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S01.E04: In Universe

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Should I bother trying this one again?  It was so boring.  I couldn't pay attention.  Too much dialogue and speechifying, not enough action and cool scenes of weird shit happening.

I thought it was a bit better WRT the interpersonal drama. 

But likely there will come a future arc in which the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak, meaning that Finola will be hiding something personal to Bryan from him, and then they'll have an angry exchange of words with a kiss-and-makeup, ending with a vow to never do or speak of it again.

The terraforming is interesting, but where is it going? I guess I don't have as much of a handle on those plots. 

So, does every single piece of ... Debris ... from this derelict spaceship have magical powers ?  Are they ever going to find the alien equivalent of the coffee machine or the photocopier ?

How massive was this spaceship and, in turn, how big was the debris path such that debris is still falling on Earth 6-7 months later when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun some 180+ million miles from when the debris first impacted on Earth ?

Are they ever going to go search for debris in other countries ?

Back to the episode -- the aliens live in a chlorine-based atmosphere, and included terraforming equipment that apparently survived the impact perfectly intact.  That would imply that this was an alien colonization ship.  Everyone on Earth should be worried, because that means another ship may be on the way.

Will they have to leave Debris piece #489 switched on to keep those people in 'suspensia' ?

Spotted Steve Bacic as Beck -- none other than Telemachus/Gaheris Rhade from 'Andromeda' and Camulus from 'Stargate: SG-1'.

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1 minute ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Spotted Steve Bacic as Beck -- none other than Telemachus/Gaheris Rhade from 'Andromeda' and Camulus from 'Stargate: SG-1'

Oh, yes, I meant to mention Steve Bacic from Andromeda (I forgot he was on Stargate too). It's funny that his IMDb page begins with "a leading man." Hee. 


4 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, does every single piece of ... Debris ... from this derelict spaceship have magical powers ?  Are they ever going to find the alien equivalent of the coffee machine or the photocopier ?

How massive was this spaceship and, in turn, how big was the debris path such that debris is still falling on Earth 6-7 months later when the Earth is on the other side of the Sun some 180+ million miles from when the debris first impacted on Earth ?

Does the fact that they named the show "Debris" mean that the terraforming stuff wasn't supposed to get lost in the wild, and they are really friendly aliens?

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7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Will they have to leave Debris piece #489 switched on to keep those people in 'suspensia' ?

Lots of other questions about this suspended animation: Why did they have them stand up instead of lie down? Won't it be more difficult to move them that way? More important, do they still need to breathe while in suspended animation? If so, what happens when they move them to whatever facility they plan to keep them in--is there enough chlorine-based atmosphere in their individual "shields" to protect them indefinitely from the normal Earth atmosphere that they would be exposed to during transport and storage? Even if this suspended animation works, what will the government tell the families of these people, both now (to explain their disappearance) and when they eventually are cured and wake up possibly years from now without having aged? I guess we are supposed to assume that they don't have families outside of the farm because they are migrant workers (which is, of course, offensive).  

Also, I seem to remember the investigators realizing that the terraforming was starting to spread beyond the farm, but at the end it looked like the storm was ending. How did they stop it? Did they just "turn off" the piece of debris that was causing the problem? And how do they even know how to turn pieces of debris on and off?

If only they would address some of these questions, and similar questions in other episodes, I would be more interested. The concepts are intriguing but there is not enough development. Instead, the focus continues to be on Finola's feelings and on secrets that people and agencies keep from each other. If my husband didn't want to watch, I would give up on this show...and may still do so and just let him watch alone.  

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

At the start of the show I found myself saying out loud, "Nooo! Not the cornfield!" Does anything good ever happen in a cornfield? 

Depends which movie you are in. My husband said, "Where's Kevin Costner?" At least Kevin's character got to meet his baseball hero and reunite with his dead father (hopefully a spoiler alert is not needed for this 30-year-old movie).

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Yes to every comment above. As seems to be the rule with this show, the practical questions are completely ignored. 

So the first 2 episodes, the debris was trying to fix emotional problems. Last episode, we didn't get any explanation for the 'square' trapping random folks in some different dimension. Now the debris is terraforming the atmosphere-how come it didn't care about the migrants' feelings?🙄

I guess if you don't have any underlying rationale to your plot, you can riff on any old thing that strikes your fancy, eh, writers?

Finola isn't an MI6 agent, she's a social worker. I'm tired of her 'caring face' and her eyes welling up with tears every single episode.  I don't care about her undead father. And if there's supposed to be some romantic spark between her and Bryan, I'm definitely not feeling it. 

I assume Craig's son is autistic or something? I guess this will be the key to why Craig seems to be up to something shifty or treasonous, not that I really care.

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1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

I assume Craig's son is autistic or something? I guess this will be the key to why Craig seems to be up to something shifty or treasonous, not that I really care.

The differently abled son was more able to catch/bat the ball with his left hand after Mom and Dad had the dust up about Mom getting calls from someone Dad doesn't know. In other words: More drama to either obfuscate or explain the scifi and political shenanigans.

I wonder if all these characters are more or less screen tests to see which spaghetti sticks to the ceiling, or if there is a super complicated show bible already written, and, if the latter, do they intend to trim it down after seeing what sticks and what flops?


5 hours ago, Paloma said:

Lots of other questions about this suspended animation: Why did they have them stand up instead of lie down? Won't it be more difficult to move them that way? More important, do they still need to breathe while in suspended animation?

Is it really advisable to have them go into suspended animation with arms around each other? I'm probably the only one who recalls James Spader's and Angela Bassett's characters in Supernova emerging from a shared capsule each with one blue and one brown eye, but we just saw 2-different-headed people a couple of episodes ago. 

I was also wondering what happens to clothing in suspended animation. If it is preserved, it could be sold on Ebay later, heh. 

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2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Finola isn't an MI6 agent, she's a social worker. I'm tired of her 'caring face' and her eyes welling up with tears every single episode.  I don't care about her undead father. And if there's supposed to be some romantic spark between her and Bryan, I'm definitely not feeling it. 

It really strains credulity to  have 2 not-especially-qualified people handling all these earth-shakingly important events more or less alone. I think this was pointed out in a previous episode thread. Are we still supposed to believe they're keeping this all secret? 

As others have said, there's such a randomness to when they do and don't wear their Hazmat suits. 

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

I wonder if all these characters are more or less screen tests to see which spaghetti sticks to the ceiling, or if there is a super complicated show bible already written,

I fervently hope it's the latter. It's probably the former. 

2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Now the debris is terraforming the atmosphere-how come it didn't care about the migrants' feelings?🙄

Wow, excellent question. 

Finally I completely understand why people don't like Bryan and/or the actor who plays him, but I'm finding him oddly compelling. I'm glad he and Finola got to be silly in the opening. I need to see more of that to take away from the bonkers "science". 

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Did they ever establish where the rain-causing debris at the farm was? I don't recall ever seeing it. When did they find it and how do they know how to "turn it off?" Do they just box it up?

Also, why did some of the people die when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere and some of them mutated into chlorine-breathers? 

I feel like I've given this show more of a chance than it deserves, but it is not well written, well plotted or even well acted. This debris event is still a relatively new phenomenon and yet characters are saying things like "I've never heard of anything like this before!" as though that surprises them. It's evident even after four episodes each piece of debris has some unique ability or effect and these people have ostensibly been studying these pieces for months. Why are they still surprised every time they find a new piece? Even as they spew dialogue like "they are labeling this as a Level 3." WTF does that even mean? 

I think the show needs to lean more into the overarching story going on behind the scenes rather than focusing on episodic cases of the week.  The formula is dreary and personally I don't find either lead engaging enough to carry the show.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

why did some of the people die when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere and some of them mutated into chlorine-breathers? 

That was my biggest question. They went out of their way to make us like the first guy, when he ordered his employee to get pancakes. So I wanted to know why he died and the others didn't. I thought it was because the survivors were in the greenhouse, but then the kid was out there with the dead bodies, and he was fine.

I hate Bryan more and more. Kid in wheelchair I thought maybe had a stroke, since he had one sided impairment? Pretty young for a stroke, but this show has all kinds of unusual medical happenings.

I suppose Finola's dad was in suspended animation and/or revived by the debris? Or maybe a clone was who died, or who was found alive?

I am dangling by a thread wrt continuing to watch.

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I'm all for compassion, but Finola is an MI6 agent right? I guess she was more of a researcher before this, but I thought anyone who worked for an intelligence community might have a more steely backbone than she does. She is constantly on the verge of tears either about her own life or the people she's working with and spends more time holding hands than doing any real science or solving problems, she is shockingly lacking in professionalism. She is just lucky the script lets her get away with finding a way out every time. If people did actually die while she is off searching for a tissue box, she probably wont even be able to function. 

So this debris is terraforming the Earth slowly, which seems to be signaling some kind of alien invasion, or at least aliens who carelessly leave their dangerous stuff laying around. But I'm not sure yet, are these aliens trying to teach something? Take over? Are they just sloppy and too lazy to come over to clean up their spilled garbage that they left spilled all over the place? 

Its so cloudy and rainy all of the time, its like this is set in some kind of noir moody serial killer movie where they play really slow versions of popular songs while angsty detectives angst in raincoats. 

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

but it is not well written, well plotted or even well acted.

Amen to that. The reactions of the poor people who come into contact with the Debris are never right. They are never terrified enough or angry enough. They are oddly compliant with whatever these two idiots in charge tell them to do. No one asks the authorities to explain themselves. We never see media or any blowback from any of the past incidents. It is just too stupid.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Also, why did some of the people die when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere and some of them mutated into chlorine-breathers? 

I don't think any of them died when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere. They all mutated into chlorine-breathers. Those who died had left the chlorine atmosphere (like the first guy who walked through the cornfield and then crossed to the other side of the rain "barrier"), and thus died when they re-entered the oxygen atmosphere.

I think the boy who wandered away was still within the chlorine-atmosphere, and the bodies near him had left.

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2 hours ago, redpencil said:

I don't think any of them died when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere. They all mutated into chlorine-breathers. Those who died had left the chlorine atmosphere (like the first guy who walked through the cornfield and then crossed to the other side of the rain "barrier"), and thus died when they re-entered the oxygen atmosphere.

I think the boy who wandered away was still within the chlorine-atmosphere, and the bodies near him had left.

I agree with @Melina22 that this makes sense, but was it obvious? I couldn’t figure out any of it. 

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10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I agree with @Melina22 that this makes sense, but was it obvious? I couldn’t figure out any of it. 

None of it is obvious.  it’s all convoluted... on purpose for some reason. 

I think the MI6 agent is new to her job.  Most likely recruited from her fathers’  research ( or whatever) firm after his ‘death’ to explain his theories.  

I’m not so sure they were moving the bodies from their location.  I think they were able to artificially  recreate the atmospheric conditions in the greenhouse to match what the debris has done.  That’s why they didn’t switch off the debris until they were ready.  They just didn’t tell any of the migrant workers that. MI6 told the uncle just in time for him to join them but not with enough time to reveal the plan. 

Just as last week  with the missing persons ... I’d like to know what their plan is for explaining why people ( missing or now in suspended animation) just disappear and then later reappear without aging. 


Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

I’m not so sure they were moving the bodies from their location.  I think they were able to artificially  recreate the atmospheric conditions in the greenhouse to match what the debris has done.  That’s why they didn’t switch off the debris until they were ready.  They just didn’t tell any of the migrant workers that. MI6 told the uncle just in time for him to join them but not with enough time to reveal the plan. 

Just as last week  with the missing persons ... I’d like to know what their plan is for explaining why people ( missing or now in suspended animation) just disappear and then later reappear without aging. 


They put those people in suspended animation so that sometime down the road after they examine the dead people who mutated they can change the people back to air breathers and release them. I am sure those people are going to be carted to some secret basement lab and forgotten about for the next 100 years.

People these days have a very short memory. There are so many missing people that the population just gets used to it. 

On 3/23/2021 at 6:57 AM, Paloma said:

Lots of other questions about this suspended animation: Why did they have them stand up instead of lie down? Won't it be more difficult to move them that way?  

They didn't tell them they were putting them in suspended animation ahead of time.



More important, do they still need to breathe while in suspended animation? If so, what happens when they move them to whatever facility they plan to keep them in--is there enough chlorine-based atmosphere in their individual "shields" to protect them indefinitely from the normal Earth atmosphere that they would be exposed to during transport and storage?

It's literally a time freeze. The show explained that. That's what the shiny glow around them is for.



Also, I seem to remember the investigators realizing that the terraforming was starting to spread beyond the farm, but at the end it looked like the storm was ending. How did they stop it? Did they just "turn off" the piece of debris that was causing the problem? And how do they even know how to turn pieces of debris on and off?

They turned it off. They've been able to turn them off since episode 1, since they've been analysing this stuff for months now. The show already explained that.



If only they would address some of these questions, and similar questions in other episodes, I would be more interested. The concepts are intriguing but there is not enough development.

This show has addressed this stuff. It has its flaws but that isn't one of them.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
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On 3/23/2021 at 1:57 PM, iMonrey said:

Did they ever establish where the rain-causing debris at the farm was? I don't recall ever seeing it. When did they find it and how do they know how to "turn it off?" Do they just box it up?

We saw the debris at the farm.



Also, why did some of the people die when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere and some of them mutated into chlorine-breathers? 

People died when they left the chlorine atmosphere and started breathing oxygen.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
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1 hour ago, Diapason Untuned said:
On 3/23/2021 at 7:57 AM, Paloma said:

Lots of other questions about this suspended animation: Why did they have them stand up instead of lie down? Won't it be more difficult to move them that way?  

They didn't tell them they were putting them in suspended animation ahead of time.

Thanks, I should have thought of that. Your other answers are also appreciated--I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and/or was too annoyed with other aspects of the show to see that they were at least addressing some of my questions.

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Just as last week  with the missing persons ... I’d like to know what their plan is for explaining why people ( missing or now in suspended animation) just disappear and then later reappear without aging.

The format of the show does not allow (so far) for any follow up. Every week is a brand new case, and except for the recaps we never revisit prior debris victims. We don't know what became of the people trapped in the fourth dimension, and I have no reason to believe we will one day revisit these people who were put into suspended animation this week. It's why I find the formula so tiresome and lazy. It's like any other network genre show and doesn't aspire to be anything more ambitious. Bryan and Finola show up some place new, investigate bizarre happenings caused by debris, same bat time, same bat channel. 

Granted, it's only the fourth episode, but you can kind of see the writing on the wall. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 1:57 PM, iMonrey said:

 but it is not well written, well plotted or even well acted.

Honestly, I don't disagree with this at all, and yet I still kind of like the show. I'll keep watching anyway. It's not must see TV for me and it certainly won't win any awards, but I like it well enough to be background noise while I'm working or folding laundry. I realize that's not a ringing endorsement haha

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On 3/23/2021 at 11:57 AM, iMonrey said:

Did they ever establish where the rain-causing debris at the farm was? I don't recall ever seeing it. When did they find it and how do they know how to "turn it off?" Do they just box it up?

Also, why did some of the people die when they breathed the chlorine atmosphere and some of them mutated into chlorine-breathers? 

I feel like I've given this show more of a chance than it deserves, but it is not well written, well plotted or even well acted. This debris event is still a relatively new phenomenon and yet characters are saying things like "I've never heard of anything like this before!" as though that surprises them. It's evident even after four episodes each piece of debris has some unique ability or effect and these people have ostensibly been studying these pieces for months. Why are they still surprised every time they find a new piece? Even as they spew dialogue like "they are labeling this as a Level 3." WTF does that even mean? 

I think the show needs to lean more into the overarching story going on behind the scenes rather than focusing on episodic cases of the week.  The formula is dreary and personally I don't find either lead engaging enough to carry the show.

Yes. Bryan who was searching the cornfield for Auturo (the child who was lost) came upon it as he went from the cornfield into a muddy area that had been plowed at some point and was used as a harvesting area.

The reason why some of the people died is because as the ME stated “they got into their cars to leave only to die once they got back to an oxygen based atmosphere and rain that wasn’t chlorine based but instead H2O. 

The spaceship according to the very beginning of the 1st 2 episodes states that “Three years ago images were captured of a wrecked alien spacecraft moving through our solar system. For the past 6 mos debris from the spacecraft as been falling to earth”. I’m assuming that based on what the images have provided and from the initial pieces that originally were collected the pieces now are showing different characteristics from the very first pieces recovered 6 months ago and that for whatever reason a larger number of these pieces for whatever reason are falling here instead of other places around the globe. 

Because I grew up very close to a nuclear generating station in NJ and became a nurse, there is an event scale that ranges Level 1-7 and that is utilized in determining the seriousness of a potential incident. Levels 1-3 are called incidents and Level 4-7 are labeled accidents. The scale is designed so that the severity of an event is about 10 times greater for each level increase. Events without safety significance are called deviations and are classified Below Scale/0. Hope that is helpful. So now with that explained a Level 3 event is significant in that it has changed the atmospheric composition from oxygen to chlorine.

I would like more backstory on Influx who I assume is working for some government agency (my guess CIA since Craig was with them in the previous episode hiding behind a tree as Finola and Bryan were approaching looking for the occupants of the silver truck but utilized the technology that Influx has to teleport or at least disappear from where they were. Could also be why near the end of that episode he was tossing a chair towards a piece of debris that was tossing the very same chair back at him from behind as it would disappear into the larger piece of debris arranged in front of him. Craig appears to be your typical CIA glowie type that has his hands in all the cookie jars. He was meeting with this Tarkolov guy from Russia who wants a piece of debris the Americans apparently have but was spotted and the director comes up to Craig’s office to “let him know”. So does he tell Tarkolov he’s being watched? Time will tell. Does he think in the long run this technology will help his son? I don’t think his son is autistic but more than likely has a TBI since he’s in a wheelchair, but I could be wrong.

I’m enjoying the show because it gives me an hour to think of something else besides having to cover myself in plastic for 12hrs while I work in the ER/trauma unit I coordinate. 

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26 minutes ago, MyArchangel said:

I’m enjoying the show because it gives me an hour to think of something else besides having to cover myself in plastic for 12hrs while I work in the ER/trauma unit I coordinate

In that case, I hope the show at least doesn’t get pulled from line-up. 
And given industry production shutdowns last year due to the pandemic, I bet fewer new shows will get the axe. 

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On 3/23/2021 at 5:26 PM, tennisgurl said:

She is just lucky the script lets her get away with finding a way out every time. If people did actually die while she is off searching for a tissue box, she probably wont even be able to function. 

I really need her to push for something based on some moral/emotional high ground and, have it kill someone. I don't think I can keep watching if every episode is the same.

CIA Dude's wife is having an affair, right?

Hey look it's the Hottie from Andromeda! 

On 3/25/2021 at 2:04 PM, shapeshifter said:

In that case, I hope the show at least doesn’t get pulled from line-up. 
And given industry production shutdowns last year due to the pandemic, I bet fewer new shows will get the axe. 

I didn’t put this piece together until my husband was watching this episode and said to me “Hey hon, I know this might be weird but the guy from the CIA is named Craig and his wife is Julia...don’t you find that a tad bit strange since that is both your name and mine?” My response to him “Babe, I think you need to get your hearing checked”...so what does he do? He rewinds the scene and holy shit it is our names...we have a son but he’s not Dario, he’s simply Craig Jr....lol...first time I’ve ever watched anything that this has happened. 

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1 hour ago, MyArchangel said:

I didn’t put this piece together until my husband was watching this episode and said to me “Hey hon, I know this might be weird but the guy from the CIA is named Craig and his wife is Julia...don’t you find that a tad bit strange since that is both your name and mine?” My response to him “Babe, I think you need to get your hearing checked”...so what does he do? He rewinds the scene and holy shit it is our names...we have a son but he’s not Dario, he’s simply Craig Jr....lol...first time I’ve ever watched anything that this has happened. 

Oh, @Archangel, this is totally your show! 
And I am enjoying the snark quite a bit myself. 😉

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On 3/23/2021 at 1:22 PM, Melina22 said:

Finally I completely understand why people don't like Bryan and/or the actor who plays him, but I'm finding him oddly compelling. I'm glad he and Finola got to be silly in the opening. I need to see more of that to take away from the bonkers "science". 

People don't like Jonathan Tucker!? Is it just in this or in other things? Because I have to be honest, he's been one of my favorite actors since The Black Donnellys, and he's the very best part of the very underrated Kingdom. I'd pretty much follow him to any project. They don't give him a lot to work with in Debris, but hell I'm still watching because of him anyway. 

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On 3/30/2021 at 10:24 AM, MyArchangel said:

....so what does he do? He rewinds the scene and holy shit it is our names...we have a son but he’s not Dario, he’s simply Craig Jr....lol...first time I’ve ever watched anything that this has happened. 


It shouldn't be too hard to change Craig's name, just a trip to the courthouse and file a few forms..

Edited by Syme
To save the universe, why else?
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9 hours ago, Syme said:
On 3/30/2021 at 10:24 AM, MyArchangel said:

....so what does he do? He rewinds the scene and holy shit it is our names...we have a son but he’s not Dario, he’s simply Craig Jr....lol...first time I’ve ever watched anything that this has happened. 


It shouldn't be too hard to change Craig's name, just a trip to the courthouse and file a few forms..

And it shouldn't be too hard for Craig Jr. to have you both declared insane, just a trip to the Mental Institution and file a few forms stating that you changed his name because of a 3rd rate TV show.

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