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Predator and Prey: Assault, harassment, and other aggressions in the entertainment industry

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Agreed.  I just read an interesting piece on the trial by Monica Lewinsky in Vanity Fair and she worries about the casual cruelty of it all. 

A young acquaintance (who is on Depp's side) is proud to say that all her news comes from TikTok.  She is otherwise a smart, considerate person so it boggles the mind. But really it doesn't.  She's like so many others who are only interested in believing what they want to believe, willfully allowing algorithms to feed their confirmation biases and ignoring anything that doesn't fit.  It's yet another thing to be depressed about.

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5 hours ago, FancyRhubarb said:

Well, I'm fucking livid. Bloated yet wealthy man who was attractive 20 years ago wins again. I had a brief look at twitter but the fangirls crowing about "this is a win for male victims of domestic violence" made me stabby. I hope she appeals. I don't see that she has much choice. And I really hope that Depp has done so much damage to his career through this trial that indie projects shot in Bulgaria on a budget of 2 million is all he can get. 

So am I. 

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that all her news comes from TikTok.  She is otherwise a smart, considerate person

I don't know your friend, but how smart can a person be if that is their only source of news...

Edited by Hiyo
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"They" don't just think she's a liar. She is a liar!

I get that Deppheads and people who dislike Amber want us to think this woman is the The Most Evil Woman in the History of Time, but why is it the idea of him being just as much of a liar never an issue?

It's kind of sad that this bloated mess of a former A-lister's career is in the toilet so badly that he needs to sue his ex to keep making millions, but oh well.


Johnny does X and Y and is labeled an abuser and monster. Amber does X and Y and it's glossed over or handwaved away.

From what I have seen, given that the majority of people seem to be on Team Depp, I'm not sure those statements are true.

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10 hours ago, Prairie Rose said:

Yet another setback for women.

Amber's lies/false accusations is a setback for the REAL victims of DV. 

And why isn't anyone talking about a setback for the men of DV?

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14 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

it wasn't all proven beyond reasonable doubt.

This was a civil case, the standard is "preponderance of the evidence."   All that takes is "more likely than not it happened."   So the jury didn't even believe that it was likely that Amber staged the scene.  

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I did not follow the trial firsthand, but I thought that I read around the time of opening statements that Depp’s specific asserted damages were that he lost the next Pirates movie as a result of Heard’s defamation (and that not even the lost Fantastics Beasts film role (for which he was paid) was part of his claim).

Did his attorneys prove that the op ed was the proximate cause of his lost Pirates role?  Are his awarded damages equal to his approximate estimated lost salary for that film (which isn’t even in pre-production yet)? I remember reading that Amber’s attorneys had mentioned that they had evidence that Disney did not consider the op ed when compiling evidence of Depp’s bad behavior.  But then I never heard much reported about that because the coverage I followed always ended up focusing on the stan culture around Depp.  Just wondering how the jury reached the damages number.

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10 hours ago, Hiyo said:

I don't know your friend, but how smart can a person be if that is their only source of news...

That was my point.  She's a practicing RN, so she's very smart, considerate, compassionate ... and yet she willingly believes a narrow and warped worldview.  It's completely fucked up.  But she's not any different than millions of others today who let randos with a mission on social media rule their brains.

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12 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

That was my point.  She's a practicing RN, so she's very smart, considerate, compassionate ... and yet she willingly believes a narrow and warped worldview.  It's completely fucked up.  But she's not any different than millions of others today who let randos with a mission on social media rule their brains.

I have a lot of respect for nurses as a whole and have some in my family. If I weren't so squeamish I'd consider being one myself because it's a beautiful thing to take care of others. But despite their medical knowledge, I have known some who have Looney Tunes views of everything from race matters to vaccines. That was actually me a couple years ago, I'd think "this is a nurse, is she serious with what she's saying?! She has to be smarter than this."

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2 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

But despite their medical knowledge, I have known some who have Looney Tunes views of everything from race matters to vaccines.

There are nurses at my hospital who bought into the whole Covid conspiracy crap and are now out of work because of that.  It boggles the mind but there it is.  With regard to the Depp/Heard story I am seeing the loudest defenders of Depp in my acquaintance are the "what about the menz" types.  Because to them it always seems to come down to a woman can't win if it means a man might lose.

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12 hours ago, Dani said:

At this point I’m just glad it’s over. Every single aspect of this has just made me sad and that would have been the case regardless of the outcome. Sad over the way victims are talked about. Sad over how misogynists have and will continue to use this case. Sad that our criminal justice system often becomes a circus. Most of that isn’t even about Amber and Johnny but how this will be used in the future and how younger generations are internalizing this crap. To me there are no winners here.

Just in response to the bolded line. This case has nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal justice system. This whole case is civil, meaning that as circus like as the atmosphere was, it's an entirely different system than the criminal one.

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1 minute ago, SusanM said:

There are nurses at my hospital who bought into the whole Covid conspiracy crap and are now out of work because of that.  It boggles the mind but there it is.  With regard to the Depp/Heard story I am seeing the loudest defenders of Depp in my acquaintance are the "what about the menz" types.  Because to them it always seems to come down to a woman can't win if it means a man might lose.

Yes, I've known many who believe in covid conspiracies.

That's interesting. I have a male friend who's super feminist, takes up for women a lot, but he is still very team Depp. Another friend was very upset by his views, but he insisted if you watch the whole case, Amber is full of it. Maybe Amber reminds him of a woman he hates or something? 

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13 hours ago, Dani said:

At this point I’m just glad it’s over. Every single aspect of this has just made me sad and that would have been the case regardless of the outcome. Sad over the way victims are talked about. Sad over how misogynists have and will continue to use this case. Sad that our criminal justice system often becomes a circus. Most of that isn’t even about Amber and Johnny but how this will be used in the future and how younger generations are internalizing this crap. To me there are no winners here.

May not be over yet. Amber Heard is going to appeal the verdict. Will see if she does or even wins the appeal.

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9 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Just in response to the bolded line. This case has nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal justice system. This whole case is civil, meaning that as circus like as the atmosphere was, it's an entirely different system than the criminal one.

True. I should have just said the justice system. I was really referring to aspects that exist in both civil and criminal cases where the truth and the law takes a backseat. 

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37 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

May not be over yet. Amber Heard is going to appeal the verdict. Will see if she does or even wins the appeal.

Can anyone explain what the appeal process looks like? How long would it take and what is the likely outcome? 

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I'm so happy to be wrong. I wasn't paying as much attention to the UK trial, but I read articles here and there and I thought the verdict in that trial was ridiculous. But, given what happened, I thought it was insane for Johnny to pursue the US case and hope for a different result. I also believed a lot of people who said it would be close to impossible for him to prove his case and win. But after reading more about the significant differences between this and the UK case, I thought it wasn't completely hopeless. I didn't really think he had an above average shot of winning until hearing his lawyers' closing. I loved that they pointed out all the ways Amber's team misrepresented (lied) about facts and testimony and how Amber was expecting everyone to believe her and believe everyone else were liars. I thought they did an amazing job of dismantling Heard's team and their arguments and gave the jury the path to the decision they came to today. I think - like me - a lot of the jury saw right through Amber's act and noticed all of her lies and inconsistencies. I think this is a much more just verdict than the UK case where Amber wasn't a defendant and her evidence wasn't scrutinized as thoroughly (which is why some items like photographs she couldn't authenticate weren't admitted in this case.)

Myopic op-ed writers and "feminists" on social media can twist this around all they want that this is some dark day for women, but I think it's an incredible win for everyone because, yes, men can be abused to and, yes, women can lie about abuse. Believe All Women is one of the stupidenst slogans I've ever heard. It should never be simly about what your gender is. It should be about taking every allegation seriously and going where the evidence leads. It would have been great if the verdict came on Friday, six years to the day that she started her lies, but it feels very poetic that the verdict came on narcissistic abuser awareness day. I think Amber is a lying narcissist who wants to come up with every excuse in the book why she is right and everyone else is wrong without taking any accountability. Me Too. Believe All Women. Freedom of Speech. She doesn't believe in any of those things, but they make a nice cover for her to cloak herself as a hero, something she never earned. This isn't about Miss Heard not being a "perfect victim." It's about her not being a victim, or survivior, at all. Of course, in her statement after her resounding loss, she makes herself some grand noble figure. Her freedom of speech has been taken away. 🙄 As Miss Vasquez so rightly put it, freedom of speech does not protect you if you grossly defame someone. I know certain politicians makes it look so easy to get away with, but that kind of behavior should be punished and was in this case. And Amber Heard knows this. She countersued for defamation as well based on what Johnny's attorney said. She claimed she was defamed and thought she had every right to sue. She knows that things that you say and write can lead to punishment. It's why she and the lawyers went over every draft of the op-ed to remove Johnny's name because they were hoping to avoid being sued. But, she and they wanted to have their cake and eat it, too. They wanted to remove his name, but still leave in enough so the readers clearly knew who Amber was referring to. Well, guess she needs to get better lawyers next time because she still got sued and rightfully lost. 

Ultimately, something else kind of poetic is that basically Amber will owe Johnny 8.3 million. That's a little more than what she got in the divorce settlement. Given she didn't give that money to charity like she claimed, she can give it right back to Johnny and now she really will have gotten nothing from him as she lied about in her testimony.

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t I think it's an incredible win for everyone because, yes, men can be abused

Except it was never about men being abused, was it?

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17 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I'm so happy to be wrong. I wasn't paying as much attention to the UK trial, but I read articles here and there and I thought the verdict in that trial was ridiculous. But, given what happened, I thought it was insane for Johnny to pursue the US case and hope for a different result. I also believed a lot of people who said it would be close to impossible for him to prove his case and win. But after reading more about the significant differences between this and the UK case, I thought it wasn't completely hopeless. I didn't really think he had an above average shot of winning until hearing his lawyers' closing. I loved that they pointed out all the ways Amber's team misrepresented (lied) about facts and testimony and how Amber was expecting everyone to believe her and believe everyone else were liars. I thought they did an amazing job of dismantling Heard's team and their arguments and gave the jury the path to the decision they came to today. I think - like me - a lot of the jury saw right through Amber's act and noticed all of her lies and inconsistencies. I think this is a much more just verdict than the UK case where Amber wasn't a defendant and her evidence wasn't scrutinized as thoroughly (which is why some items like photographs she couldn't authenticate weren't admitted in this case.)

Myopic op-ed writers and "feminists" on social media can twist this around all they want that this is some dark day for women, but I think it's an incredible win for everyone because, yes, men can be abused to and, yes, women can lie about abuse. Believe All Women is one of the stupidenst slogans I've ever heard. It should never be simly about what your gender is. It should be about taking every allegation seriously and going where the evidence leads. It would have been great if the verdict came on Friday, six years to the day that she started her lies, but it feels very poetic that the verdict came on narcissistic abuser awareness day. I think Amber is a lying narcissist who wants to come up with every excuse in the book why she is right and everyone else is wrong without taking any accountability. Me Too. Believe All Women. Freedom of Speech. She doesn't believe in any of those things, but they make a nice cover for her to cloak herself as a hero, something she never earned. This isn't about Miss Heard not being a "perfect victim." It's about her not being a victim, or survivior, at all. Of course, in her statement after her resounding loss, she makes herself some grand noble figure. Her freedom of speech has been taken away. 🙄 As Miss Vasquez so rightly put it, freedom of speech does not protect you if you grossly defame someone. I know certain politicians makes it look so easy to get away with, but that kind of behavior should be punished and was in this case. And Amber Heard knows this. She countersued for defamation as well based on what Johnny's attorney said. She claimed she was defamed and thought she had every right to sue. She knows that things that you say and write can lead to punishment. It's why she and the lawyers went over every draft of the op-ed to remove Johnny's name because they were hoping to avoid being sued. But, she and they wanted to have their cake and eat it, too. They wanted to remove his name, but still leave in enough so the readers clearly knew who Amber was referring to. Well, guess she needs to get better lawyers next time because she still got sued and rightfully lost. 

Ultimately, something else kind of poetic is that basically Amber will owe Johnny 8.3 million. That's a little more than what she got in the divorce settlement. Given she didn't give that money to charity like she claimed, she can give it right back to Johnny and now she really will have gotten nothing from him as she lied about in her testimony.

She's not lying though. I believe her 100%, and not just because she's a woman, but because her stories of abuse fit so classically into the abusers' playbook. Johnny is a textbook abuser, down to the superficial charm.

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33 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Except it was never about men being abused, was it?

It was. What the jury had to decide was if she defamed him. But, Johnny’s goal was getting the truth out there about her abuse. It has helped many male victims feel like they can finally be heard.

32 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

She's not lying though. I believe her 100%, and not just because she's a woman, but because her stories of abuse fit so classically into the abusers' playbook. Johnny is a textbook abuser, down to the superficial charm.

Great, you believe her 100%. That’s your opinion - doesn’t make it a fact. My opinion - she’s lying through her teeth. When I’m talking about not believing her, I’m not talking about her stories fitting some playbook. I’m looking at the actual evidence. What is a fact is she is a liar. And, it’s not like a narcisstic liar couldn’t read up on abuse and tailor their lies to sound believable, right? Guess who has also been described as being charming - Amber. Amber, to me, fit Dr. Curry’s diagnosis of her down to a T. Many survivors have talked about seeing their abusers in Amber. 

30 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Michael Hobbes wrote a really nice summary of the trial and what it means complete with documentation.  He also lays out one avenue of appeal for Amber.  

In hindsight, the verdict came down the minute the judge allowed the case to be televised. Jurors weren’t sequestered or sheltered from the internet in any way, meaning they were likely exposed to the same bad-faith memes and out-of-context clips as everyone else. Plus, this case has been swirling around the internet for years, making an impartial jury an impossibility in the first place. One man was allowed to stay in the jury pool after revealing a text from his wife that read, “Amber is psychotic.”


LOL. Unless they can actually prove any juror reviewed the case online complaining the jurors were obviously swayed by social media is just conjecture. You can argue just as well that they read the plethora of ubiqituous op-eds wagging their fingers at the “crazy” Depp fans and how poor misunderstood Amber was getting a raw deal. Trying to pretend that the only way the jurors could have come to their decisions because they’re mindless simpletons swayed by memes is insulting to the jurors and anyone who came to the same conclusion they did. And, I find it very telling the people whining about the case being televised. They seem to have an issue with transparency. And, even if the case wasn’t televised reporters would have reported on the details. People would have still talked about it online.

Amber can appeal, but no matter if she wins, the only thing she’ll be doing is saving herself from potential bankruptcy. The damage otherwise is already done.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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It was. What the jury had to decide was if she defamed him.

None of which has anything to do with whether or not he was abused. It was supposed to be about whether or not she defamed him and contributed to the decline of his career.


It has helped many male victims feel like they can finally be heard.

Then why didn't he go after her for that to begin with?

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1 hour ago, inkworks said:

Can anyone explain what the appeal process looks like? How long would it take and what is the likely outcome? 

If I'm not mistaken appeals take place in front of a panel of judges.  They are going to be looking at the law not the emotions of this case.  I won't be surprised if Amber wins on appeal.  

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6 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

None of which has anything to do with whether or not he was abused. It was supposed to be about whether or not she defamed him and contributed to the decline of his career.

Then why didn't he go after her for that to begin with?

Actually a big part of getting the jury to believe his side would be getting them to believe she’s a liar and attacking her credibility. Showing that she was the abusive one. But, ultimately, what the jury was asked wasn’t about her abuse. They were asked about three statements in her op-ed and whether they believed it was about Johnny Depp, if they were false, and also if there was malicious intent. They said yes to all of it. 

Maybe because abuse victims don’t come forward for all sorts of reasons. Maybe because he wanted to avoid exactly what ended up happening, with many embarrassing details about his life coming out. He, unlike her, was sticking to their divorce agreement not to publicly disparrage the other. But then her greedy narcissistic self needed attention and wrote the op-ed, so he decided enough was enough.

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3 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

If I'm not mistaken appeals take place in front of a panel of judges.  They are going to be looking at the law not the emotions of this case.  I won't be surprised if Amber wins on appeal.  

Not every appellate case goes before the panel.  Some are ruled on solely from briefs.  An appeal can take some time, because there are various things that must be done and just because it's a celebrity appealing, the case probably won't get to jump the line, but who knows.

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5 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

If I'm not mistaken appeals take place in front of a panel of judges.  They are going to be looking at the law not the emotions of this case.  I won't be surprised if Amber wins on appeal.  

Thank you. I really hope she wins on appeal. I’m disgusted but not surprised by the verdict. Never underestimate the amount of dumb dumbs who walk amongst us.

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1 minute ago, Notabug said:

If Depp wanted to avoid the circus that was this trial; he could've decided not to sue her.  He and his attorneys could've refused to allow cameras in the courtroom.  Johnny Depp got exactly what he wanted out of this trial, although I will be shocked if he somehow manages to resurrect his career because, when it comes right down to it; he is an addict with a violent, abusive streak and that is not going to change.  He was the architect of the death spiral that has been his career the past few years and he wanted to deflect attention away from that by claiming it was due to an outside force; his ex-wife.

He wanted to avoid this circus but she made it impossible with her lies so he decided that he’d deal with the embarrassment to get the truth out. He had nothing to hide, at this point, so why would he object to the cameras? Thank God the cameras were there. I’ve seen so many bad faith arguments from the mainstream media trying to spin the facts of this case. Thankfully many got to see the evidence for themselves. Only someone with their head buried in the sand would pretend Amber’s abuse hoax didn’t greatly affect the trajectory of his career. Thankfully, your ill wishes won’t affect him or his career. The jury believed him and he’s playing concerts in London to standing ovations.

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Actually a big part of getting the jury to believe his side would be getting them to believe she’s a liar and attacking her credibility.

That has nothing to do with what the case was about, ie, whether or not she defamed him and cost him jobs and money.


Showing that she was the abusive one.

Again, nothing to with her defaming him and costing him jobs and money.


But, ultimately, what the jury was asked wasn’t about her abuse.

If that were true, why did his team keep bringing up her abuse, instead of, once again, addressing whether or not her defaming him and cost him jobs and money.


Maybe because abuse victims don’t come forward for all sorts of reasons. Maybe because he wanted to avoid exactly what ended up happening, with many embarrassing details about his life coming out.

Which doesn't quite track in his case. He wasn't going to take legal action for her abusing him, but brought it up anyway while suing her for something? Something smells rotten, and it ain't his breath after an all night bender...


your ill wishes won’t affect him or his career.

His own bad judgement and behavior are doing enough of that for his career.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does Amber have to pay Johnny that money directly? Over 10 million dollars? What if she doesn't have it? Maybe Elon will pay it for her?

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3 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I=his horrific abuse, including rape, that she didn’t seek medical attention for or press charges for? 

The majority of people who are victims of sexual and physical abuse, especially by a partner, never come forward, never seek medical attention.   So, Amber Heard did what the majority of people in that situation do, and that is proof she was lying?  Not so much.

I don't think Amber Heard is a saint, I think she has some serious issues that I hope she addresses with a professional, but the story she told is consistent with the stories told by others in her situation. 

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1 minute ago, seasons said:

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does Amber have to pay Johnny that money directly? Over 10 million dollars? What if she doesn't have it? 

The money exchanged between Amber and Johnny will be done through their lawyers.  Someone will then tell the judge the matter is settled.  Then the lawyers disperse the money accordingly.  If either one cannot pay the amount, then they would go to the courts to work out a payment option.  Bankruptcy is always an option for Amber if she does not have the money.  Same for Johnny.  

She may not have to pay immediately if she does file an appeal.  

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11 minutes ago, seasons said:

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does Amber have to pay Johnny that money directly? Over 10 million dollars? What if she doesn't have it? Maybe Elon will pay it for her?

Yes, she will have to pay it, probably through his business managers and hers. She isn't going to be writing a personal check and handing it to him. However, nothing happens until all appeals are exhausted which could take years.  Then, usually what happens is that her representatives and his work out a payment plan whether it is a lump sum or over time.  The legal representative would file notice with the court that the payment issue has been settled.  Case closed.

Edited by Notabug
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You know what’s weird? For the last 6 weeks, my twitter feed has been full of pro Johnny Depp tweets. It seemed like everyone on twitter was team Depp and anti Heard. Then all of a sudden today, all the tweets I see are talking about how disgraceful this verdict is. Has anyone else noticed this?

Perhaps team Johnny has stopped paying for the bots? 

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3 minutes ago, Notabug said:

The majority of people who are victims of sexual and physical abuse, especially by a partner, never come forward, never seek medical attention.   So, Amber Heard did what the majority of people in that situation do, and that is proof she was lying?  Not so much.

I don't think Amber Heard is a saint, I think she has some serious issues that I hope she addresses with a professional, but the story she told is consistent with the stories told by others in her situation. 

First of all, I was addressing someone who was suggesting Johnny wasn’t abused because he didn’t press charges against her. Secondly, Amber’s story - key word “story” - being consistent with others doesn’t mean she is telling the truth. Again, those who cling to Amber having to be telling the truth ignore other survivors who talk about Amber reminding them of their abusers, especially in those tapes, and that they saw themselves in the abuse Johnny described. Lastly, Amber Heard wasn’t like most actual survivors. She had resources others couldn’t dream of. She had a private freaking nurse. Amber is the one constantly talking about a mountain of evidence I never saw.

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Just now, Prairie Rose said:

Of course. I've lived a lifetime in the Cleveland suburbs and have witnessed the Browns make a million stupid moves, but not until they signed that guy was I actually ashamed of them.

It's an embarrassment to the entire city.  On the news the other night, I heard that at least one other woman is also going to be filing against him soon.

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1 minute ago, inkworks said:

You know what’s weird? For the last 6 weeks, my twitter feed has been full of pro Johnny Depp tweets. It seemed like everyone on twitter was team Depp and anti Heard. Then all of a sudden today, all the tweets I see are talking about how disgraceful this verdict is. Has anyone else noticed this?

Perhaps team Johnny has stopped paying for the bots? 

I noticed it too.  I am a bit surprised at how quickly it fell off.  I would have assumed even with someone funding it, that it would continue for a few days after.  The algorithm manipulations at least on Twitter has disappeared.  Whatever you are seeing now is more organic in nature.  I have always seen more Tweets sympathetic to Amber due to my curation of my feed.   

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There are lot of “influencers” who share some of the responsibility for why this happened. They quickly realised that pro Depp/ anti Heard content got them a tonne of views/money. They happily jumped on the bandwagon and shared lies/misinformation for their own personal gain. It’s disgusting and I hope history remembers them.

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20 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I am a bit surprised at how quickly it fell off.

Not at all surprised. Twitter mobs, both artificially created or with real people on their keyboards need constant new excitement. It's hard to sustain when you don't have new short clips to post every day, so people can get outraged.

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29 minutes ago, Pickles Aplenty said:

Johnny Depp is a documented abuser.

I am heartbroken over the verdict.

That is all I will say.

I'm angry that the court of public opinion treats him as if he's as pure as the driven snow. (Whether or not his career is revived after all this remains to be seen.)

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In addition to all the other things this man is, he's an overindulged, egomaniacal drug addict who refuses to take any responsibility for the decline of his career.  So unless he decides to become a professional and take his job seriously, I don't see any sort of revival.  He'll probably just take comfort in his Deppheads or whatever idiotic name they call themselves, and sympathetic/like-minded friends (hello Jeff Beck) he can sponge off of while pissing away the rest of his fortune.

8 hours ago, aradia22 said:

@Kitty Redstone Did you mean that's her only source of news in general or her only source for this case? Because I understand the latter. 

Sadly it's the source of her news, and why she got sucked into watching this clusterfuck every day.

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In different assault news, Bill Cosby faces one more lawsuit. Civil lawsuit, no cameras, Cosby will not appear in court.


Huth, 64, is a Riverside County resident who said she met Cosby around 1975 while he was filming a movie in San Marino. Huth alleged Cosby invited her and a friend to a tennis club where he gave them drinks, before bringing them to the Playboy Mansion and telling them to say they were 19 if anyone asked.

Huth said that after she used the bathroom, she opened the door to find Cosby sitting on the bed. She alleged he then tried to put his hand down her pants, and grabbed her hand and made her perform a sexual act on him....Huth initially alleged the assault happened in 1974 — when she was 15 — but later amended her account to say it happened in 1975, prompting Cosby’s legal team to ask for the case to be dismissed in May....

Two weeks after Huth filed suit, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office declined to charge Cosby, citing the statute of limitations. In 2019, however, a new California law extended the amount of time allowed for victims of childhood sexual abuse to file a lawsuit, in response to highly publicized allegations of abuse by Catholic priests and Larry Nassar, a former U.S. Olympics gymnastics team doctor.

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9 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

 Bankruptcy is always an option for Amber if she does not have the money.  Same for Johnny.  

She may not have to pay immediately if she does file an appeal.  

From what I've read Heard, barring appeal being successful, cannot get out of paying Depp because the jury found that she acted with malice.  She might be able to get out of paying what she owes her lawyers but that's about it.

I'm sure she'll be as forthcoming in paying the judgement as she was in donating to the ACLU and Children's Hospital.

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6 hours ago, Prairie Rose said:

I'm angry that the court of public opinion treats him as if he's as pure as the driven snow. (Whether or not his career is revived after all this remains to be seen.)

I'm going to be annoyed if he gets back into Fantastic Beasts. Not because I think they are that great but there must always be more Mads Mikkelson on my screen at all times (and he's an infinitly better actor in my opinion. But I'm being shallow with my demand). Do you think he'll go back to Pirates? He looks ROUGH now. And there is also the tiny issue of him being a flake who holds up production and who doesn't know his lines and gets them fed through an ear piece. I loved his lawyer pointing out that Brando used to do the same thing. A) Johnny Depp is no Brando. B) Brando did that in his later career when he didn't give a fuck about anything and C) Nobody really thought it was that great when Brando did it, either. 

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