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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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In the eyes of the prison system, Teresa is just one more prisoner. Nobody's doing anything to accommodate her, the TV show, her family, and so on. The prison folks don't give a rats ass about any of that, other than dealing with the hoopla when she went in.


As far as her "televised" phone call home, it looked to me as if production simply captured audio and video of the family, and audio of Teresa's voice. (I'm referring to what I saw on the promos.) Anybody could have done it with permission from the prisoner. (Whether you can record someone without their permission varies across states.)

Edited by pasdetrois
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In the eyes of the prison system, Teresa is just one more prisoner. Nobody's doing anything to accommodate her, the TV show, her family, and so on. The prison folks don't give a rats ass about any of that, other than dealing with the hoopla when she went in.


As far as her "televised" phone call home, it looked to me as if production simply captured audio and video of the family, and audio of Teresa's voice. (I'm referring to what I saw on the promos.) Anybody could have done it with permission from the prisoner. (Whether you can record someone without their permission varies across states.)

During Teresa's investigation and court proceedings there were many comments made about court personnel watching the show.  Things like a "viewing party" at the prison certainly can garner attention.  I think if there are enough letters and email to the court and prison regarding Teresa and her seemingly unorthodox access to levers of power then there may be a look into.


If Teresa's job is RHONJ and/or television personality it stretches credulity to she is allowed to call home, set up parties (for filming) and appear via voice.  Even the very rich and powerful are not allowed to conduct business fro prison-how is this Bravo special not working?

Edited by zoeysmom
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Hey everyone!  Here we are, back to talking about these losers.  Hard to believe Teresa has survived most of the year in prison.  


Lotus did a great job of explaining above, but in case anyone was confused about the release dates and supervision, I am quoting my post from January.  I'll try to stick around in case there are any questions.

I have put this in other threads, but in case someone here hasn't seen it....

When a federal inmate goes through intake and A&O, his or her sentence is calculated with the maximum amount of good conduct time allowed by law.  Her release date posted is her sentence minus her max GCT.  During her sentence, if she commits an offense and she goes before the discipline hearing officer, that officer may or may not sanction her with loss of GCT.  (Lower level offenses can be heard by her unit team, but they do not have the authority to sanction loss of GCT.)  If/when that happens, the inmate systems department will recalculate her release date and change it in the public record. 


Inmates don't actually "earn" GCT, they are all given the same amount (depending on length of sentence) upon arrival.  So, Teresa has not been given a reduced sentence or been good enough to earn time off.




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Weird that NONE of the articles or her lawyer are saying where/how they got the money to pay the house off.  Did they just pay up the amount they were behind on or did they pay the entire mortgage off and what about all the local/state taxes they owed on the house?

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It has to be the money Joe and the girls got for that three part special.


If that's true, Bravo bailed them out by producing that crap show.

According to the TT site, Joe got paid enough by Bravo to catch up on the past due, he did NOT pay off the entire mortgage though. She also says that Teresa got a book deal for her prison diaries to be written by her ghost writter. SMH

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It sickens me that these grifters got off so easily, defaulting all over the place to people they employed and keeping the ridiculous mansion that they don't deserve.


Wasn't Teresa threatening to sue Bravo at one point? Maybe paying off the money owed was a "deal" to avoid that. (I could easily add "extortion" to their resume--wouldn't surprise me at all).


I hate these people. But Joe will find he goes into prison debt-free (thanks to others) and comes out to find Teresa has "done it again".  She didn't learn anything from the last time she bailed on creditors and got away with it, and she's still denying she did anything to deserve a prison sentence.


She's dumb as a post, arrogant, and won't learn anything from experience. If there is any justice in the world, they'll eventually lose the McMansion and everything in it, publishers will stop publishing "her" ghost-written books, and she'll have to find a job suitable for her real abilities (selling products in a dept. store, for example, she's clearly a great saleswoman--as in "selling you a bill of goods").


She doesn't deserve any of this good fortune. Nothing on earth could make me watch her show.

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According to Radar, her book is scheduled to come out Feb 9th. They really are banking on early release as her sentence is until March.

I really don't see how you can release a book about your prison experience while you are STILL SERVING, albeit on home release!

Spendaholic Teresa being locked away was likely a big help as well.

Lol so true. I bet the girls haven't bought a new piece of clothing since their Mom went to prison, and I'd bet they still have plenty with tags still left on 11 months later. Edited by TaxNerd


Prisoners are not allowed to make any money while incarcerated.  The only exception is the few cents per hour they get paid for their "prison job."  She'll have to wait to collect whatever advance was promised to her for her BS book.


The money to bail out their Montville home likely came from the three part special "Teresa Checks In" and went to Joe who used it to pay the arrears on the house.

Edited by AnnA
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Prisoners are not allowed to make any money while incarcerated. The only exception is the few cents per hour they get paid for their "prison job." She'll have to wait to collect whatever advance was promised to her for her BS book.

How is her book releasing in Feb when her sentence is until March? The kids are minors and Joe isn't a co-author.

Home release or not, she is still serving her sentence.

According to Radar, her book is scheduled to come out Feb 9th. They really are banking on early release as her sentence is until March.

I'm not sure why you think her release date is in March - the official end of her sentence is Feb. 5th (and then she'll be on probation for two years).

For anyone who's angry that they're up-to-date on their mortgage and still living lavishly in that mansion, you can thank Bravo for that. And the only way Teresa will be able to keep up with the mortgage payments going forward is if Bravo signs her to the next season of RHONJ. The only way to prevent this from happening is to let the sponsors know how you feel. Please join the campaign and let your voice be heard. Otherwise, the grifters win. #WontWatchWontBuy

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Well, it looks like Teresa/Joe may have put off foreclosure but the IRS put a $551+K tax lien against their house! LOL According to VH of nj.com, this lien was filed against them the day before the bank gave notice that the Giudices caught up on their past due mortgage payments. I wonder how long before NJ state and the local taxes are filed against them as they hadn't paid them in years either.

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Well, it looks like Teresa/Joe may have put off foreclosure but the IRS put a $551+K tax lien against their house! LOL According to VH of nj.com, this lien was filed against them the day before the bank gave notice that the Giudices caught up on their past due mortgage payments. I wonder how long before NJ state and the local taxes are filed against them as they hadn't paid them in years either.

It just seems the dullards at the IRS should have figured out where to lien the money they used to pay off their arrears on the mortgage.  I do not believe Teresa and Joe have made good on any of the creditors they owe unless it is by foreclosure or lien.

Edited by zoeysmom
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NJ is known for long, drawn-out foreclosures, which is to their advantage. This foreclosure/catch-up game is probably going to go on for a long time.



Not to mention every time they are in any real danger of losing their house, Bravo will just give them another special.


I am sure Tre is already planning a series-getting out of prison, Joe going to prison, Tre being alone and brave, Joe getting out of prison in five years (I think), and perhaps when everything is done...a divorce special.

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This is old news. I think it was Zoeysmom who posted the filed foreclosure docs? I read them (apparently nothing better to do - insert sad smiley face - even sadder smiley face I think I joined Scribd to do it). From my memory (generally reliable - maybe) they had $2-3M in liens on the house. IRS put their lien on in Oct 2014 (along with taxes owed to State of NJ, Juicy's old business partner, among others) and they stopped paying the mortgage in Dec. I guess that answers my question if they had to settle the liens to satisfy the foreclosure action. Apparently not.

I'm suggesting they get a better money manager. I think they need a better long term solution (ie - paying a $15K mortgage plus maintenance every month for the next 30 years).

Edited by Jennifersdc

I'm a little lost in the mechanics of it all.   So they paid off the mortgage but the government still placed liens on the house?  Does this mean they can take and sell the house to satisfy?  If the gov't seizes assets, why wouldn't they just be able to sell their parents the house for a dollar in order to protect it?  How much was outstanding?  and damn how much are they making to have gotten that money together in the last 9 months?  How was that even possible? Sorry if I missed it, but did the IRS put their papers in too late to affect their current Bravo earnings?  Where does the money they make from here on in go?

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So there really is a book?


Yep.  I'm not surprised in the least.  The book signing appearance deals are also being inked right now.  Talk shows won't be far behind.  You'd think she'd want to just chill and spend a minute with her kids, right?


I wonder if the picture on the cover was shot specifically for the book prior to incarceration or did they just pull a publicity shot and use that.  Something tells me the idea and photo shoot for the book were well underway shortly after her conviction.

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I'm not sure why you think her release date is in March - the official end of her sentence is Feb. 5th (and then she'll be on probation for two years).


I read somewhere she is being released in December, I think the 22nd or 23rd.  



Yep.  I'm not surprised in the least.  The book signing appearance deals are also being inked right now.  Talk shows won't be far behind.  You'd think she'd want to just chill and spend a minute with her kids, right?


I wonder if the picture on the cover was shot specifically for the book prior to incarceration or did they just pull a publicity shot and use that.  Something tells me the idea and photo shoot for the book were well underway shortly after her conviction.

I wondered about the picture too.  As far as the actual book, I'm guessing she handed her prison diary over to the co-author who is actually writing the book, and she's probably been interviewed by her as well for more material. 


Yes, one would think she would want to spend time with her kids.....as well as with the husband she supposedly loves so much who is "going away" in March. 

Although I love the first part of the title, with its reference to how she won our hearts by being a hooligan, I feel like the last part of it is a little bit misleading, and I'm a bit confused as to how she can finish the story in time for publication when she's still in jail at this point (so, no "and back").  But, I'm totally going to buy this.  Well, not buy exactly.  I'm going to wait until someone puts it online then read it for free, because that feels like the right thing to do in this situation.    


I'm not going to read it, either, if I'm honest.  I'm going to study it, in hopes of learning how to transform myself from hum-drum office employee to glamorous bravolebrity/grifter.  I think I can do the bravolebrity part, if I stay drunk enough to keep my sense of shame silent.  The grifting, though...I could use some tips.

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The grifting, though...I could use some tips.



Unfortunately, I don't think we'll get much:


"The synopsis released by the publisher doesn't indicate she'll be talking about the crimes that put her behind bars. A Rutgers legal expert has told NJ Advance Media that New Jersey's "Son of Sam" law would prevent her from specifically revealing the details of the fraud that landed her jail."


But there is this too:


"The book will include scans of her prison diary, in which she details memorable moments, including witnessing fistfights and sharing a cell with a woman who liked to entertain other inmates ... horizontally."


It will also cover her childhood, courtship and marriage to Joe along with "her table-tipping and rumor-abetting tenure on "RHONJ," and "coming to terms with the reality of life in prison.""



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That's fine.  I'm assuming that as a grifter I'll get caught at some point.  It'd be good for me to learn about how to navigate the prison world, and to see what works/doesn't in some kind of post-prison comeback bid.  Is it better to give the salacious details?  Is there a kind of story that makes people feel more sympathy?


On a more serious note, I'm curious how she can claim to be bothered by prison fistfights given what she was involved with, with family, on television.

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i wonder if she ever saw a single fight while there. I'm guessing the book will be heavily laden with whatever Teresa recalls from the old exploitation girls prison movies as well as a few vague Orange is the New Black memes. 


Whether she is set to be out before Christmas In whatever capacity or not until February, my Christmas present would for her, on the day prior to her release, get all Teresa Giudice stupid crazy arrogant with a fellow prison, snot off to her "is bitch better?" and find herself with added solitary for inciting a fight. 


Hypothetically what is the window between her getting out and the ape we know as her husband dragging his knuckles going in?  In a perfect world she would pull up as the taxi taking him away pulls out.  I wonder if he would even bother to wave?  Deep down I think he only cares about Teresa now in terms of how much money he can bring in using her notoriety and BRAVO's sleazy absence of any values.  If the roles were reversed, Teresa facing deportation after completion of sentence, the divorce papers would already have been written up is my guess.  I find him so disgusting I'm prone to suggest he go hiking in Arkansas during wild boar season.  Wearing that brown fur coat he used to wear.

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She should have a bedazzled ankle bracelet in this. I don't know if she actually will have one in real life after her release or anything, but it would be funny for the cover.

Also, I will buy this book and I don't care who knows it.

No judgement here! Please buy and recap! Unfortunately I suspect it's going to be fairly uninteresting.

I'll probably eventually buy it for the shits and giggles referred to above. I did buy both the Salahi and Melissa Gorga books on kindle after they were out for so long they would never register an actual Amazon rank (cheap too). Thank God for kindle - I actually would be embarassed if I was seen reading the paperbacks (kudos to TattleTeeny).

I'm hoping like Melissa's book - the best (very few) parts we can get on the Internet. Her book was so boring didn't even finish it.

Edited by Jennifersdc
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Unfortunately, I don't think we'll get much:


"The synopsis released by the publisher doesn't indicate she'll be talking about the crimes that put her behind bars. A Rutgers legal expert has told NJ Advance Media that New Jersey's "Son of Sam" law would prevent her from specifically revealing the details of the fraud that landed her jail."




See my boring from above. I'm also skeptical about the Son of Sam legal excuse. Not that I know a whole lot about the intracies (see not a lawyer - looked re Jeffrey MacDonald), but I thought it varied from state to state and proved hard to enforce (I'm with NY/NJ being the most stringent). But see Jordan Belfort(?).

IMO anyway, it's a pretty sorry excuse. Unless they start committing felonies again - I'm pretty sure the Feds have lost all interest in them.

No judgement here! Please buy and recap! Unfortunately I suspect it's going to be fairly uninteresting.

I'll probably eventually buy it for the shits and giggles referred to above. I did buy both the Salahi and Melissa Gorga books on kindle after they were out for so long they would never register an actual Amazon rank (cheap too). Thank God for kindle - I actually would be embarassed if I was seen reading the paperbacks (kudos to TattleTeeny).

I'm hoping like Melissa's book - the best (very few) parts we can get on the Internet. Her book was so boring didn't even finish it.

I read the Danielle Staub one and, while I dislike her, I feel bad for the woman if even half of what she wrote is true. 

For whatever reason, I like Teresa, even though saying so here can bring on the ire (no, I don't think she's right in everything she does. Yes, I think she should be in prison. Yes, I believe she knows how to cook but, no, Fabellini is not a good drink. Yes, I think she loves her kids but also, yes, I think she should have kept them in mind before making many of the decisions she made. No, I don't think leopard-print is tacky [been wearing it myself since the '80s [though in a vintage/goth kind of way], and no, that opinion is not because I live about two minutes from the Giudice territory. In other words, YES, someone can like Teresa without being a naive, crime-supporting apologist for her). I just like her personality and I find her funny on TV. Even if the book is not some outpouring of regret, even if she has help authoring it (as most famous personalities do), I look forward to it because I like a good easy read sometimes (I read for a living so once in a while I want to not think much when I read for recreation). There's just something about Teresa that I find interesting and, dare I say it, likable. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I believe the new Teresa will be the final nail in the coffin of the NJ franchise.  These shows were suppose to be about these women and their fabulous lifestyles-not how they expect to fund their family coffers off the show.  There are no more cookbooks and I find the idea that she kept a prison diary laughable.  The damn book was written back in July.  It will just be more made up Giudice crap.  I hope the book goes nowhere and Bravo realizes there is little to be gained by converting the show to 100% Teresa.

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So when is the thieving grifter supposed to be released?



I've seen December 23rd as her release date.


There was a link on my Yahoo page about Teresa "having fish for dinner on December 24th"............I don't care what she's doing or eating on Christmas Eve so I didn't follow/read it.  For no particular reason other than wishful thinking, I got the impression that she would still be in the slammer.   

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Release Date 12/23, it seems as if she won't have to actually reside at a halfway house and will be home that night. The fish for dinner may be in reference to plans for dinner at the Gorga's Christmas Eve. http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/index.ssf/2015/12/rhonj_teresa_giudice_released_from_prison.html

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