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S05.E09: Tell All

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I find it difficult to believe that if Robyn were pregnant that they would not have shouted that out sixteen different ways, Christine's feelings be damned. They're so desperate for anything that resembles content at this point I have to think they would have jumped on it--"So, (insert family member name here) what do you think about Robyn's pregnancy?" times 21 people...not to mention hours of couch WH (can't call them Talking Heads, they're Weeping Heads).

They got nothin'.

I agree with your thinking. But the clues to her pregnancy were these: the time she complained to Kody that she couldn't have another baby if her MSWC duties weren't lessened, exclaiming with joy that now she could "have a baby" after the investors said yes, Kody saying that Robyn had an announcement, and sheepishly laughing as he couldn't comment on his wives' fertility (his word), and lastly, the very weird Christine walk-off, with Tamron outright saying that it was about Robyn and Kody (at the very least discussing) having another kid. If she's not pregnant, what is going on here?

Btw, I don't see how even discussing one of the wives having another baby is uncomfortable for any of them, not only because of their lifestyle choice, but also because it was a never-ending storyline for Meri. It was very much a topic, and no one seemed uncomfortable or distressed talking about it, which is why I don't understand Tamron's voice-over saying this was a touchy subject. I think maybe something is going on privately with Christine, and the show is being sensitive or protective towards her.

The only new and interesting bit of information in this episode was that they still haven't seen a penny from the investment firm. Yes, we all figured that much, but it was nice to get confirmation.


Yes, it was good to get confirmation about this. I figured as much even as early as the episode aired (the bus. presentation), because the family was live-tweeting the episode, and Kody wrote some pretty unflattering things about the investment group. How can anyone, including Kody with his sales background, think to send unflattering tweets about your investors. Or worse, possible investors.

As I said above, Robyn also shook her head yes that Kody didn't spend enough time with her either.

I noticed that, too. But she did it in a weak, looking at the others and going along with them kind of way. I've noticed she does that a lot. Wanting to fit in with them. She knows darn well that Kody is with her more than the three of them, so she does things like that to diffuse tension or resentment. Or out of guilt.

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I think maybe something is going on privately with Christine, and the show is being sensitive or protective towards her.



Is it possible that she had a recent miscarriage and so the idea of another wife getting pregnant right now brings back that traumatic experience?  She didn't allow it to be shown on the show (I would think the adults still maintain some control over what parts of their lives get filmed and what don't, even if they don't have control over final editing), and was afraid it would come up somehow in the interview with Robyn and Kody if she left the set?


Just spitballing.

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Is it possible that she had a recent miscarriage and so the idea of another wife getting pregnant right now brings back that traumatic experience?  She didn't allow it to be shown on the show (I would think the adults still maintain some control over what parts of their lives get filmed and what don't, even if they don't have control over final editing), and was afraid it would come up somehow in the interview with Robyn and Kody if she left the set?


Just spitballing.

That's a good guess. It would explain the weirdness perfectly. Another poster said that producers live for this stuff, and would exploit this kind of drama, which I agree with, too, but maybe they're being shockingly sensitive this one time.

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This was part of the description for this episode. Where was the interest? Besides the picture, I don't recall anything resembling this.

I think by "interest", they may have been referring to his "interest" in body-building. It looks like they had to misleadingly make this episode seem as interesting as possible in previews and descriptions. Alas, it was a major snooze!

Edited by purpleflowers

I love how these "tell-all" shows promise "shocking revelations" and that "nothing is off limits" and then they shut it down like Kodouche did when Tamryn asked about which wife complained about less time last, or add that absolutely no discussion of future babies would be discussed. That's not a tell-all, and that means topics are off-limits.   Ho-hum.

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This episode was a "Tell Nothing". There was absolutely nothing new addressed. The Browns (especially Kody) are so unbelievably arrogant. He snapped at Tamron when she was asking about his time with each wife. Seriously? Viewers are watching them to gain more understanding on polygamy and any questions that touches a nerve, the family shoots it down.

No questions about pregnancy? What else do they have to talk about?

This family is just a few short years away from bring back in Utah, living off the older kids and waiting until they can file for bankruptcy again.

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I have some belated observations on this episode:


* Robyn seems to have a very high opinion of herself now.  Even the way she carried herself in this episode came off snobby.


* Meri has the audacity to use family resources to return to school in her 40's when there are SEVENTEEN children in need of educations.  I have no words for that.


* Everything about Mykelti screams "daddy issues."  No surprises there.


* I had to chuckle when Christine stood up to leave and while she was extricating herself from the mic cords, Tamron said, "You're not a hostage!"


* The whole "Robyn is pregnant!" teaser is starting to look like exactly that: a big, dumbass tease.  


* Robyn definitely nodded when the wives were confirming that they'd told Kody how lonely they were (cue the violins).  I am continually amazed by the bitching about something that they all willingly and knowingly signed on for.


* At the beginning of each one of these tell-alls, Tamron Hall tells us that the Browns have agreed that nothing is off-limits, but sure enough, they refuse to answer questions, usually pertaining to the bedroom.  Why so coy, Browns?  Believe me, the less I know about what goes on in Kody's bedroom(s) the better, but don't pretend to be prepared to unveil secrets, then act like awkward 12-year-olds when the subject of sex inevitably comes up.


* It looks like the "investors" crapped out on the Browns after all.  I LOVE IT.  The last thing these grifters deserve is another handout, especially to fund a niche joory business that they can't even get their own family interested in.  I, for one, have no interest in paying $60+ for a metal "Superwoman" pendant that will turn my neck green after two weeks.


You can almost smell the gas running out of this show.  I can't imagine it lasting after next season, but I've said that for the last three seasons, so what do I know?

Edited by SuzyLee
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Maybe Christine was just upset that TLC (and family) was using a non-pregnancy cliff-hanger to string along the viewing audience (knowing that Robyn isn't pregnant). Children mean everything to her and maybe this just tips the scales as too offensive for her. The Meri Surrogacy story was just talk and never something that was going to happen, since Meri had already said she was not going to go that route in earlier episodes. But Kody and Robyn have said they would have more children. Christine tweeted several times after the show that she wasn't upset about Robyn having a baby and she was dealing with "other issues." During the finale we saw Aspyn talking to Kody on the phone, asking if Robyn was pregnant, then discussing it with Christine. Christine didn't seem uncomfortable during that conversation. So my take is she isn't bothered that much by the thought of Robyn actually being pregnant, but by the way TLC and the family used the cliff-hanger.


Or she just had to go to the bathroom and TLC needed the drama moment to fill the 40 minutes of this lame-ass show.


​ETA: Just read another good hypothesis at Cynical's blog (Thanks to Eeeewwww): The producers had Christine walk off, requesting no pregnancy discussion when she returned. That is how they got out of talking about the cliff-hanger. It would also explain why Christine was so awkward rather than upset when she left. Who knows with Christine and this show. It could be a combination of everything.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Yes, it was good to get confirmation about this. I figured as much even as early as the episode aired (the bus. presentation), because the family was live-tweeting the episode, and Kody wrote some pretty unflattering things about the investment group.


Way to burn bridges, Kadoofus.  If there were a prayer in hell that there were investors stupid enough to buy your BS, you just made sure not one of the me would ever talk to you about it.  Start packing, evictions should soon be in progress.  Of course, you won't be evicted for grifting, cheating, and non-payment. You'll be evicted because you are being persecuted for your lifestyle.  Boo-hoo.

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It concerns me that Christine and some of the others said My Sisterwife's Closet is a big deal for them financially...they need to find another plan fast! And by plan, I mean jobs! 


If they expect people to fork over $200 plus for a necklace, they should at least take the time to correct "all your friend's closets". Sheesh. 

Edited by purpleflowers
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* Meri has the audacity to use family resources to return to school in her 40's when there are SEVENTEEN children in need of educations.  I have no words for that.


I have no problem with Meri wanting to return to school. It isn't like she will living away from home - which some kids are doing even though they are going to school in the same town where they live. I am impressed that Meri wants more for her life than raising the other wives' kids, and wasting time with TSWC. In any case no one else - least of all Kody - is concerned about educating the 17 kids he already has. He is too busy trying to create more spawn.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Regarding walking out during the "tell all "


Christine Brown ‏@rosecolored6  · Jul 27 
Why did I walk off the set?  It's complicated, but it's not because of Robyn wanting a baby. Honestly, it was childish and I shouldn't have.



Christine Brown @rosecolored6     ·   Jul 27   

I just had to walk off the set. It's true. I had to wrap my mind around an issue. Sometimes it takes me a while. #SisterWives


As expected a total waste of time - even while fast forwarding on my DVR. Do these fools honestly believe they are going to get VC money for their joke of a "business?" 


FFS: Meri needs to go back school like Kody needs more kids...


Indeed the show is really running out steam with each episode. The first season or so was "wow, 3 wives, I wonder how that works?" Then they add Robyn and perhaps another "I wonder how that works?" moment. Now we're down to the producers interviewing every person they come in contact with.

- Hardwood floor guy: "I never put in floors for a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..."

- Car dealer: "I never sold a used Nissan to a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..."

- Teenage kid working at taco shop: "I never made tostados for a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..."

Edited by arc918
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They'd probably already been turned down by the alleged investors who were more like TLC plants so there was probably no harm done by Kody.  The episodes are filmed far enough in advance that Kody should have known.  I really tend to think it was all a TLC setup and there was never any money to be had. 


The "investors" were business consultants. They had no money to give the Browns, so it was just another storyline. If anybody invests money in this stupid business, I'm going to worry about the future of capitalism.

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It's annoying when they say multiple times that no questions will be off-limits and then, inevitably...some questions are off-limited.  And don't get me wrong-- I think the family is entitled to say that certain questions are off-limits.  For instance, I don't think it's appropriate for them to be asked about their bowel movements.  Just don't then pretend that you'll answer everything.  Argh, show.


Also, did they say they had 18 children?  And then Janelle said "with 22 of us, it never gets boring" or something of that nature?  18 + 4 + 1 = 23?  Am I missing something?


I don't think Christine was actually upset.  It just looked like bad acting to me, to perpetuate the Robyn cliffhanger and grease us up for Season 8.  That's just how I saw it.

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Okay, thanks, purpleflowers.  I'm hoping I heard the number of children wrong.  Because that's less depressing than the alternative, which is that they can't keep track of how many kids they have.


When Mykelti said her mom is okay with her having kids but not getting married "as long as I can support them," I thought for a moment that "them" referred to her five unemployed parents.


You can almost smell the gas running out of this show.



I believe that's the improperly-closed sewage line.

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My brain was numb by the time the older kids were on, but I think the subject of sex before marriage was brought up, and most of them said they thought it was o.k, if they loved the person...I'm surprised little miss Mariah didn't object to that, and she also raised her hand when they were asked if they thought kissing *gasp* was o.k.

Maybe she figures if her daddy can swap hormones with a "divorced single mom of three, who drove a mini van", while courting her, it's all good?

Whatever happened off-camera, to turn Robyn's stupid smug smirk upside down...thank you Christine!!!

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A couple of things:

If Christine was so upset why didnt Christine's HUSBAND go and see about her? If I was upset enough to walk off a stage my husband should and would be right there making sure Im alright and comfortable. Instead...Robyn goes? These people are a mess.



From Kody's Twitter:

"Nothing to say yet except: We are a great show for a First Response pregnancy test add! Uh.....right??"


Ugh...wrong. Jesus be a grammar teacher.

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FFS: Meri needs to go back school like Kody needs more kids...


Exactly. With all of those kids to take care of, a flailing home business, 20+ people to feed, 17 kids to educate, and four houses that will almost certainly be taken out from under them in good time, there shouldn't be a penny to spare for a 40-something woman to return to school.  I really can't see it any other way.


Exactly. With all of those kids to take care of, a flailing home business, 20+ people to feed, 17 kids to educate, and four houses that will almost certainly be taken out from under them in good time, there shouldn't be a penny to spare for a 40-something woman to return to school.  I really can't see it any other way.

I think because of how they decided to divide the money between families, Meri is able and right to go to school. I wouldn't be up for giving up my "share" just because i couldn't produce more than one kid. It's bad enough Meri is fundamentally considered an inferior wife as she doesn't serve as a functioning birthing machine, it would be 100x worse if she also had to give up her own aspirations for the sake of the others' kids. I'm actually really happy for her, and hope she DOEs run from this family, and run far 

Edited by iii
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* At the beginning of each one of these tell-alls, Tamron Hall tells us that the Browns have agreed that nothing is off-limits, but sure enough, they refuse to answer questions, usually pertaining to the bedroom.  Why so coy, Browns?  Believe me, the less I know about what goes on in Kody's bedroom(s) the better, but don't pretend to be prepared to unveil secrets, then act like awkward 12-year-olds when the subject of sex inevitably comes up.

I completely agree--someone should be slapped for labeling these shows as no-holds-barred "tell all."


As for Kody's snotty refusal to talk about "what goes on in the bedroom," I find it extremely telling that this was his particular answer to a question that was NOT about the bedroom. When Kody admitted that, yes, he hears from the wives that they don't get enough time with him, Tamron simply asked the follow-up question, "Who did you hear that from most recently?" THAT is when Kody made it about "the bedroom." This tells me that, in actuality, the wives are complaining about not getting enough sexual attention from him; he's just not sharp enough to obfuscate on the spot. If he had smiled and said, "Tamron, I can't point fingers at any of my wives; that wouldn't be fair," no one would have been thinking about "the bedroom." *I always hear VERY DRAMATIC MUSIC whenever I use the word BEDROOM in relation to these dorks. :)


Sorry Brown gals, but in your culdesac love will always be divided, not multiplied. 4 women + 1 man = not enough time for ANYTHING, in or out of the bedroom. Because math.

  • Love 6
Exactly. With all of those kids to take care of, a flailing home business, 20+ people to feed, 17 kids to educate, and four houses that will almost certainly be taken out from under them in good time, there shouldn't be a penny to spare for a 40-something woman to return to school.  I really can't see it any other way.


This family has always spent money they didn't have, and they've managed to send several kids to college at the same time (some to cheaper schools than others to be sure). Meri will be living at home, possibly only doing part time (she has to do the show after all) and only be paying in state tuition fees. She's not raiding Truely's college fund to do it. She's most liking paying out of "her money" and the kids wouldn't be getting it anyway. 


I think its much healthier for her to be doing something productive with her time than sitting mopping about Mariah or scrap booking or being forced into a babysitter role (you know that Robyn would simply use her as a baby sitter) that she doesn't want. IF they actually were really sister wives things might be different, but I can't imagine the others would feel too happy with her over at their houses "helping" with their kids at this point either. Especially as almost all of them are now school age. 

  • Love 2

From Kody's Twitter:

"Nothing to say yet except: We are a great show for a First Response pregnancy test add! Uh.....right??"


Ugh...wrong. Jesus be a grammar teacher.

He is just such a shameless famewhore, I can't even...

So there are two possibilities here. First, someone/Robyn IS pregnant, so he's going to dangle that in front of TLC for another season of this dreckfest. Second, no one is pregnant, but he's desperately trying to whip up the "is she/isn't she" drama to get another season of this dreckfest.

I cannot WAIT until they get cancelled...or at least bumped down to four "special where are they now" episodes a year.

I feel bad for the kids but the adults are just so incredibly hate-able.

  • Love 2
I think its much healthier for her to be doing something productive with her time than sitting mopping about Mariah or scrap booking or being forced into a babysitter role (you know that Robyn would simply use her as a baby sitter) that she doesn't want.

Add me to the camp that thinks Meri going back to school is one of the smartest choices she could make. God knows she--and all of them--needs the education, and by getting a degree (even in psych) she increases her marketability for the day when the TLC gravy train comes fully off the tracks. A lot of employers seek applicants with four-year degrees. UNLV is a pretty cost-effective school, especially when housing and food are not a factor, and Meri already has at least a few of her classes already behind her. The relative cost of her undergrad degree is paltry compared to the $1.8 million debt they've accumulated for those ridiculous houses, the financing of Robyn's trinket business, their multi-annual trips to Disneyland, etc. Those are the real things that will make it hard for the younger kids to go to college.


As for Meri's age as an undergrad? More power to her. I was 52 when I got my BA from Stanford, 55 when I got my graduate degree, and am now an adjunct professor of English. Almost without exception, my most dedicated, hardworking students are those who have returned as adults. They're focused, have outgrown making whiny bullshit excuses, and they are more passionate about the actual learning process. I think getting a good liberal education will do Meri a world of good, and I wish ALL the wives were doing the same, especially Christine!

  • Love 13

An education may very well increase Meri's outlook and depth of character. It probably won't increase her earning potential. She doesn't have the time left to season herself in a career to make more then the entry level in whichever field she picks. Financially, working now is the right move. She is unlikely to overcome the cost of her education, even if it's modest.

The personal example above, I doubt you've made back the cost of your education. I'll concede the argument that your personal fulfillment is worth more than the money.

I still find the way money is divided to be wholly unfair. Meri lives in a higher standard than the rest of her family without doing any more than anyone else. It's unfair and selfish.

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As for Meri's age as an undergrad? More power to her. I was 52 when I got my BA from Stanford, 55 when I got my graduate degree, and am now an adjunct professor of English. Almost without exception, my most dedicated, hardworking students are those who have returned as adults. They're focused, have outgrown making whiny bullshit excuses, and they are more passionate about the actual learning process. I think getting a good liberal education will do Meri a world of good, and I wish ALL the wives were doing the same, especially Christine!


I applaud you!  Stories like that are what keep me going.  I'm 37 and returned to school to finish my BA last year.  I am more focused and dedicated than I ever was when I was younger.  The only thing is, I don't have 17 kids to raise and $1.7 million in home loans to pay, so I can justify spending the money.  I think I feel the way I do because I've always disagreed with Meri's statements that she should get an equal amount of money.  I thought they were all in it together to support each other.  With only one grown child, the money she receives should be adjusted.  Same goes for her huge house.  What does she need with five bedrooms?  Any sympathy I had for her eroded right around the time of the wet bar debacle.  A lot of women would be thrilled with a modest three-bedroom home, let alone a McMansion with french doors and a wet bar.  Meri's house costs more than any of the others, yet she has no kids living at home and no job.  It's lunacy.  I don't know why I expect anything more from people whose sole financial strategy is to file for bankruptcy.


If Janelle were to express an interest in returning to school, I could probably get behind it.  That poor lady deserves a bit of fulfillment.  Christine, too, as long as she didn't treat it like she did her real estate exams.  But Meri?  Nope.  That woman doesn't give a shit about anyone's needs but her own.

Edited by SuzyLee
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I think Christine was upset that the tell-all was going to end with a "Just Kody and Robyn" segment.  That Meri, Christine, and Janelle were all going to go off-stage while they discussed future baby plans with just Kody & Robyn.  As if they are the main couple and the other 3 women are just extra wives off to the side.  


OR I think she was upset b/c they were discussing which wives recently had said they didn't have enough time with Kody, and she was still upset over that issue.  We've seen her many times say that she doesn't feel she gets her share of time with him (hence the gym mats in her garage deal.  Maybe with all the babymaking, Kody has been at Robyn's more than ever, and that was a trigger for her and she needed a break off set.  


In real life, as we saw when she and Aspyn were giggling over Robyn possibly being pregnant, I think she is ok with a new baby.  I don't think she resents a new baby in the family.  I just think she feels Robyn gets more than her share of Kody's time, attention, and focus. And they were about to highlight that on the tell-all.





  • Love 3

An education may very well increase Meri's outlook and depth of character. It probably won't increase her earning potential. She doesn't have the time left to season herself in a career to make more then the entry level in whichever field she picks. Financially, working now is the right move. She is unlikely to overcome the cost of her education, even if it's modest.

The personal example above, I doubt you've made back the cost of your education. I'll concede the argument that your personal fulfillment is worth more than the money.



Adding my personal story was more about cheering on anyone who determines to get an education, even Meri. We'll have to agree to disagree about her earning potential. On the open market, many entry-level positions will pay more right out the gate if the candidate has a four-year degree--and often the employer doesn't even care what kind of degree it is, as long as the applicant has sheepskin in hand.


I'm certainly earning more in hourly terms than I ever have, and I am thrilled every day (no exaggeration) that I no longer have to work front office admin jobs, answering the phone with some little dude breathing down my neck every minute. (Please don't think I'm dissing administrative assistants...they are the true heroes of the world of work and keep the whole thing spinning on its axis...I am just BADLY suited for that world, even though it was MY world for many decades). I don't have to earn back the cost of my education, because I earned a full ride from Stanford, then won a $50,000 scholarship to complete my graduate degree--none of it cost me a penny. (Any of you out there who have excellent grades, or have kids with excellent grades, look into the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarships!!) Meri's post-baccalaureate earning potential might not be earthshaking, but she could earn it back. Of course, that's only if she uses her time and money wisely, and let's just say that hasn't been a Brown family trait so far. ;)


I find the issue of how the families share their resources to be a different kettle of fish entirely. Whether it's fair or not (and I don't think it is), each wife appears to get an equal cut of the TLC pie.

Edited by NewBaku
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Mariah looked like a grandma.


Ha. I was going to say a middle aged bag lady, but grandma works. She just looks so frumpy!


Madison looked fantastic though. I think she looks a lot better with straight hair that isn't jet black. I normally like curls, but the black curly hair didn't do much for her.


When they did the segment on Kody's hair, every wife said they liked it as he usually wears it. Janelle and Robyn said they liked the ponytail. Janelle added that she just didn't want him to cut it. These people have no taste. He looks ridiculous with long hair.


I don't mind long hair on men, but Kody's looks awful. It's too thin and anyone with a receding hairline that bad shouldn't have that hair. His hair is so thin that you can see the receding hairline underneath and he tries to tease it up to make it thicker and it just looks really ratty and tangled. Gross.




I'm not gonna lie - I laughed out loud when they showed Robyn's face on the botton of the screen when the "investor" guy was trashing their presentation. She looked so mad and upset. I kind of love that the money never came though. They completely trashed their presentation, then decided to give them 125k? Sure...

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The whole finances thing in this family is hard to wrap my mind around. On the one hand, Meri does not need five bedrooms and a wet bar, even if she is supposedly has people over all the time. Also, it isn't fair if she does in fact get to have a different standard of living than the other wives and their kids. But on the other hand, it has been pointed out in past threads that the other wives did choose to have many children in a situation where there was not exactly plenty to go around financially. That is not something Meri should take responsibility for necessarily. I get that being fruitful and multiplying is a big deal in their culture/faith, but it is still a choice they made. But on the other hand, they are supposed to be one big family and all in this together. It's just such a weird money situation that it's hard to say what's the most reasonable way to handle it. If I were Meri, and I did the same amount of filming/"work" for TLC as the other wives, I would want an equal piece of the pie. But if I was Janelle back in the day, who seems to have been the main breadwinner until TLC showed up, I might be resentful that I had to keep giving a part of my paycheck to someone who might need it less than my own kids. 

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