew the word Technotronics was unfamiliar with the term coup d'etat. 😁

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It turns out I do have my own personal BEC (bitch eating crackers, google it). And that is Sarah Beth from the moment she won HOH, although she had already been wearing on me. From her spending all that time in the bathroom making herself ready for her close-up, clearly irritated by the $50 she won last week saying America would know her now, to her saying something like that shit on the show, to her whole thing with Ky (who also annoys the fuck out of me), to the point I can’t even read Jokers of any conversations she’s involved in because she just irritates me that much.

Oh no, y’all, I’m turning into Tiff!

Edited by Katesus7
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26 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

It turns out I do have my own personal BEC (bitch eating crackers, google it). And that is Sarah Beth from the moment she won HOH, although she had already been wearing on me. From her spending all that time in the bathroom making herself ready for her close-up, clearly irritated by the $50 she won last week saying America would know her now, to her saying that something like that shit on the show, to her whole thing with Ky (who also annoys the fuck out of me), to the point I can’t even read Jokers of any conversations she’s involved in because she just irritates me that much.

I didn't mind her until she made the puppy-dog eyes at Derex, begging for the $5,000.  She lost me after that. 

I'll bet Derex would like to have that money back.  Hopefully, he'll win AFH.

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Went away for the weekend and just caught up on this thread. 

I can't even be mad at Derex and Claire leaving since they've played so bad.

I think the show is broken because the cast is too big. They need to go back to 12 houseguests. 

My favorite winner is Jordan by far. BB11 was the summer before I went away to college and I spent most of that summer watching BB After Dark and her and Jeff would entertain me for hours. Jeff sucks but it was so nice to see a guy in the house not treat his showmance like crap. 

X/Tiffany are my favorites since they are playing the best game and neither of them would have been cast on the show before they went to 50% POC. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Melina22 said:


1 hour ago, Melina22 said:
1 hour ago, PhoneCop said:

I just hope Julie whaps Derex upside the head for not going for Roulette 

Sadly, Covid will stop her. I'd love to see it though. I have no doubt Julie has a soft spot for Derex. 

Ha, I was going to say she'll need a pole with a glove at the end to slap him with. Or a paper airplane.

Seriously though, she'd better not let him off the hook. 

Edited by kassandra8286
Sorry, can't get rid of empty quote box
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28 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 Tiffany might have been.  They would have tried to make her the next Da'Vonne (especially since she flamed out so brilliantly three times).  

Tiffany is 40 the last house guest in their 40s they cast that could fit in the house was Monica 20 years ago.

Comparing Tiffany to Da'Vonne is lazy since they have nothing in common besides skin color and gender. It's like comparing Christian to Dr Will because they are both white males or Derex to Jee since they are both asian males. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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21 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Tiffany is 40 the last house guest in their 40s they cast that could fit in the house was Monica 20 years ago.

Comparing Tiffany to Da'Vonne is lazy since they have nothing in common besides skin color and gender. It's like comparing Christian to Dr Will because they are both white males or Derex to Jee since they are both asian males. 

 For the record, I wasn't being lazy.   I was saying the show would try to cast her in the sassy black role.  We all know that reality shows, and BB in particular push the contestants in the mold try to fill.

Edited by Maverick
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19 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Tiffany is 40 the last house guest in their 40s they cast that could fit in the house was Monica 20 years ago.

Comparing Tiffany to Da'Vonne is lazy since they have nothing in common besides skin color and gender. It's like comparing Christian to Dr Will because they are both white males or Derex to Jee since they are both asian males. 

I think that was the point, though, that she's not at all like Da'Vonne but the old casting folks would still try to get her to be the next Da'Vonne. 

EDITED TO ADD: Jinx, @Maverick! :)

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 For the record, I wasn't being lazy.   I was saying the show would try to cast her in the sassy black role.  We all know that reality shows, and BB in particular push the contestants in the mold try to fill.

Well sorry for the misunderstanding I have seen people compare her to Da'vonne because well cus they are both black.

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Claire spills a secret to Derex: “I don’t really live in Astoria. I live on the Upper East Side.” His eyes widen. “It’s not a nice apartment, though,” she laughs. Derex pretends to be furious. They laugh so hard they almost fall off the hammock. She says she lied so people wouldn’t think she’s rich. Derex says he actually likes her better now, and they are definitely going to be friends.

They speculate on other players’ secrets: X is definitely not a bartender. Tiff is downplaying her athleticism and her intelligence. Hannah may be pre-law, with a minor in fashion. Her family is wealthy. Ky has an MBA. 

They agree that the game would have been much different without teams. Claire says alliances would have been much more covert. (Oh, Claire.) Claire would love to come back for All Stars. Derex isn’t sure. He thinks he’d have too much PTSD. He thinks he would do well on Survivor, though.

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Derex continues the speculation with Hannah. X is awfully reserved for a bartender. And he hates staying up late. Hmmm.

Derex admits he doesn’t like that many people in the house, or at least he wouldn’t choose to live with them. Hannah is surprised. SB, he specifies. And Ky. “Ohh,” Hannah says. She gets that. Hannah couldn’t live with Azah. Too much crying. They could both live with Claire and X. Probably Alyssa. Maybe Tiff, but Derex wonders what she’s like in real life. She may be too mom-like.

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Derex makes a pitch to Tiff. He knows his time is limited, but he just wants to stay around long enough to take out some big players.  If he can win the cootie taw and then the following HoH, he can do that. Then he can go. Ultimately, he just wants this year to be different. He wants an underdog to win this year.

Tiff is sounding depressed and defeated. She wants Ky and SB to go. Claire is her girl, but nobody gets her like Derex. She’s trying not to take it personal. Derex says Ky promised a sympathy vote if he could, but Derex knows that’s just a ploy for a jury vote.

Azah comes in and they start talking about their favorite moments of the season. For Azah, it’s the time Deref fell down. “Which time?” ask Tiff and Derex.

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Ky starts telling a long, winding story about The Day I Got My Tattoo. Feeds Boy gets bored and decides it would be more interesting to see Hannah showing Deref how to crack his neck. (He’s right.) Deref swings his neck around until he hurts himself. “I’m going to throw up,” he says, hurrying out of the room. Hannah puts her hand over her mouth and chases after him, apologizing.

(Next time I see Deref, he’s up on the living room sofa, laughing. He’s fine.)

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46 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Derex admits he doesn’t like that many people in the house, or at least he wouldn’t choose to live with them. Hannah is surprised

For me Derex continues to be unreadable. He doesn't fit any particular stereotype, but he's not eccentric either. I can't believe he's as goodnatured, gullible and ingenuous as he appears but maybe he really is. I have a friend who's been like that her whole life. Smart and fun, but she cheerfully admits she's shallow.

Maybe I'm trying to read too much into Derex. Anyway, I really look forward to the jury house segments this season. I always do, but especially this year. I bet they'll be really loud and fun. 

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Here are some things I heard tonight while trying to brush two very uncooperative dogs (who, if this were the BB house, would most definitely be on the block right now):

Ky and Alyssa spent a long time talking about the shortcomings of other HGs. Derex has no social skills. Hannah is too analytical, and also naive. They are smart, but they’re not street smart like Ky and Alyssa, who can read people like a book because they’re the awesomest. Derex should have played Survivor, because even though Ky has never seen it, he knows its not a social game. You just have to be good at comps.

Alyssa told Ky she’s annoyed by Tiff and Claire wanting to talk strategy with her all of a sudden, when they never have before. Tiff is also talking to Azah out of nowhere and what’s up with that? Because she has never seen them talking before. Tiff must be getting desperate. Tiff has also been dictating all of Derex’s moves, because he’s just her puppet.

Tiff told Azah she knows they’ll be coming after her first, once it gets to six. Azah thinks Ky will be the first target. Tiff warns if any of the guys make it to the end, the girls don’t stand a chance.

Hannah asked Azah to consider whether keeping Derex might be better for their games, because he can help them advance better than Claire can. Azah said she would consider it.

Deref complained that he’s been doing all the work and taking all the risks for the CO while the rest of them just “sit there and look pretty”.

X, Hannah and Alyssa talked about who they thought would remain friends beyond the game. X thinks he will stay in touch with most everybody. He doesn’t think Brent will want to talk to any of them.

Hannah asked whether X would feel bad if an ex started dating someone better looking than him. He wouldn’t care. Alyssa doesn’t know if she would because it’s never happened.

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16 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I cant agree with the premise that most of the black houseguests were similar and/or dramatic - Howard was nothing like Marvin who was nothing like Lawon who was nothing like David who was nothing like Dayvonne who was nothing like Amanda, and so on and so on. However, even if they were all similar in terms of dramatics, there have been plenty of white houseguests who were dramatic and/or annoying but made it into big alliances and/or went far in the game. I guess I can understand the urge to try and find any factor other than race to explain why the black houseguests are rarely ever fully included in the big alliances and so often evicted early. However, sometimes the common denominator is the common denominator, and there’s no way around that. 

Just a few things to say....and I really am not bothered about CO ....but just things to note...

When, in seasons past, they had 10 white HG and 2 or 3 were dramatic 'characters' they still had a solid 7 for that large alliance to pagong through the season. Yes, that BB camp with David and Bailey and all the POCs...that was something to go 'hmmmm?' about for sure. But David was clueless in the game and Bailey was not game wise either and a dramatic 'character'....I forget who all else was I'm there. But if they have 3 POC, they tend to have them a dramatic type or clueless in the game (not all but many). Why? Why did the show do that and why only a few minorities each season? Show is to blame for that. 

And if the HG went into this season aware of the CO and all the HG were divided into 2 sides, CO team (or POC team) and non-CO team (or white), and it was in the open....Frenchie was 1st HoH so the numbers would have been different. He likely would have targeted a CO dude bro instead of Travis. And the fact that it didn't even cross Frenchie's mind or any other non CO who has been HoH, that kinda says that playing BB has never been 'let's target the minorities' thing (a regular staple or unwritten rule). I am sure there are some HGs that do but I don't think it can be said that it is ALWAYS the deal. 

But this season is boring as any other Pagonging season. I liked old school BB more. It will never be like that again. Will watch...waiting for my true love (who also isn't the same as it once was) Survivor to restart. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Here are some things I heard tonight while trying to brush two very uncooperative dogs (who, if this were the BB house, would most definitely be on the block right now):

Ky and Alyssa spent a long time talking about the shortcomings of other HGs. Derex has no social skills. Hannah is too analytical, and also naive. They are smart, but they’re not street smart like Ky and Alyssa, who can read people like a book because they’re the awesomest. Derex should have played Survivor, because even though Ky has never seen it, he knows its not a social game. You just have to be good at comps.

Alyssa told Ky she’s annoyed by Tiff and Claire wanting to talk strategy with her all of a sudden, when they never have before. Tiff is also talking to Azah out of nowhere and what’s up with that? Because she has never seen them talking before. Tiff must be getting desperate. Tiff has also been dictating all of Derex’s moves, because he’s just her puppet.

Tiff told Azah she knows they’ll be coming after her first, once it gets to six. Azah thinks Ky will be the first target. Tiff warns if any of the guys make it to the end, the girls don’t stand a chance.

Hannah asked Azah to consider whether keeping Derex might be better for their games, because he can help them advance better than Claire can. Azah said she would consider it.

Deref complained that he’s been doing all the work and taking all the risks for the CO while the rest of them just “sit there and look pretty”.

X, Hannah and Alyssa talked about who they thought would remain friends beyond the game. X thinks he will stay in touch with most everybody. He doesn’t think Brent will want to talk to any of them.

Hannah asked whether X would feel bad if an ex started dating someone better looking than him. He wouldn’t care. Alyssa doesn’t know if she would because it’s never happened.

What exactly does Derek F think he’s contributed so far?? He’s the one person left I find unwatchable, and I’m irritated that the editors are throwing Tiffany under the bus to prop him up during the episodes. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lamima said:

Just a few things to say....and I really am not bothered about CO ....but just things to note...

When, in seasons past, they had 10 white HG and 2 or 3 were dramatic 'characters' they still had a solid 7 for that large alliance to pagong through the season. Yes, that BB camp with David and Bailey and all the POCs...that was something to go 'hmmmm?' about for sure. But David was clueless in the game and Bailey was not game wise either and a dramatic 'character'....I forget who all else was I'm there. But if they have 3 POC, they tend to have them a dramatic type or clueless in the game (not all but many). Why? Why did the show do that and why only a few minorities each season? Show is to blame for that. 

And if the HG went into this season aware of the CO and all the HG were divided into 2 sides, CO team (or POC team) and non-CO team (or white), and it was in the open....Frenchie was 1st HoH so the numbers would have been different. He likely would have targeted a CO dude bro instead of Travis. And the fact that it didn't even cross Frenchie's mind or any other non CO who has been HoH, that kinda says that playing BB has never been 'let's target the minorities' thing (a regular staple or unwritten rule). I am sure there are some HGs that do but I don't think it can be said that it is ALWAYS the deal. 

But this season is boring as any other Pagonging season. I liked old school BB more. It will never be like that again. Will watch...waiting for my true love (who also isn't the same as it once was) Survivor to restart. 

I’m not quite sure I’m following. I’m also not sure how Frenchie and Christian’s actions as HOH in a season with 50% POC and in a season where the teams were split into 4 groups, in such a way where all of the POC or white players could not be clustered in one or two groups, is in any way indicative of the previous 20 years of the show, when those things were not the case.

Regardless, we don’t have to agree. I don’t think every white houseguest or HOH has targeted minorities and never said that. I referred to unmistakeable patterns on the show. If you think the majority of black houseguests were dramatic and that’s why they got targeted and/or weren’t included the big alliances, that’s certainly your right to think that. I disagree and simply don’t see much to back that up. 

  • Love 8

Good morning, all peaceful and quiet in the BB House. Camera 1 shows Kyland snoozing away in the Have Not room, so I quickly switch to Camera 2. Instead of showing the entire room as usual, we see Derek X sleeping with what looks like a mini-innertube choker around his neck. It's probably a scarf or one of Brent's Rambo bandanas heeft behind, but it looks rounded and puffy on this night vision camera. So Derek is also peacefully sleeping, not knowing his BB Judas is close by. Derek looks different and I realize he's not wearing his glasses in bed like he usually does. Also I think the puffy thing around his neck is a neck brace. I read in an earlier post that he hurt his neck when Hannah was teaching him how to make a chiropractoral adjustment to it. Poor guy. Betrayed by one friend, physically injured by another.

I think camera 3 is showing Azah.  Only the top of her head and her forehead are showing. But she is wearing a bonnet, so it must be her. (When I think of "bonnet," I think of the head coverings worn in the 1800s, like on Little House on the Prairie.)

Camera 4 shows the Joker room. There is the Coffin bed, but it's empty!! And actually tidy looking with the pillows leaning neatly against the arms and the coffin lid. What's more, someone is sleeping in the Frankie memorial bed, which has been empty since he departed weeks ago. I think it's Hannah or Alyssa, or maybe Tiffani. So Azah must be in Britini's bed since Azah's bed is empty. I guess I just have to expect the unexpected in the Big Brother house.

  • LOL 3
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