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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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Hannah totally has Frenchie’s number. “He wants to play knight in shining armor and take Britini off the block except there’s no way he’s going to do that… He just wants to be AFP.”

”He’s just like Devin”. She’s going to call him Devin from now on.

One thing Frenchie has accomplished is to bring Alyssa together with all the women. Even the non pretty ones.

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Apparently the only time men have control in a relationship is when they propose, so sayeth Douchebag Brent.

It would blow his mind to know that I proposed to the husband. Emasculating my man since 2016.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm enjoying Christian's serious commitment to the filling and frosting of whatever they've baking in the kitchen right now.

Random note, Claire is so naturally pretty. (Cover your ears, Alyssa!)

ETA, oh yeah, is it Alyssa's birthday?

Xavier and Christian making a gift basket for Alyssa out of stuff in the storage room. Pickles, a condom, fruit, etc. And this was more interesting than Deref taking to his bed.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Britini talking to Frenchie and Deref, who still has not fulfilled his promise to STFU.

She’s mad that she was labeled as a strong competitor with no evidence of that. She at least feels confident that most people would use the veto on her. Frenchie: “was going to use it on you!” Britini: (alarmed) “Are you still?” Frenchie: (pause) “”Yes!”

She doesn’t know where the idea came from that she formed an all-girl alliance. (Look to your left.) Frenchie advises her to form one now. She thinks she and Frenchie have both gotten a raw deal.

Frenchie is really hoping for a wall comp because he would be so good at that.

Britini to cam: “America, Frenchie and I need your help! #saveFrenchieandBritini, trending on Twitter!” SMH.

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On one side of the feeds, we have wholesome entertainment with Christian and Xavier digging around for random things in the storage room that they can put into a basket to present to Alyssa as a birthday present (it has, like, Tums and chapstick in it).

And on the other side of the feeds, we have toxic entertainment with Deref threatening to get out of his couch bed and physically tear the house apart if he gets nommed and targeted and Frenchie and Britini creating the #savebritiniandfrenchie movement although it's only going to be us jackasses using that hashtag sarcastically but you tried.

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Frenchie's just getting started. He just cracked into a fresh 2L of Coca Cola. And Deref rolled onto his left hip so you know he means business after he takes another nap or three. That took a lot out of him.

Frenchie: "They're about to get G-Frenchie. They don't want G-Frenchie." Such social justice. Much wow.

Edited by Callaphera
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The amount of ego Frenchie is trying to salvage is ammmaaazing.

"Don't use the veto on me! Use it on her! Don't want to be with fakety fake people! No regrets! I'm only thinking of you guys! Ready to leave right now! Seriously! Totally fine!"


Edited by CrazyDog
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Frenchie pulls Xavier out of the storage room where he's still finding pressies for Alyssa with Christian ("We'll give her a condom. But only one, 'cause she's classy."). Frenchie, very sternly: "You throwin' your lot in with the wrong people." He goes on to say that he knows only Xavier and Deref didn't blow up The Slaughterhouse, no one knows their names, so they just need to stick together. If you stick together, you can accomplish anything... or something, I started tuning Frenchie out and eating cookies instead.

Frenchie, angry: "It's a fuck me, fuck you situation. They fucked me so now I'm fuckin' them."


"I got one more 'fuck you' and then I'm done. I'm going to Ky."

Edited by Callaphera
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Alyssa walked into the nautical bedroom where Deref holds court in his corner couch bed. He asked Azah to leave so he could talk to Alyssa alone.

Deref: "How are you?"
Alyssa: "I'm fine. How are you?"
Deref: "I'm freaking out... I'm freaking out..."
Alyssa: "Why?"
Deref: "Because Frenchie."
Alyssa: "Because Frenchie is losing it."
Deref: "YES."
Alyssa: "He needs to calm down."
Deref: "What you think I've been trying to do, baby?"

Um. Amp him up? There isn't a lot of calming down happening.

Edited by Callaphera
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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Frenchie pulls Xavier out of the storage room where he's still finding pressies for Alyssa with Christian ("We'll give her a condom. But only one, 'cause she's classy."). Frenchie, very sternly: "You throwin' your lot in with the wrong people." He goes on to say that he knows only Xavier and Deref didn't blow up The Slaughterhouse, no one knows their names, so they just need to stick together. If you stick together, you can accomplish anything... or something, I started tuning Frenchie out and eating cookies instead.

Frenchie, angry: "It's a fuck me, fuck you situation. They fucked me so now I'm fuckin' them."


"I got one more 'fuck you' and then I'm done. I'm going to Ky." 

"Fucking them long dick style."

Azah can't hold back laughter.

Now bubbles? Oh c'mon.

I really need to go to bed, but this is fantastic. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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I decided to get the feeds and there is a chat box next to the feeds. I sit there laughing at the comments which are hilarious and more entertaining than the feeds. 

They make fun of all of them and I can't stop laughing at what they say....

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Frenchie: "I wasn't going to say shit until Britini told me all those motherfuckers threw me under the bus. I'm pissed, my chest is starting to hurt..."


Frenchie, after saying again he doesn't want to spend the whole week waiting to go home: "I wonder if the DR is open right now."

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From the start, Deref wanted to go to the end only with Frenchie, Tiffany, Xavier, “and any other minority”. Um… which minority is Frenchie? The oppressed farmer minority? 

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I'm torn. This game they're playing looks pretty fun, but we may also get more Frenchie meltdown, while Deref continues lounging around with the vapors.

What do I want to see more?

LOL, Brent wiped out hard in the kitchen, being chased by Xavier. Laughed a lot at himself. They're all having a blast (Christian, Hannah, Alyssa, Claire, Derex, Tiffany, Brent, I think Azah is there too. 

SB now removed from the fun party and trapped with the gloomers, Deref and Frenchie). 

Edited by CrazyDog
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Deref and Frenchie blah blah head of the snake, betrayal, why are they afraid of a skinny farmer, why would they give up the numbers, blah blah same old song.

Frenchie is sure people on the feeds are going NUTS right now. Yeah, but not for the reason you think.

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2 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I'm torn. This game they're playing looks pretty fun, but we may also get more Frenchie meltdown, while Deref continues lounging around with the vapors.

Deref moved from having his head at one end of his couch bed to the other. Multi positional king. 😍👑

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Deref to Frenchie: "If you get Houseguests Choice, you need to pick me or SB."
Sarah Beth, quickly: "Well, no one would think twice if you picked Big D. Because he's your teammate."
Frenchie and Deref: "That's true."

Poor Sarah Beth looks like she's aged years in this one conversation. All she did was want to hide some limes for a house game and instead she ended up being kidnapped by a crazed Frenchie, who believes Sarah Beth knows nothing and is an innocent lamb.

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Frenchie is giving up the Slaughterhouse to Sarah Beth. “But why was Alyssa on the block, then?” He stutters and can’t come up with an answer. But watch out, SB! They’ll come after you next!

So I guess the new strategy is to give up the old allies in an attempt to make an alliance with his previous rejects.Slaughterhouse 2, The Next Generation! Now he’s telling her how sneaky Britini is.

Frenchie says they’re all scared of him because he took out Travis and now he’s getting close to the girls. His general advice to SB: be careful, be paranoid, keep your mouth shut, and take out the jocks and showmances.

She thanks him and leaves. He chuckles.

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Oh goody, now a Deref monologue from his bed, with Frenchie off to the DR while in mid spiral.

"I'm here to play a game. Watch me." Yawns. Dozes. Camera switches. Gold.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Deref is here to play the game! Watch Deref play! Play, Deref, play!, he says from his couch/bed/throne.

Also enjoy this photo of Alyssa in the midst of a super serious conversation. She's the one in the toilet paper.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 hours ago, vb68 said:

Hannah is hilarious.  She has some Britney Haynes funny vibes.

I think she remembered that she was on camera, though. "Let me not imitate his accent."

I forgot why I felt this way, but I remember on night one when I was watching her opening video I felt like Hannah was going to be the "villain" this season.  I thought she was going to do it intentionally, like a Dr. Will.  But then she sort of faded into the background to the point that every single time I see her name mentioned I have to look up who she is.

Maybe this is her coming out party and she is finally going to be that villain.

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

She’s mad that she was labeled as a strong competitor with no evidence of that. She at least feels confident that most people would use the veto on her. Frenchie: “was going to use it on you!” Britini: (alarmed) “Are you still?” Frenchie: (pause) “”Yes!”


I don't know if she has said it in public, but wasn't she saying how great of an athlete she is?  Maybe I am totally wrong, but if I am not I find that whole thing to be funny.

Edited by BK1978
Just added more words to make the post make more sense.
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Birthday celebration for Alyssa! Who has been mummified with toilet paper, because?

Whover said Xavier is getting way too horny for his own good is creepily correct, because he has “been making love to this cake all day”.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Britini and Sarah are sad that they may not be able to save Frenchie. But they will come out of this stronger than ever! Sarah says her team has vowed to throw the next comp (HoH? Veto? Not sure) to her because it’s her brother’s birthday. They high five.

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Here's a real oldie but a goodie-

 Britni is finishing up the top of the birthday cake with her hands. 

Tiffany, in a shrieking voice: Did you wash your hands?!?!

Brings back those season 3 memories with poor Gerry.

Also, with the cake being passed out, thus I make my yearly remembrance of the BB Classic,

Who wants CAKE?

Edited by vb68
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Derex won’t commit to winning veto for Britini until they talk to Ky.

Tiff and Claire also want to talk to Ky. Ky doesn’t want to talk to anyone tonight, because he doesn’t want to come off as reactive. Tiff’s parting advice is, only trust Kings and Queens.

Frenchie is still in the DR. Tiff is afraid he might want to sleep in their room.

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Brent complains that if he looks at a girl the wrong way, she gets pregnant. Maybe try looking at a condom box first, genius.

Alyssa knows Sarah wants to win the veto comp because it’s her brother’s birthday, but Alyssa is not throwing it. She wants it for her resume.

Music day tomorrow! Deref hopes for Nicki Minaj or Beyoncé. Azah wants Whitney Houston. Brent would prefer Celine Dion. They all like Rihanna.

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Ky keeps trying to avoid talking game. Tiffany keeps talking game.

She and Claire compliment him on his HoH performance. They tell him about Frenchie’s emotional rollercoaster all day long. “Wow”, Ky responds. Tiff says everything Frenchie is doing is a mind fuck. She calls it staged erratic behavior.

Tiff acts out Frenchie’s dramatic reveal of the Slaughterhouse, accent and all. She and Claire are like, we already knew that. He brought it up on Day One! She says Deref and Whitney were not named, and makes fun of their fake reaction. “They were the calmest people left out of an alliance you ever saw!”

She doesn’t like Britini. She says Britini is goofy, and she doesn’t like goofy.

She reiterates: “Kings, queens, and one ace.” (Derex)

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They marvel at the surreality of being in the BB house. Claire: “Yesterday, I was at the staircase and thought, this is where Christmas and  Bayleigh had their fight!” They feel like fish in a tank, with all the mirror cameras. Ky says he used to practice being HoH, and now he’s doing it! His favorite moment this year was when Tiff realized Dan could be watching her. Tiff looks at the ceilings and says they never see those on TV, and that’s a good thing. 

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I've been liking Tiff but she's definitely overplaying. For the last 10 minutes her voice has dominated the feeds. People are going to get tired of her words of wisdom and she will make herself a target.

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Frenchie is complaining to Azah about how everything went wrong last week. It’s all Derex’s fault. And his necklace’s, because they made him take it off during veto and he couldn’t concentrate without it.

Now it’s all Ky’s fault because he won HoH instead of one of the girls. Frenchie would have shared his knowledge with a girl, and they would have been golden. He says he didn’t keep Azah in the dark last week because he didn’t care, it was because he cared so much he wanted to protect her. He also set up everything he did so she has plausible deniability.

He wasn’t upset that he got nominated. He was just upset that he couldn’t protect her anymore. They all used him. And now they’re using Britini to get to him. So he has no choice but to blow their game up.

He did it all for you, Azah! You believe him, right?

Please tell me you don’t believe him.


Edited by 30 Helens
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Frenchie’s legacy is he got a white jock out first. Only once before has that ever happened, and that was by accident. So he is technically the only person to target and send home a white jock first. They can send him home next, but he made a difference. He’s proud of himself. He accomplished what he came here for. 

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As a black woman I am sleeping easier knowing Frenchie is in my corner.😕 Obviously not since I slept for a total of about 3 hours and I am back up at 530 in the morning listening to him.

I'm going to do something productive and pull out my plastic pink rosary beads from second grade and pray anyone but Frenchie wins the veto.

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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Frenchie's just getting started. He just cracked into a fresh 2L of Coca Cola.

Interesting. I noticed on the show he seems to always have a glass of Coke or Pepsi in his hand. Does he drink it a lot on the feeds? 

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Tiffani needs to take her battery out and leave it out for a day. She said she was going to sleep about an hour ago but then she was right back up talking game.

I know it's early on but if things keep going the way they are there is a good chance for a woman to win. These guys are messy. Brett can't stop talking and playING the victim either. His act is very transparent.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

So he is technically the only person to target and send home a white jock first. They can send him home next, but he made a difference. He’s proud of himself. He accomplished what he came here for. 

It's like Frenchie always has a movie playing in his head where he's always the hero and the whole world is watching and applauding. Such a narcissist. 


3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Deref moved from having his head at one end of his couch bed to the other. Multi positional king. 😍👑

Meanwhile, I know I've said it before but Derekf definitely has issues. Sleeping all the time can be a sign of depression (don't ask me how I know) Plus it sounds like he might have anger and other issues. I know his dad is famous, but that doesn’t mean he had an easy life growing up. Do we know anything about that? I haven't looked it up. 


3 hours ago, vb68 said:

Who wants CAKE?

I was remembering this yesterday for some reason, and laughing. 

Edited by Melina22
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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Alyssa, about Frenchie: "He thinks he's an Evel Dick."
Hannah: "You know who he reminds me of? Devin for season 16."

I looked her up. Hannah has been on fire! I can’t keep up with all the hamsters like I did before kids. Takes me a couple weeks (and a few out the door) before I know everyone.  I am still calling the guy who just got evicted the wrong name. Tyler/Travis/Tucker/doesitreallymatter

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