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S10.E09: Rachael Ray Show

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Despite all of my preaching here and to myself, sometimes I have a hard time accepting that things are happening because it makes sense for the purposes of this show.


For whatever reason, I got really annoyed when the show threw up the Vote Now! for which dish would you like to try and my choices were Lenny's boring chicken, Sarah's taco soup (Now with Real Taco Seasoning!), or Luca's cauliflower with meat sauce.  I suppose if the question said, "If you were four years old, which dish would you like to try Lenny, Sarah, or Luca?" I would have been okay with it, and God help me, chosen Sarah.  But as it was asked, I would have much rather tried either of the other two choices any day of the week.


But I'm not 4 any more.

I think NIcole's problem is that, like Emma, she wants her POV to be international.  Coastal Cuisine focusing on U.S. regional preferences could be a winner.  She wanted to use the sauce to make it more international, so, by golly she did.  Of course, a family used to blander food would not appreciate it.  Whip up an aioli with milder flavors.


On a real FN show they would have fixed that, and put ketchup on the kid's portion and "grown-up" ketchup on Mom and Dad's.  She's attractive and can speak standard English and be understood which should put her above the other three. But I think her problem here is not that she's too cosmopolitan, but that seafood, even in coastal America, is not hick food.  It's not readily available fresh in large swaths of the country, and it's expensive.  The few hours FN does grudgingly devote to actual cooking each week are overwhelmingly devoted to chow, not cuisine.  Maybe they've decided to change that up, but "go with the tried and true" seems more likely.

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I thought overall Lenny did the best job of engaging the family, kids, and also talking about economics of the meal. When he mentioned how herbs are expensive but you can buy the 99 cent pot of them and the kids can help you plant them to grow your own, I knew he had won this one. He completed his assignment and got an A on his report card.

If Luca were more creative, which he's not in my opinion, he'd have put up a little wall or something and chopped the cauliflower, then whipped out the dish with the flair of a magician or something. Anything to get the kids interested, and make them wonder what he cooked so they might have wanted to try it out. Kids are curious and usually do want something they aren't supposed to have. He might have given some to mom first, so they in turn wanted their own.


My first thought after seeing that set up was for Luca to have two plates: one with Arborio rice and one with cauliflower.  Right before handing the plates to the family, do the ole three card monte with the two plates and ask them to taste the one they wanted. 


I also thought Lenny's herb garden tip was a hit.


Finally, Hair Product -- that goodness she is gone.  <Happy Dance Woot Woot!>  All she had to do was either kebobs, stir fry, tacos, a fancy looking Panini or meat on the grill with a foil pack of veggies.  Mention cost, time to prep, and calories and it's a home run!

Edited by MortysCleaningLady
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I found the editing of this somewhat strange.  I watched the RR show on Friday and I thought they performed in a different order (I deleted it off of the dvr, so I can't go back and check).  Also, Lenny had a tip about cooking rice in the oven that I don't remember seeing on the Food Network show, probably because they had to mention that he split his pants.  


Are they not allowed to use slow cookers in the food challenges?  Loreal could have easily suggested a meat dish cooking in the slow cooker during the day that would be ready to eat when they got home (pot roast, pulled pork sandwiches, Italian beef sandwiches, etc.) instead of the complicated meal that she presented.  Also, I noticed there was a sausage in the pan with the veggies.  Did she ever mention if that was part of the meal since she was cooking chicken?

Someone -- I believe it was Sarah -- mentioned cooking that taco soup in a crock pot. For time constraints, they probably are not allowed to show that because they want the cook to be stirring and talking the entire time. The taco soup I've made which sounded exactly like Sarah's, is definitely a crock pot recipe. The people with kids need that option.

Lamb18, yes to everything.  I do like Lenny, despite his occasional clowning.  He has shown real cooking knowledge and skill, and he makes an effort to engage with whoever the audience is.  I find him authentic, not fake, just perhaps exaggerated some because he's used to doing that for his chuckwagon job.  Don't really like any of the others very much, although Nicole and Luca seem like nice people.  Sarah, on the other hand -- no words can express how much I wouldn't watch any show of hers.  


As it was edited, they didn't give her the meat. It was her assignment in the randomly drawn envelope.

Yeah, I know that in the first challenge when they went to the different places at Chelsea Market. I know she chose a pork butt which is considered meat. That was what I was talking about.

I found the editing of this somewhat strange.  I watched the RR show on Friday and I thought they performed in a different order (I deleted it off of the dvr, so I can't go back and check).  Also, Lenny had a tip about cooking rice in the oven that I don't remember seeing on the Food Network show, probably because they had to mention that he split his pants.  


Are they not allowed to use slow cookers in the food challenges?  Loreal could have easily suggested a meat dish cooking in the slow cooker during the day that would be ready to eat when they got home (pot roast, pulled pork sandwiches, Italian beef sandwiches, etc.) instead of the complicated meal that she presented.  Also, I noticed there was a sausage in the pan with the veggies.  Did she ever mention if that was part of the meal since she was cooking chicken?

I was thinking that too. I love my crock pot and it saves me lots of time. She could have made a great beef stew, or chili, or meatballs which is fast easy and they can have leftovers.

Edited by SusannahTaylor3

I swear, it seems destined that before the season is over, we're gonna have to look at Lenny's junk. It's inevitable. The Naked Score now stands at Lenny 3, Luca 0. Sheesh.


I thought the older kid who refused to try Luca's dish was clearly performing, working an "aw, how cute" angle. Which isn't to say he was coached or directed to do so, I just think the kid thought he could get himself some attention. I was a little surprised that neither kid would try it though because I think Luca was right with his comment that usually the deal with kids and veggies comes down to green, and also because I figured kids would be willing to try just about anything with "spaghetti sauce" on it.


At the same time, I agree with others who have said he was kinda screwed because he couldn't really "hide" the veggies with the kids sitting right there watching him. Double-edged sword, because they'd have dinged him if he weren't clear about what he was doing during his presentation. But they were never NOT gonna have the kids sitting there during the presentation either. "Kids won't eat veggies, make something with veggies while they watch and then get them to eat it." was damn near an impossible task. Especially when the kids think it'll be cute and everybody will "aaaaw" if they refuse.


On the other hand, I think cauliflower was an odd choice. That stuff stinks. I'm 42 years old and I've tried durian, for crying out loud! (Once, only once, never ever again.) And you can't get me near cauliflower. Hell, I love me some broccoli (go figure) but cauliflower is just nasty. And "cauliflower risotto" just doesn't seem like it could possibly be an actual thing. I didn't get from the presentation how that could possibly have turned out as even a reasonable facsimile of anything resembling risotto. And I damn sure didn't buy Luca's claim that it "won't taste like cauliflower." Don't see how that could possibly have been true either. But hey, his grandma back in Italy... so, um, yeah.


Anyway, while I think Luca gave a pretty good presentation, despite having been screwed from the jump, the choice of dish seemed dreadfully ill-advised to me.


How in the fresh hell did they not just pull a Gordo and send Sarah from the Republic of Texizzzz packing immediately after that dead-air/melon-chomp nightmare? Seriously, Sarah? How many episodes in are we at this point? How can you still be so easily-flappable? How is it that you apparently still don't grasp that you can't just fucking stand there silently with your mouth agape? How does it still not occur to you to just go "Hey guys, we're having some technical difficulties over here, but they're signaling that we're live, so...."??? Alton looked like he wanted to strangle her. "What is it? Did you taste it?" *chomp* I ask again... seriously??? The whole thing (Alton's reactions notwithstanding, because those were HILARIOUS!) was just absolutely brutal. Cringeworthy.


I also agree with others that I don't think Loreal really knows a whole hell of a lot about meat, aside from how to break down primals. And I'm not convinced she's even all that good a butcher. She might be, I don't know, but I haven't seen any indication that she's much more than passable... competent enough to hold down a job, possibly based mostly on enthusiasm for a job most others would find soul-crushing, but not much more than that. I suspect that her "bubbly" outgoing personality probably works to her advantage among what I assume are a bunch of men otherwise wallowing in drudgery at a butcher shop all day long. (A literal sausagefest!) I'm sure she's the life of the "party" and as long as she continues to show up, she's golden. And it's got her thinking she's some kind of "Butcher Babe" superstar. The very epitome of "big fish, small pond" syndrome.


I think Nicole is lovely, and I also think she's making one hell of a late push. Her fate might have been already sealed weeks ago, but I'm not so sure at this point. Yes, the sriracha thing was a huuuuuuge brain fart on her part. Giving any kind of hot sauce to any kid without knowing the kid personally and being absolutely sure the kid's good with it is just incredibly ill-advised. And you damn sure don't give it to a young stranger on "live" tee vee. Worse yet, I love sriracha and it looked like too much even for me. An egregious mistake, but it sure did look like they just chalked it up to a momentary lapse, and at this point I'm inclined to agree with them. I've got a hunch that Nicole might be pulling ahead by a nose right at the finish line.

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I stumbled across the Rachel Ray show last week and thought I had missed an episode of FNS.  I honestly wasn't real impressed with anyone's presentation.  Just from watching the actual RR show, I thought {{shudder}} Sarah and Luca did the best.  Nicole's presentation was frenetic.  I know you have to avoid "dead air" on live TV, but she was like Red Bull rambling.  Drove me crazy.  I was also surprised to see Lenny seeming very uncomfortable and awkward.  I had no idea, watching RR that he split his pants.  Loreal was a total flop.  I thought her "bad (big?) ass" comment, which was bleeped on RR, was inappropriate for a daytime, network TV show segment featuring families. You need to know your audience.  I doubt I'd watch a show featuring any of the remaining contestants.


Also, it's been bugging me as to who Sarah reminds me of.  Maybe this has been mentioned here before, but today while seeing a bit of The View, I had that "eureka" moment.  She's Jenny McCarthy!

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@Uncle Benzene, I think Nicole can get through next week, because Sarah, but I am not sure she could win the public vote.


And that is probably okay. You don't have to win this show for Food Network to give you some airtime. I was so impressed with how she did on the live challenge, and so uncomfortable watching Sarah and Lenny by the way, and I think she got a great compliment from Bobby who said that she looked like she had a lot of experience doing it when he was sure she didn't.


She reminds me a bit of what I was thinking about Kelsey back during her season. I though Kelsey had a really good shot of being somebody who I would watch on TV, but she needed to go experience some life first before she got the full blown opportunity. I think Kelsey was three years younger at the time than Nicole is now. 


I read Nicole's blog and was struck by how much fun it looked like she was having with her new husband, Emma and her husband, and Emma's sister and friend.  I used to have fun like that with all my childless friends in our late twenties. But that was also the point in my life when I was the least likely to relate to a child: well into adulthood so that I barely remembered being a kid and just a short time before I would become a parent and gain a whole new perspective. 


So while I watched her spicing up that dish, which she very well may have made for families with children while working as a personal chef, I started thinking how I'm comparing her to Kelsey. That was a mistake that came from lack of life experience. Maybe she's worked with a family that was okay with that spice level, but there was very little chance you could apply that lesson broadly.


But like my opinion of Kelsey a few years ago, I do think that Nicole could be pretty good on TV. She's got decent TV skills already; she is attractive enough; she has made a lot of food that the judges liked; and she seems to have a genuine enthusiasm for food. If she gets into the final three, I think she'll get a chance to do something with Scripps. And I think she has potential to do something with that chance as she gains experience and life experiences.

  • Love 3

@Uncle Benzene, I think Nicole can get through next week, because Sarah, but I am not sure she could win the public vote.


And that is probably okay. You don't have to win this show for Food Network to give you some airtime. I was so impressed with how she did on the live challenge, and so uncomfortable watching Sarah and Lenny by the way, and I think she got a great compliment from Bobby who said that she looked like she had a lot of experience doing it when he was sure she didn't.


She reminds me a bit of what I was thinking about Kelsey back during her season. I though Kelsey had a really good shot of being somebody who I would watch on TV, but she needed to go experience some life first before she got the full blown opportunity. I think Kelsey was three years younger at the time than Nicole is now. 


I read Nicole's blog and was struck by how much fun it looked like she was having with her new husband, Emma and her husband, and Emma's sister and friend.  I used to have fun like that with all my childless friends in our late twenties. But that was also the point in my life when I was the least likely to relate to a child: well into adulthood so that I barely remembered being a kid and just a short time before I would become a parent and gain a whole new perspective. 


So while I watched her spicing up that dish, which she very well may have made for families with children while working as a personal chef, I started thinking how I'm comparing her to Kelsey. That was a mistake that came from lack of life experience. Maybe she's worked with a family that was okay with that spice level, but there was very little chance you could apply that lesson broadly.


But like my opinion of Kelsey a few years ago, I do think that Nicole could be pretty good on TV. She's got decent TV skills already; she is attractive enough; she has made a lot of food that the judges liked; and she seems to have a genuine enthusiasm for food. If she gets into the final three, I think she'll get a chance to do something with Scripps. And I think she has potential to do something with that chance as she gains experience and life experiences.

I also think that Nicole would do a great job on a TV show ... maybe on the Cooking Channel or even on FN but I don't think she's what they're looking for in this contest though. She's very low key and laid back. I think they're looking for personality, energy, polish, and lifestyle. She has improved a great deal.


@JTMacc99, I couldn't agree with you more.  I think the more we see of Nicole, the more they're showing us what she's really capable of.  I have to wonder if they don't play shenanigans with the image they give the audience of each contestant just to play up the ringers and clowns in the beginning to get the ratings up for THIS show.  I don't think it's any coincidence that Nicole is suddenly looking more "polished" and interesting as the weeks go on.  I don't think she is suddenly getting better.  She was always better.  They did the same thing with Damaris.  Did anyone even think she had a chance at the finale until more than half way through the season?  They were too busy hitting us over the head with "Pie Style" and all the other clowns just to make ratings for FNS before they got around to showing us who was a REAL contestant, not a ringer.


I also think that Nicole would do a great job on a TV show ... maybe on the Cooking Channel or even on FN but I don't think she's what they're looking for in this contest though. She's very low key and laid back. I think they're looking for personality, energy, polish, and lifestyle. She has improved a great deal.


I'm not so sure about what they're looking for.  I think the fact that they play up the clowns and ringers until later in the season is not necessarily an indication that that's what they're looking for, just that they want to create ratings for FNS.  Also, I don't think they stray too much from what they traditionally have valued in a winner in the end.  I think they knew "Pie Style" didn't have a chance next to Damaris last year because he was such a buffoon.  I have a feeling they will be making Nicole look better and better as the finale approaches.  I wonder if Cowboy Lenny will even last to the finale.  I personally think he may be a ringer, not a "real" contestant, just like Loreal, the fake butcher was not "real".  I really don't think Cowboy Lenny is as much of a cowboy as he plays on TV.  And really, I have no time for that level of schtickiness.  I think Sarah will likely be the next to go, and then perhaps Lenny.  I think it might be Luca and Nicole in the finale.  It could be Lenny and Nicole too, but whatever, I think they'll want to stick to their formula of one man and one woman, one really popular and one not as popular, and one that is real and one that is "schticky".  Only this time, I think Lenny is the one that's probably more popular, so you never know, the schtickier one may win this time!

Edited by Intuition

Loreal is phony. Everything about her feels like its put on. The accent, the styling, the "badassery" none of it feels like its real. They're all gimmicks

I was thinking the same thing.

It seems to me that L'Oreal screwed up a few food challenges. She also made the mistake about seasoning the meat AFTER it's cooked. And, I could be mistaken, but I don't think she knew what "artisanal" meant.

I think she decided that a female butcher, with an alliterative title, would be unique enough to float the shallow-draft dinghies of FN's TPTB. And, sure enough, as we learned last week from Tuschman, they "fell in love with the promise of The Butcher Babe" (which is still my nominee for Tuschiest Line Ever!).

I could see them giving Nicole a show visiting different locations and talking about food, but in don't see her beating Lenny and/or Luca.

I'd be surprised if Sarah wins, but I kind of hope it happens because it's just what they deserve for keeping her around.

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Of the remaining contestants I like Lenny the best for the win.  He's a chef who's also a performer and he's been doing his cowboy chef persona the whole time, but underneath it all I think he's a nice, decent guy who can cook!


That's exactly what I think.  And it's why I don't see him as fake.  Being a gourmet cowboy/chuck wagon cook is what he does for a living, not some schtick he dreamed up for FNS.  It's his role in real life - which makes it OK with me.  I thought he did just fine as an amateur on the Rachael Ray show.  He wasn't totally polished but he carried it all off, the family and audience liked him and he came across as sincere.  Also, his dish met the criteria he was given and I liked his tips about the rice and the herbs.  I thought his whole bit was much better than the excerpt shown on the FNS show.

  • Love 3

I think Sarah will likely be the next to go, and then perhaps Lenny.  I think it might be Luca and Nicole in the finale.  It could be Lenny and Nicole too, but whatever, I think they'll want to stick to their formula of one man and one woman, one really popular and one not as popular, and one that is real and one that is "schticky".  Only this time, I think Lenny is the one that's probably more popular, so you never know, the schtickier one may win this time!


There is only going to be one more elimination, then the three left will shoot pilots and the viewers will vote for the winner among the three. So probably the viewers will vote between Lenny, Luca and Nicole. That’s a nice diversity of styles for the viewers to choose from. I really can’t see Sarah lasting another week, but I’ve been saying that for ages so who knows. The only way I can see for Sarah to get into the finals is if the producers want to gift wrap the win for Lenny.


I think that Lenny may well win. I can see him doing a slightly different version of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.


After watching Lenny's train wreck in the yogurt shop I don't think Guy Fieri will be looking over his shoulder any time soon.


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That's exactly what I think.  And it's why I don't see him as fake.  Being a gourmet cowboy/chuck wagon cook is what he does for a living, not some schtick he dreamed up for FNS.  It's his role in real life - which makes it OK with me.  I thought he did just fine as an amateur on the Rachael Ray show.  He wasn't totally polished but he carried it all off, the family and audience liked him and he came across as sincere.  Also, his dish met the criteria he was given and I liked his tips about the rice and the herbs.  I thought his whole bit was much better than the excerpt shown on the FNS show.

Anyone who can have a wardrobe malfunction like he did and pull it off without anyone knowing is pretty close to being polished in my book. He told the judges at elimination and they didn't have a clue that happened. Sarah would have tried to do something cutesy or had the deer in headlights look if it happened to her. Remember how she looked panicked when she couldn't hear the judges in the first challenge?

There is only going to be one more elimination, then the three left will shoot pilots and the viewers will vote for the winner among the three. So probably the viewers will vote between Lenny, Luca and Nicole. That’s a nice diversity of styles for the viewers to choose from. I really can’t see Sarah lasting another week, but I’ve been saying that for ages so who knows. The only way I can see for Sarah to get into the finals is if the producers want to gift wrap the win for Lenny.



After watching Lenny's train wreck in the yogurt shop I don't think Guy Fieri will be looking over his shoulder any time soon.

I can't see Lenny being eliminated over Luca .... Sorry. Lenny's done pretty well all through the competition. Luca has done a hell of a lot better than he was but I still don't see him beating Lenny.

If I remember last year..... They had one final elimination then the three pilots and then on the finale they cut the third one leaving the final two. Sarah could very well be the one left to go to the finale but I can see her being eliminated in favor of Luca or Lenny with Lenny for the win or if it had to be boy/girl then Sarah and Lenny with Lenny for the win.

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 Hell, I love me some broccoli (go figure) but cauliflower is just nasty. And "cauliflower risotto" just doesn't seem like it could possibly be an actual thing. I didn't get from the presentation how that could possibly have turned out as even a reasonable facsimile of anything resembling risotto. And I damn sure didn't buy Luca's claim that it "won't taste like cauliflower." Don't see how that could possibly have been true either. But hey, his grandma back in Italy... so, um, yeah.

Oddly enough I've made a cauliflower risotto. Not what Luca made with meat sauce all over it but when I was on a low carb diet a few years ago one of my Atkins cookbooks had a recipe for it and it was actually pretty good but throw heavy cream and cheese onto anything I'm sold haaa. At the time I didnt have a food processor so I threw the cauliflower into my food mill with the ricer plate and it actually did resemble rice a little.

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What little I got out of Alton, and a few other sources, is that Justin refused to do a stand-and-stir show. He wanted an on-the-road show. Thought he was the second coming of Guy, I guess. They don't budget for an around-the-country show for a newbie anymore like they used to.

He was one of the winners I didn't like. He was so arrogant all the time during the competition. He had the attitude that he was entitled to be the winner just because. Most of the time he came off like an ass. Can you imagine winning a contest and being arrogant enough to tell them what you want instead of just being happy you won and doing things on their terms. That takes balls. Because of that attitude he has only done one special and has appeared on a few game shows on the network. Guy didn't even get his Triple D show until he was on for a while.

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If Loreal is actually a butcher she tanked that last challenge so hard there was no way they would keep her. Her description of why butt was good meat was like "because it's good." Errr ok. At this point I wouldn't trust her to slice ham at the deli counter. I did love when she left and she goes "that's fine, I'm gonna go home and ride my motorcyle." roll roll roll roll. Jesus lady, just go play roller derby and get all this out of your system.

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Is there a limit to how long a post can be?


I watched Sarah closely to try and figure out why the producers might like her so much.  I don't know if it's the stupid faces or ugly clothes or the willingness to snark on everyone.  I didn't get why the mentors liked her at the market either.  It grossed me out when she stuck her face in that melon.


I'm still not liking Lenny.  I really don't see him acting the same way at the ranch or chuckwagon or whatever it is he works so he's fake to me.  

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I am sorry but Lenny is as phony as a 4 dollar bill.  His website says he was "raised in New Hampshire", then went to study culinary school in Germany, then went to Florida where he worked as a chef de cuisine.  It's only because he "longed for the cowboy way" that he made his way to Nashville, TN, then out west to take on gigs as an entertainer as a mule guide and later a chuck wagon cook (note that it does not say how long he has been doing this).  So this hat removing "awww shucks", "howdy ma'am" act is NOT genuineness, IMHO.  It's all fake and taken straight out of TV westerns from my childhood (yep I used to watch 'em).  I am sorry but that is not what I want to see on Food Network.  It looks to me like he's one of those people with way too much time and money on his hands and can indulge himself in childhood fantasies.  Either that or he's willing risk it all just to follow a crazy dream.  I just can't go there with him in his fantasy about himself anymore than I can go there with Loreal.  But then again I think FN just hired him to be this year's clown fake contestant.  I just don't see him as "for real" in any sense of the word.  I think the "real" Lenny is a lot different than what he is putting up on TV, and his background certainly makes it look that way.

Edited by Intuition
  • Love 6

I also liked Lenny's tip about growing your own herbs... something the average family might not think of, but makes for much tastier meals in the long run for very little money.


I agree with everyone who said Luca was screwed from jump with those kids. They knew exactly what veggie he was making, so it was impossible for him to "hide" it. It would have been no matter what he used or made, because kids can be stubborn. I tried making a turnip gratin once for my five year old, and she would have loved it had I not told her what it was and let her think it was potatoes. She saw me slicing the turnips, though, and made up her mind beforehand that she'd hate it.


I waffle on Nicole. I liked her personality and presentations this episode, but it was spectacularly clueless to give a spicy dish to a family with young children that she knows mostly eat meat and potatoes. Even before I had a child I knew better than that.

Eye rolls and snarky comments aside, I just can't stand Sarah because she's so pageanty. Everything she does is fake and rehearsed, and even with all that rehearsing she still manages to mess things up.


Loreal--glad she's gone. I know more about meat than she does, and I'm not a butcher babe. Blah.

  • Love 2

I am sorry but Lenny is as phony as a 4 dollar bill.  His website says he was "raised in New Hampshire", then went to study culinary school in Germany, then went to Florida where he worked as a chef de cuisine.  It's only because he "longed for the cowboy way" that he made his way to Nashville, TN, then out west to take on gigs as an entertainer as a mule guide and later a chuck wagon cook (note that it does not say how long he has been doing this).  So this hat removing "awww shucks", "howdy ma'am" act is NOT genuineness, IMHO.  It's all fake and taken straight out of TV westerns from my childhood (yep I used to watch 'em). 


I may be showing my age here but I totally think Lenny is Mr. Ernst from "Hey Dude". I'm dying to see the ranch he works on, it's probably full of rich refugees from Connecticut and people "glamping".

  • Love 2


I'm dying to see the ranch he works on, it's probably full of rich refugees from Connecticut and people "glamping".


Lenny's bio says this:


Lenny McNab, 42 (De Beque, Colo.), is a one-of-a-kind gourmet cowboy. His over-the-top confidence and charm are only matched by his culinary skills. He trained in Germany and is now the executive chef at a hunting ranch in the foothills of the Rockies. When he hangs up his apron, he is known to put on his rhinestone jacket and strap on his guitar to perform for the evening at the local honky-tonk. With his signature hat, belt buckle and boots, you can’t miss Lenny in a crowd — and he is ready to bring his unique take on food to the rest of the country.




He sings? Oh my!

  • Love 1

How long has Loreal actually been working as a butcher? Because she didn't seem to know a whole lot about meat. Why did she call the butterflied chicken breast a "book fold"? I think Alton was having the same thoughts.


I thought she said "butt fold", and then we got the reactions on the mentors' faces.



Thanks for the updates, everyone.  

I think roasting or frying cauliflower would be more successful than pureeing it for children.  Purees don't look appealing to kids.

I would rather have seen Sarah leave than Loreal.  Loreal is never going to win, so she wouldn't be real competition, but I'm getting this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach about Sarah.  My new mantra is:  I don't care.  I don't care.  I don't care.  Dang, I still care.


Didn't he rice the cauliflower instead of pureeing it?  He did say not to overdo it because it would turn into mush.

Lenny's bio says this:


Lenny McNab, 42 (De Beque, Colo.), is a one-of-a-kind gourmet cowboy. His over-the-top confidence and charm are only matched by his culinary skills. He trained in Germany and is now the executive chef at a hunting ranch in the foothills of the Rockies. When he hangs up his apron, he is known to put on his rhinestone jacket and strap on his guitar to perform for the evening at the local honky-tonk. With his signature hat, belt buckle and boots, you can’t miss Lenny in a crowd — and he is ready to bring his unique take on food to the rest of the country.




He sings? Oh my!


Pah Stahl thought *he* could sing, too.

  • Love 1

Damaris was over-the-top before they calmed her down for her show.  The same thing gradually appears to be happening with Lenny, FWIW.


I literally cracked up laughing when they showed Sarah's face after the judges' criticism.  I know that's terrible of me to say, but sweet Jesus, that was the most delicious schadenfreude I've had in years.


I agree that Nicole is going the Kelsey route, and maybe Flay starts to work with her under his own production company and gets a show pitched for her.  She's right there in the area, so it's easy for him to do so.  Speaking as someone who doesn't eat seafood, though, I'd have no interest in her show as currently modeled.

  • Love 1


He sings? Oh my!

Pah Stahl thought *he* could sing, too.


Lenny's actually not THAT bad, judging from all his YouTubes as the "Black Mamba", which is his "alter ego" and the one we are seeing on FNS, but still it's fakey and schticky, the kind of thing you expect at a tacky resort.  He says he works at this 15 room hunting lodge, where he provides "dinnertainment".  Yikes.  Here's the page on him from the resort:



Damaris was over-the-top before they calmed her down for her show.  The same thing gradually appears to be happening with Lenny, FWIW.


I literally cracked up laughing when they showed Sarah's face after the judges' criticism.  I know that's terrible of me to say, but sweet Jesus, that was the most delicious schadenfreude I've had in years.


I agree that Nicole is going the Kelsey route, and maybe Flay starts to work with her under his own production company and gets a show pitched for her.  She's right there in the area, so it's easy for him to do so.  Speaking as someone who doesn't eat seafood, though, I'd have no interest in her show as currently modeled.

Sarah deserved it after that smirk when the judges were criticizing another contestant. She thought she did such a great job. It was good to see her taken down a few notches.

I could see them giving Nicole a show visiting different locations and talking about food


Justin wanted to do that, and you see where that got him. Lipstick and all. :)



I think Justin insisted on doing that, and learned that "winning" this show doesn't mean you get to call any shots.


Thinking back to last week, when Nicole was trying out the $1k ice cream, even though that wasn't a "challenge", per se, I thought the clip of her tasting and describing the ice cream could easily be an audition tape.


Also, during the "live feed" challenge, it seemed to me that there was probably one or two particular factoids about the vendor (as opposed to about the actual food itself) that the Judges were looking for the contestants to discover and discuss.  That's why Nicole got praised for talking about how the place she went makes their ice cream (she's sort of on an ice cream roll) that is different than other places, while L'Oreal got criticized for failing to discuss "artisanal" meats.


BTW, I'm born and raised in Philadelphia, and I'm pretty sure I've never heard of "Philadelphia-style" ice cream.  Maybe I'm not enough of a foodie, or maybe it's a matter of "people in China just call their food "food" (not "Chinese Food"), but I've never heard that term.


As far as Lenny's authenticity, I still hate myself for this (because every fiber of my reality-tv-watching being is predisposed to loathe a schticky guy like this) but I just can't bring myself to dislike him.  Even if his Cowboy routine is 100% phony persona, I do think that he's a decent chef.


I think that's was separates him from Pah Stahl Gah and even L'Oreal.  The fact is you need a persona/POV/personality to even get cast on this show.  I'm not opposed to someone putting one on to "play the game", as long as they're not using it in place of actual talent.


As far as the comparisons to Guy Fieri, while I didn't watch Guy's FNS season, I certainly know who he is.  My impression is that a large part of the antagonism he elicits (including from me) is generated by his overgrown, frat-boy, "brah"-mentality.  (It's my understanding that the food at his restaurants sucks too, but that's a separate issue).  I don't get that asshole vibe from Lenny.

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As far as Lenny's authenticity, I still hate myself for this (because every fiber of my reality-tv-watching being is predisposed to loathe a schticky guy like this) but I just can't bring myself to dislike him.  Even if his Cowboy routine is 100% phony persona, I do think that he's a decent chef.


I know a lot of people who said much the same about "Bubba" himself, Bill Clinton.  Oh, they know that his "awww shucks, ma'am" act is phony baloney, and then there's that Monica thing, but he's just so likeable anyway that they don't care....


OMG, this whole Lenny thing made me remember something from my childhood, 50 years ago - I went to a day camp in Westchester County, NY (a suburb of NYC) where we had a square dance caller come every week named "Slim Sterling".  I remember I was crushed when I found out he wasn't really a cowboy but a Jewish guy from Valhalla, NY, LOL.  He's actually STILL around (I guess he was young when I knew him).  Perhaps I have baggage, what can I say?

Edited by Intuition
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It was clearly the time for L'Oreal to go. Don't know how she made it this far. She's the "Butcher Babe" but at that meat counter she still couldn't find anything to say that would establish her "food authority." (Although in the last couple of seasons the judges seem to have dropped that a criteria for having your own show.) She keeps blaming her nerves, but if you are an expert on a subject you should feel comfortable talking about it in any situation. Either she's a fake or a moron or stoned all the time. Those seem to be the three alternatives.


Speaking of morons, does TFN really have that low an opinion of their viewers, because seem to love the fact that Sarah acts like a 13 year old girl. I can't decide whether her giggly, gushy personality is real or an act, but either way, it makes me grind my molars. Don't want to offend any Texans, but maybe the culture she comes from reinforces the idea that there's nothing more adorable than a grown woman being all little-girl cutesy. On top of that, similar to L'Oreal, I've never gotten a sense of any food expertise beyond that of a competent home cook. If she got her own show, what exactly would she do? Grill meat?  On the network that has Bobby Flay on six times a day?


Had any other contestant starting talking about the melon without first tasting it the judges would've gone ballistic. And her shoving the melon into her face (or her face into the melon) was just gross, but the judges acted like it was all kinds of adorable. The favoritism is nauseating.


Not surprised that the kids liked Lenny, because as I said in earlier post, he reminds me of the cowboy character on a kids cartoon show. In general I hate when kids are judges on a cooking show. because It means that the food has to be really dumbed down. I would have played it safe and not used sirracha, but to offer a contrary opinion, I have a lot of friends with little kids who eat sushi and spicy Thai food and all sorts of non mainstream things.Not every kid in America is raised on fast food and meat and potatoes. But for the challenge they picked what seemed to be very mainstream middle America families. I'm sure that if Nicole had drizzled chocolate syrup on her wraps the kids would've loved it.

Edited by bluepiano
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OMG, this whole Lenny thing made me remember something from my childhood, 50 years ago - I went to a day camp in Westchester County, NY (a suburb of NYC) where we had a square dance caller come every week named "Slim Sterling".  I remember I was crushed when I found out he wasn't really a cowboy but a Jewish guy from Valhalla, NY, LOL.  He's actually STILL around (I guess he was young when I knew him).  Perhaps I have baggage, what can I say?

I felt the same way when I discovered that Scotty on Star Trek wasn't really Scottish. :-)

  • Love 5
She keeps blaming her nerves, but if you are an expert on a subject you should feel comfortable talking about it in any situation.



I can never understand how you can apply to be on this show, obviously make it through a couple of casting cuts/callbacks, and not drill the shit out of working in front of a camera, talking-and-stirring, internalizing how long 30/60/90 seconds feel, etc.  And yet every season contestants show up and act like they were pulled in off the street against their will.


Speaking of morons, it's obvious what TPTB think of their viewers, because Sarah acts like a 13 year old girl, and not a particularly bright one. I can't decide whether her giggly, gushy personality is real or an act, but either way, it makes me grind my molars.



This baffles me as well.  I was telling my wife last night about how Alton's Twitter basically blames the Producers for their keeping Sarah around.  And she just couldn't figure out why the producers thought Sarah's talking-heads were something the audience would want to see.  

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@Intuition, this guy?




Lenny reminds me of Bob Brandy. He was a local "cowboy" who appeared on TV in Chattanooga, a station we could pick up if I climbed up the hill and turned the antenna until Dad yelled "That's it! Hold it right there!"




He brought Rebel over here to my little town for a show and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I can see Lenny doing a cooking show that also incorporates kids somehow.

  • Love 1
Thanks to a ton of astute comments on this latest episode I found out I did the right thing by blowing this show off.


Thank you to one and all.


However I do have one comment. In a country of almost 300 million people FN can't come up with a better cast than this. I've seen that many on Chopped and the GGG show that would be better than this collection.

Edited by CaptainCranky
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We really should have started a recipe thread at the BEGINNING of this show.  To post our versions of stuff they've made.  I've got a good Taco Soup recipe, but I've got an even better Chicken Enchilada soup recipe, plus some really good "disguise the veggies" recipes....*LOL*


I can see Lenny doing a cooking show that also incorporates kids somehow.

See, this would be brilliant.  A show that kids & parents could watch together.  Have recipes that you can make basic for the kiddies, then add a flourish or 2 for the grownups before serving.  That dollop of hot sauce, that sprinkling of jalapeno, etc.   Plus have certain things kids could do alongside the adult that's cooking. 

  • Love 3
This baffles me as well.  I was telling my wife last night about how Alton's Twitter basically blames the Producers for their keeping Sarah around.  And she just couldn't figure out why the producers thought Sarah's talking-heads were something the audience would want to see.



From the beginning Sarah was an irritant--big time.  I cannot imagine WHY/HOW she was on camera so often.  Who IS she to criticize other contestants...and even to give "helpful suggestions" on their presentations? She's either sleeping with a producer (or more than one)...or they have great and quirky senses of humor and want us to be entertained.  Still...sometimes even a good joke goes on a little too long.  Her hair, her juu-lery, her wardrobe.  OY!   This is the first time I've posted here; she drove me to do it!

Edited by Former Nun
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