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S06.E10: Shadows Of Doubt

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Mike & Natalie - I cannot imagine scheduling a surgery and telling the person who is going to drive me there and take care of me just a week prior.  Not only that, you have to have the money discussion when someone else is paying for it! Yes, he’s an asshole, but you knew that when you hugged your mom goodbye.  Deal with it.  
Ronald &Tiffany - Tiffany showed her true colors as she sat in the living room with her squirming daughter as her husband worked with lightning speed to finish up in the kitchen well she screamed at him to drop everything and come attend to her.  Ps, Ronald, buy a bunch of cheap fast food and frozen products for Tiff and she will be tickled pink.   
Andrei & Libby - I’m not going to give them any analysis because I can’t stand the thought that they are getting a spin off and I’m hoping it’s not true. And I’m definitely not going to watch it.    
Michael & Ang - If the roles were reversed, Angela would probably be in jail on domestic violence charges. That’s all I can say about them.

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:
17 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:
  Reveal spoiler

Frauded by TLC reported that Chuck pitched the yacht fight and RV roadtrip to TLC to get another season, according to Libby insiders.  Also, this horrible family will have its own spin-off.


  Reveal spoiler

Thank the goddesses, because then I'll be able to ignore their very existence as I do with the Family Chantel fuck-and-awe fake shit.  


I see your spoilers and raise another spoiler...If this is true...


I would never watch the Family Libby's spin-off, just like I refused to do with Chantel. But no matter how many people watched, they still got PAID for two seasons of airtime, got to go on trips, etc. and that really galls me. 


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On 6/29/2021 at 5:04 PM, Xebug67 said:

Why has Natalie had such an unattractive, lumpy potato face ever since she first came to the U.S.?  This wreath on her head is comparable to putting lipstick on a pig.

Her first season when Mike went to see her in the Ukraine I thought she was so attractive.

I thought she was sexy as hell!  

It turns out that her face only looks good when she's thin.  I mean, she's not fat, but she's certainly gained a lot of weight!

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On 6/27/2021 at 1:34 PM, Frozendiva said:

Many people just buy a rotisserie one from the store.

I cook the turkey at Thanksgiving but I don't roast chicken. They are $5 at my grocery store, so sometimes when we are grocery shopping and hungry I will pick up a rotisserie chicken so we can eat it when we get home. Can't beat that price and the convenience.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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36 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:



36 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

I cook the turkey at Thanksgiving but I don't roast chicken. They are $5 at my grocery store, so sometimes when we are grocery shopping and hungry I will pick up a rotisserie chicken so we can eat it when we get home. Can't beat that price and the convenience.

I will get one at Costco or the grocery store once in a while. The average raw chicken is not cheap any more and you can get a cooked one for $8-10. Don't mind getting some on sale and then roasting one. When I see they are $12 and up and over $20 for a small, organic one, I will buy the rotiserrie one and have a dinner or two and a couple of lunches from it. It's pretty healthy and beats high fat fast food.

Edited by Frozendiva
weird double post
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On 6/28/2021 at 12:46 AM, TrininisaScorp said:

The whining on all of these terrible people.

I can't pick between who I dislike more between Ronald and Tiffany.  Tiffany is a whiny person who has made the choices in her life to get her to this spot, yet takes no responsibilities for her part in her consequences.  Ronald is an entitled overgrown child with weird masculinity issues and is an asshole (lower-middle class white South African born in the 80s has some connotations to me around his entitlement). Neither honesty seem selfless enough for children.  I am very uncomfortable when ppl fight in front of kids or when they are holding them.  If Tiffany is tired, I can't imagine that how those kids must feel too.  The scene at the store was terrible.  She was bitching him out the entire time, and he was being a dick.  It is the normal flow of their relationship. The chicken was ridiculous.  As of you all pointed out, a whole chicken is forgiving and can be cooked in a variety of ways and methods.  Also an option? Breaking it down and storing the pieces to be made.  Some fats (butter, oil), some spices, some acidity for brightness.  You can bake it, airfry it, pressure it, dutch oven.  And yet these weirdos struggle...it's like a metaphor for their whole lives.  The diaper convo was nonsense too...bro, it's your daughter...change the diaper...jesus, why is he so weird?!

Mike and Natalie are similar.  I can't even look at them after the rat thing last week...I'm still grossed out with it crawling all over her and the toaster.  Mike is a dick, no question.  But, Natalie is so weird all the time.  Why would she hide the surgery date?  How is she planning to pay for the medical procedure she won't tell him about?  What a marriage.  That's your husband...have a conversation. She also is terrible in a fight b/c I think she misunderstand and also picks the most pedantic thing to use as a weapon.  I am still amused at Mike's voice getting high pitched when he yells.  Hilarious!  Natalie is zero to 100...either she's overly fake batting her eyelashes (see when Mike brought the flowers), or she's VERY aggressive and yells.  These two also don't let anything resolve in a way that is productive.  The hooker thing will come back up.  I guarantee it b/c they didn't resolve shit. 

Julia and Brandon looking like weird beatniks or Sprockets made me laugh a lot.  Of course, the apartment Julia wants it too big and expensive, and of course she gets pissy b/c he didn't sign paperwork that moment.  She seems very flighty.  $800 seemed like too much in the car, but $1800 was fine?  So she was a cage dancer at a club or something?  The girl can move, but unless that gym offers those sexy heel dance classes, I don't know if she is a good fit.  Again, she gets pissed she needs safety certifications...dude, that's about safety.  The gym manager/owner seemed like a sport.

I actually have a take on Yara - I think she actually has a good relationship with Jovi's family.  When they were showing video while the the v/o, you can see some of the warmth and smiles she exchanges with Gwen and Jovi's grandma.  Also, I love Jovi's sassy Cajun grandma.  I agree with some of you that her edit is about princess Yara, but I think her humor is wrapped up in taking a piss out of being sarcastic and bossy. I think that may be the Eastern European thing b/c I can see glimpses of that in Julia and Andreeiii too. When she said she only packed her make up bag, that seemed like a little joke. It's challenging b/c she knew this was Jovi's job, and that nice apartment in the suburbs and the luxury of movers is being paid for by him being away and make that paper. With her having the Rona and having the baby, I can see her regret that he is gone.  I don't blame her from moving out of NOLA if she feels more secure, but you know Jovi is about the NOLA life, so that's the set up for the conflict. 

Tampa Trash in an RV.  What could go wrong?!  Based on Jen's reaction when they were getting back into the RV where I think she was gently telling Libby that the child probably freaked out when Libby had a big reaction, I think that's exactly what happened.  The adults well outnumber the kids.  How come one of them couldn't have been watching Ellie while her parents were busy?  Cmon, don't drop the ball when you didn't bring a baby gate or anything.  I don't like how Elizabeth and Andreeiiii talk to each other in front of their daughter, Libby's family, God, and everyone else.  The argument with Becky (god, I'm learning their names...ew) and Andrei was so stupid and dramatic.  Again, the kids are there.  Can you all not?

So are the goofballs are trying to get Michael killed by the redneck banshee?  They made some good points wrapped up in cultural toxic masculinity.  I died when the one said "I don't know how you find her attractive"...Angela is going to get her ass on a plane and go burn them all alive.  Angela is the absolute worst.  She realizes she doesn't own Michael, right?  She lives her life independently of him, and she gets mad with the idea that he might too?  Maybe Michael is cheating...totally possible, but Angela expects him to kowtow, grovel, be a pillar of strength, and totally worship her with little to no respect given to Michael. 

I like your comments a lot, they are balanced and insightful. 

Do you mind to elaborate a bit more on Ronald's entitlement?  Syngin, while much more likeable, also had this air about him, like "a job? yea I'll figure that out eventually I guess."  Just curious.

Edited by Splithair
ETA: I know it's related to apartheid, just not too familiar with the after-affects on the society as it relates to white men in particular
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18 hours ago, jnymph said:

I’m having some serious qualms about this series franchise.  I feel this is bordering on abuse of intellectually or developmentally disabled persons.  I’m specifically thinking of Natalie and Asuelo.  Not snarking, I truly believe they have issues. 

But Natalie is much higher class and high IQ! What's your IQ? lol. Interesting comment though. Might agree with you about Asuelo except I've read in these forums that he actually has a dancing performance job for tourists, etc. So idk. But Natalie intellectually disabled? 

Are you familiar with Danielle (with or without Mohammed)?  I've said for years there's something not quite right with her mentality, but I enjoy watching her. It's a sickness. 

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

But Natalie is much higher class and high IQ! What's your IQ? lol. Interesting comment though. Might agree with you about Asuelo except I've read in these forums that he actually has a dancing performance job for tourists, etc. So idk. But Natalie intellectually disabled? 

Are you familiar with Danielle (with or without Mohammed)?  I've said for years there's something not quite right with her mentality, but I enjoy watching her. It's a sickness. 

I was really upset with myself for watching and being entertained by Danielle because I thought she had some sort of mental deficiency and kept wondering where "her people" were but then realized it was just an unfortunate person who did not have her shit together and had the ability to make her life as difficult as possible by making dumb choices.

Natalie was desperate to get to the US and live her dream life just like her (never on camera) friend that introduced her to Mike...sadly it is not going the way she wants because she never actually listens to Mike to see what kind of person he is or if she did she ignored the signs he clearly showed her.  Natalie wants to be worshiped but Mike is just not that guy, Natalie wants to work in TV but we all know the odds of that happening (not counting this show) and won't settle for any job less than being a star on TV and gets offended if a different path is mentioned.. Natalie has a false sense of her star power.  


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@Baltimore Betty, yep, unfortunate people not having their shit together is what's on the menu in this TLC franchise. It's tragic when innocent children are dragged along in the misery. But Danielle's kids are grown so we're free of guilt to enjoy the show! 

Her scenes are so fantastical, cringy and her grammar makes my brain itch. Did she graduate high school, can she read, what's really going on with her being in nursing school? 

I definitely believe she's being taken advantage of by production, and being setup by the three so-called friends for shits and giggles. I hope she's being paid more than $1500 per episode. 

Sorry for being off topic. I appreciate your assessment of Natalie, she's scrambling to make it somehow, somewhere. She's hitting the wall, as the MGTOW group refers to a woman past 25, lol. Her one remaining advantage for hooking a quality man is that she's childless. (Dodging tomatoes.)

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1 hour ago, Rt66vintage said:

Sorry for being off topic. I appreciate your assessment of Natalie, she's scrambling to make it somehow, somewhere. She's hitting the wall, as the MGTOW group refers to a woman past 25, lol. Her one remaining advantage for hooking a quality man is that she's childless. (Dodging tomatoes.)

Hence her awkwardly sexy cooking videos: 

Edited to add: are you supposed to twerk while standing at the stove? 

Edited by magemaud
  • LOL 3

Tiffany and Ronald are something else. I don't understand why they had such a hodge podge of groceries. We saw the whole chicken, but Ronald also purchased 3 or 4 braai packs (chicken packs of thighs, legs, wings etc.) Are they planning on having a party? I don't see the point in spending so much money at the store... they could have taken some of the items back if they went over. 

I wanted to cut Ronald some slack for not buying groceries before Tiffany arrived because she would've complained about what was in his fridge and pantry and said she wanted input into the food. But, she didn't appear to know what he bought while she was there with him! They are a train wreck of a couple and Daniel is a victim through all of this. It's really difficult to watch.

Also, Ronald why didn't you rent a two bedroom apartment for the family? If you want them to stay Daniel should have his own space. He shouldn't sleep on the couch or be locked up in a panic room. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, magemaud said:

And two packages of mushrooms! Do they go with polony? 

I just don't see Tiffany with her cold shoulders sauteing mushrooms, I am almost sure she does not eat them let alone cook them.  

I think Raw-nold stocked his freezer for when Tiffany has gone home with her money he will at least have some chicken in the freezer.

Polony, I cannot even fathom what is really in that product.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Polony, I cannot even fathom what is really in that product

Somewhere upthread (or on another sub thread) somebody posted a link to “what is polony.”

What I recall is that it’s a bunch of some kind of less desirable animal parts ground together and with food coloring added into a sludge called “Pink Slime.” Definitely cheap “peasant food.” 

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On 7/3/2021 at 2:17 AM, magemaud said:

Rewatching the scenes from South Africa and I can’t help but think Daniel looks totally miserable. 

Its been his dream for over a year to see his "dad" and for his parents to be reunited. He thought they'd be a family and live happily ever after. Now his mother bites "dad"'s head off at the slightest provocation, "dad" is tense and edgy, and his mom is a short tempered shrew. No wonder the poor kid is miserable. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Its been his dream for over a year to see his "dad" and for his parents to be reunited. He thought they'd be a family and live happily ever after. Now his mother bites "dad"'s head off at the slightest provocation, "dad" is tense and edgy, and his mom is a short tempered shrew. No wonder the poor kid is miserable. 

In addition, I’m sure Ronald is relentlessly badgering Daniel to convince Tiffany that they should stay in South Africa. The poor kid is probably torn between trying to please Ronald but not really wanting to stay there. 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I just don't see Tiffany with her cold shoulders sauteing mushrooms, I am almost sure she does not eat them let alone cook them.  

I think Raw-nold stocked his freezer for when Tiffany has gone home with her money he will at least have some chicken in the freezer.

Polony, I cannot even fathom what is really in that product.


9 hours ago, magemaud said:

Somewhere upthread (or on another sub thread) somebody posted a link to “what is polony.”

What I recall is that it’s a bunch of some kind of less desirable animal parts ground together and with food coloring added into a sludge called “Pink Slime.” Definitely cheap “peasant food.” 

Polony is cheap and delicious! I used to eat it all the time when I was a kid. Fried polony and chips (fish and chips style chips... super soggy!) in a roll. You can check out variations of Gatsby's with different meats. Not just polony. 



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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

Somewhere upthread (or on another sub thread) somebody posted a link to “what is polony.”

What I recall is that it’s a bunch of some kind of less desirable animal parts ground together and with food coloring added into a sludge called “Pink Slime.” Definitely cheap “peasant food.” 

I believe that was me.

  • Useful 1
On 7/1/2021 at 6:48 PM, Grifter Lives said:
  Reveal spoiler

Frauded by TLC reported that Chuck pitched the yacht fight and RV roadtrip to TLC to get another season, according to Libby insiders.  Also, this horrible family will have its own spin-off.



Whenever the spinoff comes, I hope they put it on Discovery Plus so I can avoid its entire existence. Also, TLC needs to make sure to put Family Chantel and Darcey and Stacey on there too. I have not watched one single episode of either of those shows, and I am glad that I have done so.


On 6/30/2021 at 5:23 PM, Opine said:

So doesn't Mykull live in a place where polygamy is ok?  If that's the case, he just needs to ghost Angela, marry a nice girl over there and start banging out babies and enjoying life with a decent wife and the Goofballs.

Exactly! I don't understand why Mykull is tolerating Angela's abuse this much. It's not worth it. Just find a Nigerian princess and start having babies with her.

On 7/3/2021 at 2:17 AM, magemaud said:

Rewatching the scenes from South Africa and I can’t help but think Daniel looks totally miserable. 

I feel SO bad for Daniel. He is stuck in this whole mess with Tiffany and Ronald. And he seems much more mature than either of them.

  • Love 7
On 7/4/2021 at 2:54 PM, magemaud said:

Somewhere upthread (or on another sub thread) somebody posted a link to “what is polony.”

What I recall is that it’s a bunch of some kind of less desirable animal parts ground together and with food coloring added into a sludge called “Pink Slime.” Definitely cheap “peasant food.” 

In others words, bologna?

  • Love 7

Why did Tiffany get an open ended return ticket from South Africa? She doesn’t want to stay and Daniel was counting the days until they go home when he said “That’s two weeks-7 days and 7 days!” Ronald’s reply to that was something like “There’s no return date,” but WHY THE HELL NOT? Having no set return only reinforces Ronald’s delusion that they’re staying. Besides, doesn’t that type of ticket cost more? 

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On 7/3/2021 at 10:28 AM, magemaud said:

Hence her awkwardly sexy cooking videos: 

Edited to add: are you supposed to twerk while standing at the stove? 

I'm ashamed to admit that I've watched (and commented on) a handful of her videos, because they give me the same demented pleasure that any and every cringey scene with Danielle gives me.  She's a horrific train wreck that I can't look away from. 

I sincerely believe that these cooking videos are her new way of trying to land a rich American man to be her 4th husband (since it seems that she's no longer with Mike based upon the kitchen that she's using to cook in).  Her lame a** attempts at being sexy are major fails.  Only a woman who isn't such a cringingly try-hard would actually be thought of as sexy.  What Natalie is doing is nothing but super-cringe.

IMO her videos are only meant to appeal to a male audience.  What woman in her right mind would find Natalie's awkward attempts to convey sex appeal worth watching her cook those meals?  Rhetorical question.  The answer is NONE.  She's so unprofessional, as well as unprepared in all of her videos.  I also don't believe that any of the recipes that she's using are her own.  She either plagiarized them from a cookbook OR another YouTube/TV chef, because she's so clumsy in her delivery of the information pertaining to the foods and the meal she's planning to cook.  There's ZERO consistency to her onscreen delivery as regards providing recipe ingredients or measurements.  The only consistent thing about her is her awkward, cringey words and body movements.

I swear, to me she's one of the worst ever, most unlikable 90 Dayers of all time.  I just can't forget how nasty and immature and pretentious she was during the season when Mike came to visit her in Ukraine.  At that time, he didn't demonstrate any of the hateful nastiness that we've been witnessing since the season when she finally got her visa and came over to the U.S. to live in Mike's home.  I believe that Mike still holds her behavior, especially the ring toss back to him against her, and was beyond regretful that her visa actually ever finally came through.  Then when she's finally over here in the U.S. she's even nastier and nuttier than she was in the Ukraine.  For every bit of coldness and nastiness that Mike has demonstrated towards her, she's been at least 5 times worse to him. 

There's no rational reason for my hatred of her.  It is what it is.  I just utterly despise her and would laugh my a** off if she never ever has the family and children she pretended to want, or the ridiculously unattainable career she pretentiously believes she is deserving of having.  That would be the ultimate in schadenfreude for me.

Perhaps she can combine her cringey YouTube cooking videos with an OnlyFans account and cook naked for a bunch of perverted men!

Edited by Xebug67
Omitted words
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On 7/3/2021 at 12:22 PM, magemaud said:

Believe it or not, she has over 14K followers, but I wonder how many follow her just to laugh at her ridiculous attempts to be an authority on “hellsee cooo-king”

Regardless of the number of followers that she has, just look at her likes vs. dislikes.  She is the only YouTuber that I've ever seen with more thumbs down than thumbs up.  And not just on one or two of her videos but on almost all if not actually every single one of them. 

Just by way of example, this Italian pasta video as of 07/06/21, that was so considerately provided to us by magemaud, has only 689 likes vs. 1,000 dislikes.

Apparently she's set a new record for YouTubers, though likely not one that she would be happy about - the YouTube award for worst videos and more dislikes than likes.


Finally got to watch....


Fast forwarded the Family Libby. Can't stand them and Andrei deserves a purple heart for putting up with their BS. 

Ronald and Tiffany.....oh boy. I was cringing when they went to the grocery store, what a stereotypical dumb American. Grossed out by the meat section.....didn't know what a mushroom was? Huh? Seriously, guessing she and Daniel live on fast food and tv dinners. Also, I get that you are on a tv show, but doing your makeup is not a priority when you have screaming kids to feed and a clueless guy to help acclimate. I thought he made a very valid point that she has been a parent for like 10 years, and he is just sort of being thrown into it. Have a little patience and grace. If she wanted to be waited on hand and foot and spoiled rotten, why did she hook up with an unemployed addict? Ronald seems to truly love Daniel and his daughter.......the kids are the true victims here. Also, having traveled quite a bit in my life, I have come to the realization that the first 24 hours in a new country, I am a grumpy, whiny biatch. And my ex knew to ignore anything I said during that time period....I give Tiff a bit of a pass in that sense that she had a long ass flight with two kids and probably just needed to crash and get over her jet lag. Ronald could have let her sleep and taken the kids out for a meal or even over to his mom's place---his family seems to accept and love the kids. Even if his mom has cut him off $$ due to his addiction and issues (not sure that is the case but it could be), I doubt she would deny two kids a meal or two while their mom gets her footing. So in that sense yeah, I would be pissed off that there wasn't any food or a plan when I landed. 

Edited by Stuckathome
more deets
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Natalie Nutjob really does lover herself, doesn't she?  I've never witnessed anyone with as much self-confidence and self-importance as she displays but doesn't merit.  Go to the 1:02 mark in the video at this URL:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8NZiscoMaY&t=255s

I just can't stop my head from going back and forth, side to side, un-uh while my brain is yelling "NOOOOOO!!!" and my shoulders are heaving up and down as I'm LMAO.

Also the grand finale is the end of the video when she's tasting her own cooking!


Natalie cooking pasta.jpg

Edited by Xebug67
Adding image caused the remainder of my comment to vanish
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5 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

Natalie Nutjob really does lover herself, doesn't she?  I've never witnessed anyone with as much self-confidence and self-importance as she displays but doesn't merit.  Go to the 1:02 mark in the video at this URL:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8NZiscoMaY&t=255s

I just can't stop my head from going back and forth, side to side, un-uh while my brain is yelling "NOOOOOO!!!" and my shoulders are heaving up and down as I'm LMAO.

Also the grand finale is the end of the video when she's tasting her own cooking!


Natalie cooking pasta.jpg

At 2:31 on the timestamp for no other reason than that all I can think of her is as a porn actress making a bad, amateur porn video, and when she says, 'Right now, oh my God, [sucks in her breath trying to sound sexy and erotic as she does so] it's already smells delicious.  Cannot wait to eat it,' all I could think of was that's how she landed Mike and probably every other male ever in her life, because my filthy mind substituted male private parts for what's in the skillet that she's referring to.

Is my handbasket to hell ready for me yet?

  • LOL 6
On 7/6/2021 at 12:16 PM, Xebug67 said:

Natalie Nutjob really does lover herself, doesn't she?  I've never witnessed anyone with as much self-confidence and self-importance as she displays but doesn't merit.  Go to the 1:02 mark in the video at this URL:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8NZiscoMaY&t=255s

I just can't stop my head from going back and forth, side to side, un-uh while my brain is yelling "NOOOOOO!!!" and my shoulders are heaving up and down as I'm LMAO.

Also the grand finale is the end of the video when she's tasting her own cooking!


Natalie cooking pasta.jpg

I was doing nothing but laughing the whole time I was watching this video.

23 hours ago, magemaud said:

Have you watched her “deep throat” the sushi? That’s one of her most controversial videos, preparing Japanese food while wearing Chinese clothing and chopsticks in her hair. 

Oh my gosh, that one is so cringey as fuck! I had secondhand embarrassment watching that.

  • Love 2
On 7/5/2021 at 10:02 PM, magemaud said:

Why did Tiffany get an open ended return ticket from South Africa? She doesn’t want to stay and Daniel was counting the days until they go home when he said “That’s two weeks-7 days and 7 days!” Ronald’s reply to that was something like “There’s no return date,” but WHY THE HELL NOT? Having no set return only reinforces Ronald’s delusion that they’re staying. Besides, doesn’t that type of ticket cost more? 

My guess is that she did that for drama, knew it would keep Ronald on edge and/or couldn’t make her mind up when she would be returning.  She’s proven to be unreliable in her contentions.  


I can’t imagine Covid conditions were better when Tiffany went to South Africa last winter and she definitely wouldn’t have been vaccinated, but currently the US government is advising Americans NOT to go there. 


Edited by magemaud
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I’m at least a week behind with this show and just finished watching this episode.  Is it me or did Natalie look disappointed that Mike didn’t make a huge issue out of her surprise surgery?  He was actually supportive and reasonable, telling her he wasn’t worried about the cost and of course he’d be there for her.  She gets that evil glint in her eyes when she’s getting ready to tell him with something she thinks will piss him off.  Then when he doesn’t respond in anger, she looks completely deflated.  She’s a fucking nut case! 

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On 6/29/2021 at 6:20 AM, winsomeone said:

Tiff's kids were as tired as she was, but she sure didn't worry about getting them naps. Does she think makeup covers fat? Is it just me, or does she not seem all that comfortable taking care of Carly? Bet her mother did most of her care before she moved out?

She’s lazy as fuck.  Probably sits on her fat ass and eats goodies all day.   Her ass is bigger than Ohio.  Sorry, no offense to Ohio.

Edited by Hangin Out
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